Toxic Waste Dump In Fullerton

In yesterday’s OC Register, Councilman Pat McKinley, the chief architect of the Fullerton Police Department’s profound culture of corruption, responded to the news that KFI’s John and Ken are coming to Fullerton to promote his recall.
“They are toxic people who create problems for a lot of folks. I wish they would stay away.”
More PR gold from the man who ran the FPD into a moral cesspool during his 16-year stint as Chief of Police.
Oddly, McKinley has offered no public opinion as to the comparative toxicity of:
1) police officer sentenced to jail for fraud to support his pill habit.
2) police officer arrested in Miami airport for iPad theft.
3) police officer who smashed recording device on jail wall to avoid complicity in jail suicide.
4) police officers beating up and falsely arresting Veth Mam.
5) police officers lying on the witness stand about Veth Mam.
6) police officer beating up and falsely arresting Edward Quinonez.
7) police officer sexually assaulting a dozen women in the backseat of his patrol car, with recording device turned off.
8 ) police officers issuing traffic citations to harass protesters.
9) police officers ambushing and murdering a helpless homeless man.
10) police officers turning off recording devices during murder.
11) police officers colluding to falsify reports about said murder.
12) superior officers coaching said falsification.
13) return to street of said miscreants.
14) police officer spokeshole deliberately issuing lies to the media to misdirect, temporize, stall and otherwise obscure said murder and cover up.
15) councilmembers insulting protesters as “lynch-type mob.”
16) councilmembers discounting injuries of murder victim.
17) police officer arrests Emmanuel Martinez by mistake (or on purpose) and he spends 5 months in jail.
Good God! What a litany of toxic behavior, and the really scary part is that this is only the stuff we know about. And the chowderhead McKinley has the nerve to call anybody else on the planet “toxic?” The level of denial of responsibility is remarkable. Of course being given a $215,000 a year pension may create an unavoidable attitude of arrogance and self-entitlement.
However, Mr. McPension has a generous streak, to be sure:
“Councilman Pat McKinley said he supports the radio hosts right to stage a rally, but the former Fullerton police chief certainly disagrees with the pair’s opinions…”
Well, thanks awfully, Pat. You support the First Amendment. Well, you support it when people are watching, obviously. No elaboration about what he specifically disagrees with John and Ken about.
McKinley is in deep trouble. he though his council career was going to be modeled on Jones and Bankhead: no work, no effort just ceremonial stuff.
I’ll bet he regrets it all now.
Mud slinging! See it for what it is. They will always shoot down the truth. They have way too much to lose by being honest.
Just like the criminals.
we have seen other tazing events that sent people to the hospital in an ambulance.A few years ago It was a man on amtrak who feigning sleep and didn’t pay for his train ticket. when he stood up at the officers request he was brought down with two tazers to his chest for no apparent reason that I could see from through the window. They took him away in an ambulance.
These tools, tazers, pepper spray, mace, and guns need to be taken away. They mostly use them to murder, not to protect themselves and others. Many cops a trigger happy, using their weapons too fast without thinking and talking first. The tazer, and pepper spray are used to punish, or for amusement, too much. Stop teaching them to fear us and kill us. Teach them people skills.
The whole department needs to be taken away.
Politicians using the department as a means to an end, is wrong.
Be kind to your neighbors. People can watch out for themselves.
Down size the department to only good detectives.
Take the patrols off the street.
Allow all law abiding old ladies, defenseless women, and the disabled to carry, so that criminals avoid them like the plague. That would save revenue from, law suites, and cut down the crime.
Perhaps by “a lot of folks” he means himself, other City Council members, the FPD, and so on. I can see how he would think they are creating a lot of problems–they are exposing the corruption.
Pat McKinley”They are toxic people who create problems for a lot of folks. I wish they would stay away.”
John and Ken”they” simply deflate the pompous, the corrupt, the liars, the public official fools and return them to their original size, petty snivel servants who gorge themselves at our expense.
It is persons like Pat McKinley who take public trust and corrupt it into a self-serving tool. Sadly, it took the Kelly Thomas beating death to reveal the contempt Fullerton’s civic leaders and its police department has for the public it has vowed to serve.
“They are toxic people who create problems for a lot of folks. I wish they would stay away.”
I should have referenced this in my last post. Hel-l-o, of course he wishes they would stay away. They are helping to expose corruption of city officials, including McKinley.
Just so no to toxic drugs in fullerton
Right now we are the laughing stock of our country. We need to take action. Let’s hold these guys accountable for the mess they get us in.
McKinley did a friend a “favor” and hired some poor disabled guy (that’s collecting a pension for his disability) and look at the results. Im sure McMillion thought it would never come back to bite him, ouch!
Reframe it–they ARE toxic to people like McKinley.
You forgot the horrible story of Emmanuel What’s-His-Name, wrongly arrested, framed by the FPD, and jailed for 8 months while the FPD suppressed exculpatory evidence.
I sure did.
Whoa, whoa, whoa……………………
Say WHAT??
They supressed exculpatory evidence??????????
I think it’s time someone called the Marines.
How many more of these Fullerton cases are there?
Someone give me a list. We really need to start and continue hitting ALL the national news services.
Somebody hand me a shovel……………………..
“I think he had a lot to do with getting me (Cicinelli) this job, I know he (Hillman) was good friends with (Fullerton Police) Chief Pat McKinley. How many departments are going to hire an officer with one eye?
Geebus, thanks (NOT) McMillion!
“Pat McMillion”
This is a great post.
Good Morning everyone. I do not have any faith in the OIR, (Office Of Independent Review). They, and the Sheriff’s IAB, (Internal Affairs Bureau), share the same building; drinking buddies.
They will have to step up to the plate, and do the right thing, if they want to be credible.
So, who are the other cops in that picture?
I think I’ve seen at least one of them trolling the halls of our schools.
And is that pint-sized she bear the ipad thief?
Who are these badge wearing, gun wielding, baton swinging McPension supporters?
This is one powerful and in-your-face blog piece. What a major takedown!
Does McKinley ever think before he opens his mouth? Does he ever take the time to consider whether he is setting himself up for a brutal backlash?
It would seem that a man who has held some pretty high public positions in life would be a little more prudent when speaking to the media about matters related to this volatile subject matter.
Is this guy losing it, or what?
From McKinley’s perspective, John and Ken are toxic–to corrupt people like him. So they are creating problems–for McKinley. It may be the most honest statement he’s made–except he doesn’t even realize it. Maybe McK is just smart enough–to be dangerous.
Could be. Maybe he got his eyes “bloused” too many times.
Bankhead and Jones wandered down the Dementia Trail quite some time ago.
Question: What does “getting one’s eyes bloused” mean in FPD speak?
Answer: Getting hammered 8 times in the face with a taser while a group of overweight thugs have you pinned down.
Question: What does “getting one’s eyes bloused” mean in FPD speak?
Answer: Getting hammered 8 times in the face with a taser while a group of overweight LE thugs have you pinned down and unable to breathe.
i sure would love to give him yet another “eye blousing”!
You’d think he knew a little more about how the city works after attending council meetings for 15 years as police chief, but just listen to him. I guess he spent too much time snoozing.
Dear JustME,
You are right to ask whether Councilmember McKinely is “losing it, or what?” Maybe what he is losing with age is his self-control: Public figures have to be careful about hurling insults, because it is perceived to be below the dignity of being a public figure.
Over in Spain, the Duchess of Alba, as she has gotten older, has been making uncontrolled insulting comments. She called protesting farmworkers “stupid”. She mocked a journalist who asked her “the same questions”. And so on. She is in her late 80s. She never would have said such things when she was younger.
So, yes, many people as they get older tend to lose their ability to constantly “bite their tongues”. And I don’t see reports on this website of that sort of thing coming out of Councilmember Bankhead’s mouth, but I do see constant reports of McKinley’s making such statements.
If Councilmember McKinley keeps name-calling and insulting his opponents and critics, there are a lot of voters in Fullerton who will vote to recall him, even if they don’t otherwise support the recall. Ordinary voters expect, in a high-education and high-income area like Fullerton, that their elected officials will demonstrate great self-control against public utterance of angry words and insults.
Did any posters hear the KABC AM79 softball interview of McKinley by host John Phillips last week?
Have you ever listened to John and Ken? If not, you can listen by going to They are fighters for right, and expose all the corrupt. I really love listening to them because they take no political side; they despise most politicians. We have a few good politicians. There names are Darrell Issa, and Tom McClintock. Both are stand-up men who work for the betterment of their constituents and the country; very rare in todays political environment.
Issa is hardly free of corruption, stupidity, or putting his foot in his mouth.
McClintock is a carpetbagger.
DR Zillman,
That is why KABC will always be a no nothing station.
Fullerton is NOW spelled: C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N!
And now for shooting his mouth off and attacking John and Ken – John is going to be on McKinley like stink on poop. There’s going to be a relentless backlash. And that show reaches over 1M listeners. Can’t Fullerton’s power structure put a muzzle on the old boy? He is really hurting their position/strategy which should lean toward conciliatory at this point in time to help control the damage. Who manages the risk abatement department there? Mickey Mouse?
No one is in charge. It’s just drifting.
Dear JustMe,
I agree about a probable backlash. See my Reply to your post above. WSH
I’ll take this whole place down with me rather than give in to anything.
9c1copcar–I will check it out. Thanks for the tip.
If someone doesn’t like John and Ken, they can find another radio station. I wish it were that easy to find decent city council members and police.
No problemo.
i think that was eddie quinonez
#17 Emmanuel Martinez
18) Officer Benjamin Lira used the police main line as a means to solicit bail money for accused murderer Manny Ramos.
– Facebook Post
That female cop in the picture looks like a spinner.
I feel bad for women who work in these departments. When they’re not getting sexually harassed and sexually assaulted by thugs like Manny Ramos, John DeCaprio, Ben Lira or Albert Rincon, they’re out on the streets taking out their anger and frustrations against every man that crosses their path.
Monkey do.
My question is, if a letter for assistance went out state wide, was the mailing done on Fullerton PD time and dime? Years ago I was working at a place where one of my coworkers, who was a member of a professional association, during work hours at the work place, used work time and the office supplies, including paper, envelopes, copier, and postage stamps to do a mailing for that association. The bosses were not too happy about this. Ben Lira gets to support whoever he chooses but this should not be happening on PD time, including giving out the FPD front desk line for people to call. Unless the FPD wants to donate equal time and resources, for instance, to Justice for Kelly Thomas and the people are okay with this.
Dear BlessUsAll:
On another post on this website, some of the bloggers had doubt about whether Detective Lira was for real. I think he had no choice but to provide the easiest way for potential contributors to verify that he really was a Fullerton police officer. You would hardly believe how many scams are out there, involving false claims to help policemen or their families.
I think that Detective Lira realized that no regular police professional association could come out and publicly raise the bail for Officer Ramos. It took someone to step forward and take responsibility for it. I don’t think that it is an accident that it took a Latino officer to step forward to help, when none of the govachos were helping to get out Officer Ramos out on bail. I tend to suspect that he saw and sees the racism of the DA Office’s charging decision, as clearly as I do. Putting aside the BCC issue, otherwise there was nothing wrong with Detective Lira’s becoming a One Man Rescue Organization for Officer Ramos. Detective Lira, to that extent, showed leadership, especially because it was an unpopular thing to do.
It is my hope that Officer Ramos and his defense attorney will judically force the DA’s Office to charge all of the other chargeable officers. Until that happens, all of the truth will not come out.
If and when all of the truth does come out, then people will look back, and realize that Detective Lira, by creating a firestorm of controversy over his appeal to BCC for help getting bail for Officer Ramos, got someone to step forward and put his or her money on the line for bail. And the bail will have made possible all of the revelations which I believe will come out.
I would encourage Detective Lira to openly state on this site, where and when he used a computer to make the post on Facebook. The FFFF blogging community needs assurance that you did not use City property or City payroll-time for private purposes. That would help to quiet a controversy. He should not listen to people who tell him not to talk to this blogging-community; we cuss and insult, but we don’t bite!
Good grief. How can ANYONE read this post and not at the very least have some serious doubts about the corruption in this town?
No doubt more will surface over time.
The FPD goons are about as toxic as the Amerige Heights land development. And to McKinleys comment about out of towners being trouble makers – remember that when yourquestioned about the Kelly Thomas murderers, whom are the officers you hired.
meanwhile, by the by, some of those beatin murderous nazi gestapo are “out of towners” themselves
Give this guy DUMBASS of the year award.
Pat McKinley purchased a house that abuts a public park on the north side of Fullerton. That means you could take the kids to the playground, barbecue some burgers, fly a kite, and YELL OVER PAT’S BACKYARD FENCE all day, everyday, because parks such as this one are open from sunrise to sunset.
Only a pathetic retard would invite a backyard visit in such a manner…
Sounds like a great place for a protest!
The F6 colluded with each other and superiors in writing reports. That session may have taken hours. They were also allowed to put on their uniforms, guns and badges the next day. What were they doing the two days before the DA was finally informed? Which officers contacted that attorney to try and convince him to say that a piece of paper found in Kelly’s backpack was stolen? Were any of the F6 involved in that?
Folks, sadly, I have to stay and take care of FEDUP. She was throwing up today and is very weak. I will see you all another Saturday.
Oh, tell Fedup to get well! that’s an order-missed you guys today-nice showing and loud chanting-For some reason that little street between the FPD and City Hall on Highland was not blocked off today and absent today were the usual 4 squad cars of Reno 911 setting out any cones on commonwealth…4 or 5 Oathkeepers were there with bullhorns-someone asked me if i was a registered fullerton voter and I had to tell her no, I was one of those out of towners inciting violence and trouble that Pat Mckinley and his supporters were talking about. oh well
ACLU Sued Laguna Beach for Homeless Treatment While Sellers Was Chief
A thought crossed my mind this morning; McKinley is allegedly/supposedly a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and also supposedly “supports” a Homeless Task Force for Fullerton.
A look at the church’s website found the following locally-focused outreach programs for the homeless and others in need:
“2nd Harvest Food Bank
On the first Saturday of each month, volunteers from St. Paul meet at Richman Elementary School in Fullerton to distribute 5,000 lbs of food from 2nd Harvest Food Bank. On a typical Saturday, 150 families are served with food staples to assist them in providing sustainable food and nutrition in their homes.
Homeless Meal
On the fourth Wednesday of each month, volunteers from St. Paul gather at First Christian in Fullerton to prepare and serve a meal to the homeless and those in need of meals”
If McKinley is not currently personally participating in these outreach programs, it would seem the “Christian” thing for him and his cabal to do in order to gain a better understanding of those who are in need.
DOES FPD HAVE ANY SORT OF FOOD OUTREACH OTHER THAN AT THANKSGIVING AND/OR CHRISTMAS (that’s assuming that they have any program at all)? If not, these programs (and the Wednesday morning food pantry at First Lutheran) offer an excellent opportunity to learn more first hand.
Thank you for being there for her.
You fffer’s are just a bunch of morons! You guys just fee off sachets lies and BS! You have no idea what you are talking about and just say stupid random things! Do you even know what Lira did and how he did it??! No you don’t so all you want to do is speculate and ASSume!!! You fffer’s need to get a fricken life!!!
Like assaulting women in police cars or murdering homeless mentally ill.
Just what sort of life would you like?
Sounds like little Benny is getting some heat for his little stunt.
Wow! whatever Lira did was most likely blessed by someone up the food chain-no way would a murderer get bail let alone get out of jail unless this was so
Nothing but ASS kissin- thats not assumption thats fact-
Goodness! Forgot to have your fibre today, did you? And, speaking of “stupid random things”, the Lira discussion was on the Bailed Out topic, not this one.
Enjoy tonight’s visit to DTF – remember to walk upright and without noticeably weaving
peaches 🙂
Wow! on October 1, 2011
You fffer’s are just a bunch of morons! You guys just fee off sachets lies and BS! You have no idea what you are talking about and just say stupid random things! Do you even know what Lira did and how he did it??! No you don’t so all you want to do is speculate and ASSume!!! You fffer’s need to get a fricken life!!!
***Spoken like a true BCC website suckass.
So, you support what what they did to Kelly Thomas. I think that makes you a few thousand leagues lower than a moron.
Where is Kelly’s bail chance?
Thanks. She means everything to me.
Hey can you run the story on George Bushala’s Hit and Run case and DUI?
Start your own blog and run any story you want.
Funny you should mention that interesting bit of blatant FPD harassment. Yes a story is getting ready for publication. Then you FPD trolls can explain away yet another false prosecution.
can you stop farting ou of your mouth?
Good old Meri – always good for another flatulence comment – might be an EXCESS of fibre.
that comment from “lame” deserved it
Feel better, FEDUP!
Wow! :
Go back to BCC.
Feel better, FEDUP!
I wonder if this uniformed FPD officer mingling with the crowd is risking getting chewed out later by his superiors
officers in mckinlys cult breakin the knee of citizen who called , them, for help . etc etc etc eyc etc etc…………………………..
Kelly Thomas case: Radio show taking action
“McKinley’s extensive training and experience with barricaded suspects has taught him volumes about the criminal mind. He learned that most criminals are weak-willed and skittish. The slightest resistance from a potential victim will send him or her looking for someone else to victimize. In an effort to understand this phenomenon, McKinley talked to victims and to officers who had spent time working with the victims of violent crimes. Through this research, McKinley gained insight into what causes criminals to prey on certain people.”
FPD criminals prey on “certain people”–those with less social power and social status.
“The slightest resistance from a potential victim will send him or her looking for someone else to victimize.”
What if the perp starts shouting: STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!
or, im not resting!, im not resisting!
“Through research into his own mind, McKinley gained insight into what causes him to prey on victims who are weak-willed and skittish.” – Fixed it for him.
The more I think about this the more I become alarmed at the use of this gross psychological cliche being used by a fat-headed cop goon.
Mother bears are large, dangerous animals with a nasty predisposition to overreact. They can afford to go on the attack.
Jeffrey Castaline on October 1, 2011
Whoa, whoa, whoa……………………
Say WHAT??
They supressed exculpatory evidence??????????
I think it’s time someone called the Marines.
** You Called Sir?
The Marines are the source of new recruits in many PDs – you won’t get much help there. For the most part, their opinions mesh with those of LEOs
Lay off the Marines… they are my brother in arms… Marines have no union and will pay a price for killing innocent people. If they get corrupted after leaving the service “Sissynelli” then so be it they are corrupted by unions and evil police forces. In the marines they are subjected to piss tests, order and disipline… they are turned to evil after they get out…. keep it real because myself and my marine buddies are not corrupted but some are and the should be stripped of the title Marine.
me and my friend use to drive down to camp peddelton to traffic oz of weed to those good ole boys.
My brother in the army would allways get help from the higher ranks to pass those test
There is a bunch of Former Marines who abhore Kelly’s murder.. 9c1copcar, myself and more… shut your mouth on Marines. Sissynelli is a murderer but had he done this in the service he would be in a federal prison, not walking the streets…. I will not support you anonymous if you keep this up.
Call Joe Pike and Jack Reacher.
I’ll be there Wednesday evening. The bigger the turnout the better!
This is how dumb you BCC’ers are..
Comparing drunk driving to TORTURE AND MURDER
I just wish you and your ilk were victims instead of an innocent homeless man weighing approximately 150lbs
You are a million times more disgusting than he was.
the people of Fullerton need to remove all the cops who are currently employed there and then demolish the FPD and put a sewage treatment plant in its place..
Are you the BCC plant?
Do you attend the city council meetings at Fullerton City Hall Anon?
It would be great to hear you say that to the council, with FPD interim Chief Hamilton and McKinley present. You can watch yourself later on their website.
The next one is this Tuesday in case you didn’t know.
Anonymous may be the BCC plant, he has heard from many former military people but rails aganst Marines…. he is a want to be and is insighting hate against those that serve honorably…. he is my enemy.
dick f jones is child molester
Micky Mouse would be an improvement. He’s smarter and more competent.
“McKinley talked to victims and to officers [who had spent time working with victims of violent crimes]”
Translated: He talked to officers who perpetrated violent crimes–plenty of material for research there in FPD
#19 Raid on Pastor’s home and holding family at gunpoint
Are Cross, Wren, Nowling, and Tong represented on the Toxic list?
So here are the names of some of the toxic cops so far identified (some of whom have resigned/fired but usually after some delay and apparently under McKinley’s watch). Are there others that are known, including ones who were present for some of the brutality events and wrote false reports or failed to report impropriety? There’s always a big crowd of FPDO on the videos showing brutality.
Todd Major
Barry Coffman (Union President)
Who is going to read this list out at our next City Council meeting?
Info on Cross, Nowling, and Meija appreciated.
Siliceo (in the Martinez case)
Has anyone looked at whether these incidents are more likely to happen during certain shifts and whether it tends to be the same group of officers working during those shifts? It looks like it’s usually at night when someone gets beaten up and arrested.
Or beaten to death.
What’s the deal with Cpl. Robert Kirk? He’s the “go home or go to jail” guy? I think it would be useful to name as many of the officers involved in these brutality and false arrest incidents. Curious to see a pattern and also to know if they wrote false reports.
Saw Officer Warren Rivas’ name a couple of times in past blogs with allegations of behavior similar to Rincon.
I live in Fullerton, and I am totally disgusted with our police department!