Uh, Oh. More Bad News for FPD

For a while it was just us, the good folks at FFFF, who decried the Fullerton Police Department Culture of Corruption created by ex-Chief Pat McKinley, and fostered by council somnambulists Don Bankhead and Dick Jones.
Tracy Woods at The Voice of OC is reporting here, that the City’s outside investigator, Michael Gennaco, has revealed that his investigation will uncover more nasty revelations. Cue ominous background music in a minor key:
Asked if more disclosures are coming, he replied, “Oh, yeah. There’s more. There always is.”
Given the likelihood that Mr. Gennaco is trying to break it to us gently, I’d say things look grim for FPD defenders and its cover-up artists, and of course things look even worse for us taxpayers who will ultimately have to foot the bill for former Chief McKinley’s out of control goon squad.
Without a doubt,someones gonna get in trouble!!! Warms my heart to no end!!!! LMMFAO!!!!
Cue the OC Sheriif’s Dept theme song
Unless FPD is disbanded this City will be likened to the City of Bell and will never recover without radical reform.
Most of the Cops will not be wanted under the New Sheriff, Sandra Hutchens.
We need to do a survey ‘possible fraudulent statistics by FPD. If a Police Report is made and later a copy is requested you will be told a report doesn’t exist. It is not in the Computer.
Should one be fortunate to get a copy of a Report it it often a distortion
Suggestion, write out the incident yourself and keep a copy.
The Public is left void of checks and balances.
“Gennaco, who is also a former assistant U.S. attorney, said Monday that he performs his outside work (like the Fullerton investigation) on nights and weekends and does not use his county car and cell phone for the outside work.”
Our safety is in the hands of a guy who can only work on it during nights and weekends? You’ve got to be kidding me.
maybe Gennaco will have grim revelations regarding fullerton police department. Maybe he is using the psychological ploy of setting people up for the worst then revealing police misconduct that is not gut-wrenching horrible. the strategy may be to throw a few fullerton police dept. light-weight unethical events at the public convincing the public this is as bad as it gets and then court of law or public opinion only focuses on these unethical facts while uglier, deeper crimes by fullerton police dept. are hidden by this strategy. it is a stretch worthy of a mystery novel.
Like I Spy said above, you will not get your report if you were lucky enough to get FPD to file a report in the first place.
I know of someone who filed a report on her abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband, a Fullerton resident, who also happens to be a Long BEach policeman and FPD says her report is a ‘special classification’ and will not give her the report she originally filed. Courtesy of interim Chief Hamilton.
Still up to no good!!! Those Ratbastards!
Actually we will get to take our votes back. And it’s going to be a lot more than 91!
Things are going to get worse for the FPD before they get better. That’s the new reality.
Will Michael Gennaco reveal everything he possibly could to expose ALL the corruption within the FPD or is he just looking into their actions of the Kelly Thomas murder?
Make no mistake… all parties involved are brothers in an exclusive club and they all look out for each other!
Mckinley meet prison gate, prison gate please open up for Mckinley. Enjoy your view Mcpension.
we’re skrewed
When insurance investigators began busting LASD deputies for insurance fraud, Gennaco issued the standard “just need another training class” fix. He does, however, get to the root of the problem: Deputies need more overtime again.
Gennaco wasn’t hired by FCC for the purpose of overhauling FPD and removing vermin, he was hired to restore department credibility. He is a schmoozer. He will talk tough to pacify the public and even throw them a few bones, but in the end, he will promote the illusion that FPD has been fixed when in fact, through his moonlighting efforts, very little will have changed at all.
Gennaco doesn’t sell fixes, he sells the illusion of fixes. Apparently, that is a pretty lucrative career.
I tend to agree with this assessment. Still, Gennaco will have to push somebody under the bus to protect the whole rotten crew, and especially McKInley. Will it be enough? Of course not.
This is why we can’t let up on old She Bear and every single crooked cop in the FPD/FPOA. McKinley created this mess and he’s got to be held accountable.
I had my pay cut 15% ….. I have yet to commit one crime, much less felony insurance fraud. Fire all the cops and hire the insurance adjusters as cops, they seem to be more honest.
Cue “Bad boy” music
However, he said, he cannot finish the internal affairs report until Rackauckas turns over the results of his three-month-long investigation.
“Hopefully, we’ll get it soon,” said Gennaco.
I don’t get it. Racktrap is done, right?
Rajackass was done 3 weeks ago!
How long does it take?
He should have had the file at least 2 1/2 weeks ago. More stonewalling and cover-up procedures, I’m sure.
Don’t be a wuss Gennaco, demand the file from the DA and earn your $60,000.
According to this article it looks like he has 2 separate contracts for a grand total of $80,000.00
All things considered it is no wonder that the city of Fullerton has some offices closed on alternate Fridays.
What is going on right now with LA County’s Jails and Gennaco’s Office of Independent Review’s “oversight” does not inspire confidence.
“Baca spoke as two Los Angeles County supervisors went public with criticism of the jails and called for an independent investigation into conditions there. The supervisors said they were reacting to recent reports of deputy abuse, including a Times story this week about a well-regarded rookie who quit the force after a month on the job, accusing his supervisor of making him beat up a mentally ill inmate and then covering it up.
“There needs to be somebody from outside the county family to look at this. And let the chips fall where they may,” Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky said.
In calling for the investigation, Yaroslavsky said that having the sheriff’s Office of Independent Review conduct inquiries into the allegations was not enough. Yaroslavsky said he believed the office, which monitors department discipline of deputies, reviewed allegations in a light favorable to the Sheriff’s Department and he questioned the agency’s independence.
“Frankly I think they may be very much a part of the problem,” he said. “I don’t think we’re getting as timely a report from the OIR, nor do I think we’re getting as unbiased a report from the OIR, as we can expect.”
Michael Gennaco, who heads the Office of Independent Review, said he was disappointed to hear the criticism. He defended his agency’s independence and noted that supervisors last year asked him to oversee discipline of the county’s probation department.
He acknowledged that the office’s work inside the department “could lead some to believe that we are essentially working as partners with the department rather than overseers…. We’re not partners.”
Supervisor Gloria Molina said she, too, was disappointed with Gennaco and was disturbed to read about the rookie deputy’s allegations.”
People avert their eyes when they see something truly horrible. They try not to think about it. The Fullerton Police Department and the Fullerton Administration are like that “something horrible” that would cause us to avert our eyes. We simply cannot afford to do that this time. We have to look at the awful facts of the case and act! The true representatives of the public on the city administration stood up with the people. The others were putting together schemes to pay off the family of the dead man beaten to death by Fullerton cops. We need to downsize the Fullerton Police Department to the point where only proven professional officers are left, if such a thing exists. The other alternative is to eliminate the Fullerton Police Department and hire the work out to the sheriff’s department. Any thing that we do has to have appropriate oversight by a citizen’s committee so that such a condition will never exist again.
It has to be a record that a killing with so many witnesses would take three months to get an arrest. Why? Because the Fullerton Police Department protected their own even when the evidence was already great enough to make an arrest.
If Fullerton’s citizens cannot get this corrected with all the support that it is getting from fellow townspeople and others, maybe we need to start removing this government and replacing it with honest, law abiding people who won’t forget that they are public servants.
“that a government by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (excerpt from Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln.