Who Says Six Cops Can’t Beat A Man To Death?

Our knucklehead city councilman and former police chief Pat McKinley, for one. He wants us to believe that it was physically impossible for six cops to simultaneously beat Kelly Thomas to death on that hot July 5, 2011 night at the Fullerton Transportation Center. Of course he has reason to want us to believe that since he is the one who hired the six thugs in question, one of whom failed an LAPD physical.
Is that what happened? I have no idea since McKinley, Goodrich & Co. refuse to release the city’s video for fear of “tainting” eyewitness testimony. But check out this sickening video of a guy named Craig Prescott and his seven friendly jailers going to town on him in an 8×8 cell:
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sick and tired of the jackasses we have in charge of this city. They have become habitual and casual liars and still think they can get away with it.
Thank you for posting the Craig Prescott video.
Civil Rights Lawsuit Brought Forth By Deputy Craig Prescott Against Stanislaus County For His Murder Under The Color Of Law
Pages: 7 Reads: 384
From: robert_stanford
57.2 KB
Civil Rights Lawsuit Brought Forth By Deputy Craig Prescott Against Stanislaus County For His Murder Under The Color Of Law
Hey isn’t that little officer, ah-hemm, female officer (not to be confused with the little OLD former officer) the same one who stole the iPad??
really? is it?
Whatever happened to her? She probably got a promotion and raise.
Hey, what can you expect out of a corrupt gov’t? They just promoted a couple of the ATF guys involved in the gun running conspiracy, Fast n Furious! More of those ATF guns were found involved in other crimes recently as well. We have incompetents ruining our country, Peter Principle personified!
It’s come to the point in our society that in order to prove you are a good cop, you have to prove yourself to be a thief, a wife beater, a bully, an alcoholic, a drug user, a sociopath, a psychopath and worst of all, a liar! Those are the standards for being a great cop!
Press Release City of Fullerton
Public Information Office
303 W. Commonwealth
Fullerton, CA 92832
Phone: (714) 738-6317
Subject :
Fullerton Police urge witnesses to July 5 Kelly Thomas incident to call OCDA
Contact : Sgt. Andrew Goodrich, Fullerton Police Department (714) 738-6838
Fullerton Police Chief Michael Sellers is joining with the Orange County District Attorney’s Office in asking any witnesses to the July 5 incident involving the Fullerton Police Department and Kelly Thomas to come forward and contact the OCDA.
The OCDA released a statement Wednesday (July 27) asking witnesses to contact the DA’s Office. The DA’s request follows-up on a similar plea for witnesses to come forward made previously by the Police Department.
The incident occurred July 5. Fullerton Police Sgt. Andrew Goodrich said officers responded to the bus depot at 123 S. Pomona Ave. at approximately 8:30 p.m. after the Police Department had received reports that a man was trying to get into cars parked in the area. Goodrich said the suspect was described as a male transient with long hair, no shirt, and carrying a backpack.
Officers arrived at the depot and contacted the suspect, identified as Kelly Thomas, a homeless man who frequented the area. An altercation ensured between the officers and Thomas.
During the arrest, Thomas sustained serious injuries and was transported initially to St. Jude Medical Center via ambulance, and then later to UCI Medical Center via ambulance. Thomas was taken off of life support July 10.
Immediately after the incident, Fullerton Police requested the Orange County District Attorney to take over the investigation. The OCDA responded and assumed the investigation.
Chief Michael Sellers said “The Department believes it is in the best interest of everyone – the Police Department, Mr. Thomas’ Family and the Fullerton community as a whole – to have a thorough and independent investigation conducted by an outside agency. We are cooperating fully with the District Attorney’s Office in the investigation.”
Fullerton Mayor F. Richard Jones, M.D., agreed with Chief Sellers’ decision to bring the DA’s Office in to investigate the case.
“I’m sure I speak for the entire Fullerton City Council when I say how shocked I am by this incident,” said Fullerton Mayor F. Richard Jones, M.D. “As a parent, I can’t begin to imagine the pain the family of Kelly Thomas is experiencing over the loss of their son and brother, and my heart goes out to his family.
“I concur completely with the actions of our Police Department to immediately request that the Orange County District Attorney’s Office conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the events that occurred the night of Mr. Thomas’ arrest and his subsequent death. Until that investigation is complete, it would be inappropriate for me to comment further on the situation.”
Anyone with information on the case is asked to call the Orange County District Attorney’s Office at (714) 347-8813.
I’m guessing the implication here is that Kelly was already dead from a prior beating and the police were just trying REALLY VIGOROUSLY to try and save him and using the taser as a defibrillator?
More cops to be endeared to:
Home Police Misconduct NewsFeed Weekend Recap 08-13-11 to 08-14-11 »
National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 08-15-11
By David, on August 16th, 2011
Here are the 18 reports of police misconduct tracked in our National Police Misconduct News Feed for this Monday, August 15, 2011:
Cook Co IL deputy may still be fired after judge’s surprising acquital for videotaped incident where a detainee suffered significant facial injuries when the deputy yanked on his shackle chains sending him face-first to the floor. Even the sheriff expressed surprise at the verdict but says it hasn’t changed his opinion that the deputy should be fired. [0] http://t.co/izwH2Up
Covington LA forced by a judge to rehire a cop fired for his role in an excessive force case where he was accused of lying to cover for his fellow officer. The judge’s decision came on a second appeal after a review board upheld the decision to fire him [0] bit.ly/pU0GDx
Elk Grove CA police are being sued by a man who was cuffed in the backseat of a cruiser after he was already searched when he was shot in face by a cop armed with a rifle. The police claim they thought he was reaching for a gun. [2] bit.ly/opHsrR
Harrison Co MS deputy who worked as a school resource officer pleads guilty to sexual exploitation of child where he was charged with sexually battering a baby sitter [0] bit.ly/qMoTEp
Atlanta GA police training oversights may have resulted in up to 200 cops being uncertified for decades, which would result in thousands of case, some up to 20 years old, being overturned as the result of an unlawful arrest by an uncertified officer. [0] bit.ly/o0J3lg
Lumpkin Co GA sheriff & deputy found liable for $58k damages in suit by man arrested after warrantless search [1] is.gd/Kgq0cc
Corinth MS cop sentenced to 46mo prison for robbing motorists during fake traffic stops [0] bit.ly/q2Sr9X
Bainbridge GA cop sentenced to probation in plea deal to violation of oath & obstruction for string of 3 burglaries [0] bit.ly/oIcxVH
Oregon State trooper jailed after SWAT standoff triggered when he fired a shot as cops responded to a 911 call by a friend expressing concern about his depression. [0] bit.ly/plv0bu
3 West Virginia troopers sued by woman claiming they violwrongfully arrested her for flipping them off in court [2] bit.ly/roQy6k
Dallas TX off-duty cop investigated for allegedly hitting security guard in face w/pistol while chasing suspect [3] dallasne.ws/qMe6yR
Prince George’s Co MD cop charged w/felony assault for allegedly pulling gun on other woman in argument over keys [0] bit.ly/qNT6Ca
Renton WA police demote 2 cops for the first of 9 cartoons that made fun of the department after dropping a highly controversial cyberstalking warrant in an attempt to find the author. They don’t know who made the others yet. [2] bit.ly/oeagk3
Tallahassee FL cop sentenced to 15days jail after convicted on misd battery charge in unspecified case, he was fired a few months ago [1] bit.ly/oAy1pk
Charlotte-Mecklenburg NC cop suspended while investigated for domestic violence for the 2nd time in her career [0] bit.ly/n6nPXi
Louisville KY cop pleads guilty to bankruptcy fraud charge after altering judge’s order to let him get more credit [0] bit.ly/nJ1M0n
Blountstown FL cop fired after admitting to being addicted to meth when confronted with allegations of drug use [0] bit.ly/nEhd0z
Manchester OH cop investigated after deputies bust underage drinking party at his home, other cops allegedly there [1] bit.ly/pvutGW
While it doesn’t sound like there was any specific misconduct allegations stemming from today’s high-profile OpBART protest sponsored by Anonymous I did find it interesting that, throughout the coverage, it seemed like BART’s response to the protests, by shutting down stations in attempts to disorganize it, caused riders more disruptions than what the protest itself did. But, at least, that’s what it looked like from the outside looking in. The protests appear to have ended without arrests or injuries, which is good news, so that was nice at least.
Are you a part of Anonymous?
You seem to follow police activity. Do you have a record? Youve had some run ins with authority, right?
Are you employed? Pay taxes? Part of Bushalas bloggers posse, theres about 8 of you pretending to be many more. Well just wait…your exposure is coming.
I saw a lot more than 8 people tonight. You’re crazy.
Craig Prescott was employed with Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department and worked as a custodial deputy for more than nine years.
His mom posted on FFFF earlier today. Scroll down to around #64:
This is what they do to one of their own when he blows the whistle.
More Craig Prescott info right here:
This is a must-view.
thanks SD I just went there and posted that poor lady-I hope John/Ken interview her too
That OC DA is the biggest crook of them all if you ask me…he has cop lover written all over him…he’d probably throw his own grandmother over a cliff to protect a dirty cop.
They just might. I hope so too.
When you watch the second video with the DA’s words rolling, it’s clear there was a full-on coverup. Craig wasn’t resisting. He’s not even moving. He was most likely already dead.
What were they doing to him? It’s creepy; they look like a swarm of weird bugs.
yeah, just wait until the investigation is over, you’ll see, its a very heroic story-6 cops trying to save a suicidal Kelly Thomas, were overcome by carbon monoxide from a nearby bus as they tried valiantly to hold Kelly down so he wouldnt get up and run into the fumes, they had no choice but to tase him 5 times-as he kept trying to get up and run into the deadly bus fumes-he knocked himself out and before he lost conciousness he managed to grab one of the officers tasers and hit his own head continously with it.
Hey, merijoe, hadn’t heard Kelly was suicidal. Who’s spreading that rumor? His dad said he wasn’t inclined that way.
i hope you are just kidding-as I was-Kelly was Murdered-I was just making up a scenario that those jackasses may try to use
Like I said, you have made up a lot over the last few weeks to make your side seem logical.
Yo, moron! Our side needs to make up nothing, for we have nothing to hide. Your side however, seems to lie, exaggerate, and conceal evidence to a homicide!
pieces of shit, they wil not get away with their constant coverups-Note how the “good” ones still havent said anything about this incident either? Im telling you and everyone-there arent any good ones- theyre all bad. This stinks and sadly fullerton isnt the only city with these issues-its just that they got caught, and people had to die-This is why you dont trust government, this is why
Some of the posts here are idiotic. Do you really think that anyone from city hall or the police department are ever in any city going to come out and say what happened in an incident prior to it being investigated? I mean really? Never ever. That’s why it’s being investigated. They don’t know all the details either. Do you really think cops that werent on duty are going to come out and give statements and talk about how bad the cops are when they weren’t there, don’t know all the details, and don’t ever have the authority to talk to the press anyways? It’s amazing what you people expect when common sense says it will never happen in any city for numerous reasons. That’s what an investigation is for. If you expect the FBI to come in that will take even longer. No matter how much you push it will still take the same amount if time. Patience has never been a virtue when it comes to activists buut neither has common sense.
Police come out and talk about incidents under investigation all the time. Maybe you left a phrase out of your post. You said “an incident…” Maybe you meant, and “incident” involving alleged police misconduct.
Our whole point is not that this incident is being treated so differently than other police incidents. The point is that police “incidents” are treated dramaticallty different than incidents involving civilians. You don’t dispute this, do you?
Cops are forever chatting about investigations, leaking information, misinformation, pictures of the accused and of suspects. In fact it’s pretty hard to get them to shut up!
Notice how Goodwrench was happy to peddle lies.
Here’s the fact of the matter: if any of us were caught on video doing to someone what the cops did to Kelly we’d be cooling our heels in Theo lacy – with a HUGE bail, or no bail at all – awaiting arraignment or a preliminary hearing. Meantime the Fullerton Six are being paid to vacation at the Disney Resort.
See, there’s due process for us and “due process” for them. And their due process has nothing to do with the minimums afforded by the 5th Amendment.
Isnt this Travis Kiger?
These clowns will say something if they are ordered to appear before a Federal Grand jury!
Scum bags. You think this doesn’t happen in other cities? It all comes down to what they can get a way with. Cops are a bunch of power trippers. Ex-cops too. I know a few ex-cops that are worse than active duty officers. they miss the power of the badge and use their former postions to take advantage of people. Because everyone has to trust a cop right? especially a retired cop.
“……….listening to and acting on our conscience is scary a lonely experience. We fear our conscience for the same reason we fear the truth. We know that following our conscience can expose us to ridicule and take away the props that make us feel secure-a group, an identity,conformity,anonymity. I would argue that letting your life speak through conscience is liberating in the same way the truth telling is. It free’s you from the judgement of others because you become answerable only to you and your god. We all know right from wrong. It defines our humanity. Acting on that knowledge affirms our faith in the idea that-what we do matters” Robert Smith
Im hoping one person in that building over on Commonwealth has the cajones to come forward and tell us-what the hell happened- the truth- Is it protocol to leave your conscience at the door when you get your badge? Not one of you “good police officers” will come forward and tell us what is really going on- not one?
MJ, I have to disagree that there aren’t good cops out there including in the FPD.
In order for the radio show informant to give such detailed info about the city video and the fact that the FPD 6 got to review it in writing their reports means he’s either an officer himself or has very close ties to one or more officers.
I’m sure there are officers in the FPD that are just as disgusted about what the FPD 6 did as we are.
Getting that info to the radio show may have been the only way he/they could help at the time.
I’m more surprised that the the two people whose video phones were taken by the FPD 6 haven’t come on here and posted about what happened. Maybe they did and I missed it.
The cover up that happened initially was the responsibility of Chief Sellers and whoever was in charge of the 6 cops.
We need to keep the word out, continue with the protests so this doesn’t get swept under the rug.
I suspect the city officials would love it if Ron Thomas would just name a price and go away but as many have said there is a bigger issue at stake here.
The city video is owned by the tax payers, we have a right for it to be made public. The police and city officials are supposed to be serving the public, not empowering police brutality and protecting them when they get caught.
Did you see that video tape that is on the top of this page that the blog poster has on here of Craig Prescott and his seven friendly jailers going to town on him in an 8×8 cell?
This happen in 2009 (or prior) and no one said a word about this, and if the media hadnt gotten ahold of the Kelly Thomas case this would have been kept qiuet too-as it took them 3 weeks until they did something -surely someone who you think is so good could have spoken up before 3 weeks passed
I stand on what I say, there are NO good ones in FPD
You really think you standing up is going to do anything? You aren’t that powerful ol’ Joe. That’s old news just like the Fullerton one will soon be.
Hi There, wasting of my bandwidth will not be tolerated. cease and desist.
hey, one person most likely cant provoke change – but hundreds, no, thousands with some balls can. so look for “anything” to happen soon and justice for Kelly Thomas and all the Kelly Thomas’s out there
You are dreaming again.
Merijo, don’t want to contradict you, but one person can make a difference. Kelly is making a difference from his grave!
It’s comments like that that discredit everyone on this website and makes them look like sheep. The only exception is merijoe is not a sheep, she’s a big fat cow……mooooo!
oh fuck off, you loser. at least Im not an unethical, greased up lacky, like you.
And call me anything you want, the main issue is Kelly Thomas and the corrupt cops/government you work for
And you are a useful idiot…something to hide perchance?
Why cuz youve been arrested? Is this Travis?
Merijoe, 99% of cops are rabid, violent animals who should not be on the streets. I grew up in Southern Calif (Orange, Tustin) and trust me, I wouldn’t live in that area for any reason. I live out of state now and am following the news updates concerning the Kelly Thomas beating. The NOPD convictions are getting alot of coverage, hopefully those cops go to prison for a very long time. Hopefully these FPD cops end up in Soledad or San Quentin. Police beatings/killings are widespread throughout the country. These cops get away with it because of the cover-ups, destruction of evidence, and intimidation of witness, etc. Even if a case went to the Supreme Court cops and corrupt politicians generally walk away with a slap on the wrist.
Cops are enforcers of the corporate-fascist state. Remember the Wal-Mart ruling last June from the US Supreme Court? Remember the uproar over TSA goons strip searching the ailing grandmother at the airport? I believe the Real ID Act when into effect last May.
The ones who have power are the ones with the badges, guns, and $. Those are the ones who own and operate Amerika…
As stated by the PD and DA from the start the video is now evidence. PD or the city can’t release it no matter how much you ask. The DA will be the one making that decision now. Keep blaming everyone in the city and fire them all, but the DA now owns that tape.
Baloney, the DA owns nothing. That video belongs to the taxpayers of Fullerton. “Evidence” is released by the cops all the time – when it servers their purpose, of course.
It doesn’t matter what the PD or DA release, we have seen enough!
Blind leading the blind.
Ya know good cop, there was a time when the public showed empathy and compassion when an officer was killed in the line of duty. But, everytime an incident like the murder of Kelly Thomas pops up, that compassion and empathy is diminished. Pretty soon, the only people supporting you in a time of need will be yourselves. You need us, we need you. But, we don’t want low life scumsacks in our policing agencies. So, it is incumbent on you so-called good cops to speak out against the bad ones! That’s just how it is!
One of the questions that continues to come up around here is “why won’t anyone at FPD speak up?”
Apart from John and Ken’s anonymous informant, the FPD has been shut up tighter than a frog’s asshole, and this is one of many reasons that cause us to distrust them. This is what merijoe means when she says there aren’t any “good ones.”
I understand what she means, and I regrettably agree with her conclusion. I wish I could trust the police, but I don’t, and never will again. Ever.
The “good ones” wouldn’t stand around and watch as a one-eyed compatriot murders a little homeless dude.
The “good ones” wouldn’t be going about business as usual while Kelly’s murder gathers worldwide interest and the walls start caving in at FPD. SOMEBODY has to do SOMETHING within the not-so-hallowed halls of the FPD, but so far, nothing.
I’m tired of the “let’s wait for the facts to come in” bullshit. Practically everyone on this board has said the same thing tima and again: we have the facts. Kelly was murdered by Fullerton police punks. We know this. We have their frigging names, for God’s sake. They’re currently on paid vacation while the a-holes in charge hope and pray that this will die down and we’ll lose interest. Good luck with that.
I think about Kelly often. I never met him, but I’ve known guys very much like him, including a few that currently hang out around my place in San Diego. I’m always good for a buck ot two; I know that most of them are so far gone that they’ll never make it back, but we have to provide them at least a modicum of human kindness, at the very least. I do that. I always have.
The fact that the entire FPD — hell, the entire wad of Fullerton city bigshots — is hiding and running like a clot of cockroaches is disgusting. It’s outrageous.
I’m waiting for a FPD “good one.”
Feel free to step up.
In the meantime, we will continue to never trust you again.
What do you want them to say? You think that the council is going to hold a press conference without even knowing what actually happened start to finish? You think the cops are going to hold a press conference and talk about the incident? Come on. Open your eyes. This would be how any incident like this would be handled and always is. Look back at Long Beach, Riverside, LAPD, and all the other incidents where the cops did good but the people questioned it. The only people that talk are the people investigating it when the time comes. No one else knows enough to say a word. Same here in Fullerton. Council knows basics but no details. PD knows what happened through the rumor mill, but the only people that really know are the people working that shift and they are all on paid vacation in Newport Beach.
Bullshit, those frankfuter necked, arrogant pigs told alot of people exactly what happened-Someone knows -If it was me, I would talk to the media about everything Ive heard, rumor or not.
THAT’s what I want THEM to say- And the DA or the Council needs to stop being pussies and speak instead of being so tight assed about everything that I could shove a piece of coal up their butts and they’d shit out a diamond. we arent stupid-Yes, people arent stupid-most times people know when they are being fed a load of happy horsecrap and therefore wont believe everything- so you OPEN your eyes.
As I said, there are times you just have to speak up and do whats right- this would be one of those times.
Well you dont sound ver
y intelligent, Travis? Tony?
Good statement. At this point the burden is on FPD members to demonstrate that there is a single good cop in the joint.
After this very few people are going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Somebody better start coming clean or the whole place will keep stinking.
Im sorry, you live in San Diego. So you saw the story of a schizophrenic, like Kelly. This schizophrenic stabbed his mother, who was a SD police detective and 18 yr old sister to death. But yea theyre harmless.
And I dont care what any of you say, if you need help, you want the police to help. Its easy to say that when youve never been a victim of a violent crime. But if something happened to you, youd want their help.
Nobody wants your help, Jay.
what? no sarcastic comment about the schizophrenic that stabbed his mom and sis to death? Brian Williams in San Diego. Just do a google search for schizophrenic violent behavior.
is this a member of the anonymous hackers group? You have been reported to the FBI to have ties with this website. Enjoy that investigation. 🙂
We can rely on you cops for anything already! Kiss off reports, saying everything is a civil matter when it’s not. You work for us, not the other way around!
We taxpayers need to demand an end to these double-triple pension grabbing scams bring perpetrated on us!
@ outraged, I also lived in San Diego when the homeless man with a tree branch/walking stick was shot 7 times by three officers who were standing around him.
And, I lived in San Diego when “A San Diego police officer shot and killed an unarmed man who lunged at him after a brief chase..”
And, I also lived in San Diego when “One of the persons shot was likely mentally ill and was killed for throwing a dumbbell at a deputy. Two others were shot while running away…”
There are many more incidents such as these.
Here is a link to a letter written by the ACLU to the Attorney General, asking for an independent review of police shootings in San Diego County that you might be interested in reading.
Also, just in case you didn’t pay attention in your NAMI training class (if you even went to the class); here is a refresher for you. You’re welcome.
The following is taken directly from The National Institute of Mental Health website:
“Are people with schizophrenia violent?
People with schizophrenia are not usually violent. In fact, most violent crimes are not committed by people with schizophrenia.7 However, some symptoms are associated with violence, such as delusions of persecution. Substance abuse may also increase the chance a person will become violent.8 If a person with schizophrenia becomes violent, the violence is usually directed at family members and tends to take place at home.
The risk of violence among people with schizophrenia is small. But people with the illness attempt suicide much more often than others. About 10 percent (especially young adult males) die by suicide.9,10 It is hard to predict which people with schizophrenia are prone to suicide. If you know someone who talks about or attempts suicide, help him or her find professional help right away.
People with schizophrenia are not usually violent.”
I, personally, have been dealing with the mental illness of my son for the past 10 years. I haven’t fired a gun at him once. Maybe I am braver than the big strong, trained?, bullet proof vest wearing officers?? Or, maybe I just care more about my son than you do?? Whatever the reason might be for officers’ deathly fear of sticks and dumbells and mental illness, etc… you can bet that I won’t be calling you for “assistance” any time soon. That would only be putting my son, and the public, at risk from flying bullets, tasers and deadly beat downs. My son has never killed anyone. My son is much more likely to commit suicide than he is to ever hurt you. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the severely uneducated officers who are deathly afraid of what they don’t understand. I don’t want scared, chest beating, rifle pointing, baton beating, taser wielding, boot kicking, knee dropping, impulsive, uneducated officers showing up at my door.
If my son ever does hurt me; at least I know that he is ILL, and that he needs medical help. And, I know that if my son were not ILL, he would never, ever so much as harm a fly. My son, and all mentally ill people, deserve treatment for their brain disorders. They do NOT deserve death at the hands of bullies and cowards who wear badges.
No, I absolutely do NOT want your “help.” You are the very last person I would ever call. Instead, I would call my four year old grand daughter to help. My son trusts her. You officers have a long way to go if you want to regain any trust. You might begin by getting educated about the people you “serve.” Instead of doing endless target shooting practice, I would suggest that you should take some more NAMI classes on your own time. The NAMI classes are FREE. You don’t have any excuse for not going, except that you might whine that you won’t be paid for the extra time that you spend sitting in class. Gee, being a “professional” is hard, isn’t it?? You might actually have to take a 12 class series (2.5 hours each class) and learn something about mental illness. That is, you might need to learn a LOT MORE, other than how to lie and how to write your reports after watching the videos played back so that you “brothers” can all coordinate and get your stories straight.
If you spent half as much time actually caring about preserving lives (ALL lives), we’d all be much better served. Face it, you are scared of your own shadow and the only one you want to protect is yourself. At any cost. You are far from being a brave hero or a public servant.
Yes, rarely, family members have been hurt or killed while caring for a mentally ill loved one. We are more at danger than you are, but you don’t hear us complaining or using tasers and deadly beat downs out of “fear for our lives.” With all of the manpower and non lethal resources that you have at your disposal, you have even LESS excuse for deadly beat downs than families do.
Educated family members who have dealt with schizophrenia for awhile usually can recognize when their loved one is in crisis. If a PERT team is available and if families are aware of the PERT teams’ existence, families can usually try to get compassionate help by trained mental health professionals to transport to a hospital on a 5150 for evaluation and treatment.
The mentally ill person is MUCH MORE LIKELY to commit suicide and it is our biggest worry. Our mentally ill loved ones are also much more likely to be hurt, or killed, than are the officers, or anyone else.
Somehow, I seem to know enough not to point a gun at my son; nor do I kick my son in the head or beat my son to death with batons and tasers, or knee drop on his face and neck. I also don’t yell at him, threaten him with an ass kicking with a baton, accuse him, make fun of him, or frighten him. And, I never even wear a bullet proof vest or have five other tough guys following me around for back up. Gosh, maybe I’m the real hero!!
I should give you my number…you might want to call me sometime when you are scared of the mentally ill and homeless.
You state, “But if something happened to you, youd want their help.”
Well, if something happened to me, it would be too late for you to help me anyway, and you wouldn’t do anything remotely helpful even if I did call you. You would only come and shoot my son to death. You wouldn’t even care about getting him the help that he needs at a hospital. You wouldn’t even give him the same humane treatment that you would afford a wild bear or a lion or tiger that had escaped from the wilds or from the zoo. You wouldn’t try to sedate my son, no, you would shoot to kill first and ask questions later, and then justify and cover up your own acts of violence, while at the same time condemning my son. Even though YOU are supposedly healthy and educated and YOU should know better and YOU are sworn to “serve and protect,” while my son might not know better due to his paranoia and due to a distorted perception of reality because of his mental illness.
I think it is a real shame that moms like me are constantly forced to try to educate our “professionals” in blue. You’d think that in this day and age, the officers could get it right.
One person out of every one hundred people NATIONALLY and WORLDWIDE, suffers from schizophrenia. It is long past time for the officers to learn how to deal with people who suffer from schizophrenia in a humane way, instead of shooting them and beating them to death. And, YES, the majority of them ARE harmless.
What happens is that the police tell civilian witnesses in these types of cases to keep their mouths shut publicly for their own safety and to protect the integrity of the case, blah, blah, blah. Not that either concern is true, mind you. This is just what they routinely do to get witnesses from the public to participate in the information freeze out. Again, they don’t typically do this in cases where the witnesses viewed non-police crimes. That’s why we see such witnesses on TV all the time but we don’t see them in cop abuse cases.
If this informant is a cop, then he is a true hero. Unlike cyclops, who never did a good deed in his life.
#15- ditto!
Turn that frown upside-down Mr. McPension! No worries! You have mooched off of taxpayers your whole life, you will still have your pension… why no smile?
Looks like he wants to kill someone… same with the officer to the right in the picture.
DROVE BY the Fullerton PD earlier… nice automobiles parked there… we are feeding them well. Meanwhile our streets look like junk and if we didnt have a cluster-F in the downtown area on the weekends, we would not need as many cops. At least build bars that will attract a higher-end crown that wont cause trouble… not like Slidebar and some of the others.
Mcpension looks like he is part of the problem, an arrogant hair lipped ratbastard!
*crown = crowd
This has to be some kind of fancy computer graphics or something, kind of like Avatar, because as we know what it depicts is not possible in real life.
Come on blue smurfs, tell us about how this investigation also resulted in justice? Where are those trolls when you need them most.
Fire the liar.
Has anyone seen OC DA Susan Schroeder after she appeared on CNN?
Yeah I picked up a big rock and I saw her scurry out from under it.
Wasn’t she hiding under the rock with another worm?
She was so distraught she had to hit the Fascist Island spa for a week or two.
Meanwhile she’s about to have her Executive status yanked at the County. Daddy’s gonna have to pay for that Lamborghini himself.
He’s right. 6 cops can’t simultaneously beat on some Kelly’s size. Not enough real estate to go around. Simultaneously? No. How about 1 or 2 at a time. Heck, even a fit person can’t beat on someone forever. It takes teamwork to continue the attack for 15 minutes. Tag team, think WWF. Even a not so fit person can beat on someone for 2.5 minutes. Do the math 2.5min x 6 thugs = 15min of beating.
Hate it when people like Mckinley twist the truth by ignoring the details.
Hum… suppose he’s seen the video we would all like to see. Is he starting to polish his statements for his own defense. Let’s hope so. If that’s the best he can do…
And is 2.5 the collective IQ of the FPD and City council?
It wasn’t 6 cops. 2 didn’t even get there until it was over. It was 2 cops. 2 came in the middle. So yes 2 could beat up a 135 pound meth head no problem.
He was smoking Meth at the time of the beating? How do you know this officer?
He doesn’t know! Tox reports came back with no illicit drugs in Kelly!
You sound as though you know allot about the actual event…yet you also sound like a complete jackhole. Why not stop wasting eveyone’s time and enjoy your paid leave until the verdict comes in.
He has seen the video. He LIED to CNN. Notice in that clip how he starts dismissing it as two participants and four innocent bystanders.
Too bad the DA has said two go down six go down so that all Rack The Rat has to do is his job.
The sgt. in charge of these morons came near the end of this brooha, and took his licks on Kelly too!
First sentence “some”. oops. Uh, “someone”
The sad part of that pic up top (aside from McKinley’s tough guy face, patent pending), is that the combined IQ of that posse is probably still double-digit.
Is there a connection between this video from Stanislaus County (as it says on YouTube) and the FPD? I spoke with a former cop from a neighboring city of Fullerton, tonight, who left the force after 8 years on a medical leave. He said he had personally been to cases where different officers held a suspect by different appendages, and it was the sergeant himself who beat him senseless with a nightstick. He could never put anything like that in a report because he would be retaliated against (e.g. the dispatcher would ignore his calls for back-up). He said he left the force for this reason. It was worse in the past, he said, before the video cameras. He said this stuff is NOT urban myth – it’s very real!
8 years and left on medical leave = couldn’t hang with being a cop so made up an injury to get free money.
“couldn’t hang with being a cop so made up an injury to get free money”. = SELLERS
well said
Sellers only lasted 2 years dude.
There is no other connection I know of other than McClown claiming it was physically impossible for six cops to beat up anybody at the same time.
Of course I am willing to accept the fact that the FPD animals gave each other “soft tissue” injuries.
What if two officers had his legs pinned down, one officer had his torso pinned down, and two officers were bashing his head and throat? (only five because, the sixth named officer did not participate in the murder/manslaughter.)
In this situation, there would only be two officers who were doing the actual “beating” and three officers who were helping to make the it much easier.
So yes; in the case of Kelly Thomas, there may have only been two officers that actually did the fist, knee, object (butt end of tazer) bashing, the other three officers who held him down and didn’t jump in to stop the madness should also face the fire.
When I wrote “face the fire,” I was not saying that they should be fired or be killed. I meant that they should be damned in the court or law, and be sent away for a long long time.
Example: Billy-bob was shot at point blank range; he was shot in the head with a 12 gauge shot gun, but he was also shot in the chest with a 12 gauge at the same time. So what is the cause of death???
Was it the shot to the head? or was it the shot to the chest?
Mayor of Fullerton,
You a scum of the earth, How you can say, “I don’t know why he died”
Do you really wonder why he died? Was it cancer, was it a heart attack, was it an overdose, or was it that he was pounded and beaten to death by Fullerton police officers?
We will all know the truth very soon, Air Force MD/Shitty plastic surgeon. There is no way in hell that you could get into Med school today or even at back in your time if not for the war. You are just not up to snuff. You are just stupid! We laugh at you every time you speak, Boss Hogg.
How is it possible that the civilian witness interviews have not been completed at this point – the lynchpin argument for withholding the video? Maybe it’s time for a follow-up interview with DA T-Rack.
Has it been positively confirmed that the FBI is indeed investigating? Anybody call the US Attorney’s office?
This case and the systemic problems it’s revealed are not limited to KT or even to Fullerton or Orange County. Police around the country are brazen about commiting misconduct because they know nothing is likely to happen to them. So actions to clean house in city government are great and need to continue non-stop. I’m just not sure they will make any difference in the outcome of the Kelly Thomas killing.
Because the witnesses are being intimidated to not speak now – the animal thugs are waiting for time to pass so when they do make their dramatic witness approach to get a statement, time will have passed so as the witnesses wont be able to remember every detail- I hope theyve written everything down
McPension will be the last holdout. He’ll fight the hardest to stay in office, even though he didn’t even bother to campaign to get there in the first place. Makes you wonder what they are hiding over at the police department.
Demand an outside audit! Do a Bell on them. Corrupt ratbastards!
#42 by Kehwen on August 16, 2011
Is there a connection between this video from Stanislaus County (as it says on YouTube) and the FPD? I spoke with a former cop from a neighboring city of Fullerton, tonight, who left the force after 8 years on a medical leave.
There are scores of want-to-be cops who make up shit all the time this guy was fired for what…? People say they were cops and make up all kinds of stories just ask Ron Thomas..I think in his mind the worst thing that happened with this incident was he was outed for being a liar. The only think that will make that pain go away is taxpayer cash…
@ Sure, your day in the sun will come. keep at it.
There’s an indirect connection. These scenarios depict anarchy within our law enforcement, and we are it’s victims!
It’s also impossible for 6 gangbangers to jump in a wannabe at the same time. Blood in, blood out for the fullerton 6. Death Penalty is the only just solution.
It is the fact that it took THREE WEEKS to get MURDEROUS COPS BADGES…
AND it wasn’t
or anything good whatsoever that FINALLY took their badges
they terrorized your whole community by murdering that man in front of all those witnesses.
Those witnesses will and should sue terribly bad anyone who kept those evildoers badges on them
Anyone who knew what those murderers did and didn’t speak up to get their badges removed IS JUST AS GUILTY
So the city counsel is supposed to approve/appoint a law enforcement consultant to conduct an independent review.. who also apparently does this for LASO. It looks like he markets himself towards the municipality. I think the better fit would be expert witness Ron Martinelli (Martinelli & Associates, Temecula, CA). He is a police practices and use of force expert that is typically retained for civil cases.
If they still want to use Gennaco, maybe they should pay the extra bucks to retain both and make the two submit a joint report. 🙂
Gennaco was hired in part by the three stooges to investigate the obvious shannigans of the three stooges & the FPD, is that what’s going on? Poor taxpayers.
I hate to say it, but knowing Gennaco, he is going to come up with a study that appeases the guys giving him the hefty paycheck….unless citizens in Fullerton oversee the oversight!
Don’t you find it highly suspicious that Gennaco is coming to figure out what is wrong with Fullerton? He has yet to straighten LASD out? Now talk about a super cesspool of corruption. Have a sheriff who is a scientologist, consists with Muslims, and he hires nutjobs!
When they are found guilty they better get stripped of any pension and retirement crap
They don’t lose anything and can’t lose anything. They get full pensions and no one can touch their pension, not even if they get sued.
Tell that to Robert Rizzo. CalPERS just lowered his pension from $560,000 to $50,000. It can happen.
That’s not true if they are fired they lose everything! Especially, if convicted of felonies!
why do you steal oxygen or at least why do you have two assholes
Only took 2 cops to do this… and it was deemed an illegal arrest.
Ladies and Gentleman we live in Gestapo America. And Pain Compliance. The sooner we realize this, the better off we are, to a total house cleaning!!!
How would one like to meet McKinley in a dark alley?! What a puss!!
I love that picture of McPension. If that doesn’t say “us versus you” I don;t know what does.
The comment that it’s physically impossible for 6 officers to beat 1 person (which, clearly, is untrue) is totally beside the point anyway. It’s even WORSE in my eye if 1 or 2 people inflicted that much damage, talk about deadly force. And even if it were just 2 and 4 saw and didnt stop it, theyre the same, maybe worse.
You are 100000pct correct Fred!!!!
These people who murdered Kelly Thomas ARE JUST AS WE ALLOWED THEM TO BE
We grew those people..
We grew those cops
we know their positions can get this way yet we don’t stop them in advance
NOW we will all pay for allowing such a cancer to grow
True. There are a few bad cops in every department. Couldn’t agree more. It’s finding them and getting rid of them that is tough. I just don’t agree that the whole Fullerton PD is bad, along with the whole City Government, Council, and everyone else. That part is just the activist nation wanting everyone out so they can run the show. Won’t happen.
Hi There-then why arent we hearing anything from anyone in that bldg? and the same – why arent we hearing anything from anyone in City Gov, Council etc.?
You talkin’ about anyone specific?
I can think of one.
Once this is all over just remember there really are some good cops out there.
Here is another story about a law enforcement officer shooting someone and it was swept under the carpet. Ryan was doing great and getting his life together and this happened.
What you’re apparently not getting out of alot of these posts, Fullerton is NOT an isolated incident. This crime by cops goes on every day, only a fraction of it gets reports eg., injustice everywhere website for example. Until these good cops start policing the bad ones, all cops are bad! This incident threw you guys over the cliff in our eyes!
Correct. Everyday. All justified.
Here’s a case I investigated. Deputy was disciplined but not prosecuted for cold blooded murder!
They approached the vehicle and the suspect was “physically startled, agitated and reached under his seat,” Whitmore said.
One of the deputies, “fearing for his safety, fired his weapon, hitting the suspect in the upper torso.”
Christian Portillo, 35, was pronounced dead at the scene, authorities said.
No weapons or drugs were recovered from the vehicle, he said.
The victim’s father said his son had done nothing wrong and that he watched in horror after the officer shot him in the family’s driveway.
“He was holding the door open with his left hand and the gun with his right,” Josue Portillo, 61, said of the deputy. Portillo said he had been reading inside the one-story house when he heard gunfire and rushed outside.
My son “was just sitting in the car,” he said.
Los Angeles County public records show that Portillo had three convictions. Five years ago he was convicted of driving with a suspended license, and more than 15 years ago he was convicted on charges of vandalism and bringing drugs into a prison or jail.
The family has not yet retained an attorney, but Portillo said, “I have to do something so they can’t do this to the community again.”
Portillo’s brother, Leonidas Arthur Portillo, 37, said: “I just don’t understand. He’s in his driveway, he’s at home.
“He doesn’t carry any guns. In fact, he would be the type of person to defuse the situation.”
Authorities said the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office, the Office of Independent Review and the Sheriff’s Department were investigating the shooting.
Times staff writer Molly Hennessy-Fiske contributed to this report.
another murder by cop just today;
ANAHEIM, Calif. (KABC) — A wanted parolee was killed in an officer-involved shooting with Anaheim police on Tuesday afternoon.
The officers were searching for the 23-year-old man, who they considered armed and dangerous. Police found the parolee in the 100 block of West Guinida Lane at about 1:40 p.m.
When officers contacted the parolee, an officer-involved shooting occurred. It was unclear why police opened fire.
The man, whose name has not been released, was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he later died.
The Anaheim Police Department is not releasing any other information on the circumstances regarding the shooting. It is being investigated by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office.
(Copyright ©2011 KABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)
Happens everyday. Will happen more often now.
Go to You Tube. These people sound like Tony and his followers LOL. No reason, only bus fare, 5 times, police abuse, blah blah. Just like Fullerton and Kelly. Imagine if the idiots didn’t get the gun on video? It would be no gun, unarmed innocent man like Kelly! LOL
Search this: San Francisco Police Shoot Black Male 5 Times After Chasing Him Down For Not Paying Bus Fare
Go to You Tube. These people sound like Tony and his followers LOL. No reason, only bus fare, 5 times, police abuse, blah blah. Just like Fullerton and Kelly. Imagine if the idiots didn’t get the gun on video? It would be no gun, unarmed innocent man like Kelly! LOL
Search this: San Francisco Police Shoot Black Male 5 Times After Chasing Him Down For Not Paying Bus Fare
Just read the story of the SDPD cop who did the Dui/hit and run with injuries. Apparently, he died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. I guess this is one of the few cops who had a conscience.