Will Felz Get A Big Raise in the Midst Of It All?
The city of Fullerton’s website seems to be offline at the moment, but just before it went down I noticed that Tuesday’s agenda included a new employment contract for Joe Felz, the guy who’s been managing the city during the Kelly Thomas catastrophe.
If approved, the new contract would boost Felz’s annual salary to $201,400 plus pension and benefits. His current salary is listed at $166,250. That’s a raise of $35,000 per year, as recommended by the HR department (which ultimately reports to Joe.)

That’s not a bad haul for the man who was steering the ship while Kelly Thomas was beaten to death, not to mention his oversight of the globally embarrassing aftermath.
I don’t know why the website is down, but a bunch of hacker activists threatened to attack it at noon today.
…maybe we could call this the Kelly Thomas freedom of information hack!
I was just going to ask if the Web site did indeed go down.
Patience fellow anons. The Fullerton government deserves more than an inaccessible website.
See you in San Fran tomorrow…
In the meantime, you need to brush up on your traffic safety…
Just a thought, can someone please organize a protest in front of the Slidebar.
I think they are flying under the radar as far as their involvement. Hold them accountable for making the fake call.
Great call Will!
That’s a good call, Will. Not much outcry over the person who indirectly caused the entire incident with a false report. Is that person being charged with a crime? Is the Slidebar still doing biz as usual? Let’s protest in front of the Slidebar and further call for a general boycott of their business!
You know that is just rumor? No confirmation the bar called.
piggie unplugged it
suuuuu eeee
Fire Joe Felz…..Tony Bushala for City Mangager and Police Cheif !!!
Go live in one of Bushala’s slums for a week and tell me you think the same way.
Getting desperate, eh, Goodwrench?
Please no! Bushala is a whack job!
Bushala bitch slaps me everytime I open my mouth.
Now that’s a great idea…Tony is a local businessman with years of a proven track record of running a multimillion dollar business. Why not appoint Tony to be the City Manager?
Tony is not a Freemason or a Bohemian Grove attendee.
Disagree… Although Tony has considerable business experience, and I admire what he is doing here, the town of Fullerton does not necessarily want a property developer running the city. Its a complete conflict of interest.
TO CITY OFFICIALS/CITIZENS: Fix the streets BEFORE the city goes bankrupt. Demand $$$ from CSUF to repair the streets because of all the traffic the school causes.
When Feltz was hired, Bankhead and Jones told us that we were getting a great deal because Felz would keep his Parks and Rec. salary. That didn’t last long. Now he’ll be right up there where Meyer was when he waddled out.
Six weeks after Kelly was murdered the City Council instructed its attorneys Friday to negotiate a contract with an outside consultant to conduct an independent review of the arrest of a mentally ill homeless man who died following a struggle with six police officers.
The council will likely vote Tuesday on a contract to hire Michael Gennaco, the head of the Los Angeles County Office of Independent Review
“We’ll be looking at training components, supervision issues — there’s a lot to look at with a broader lens,” Gennaco said. “There’s a lot we can do where we’re not stepping in the way of the other investigations.”
Gennaco said his company’s review would also advise the Police Department on handling homeless and mentally ill people. Hamilton said he wants his officers to undergo training on dealing with mentally ill people, even before Gennaco’s review begins.
City Manager Joe Felz has said Gennaco’s services could run $60,000 or $70,000.
What happened with the FBI investigation?
What are they going to check training components and supervision issues? that would be an after-investigation thing. We have a murdered committed by six bastards, a police chief resting, and the tape is still hidden from the public.
It is unbelievable how these guys are dragging this case; and for those who come to this site saying that we should stop complaining and whining, you guys should seriously consider going somewhere else to find some sort of entertainment because it seems like you live in a world that exists only in your minds (you know who you are).
That would be me, jackass. I have the freedom to go where ever and say what ever I want. Just like you clowns.
So now you are blaming the city and police department for the FBI’s investigation?
Your an idiot….
…and a sheep, BAAAAAH!
That’s “you’re an idiot,” not “your an idiot.” The first is s contraction of “you are,” while the second is possessive.
If all you want is to give me an English lesson I apologize, you’re not an idiot…YOU’RE a jackass!
Does that grammar suit you?
“…s contraction…”??? Could it be that people are simply typing fast and making mistakes? This blog is certainly not meant to be a scholarly publication!
Who else would you blame? The Police Department is now a world-wide joke. It is a disorganized crime syndicate. The “City” (whatever you mean by that) is legally and financially responsible for the krooked kops.
You’re one of those idiots who blames the reformers for the crime.
And that makes you a pig.
idiot. the people who go along with it are sheep
Obviously you are not reading. I’m not blaming the city nor the FPD for the FBI investigation. All the facts tell us that there is a cover up going on, if you don’t want to see it that is your own issue.
Relax. FBI isn’t doing anything. DA is in charge. You morons want to dictate how things happen but you are learning you dictate nothing. You will not see the video until they say you will. You will not know which two might be charged until they say you will. As much as you want to dictate the investigation, you won’t. You will get into here and there but you won’t push anyone around even though you think you will.
It is important to see the point of view of the statist scum – and this one is both telling a truth to us that is angering, and pathetically, to him, the public having no voice with their elected officials is a good thing. What “Facts” #27 states is in fact how the system operates in most locales in the country. He feels smug about this; we should feel determined to change it.
It is unfortunate that T-Rack is not up for reelection until 2014, and my guess is CA’s recall procedures are tough, judging from all the other government protections in the laws; see, e.g., OPR investigative piece over the weekend on CA government secrecy. The DA is the key player in this, unless the feds do something (and they’re unlikely to comment whlie investigation is pending).
The DA has almost unbridled power (meaning over 99% unmbridled). Somehow, by whatever means necessary, the tape needs to come out before the DA no-files the case.
Nice raise… 21% to be exact. Where do I apply to City of Fullerton? What a joke.
There was no national search for the position of Fullerton City Manager which is currently held by Joe Feltz. What are the legal guidelines for hiring for this position? This needs to be determined prior to the contract being reconsidered. The wording of the new contract may make it difficult to make any changes. This needs to be studied prior to Tuesday and action taken to determine what guidelines need to be implemented. “
If it is true that the word “acting” City Manger was removed from the the temporary position it does’t seem to be a legitament new contract action.
Don’t lose steam. Stay angry. This isn’t just about KT anymore. This is about the powerful corruption that controls our lives. This fight is about all of US. Next time it could be you or your loved one in the path of destruction. It’s bigger than Fullerton but it must start at home!
This clown from the Park & Rec dept. should be fired TODAY he is like all the others. He is sooooooooooo far out of touch with people of Fullerton and the economy as a whole. A raise for what? Fullerton and the jerks that run this city sound just like the criminals that ran the city of Bell. “ cover my back I cover yours, you need a raise you got it I will take one too” ….WTF is going on around here and who the FUCK is in charge of this circus. If this shit is not stopped, they will bankrupt this city. This MUST come before the public hearing and FUCK those closed door council meetings those are over.
Well put. Right “on the money,” as they say.
In this economy!?! No one gets a raise like that unless they can demonstrate that they can save the taxpayers more money than the raise they are getting.
Thank you. My thoughts exactly!
…someone should mention that when Joe Felz was heading the parks and recreation department that he has “temporarily” padlocked most facilities at Independence Park and Nicholas Park since March of 2010. They are still padlocked to this day and this in an area in Fullerton that has a high density of children who have no place to play.
Meanwhile, if you were to check out the size and number and quality in the parks in the north part of Fullerton, you’ll see an abundance of access to beautiful parks and very few local children around to play in them?
…end of Joe Felz’s bio from city website
“In his term as Parks and Recreation Director, numerous public improvement projects were completed, including major renovations at Lion’s Field, Richman Park, Adlena Park, and many neighborhood parks and facilities.”
What this fails to mention is that he has fenced and padlocked the skateboard park at Indepenence Park, as well padlocked access to gates on the parks on the west side of Fullerton where they are needed the most.
My guess is that they are trying to deny access to these parks at the Police Departments behest to keep out the homeless. If you go to the parks in the more affluent areas of Fullerton there are no signs of padlocks on any of the parks I have visited. This all sounds to me like all Joe Felz is is a lackey and a tool for the Fullerton Police Officers Association and the three blind mice that they bought the last election for.
I want Whitaker to put Felz on the stand at the next council meeting and explain in detail why he’s entitled to such a raise.
Can they possibly screw up any more? They’re going to pay an outside consultant from L.A. $ 60,000 to $ 70,000 because the city manager doesn’t know what to do, and now they’re going to reward him for his ignorance by giving him a $ 40,000 raise? Are they just begging for public ridicule?
It takes a lot of balls to try and get a 21% raise at any time. The fact that he’s doing it now either shows that he might be one of the stupidest men alive or that he doesn’t care one tiny bit about the opinion of citizens of Fullerton. Either way he should get his salary cut to an unemployment check.
The California Governer makes $173987 and this guy wants $201400. Get rid of him too
Wow. As the public gets wind of the salaries a lot of the City employees make, it’s understandable why the people get so angry. I would like Felz to give a presentation at the next City Council meeting as to why he deserves such compensation. Prove to us all how you deserve such an outrageous pay increase. In this economy? Last month, a friend in the headhunting business informed me that in the entire state of California there were only 3 city manager positions open.
Who do people like Felz think they are? Again, this is happening under all of our noses, IN THIS ECONOMY!
More “qualifications” for this gentleman:
“…Joe Felz was appointed Fullerton City Manager in May 2011. He is the seventh person to hold the City’s top administrative post since its incorporation in 1904,
Prior to his appointment, Felz served as Acting City Manager for six months following the retirement of City Manager Chris Meyer.
Felz came to work for the City of Fullerton in 1984 as a Recreation Coordinator assigned primarily to coordinating programs at the Fullerton Senior Multi-Service Center.
In 1987, he was promoted to Community Services Supervisor and placed in charge of the Department’s Cultural and Events Division….”
Apparently, he has great experience managing a number of cities. Horseshit.
Chris Thompson for City Manager…Because he needs a job!!
#16 by Stay angry! on August 14, 2011
Don’t lose steam. Stay angry. This isn’t just about KT anymore. This is about the powerful corruption that controls our lives. This fight is about all of US. Next time it could be you or your loved one in the path of destruction. It’s bigger than Fullerton but it must start at home!
Just like the JEWS blew up the world trade buildings.
well i know what happened with Kelly,but try and stay focused eh
Always playing the race card when reason deserts you. Go back to eating your donut.
The city of Fullerton should unincorporate and allow the area formally known as Fullerton to be run by the County. Think of how much money we could save. Shawn Nelson make this happen..if its ok with Tony..
Please, make sure it’s ok with Tony first, I’m sure he wants to do whats best for himself…I mean the city.
These guys have no conscience. They can’t anticipate how bad they will look trying to cover things up and enrich their buddies because they simply can’t identify with other people.
The County has it’s own merry band of crooks, douchebags, and know nothings to match anything Fullerton has. Alas, it’s the nature of the beast.
My eyes have now popped our of my head! Lets put this in perspective….the cost of living adjustment for people on social security and supplemental security disability has been Zero for two years in a row…the renters assistance program for the poorest of the poor, totally abolished three years ago….dental care for people like KT, totally abolished two years ago….when I worked on the issue of sub-standard housing , I was told there was no budget for my proposals..I see why!
In this economy NOBODY deserves a 35k RAISE
When will humans realize NO politician is their friend or honest
We have now sunk below the city of Bell. Corrupt city leaders and cops that murder sick people….a new california low. WE WIN…..
Although Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz is compensated well, his salary is not going to shock anyone by comparison; certainly not the news media. Let me illustrate:
Listed alphabetically just before Fullerton in Cities of California is Fontana. A check of this city will show Fontana is a larger city, but of comparable size. Check out the salary/benefit package of Fontana City Manager Ken Hunt: You’ll see why Fontana has nearly $2.8 Billion in bond debt. Yes, (B) Billion. It is nearly twice that of the City of Los Angeles.
Salary: $264,596.80 annually with an automatic 5% annual cost of living increase.
7.75% annual longevity pay for 20 years of service. This means Ken Hunt receives a separate annual check of $20,506.25 just for having worked for the City of Fontana over 20 years.
$25,000.00 annually paid into a deferred compensation/retirement account which is in addition to his already city paid Calpers retirement of 3% @ age 50. This allows Ken Hunt to retire at and possibly over 100% of his annual salary.
9% Spike in Calpers retirement: This is a luxury mostly enjoyed by police management personnel, and city managers. This is where the city will take all of your benefits; IE: vacation, sick leave, medical insurance etc. and instead of paying it to those entities, they will pay it directly to you in your last year, or months of service. Since retirement salary is based on your last highest years salary, this artificially inflates your true income to Calpers by approximately 9%, so your calculated retirement income is approx. 9% more than it would have been.
City paid vehicle: Ken Hunt receives a city vehicle he can use for his own personal use, outside of city business. He fuels up at the city yard, and has the car washed at a city contracted car wash. Approximate personal value depending on usage is $11,000.00.
City paid life insurance policy of 5 times his annual salary. $1,322,984.00. Approx. personal benefit to him if he were to obtain this privately is $4000.00 annually.
6 weeks paid vacation, plus 80 hours of personal leave in which 50% can be cashed out.
100% PPO/Medical paid for employee and dependents, including same for retirement. Approx. annual value of $27,000.00 per year.
Fontana City Manager Ken Hunt’s approx. annual salary and benefit package is $352,103.05. These are nearly City of Bell numbers here.
If you wish to challenge Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz, do so on his job performance, because as you can see, his salary will not shock anyone.
Thank you for that information, but my response — which I think you’ll agree with — is so what?
Why do we have to do things a certain way because Anaheim, or Brea, or Placentia, or Fontana sets a precedent? There are tens of thousands of qualified people who would be Fullerton City Manager for $100,000 or less.
Vernon that is my point also
We the public should throw out a # say like 50K a year I mean just low ball the shit out of him, he will say no and quit…. problem solved what the hell is it with these clowns on the public’ dime they work 40 hours a week @ 100.00 hour would be 4K week and 200K year BULLSHIT!! This bastard s NOT worth more than $17.50 an hour and who in the hell is setting his pay rate the Fullerton city hall HR department WTF? The good news is we have these clowns on the run….just like the city of Bell
No one is running you moron. They are all laughing at you. Sellers thanks you for his higher retirement and the cops thank you for the paid vacation. Council is enjoying some fun for once.
Fontucky is a fucked up mess, too.
What’s your point? Because some city managers are grossly overpaid they all should be? Go crawl back in your hole, Joe.
+ we get to pay for salaies of one useless chief and his 5 merry men. plus a well deserved law suit comin our way.
That will be a long term fix that is state law and the unions in bed together…first things first cops in jail and 3 blind mice chased into the field new city council members freeze all spending and pay raises open the “books” line by line these bastards are treating Fullerton and all the hard working folks like a trust fund as far as money goes
@ Mr. Dozier. No sir, I do not agree with your “So what” response. You do not have to do things certain ways because neighboring local government’s. I was simply conveying that concerned citizen’s of Fullerton will not get much mileage out of using City Manager Joe Felz’s salary, or pending raise as a “Talking Point”. In the court of public opinion, like it or not, you are at the mercy of other local government’s employee benefit packages, as what they are paid is the only barometer by which everyday citizen’s can judge what is fair and/or reasonable.
I also disagree that there are tens of thousands of qualified people that can run a city such as Fullerton; at any salary. Running a city is highly complex. So complex I doubt most city council members are qualified to step into the position. Most city council members are at the mercy of their city manager/city attorney as to how they should conduct business. City Council Executive Session is where council members are told by the city manager what just happened at their own city council meeting and what it means to them.
Felz’ experience amounts to insignificant “administrative” positions within the Community Services department. The guy has spent 26 years looking after Fullerton’s senior center, parks, and museums. I doubt he has any real world work experience apart from his tenure with the City of Fullerton.
His BA and MA degrees in Sociology lead me to suspect he’s terrified, or just plain inept, in the areas of math, economics, accounting, finance, business principles, or law — all of which would be benificial to a City Manager in these grave economic times.
He spent two years as assistant to the City Manager before taking the Parks and Recreation job. That suggests a few different possibilities: 1) he couldn’t handle the job, 2) wanted a job with less responsibilities, 3) was more interested in Parks/Recreation than day-to-day city business, or 4) went wherever he could be paid more money.
Did you know….you’re full of shit this and you sir are way out of touch. Once the leaders fuck things up this bad all bets are off the public’s trust is off, you don’t get raises doing a bad job, they will be held accountable This clown used to run the park & rec dept. not the pentagon. He was voted in by council as a yes man and a lap dog. You think just like them and I am saying that way of thinking is over. This city manager has cops killing homeless people, has a public tape of beating he will not show us, tried to “payoff” Mr. Thomas, let the cops work the streets after the murder, has a mayor and 2 city council members being recalled and just had the chief of police go underground without answering a single question about murder. I could do a better job than this FOOL
Felz’s salary is outrageous.
People are tired of this crap…it is time to get out the pitchforks and take back our government. Wake up people!
If it is such a high qualified position, and he’s been acting for 6mos. WHY THE HELL ARE WE SO SCREWED UP. So this is his fault? FIRE HIM TOO….
I don’t know who the city clerk is but I don’t like the way she looked when the recall paperwork was turned in. Fire her too….Give the job to one of Tony’s kids….
Hey, I’ve had the opportunity to interact with her and she’s very professional and she has nothing to do with any of this. For crying out loud, she’s a clerk. Her experience and expertise is spelled out here:
Unlike Felz, she has the resume to justify her hiring. Leave her out of this.
Wow this is BS. I thought this only happens at the Clerk Recorder’s office.
Renee Ramirez who is the biggest idiot in the County of Orange. But she is covering for Tom Daly mustakes and frayd si he gives her raises.
The past three years she has gotten over 30 % raise while no other managers has gotten a raise.
This guy is well versed in the LE propaganda routine. I wouldn’t believe a word that comes out of his piehole!! 🙂
As much as I hate all of what is going on, I’m ok with the pay for the City Manager. Really.. YES I AM OK WITH THE PAY.
1. It’s not a raise.
2. That’s the average pay for a city of our size for that job position.
3. I am NOT ok with Joe Felz in that position. Not qualified in my opinion.
4. It’s not a raise. There is a difference in base salary from Parks & Rec director to City Manager. THAT difference of ~30-40k IS NOT A RAISE.
If you were a nurse, and then became a doctor would that be a raise? NO. Doctors get paid more than nurses. (Generally speaking here)
It’s not a raise… It’s just a lot more money for the exact same job.
Plus I’d say he’s less qualified this month than he was last month.
Our streets look like shit. Ill second that.
…motion carried. Anyone have any idea on an ETA for at least Euclid to be repaved? That’s a major thoroughfare and source of embrassment to every Fullerton resident.
Good point, but is this the doctor you would want operating on you? How would you like to have only one choice of a “doctor” without even talking to any others to find out which might be best? Another better “doctor” might even be cheaper!
I noticed there is an opening for a “police dispatcher” on the Fullerton City web site. Interesting!
That is VERY interesting. Did a dispatcher leave/let-go? Or is it just a new position altogether?
To #3 Will, why do you say you think the Slidebar made the fake car burglary call? Are they in cahoots with the PD? If it was set up by them and the PD to intimidate KT, I’d like to know about that.
It was reported (not sure by whom) that an “assistant manager” of the SlideBar was coached by the FPD to call and report homeless people near their business, and to say that there was a crime in progress so that the responding officers would be able to take action immediately.
I saw that post. I’d like to spread the word to BOYCOTT THE SLIDEBAR if it’s true they made a false call to the PD, but how can we know if this is rumor or fact? I’d like to know if members of FPD frequent the Slidebar . . .
they got a private room for on duty relaxin and braggin.
If that’s true you’ve got premeditation and conspiracy. Now we’re talking murder.
Felz reminds me of the sidler on Seinfeld.
Exactly. You can hire a dude fresh out of college (I’m talking one hour after graduation) in the 80-90k range and get far better results.
But than again, with the way these guys run the place…a 16 year old dropout @ 10 bucks an hour may also produce a better result.
Just saying.
This man should be begging for a demotion to camp director… not getting a raise to $200k.
Keep in mind this piece of information; Seal Beach was recently looking for a new City Manager, and after researching open positions for the job in the entire State of California, we found only 3 open positions. What does that tell you about the prospect and availability of employment for City Managers?
Seal Beach “promoted” their assistant City Manager to City Manager, and included was a nice big bump in salary & benefits. This woman has virtually NONE of the following experience or qualifications mentioned in a previous post:
“… in the areas of math, economics, accounting, finance, business principles, or law — all of which would be benificial to a City Manager in these grave economic times.”
I agree that City Manager is probably the toughest and most important positions, but without a doubt the compensation has become a bit out of control. Particularly for these people that are suddenly City Managers that have little in the way of the prerequisite qualifications. Nepotism appears to get you much farther.
I would be willing to bet that in todays economy there are a lot of out of work CEO’s that would be happy to have that city manager job for $166K. Plus, you would get the added benefit of real world experience. Not the
fantasy land (it’s not my money) attitude you get from lifetime government employees.
Let'[s save $40K and get some new perspective.
…in one month… it seems San Francisco is having problems with the coppers up there to… two stories converge in the link below.
*dont know the circumstances of what happened in SF,,, could have been justified… but prob not.
Will this be brought up at the City Council meeting on Tuesday?
Where were all these whiners about the police chief, council, city manager, and all the other so called corrupt people before this Kelly incident? You morons are trying to ride the coat tails of Kelly and say because of this, now the world is a mess. Get balls and complain about things all the time, not just some of the time. It’s the same everywhere. This whole thing is losing steam fast and will be gone in no time. Then what? Tony for council like he has planned? Then when something else happens in 2 years when Tony is Mayor, then we all blame it on Tony and run him out of town? Never ending cycle. Face it, nothing is going to change in Fullerton, or anywhere else in the US. Deal with it.
Where the hell have you been, dipshit. Complaining about these idiots is what this place has always been about.
Wow, what a troll.
August 16, 2011 Fullerton City Council Agenda
If I were at the council meeting on Tuesday I would ask a couple things:
1. Was a market study done by HR for that 1 position only. (If so, thats shady as hell.)
2. What cities did they compare.
3. In the last 3 years has Fullerton reduced city services, done lay offs, reduced pay/furloughs.
Without a doubt!
The skateboard park was closed because it became a haven for drug deals.
Phew, I’m glad we got rid of all those drug deals!
in other words the FPD failed. Again.
Kirk SR tells people around town that he played high school football, but someone I know who went to H.S. with him says that’s a lie. Shame, shame , shame.
I don’t know what to think about Felz… he resolved quickly an issue I was having with the sewage dept and ended a year long dispute a friend of mine was having with street maintenance. I want to like the guy. Unfortunately, I just don’t think he’s been what the city needed in a time of crisis.
He’s let the cops run wild.
It’s the New West, Heehaw style!
As story unfold before our eyes, Fullerton Police Dept. is not the only dysfuntional but City officials, City Manager, Attorney office, and the rest….You are FIRED.
If we don’t give him a raise, we might lose him.
Just imagine how many cities would love to hire away Fullerton’s management right now.
Yeah, I bet Joe Felz and that fat guy from Bell are getting a lot of job offers right now.
Why do you care if ppl smoke pot etc?
Your WHOLE TOWN is to blame for Kellys murder because views like you espouse are what led those pigs to murder him..
We are all one.. and when you look down on anyone it spreads to everyone.. there is no stopping it.
BTW.. I am very confident those pigs knew they were going to murder Kelly that night and the person who called in the false police report knew how much those cops hated Kelly and all homeless people…
its dickless jay. the guy that shot the hell out of her had a big beard too.
There was recently a proposal in Brea that would prevent any city government salary from exceeding 2.5 times the median income of the city. Is it time for Fullerton to follow this lead?
I think that is a great idea!
Keep dreaming. Will never happen. You are smoking that same funny stuff again.
…gleaned from the City of Fullerton web site under Municipal Codes:
2.09.240 Removal of Manager.
The removal of the City Manager shall be effected only by a majority vote of the whole Council as then constituted, convened in a regular Council meeting, subject, however, to the provisions of the next succeeding sections. In case of his intended removal by the City Council, the City Manager shall be furnished with a written notice stating the Council’s intention to remove him and the reason therefor, at least thirty days before the effective date of his removal. (Ord. 2176 § 1 (part), 1977).
2.09.250 Hearing.
Within seven days after the delivery to the City Manager of such notice, he may by written notification to the City Clerk, request a hearing before the City Council. Thereafter, the City Council shall fix a time for the hearing which shall be held at its usual meeting place, but before the expiration of the thirty day period, at which the City Manager shall appear and be heard, with or without counsel. (Ord. 2176 § 1 (part), 1977).
2.09.260 Suspension pending hearing.
After furnishing the City Manager with written notice of intended removal, the City Council may suspend him from duty, but his compensation shall continue until his removal by resolution of the Council passed subsequent to the hearing. (Ord. 2176 § 1 (part), 1977).
2.09.270 Discretion of Council.
In removing the City Manager, the City Council shall use its uncontrolled discretion, and its action shall be final and shall not depend upon any particular showing or degree of proof at the hearing; the purpose of which is to allow the City Manager to present to said City Council his grounds of opposition to his removal prior to its action. (Ord. 2176 § 1 (part), 1977).
2.09.280 Limitation on removal.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 2.09.240, 2.09.250, 2.09.260, 2.09.270, the City Manager shall not be removed from office, other than for misconduct in office, during or within a period of ninety days next succeeding any general municipal election held in the city at which election a member of the City Council is elected. The purpose of this provision is to allow any newly elected member of the City Council or a reorganized City Council to observe the actions and ability of the City Manager in the performance of the powers and duties of his office. After the expiration of said ninety-day period, the provisions in Sections 2.09.240 through 2.09.270 as to the removal of said City Manager shall apply and be effective. (Ord. 2176 § 1 (part), 1977).
2.09.290 Agreements on employment.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as a limitation on the power or authority of the City Council to enter into any supplemental agreement with the City Manager delineating additional terms and conditions of employment not inconsistent with any provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2176 § 1 (part), 1977).
You know, Kelly Thomas and Tony Bushalla could become game changers in American Politics. There are plenty of us out here who are totally disgusted with the way things have been going, but we are NOT the kind of people to jump up on the soapbox and yell it in the street. This blog option gives the silent majority an opportunity to voice their opinion.
Tell their story and not have to be front page news. People are fed up. Small businesses are struggling to stay afloat and our “public servants” are taking ridiculous salaries, benefits and pensions. You are right. You didn’t hear from us before. But, now that Kelly and Tony have made us aware of this local pulpit…I’m in! Did you know that the economy imploded a few years back and hasn’t recovered yet? You will hear from me on a regular basis… it needs to be said.
Bingo, Inquiring Mind.
Allow me to quote you:
“Kelly Thomas and Tony Bushalla could become game changers in American Politics. There are plenty of us out here who are totally disgusted with the way things have been going, but we are NOT the kind of people to jump up on the soapbox and yell it in the street. This blog option gives the silent majority an opportunity to voice their opinion.”
And this is exactly what is happening. Right now.
Well said.
Kelly changed everything just by being there.
The rest is up to us.
It will take awhile, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The six will be in prison, the FPD will be fumigated, the council will be to hell and gone, and KELLY THOMAS will have a beautiful bronze statue in the living heart of the wonderful city of Fullerton.
This will happen.
O.C. Register says that Mr. Felz’s raise will put him at $266,500. More than the U.S president, and any senator. We need to all show up at the city council meeting tonight and voice our concerns about giving this guy a 35% raise in light of what has been happening these past weeks.
O.C. register is wrong then. You can read the employment agreement right on the city website. The agreemtn puts him at $201,400.
You have to figure his entire package: pension pick-up, car allowance, health insurance, life insurance, all sorts of fun bennies.