
At about the 14:30 mark of the Kelly Thomas murder video something happens. Suddenly the mood of Manny Ramos changes from one of bored hostility to outright aggression. He has just gone to the back of the patrol car and has had a conversation with Joe Wolfe who has been sifting through Thomas’s scant possessions in his backpack.
When Ramos returns to Kelly he immediately dons the latex gloves that a helpful Wolfe had previously given him (“take these you may need them”) and begins to verbally threaten the homeless man. “See these fists? These fists are about to fuck you up…” For his part Thomas seems to sense the ramped up hostility. When Ramos tries to grab his shoulder Kelly brushes away the cop’s hand and stands. Immediately sensing his peril he puts his hands up and begins slowly backing away. It’s too late.
Suddenly Wolfe appears almost on cue; at the top of the frame he emerges from behind the patrol car, where, a mere 15 feet away he must have been perfectly aware of what was going on. As Kelly continues to back away toward the front of the car, Wolfe lunges at him, swinging his baton; immediately he is joined by Ramos who takes a swing to, too. As Kelly begins to flee rightward in front of the car and out of the frame, we can’t see what happens next; but Ramos has evidently managed to grab or tackle Thomas as Wolfe, who has circled counterclockwise around the back of the car, piles on.
So here’s my question: how can Joe Wolfe be exonerated from any wrongdoing by the DA? Barely fifteen feet from the exchange between Ramos and Kelly, he must have known exactly what was going on; he also knew who he was dealing with; and he actually struck the first, illegal blow with his stick. So why was Joe Wolfe never charged with a crime?
Wolfe wasn’t charged because Rackaukas was doing as much damage control for the cops that he could.
RaCOCKus is an asshat
I agree. Soon this will be squashed. The corrupt cop mafia is all powerful.
I bet, when the dust settles and all the people involved feel like it’s all behind them, The feds end arresting them all at once.
It’s been done before.
I bet they are working on a case right now. when the search warrant goes out, I bet they round up at least 10 more people. their accounts will be seized, houses searched, and it will be just before dawn, on a sunday morning in front of family and neighbors in their underware.
You could argue that Wolfe created this crime even more than Ramos did.
He is next, he just can’t see it coming, He knows he’s next, he fucked up royally. Wolfe, sign your assits over to someone else, because people are coming to sue your ass. Hope you like court, because your going to be in there fighting to keep your assets and your freedom.
Get your blood stained resume’ ready, Now you are going to have to pound the pavement.
Maybe Wolfe made a deal with the DA to be a key witness against Ramos.
Yeah, maybe, but with the video, who needs a witness. Unless, of course Wolfe rats out Ramos in a possible conspiracy which doesn’t seem too likely.
Don’t think so, someone else may have. Someone he pissed off.
See Wolfe, you should show some humility with your colleagues, but know. I bet you tried to intimidate your own coworkers.
is it still possible that other people could be charged, or is this a done deal?
I bet a nickle the Feds do a sweep of everyone involved, Its corruption, a federal civil rights issue. Broader cases take years to build. , and it’s clandestine in nature. Just wait, later in the year I bet some heads are going to roll just in time for a new, younger D.A. trying to make a name for him or herself.
Just when you thought you won the rat race, along came faster rats, Makes me think of Mike Corona.
oh blah..wolfe..we Know thats u on here posting u lil prik..the people are coming for u next buddy..kiss your freedom AZZ gooodbye…get back to us when u are raped and assaulted in the pen
He wasn’t charged because he didn’t commit a crime. I’ll let all you amateur lawyers debate under which statutes you think he could be charged under AND prove beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt. I think the videos’ release will only create more conspiracy theories but it should make for some interesting reading.
The Wolfe… Are you a professional, lawyer or police officer?
Amateur attorneys? You don’t need to be any attorney (i am) to see the blatant disgusting behavior of the police.
Uh, how about assault and battery, aggravated assault, attempted murder, second degree murder. And that’s just without knowing for sure whether there was a conspiracy to beat the living shit out of the man a local bar owner considered a nuisance.
The Wolf – You are an asshole! A man died. He was someones child, brother, uncle etc.. and his death has now been witnessed by so many. You are a horrible person.
Wolfe will exit on a disability pension and retire to a lifetime of paid details and like ramoshit and cintilly will have the last laugh wshile getting drunk in retirement on disability pensions.
How do your stupid words taste NOW Jerry?? comment # 17……TRIAL mofo, TRIAL!!
What happened?? Wednesaday came and left, smartass.
Didn’t the DA tell Mr. Thomas he is still investigating?
I don’t want to speak too soon and risk being called a amateur….
How about the fact that Wolfe had more cuts and abrasions on his knees and elbows that any of the other panzi cops?
He didn’t commit a crime? Hmm, I have friends here in Virginia who are cops who watched that with me (one is my next door neighbor). Their response? If we did that here, we’d be sitting in jail within an hour pending a review.
Yup, and the rest of the country needs to take note. This is what happens when the cop/fire/public employee unions run a state. The entire system is used to extract as much cash as possible out of the few producers left, corruption is commonplace, and oppression of the citizens goes unpunished. These cops enjoyed killing Kelly. They believed it was their right to decide who gets to live.
In my community the police chief and several officers were fired after a tazing incident that did NOT result in major injury but led to a coverup by the police chief. The tazing was uncalled for, the chief lied to protect the officers, they all got fired. Because in my community LEOs exist to protect the citizens, not harm them. So maybe if this is what your are used to, seeing police beating and killing citizens, then you don’t see any crime committed by Wolfe or the other uncharged officers here. Just keep in mind that the reality in Fullerton, CA is NOT what reality is, no matter how much to the contrary the sick leadership and government officials try to tell you that it is, and no matter how much they try to tell you that you do not see what you see or know what you know. As often as possible since I first became aware of the brutal beating death of Kelly Thomas, I thank LEOs where I live for their good service. I have asked some what they thought about this case, which they had heard of even though it is a far distance from Fullerton, and they pretty much are unanimously sickened by it. They can say that honestly without having to worry that some other sick, angry LEO is going to attack them for not going with the party line. Because the party line here is…to protect and serve, not maim and murder.
Wolfe’s involvement is quite clear and he threw the first hit. We must continue the fight until he is also charged.
I’m guessing it’s because Wolfe never said anything inflammatory like Ramos and Cicinelli did. The DA seems obsessed with spoken words rather than physical actions.
But the point nobody is covering is that Ramos and Wolfe were detaining Kelly because he refused to provide his name. They can’t do that in California. Other states, yes, California no.
This is because California doesn’t have a “stop and identify” law anymore. We used to have one but it was voided by the US Supreme Court in 1983.
If that’s true then it points to a conspiracy since Ramos and Wolfe knew very well what his name was and they were aware of his mental condition, too. They were obviously harassing him with the “how many languages do you speak” nonsense.
Note that California does not have a Stop and Identify law, but 24 other states do.
Vernon, nobody is covering that point because that’s not why he was being detained. They were investigating a crime. They had every right to detain him.
Why does everybody say they knew him? Where has that come out? Is that assumed or has that been proven?
Wolfe and Ramos DIDN’T need permission to search his backpack if they believed a crime had taken place. The fact Wolfe needed to ask proves there was no probable cause up to that point.
They violated his civil rights by detaining him because he wouldn’t provide his name. Listen to their words, they encouraged him to provide his name so they would let him go. Not legal in California.
As spoken to Kelly, Wolfe’s reasoning for the search is meritless since Kelly wasn’t obligated to say anything to them.
They had no justification to prolong the detainment contingent on Kelly waiving his 5th Amendment rights.
Why would they waste their time in asking this jerk his name. They even told him, “give us your name”, so you can go home. But was acting stupid and was telling the officers he didn’t speak English. He was the one acting like an idiot.
And thus he deserved to die. And anybody who says different is just full of “rederic.”
@John Doe, “He was the one acting like an idiot.”
He was disabled, you piece of shit. Keep licking the boots
Stop kissing up to Kellys smelly ass. He wasnt disable. You are more disable than he. He was being an asshole. Get over it.
Didn’t provide his name? huh?
I have got to read the transcript again because I thought the name Kelly Thomas was stated and Kelly responded; yeah, yes, or something to that effect.
Wouldn’t that “qualify” under compliance for the request for identity?
It doesn’t really matter because Kelly was under no obligation to tell them anything.
It wasnt about that Kelly wasnt giving his name. He had stolen mail on him. And they made a choice to arrest him. Until he acted smart with the officer.
OHHHH, we’re all so glad you cleared that up for us!! Having “stolen mail” (which was actually trash out of a dumpster) and “acted smart” (as a result of being harrassed, intimidated and threatened).
It seems that the FPD believes that is more than enough to get a person murdered.
Too bad the murderers never told Kelly they were “arresting him”…they just skipped that part entirely and went on to
threaten Kelly Thomas,
bash his head into the curb,
put Kelly into a choke hold,
crushed his chest,
broke his ribs,
collapsed his lung,
suffocated him,
beat him with batons, punched and kicked him,
repeatedly electrocuted him,
bashed in Kelly’s face/nose eight times with the butt end of a Taser AFTER Kelly was already motionless and unconscious, -which caused massive bleeding and choking on his own blood, knee dropped on Kelly’s throat and face twice- after Kelly was already motionless and unconscious,
and MURDERED Kelly Thomas.
Oh yes, you’re correct. I’m absolutely positive that is exactly what the FPD response should have been when Kelly tried to back away and protect himself after the illegal threat was made by Ramos and the threatened attack was begun by Wolfe, all done under color of authority.
And, I’m certain that Wolfe and Ramos were absolutely TERRIFIED of Kelly while he was screaming for mercy, telling them that he couldn’t breathe, and asking his father and God to help him. You are so right, Kelly deserved to be murdered by a gang of thugs wearing badges, without a jury or a judge. Who needs them?
The officers didn’t know it was trash moron. They were asking Kelly his name and he didnt provide it. So they had probable cause to arrest him. He is first acting like a jerk than he screams like a little bitch. So the officers are suppose to let him go. I don’t think so. He can scream..he can breath.
“The officers didn’t know it was trash moron.” Of course they didn’t know. They would have to have a functioning brain to have known anything. You’re the one screaming like a bitch because your boys got in trouble. Can’t stand that your boys got caught, can you?
Make yourself feel better by gaining another 500 lbs. Then you can explode and make the world a better place.
The one that is screaming like a little bitch is Kelly Thomas. So get it right sucker. If I want to gain 600 lbs that is my business shit for brains.
Just so you don’t bare ass yourself any further with that stolen mail charge story, please allow me to explain.
When I throw out trash, that that trash is no longer my property.
Any person who would like to go through my trash is by law allowed to go through my trash.
The lawyer whose mail this was has stated that the mail that Kelly had in his backpack was mail that had already been read and had been thrown out afterwords.
WRONG- he did NOT have stolen mail on him!! he had trash on him….junk mail that was thrown away…..#FACT
He took mail out of a nearby trash can that was obviously thrown away. After all it was a central bus terminal.
Possessing mail that doesn’t have your name on it is not a crime. Taking it out of a mail box is.
Partially correct.
If you have mail in another person’s name, it may not alone be a crime. Just like possessing a $15k Rolex isn’t a crime. But if you can’t explain why you have it, you will go to jail for 496pc. The next day the detectives will follow up with mail theft reports and contact the name on the mail. If all proven kosher, which usually it’s not, they will be 849’d PC from jail.
It’s not as easy as I can possess anything I want with other peoples names on it anytime I want.
Most if the street contacts like that are dopers and thiefs, parole and probation so pretty simple to prove stolen.
Not being able to explain why you’re wearing a rolex is not a crime. You will not go to jail for wearing a rolex.
Not being able to explain why your hand is in a jewelry case after the store might be a different story. You will probably go to jail if you do this.
Talking street contacts. Dopers. Transients. Parolees. Probationers. Or if they get a call saying someone is acting suspicious looking into cars. Yes the calls could be someone lying or making the story up but the cops go off the call. The contact is legal and what is found is investigated.
Legal contact? That’s what you call it when Wolfe The Fat Fuck swung his stick and Ramos the even fatter fuck joined in (Ramos has NEVER initiated anything in his life).
Wow! Wow! …And you’re perfectly okay with this?
Yes. Street level. Hard to comprehend on a blog. It’s taking into account a legal probable cause contact and detaining. Investigation. That’s how people get caught everyday and arrested, charged, and pled guilty for possessing stolen property. Can’t always find the original theft location or incident but can prove its stolen or purchased as stolen. Paying $100 for a car isn’t an answer that will hold up in court.
Yes. Fortunately we have a bunch of GEDs with an average IQ of 94 making all these tough decisions. People who could pass a simple 9th grade reading test.
Lol GED n IQ. Love it.
Quit wasting your time on O’ Malley. At first he was being paid to be here. Now he just does it because he’s go no friends beside his poor dog.
plus no cop can live like he does. He’s loaded.
“Until he acted smart with the officer”? WTF? It’s about ego then…the blue demi-god gangster, like most of you pork shoulders, have a superiority complex and feel everyone should give you respect like you are a hollywood celeb or General Patton-
Look dimwit, anyone in America is free to say anything they want to anyone without fear of getting killed for “disrepecting” one of you high and mighty Keystone cops. The mindset that you were taught of “us” against “you” is over.
One of the main effects of illusory superiority in IQ is the Downing effect. This describes the tendency of people with a below average IQ to overestimate their IQ,
You are right MeriJoe. You may not like it but being a jerk and talking shit to the cops is never a good idea. The low end example is being pulled over. Be polite and respectful, get a warning. Be a jerk and make demands, get a ticket. Simple. A choice. Yea yea you have a right to be a jerk and do nothing. It’s the same all the way up. Be a jerk and your fate is by the book. Be nice and respectful and it’s by the book. You are right, that’s how it is. It’s legal and it’s the persons choice.
Quizas porque no habla espanol.
I love FPD. This nut fought til his death. No one else will be charged and a murder rap will never hold. Justice will be decided by a jury 10 FFFF bloggers that have no jobs or lives.
Good job FpD.
FPD = Reality Is
FPD=Reality Is=arrogant lying sociopath=mentality requirement for employment at FPD
Good job FPD of becoming just as evil as the members of the Muslim Brotherhood/drug cartels who think they can get away with murder.
and probably “The Wolfe” too.
That guy has you guys spinning circles. He’s everyone now.
watch…..the feds are gonna come in and clean house…and just to point out how fine and upstanding FPD is….not one of those PIGS ever said STOP, Not One of those PIGS ever said ENOUGH- NOT one of those PIGS that uphold the LAW intervened on behalf of Kelly Thomas- I call’em PIGS because the video show they acted like ANIMALS. ALL of them there are culpable and should therefor be charged. NOT one of them deserves the title OFFICER.
I support you SherBear. We made the recall happen. What we can do further to get Wolfe charged, I do not know. But I will support the effort to do so. And meanwhile, at the “get to know the candidates” meeting at the Fullerton Library last night… Can we confirm that anyone receiving Pat McKinley’s support is a bad choice, especially when they are running for his seat (Doug Chaffee)? Let’s throw our support behind Barry Levinson. He’s the candidate who made a difference at the city council meetings. He held the fire to the feet of the dodo dinosaurs’. He holds them accountable today. Care to comment?
Gotta love Chaffee the coward. When I asked if he signed the recall petition, his answer was no but he believed everyone had the right to recall if not happy with someone in office. I asked him if he supported or opposed the recall and got the same answer. I told him I was very active with the recall and well versed with political speak and double speak and to cut the crap and talk straight. He refused, saying he wasn’t there to discuss the recall, that he was there to promote himself and refused to comment other than he doesn’t support or oppose the recall. I also asked him if McKinley was backing him. His reply was more double speak: he said McKinley is not supporting him publicly and he doesn’t know whether or not he is privately. I informed him I’m a Dem and voted for him before but would never vote for him again. He seemed all to happy to get rid of me and had a cocky look until I said I’d make sure anyone still supporting him will know to pull away.
Spoken like a true polished politician; ya know, talkin’ out of both sides of the mouth, full of shit and all.
IMHO that Doug Chaffee’s a smarmy little shit isn’t he SherBear?
The status quo chose to sacrifice “the retard” and “the mexican” because they are the bottom of the totem pole and the least valuable.
They would never touch “the white knight” because he knows way too much and is way more valuable.
I’m sure Ramos is feeling pretty crappy right now knowing that he himself was just a tool for a status quo and was set up.
Judging by his weak “see these hands” line, I’d say he put up to it by Wolfe.
OH WELL! Sucks to be him HA HA HA HA!
Ha the tard n the can. Charity.
Judge will do the right thing. Manslaughter for both and the jury will find em both not guilty. Sweet.
Imagine if Kelly was black? Holy crap. The welfare people and GED and gangsters don’t care about the white homies.
Disgusting. You missed the original posters point completely.
Go away RI!
Hey FPD, Imagine if he was you , or your son or your daughter that got raped in an FPD squad car…..Kelly was black when they finished with him…..
Hmm. I was thinking that same thing when I saw the booking photos.
The good old boys look out for each other.
Do you think maybe they are just a little annoyed with Ramos for forgetting to turn off his audio as they had all agreed is standard practice for FPD when molesting women in custody and beating citizens to death? Maybe this is why they chose him to be the sacrificial lamb. And they knew the issue of Cicinell’s traumatic brain injury and all the problems associated with TBI was going to come up.
I’m surprised it was on at all, knowing FPD track record for covering
Maybe they keep it on sometimes to create the appearance of complying with “departmental policy.” He got so caught up in the excitement of what he was getting ready to do that he forgot to switch it off. I’m sure his fellow criminals were none to happy to discover that. Plus, none of these FPD guys appear to be very bright. Even the “bright” ones are…well, you know. They are the ones in leadership positions who eventually get elected to City Council.
Good points.
I’m thinking the same thing, sacraficial lambs for the slaughter, anything to divert the real issue of what bred this thing in the 1st place, Take um all down. and send um to prison to live with the sodomites.
If you say Kelly didn’t fight you are blind and dumb. He fought. If you say he fought and shouldn’t have died, you might get listened to. Be smart. Kelly fought til he died. He was even alive when it was over.
Yeah he was as alive as Terry Schiavo…. moron.
@ FPD, “He was even alive when it was over.”
You are certainly one very sick little piggie.
I wonder if you would defend your fellow pigs if they did the same thing to you? After all, you would still be “alive” even though you would be unconscious and barely breathing, with a crushed chest, lying in a HUGE pool of blood. And, even though your facial bones would be smashed in and broken, and you would be gurgling and choking on your own blood, suffocated and your brain deprived of oxygen, your ribs broken, your lung collapsed and filled with blood, your throat crushed by two full body weight knee drops to the face and throat, head bashed onto the concrete, tasered 6 times…wow, you are so correct!!!! Those injuries are absolutely NOTHING!! After all, YOU could probably go right back to work as soon as you got the paramedics to put a little Bactine and a bandaid on the scrape on your elbow!! Forget about all of those other pesky little injuries. Gosh, why didn’t Kelly just get up and say “I’m sorry.” ??? Silly me.
Patrick B. O’Malley, that’s a shamefully sadistic remark.
He fought because he was being murdered. How about you let someone cover your mouth and nose so that you are unable to breathe, and nothing more. See how long it takes before you start struggling to get away. You will have to do it because it is a very basic survival instinct. He had to fight because they were killing him.
FPD, “he fought”? You call that a fight? You’re obviously a fucking coward if you watched that video and believed the cops were in a “fight”. That was a slaughter. Kelly’s civil rights were so violated by the FPD, on this video evidence alone the FBI should step in and take control of the entire Dept. until we have new leadership in Fullerton!
How were his civil rights violated? Cause he didn’t want to stop fighting?
Kelly was fighting for his LIFE you PIG……
If Ramos is too dumb to not implicate Wolfe, he deserves his murder charge all by his lonesome. If Wolfe said for him to do what Ramos did, then it implicates Wolfe. Keeping quiet is just plain dumb.
Personally I believe someone higher up in the food chain gave tacit approval for Ramos to beat up homeless. Ramos was not known as someone to just go around beating up people.
I just watched it twice..it looks like he hit the car and not the dude’s leg?
Those cops provoked the homeless man. Seems they have had multiple run-ins with this homeless man and decided enough was enough and escalated the situation all on their own. That is not how you try to control a mentally ill person. Disgusting and disturbing.
There were approx. 23 run-ins in Anaheim and Fullerton, as I’ve been told. They knew Kelly. Those cops are like those blood thirsty dogs you train to kill, ya just give them a taste of blood once in a while to keep their cravings vital and present. And as was told to me by a dog trainer, let them gnaw on a leg or an appendage periodically, as a reward for halting the criminal. Sick Fucks.
Good job making that blanket assumption they knew Kelly because he’s had run ins with the cops. That’s supposed to mean they all knew him? Doesn’t matter, you are all against gov’t no matter what the case. How’s that for a blanket assumption?
what assumption? the officers said it in the video, something to the effect of “how many times do we have to question you.” they mention Kelly Thomas in the first minute or so. get a grip.
And I support my local fire/PD 100%, they do a really good job.
They admitted it in the audio. Idiot.
They said we as a whole department. They would just tell him to move along, no name recorded or contact made.
“It seems like every day we have to talk to you about something,” Ramos says, twirling his baton. “Do you enjoy it?”
HA….they knew him alright! Ramos made a statement that proves they knew him-unless they didnt know who they had to talk to everyday.
Oh yeah, oink oink
The trolls are out big time right now. I wonder what the deal is, metaphorically speaking…
Cause it’s time to party!
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”-sing that at your party to your master
Yeah, the worst possible outcome for you trolls is if the ‘justice’ systems let’s it slide, and someone else has to impose the justice.
A little premature don’t you think?
The trolls are just mad because they are so completely busted now that the whole world can see murder committed by FPD on video.
when people are scared they start babbling.
I just looked at that part of the video again. Wolfe was waiting in the wings for his cue. And like clockwork he was there with his baton.
Orchestrated to say the least.
Haha! You really are stupid Jane!
Is that all ya got?? Ad hominem attacks? You must be really desperate.
I don’t think so.
Thanks Jt, do you have any idea when the judge might issue a ruling? I can’t find a lot of commentary about the total length including a ruling.
thanks JT.
Why wasn’t Wolfe charged? The obvious answer to that is that he is being protected. We don’t know the inside story of why he’s being protected but that doesn’t matter anyway. The fact that Wolfe should be charged and is not being charged is a total miscarriage of justice that comes from the very top. The system that you live under is dirty. Plain and simple. Basically, those on top are asking you “So what are you going to do about it?” Our system really isn’t much different from the system the mexicans run in Tijuana. The malfeasance here is not as open as it is down there. But it’s the same stuff. We need to face the truth.
it only encourages them.
I saw the portions of the video which played on a local TV news station. It only served to reinforce in my mind the question: Why were all six policemen NOT arrested and taken into custody-jail and then charged with murder?
They all participated to a major extent in perpetrating this crime and then they all joined in with the additional criminals, who were and are back at the Fullerton Police Station, in falsifying and hiding and destroying facts and evidence.
The OUTRAGE is incomprehensible.
There is no such thing as a “code of silence” among honest men, only among crooks and thieves and murders.
The hiding and falsifying continued non-stop straight through this creep Rackaukas’ phony “investigation” and continues to this day.
Rain, the system is crooked. Rackaukas is a bad actor in a one-star movie. He’s plays the hero as he walks arm in arm with the villians. It’s a complicated movie plot. You have to learn to read between the scripted lines. You will learn with time.
I appreciate your shared concern-reply, but I do NOT agree that “the system is crooked.”
Much to the contrary, the system, as in, America and our fundamental law (i.e. Constitution), is amazingly fine and brilliant, when read and understood in concert with our Declaration of Independence (i.e. …endowed by our Creator, etc.).
Rather, the problem is that we have elected crooked individuals into public offices and we have allowed our public school system to be corrupted into merely Leftist rubbish by the government school teachers-propagandists union thugs.
It is the corrupting force of the Leftist government employee Unions which so vastly inflate the compensation of their members to the point that those “teachers” and “policemen” and other THUGS have literally sold their souls and will ultimately commit ANY CRIME rather than risk the loss of their VASTLY OVERPAID “careers.”
We can fix this. First, get rid of the Communist Obama, or we won’t get the chance to do the rest.
@Rain do you even know what communism is? You sound like an illiterate buffoon.
Oh what luck ! I think that I’ve stumbled onto an opportunity to learn about Communism from (a) Commie.
Please hold forth, Ms. Commie. “Teach” us all.
Cause good ol boys does as good ol boys is. CHARGE WOLFE AS AN ACCOMPLICE TO MURDER.
Sucks to be Kelly………..
That’s the point in time when they decided to arrest Kelly for suspicion of stolen property. This is why Ramos puts on latex gloves because he knows he has to put his hands on a filthy human.
only thing filthy is you
No Miranda = no arrest.
Check you law books, you sidewalk atty, that’s not true. Even the FFFFers can agree on that.
You are right on Stanly.
Wait till it comes out that Kelly was trying to grab the officers gun…… Totally justified…. His death while tragic saves lives.
any evidence of that other than the wind whipping around between your ears?
Why is any evidence needed for that? It seems like it’s ok for you to make up your own shit.
Soooo, you don’t have any evidence? You just expect the jury to take the word of a gang of murderers who cover for each other?
So by your logic, if someone reaches for your weapon it’s better just to beat them to death rather than uh… step aside to keep him from reaching the gun. You’re so sad.
And this is on surveillance video somewhere, or a wet dream fantasy by the FPD?
Umm, I think the poster was being sarcastic.
Kelly Thomas had a long criminal record(about 17 yrs apparently; one of his crimes was attacking his grandfather with some kind of hammer)due to his mental illness & refused to get back on medication. He apparently showed aggressive behavior in the past so while maybe the cops went a bit too far, I feel they did what they had to do. Apparently, he also had an enlarged heart(because of drugs?); did that help contribute to his death? His parents didn’t even want to deal with him anymore & his mother had taken out a 5-yr restraining order against him only months before her son died. If they had been more involved in his life and did EVERYTHING they could for him to get him committed permanently no matter the inconvenience to their lives, perhaps Kelly Thomas would be alive today. If his own parents didn’t even want him around, why would they let him wander the streets putting citizens at risk? I mean, they must have considered him a threat! Remember, he did have a criminal record stretching back some years and had been in and out of jail.
There is a special circle of hell for people like you who blame victims. Enjoy.
I second that! But I think they copied this verbatim from another blog. It’s like the same exact post every time.
Go and do a little research about mental illness first, and then back to us.
calchick, please stop listening to your FPD boyfriend and start doing some research, then you might actually learn the truth.
No she won’t.
Cal chick, don’t research, or learn or read … just get off of your computer and go kill yourself so you stop wasting our valuable oxygen.
Thank you,
I think you have an enlarged brain (from encephalitis?).
“so while maybe the cops went a bit too far”
Yes dear, they went a bit too far and they can feel the “rope tightening around your neck, you can see the devil himself!” to quote my famous role.
Cal Chick, the video shows who started the whole thing. Wolfe and Ramos, then Corporal Steroids came over to assist!
Aww. it’s a harpie cop wife. You ever notice they all have that same shrill, nails on chalkboard voice? Brain power is low. But their “peaked at 16” husbands make them feel important, so they excuse any behavior, even murder. Dottie Sandusky is a similar type of self-obsessed shrew.
What Kelly’s parents did or did not do has absolutely no bearing on the fact that the police officers beat him to death. None. Let’s argue, just for the sake of argument, that no family member of Kelly cared about him at all. So what? That does not make it okay for the so-called LEOs to brutally beat and torture him to death. Frankly, I do think that one of the reasons officers brutalize vulnerable people who are marginalized or disenfranchised in some way is because they do think that no one cares and that they can therefore get away with it. Perhaps they thought that no one would care about the death of a homeless schizophrenic and they thought that no one was going to find out about it or that no one would make a big deal about it. Perhaps they thought that Kelly’s life didn’t matter or that he was without value and therefore they could do what they did without fear of retribution. They were wrong.
@blessusall, thank you for taking your time to try to educate calchick and others about truths that should be so completely obvious to any thinking, sentient human being. It’s scary to realize that some people are so depraved (or ignorant) that you actually have to explain these things to them.
yep. the same reason serial killers choose prostitutes.
and molesting cops pick “those women”
and so Calchick, what the hell is your point? you dont have one- it is NEVER justified to MURDER someone just because they have been to jail before….your a fucking IDIOT!
.. Lying, falsfiying, fabricating, armed, unionized, overtime-abusing, drug-crazed dirty cop terrorists with “police powers”
are you a fuckin’ cop ? related to a cop(cockroach to be exterminated on sight) ?
grab the cop’s gun ? come on you can do better than that, when a cop says the sun is going to come up tommorrow, you’ve got to verify it FIRST !!!!
You know without a doubt that when fat bastard walk over where coward Wolfe was that they talked about teaching him a lession.
I sure would like to hear the conversation with Wolfe telling him what to do and how to do it. Too bad there’s no tape, eh?
The recording device should have been on while Wolfe and Ramos talked. If not, there is part of the reason the FPD is rotten. They can turn off the recording device without worrying about losing their jobs!
It doesnt have to be on when they are conversing with each other. Only when they make contact with people. Should of, could of, would of. Stop being a moron.
If they are so innocent, then why not have it on? It would have helped in their defense if they were truly innocent. What were they afraid of??
if his recorder was on for the beating, wouldn’t it be on for his chat with Wolfe?
wait till the testimony my little friend
Right. And previously your line was “wait for the video.”
Testimony? From whom? Are you saying the six bolted pigs are going to take the witness stand? Really? Can you possibly be that dumb?
If you’re a cop I guess you can be.
Kelly was one hell of a wrestler, Ron the master martial arts instructor taught him well. Ron might have also tought Kelly to comply and submit to a lawful arrest. Kelly would not have been injured, the officers would not have been hurt, but then what would Tony base his recall on?
Your mother was a terrible teacher.
That was a lawful arrest? Only in your very delusional mind.
Too bad there was no lawful arrest. In fact there was no arrest at all. Just a pack of fat clowns who didn’t have a clue what they were doing.
As far as I can tell, he wasn’t under arrest. That’s part of what is so incomprehensible. What were they arresting him for? FPD answer: He was being arrested for resisting arrest. The resisting arrest story is the excuse for beating a man to death.
BTW, Tony could base his Recall on an illegal water tax and millions of benefits handed out to campaign contributors. Maybe you missed that.
Oh yeah, then there’s McPensions $220,000 pension – more than he ever made working and Don Bankhead’s phony disability claims.
Or maybe he could’ve done the recall on all the shady crap he pulls and gets away with.
@Stanly, “Kelly would not have been injured…”
“Injured”?? Really??? Well, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps you meant to say FATAL INJURIES. As in MURDERED.
kelly thomas is Dead. Dead means not alive, and cop( a cockroach to be exterminated on sight).
TUESDAY, armed, unionized, drugged-up, overtime abusing dirty cop terrorists with “police powers.” cops, Have your laugh while you can, it’s gonna blow up in your face, Guaranteed.
From what I’ve seen in court, not one person in that court room would ever believe anything coming out of any one of those officers involved……except for the one or two juvenile delinquent FPD and ex-FPD in attendance.
What is your problem, are you blind mentally deficent, an idiot or what you should go back to your Batman Comics and leave real life alone its way to much for you to handle nut job.
When these guys walk can i take pictures of the egg on your face?
When they get locked up, can we throw you in with them? Sounds like a fair little bet to me.
When they are convicted you can take a pic of them in their orange jumpsuits.
Walk? The six pigs are finished as cops and the the City (we) will be on the hook for big payouts. At least we know what matters to you oinkers.
If they ever do walk, it will be straight outa Fullerton and into the permanent unemployment line.
Nah, they’ll be able to get jobs with Obama’s brown shirts or with the Black Panthers or with one of George Soros’ anarchist groups, or maybe they’ll join up with a Muslim Brotherhood group. Obama’s supporters will find a good use for them somewhere in order to continue stirring up chaos so that Obama will have an excuse to impose martial law.
poor scared little sissy. look out, theres a commie muslim anarchist behind you. OMG he’s black. run Forrest run
The bloated sadist with the little girl arms, wolfe has not escaped justice, charges will be filed. Wait till pressure is put on sissy and pie face, it will be a race to see who makes a deal first and implicates him. 98 million people and more by the hour have seen the video of this man, Kelly Thomas being murdered, There is no place for wolfe to hide, he is a murderer, and justice will be served.
Wait until all the Federal suits start going to docket. One after another after another after another…. How does Fullerton avoid bankruptcy? Who insures Fullerton for litigation costs? I bet their attorneys are scanning the contract for loopholes as we chat.
To JustUS:
Who insures Fullerton? Fullerton is SELF INSURED! No insurance company would insure Fullerton without a review of police procedures and policies. This was not allowed by your good City Manager, Felz or your City Councilmembers who should have asked why?
The amounts will be genuinely huge. A similar case in LA County involving the Sheriff’s Department where the person survived, cost a settlement of $24,500,000. So keep all that in mind. Also a civil suit goes to trial and only if a settlement is made beforehand does not all the dirt come out. Only a settlement can have the info sealed and the settlement has to be before the trial. Now, maybe there is a new city council and they do not want to settle, they want a trial so we can find out the info about Pat McPension and Don Blankhead, two ex policemen and what they knew. As my friend Kent Dorfman says “OOOOO I can’t wait!!!
They are in a pool of numerous cities. Fullerton will barely feel the payouts because a bunch of cities help.
Tue 9 MAY 2012
snuff film by Fullerton “police” department of Kelly Thomas, U.S. citizen human being
Lying, falsfiying, fabricating, armed, unionized, overtime-abusing, drug-crazed dirty cop terrorists with “police powers” going berserk.
Has Chief Dan Hughes made any statement whatsover since the video and audio went public? Where the hell is he? Hiding behind the 3 stooges? Come out, come out where ever you are Danny boy! Be a man! Take a stand! Earn your damn $200k a year!!!
I doubt that he will say anything until the judge has ruled. Then, I am sure, it will be priceless.
Whattya know? Impunity appears to have its limits.
“Ex-Officer Sentenced to 75 Years in Prison for Sexual Assault”
Read it and weep, coppers. You might be next.
Mr. michael Pena, who turned 28 on Friday, was convicted in March
____ on three counts of_____
predatory sexual assault and related charges.
… “He was as aware and self-possessed on that day as he was vicious and devious,” the judge said.
If there is any consulation, these bunglers are the instruments of their own un-doing. Pie face left his DAR recorder on, so their is audio to match up to the city owned video, they dragged Kelly into full view of the camera, had they gone a few feet in the other direction, the incident would have been obscured by a tree, sissy admitting that he “smashed the hell” out of Kelly’s face with his taser. Coupled with the Thomas family and FFFF determination to see justice done in Kelly’s behalf the seeds have been sewn for the demise of the evil trinity’s (McSatan, hee haw, and Bunghole’s) political careers. Sucks to be a dirty sadist.
Nomad, that is one of the problems when you hire GED’s and HS grads. You might hire a lieutenant’s or captain’s son and make him happy – but you just aren’t going to get the brightest bulbs on the tree. And when you give morons a gun and a badge this is the outcome that one might expect. It’s not that hard to figure out.
Looks like Wolfe and Ramos should have been on the fatboy program. How could either of those two clowns chase down a crook in a 50 yard dash and still have the strength to hook him up? Protect and serve? Who? The donut shop owner?
Good thing I ‘m working out at the gym ….I figure I can outrun those tubs anyday!
Looks like they were fit enough to win this wrestling match.
No it doesn’t. Clown.
If they would have won, Kelly would be alive. Killing the other person means you didn’t do your job.
Isn’t a “wrestling match” usually one on one, rather than SIX on one?? I call BS on your “wrestling match.” This was a GANG MURDER, not a “wrestling match.”
Wolfe and Ramos were not “fit enough” or smart enough to put handcuffs on Kelly without MURDERING him. But, they were OBESE enough to crush Kelly’s thorax by sitting on his chest and doing full body knee drops on his face and throat. They were also OBESE and SICK enough to resort to smashing in Kelly’s face with the butt end of a Taser 8 times and also Tasering Kelly AFTER he was already unconscious!
Thank you, JFA, you speak the truth.
Hi blessusall! You are so welcome! It’s so wonderful to see you posting here again!! Not that I’ve posted a lot recently, so I may have just missed you.
No..No crushed thorax. Stop making up lies to make you look good. Cause it’s making you look pretty stupid. Follow the case dumbass, whatever you are saying is not happening.
I stand corrected. “Mechanical COMPRESSION of the thorax” is the correct description, per D.A. Tony Rackauckas’ Press Conference.
^ 6 fat fucks and a dead man.
“JustUs” I’m afraid it goes deeper than to just sumarily dismiss the fpd 6 as imbiciles although I do agree with you about them being “dim bulbs” , audio; Sissy, dude…..dude…dude this, dude that. Rios; “I was like”….lol “I was like”….lol undetermined; “what do we do?” yea, I would say their belt sizes are pretty close to their respective I.Q.’s (that makes ramos a genuis) but it takes a particularly loathsome sadists to Murder a man in such a cold blooded manner
When Chief hughes stressed transparency for the fpd, he wasn’t kidding, he’s been fucking invisible!
For the win!
Funny but I saw and spoke with Capt. Hughes at the candidate Meet and Greet yesterday. Maybe it was my xray vision that made him visible to me.
Meet and greet? Greet what? A ghost. The man’s an empty shell. A zero.
Once Hughes leaves FFFF will be instrumental in retiring 3 chiefs with huge pensions in one year. Impressive!
Can’t outrun a bullet, be careful, these are dangerous sadists that have a taste for blood.
You are right about outrunning a gun. I will take that warning and be careful. Thanks!
Kelly’s broken ribs…..from paramedics giving CPR. Enlarged heart from years of smoking butts and drug use.
Kelly’s broken ribs are from the knee drops. He only needed CPR because he was crushed to death.
Can’t even spell your own name right.
How funny..Coroner said there was no broken ribs. Someone is lying…And the drama contiues.
The UCI doctors said there were definitely broken ribs and a punctured lung, filled with blood, due to the broken ribs.
The coroner stated that she “observed” no broken bones during the autopsy, however the court record reflects that once Kelly’s vitals were stable enough to be sent to radiology from Intensive Care, that that was when the X-Rays revealed broken ribs from the knee drops the officers gave Kelly that you see on tape.
Hey no Kelly Thomas coverage on Chanel 7? Lead story….dolphin trapped near LB construction zone.
It’s major news at some blg named ffff. Check it out.
Kelly should have carried a box of donuts (glazed sugar filled with banana creme) with him just in case he ran into problems with a cop like Ramos. It might have saved his life.
I would be scared to be a deaf mute in this city and approached by the police. It appears the police are incompetent and unable to distinguish when someone has a disability such as a mental disorder. Sad.
KFI interview of Ron Thomas…Mr. Thomas calling someone else a “Media Whore”. Have you seen Ron Thomas’ Facebook? All of his friends are the media. The one trying to do damage controll is Garo as he sees millions slipping away. Ron loves this attention, the family did not even know what Kelly looked like because they had not seen him in many years. The family accused the cops of using the photo of some other mean looking, crazy eyed homeless guy as a past booking photo.
Is that all ya got??? LOL You are SO desperate. Go try to sell your BS to someone who will fall for it. Here’s a good idea, -you should invite calchick to go out with you for jelly donuts. Apparently, she’ll listen to your BS.
Ron Thomas is the biggest MEDIA WHORE ever. He and his Kelly’s Mob run out of the courtroom to face the cameras. Especially that little blonde bitch. Is she hoping to get some of the blood money that Thomas is going to get.They run out there to spread lies. He claims Ramos enjoyed looking at the autopsy pictures. How would he know he claims he left the room when they were showing them. With his fake crocodile tears.He is the biggest liar. He is a jack of all trades know he can look inside peoples head and know what they are thinking.
On the other hand Kellys mom seems like a very nice lady. She is truly hurting for her son. And she is very quiet. Not showboating like her exhusband.
After your son is MURDERED, THEN you can talk about Ron’s demeanor. Ron has every right to be angry and to bring attention to the MURDER of his son. Ron doesn’t have anything to hide.
STANLY- you really are ignorant…..bet your one of those fat pigs trying to stay afloat…..hehehe- your time is coming- and NO life raft for you!! grasp another straw….stoopid!!
I’m an OC resident and I’m not satisfied with what the DA has put together here. He is without a doubt giving the police special treatment. Anybody else would have been charged with every single thing remotely resembling these crimes yet since they are cops he is clearly displaying an unspoken “allegiance” towards law enforcement but by law, he cannot do this as his actions have now made it a conflict of interest if he is not going to perform his duties in the same manner as if it had been anyone else. He needs to file conspiracy charges across the board but he can’t because he would have to include himself in the cover-up. So he needs to step down. As residents of Orange County, how do we go about removing him and bringing in someone who can do the job without conflict of interest? Can we collect signatures from people who agree with this? I don’t know how to correct this grave injustice but would appreciate some feedback as to what can be done. Thanks.
Dee, who are you going to replace him with? Todd Spitzer? From the frying pan into the fire.
I guess we would replace him with someone who won’t be an obstruction of justice in this case or any other future similar cases. If Spitzer doesn’t perform, he will also be replaced. But , yes , that’s why I’m asking – because I don’t have the knowledge of how such a thing is handled. I just can see that it needs to be handled.
Good point. Where are the “gang enhancements?”
All elected officials, including the Orange County District Attorney are subject to recall from elected office. This requires 10-15 % of the amount of voters who voted in the last county-wide election to sign a petition to recall.
Hello all. I just thought I would chime in on all this, since the preliminary hearings are starting. I really want to see ALL the FPD participants go down, All THE WAY DOWN, including the Watch Commander on duty.
Also, please let Merijoe know I am trying to reach her. I need to talk to her.
Take care all..I shall be here more often now.
Respectfully Submitted
Why is T-rack and his right hand man handling this case? He is never in court. Maybe the real attorneys told him this is an overcharged case and wanted nothig to do with it.? T-Rack can’t miss a photo op. I’ve seen the video, where is the second degree murder?
Because he’s election is in a year or so. Free campaign exposure. Even though he already has his next term locked up.
Where is the second degree murder…? This is your question and I’m assuming you watched the video past the 15 or 16 minute mark. Well, I’ve seen dumber and there is always the fact that you might have some health condition that affects the processing of info into your brain. Skip to about 15 minutes into it and there’s this part where there’s a cop saying something very threatening to a civilian that he has sitting on the curb. Then the 2 cops visciously attack the civilian with billy clubs ,tasers, and fists. You can hear screams of help, please , I’m sorry, NO!!! Ahhhh!!!! HELP!!!! Amidst the screams you can hear the cops telling him to put his hands behind his back while at the same time they have him forced into a position that make it impossible for him to do so. I know this is coming out of left field but they say the murder is in there somewhere and there’s a pool of blood too!! I wonder if the blood and the cops fists with the blood on them is enough for murder? I don’t know but gee those poor cops..
@9c1copcar, it’s so good to hear from you; I send you all my best wishes! You and Fedup have been sorely missed. I agree with you, I also want to see ALL the FPD participants go down, including Hughes and others. There are far more than just two people who are culpable for Kelly’s murder and for the coverup.
So cool. The troll activist blogger war is radical.
Did you know McPension makes over $400k per year from all his pensions? That’s gnarly.
And when he dies he will rot like the rest of us…. your point is?
this will fade away over the summer while the general election occupies the media. That’s what the DA puppets know. Look how forgotten the Zimmerman controversy has become, this is where the kelly case is going. The Fullerton bosses will remain in power with the corrupt FPD at their bidding to shake down drug dealers on the street.
Zimmerman killed a black man. That’s a media pig.
Wow! Arent you a you thick headed coward.
The media ignored the Trayvon Martin murder for nearly a month until there was massive out outrage. Like Kelly Thomas, Martin was just walking and minding his own business until some aggressive fat head thug decided to “confront” him.
1) Zimmerman created a confrontation when one was not needed.
1) Ramos created a confrontation when one was not need.
2) Kelly pleaded and begged for his life and was killed.
2) Trayvon pleaded and begged for his life and was killed.
3) Law Enforcement initially refused to charge the officers involved in Kelly’s death despite overwhelming evidence including video.
3) Law Enforcement initially refused to charge Zimmerman for trayvon’s death despite overwhelming evidence including a 911 call.
4) Ramos and others including Andy Goodbar claimed the officers suffered major (non-existent) injuries “fighting” with Kelly.
4) Zimmerman and his Dad claimed major head injuries including a broken nose “fighting” with Trayvon which you clearly fail to see in the video.
Kelly Thomas may have been viewed as a smelly homeless guy and Trayvon may have been viewed a worthless black teen but they did not deserve to be singled out and brutally murdered by people who are protected by a corrupt system (Zimmerman’s dad was a former judge).
Being “undesirable” does not make it right to gun down another human being. If you don’t speak up, if you continue to make excuses like “meh, he was homeless” or “feh, he was black” then it will continue happening and YOU could very well be next.
Tyrany is colorblind.
fuck zimmermen, hispanics and black violence is allways gonna be around. and fuck the media for saying hes white, taht sum ole bullshit
Ignore this dirtbag. Don’t fall for the diversion.
Easy there freeman, sounds like you’re falling into the political hidden agenda of race seperation. you know thats engineered into the system of control. Vote Ron Paul.
I have not forgotten.
When you elude that the Zimmerman controversy has been forgotten,are you speaking locally or nationwide?
Think about THAT, and the location of the people you are speaking of.
I highly doubt Californians, much less the rest of the nation, will be “forgetting this” anytime soon.
P.S. Out of curiosity, why don’t you capitalize the name jerry?
this will fade away over the summer while the general election occupies the media. That’s what the DA puppets know. Look how forgotten the Zimmerman controversy has become, this is where the kelly case is going. The Fullerton bosses will remain in power with the corrupt FPD at their bidding to shake down drug dealers on the street.
hey jerry eat a dick nigga!
Lol Doh!
dont trip and call me racist i meant nigga as term fo igorant mothe fuckahs
No, you are a racist coward. Be gone.
fuck you whitey
Begone racist coward.
you aint never watched THE BOONDOCKS?
There will be a day when the American people will no longer fall for your typical left vs right, black vs. white, gay vs. straight diversions to keep the populace under your thumb.
…And that day will be a living nightmare for you unamerican authoritarian thugs.
Want to see something funny on that video? Around 19:06, the guy with the taser accidentally (I think it is an accident) stuns a fellow officer by looking at his reaction to it. I hope they know they look like a bunch of clowns from Super Troopers and I don’t mean that lightly.
I saw that. This is what happens when you lack peripheral vision. 🙂
That was Cicinelli tasing officer Kenton Hampton.
I’m reposting this because noone has posted an answer to my question and I’m hoping to receive an answer so that ppl will be motivated to do something about this instead of just talking about it:
I’m an OC resident and I’m not satisfied with what the DA has put together here. He is without a doubt giving the police special treatment. Anybody else would have been charged with every single thing remotely resembling these crimes yet since they are cops he is clearly displaying an unspoken “allegiance” towards law enforcement but by law, he cannot do this as his actions have now made it a conflict of interest if he is not going to perform his duties in the same manner as if it had been anyone else. He needs to file conspiracy charges across the board but he can’t because he would have to include himself in the cover-up. So he needs to step down. As residents of Orange County, how do we go about removing him and bringing in someone who can do the job without conflict of interest? Can we collect signatures from people who agree with this? I don’t know how to correct this grave injustice but would appreciate some feedback as to what can be done. Thanks.
All elected officials, including the Orange County District Attorney, are subject to recall from elected office by way of recall. A recall requires 10-15 % of the amount of voters who voted in the last county-wide election to sign a petition to recall the DA from elected office.
Expect to spend a half a million dollars and probably six months of time IMHO to accomplish a recall of the DA.
Murder! Murder!! Murder!!!
Dave Whiting’s summary perfectly captures what happened that night. You angry folk should consider this gospel and take a breather.
Dave “I’m in Denial” Whiting? Who takes anything that he reads seriously?
Pure fluff-n-stuff. Cotton Candy if you will. No substance.
A large portion of his “analysis” consists of copy/pasting text from the transcript also he claims it was Kelly who told Ramos to “put his feet out in front and his hands on his knees.” …what a miserable failure Dave is.
Nice, I’ll have to add that to my list of coplicker talking points and idioms.
Let’s see, we have:
“Monday morning quarterbacking”
“Armchair quarterbacking”
“Innocent until proven guilty”
“Take a breather”
“You weren’t there”
“I’m not going to try this in the court of public opinion”,
“Lets wait until all of the facts come out”
“Police officers have a tough job”
“A few bad apples”
“If he had just complied none of this would have happened”
“He brought this upon himself”
“Don’t call 911 next time you need help”
“Its a thankless job”.
“Its a dangerous job”
This is pure garbage. Really? Whiting, you derived that nonsense from that devastating, sadistic murder you saw in front of your eyes? Jackal.
Is there no sense of compassion anywhere?
Merijoe, 9c1copcar wants you to call him.
I’ll tell you what, when YOU get murdered by a gang of boys in blue for sitting on a bench, I’ll be absolutely sure to “Read This and Cool Off.” No problem.
When the gang in blue uniforms and badges smashes your nose/face and head eight times with the butt end of a Taser thereby causing massive bleeding and choking on your own blood (AFTER you are already unresponsive and unconscious), and they Taser you repeatedly (AFTER you are already unresponsive and unconscious) and they do 2 full body weight knee drops on your throat and face, thereby crushing your face and throat (AFTER you are already motionless and unconscious)…I’ll be sure to “take a breather” and I won’t say anything at all. Just give me your real name so that I can carry out your final wishes.
You’re right, it would take more resources than are willing to devote time and energy into the cause. I ask, then, instead of doing a full fledged recall which would be on a larger scale, there must be a way (by demand of WE THE PEOPLE) to force the DA into filing the charges in this case that would better reflect the charges that WE THE PEOPLE would like to see filed. What are the proper channels for doing this?
Massive protests, I’m talking involving everyday citizens not just the usual bearded, pony tail wearing, drum beating, red/yellow/blue/purple tee shirt wearing, mask/hoodie wearing types who show up at most protests shouting the same tired slogans and chants.
About 500,000 everyday Americans should do it.
Yes, the video looks and sounds bad for the officers, really bad.
Still, after examining the video, I’m troubled with some descriptions in the media.
• • •
Perhaps I’ve seen too many movies.
When I read that officer Manuel Ramos pulled on a pair of rubber gloves and announced that his fists were getting ready to f-up Thomas, I pictured something very different from what the video shows.
I pictured something menacing, something out of the ultra-violent Oscar-winning film, “Pulp Fiction.”
But in the video, Ramos has a wandering sometimes discordant, sometimes frustrating talk with Thomas for seven minutes before gloves show up.
It appears that Ramos’ partner hands him a pair of gloves, should he need them. Ramos stuffs them away.
Five minutes later, Ramos is still interviewing Thomas, and the contents of his backpack are examined.
Fourteen minutes in, Ramos reports that he’s found a lawyer’s mail in Thomas’s pack and says, “So I’m thinking a 496,” receiving stolen property.
It is here when things start to escalate. And it’s after here that I’m troubled with what I see and hear.
• • •
By this point, Thomas has complied with Ramos’ orders to sit. Using a profanity, the officer pulls on gloves – standard procedure when handling a suspect – and tells Ramos to put his feet out in front and his hands on his knees.
Thomas says he can’t do both.
Ramos says, “Well, you’re going to have to learn real quick.”
After another minute, this exchange occurs at 15:20:
Ramos: “Now you see my fists.”
Thomas: “Yeah, what about ’em?”
Ramos: “They’re getting ready to f- you up.”
Thomas: “Start punching dude.”
Ramos: “If you don’t f-ing start listening.”
Thomas: “It sucks.”
Ramos: Yeah…Put your f-ing hands on your knees.”
Thomas: “Well, hey, I’m sick of playing games. Which, which one is it?”
The video then shows Ramos pushing Thomas on the shoulder.
Thomas jumps up, standing. He appears to slap one of the officer’s hands.
Ramos’ partner appears, pulling out his baton. Ramos grabs his baton.
Ramos: “Get on the ground. Get on the ground.”
The officers strike Thomas on the back of the legs.
Officer Joseph Wolfe (Ramos’ partner): “Take him down. Take him down.”
• • •
The video bounces around. There’s a scuffle behind a tree with sounds of blows, a baton hitting the concrete, grunts and groans.
At 16:10, Thomas shouts: “I’m sorry dude. I’m sorry.”
Ramos: “Put your hands behind your back.”
16:25: The trio reappears on the video. The officers appear to be trying to push Thomas to the ground and force his arms behind his back.
With at least one officer on him, Thomas appears to prop himself up with his right arm and continues to shout, “I’m sorry dude. I’m sorry.”
This continues until 17:05. With both officers struggling and obscured by the tree, Thomas starts to yell, “I can’t breathe dude.”
Wolfe: “Relax.”
Thomas: “I can’t dude. I f-ing ca…”
For the next minute, Wolfe keeps telling Thomas to relax. Thomas keeps yelling he can’t breathe.
17:55, Ramos: “I’m gonna break my arm.”
Thomas: “OK. Hey, I’m sorry man. OK. OK. OK.”
18:09: A patrol car arrives and Cicinelli joins the struggle.
• • •
18:30: Officers repeatedly blast Thomas with a Taser.
19:30: An officer holding something pumps his arm up and down over Thomas. (It’s unclear if there’s a connection but photos later show Thomas’ face a bloody pulp.)
20:10: It appears officers have Thomas under control. Officers start to peel off from the pile.
Thomas: “Dad help me. Help me.”
25:10, Cpl. Jay Cincinelli: “I ran out, we ran out of options so I got the end of my Taser and I probably…I just start smashing his face to hell.”
I know many who serve, and I know they wouldn’t consider such an “option.”
I believe Wolfe’s defense would be that he saw Ramos with his baton in backswing position, therefore it was OK for him to attack. What Bullshit that is but I’m sure somewhere in that F’d up Police Bill of Rights.
Barnett put up one hell of a fight today. Stating all facts. R-cock had nothing to say!!! What a joke!
You call today a “…hell of a fight..” LOL, blaming the paramedics????…LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL
You’re right! That was a HILARIOUSLY funny joke you just told!! I can’t stop laughing!! LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL “…a hell of a fight….” well, Barnett does have to at least try to make a good faith effort to earn the big bucks he’s getting.
If enough idiots are on the jury, he could convince them!
Watching John Barnett in court during this case IMHO has been like watching a big time slugger like Albert Pujols struggle this year with the Angels.
A logical perspective to the situation, other sources Ive found are brief with no passion.
John and Ken KFI 640 AM On Demand 5PM 5/8/2012
Kelly Thomas, 35 mins. with Ron Thomas
I watched this againIve seen it 4 times, from September, very very well done, a must see if you havent seen it yet ReasonTV 8 minutes.
Cops Vs. Cameras: The Killing of Kelly Thomas & The Power of New Media
MAY 9, 2012, 7:00 P.M.
Council Chamber
303 West Commonwealth Avenue
Fullerton, California
Public Comments at start on agenda
This is gonna be good.
That’s the Planning Commission.
City Council / Successor Agency Regular Meeting May 15, 2012 – 6:30 PM
Would this be an “I-told-you-so” public comments?
WANTED: For the MURDER of Kelly Thomas
Manny Ramos
Jay Cecinelli
Joe Wolfe
Kenton Hampton
James Blatney
Kevin Craig
I read in an LA Times article that the judge might rule by lunchtime. Does anyone have any information / opinions on this?
Lou Ponsi just tweeted “Compelling arguments at Kelly Thomas prelim .” Really? It’s a bunch of bullshit and he’s an idiot for not seeing through it.
I am SO SO pissed at his tweets. Do you have any real updates you would be ok with sharing? I don’t want to become anymore irked that I am already because of that jerk.
Jon and Ken KFI 640 AM Radio ON Demand Podcasts
I heard the 3:00 5/9 was very good will be up soon.
He is an accessory to murder. The only debate here would be “how much” of an accessory.
He is an accessory to murder!
How can these viscious cops and their corrupt Orange County justice system sleep at night and wake up to look themselves in the morning?
Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2] from the Ancient Greek ψυχή “psyche”, -soul and πάθος “pathos” -passion) is a personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for the rights of others and the rules of society. Psychopaths have a lack of empathy and remorse, and have very shallow emotions. They are generally regarded as callous, selfish, dishonest, arrogant, aggressive, impulsive, irresponsible, and hedonistic. -Wikipedia
add to that “roid rage” from the steroids these clowns take
I thought they were all fat? Now all on Roids? Lol
Yeah they talk out of their ass!
Ahhh ha, because only athletes take steroids, right?
Nice stereotype Officer!
I need your help. Please read my story with a search for “New police weapon against homeless” and also “Historic coverup of FBI and police crimes currently taking place”. I don’t have a video of officer Owens assault of me but you can read there what no media will report. Bill Anderson soxin8@hotmail.com
Admin; Can you check out this website posted by “Bloody” Bill Anderson coincidental? Sorry Bill, just being aware, safe.
This statement has been repeated so often that I have to ask – if they knew him so goddamned well, why was so much effort put forth during the first portion of the video to find out who he was?
Cause Ramos did not know, had only seen him several times around town. Did not know his name or sicko condition.
That blanket assumption might just be the most intelligent assumption you’ve ever made. We are most definitely against any government that endorses and/or condones the police state gestapo mentality.
yeah, you’re right. I hope the officers “broken arm” is healing. He’s lucky he didn’t get anything else broken the way Kelly was throwin’ him and his partners around. Did you see the part where Kelly flung them all off of him sending them flying in all directions and the part where he had Sissynelli in a headlock while keeping the other 2 at bay with his foot? Could you imagine an entire community of people with a combined IQ of 3 or 4 like you who believe everything the media and politicians say?
video is reality
Who the fuck is O’Malley and how do I get paid to post here?
Who the hell is O’Malley and how can I get paid to post here?
Why did they only charge two of the police officers? There were more than two police officers responsible for that beating. They should ALL be charged!
I believe Wolfe knew the minute he handed Ramos the Gloves.
You can see and hear Wolfe and Ramos beat the life out of Kelly! how was Wolfe missed???
and in the video you can hear the officers say The handcuffs that were on Kelly “will be Donated” well we are all Donating them back to you all six need to be wearing them! and all six should be in Jail for Murder!!!
Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full (Order it at Infowars.com)
Police State 2 The Takeover Alex Jones Documentary Videowww.libertyvideos.org/policestate2.htmCached
You +1’d this publicly. Undo
Alex Jones exposes the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm being used to terrorize the American people into accepting highly controlled and oppressive …
Officer Wolfe was not charged because he was not a Latino like Ramos. He told Ramos what to do and Ramos did it! Then of course, along came Cicinelli with his speedy Taser hand and it was all but over!
The DA obviously has some favorites and Wolfe is one of them. Maybe he is big in the Union which of course supports DA Tony at each election!
But not to worry, there are the Federal charges coming, the civil suits to be tried and/or settled. Lots more to come!
Cicinelli isn’t Latino either. The charges were not made based on race and Wolfe isn’t in the clear. He was also included in those served with an intent to terminate notice from FPD. Rackauckus has said numerous times, he is not finished and if it turns out he is, the Feds haven’t even begun. Patience….We’re fortunate the State trial is already about to begin.
Feds are long gone!!
Bill Handel on KFI was critical of Ron Thomas on July 6th 2012, father of Kelly Thomas, and Bill Handel called Ron Thomas a “media whore.”
Bill Handel is totally insensitive!!!
Because he is one. He is one crazy loon. Like father like son.
“If enough idiots are on the jury…”
Minions, Minions, Minions… All the idiots are following Ron Thomas.
Ron Thomas is a grieving father – Neither is he or his followers idiots, nor is he a media whore as Bill Handel claims.
Ron Thomas is doing policing and people in California USA some good through his tragic loss at the hands and fists of Fullerton Police Department.
Hey Anonymous II, you stole my word… minions! But you are right.
Awwwwwwww poor Manhandley are you sad you lost your job? You’ll be gettin’ a new kind of “job” once you get to prison!
You forgot the police corruption and brutality, which resulted in murder. The minions don’t want to be murdered by police in the streets of Fullerton CA, as Kelly was.
Lol @ “the idiots are following Ron Thomas.” It’s plain to see the defenders of justice can spell, punctuate, use correct grammar, form logical arguments, have a discussion without cursing or attacking people, and do most everything else much better than the defenders of murder. I better be quiet now before Mrs. Cicinelli “looses” her temper again.
Mrs Cicinelli “looses” her temper or Mrs Bates from the famous Bates Motel?
Looking over some old posts and just had to comment on Buddy’s comment about Ron Thomas doing good for people and policing…
Ron Thomas is only going to be around until he gets a settlement from the City of Fullerton. He is only interested in one thing and we all know what that is. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
What money? He never asked for any.
Maria wake up. Drop the crack pipe. Hands up.
You first…oh wait…you already went….See you in court loser.
Maria Maria Maria what are you saying? Have you read the lawsuit? What do you do for a living? Wake up and smell the…. uh.. coffee.
If Ron Thomas does not ask for any money in this lawsuit I will donate money to a homeless shelter of your choice.
You are so deluded
When out of places to run, the name calling and drug taking accusations come out from you. Such a mature way to behave….NOT! Now run along…it’s almost milk and cookies time for you…
Thank You,
so very much its about time the know all high and mighty maria got put in her place, good job.
LOL!! You seriously think that moron “put me in my place”? You’re smokin’ more crack than he accuses me of then. Such a pity, what a fool you are.
NEVER touched a crack pipe in my life, I don;t know you but I don’t like you.
#Another thing I do not have any intents of playing your stupid and childish games so don’t waste your time, you only live to tic people off.
Hope the English is up to Your standard.
No Doubt your the rudest women I have come across on the net, you got crabs or something.
WOW! Touch a nerve, did I? YOU knocked on my door, dear. If you didn’t want to play, you should never have come over. Run along now.
La mala compagnia è quella che mena gli uomini alla forca! Ah! Non sapere l’abbicci!
Arrivederci paisano!
(I hope the Italian is up to your standard)
Every person named Wolfe I have ever know was a Jew, and that would explain why he wasn’t charged.
It’s the tribe looking out for him. Kill a Goyim, no big deal. Even the best Goyim deserve death.
Every person named Matt that I have ever known was a fucking bigoted moron. Kill a Matt, no big deal. How does that grab ya? Asshole!
STOP, your hate….You are right Anon. Matt is a asshole, but don’t feed the kitty…..
Tell that to the 65 million Russian killed by the Jewish Bolsheviks.
What about Lazar Kaganovich being found guilty of murdering million in Ukraine.
I know the way the Jews work.
You might read the book “Under The Sign of The Scorpion” by Juri Lina, if you can handle the truth.
Your mindless name calling makes you look like a simpleton.
Nah that’s just you looking in the mirror. Oh my bad, you don’t just look like one…you ARE a simpleton. 1917 Russia nor the Ukraine have anything to do with this. Wolfe WAS charged not to mention NOT a Jew, you simply have not done your homework very carefully.