A Sobering Thought…
Here’s something that ought to give Fullerton voters pause as they contemplate the upcoming election in November:

The bitter bag of bile that got up and harangued the council the other night, Jan Flory, is running to resume a job she was fired from ten years ago. Mrs. Flory seems to believe that her election will be “a cruise” because she will have the backing of the police union. She is as wrong as she can be, and that’s saying a hell of a lot.
You see, Mrs. Flory has had her head stuck in the sand the past year as her pals in the FPOA have been exposed in one humiliating crime after another. Where Flory sees sweetness and light, reasonable citizens (not the claque of union stooges in the audience the other night) see a Culture of Corruption.
Will Mrs. Flory ever expound upon the doings of Albert Rincon the serial sex offender; or Kelly Mejia, the computer thief; or Vince Mater, destroyer of evidence; or April Baughman, property room thief; or Miguel Siliceo who sent the wrong man to jail for five months; or any the various cases, already filed, of physical abuse of citizens by cops in downtown Fullerton? Don’t count on it. Accountability is not one of Mrs. Flory’s long suits.
Which brings us to Flory’s own record on the Fullerton City Council, an eight year reign of error, characterized by an impressive effluvium of paranoia and vindictiveness.
During her tenure on the council she backed boondoggle after boondoggle as FFFF has painfully detailed on our pages. She approved massive development projects that included giving away air rights and streets that were bought and paid for by the public. For six years she approved an illegal 10% tax on our water to pay for the salaries, pensions and perks for her union allies and herself. In 1994 she stated publicly that she wished the completely unnecessary utility tax were doubled. She voted for the disastrous 3@50 pension benefit that has created a massive unfunded pension liability.
Fullerton voters will most certainly be reminded of her record, real soon.
In 2002 the voters had seen enough and drove this harridan out of office. Will 2012 be a cruise for Mrs. Flory?
I notice she brought up her son the DA the other night, as if that were some sort of recommendation of her motherhood.
Too bad she omitted this embarrassment: http://www.fullertonsfuture.org/2010/local-boy-gets-name-in-paper/
Oh, well. I guess even a mother snake loves its offspring.
Yes, she brought up her Deputy DA kid as providing bona fides for the veracity of FPD witnesses. Evidently Flory missed out on the Veth Mam case, and the Vince Mater case, too.
Pretty soon the FPD is going to have more Brady Cops than non-Bradys.
Well there are no Brady cops at Fullerton Pd. once again talking about something you know nothing about.
The only brady cop was Rincon and he is gone.
Here is another example of a former Kelly’s Army and former KTMF members comments to someone who has ALWAYS supported Ron Thomas and seeking justice for Kelly Thomas. Just because someone has never come to Fullerton and protested doesn’t mean they should be called out and abused because this sick person has nothing better to do than surf fb and on a whim and post crap like this! Wake up people!!!
Shelly Kearneyposted to Carol Leonard
6 hours ago ·
Whoa…Carol I just got a private message…you know Im a truth seeker…SO are you the same CAROl, that never showed up to a protest, demanding we do something from the cozy warmth of your house in another city..I mean from your computer your trying to direct people? And you have never been here, so when I say I was scared for my life being here, in fullerton..protesting by day, and fearin for my life at night whilst Ron was hanign out with the like of Sugar ray leonard….and free golf trips…Im feeding the homeless…making sure we got this right…YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN here? is this true? never, never met me or anyone personally? is this you CAROL?
You forgot to mention the free Spa day Ron got courtesy of Peter Tilden at KABC radio. Ron loves those “perks”.
It seems that Ron enjoyed plenty of perks that seem to have gone away. Sorry Ron, try to work over another city.
He is at Anaheim now..
There’s no telling how much this idiot has cost us over the years. I can’t wait to get the word out.
Bottoms up, toots!
I believe her record speaks for itself. Another politician who is the darling of the special interests and the enemy of the people.
She may have a D after her name, but she is no friend to the working poor and those good people on the left and right who truly care about civil rights and freedom.
Harridan? Shrew, sure. Gin-besotted floozy, OK. Pour us another drink. Corrupt and vindictive witch, oh hell yes! But harridan? Shaddup!
I think she’ll be spanked by the voters
and like it.
fifty shades of gin
Flory got beat by Leland Wilson, who then got beat by Pam Keller. I’m just saying.
There’s a race to the bottom!!
Flory doesn’t yet understand that nobody has heard of her in ten years, and that half the people who voted for her losing cause in 2002 are likely dead.
We ain’t dead! Just pickled!
Happy Hour!!
Mrs. Flory, please explain the virtue of a police department that could tolerate an Albert Rincon.
The City is waiting to hear what you have to say.
And we are prepared to wait until hell freezes over for our answer!
A cruise from Hell.
Could you link the video of Flory’s public comment to the Counsel last meeting?
We’d like to see it and find out what she’s all about.
I will keep an open mind until then.
Please post it, I can’t wait to see Clowncilmember Shittaker blow his lid and lash out at CITIZEN Flory during HER time to address the council. It was great to hear SQS put him in his place. Just because she got under his skin he had to open his piehole. Too bad Bruce, it’s your job to listen to the citizens….at least until November.
Ah poor FPOA GED. I was there. Quirk tried to shut him up and the GED cops tried to shut him down.
Didn’t work.
Hey tony oh sorry Fred wink wink, Flory lost the election 10 years ago because she would not play with the then FPOA president John Cross.
You were there? Only one person spoke against the FPD — was that you? Or did you let discretion be the better part of valor?
I was there and it was priceless. He had this self satisfied pompous look on his bloated face with a little smirk on it all last year while the other council members were verbally blasted and he sat in his seat doing nothing but enjoying it. He gets a little taste of it (I’m sure there will be more but it was extremely mild compared to what it could have been and how it has been) and couldn’t handle it. What was sad was that he felt he had the rght to interrupt and reply when the little dumpster diver should have sat there and taken it on his chubby chin.
Shaddup you low-lifes. I’m drinkin’ over here.
best sentence ever…”an eight year reign of error, characterized by an impressive effluvium of paranoia”. Nice job Shadow.
It will be a cruise alright, The Costa Concordia.
It shouldn’t amaze me that she thinks she can actually get elected…but it does.
“The bitter bag of bile…”
Now that’s just mean. Accurate, but mean.
I don’t get it. Why is that woman drunk? Was that taken at a party?
Yeah, it was a party all right. At 8:00 AM!
Flory was participating in a DUI investigation demonstration at the Ebel club 20 years ago with then Sgt. Al Burks.
if it was a demonstration, why does she appear to be staggering? She doesn’t look like she is wearing the “special” glasses used to mimic intoxication for such demonstrations… A few too many mimosas or bellinis for breakfast at the club?
P.S., it’s “Ebell”…
Mmmm — maybe because for the purposes of the demonstration she’s being a good sport and pretending to be drunk?
Come on, peaches — you’re one of the smart ones around here. Do you really think that pic should affect anyone’s vote regarding Flory in the slightest? Say it ain’t so!
Rollin’ down the street, smokin’ Indo
Sippin’ on gin and juice, laid back
With my mind on my money
And my money on my mind
With so much drama in the L.B.C.
Its kinda hard being Gin Fl-double O ry.
On the closer look, she is definitely not under an influence of any alcoholic beverage.
However, my sources are telling me that she accidentally consumed unknown volume of the Orange Juice spiked by the Golem’s crapola potion.
Do not drink Golem’s Orange Juice!
No, she was gassed, alright. Had to go home and sleep it off!
OK, if you were there — what was the event, when and where did it happen, and who was the guy behind her? At first I thought that it was some sort of dancing.
So who will you vote for Greg?
If I were to move the 1/3 mile into Fullerton, I’d expect to vote for Flory, Jaramillo, and Rands. I wouldn’t be sorry to see a deadlocked Council, though, in which neither traditional nor libertarian Republicans dominated.
The criticism of the Bankhead types that the Council has to do a better job of negotiating the police contract with FPD has merit; so does the criticism that the Whitaker types on the Council are prone to unreasonable overreach in their War on Public Employees. I’d like to see smart and reasonable people on the Council navigate between these two extremes — that’s basically a moderate position.
The guy behind her was her FPD escort. You know, designated driver-wise. went everywhere with her.
What’s his name? What about the answers to my other questions?
You know, there’s no law against being drunk, even if it was true here. Has Tony ever been under the influence? Norby?
Oh yeah — I forgot about Norby! Tell me more, please, about about how bad being drunk in public is!
do you really think the video showing fullerton PD beating Kelly Thomas to death was an example of Thomas being a good sport? Do you think Bankhead, Jones and McKinley tried to buy hush on this horrific death by offering Thomas’ father a million dollars?
do you think Flory’s unwavering support for the Bankhead, Jones and McKInley was her way of being a good sport?
I don’t believe Jan Flory was drunk when this photo was taken because she acts and speaks like a fool while sober. for example, when she accused those who spoke the truth about Jones, Bankhead and McKinley as rude and thankless people. Flory doesn’t need to be drunk to act and speak like an ass.
What? Your comment makes no sense.
We agree that Flory wasn’t drunk in that photo, which was all that I was addressing. So we agree that part of FFFF’s attack on Flory is to pretend that she was drunk in a photo when she wasn’t. We apparently disagree on whether that is really bizarre, absurd, and deceptive behavior on FFFF’s part.
that is your inference that FFFF is “bizarre, absurd, and deceptive behavior”. what truly is deceptive and only comes across as absurd is flory’s grandstanding speech at Fullerton’s city council meeting condemning those who openly criticized Jones, Bankhead and McKinley after these three obfuscated evidence in the Kelly thomas murder by fullerton PD
just my opinion
Both can be deceptive. I haven’t watched Flory’s speech, but I’ll take your word for it. That happened once. The use of a photo to apparently falsely accuse Flory of having been drunk in public has happened what, six times in the past couple of weeks? More?
Incorrect van. She was tanked. I do agree however that she doesn’t need to be drunk to say idiotic things.
I will be surprised if Ron gets a million dollars. His ex-wife already settled. He might get nothing.
No I was there. She was wasted.
Please, give as many details as you can, because I suspect that you are lying.
And I believe you are a self-important, unemployed pus-head.
Be that as it may (or mayn’t), I challenge you to give your evidence. Put your pseudonymous credibility on the line — or else fall back into the prototypical FFFF line of retreat that “IT WAZ OBVIOUSLY ONLY A JOKE!”
Or — you can just admit that you’re lying.
No she was tanked. Had to be driven home.
Sorry, but your credibility isn’t good enough to get away with that assertion. Did anyone with a name, who can be interviewed and challenged, “see” this?
Why don’t you call and ask Flory yourself, dum dum.
Why should I? I’m not the one making a claim about her being drunk.
OK, if you were there, what was the event, when did it happen, and who was the guy behind her? At first I thought that it was some sort of dancing.
Shaddup! I was jus a lil tipshy!
Sorry, but at this point I can’t rule out that she was responding to the question “show us exactly how Tony’s brother was walking when he got out of his car.” The photo proves nothing.
Oh yeah, she was participating, all right. Five shots worth before eight bells on the morning watch.
Free booze!
Whoa! Thanks for that. I really got schnockered at lunch and this sobered me up, quick.
Why would anyone running for office in Fullerton want the backing of the FPD? I can see accepting their money privately, but public acknowledgment of siding with the corrupt department will definitely only impede her chance to be elected. I guess she forgot how much of the Fullerton citizens have a bad taste for the current police dept. I think it was about 60-65% on election night.
Bad taste? I think the current Fullerton police department taste great!
I-I-I’ll shtink ta that! (*burp!*)
P.S. I’m glad this site is here to remind the public just how corrupt the department is. People tend to have short memories and their should be no forgiving and forgetting until ALL the thugs with badges are held accountable for their actions.
I’m glad you don’t live in the city, Brandon. You’re a jackass.
Brandon has always been right. Non Resident: I hope you’re a Non Resident of the Planet Earth.
Finally, someone other than me agrees.
P.S. I’m glad you don’t live in the city of Fullerton and have no vote on who gets elected or not. I do live in the city of Fullerton and I WILL have a vote and I will not vote for any council member that dumpster dives and can’t handle some heat during council meetings. I’m sure you were there Brandon boy to see Wittaker get all bunched up.
Golden Earring huh? That band sucked. Nobody cares about your one baby-boomer vote, loser.
Why are you so worried about dumpster diving to find/uncover the trash on public property? The cops are allowed to dumpster dive in our trash all day long, even in our driveways or next to our houses. Turn about is fair play. That’s one way to get the truth from the FPD, unless of course, you are allowed look under the FPD rugs inside the building.
Perhaps you are afraid of what might be found??
See, that’s exactly what I said about my Public Records request about Chris Norby! Thanks for having my back!
Dumpster diving is not a pleasant activity to be associated with if you are Quirk’s campaign.
I’m not part of SQS’s campaign. I simply want to identify and talk to witnesses so that I can determine whether my current Assemblyman battered his wife on Sept. 2, 2010. Do I really need to explain to you why I’d care about that?
Thanks for continuing to bring it up, by the way.
I hope they start the housecleaning with Hughes!
To paraphrase Paul Simon, there must be 50 ways to leave your blubber. Bleed the pensions dry and they’ll scatter like dandelions in the wind.
All one has to do is go back to the city council video dated 11/15/11 at 57:30 to hear Jan Flory slober over how wonderful Bankhead, Jones and McKinley are and how awful are those speaking out for justice.
Democrats, Green Party, Independents and Bankhead supporting Republicans. Listen to this former member of council who almost never attends a council meeting, talk about civility.
If someone truly is concerned about the wellbeing of this city you would continue to participate in the city governance by attending and speaking before the council. Her 10 year absence speaks volumes to her care and concern for the people of Fullerton.
By the way the council allowed her to speak for over 8 minutes. It is so incredibly unfair the way they allow people who throw accolades their way to speak on and on and on. But if you civilly disagree with them they cut you off at midsentence at the 3 minute mark or even before.
This is the civility that Ms. Flory pines for. Do not give her the chance to bring that one-sided phony civility back to city council.
No doubt the family has been blessed with talent. How it is being utilized is up for much debate. I know that someone that kicked her behind in court years back on a family law case. I don’t know much about her son. I do know that I don’t trust the DA’s office one bit. Just another reason to connect the dots for an obvious no vote. It may very well be a cruise for her indeed like the one Sellers went on after his guys sent Kelly Thomas into eternity. Time will tell.
I have a hard time understanding the transition from real estate salesperson to a family law attorney specializing in custodial issue
http://www.smartvoter.org/1998nov/ca/or/vote/flory_j/bio.htmls in 1986?
Latest list of candidates for November’s election…
Roland Chi????
Note that the deadline to file your papers to run for City Councilperson has been extended till Thursday.
I am not currently in the USA but I got my dad to pull papers for me. You may remember him from the sign stealing episode in 2010 inwhich the FPD refused to do anything.
Anyhow, Barry Coffman called me in Cambodia where I am currently buying day old shrimp and he asked me to run again. He promised to help even though it didn’t help last time.
What should I do? Doing the right thing is so hard to figure out.
too much MSG-lay off it for a while
To err is human, to forgive, ptomaine.
ayygoooo cham
He took out papers but didn’t file them.
Let the above photo be an example of what can happen when one drinks too much FPD Koolaid………..
She’s no Captain Sulley, that’s for sure!
…spiked with Jagermeister!
Interesting – Ms. Flory’s website http://www.floryforfullerton.com now requires a name and e-mail sent “unsecured”…
Ha ha. That’s funny.
Hahaha! What a great way to generate traffic. What an idiot. She doesn’t realize how out of date she is. She hasn’t won an election after the advent of the internet.
It’s a cruise.
Rut roh. Looks like a couple of cops or their mommies got their panties in a bunch because I pointed out that their kind has disgraced the entire city as well as law enforcement in general. Don’t worry Non-Res and Golden, I don’t have to live in Fullerton to help bring attention to the issue that your city has been turned into the laughingstock of CA because of the actions of dirty thug cops and the corrupt politicians who helped them escape justice, well at least temporarily escape justice.
So who is laughing at Fullerton? No one that I know or that I have heard. Why not post who is laughing other than you.
That should be no surprise Peaches. All the sites supporting the FPD censor anyone who disagrees with their skewed beliefs about police officers. Thank goodness FFFF is not run by cowards who are afraid of dissenting opinions or debate.
Now that you said your two cents go back to the IE and cook meth.
Brandy oops Brandon boy who doesn’t live in Fullerton here’s a little bit of information for you, FFFF does censor this site especially negative comments directed at the council member blogger guy. Most negative comments about that dude never make it on the board or are deleted. By the way I owe you a big flipping thank you I guess. You helped bring attention to the issues of our city. I didn’t know that. I thought you were just a little weasel who came on this site to try and stir people up. Please tell me what you personally did for the city of Fullerton so that we all can give you the thanks you deserve.
No thanks. I didn’t get my Master’s to cook meth. What’s your degree in and whatcha doing to contribute to society Jackass?
Feeling a little inadequate are we Brando? I noticed you always retaliate by telling everyone how educated you are. Nice move. I’ll give you some cheap advice, we don’t care if, where or what you have a Masters in. It’s clear your parents didn’t give you enough attention when you were growing up and you try and get it here trying to sell everyone on how educated you are. Stop wasting your time on this blog and spend some time on the couch with a shrink. I’m sure you and your Masters education can afford it. It’s not like you have any bills living in your parents basement collecting unemployent.
I didn’t know LA Trade Tech offered a Masters program. They clearly didn’t offer job placement because you spend night and day on your computer, Captain Keyboard.
This one talks like JustUs. Or like John Doe with some mild cognitive enhancement. Whichever one, I think you’ve got his number Brandon. Keep on keeping on.
Washa all lookin’ at cawtammit! I gossa go home and slip it awf.
a scolding, vicious woman; hag; shrew.
Gee I hope she keeps that outfit away from open flames. Poof!
I lahk Beefeaters and I mean that in every which way possible. Pour me another one Barry!
And here is out its shaping up. A lot of special interests fielding candidates in the upcoming election:
Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo – humane society vote
Don Bankhead – narcoleptic vote
Jennifer Fitzgerald – dominatrix vote
Rick Alvarez – Rick Alvarez’s’ family vote
Jan Flory – bartender vote
Roland Chi – food inspector vote
Jan Flory – bartender vote
Now that’s funny!
Here is another example of a former Kelly’s Army and former KTMF members comments to someone who has ALWAYS supported Ron Thomas and seeking justice for Kelly Thomas. Just because someone has never come to Fullerton and protested doesn’t mean they should be called out and abused because this sick person has nothing better to do than surf fb and on a whim and post crap like this! Wake up people!!!
Shelly Kearneyposted to Carol Leonard
6 hours ago ·
Whoa…Carol I just got a private message…you know Im a truth seeker…SO are you the same CAROl, that never showed up to a protest, demanding we do something from the cozy warmth of your house in another city..I mean from your computer your trying to direct people? And you have never been here, so when I say I was scared for my life being here, in fullerton..protesting by day, and fearin for my life at night whilst Ron was hanign out with the like of Sugar ray leonard….and free golf trips…Im feeding the homeless…making sure we got this right…YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN here? is this true? never, never met me or anyone personally? is this you CAROL?
Ouch, calling me a girl’s name. That is both brilliant and mature. Must be a philosopher. To answer your question, I make sure that everyone I know is well aware of the names Cicinelli, Ramos, Wolfe, Blatney, Hampton, Craig, Goodrich, etc., so if they ever have the unfortunate displeasure of encountering one of these “cops,” although we can’t call Cicinelli, Ramos, or Wolfe that anymore now can we, they turn their cameras on and film the jackasses in action. That way if any of your GED boys get frisky, there will be yet another lawsuit against the FPD. You got enough fingers and toes to count all the current ones bud?
P.S. It looks like I’m doing a better job of protecting citizens against criminals (three of them so far, than many of your boys in blue)
Oh and blocking comments that are hateful personal attacks is one thing, sites like “Big City Cops” and I Support (ex) FPD Chief Sellers” permanently ban anyone who doesn’t agree with their ideologies. So I think we know who is more tolerant of dissenting opinions. Nice try though Golden.
Haha Devil’s. As much fun as it is arguing with hateful people who like to puff out their chest on here, I’m doing my best to ignore idiots and stay focused on my sole reason for posting on this site; helping bring justice for Kelly Thomas.
That is why these trolls are here, maybe even the Murderers themselves, Brandon. To try to disuade people from posting about the Murder of Kelly Thomas. In the hope that it will just go away….it, we won’t.
Ya, that’s it Einstein. It has nothing to do with the entertainment value of seeing idiots like you, Brando, and Fred worked up. Brando, you’ve met your match. Let me guess classmates in the Masters program at LA Trade Tech?
That is how you get your entertainment? By walking on a dead mans grave? Your family tree must resemble a telephone pole. You don’t work me up, I feel sorry for you. You have a rotten soul. If there is a God and I sure hope there is, when you stand before him in judgement, “I was just fun’in, yuk, yuk” will not suffice.
Well said L&E. It is comforting to know that there are hundreds of people like you who will not rest until all six officers and everyone else involved in the Thomas murder/attempted cover-up are incarcerated, fired, or both. Many of the trolls are just the same person posting under pseudonyms. You can tell by their comments, spelling, syntax, etc.
“Plans to set a trial date for the two ex-Fullerton police officers charged in connection with the beating death of schizophrenic homeless man Kelly Thomas were postponed until August 24, when defense attorneys plan to file motions to dismiss charges against their clients.”
With the rascal who beat up man in elevator at fullerton police department making a show at recent city council meeting to get a tshirt and high five his buddies, one wonders how the department feels about two of thier other comrades in blue. Please remember Aug 24 when two officers will attempt to have thier case dismissed.
Good news! Hopefully they will get the trial started soon, although I thought it had already been postponed until 2013? Either way, the trash who took an unarmed man’s life for no reason will have to answer to a Power greater than themselves even if they are able to weasel their way out of justice here on earth.
They don’t have to answer to no one. They didn’t do anything wrong.
What happened to INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty?
Audio evidence, video evidence, overwhelming eyewitness testimony, hospital/physician reports, coroner reports, incriminating statements …”I just smashed his face all to hell”, fired from pd. By all means lets prove them guilty.
That is supposedly in a court of law.
CCTV, where the beating death of Kelly thomas played out like a horror film to public viewing.
The only innocent in the video was Kelly Thomas screaming for his father before the final blow from Fullerton police officers ended his life.
It is not coincidence that whenever Fullerton’s old duplicitous,liberal regime pop out their faces to the public that rabid supporters of Fullerton PD and Fullerton PD are found sniffing around the old liberal, duplicitous regime of fullerton’s ankles waiting for absolution for Fullerton police officers’ crimes and better salaries and pensions.
fullerton never has had a vocal liberal or conservative voice until onset of FFFF, this blog.
Jan flory got her public momentum from the Fullerton Observer, a schmooz the liberals at CSU Fullerton while secretly applauding those friends and family who stuffed their faces at the public trough.
Flory is a slob evidenced by her pathetic political career in municipal politics.
just my opinion
The man who took Kelly’s life is asking for $20 million for loss of companionship and loss of support! Who is the true weasel here?
The person concerned with what R. Thomas stands to gain, rather than what was lost, an innocent mans life. That is who the true weasel here is.
Roses are red,
Their shirts were blue,
Keep your friends close,
Keep your enemies closer,
Keep Fullerton Corruption out of your Hearts………………
Campaign slogans for Fullerton City Council race, Nov 2012
Jennifer Cowen-Fitzgerald: “Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leather…”
Roland Chi: “Its the shrimp, stupid!”
Rick Alvarez: “Hello, I’m Rick Alvarez.”
Jan Flory: “Shaddup!”
Now, now JD, I know physical abuse is ok in your family, but murdering an unarmed, innocent man is very wrong. Don’t worry though, after they serve their time in prison and face whatever horrible things happen there and spend the rest of their days not disgracing the uniform, maybe they will finally get down on their knees, admit their guilt, and ask for the forgiveness of their God.
I know denial runs in your family. Cause that is what it come down to. I didnt know Cicinelli and Ramos were asking for 20 million. I thought that was your buddy Ron Thomas. Or maybe it is something you made up, like always.
@Brandon Dude, Smelly Kelly was an asshole, just like his father. He wasn’t in fear for his life instead he displayed what contempt and lack of respect he had for law officers. He didn’t want to be told what to do and fought being arrested. I’m sure the last thing these officers would’ve wanted to do is have to handle someone as filthy as Kelly.
Ramos and Cicinelli are not going to prison, that’s a promise.
You think you know so much but you know nothing. The only officers who disgrace the uniform are those like Hughes who is a chicken shit coward who did not have the balls to stand by his officers.
Cicinelli and Ramos are asking for 20 million. I’m not sure, but I think once they become convicted felons they forfeit their right to civil lawsuits.
Everytime someone ask where you get your info, you never have an answer. You love to make stories up.
I could be wrong, but McKinley, Ackerman, and Jones did not strike me as liberals. So if we need to put an ideological twist on corruption, maybe we can conclude some conservative Republicans had as much to do with the problem as liberals?
They are quite “liberal.” Big government Republicans use government to enrich themselves. We call them “repuglicans.”
Don’t judge people by what they say. Judge them by what they do.
Progressive-left liberals would refer to them as conservatives. Libertarian-conservatives would refer to them as liberals. Repuglicans works for me. Its less about their ideology and more about their grubby paws.
Humpty-dumptyism. Sorry, Tony, your influence stops short of the political dictionary.
I got cracked along time ago. Pay me no mind. I am irrelevant.
Joe: I would agree that they are fiscally liberal, but I would be willing to bet their ideological views on abortion, gun-control, LGBT rights, women’s reproductive rights, etc., are ultra-conservative. Maybe I’m wrong though. Either way, I respect the fact that there are a number of good people on here who can put political views aside for the betterment of Fullerton and justice for Kelly Thomas.
I agree Fullertonista. Whatever their political identification is, they are corrupt, greedy, and have little regard for anyone who can’t help them out.
They are “socially conservative” because it gets them votes without costing them anything. I guarantee you if there is a buck in social liberalism (ahem, “progressive”) they will latch on to it like Jan Flory to a cocktail tumbler.
Take the example of Kurt Pringle and Jerbal Cunningham and the idiotic First Five Commission.
If they are “conservative” to get votes or “liberal” to line their pockets what is the difference? Its an ideological fluidity designed to suit themselves. They aren’t liberal in the sense of wanting to use the power of government to improve the collective lot of humanity, or conservative in the sense of wanting to ease the government out of your bedroom or wallet. Just opportunistic.
Which reminds me of all the closeted homosexuals in the Family Values Republican Party hierarchy. I wonder what Pringle & Associates thought of Mr. & Mrs. Jerbal’s anti-gay marriage jihad.
Denial? Like your continual denying about Cicinelli and Ramos murdering an unarmed, mentally ill civilian after threatening him and trying to confuse him? Or like thinking these men have morals?
No only me..a lot of other people on this blog agree with me. Innocent until proven guilty. Let the slow wheels of justice turn.
What I posted was that the man who took Kelly’s life is asking for $20 million. Kelly was dead long before he came into Fullerton on July 5th He was a dead man walking due to lack of care and love and support. Ron T. is trying to make public all the crude he can come up with about Cicinelli and Ramos so that the jury pool may become tainted. I don’t think it is going to work.
The truth will come out!
To Anonymous:
Both sides have worked long and hard to taint he jury pool. The judge should have long ago placed a gag order. Trial by newspaper would have been worse 15 years ago when the OC Register was the main rag in town. Now there are a number of blogs and newsletters that are strictly on line. The register would follow the same old libertarian line which was a cover up for allowing the status quo when it came to local government doings. They never sent out investigative reporters. Thankfully, they went from a price tag of $1 billion back then When owned by the Hoile family to almost bankrupt when sold to Boston owners.
We will see if the reporting changes to more in depth articles!
Cicinelli wasn’t at the scene until 19 minutes into the situation so your accusations won’t fly. Watch the video very carefully.
Yes he came late and murdered the man for no good reason.
Pretty much true. Of course, before Excitable Boy arrived, the situation was not headed towards Kelly dying, but simply towards his being handcuffed. Hence, Ramos walks.
Good points Joe & Fullertonista. I guess I have to not look at liberalism/conservatism in such black and white terms. Regardless of whether or not we see eye to eye on some political views, I respect your efforts in exposing corruption and seeking justice.
Anon II: So by your logic anyone who is on the street is a “dead man walking?” I’ve seen plenty of homeless people in their 60’s or 70’s walking the streets. Ron Thomas had nothing to do with his murder, that responsibility falls to the six officers and Watch Commander who either beat/suffocated/shocked/ him to death or watched silently. But if blaming the victim’s family helps you sleep at night, good for you.
Hog: So you feel the fact that Cicinelli felt the need to taser and bash in the skull of a man who was already pinned down, beaten badly and begging for mercy is going to help his cause how? I’ve watched the video already. It makes my stomach sick and my soul hurt to know people entrusted with protecting the public could show such inhumane cruelty. Those thugs remind me of Nazi guards who beat people for fun.
Oh sure they like to neat people for fun..you are insane. Are you related to Kelly and Ron?
@John Doe, The Fullerton Police Dept. obese boys enjoyed taunting and threatening Kelly Thomas; they had a lot of fun playing with their government issued toys that they used to brutalize and murder Kelly Thomas on the night of July 5, 2011. And, they certainly did a lot of laughing, joking and bragging afterwards. A fun time was had by all, except for the tortured and murdered victim, Kelly Thomas, and the horrified witnesses.
Speaking of insanity, Cicinelli may want to claim “temporary insanity,” or PTSD flashback as his excuse for smashing Kelly’s face “…all to hell.” It’s either that excuse, or it’s the unavoidable truth that Cicinelli was just another FPD sociopath having fun at the expense of an unarmed, innocent, helpless, homeless victim, -whom the FPD boys thought they could murder with impunity.
Police was talking to a below average intelligence person. So they thought. All of a sudden Kelly starts mouthing off and starts cussing at the cops. Its Ok for Kelly to say Fuck more than ten times. But the officer says it once and everybody is shocked. Kelly was an arrogant smart ass. He ran and died because of his bad health. He was a dead man walking.
Hmmm, Nope, dont recall the video showing KT dropping dead before he is beaten and tasered
John Doe: In the case of Kelly Thomas, yes, I believe after seeing the video that the FPD officers acted like the Nazi SS in pow and work camps. They enjoyed the beating, they thought they were immune from prosecution. And oh well, someone is bleeding. The culture of corruption is still huge although around 10 officers have left the force since last year. Theft of laptops, theft of items in lockup, sexual perversions, wrongful imprisonment, Brady cops who lie under oath, smashing recording device to hide info about a jail cell “hanging”, and on and on. This tells you that those that say, FPD has a “culture of corruption” and needs to be restrained, are likely correct. Oh and yeah, we beat a guy to death too. HAHAHAHAHAHA! As they laughed and joked around after. (I know, its to relieve stress!).
Oh and to say nothing about hiring Cicinelli and his one missing eye while he collected and still collects a disability pension of $48,000 per year mostly tax free.
Which Cicnelli should receive. He was almost killed. The culture of corruption, six cops piled on Kelly..what else. Brady cops. ( one ) only, and he is gone. Blah, blah, blah!!!
Remember what contempt and lack of respect fpd has for the citizens of Fullerton come Nov. vote for change.
EXCERPT From Audio:
2:07 Ramos says “It seems like everyday we have to talk to you about something, do you enjoy it?” (Establishing that they knew KT)
3:51 Ramos says “Kelly Thomas?”
3:54 Kelly answers “Yes”
7:14 Wolfe hands Ramos a pair of gloves “In case you need ’em”
15:22 Ramos “You see my fists…..”
18:08 Cicinelli arrives
19:28 Cicinelli starts beating KT face with the butt end of his taser
25:08 cicinelli says “I ran out of taser, so I smashed his face all to hell”
27:55 Police laughing over bleeding murder victim over who is going to transport him to the hospital.
A full transcript can be found at Law and disorder Kelly Thomas, the true story
2:07 stragedy police officers use. Talking as a whole, not personal contact. He is talking to a below normal intelligence person, not a rocket scientist.
15:22 if you don’t comply with I am saying.
25:08 I ran out of options..(don’t make lies up).
27:55 who is laughing? And police can’t laugh?
@ GetSmart: So in your opinion people deserve to be murdered for being smelly eh? Beautiful sentiments. Let’s get real for a sec dawg. Noone has to show thugs with badges one ounce of respect. Guys like Ramos and Cici won’t fuck with anyone who could beat their asses or sue them, so they pick fights with mentally ill, 135lb homeless guys instead. Why don’t you come back here next year and remind me of that quote about guaranteeing they won’t do any time. That way I can have a good laugh while I celebrate them getting locked up and sitting in solitary, praying to God that they get out before they lose their minds or get beat to death.
Larry & Emil, the true story, you don’t know what you are talking about… the true story.
@Hogs gone Wild, The TRUE HORROR STORY IS that Kelly Thomas, an unarmed, innocent, disabled man, was threatened with great bodily harm by the FPD Ramos who was swinging a baton in a menacing manner while showing contempt and a lack of respect for Kelly Thomas.
Ramos snapped on his latex gloves, made two fists and put them in front of Kelly’s face in a threatening show of force and said, ” “You see these fists? … They are getting ready to f— you up.” Innocent, unarmed, disabled Kelly Thomas was struck repeatedly with a baton by Wolfe, then Kelly was tackled from behind and his head was bashed into the concrete curb.
Kelly was then punched, choked and held down by the Fullerton Police Department officers. While Kelly was being held down, he was kicked and punched repeatedly. Twice, Cicinelli knee dropped down with his full body weight onto Kelly’s face and throat. Kelly was repeatedly Tasered/electrocuted in the chest and back, and dog piled on top of by obese FPD cops who even leveraged their feet against the side of the squad car in order to put even greater deadly force onto Kelly’s body, -until Kelly’s thorax was crushed and he suffocated. All of this happened while Kelly Thomas begged for mercy, repeatedly apologized and said that he was “sorry,” called the officers “SIR,” and cried out, “Dad, they’re killing me!”
Cicinelli brutally bludgeoned Kelly Thomas in the face, nose and left eye with the butt end of his Taser. Unconscious Kelly choked on his own blood that was running down his throat from his facial fractures, as he lay unattended and dying in the street. The FPD cops laughed and attended to their own scrapes, never giving any first aid to unconscious Kelly Thomas.
The official primary cause of death was “anoxic encephalopathy with acute bronchopneumonia,” (asphyxia) caused by “mechanical chest compression with blunt cranial-facial injuries sustained during physical altercation with law enforcement.” http://www.facebook.com/pages/Justice-for-Kelly-Thomas/202121386512154?sk=info
“Hospital records showed that Thomas suffered brain injuries, a shattered nose, a smashed cheekbone, broken ribs and severe internal bleeding. The coroner said he died of brain death, acute bronchial pneumonia and blunt force facial trauma.” By Michael Winter, USA TODAY
Unfortunately, this is a TRUE STORY that will give decent folks everywhere nightmares about our sociopathic public servants who are sworn to “serve and protect.” Our arrogant public servants at the FPD believe that they can abuse and murder under color of law with impunity!! ALL officers present at Kelly’s murder must be held accountable, -just the same as any other citizens would have been held accountable.
There he goes again with his lies. Look at the video and audio.
When officers are dispatched to a crime in progress they exit with their batons when they approach a possible suspect. Kelly was a shirtless homeless. He has to protect himself against a violent homeless guy which they are known to be. All you people dont look at the big picture. It’s all about the poor defenseless Kelly. STOP THE HATERS!!
“It’s all about the poor defenseless Kelly” Thats right Jd, now you have it!
Kelly was calm, unarmed, and shirtless. The cops didn’t even bother to search Kelly because they could see he was unarmed. The cops NEVER felt threatened by Kelly Thomas. STOP THE FULLERTON POLICE DEPT. MURDERERS!!!
They were getting ready to search him when he ran.
They were getting ready to “F” Kelly up, as Ramos stated, and they did EXACTLY that.
The Fullerton Police Dept. officers MURDERED an innocent, unarmed, helpless, disabled man after first threatening him with great bodily harm. There was no justifiable reason for the FPD murder of Kelly Thomas.
The good citizens will not forget this BRUTAL MURDER of a helpless man by the Fullerton Police Dept.
I know your dim witted, one eyed, murdering boy is going to prison.
The judge that decided that there is enough evidence to put cici and ramos on trial does.
The judge was T-racks friend and was so afraid to go against him. It was so obvious.
No judge is going to risk ruining his career and reputation for a “friendship.” Judges are much more concerned about having their decisions overturned in an appellate court and looking like incompetent fools. It’s so obvious that you know nothing about our legal system.
JFA, it seems to me that it is futile to respond to Jd posts, every time that I do, I feel as if I am responding to a “below normal intelligent person, not a rocket scientist”
Wow..that is how I feel when I respond to you.
He is not a rocket scientist but he did go up in a rocket. He was the hairy little one.
I know what I saw. And I saw a pussy judge. That didnt even call on T-Rack when he rudely said a stupid remark to Cicinelli’s attorney. He was a lame duck.
They have nothing to loose and you know it JFA. I know plenty of the legal system.
“I know plenty of the legal system.”
I’m sure you know of it, but do you actually understanding it? Being a cop and all.
Sure, there is enough evidence for a trial. Ramos will win his; Cicinelli will lose his.
25:08 Cicinelli says “I ran out of taser, so I smashed his face all to hell”
Usually there is not a 30 or so minute video with sound of killing a person. Thus there was plenty of evidence to suggest the charges against Ramos and Cicinelli should be tried. It was an easy decision for the judge, not a favor for the DA. Actually, the DA did the defense a favor since he could have had the charges all shown to a Grand Jury who might have asked for additional charges against other officers like Joe Wolfe!
I think a grand jury would of been a better option instead of messing with T-racks buddies.
You make a good argument for the OC Grand Jury to start asking some tough questions about why it takes so long for justice on both sides of the fence.
Who exactly is policing the police? T-Rack? Please.
It’s interesting to note that most cop apologists (Anon II, Hog Wild, Get Smart, etc) come in here, spout their lies, get rebuked with cold hard facts, and then quiet down to avoid making themselves look foolish with no facts to support their bullshit. John Doe has no such shame. Still hasn’t learned the difference between “lose” and “loose” yet either despite being corrected at least a dozen times. Did any of the Cicinelli’s complete high-school?
“Did any of the Cicinelli’s complete high-school?”
You’re funny Brandon.
Brandon, get out of your mom’s basement and make some sense. The cold facts are innocent until proven guilty. Just keep thinking that. And also..You have loose screws.
An informal poll that I took of people who were around the courthouse last Spring during the Pre-Trial of Cicinelli and Ramos was most revealing.
The phrase I heard from most folks was…
“Why are they even having a trial?
Besides the of obviously self-serving motives of defense lawyers Honest John and Gideon to wring as much money as humanly possible from the police unions defense fund, I see no winners here?
The real losers will be the families of both defendants and victims who will have to re-live this heinous murder over and over again in the courtroom.
Thanks Jane. Rumor has it JD is a Cicinelli.
Yes, there have been many of those rumors, and some turn out to be true.
If it is Cici, then coming on here the way he does is pathetic.
Not even close….haha. I love it when you haters guess and come up with made up assumptions.
No but you obviously have doubts. You don’t think all those bars in downtown Fullerton happened by accident, did you?
Do I expect that Jan Flory has, at one or another time in her life, been drunk? She probably has. I have. So what? That’s not the question to ask.
No, I think that the bars in downtown Fullerton were part of an effort — whether wise or misguided I can’t say — to revitalize what was reportedly then a moribund Downtown.
Of course it was wise. I mean, where else ya gonna go for a liquid lunch?
Norby is sober as a judge. Tony is not running for anything. Flory likes to party. And that’s okay, I guess. Keeps the bars in business – redevelopment!
Norby is sober as a judge? Since when?
Why, WHY do you people provoke me like this? Sigh.
FullertonLover: I believe the winners if they are convicted will be the Thomas family receiving justice for the murder of their son, brother, etc., the community for knowing dangerous criminals are off the streets and that cops can not get away with murder in their town, and for the mentally ill, indigent, and other minorities some cops love to harass, Everyone loses if they are acquitted, except their greedy lawyers.
We don’t treat stray dogs the way Kt was treated. When do you see dog catchers killing in the slime bar parking lot? It just makes me sick to see a human being killed by Fullerton police officer’s who are sworn to protect and serve and iam paying for their wages and retirements too!
Right on Brandon.
Good point Grace. In those thugs minds, Kelly Thomas was less than a dog. Hopefully they will receive more humane treatment by inmates in prison who were raised with higher moral standards than them.
Please do a post on Jan Flory’s vote on the 3@50 retroactive pension spike. That was a real stinker.