Ah am a doctah!
Here’s a post from last August that needs to be rerun. For pure fatheadedness and insensitivity you can’t beat Doc HeeHaw.
Of course now the cat is all the way out of the bag and we know this swine was covering up for a gang of thugs in a corrupt, out-of-control police department.
– Joe Sipowicz

In case you missed it, here is our own lovable mayor, Doc HeeHaw explaining his confusion as to what killed Kelly Thomas.
Insensitivity? Stupidity? All around assholishness? Yep that’s our good ol’ boy HeeHaw.
He’s covering or he truly is a poseur doctor, alot of people with absoutely no outside trauma, die from internal injuries-princess Di was an example.
The outside trauma that Kelly suffered was bad enough for a 5th grader to figure out something bad happened to this man on the inside
What a piece of shit mayor you have in fullerton. I wish his son or daughter or kin was killed in the manner kelly thomas was killed and him make those same stupid remarks!!
And, that rells us the kind of person you are wishing peoples death.
Hey F Dick Jones do you know why he died now? You are a very vile person and I cannot wait to see you with your dirty swine paws out of our City’s Government forever.
Hate to be technical, but swine don’t have paws. They have hoofs. And Jones’s are in the trough.
He is a hybrid
This ‘pig’ only has interest in his own llittle pig police force. The only answer is deportation; to the F moon,..
what a fucking asshole…RECALL HIM NOW!!!
Sounds like the good doctor is in league with our D.A. to keep these cops out of jail.
Sounds like pressure needs to be put on the sherriff to get the autopsy released. Let’s call it what it is, no one has ever died from a drug over dose days after using besides no paraphinaila was found on Kelly.
What a jerk! It is even more embarrassing that this guy is a Republican!
A typical Republican (FTFY).
No, he’s a repuglican.
He was never in Vietnam. The closest doc Heehaw ever came to action was when a fighter plane crashed somewhere in the South Pacific. Jones was assigned to the rescue mission. But when he jumped out of the helicopter he sprained his ankle. The rescue was abandoned and another helicopter with a rescue team had to go out and rescue the downed jack ass. They returned with Heehaw but without the downed pilot.
True story. He said it during a rant at a public hearing.
Hmmm… I’m starting to think maybe a recall isn’t enough and we should…drag him out nude and put his head on a stick. What a bastard.
Yes, it would appear that the strategy is put their faith in the fact that the Coroner couldn’t determine the cause of death, (i.e. was it brain injury or oxygen deprivation?) and are hoping for a miracle.
Too bad, HeeHaw. The good docs at UCI know what happened to Kelly Thomas.
It sounds to me like he is taking part in conspiracy to cover up a MURDER,
oh shit,
just some eye blousing
Get a restraining order on this HeeHaw by not allowing him to EVER speak!
Sorry for the foul typing but that’s what he deserves.
What. The. Fuck. Can we recall this idiot already? I don’t like that he’s in charge of my city. How can I expect him to understand zoning ordinances if he supposedly has a medical degree and can’t understand why beating the shit out of a defenseless man might lead to him, oh say, dying.
Cornpone Jones sounds genuinely frightened and agitated in the video clip. Evidently it was just sinking through his skull that his big ol’ titty really was caught in the garbage disposer — for real this time.
The sick six, the FPD, the City — all of them — thought Kelly Thomas would be old news 42 hours after they launched the coverup. Not in their wildest nightmares could they imagine the trouble they’ve since brought down on their heads.
Outstanding post!
Lets do a study, show us the video and we will beat on the mayors body (with his permission) the exact same way Kelly was beaten. Tase him and knee drop him the exact same way….. If the mayor lives then he has a point…. if not he participated in a scientific study and we will mark it on his tombstone
Something tells me HeeHaw will opt for the placebo.
HE IS BRILLIANT thanks made me feel a little better.
I would LIKE to let my dog piss on that tombstone!!!!
That jackass image made me laugh out loud, BTW. Bravo!
I don’t know where else to ask this, but what about the five other cops (minus Cicinelli) involved? Does anyone know anything about them? Is one of them black (the black beast)? How did Kempton Hamilton’s name get thrown out so quickly, before Cicinelli’s? How did people know he was there before they who the others were? Thank you. I am not near enough to be with you guys in Fullerton in person, but I’ll be there in person. I’m sorry if this is a bad place to post my questions. Thanks.
Because kevin Hampton was in the other “excessive use of force” video that is on youtube. You can find it if you type in fullerton police beating and scroll down a ways. I think john and ken may have had an insider on their show that mentioned his name, or alluded to the fact he was there.
His name is Kenton Hampton. Not Kevin.
It would appear that the mayor is attempting to incite something with his comments. Please be cognizant of that and remember that the sheer numbers of peaceful protestors on the streets that increases with each passing week will keep the cowards and liars awake at night. Sleep deprivation will be their reward. The truth will stand on its own.
I loved the headline and the picture of the jackass. I too laughed out loud.
Keep the pressure on them!
I really truly believe that there will be justice for Kelly!
mayor jones, why does he lie?
This is the guy that Congressman Royce keeps foisting upon Fullerton. Wow.
how do you people vote this man in as the mayor in the first place? and these police have been doing bad things for sometime in fullerton….why did it have to come to this for you citizens to do something about it?
Does that matter now? The only thing that matters is that we do something now.
We’ve been asking Fullertonions this question since 2008.
Where are you from and what would you do, genius, if there was (and there probably is) constant police abuse in your neighborhood? Unfortunately, it takes something like a police murder with many legitimate witnesses present with video camera phones to ‘do something about it’.
Omg…what a fucking idiot…he’s obviously still admist a coverup…but he has got to have alzheimers or something to make a televised statement like that…im in WV and i have family in fullerton…my aunt said she is moving if hes not removed from his chair and the rest would do anything to see him recalled…this guy is crooked as a dogs back leg…that lynch mob (his constituents) should flog his fat ass all the way to the county line…what a disgace.
this is turning into a trashy website
it doesnt stop you from coming on and commenting on the public comments- does it? take it up privately if you’re so concerned with the website being trashy
What is this fatass and Mckinley talking about…what do they honestly think Kelly died from…cancer or heart disease?…i feel sorry for the people of Fullerton…you have the biggest bunch of crooked shitheads running your town in history…these guys involved in this coverup are disgraces and should have their names dragged through the mud till nobody wants to even have them in their town…if they moved to my community they would know they are not welcome.
Jones has not seen the injuries to his forehead. its partially coverd. This looks like the area where he recieved repeated blows according to one witness.
We made the good doctor an offer he could not refuse
From CNN/Justice:
His father, Ron, said Friday that four new witnesses to that struggle have come forward this week, and he notified the FBI and the Orange County district attorney of the new witnesses Thursday.
The four witnesses, who had been afraid to make themselves known, saw “100% of everything” and “100% of the nonstop beating to my son’s head” by police, Ron Thomas said. Two of the witnesses are a husband and wife, and they saw Kelly Thomas before his encounter with officers, when Thomas was “not bothering anyone, just walking,” his father said. The four witnesses approached the father Wednesday evening, he said.
“It’s real key,” Thomas said of the four witnesses’ accounts. “It substantiates a lot of facts. They’re very, very reliable people.”
The incident “goes so far beyond brutality,” the father said Friday.
KTLA just ran a live report from Fullerton. It was short; they’ll likely have more details to report at 6:00.
Cornpone is standing by his previous statements regarding Kelly’s injuries. “I’ve seen worse,” he said again.
What is that supposed to mean? Does he honestly think the beating and subsequent injuries were not the cause of Kelly’s death?
How can anyone in their right mind say that?
What was it — a spider bite?
For crying out loud, even if he’s actively involved in a coverup — and it sure looks like it — a statement as lame as that can only hurt his coverup cause.
The plain truth is that Kelly would be alive right now were it not for the FPD goons who beat him to death that night.
“I’ve seen worse.” What a rotten, disgraceful man.
Amazing. The machinations of this guy’s mind are breathtaking. You might be able to get him recalled for medical reasons, since he’s clearly delusional.
It looks like jones is laying the groundwork for a premature
death scenario, that mabye he was taken off life support to soon
Jones is given to premature verbal ejaculatons.
The more these guys talk to the media, the stupider they look. Maybe we should just schedule daily press conferences for them?
I am not from Fullerton but I watched everything and hear everything that is going on. I am sorry for the people of Fullerton for having incompetent Mayor, he should be placed in a nursing home as his mind is not working well and so with his eyes sight and his judgment. He maybe a doctor like fifty years ago but he is currently a mayor and should act and speak like a mayor….the primary concern is the people of Fullerton. Otherwise, he should resign and be back as a doctor but he only have himself as a patient….HAVE CONSCIENCE MR. MAYOR.
Did he really just compare being beaten TO DEATH by the FPD to war injuries and plane crashes?!!?!? Really?
This sad excuse for a mayor is dumber than the rock he crawled out from underneath. I gotta ask though… who voted this guy onto the council? No one in Fullerton saw this senile idiot coming down the road?
*** Breaking News ***
Kelly died of a heart attack related to drug abuse in his life. The taser use contributed to the heart attack, but only because of a weakened heart due to drugs. He was under the influence of marijuana and methamphetamine at the time of his death. The facial injuries were mostly superficial and didn’t contribute to his death at all.
Just kidding. But if the coroner and DA return something like this, would any of the Kelly activists believe it?
Then money hungry Mr Thomas hires his own autopsy person and he comes up with something a little different, but mostly the same.
Just wondering how this part will play out. I looked at a blown up photo zoomed in today and his face didn’t look as bad. They stuffed cloth up his nose, his has tubes, but alot of that red medical liquid rubbed all over too. Bandage on his forehead. Just curious what his injuries really were. I think the cause of death will be the key to the case and seeing that so far they can’t determine a cause, I wonder which way it will go.
The news is funny today. They keep saying that Fullerton has hired that guy to investigate the killing. He isn’t investigating the killing. He’s looking at Fullertons policies and procedures and reviewing the investigation once it is complete. He’s being hired to make sure Fullerton is doing things right for the future.
I heard Mr Thomas say last night as I was standing next to him that all of the money from this lawsuit will go to assist the homeless in Fullerton and California. I bet he won’t do that. I plan on asking him about that tomorrow. If he really is going to take nothing of the lawsuit, then I will look at him much differently. Most people want this case looked at and justice to prevail, but so many people think Mr Thomas is a money hungry father that wanted nothing to do with his son and feel he shouldn’t get a penny.
The new witnesses will be good too. I’m very glad the video wasn’t released now. If it had been, these witnesses would have very little credibility. Now that it hasn’t, they could appear much more credible.
I wonder how much longer the DA will take. Sounded like Mr Thomas meeting today was to the point and mostly one sided. I just wanna know who, if any, will be charged so we can move in that direction.
The video issue is interesting too. There is nothing wrong with police reviewing their videos as they write their reports. I know the dash cams are used everyday. An outside video source review is an interesting topic. It’s much different when uninvolved parties review the video, but should the cops be able to review it? It’s done US wide now, but wonder if that might change in the future if someone has a good argument.
I think the video shows a full on fight. I think it shows Kelly fighting and the cops fighting back. Due to the tree, the clarity goes in and out and shows the struggle and fight. I don’t think it’s clear what actually happens during the fight, thats why the DA hasn’t filed any charges.
This blog is interesting. Never been involved with something so one sided but it’s fun and a learning experience. So many assumptions, guesses, and opinions about what happened. So much silence due to the investigation so very hard to know what actually did happen from start to finish. We will know soon enough.
See ya all tomorrow.
You’re outing yourself, FPD.
I’ve spoken with Mr. Thomas, and he seems to be a very sincere man. I think u should give him the benefit of the doubt until he does or says something to contradict his claims.
…just a thought!
Not gonna work, troll. Any high-schooler used to flame wars is aware of your carefully practiced nonchalance and “this has been fun!” fake Pollyanna “optimism” designed to provoke people’s anger because they’re discussing serious issues. Run along now, and let the grownups talk.
“but alot of that red medical liquid rubbed all over too”
That’s called blood you medically-induced jackass.
For further reference, here is the “Reality Is” dictionary:
– Bruises: “darkish homeopathic health-patches”
– Crushed windpipe: “air-overdose inhibition”
– Concussion: “cranial blood-flow enhancement”
– Death: “medically induced Heaven accelerant”
– Reality Is: “human being”
You, sir, have earned the eternal facepalm: http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/2/20066/1063043-face3_super.jpg
“Insensitivity? Stupidity? All around assholishness?”
sorry, I thought you were talking about the blog team here for a minute….
see you at the rally and/or the candlelight service on saturday
“Insensitivity? Stupidity? All around assholishness?”
“sorry, I thought you were talking about the blog team here for a minute….”
That’s right! Non-assholes would actually SUPPORT beating deaths by cops. Only all-around assholes would be against police brutality. Cops are heroes!!!! Anything they do, from eating doughnuts, to smelling like bacon, to beating to death anybody they feel like and getting all of their “brothers” involved in covering it up….is f*cking HEROIC!!!!!
I believe entire schools will be formed around how the City of Fullerton has mis-handled this situation.
Next Open City Council Meeting is set for next Tuesday at 5pm—If we shout “boo” which one of these buffoons will jump???
they might beat you and no one will “see anything”
Man…this guy can’t keep his mouth shut.
He continues to blurt out hurtful words,and disrespect to the victim’s family….it makes me sick the way he minimizes the death of Kelly.
At the last city counsel,he read a prepared statement to Kelly’s father telling him it’s unfair that people think of him as uncaring and insensitive…he reads a prepared statement for crying out loud…that was weak and it made more people angry.Any imbecile knows you don’t do that.Get rid of this clown.
Have the doctors at UCI that treated (if he was even treatable) Kelly, said anything? Has anyone asked them? Or have they said what the cause of death was? I’m curious.
A Doctor could say for sure, but I’m pretty sure medical personnel are not allowed to talk about people’s medical status or treatment without a subpoena or that specific person’s permission.
How sweet! Anything that obfuscates, hides, or outright lies about reality is “legally prudent” and therefore you “regretfully” must support it. Are you a cockroach advocate? They scurry away whenever the light is shined on them…
Admin, how is the “RECALL” going?
Link to contact info for our local House Representive Ed Royce who has been very quiet about Kelly’s case and needs to take a stand. https://royce.house.gov/Contact/ZipCheck.htm
Well, I would make a guess…even if there will be no criminal charges filed….the world will be surprise if a video which got it all will circulate and then there….the DA will have themselves to blame for being incompetent themselves…who knows? London will be just in the streets of Fullerton…….
Don’t forget Don Bankhead who apologized to the public…for not wearing a tie at today’s meeting.
HeeHaw is parroting Cueball. That’s the game plan. Cueball is running the show.
BTW Heehaw did nose jobs and breast implants.
Didn’t Jones grab some female cop’s ass at a union Christmas Party?
I come to the conclusion; we Americans have the tendency to vote in ingrates and incompetent (DA’s, Judges, Politicians, and the rest of them) people in to office again and again, and then it comes to bite us.
Wow! What an embarrassment – as Mayor AND as a doctor!!
At least Michael Sellers knew when to keep his mouth shut …
What an utterly worthless pile of fungus. This dude graduated from Med School? No true Physician would make such a preposterous statement based strictly on a photo.Even your average tool with a CPR card knows that the specifics of head trauma go far beyond appearance.I cannot believe you citizens of Fullerton elected that piece of shit as your Mayor. Its up to everyone now to rectify your mistake and Recall that diabolical Chode
Mayor move to Arizona there alot of jackasses wandering on my land here one more won,t matter.
I hope youre not reffering to my boy Joey Arpaio?!?!? We need more like him here in CA!!!!!
In hindsight, the remarks made by the mayor are a win for the family and the taxpayers goal of a guilty verdict. He is that stupid that he actually made those impossibly idiotic remarks to a live News camera.Because of his comments,there is now more fuel under the fire to throw him out of his elected position.
I want to be a Fullerton cop and Orange County’s politican when I grow up.
You got exactly what you voted for. Disgrace to Fullerton. I hope the rest of Orange County is not the same.
Bloodstain has a good memory.
Old Chinese proverb: Don’t sample the drugs you find in the evidence locker. They often have powerful side-effects, such as permanent brain damage.
The irony of your “one-sided” comment gave me a slight chuckle, thanks.
You are good for something after all.
The good doctah has oral diarrhea!
“one sided?”. Not everything has 2 sides. Gravity is not on dispute. I hate that CNN way of thinking.
No bed-side manner at all. Glad he wasn’t my doc.
You have “seen worse”? What an insensitive thing to say. You should not be a representative of the citizens of Fullerton.
Thanks for running this again. It helps to be reminded what a pig Jones really is.
What dumb coward he is!
This sad event has been nothing but an annoying inconvenience to Jones. For Bankhead and McPension it was all about doing whatever it took to protect the tarnished integrity of an organization they ran into the ground.
True story.
Richard Jones medical doctor is not a hee haw, swine, fool. he is a well-educated man who has practiced medicine and has served as a civic leader for many years as a fullerton city council person. He has a better than average understanding of injuries, the inner workings of a city and its police force. And with his intelligence, depth and breadth of knowledge in medicine, legalities, public administration, government, Richard Jones lied to the public about the severity of Kelly thomas injuries, obfuscated evidence that linked the fullerton police department to collusion, perjury and murder, condoned Fullerton PD releasing false information about the events surrounding the kelly thomas’ murder, has allowed the city to legally settle numerous civil rights abuses committed by his town’s police force when it was and still is evident there is a pattern of police abuse upon the community.
richard jones m.d. knows better than most persons right from wrong and he, like McKinley and Bankhead, knew kelly thomas was murdered by their town’s police force and did nothing until the media and concerned persons demanded from them an explanation.
When protestors stood outside city hall demanding the truth from our civic leaders about Kelly thomas’ murder, richard Jones ignored them as he cut the ribbon to celebrate the remodeling of the library next door to city hall.
Van is right. Jones may sound ridiculous sometimes, but he’s no fool. Well, his days on the council are numbered. He can go back to being a full time retired doctah’ in a month.
This was a great incident to use for political purposes. Just what was the cause of death?
Failing to submitt to a lawful arrest?
Arrest for what? Sitting on a bus bench? Taking junk mail from trash cans? What?
The cops had plenty of PC for contact and detention. That’s not in question. Stick to the facts moron.
Amen to the USA and the justice system.
Amen to the USA and the justice system. Amen.
Holy mackeral! What kind of a doctuh was this clown? A witch doctuh? Where did he get his medical degree? From the back of a matchbook cover? I wouldn’t let him remove a hangnail from my finger or an ingrown hair from my scrotum sack.
I don’t think Mayor Jones was being insensitive or dumb. The mayor was simply conveying that upon the cessation of violence Kelly Thomas should at least still be alive if he was treated correctly and promptly by both officers and EMT’s. He’s merely expressing disbelief at how fucking pathetic all the officers and EMT’s on the seen were.
Funny. Too bad that isn’t the truth!
Cessation of the violence? Cicinelli just admitted for 90 million people to hear: I ran out of options and smashed his face to hell.
Here is a survey on the video / article that was just released: http://survcast.com/Newly-Released-Surveillance-Video-Shows-Police-Officers-Brutally-Beating-Suffocating-and-Tasing-Kelly-Thomas-to-Death-Hit-Run-Reasoncom
Please vote your opinion and share it!
Oh, so it’s Kelly fault that he died and the rest of us should take the beating alright? AFTER ALL HIS YEARS IN ‘NAM, WHY DOESN’T HE TRY SOME ON HIMSELF NOW to see how he holds up? Oh, I get it, the sublime message is that the officers are experts at beating people up ” ACCORDINGLY”.
We was’ told not ta’ say nothin’! An’ thas’ jes’ what we did, nothin’! Doncha’ undahstand? We couldn’ do nothin’! Nothin’ at all! Why do we even have ta’ talk to you people?
I found this archived picture of the former mayor…