Albert Rincon Exposed?
For several months we’ve been trying to find out about former FPD cop Albert Rincon: What he looks like and where he resides. Rincon is the pervert who was accused of molesting women in the back seat of his patrol car, who earned the City a rebuke from a federal judge, and who has cost the taxpayers of Fullerton a hefty $350,000 in a civil case settlement.
Watch out. This could be our boy.
A helpful blog reader forwarded a Facebook link to a narcissistic dimwit calling himself Albey Al. The references, and “friends” named Rincon suggest that this could very well be he.

Check out his facebook page. Could this cretin have passed Chief McPension’s rigid psychological exam? There seems to be almost nothing going on upstairs, so maybe he could have passed it with flying colors!
Of note: Albey Al appears to be living in the area.
Just in case this douchenozzle deletes anything, I’ve archived it here. Decide for yourself. Do you think we have found Albert Rincon?
Hmm. If it is him he doesn’t seem to broken up about losing a good paying job with no accountability. He says he’s working six days in a row so maybe he got a job at a Taco Bell.
With six-pack abs who needs a job? It sounds like his pictures left the Fullerton Shadow moist!
Oh, he’s got a job alright. He works the Glory Hole in the Hillcrest Park toilet building!
Funny I thought Rincon was older….I remember an Officer Rincon who broke my friends shoulder a long time ago….Lawsuit cost the city $$$$…. I wonder if they are related.
He used to look older, he transformed his looks recently from what his profile on FB said and the before/after photos show.
Isn’t that just like a criminal who doesn’t want to be,(pardon the pun), fingered?
He owns a ProteinHouse in a Brea, CA
That clown doesn’t own anything except those silky short shorts he likes wear.
Egomaniac, crypto gay. Right up McKinley’s alley.
Not that there’s anything wrong with being crypto gay.
Great Seinfeldish quote, Yikes. lol
Seems to love himself a lot.. Also he admires pics of dudes. Note the multiple friends with “Rincon” last names, Joe, Vincent, Sylvia, Sandra, Gregory.
There is a Vincent Albert Rincon in Whittier.
The perfect esxample of a Complete Ass!
Nice hat.
“I’m Mirin aestectics”
Classic! We have a first class douche bag intellectual on the line.
U R all haterz.
Can’t you just ask the lady who confronted McKinely at his She-Bear lecture? I thought she said she was a victim.
I was assulted by Edgar! in 2009! whoever have is this link THANK YOU!
Excellent idea!
I have my doubts. I don’t remember hearing about guys being groped in the back of the squad car,
Not that we heard about.
dear god-that was funny as is true like rincons penis, its the small things, o that was good.
Just a regular cop narcissist with homosexual tendencies.
That is Albert Rincon, I know him! He is a class A douche bag! He is so full on himself its sickening. He is a personal trainer now and some like to think he is secretly gay, hence all the photos he takes with guys. That is fellow Officer Sonny Siliceo with him.
Sounds like a confirmation! eww and eww
The false identification of Emmanuel Martinez by Miguel Siliceo and his subsequent wrongful five-month imprisonment (with $30,000 bail – five grand higher than Jay Cicinelli’s).
Just like Cicinelli, this creep was probably hired as a favor to somebody even though there were lots of red flags.
Is there ANYONE at the FPD who was hired based on merit?
Maybe he’s bi. There’s picture of him looking down his shorts.
What a pinhead!
Look at his facebook page while you can. It won’t be there long.
Just saw the archive.
Good job!
He must not be gettin’ much if he has to grope handcuffed women in the back of his oink mobile.
so roscoes….huh? Roscoes…..the place where ex cops and undercover cops get to hang and have a beer whilst bantering about their evil deeds….thats so very nice.
So….it is the bar owners and cops they THINK- they own this city…nuh huh.
Where is Roscoes? Fullerton? Industry?
Guess I’ve already boycotted that place.
I hear they have a new seating area.
on Mckinleys Lap?
Wrong Guy, Roscoes is in SOCO, directly across from Heroes. I’ve heard they have the same owners.
Roscoes, Heroes and Joes are the same owners(partners) if my information source is correct.
Roscoe’s is across the street from the FPD on Commonwealth. The food there is bettr than Heroes, but that isn’t saying much.
Nope unfortunately not! They all are hired as favors to other people. After some digging around it was found that Officer Siliceo was fired from the Tustin PD for police brutality and somehow still got hired with Fullerton. With police brutality on his record its a good thing he didnt get the Kelly Thomas call.
Interesting info on Siliceo if true. Another piece of evidence FPD hires and supports thugs.
The evidence in the “culture of corruption” continues to grow.
Siliceo got popped throwing the wrong guy in jail for five months.
Wow, then like I said if this guy is working for FPD a major RED FLAG, that again goes to show what Hughes, McKinley and others say is just the finest BS one can spew.
I wonder what brutality could be worse than Kelly’s murder.
You got it!
My source told me that Siliceo was hired by his gambling ‘buddy’, a recently retired FPD captain, the same captain who hired his son to be a FPD cop and, though retired, was responsible for his son’s rapid promotions to (currently on probation) Sergeant. Siliceo is supervised by a Lt. who had a hand in hiring his cop-sister (now a detective) and by a Sgt. whose two sons are employed by FPD.
Poor Danny Boy, you have to deny that there is no “culture of corruption” in FPD because you are part of that culture!
Im sure there are a bunch of bodies buried inside the cellar at FPD
Check out how FPDers are trying their best to convince everyone that theres “nothing to see here, move along.”
Thanks for the suggestion but, think we will stay to help you establish the no culture of corruption and transparency thingy, it seems this army is needed.
Just think of us as fruitflies-like Mark Twain said in Tom Sawyer, The pen is mightier than the sword.
Sonny , really
I need a shower.
Me too!
with Lava soap
and steel wool
Sitting on the floor of the shower, scrubbing and crying
Another belly laugh from Whittier
O.k., now I crying. Too much!
Playing the “Crying Game”
I gotta stop. Can’t catch my breath.
There were three of asking McKinley questions at his She Bear gig but none of us had any dealings with Rincon. My exchange was the one that got McKinley to say things like “those women “, “rogue cops”, “aliens” and Rincon’s touching “ain’t dangerous”. The woman filming it all mentioned a situation that involved someone else. Then there was Christine who has an ongoing investigation regarding yet a different officer. She’s mentioned his name at several council meetings but it escapes me at the moment.
That dude shaves his groin?
Ewwww! Red flag!
“Albey Al
It’s the beginning of my weekend and I’m feeling Jacked. Each day that passes gets us closer and closer to summer. Pool parties, Vegas, Palm Desert, and lots of women in small bikinis…#CaliforniaGirls♥”
“Albey Al
Went to target rocking the short shorts and tank top and was approached by two different girls and asked for my number two different times…. yea my EGO is inflating faster than our current gas prices.”
I just regurgitated last night’s dinner. Gag.
I think he means…
Albert290 for the win!
Now I choked on my coffee…good one.
Finally erin doesnt have anything negative to say….wonder if her wig fell off when she saw the topless photo of him
Topless? That’s a pretty girly way to describe Rincon. Is he your toy?
“You already know” aka tu sabes- I’m speechless because all you cops were bumpin pricks together in the locker room with Rincon. Not an attractive site or good press for the “fellas” at FPD.
Just in case this IS Rincon, it doesn’t hurt to keep these photos handy of this ‘pretty boy’.
He may be an FPD spillover candidate for the ‘Lynch Mob’s’ next victim.
Oh yeah save that whole page.
Download express is great for saving entire pages
…Grab it all before that dumb meathead finally figures out his own password …5 days from now and scrubs the page.
Ick. Reading his FB posts makes me want to barf. What a self-loving pig. Even if it’s not him, yuck yuck yuck.
there is a dude on his friend list named VINCENT RINCON!!!!
RED FLAG raised!!!
Name of the Pig is ALBERT Rincon not Vincent-maybe Vincent is a relative?
We need photos of Albert Rincon
Any confirmations out there?
What anon just said, Merijoe, was there is a dude named Vincent Ricon on this Albey Al guys FB freinds list, probably his brother or cousin.
THIS Albey Al could be Albert Rincon.
Sorry, I just read your comment in full. Hmmm Vincent Rincon.
and said he shared a room with him for twenty years!!!
and theres a chick named sandra rincon nevarez!!!
If you got his page, he has been hanging DTF, also- he seems to be pleased with his jerseyshore-type pf behavior- the CREEPIEST- thing- is he said… havent been in school since 2000 and he is happy about eye candy ( the little girls)..he goes to school with- what the hell? How sick is this guy…Rincon- everyone will know who you are by the end of this weekend.
Let’s be careful until it’s confirmed this is Rincon, without any doubt before anyone goes in for the kill. As creepy as this guy is and full of self love and self importance, he probably couldn’t imagine the victims not wanting him to touch them – if it’s him. I realize someone above positively ID’d him but I want to hear it from a real name before I start crucifying this person. For now, I appreciate this entry so I can be cautious should I run into him. I will definitely say something if I do.
with ya sher bear……..the printing press wheezes……Im ready- for the take down when and if confirmed…every girl with in a 20 block radius will get that photo along with guilfords report- I want hundreds in city hall…asking where is rincon?
Same here!
Just reviewed plenty of this guy’s conversations on his FB page; very junior high schoolish chatter and babble.
There’s one where he’s seeking out a roomate and mentions ‘must wear short shorts’. He didn’t emphasize male or female.
To repeat above comment, “Not that there’s anything WRONG with that.”
told cha!….this would happen….
Is this a confirmation?
Albey Al
On my way to RAPE the Gym. It’s a LOVE/LOVE relationship GOD MODE ACTIVATED …FUUUUUURAAKKKKK
On his facebook it says that he is now an LA cop. Anybody know anything about that?
Ohhhh shit!
Ohhhh my god! If that’s true then Pat McKinley probably used his connections inside LAPD to make that happen.
I doubt if he’s a cop in LA. Still, it would make a great story.
albey al is the cop VINCENT IS HIS BROTHER!!!
and sandra is his sister
thats my take on the matter
Come on merijoe, get with the program dear.
“It’s Fullerton Shores”.
sorry Anonymous, you are right, I need coffee-now.
Got ya.
The officer that Christine references frequently is named Officer Edgar
I award this fellow major accolades for creative use of the English language.
Who knew that “Mirin” (capitalization obligatory) was a word, let alone a verb – in gerund disguise?
Alas, the scholar Albey Al offers no clues as to how this verb might be conjugated on it’s own.
Chief McPension’s rigid psychological exam. Priceless.
Quick. Call “Chief.”
Just confirms like all other facts on this blog, all Fullerton cops are overweight, fat slobs.
Hey, McCone were you pitcher or catcher on the FPD softball team?
Not that there’s anything wrong with playing softball.
Joe, McCone is catching. He is probably one of the guys in the photos attached to this story.
But he is right, a picture of a perverted STUD is something I’d use to refute FAT.
McCone-Rincon is not a copper. And when this photo was shot is anyone’s guess except for the pig and his photographer, and, BTW, no one here said “every” cop on FPD is an overwt slob, (just the a bunch of them).
Albert Rimjob back in 2009
Only the straight ones. Not that they’re getting any either.
if, and if this is him……all his clients who will be alone with him-touching them-doesnt or shouldnt clients be aware they are hiring a sexual preditor? O gad, when he said: the fat guy in the sauna,in a towel- drinking diet soda-has the audacity to say…steriods are bad…really- Alby- wtf planet are you from? Diet soda is trash, but in a way different league than your steriods…my gawd are you the saddest sack of suck…or what?
heres a verb for you S.T.F.U.
A little touchy, are you?
I’ll bet as this post heats up, the trolls will wake up. Their beer drinkin pals are under fire.
You mean it’s not hot yet? 🙂
O.k. that looked too RIish. I’m never using those again.
yes…in various ways as well…..
He likes to say that a lot. I guess HeBearMcFuckNut was right he is an ALIEN…
And he is in the
This has got to be him…
Now I know why chief Hughes refused to release Rincon’s photo…this is so sad.
Bears are very protective of their twinks.
“Im Walking proof and evidence that he lies! ”
From a girl warning another girl about him…
More like, a victim warning a potential victim about him and since his photo is out, I’m betting on a lot of other victims will step forward.
Friends For Fullerton’s Future: We do the job our media and law enforcement refuses to do for free.
You will find guys like this ALWAYS in close proximity to a full length mirror!!!!
They make the best photographers those mirrors
“On my way to RAPE the Gym. It’s a LOVE/LOVE relationship GOD MODE ACTIVATED …FUUUUUURAAKKKKK”
Oh My how disgusting is this douche nozzle?
Fighting them off with a stick is difficult…anyone have a shovel I can borrow ?!
The response from his cousin..
Sounds like cop talk.
That cousin of his is an administrator at a Sunrise Assisted Living Facility. How creepy is that?
You wouldnt want those two dirtbags in a room alone with your loved ones.
Here is a suggestion.
If this guy is working at a 24 hour fitness and being paid, hopefully he filled out a job application.
I wonder if he put down his past employement with FPD?
I wonder if his boss is aware of the scandal he was involved in?
I wonder if his boss read the federal judges opinion?
I wonder if his boss is welling to accept the potential liability that goes with a guy like this?
Seems some printed material on this matter would raise the eyebrows of his boss.
I bet his job application is not consistant with his past.
It appears the fox is in the henhouse guarding it.
Simply print out what FFFF has on this fine human being, forward it to his boss either in person or via certified mail.
Let’s save some potential victim from this guy.
*sniff* …I’ll leave this here:
24 Hour Fitness
Member Services
PO Box 2689
Carlsbad, CA 92018
I am going to the 24 hour fitness in brea.
I will be back!!!!
Wow, that’s good service.
I appreciate your passion to save others from falling prey to this narcisstic POS, just please be careful Marlena.
We’ve got your back if you need us.
My laugh this morning. Dude is full of himself!
Gym, Tan, Laundry and Fondle.
ewwww. is this guy for real? ewww, ewww, ewww.
Ooooh, if the OCDA weren’t cop licking corrupt bastards, that little message could put him in real trouble.
…man, spokeo should be ran out of business but its great for searching for creeps like Alberto Rimjob
Vincent seems to be a cousin, age 29 or 30. Sylvia is 53-54, possibly his mother or aunt? I won’t release them here, but I have probable addresses for both and a phone for Vincent if the administrator wants to designate somebody to do responsible journalism (as opposed to harrassment).
It seems that the family is centered in Pico Rivera and Whittier for two generations, and spread from there.
By the way, can we drop the use of the term “pig”? It is so 1960’s its embarrassing!
I don’t know, beating homeless people to death and groping women is pretty embarrassing too.
“It is so 1960′s its embarrassing!”
Steve, what’s embarrassing, and horrifying, is the culture within the FPD and how long it’s been going on.
If a spade’s a spade.
well 50 yrs later and they haven’t changed have they?
I agree Steve since the term really means!!!
“Pride, Integrity, Guts.
When *I* called him a pig, I wasn’t even thinking of the slang term for LEOs. To me, a pig is an egotistical, disgusting asshole, male or female.
I know what you meant.
But some of us old folks know what that term was suppose to mean back in the day.
I know you would not want to use any term that has “integrity” attached to it when talking about guys like this.
Hells no! 🙂
Based on his Facebook comments…would not suprise me if he is former FPD.
Feb. 24th he wrote, “On my way to RAPE the Gym.”
The professor from Germany should analyze this dbag’s facebook comments.
there are six Rincons listed among his friends.
Note that on the Facebook page 5, that “Albey Al” is looking for a new roommate, and that Vincent Rincon says that he can vouch for “Albey” / Albert because he lived in the same room as “Albey”/ Albert for 20 years, which seems indicative of what a brother would say, and since most men usually don’t change their last names, I would say it’s reasonable to believe that this is Albert Rincon.
Found Albie Al driving in his car
lmao………………………he was in there!
Looks more like “Hershey Shore” to me.
I think its down already -Albie Al Rincon
And Albey Al Rincon
It’s still up
Rapie Rapist Rincon
Um….he is so vain- he tans….he took a foto of himself and his bald crotch in a tanning booth….what a complete fool.
Former Pima County Sheriff Paul Babeu and his boy toy “Jose”
Anyone else see a common theme here?
I am never going to Roscoes again, as someone said above thats where all the corrupt losers hang out from the Fullerton PD.
Someone should go to Roscoes, undercover with a a hidden mic
dont go in alone, and gawd forbid you go by a fake bro cop that has had too much to careful….that being said- do it!
How much you want to bet he’s been recording hidden video at the 24 hour fitness in Brea on top of sexually assaulting multiple there?
The man is a sick sexual predator and its not going to stop until hes put behind bars …ORANGE COUNTY DA AND FBI!!!!
Am I mistaken, or did he make his profile private earlier this morning, and then public again? I wasn’t able to access his wall posts earlier, but now they’re public again.
He must be LOVING all of the attention he is getting over here.
*whispers* …someone told him deleting his page will just confirm who he is so he put it back up. I suspect he’s going to start removing the most damaging stuff like the posts that refers to rape and groping women but keep the mundane stuff up.
Here to the power of the new media. If this is the wanna be creature from the bohemian grove summer shin dig then we know what to watch out for. Keep the cameras rolling gang.
I was thinking the same thing. The guy reeks of a male prostitute.
Sellers, Wiechmann, Jones, McKinley?
couldnt help but think the same thing. He had a license to assault women as long as he pumped (someone related to the good ol boys) in the behind.
They are down on commonwealth…betwix Highland and Harbor on the south side of the street…they take up the entire parkin area from harbor-to highland… anyone who knows-dont go there- its littered with dirty cops.
Hey fat girls, you know who I’m talking to. Come down to the gym so I can help knock some of that ugly fat off of you. Erin, I would like to make you my poster girl for the biggest loser.
I bet Erin can whip your doughnut eating girly ass no sweat you little pecker licker…btw you got some of that cop nut stuff dripping off your chin there stud.
I can grope my own ass – thank you very much. Plus, I’m already a “hag” to someone. And you should probably wear something other than a white hoodie and black socks when jogging Hillcrest.
I would rather have the biggest looser around, than you Alby…dont think every dad,brother & boyfreind in Fullerton doesnt have you on his favorites right now…Hello Fullerton CC- want a photo, or how about the fullerton state college- you girls want a foto of a bad guy…if you listen you can hear my printer printin up your photo…im at 48…while Im doing that maybe some womens group from the colleges, and schools in area ( hello google)…get this photo of rincon and guilfords report- can you say- shave your ass hairs..your gonna be bubba bitch….o this is good. Biggest looser- would be you..the fat between your ears says volumes..but get this Alby- you will never ever molest another woman-cant get a real one, huh…I saw you at target- we were laughing at you,not with you- we thought you were jerseylicious…our mistake.
ive hooked up with all the bartenders in downtown fullerton
please define “hooked up” because I have a vivid imagination (that’s a sort of joke by the way – re: VIVID Entertainment)
I bet you have.
We know you “hooked” up…but the law still calls it molesting, we do too, alas the FPD doesnt think so-’tis why you are free….but really how free are you? Someone from the back of your patrol car-family member maybe?Or her boyfreind? Or someone that just dislikes molesters? Be mindful of where you are, for we now know who you are , and what kind of person you are. And have no idea the guy next to you at the stadium, roscoes,joes- no idea at all do you?
I impressed. Bar tenders, a force to be reckoned with. Now add a few drunk corrupt cops to the list, you too will have an army of thugs.
As in you’ve got your lips hooked on to their genetils only for free drinks.
After all, your not a cop anymore, ya self-grandios pussy so you can’t afford to buy your drinks.
Something like that?
Im pretty sure bushala, kiger and all the other fff bloggers arent allowed in Heroes and Roscoes
So, don’t wear your T-shirt that says “I’m a proud FFFF blogger” when you go in undercover.
Yeah real elite fine dining establishments.
With the likes of your kind, why would they want to go there?
Chief Sellers going away cake:
Wheres the cake
Not Sellers’, his would have a yellow stripe down the back (delicious creamy cowardice)
Hmmm! He updated his facebook about an hour ago.
hehe I wonder why he’s suddenly so …deep.
why did you take all those Im small, and only can be a waste bin for all the circle jerks at the pd,yes your asshole, is the only thing that gets used…so until you get off the steriods…Im creating testicular cancer in your sac’s. signed, what’s left of your penis.
dude your sick
Reason number 314, Tony, Travis and the ilk are better then Fullertons finest at local pubs- never have I heard they molest, or steal or take steroids…to protect and serve…ha ha correct and purge, is more like it,from your old tarnished badge and your ego – you got nothing, ‘cept for a long career in gay porn.
I found this on VINCENT Rincon FB (and he is listed as the brother of Albey Al)!/VRincon82/info
About Vincent
.Jay: So why the long face, Horse? Eric on the rag?
Vince: I’m just, ahh, I’m just havin’ a little girl trouble.
Jay: Bitch pressin’ charges? I get that a lot.
Geee! What are the chances?
Hey, Albey… consider changing your name to Chester. It’s much more appropriate!
how about that both profiles are temporly not avalible!!!!
i think its safe to say BUSTED
Yep, his corrupt buddies got the word to him.
Their mother must be sooo proud.
Kevin Smith Movie quote- “Vincent.Jay: So why the long face, Horse? Eric on the rag?
Vince: I’m just, ahh, I’m just havin’ a little girl trouble.
Jay: Bitch pressin’ charges? I get that a lot.”
…Look at this. He’s so proud of molesting women …thinks its funny.
FUCK YOU Tony Rackauckas for allowing piece of shit roam the streets freely.
I SECOND that!
Thanks for swearing for me.
I will be downtown on st pattys day drinking green beer and hitting on all your wives…. They swoon to me when I tell them my PD stories and I show them my Abs….P.s. No on the recall….
Your PD stories? Yeah, women get turned on when they are told about a cop handcuffing and fingering the luvley ladies in the backseat.
HIV awaits those who serve the desires of darkness
Remember back in the early 80’s it was call G.R.I.D.?
Looks like you hit a nerve truthseeker.
Is that what they say?!! hahaha we laugh at you while we are in the bathroom you asshole hahaha
Fred- does it count,actually getting a girl, if you have to hand cuff her first…does that count? Nah, I didnt think so either, so the only girls he gets, are the ones out of the back of his cop car..and handcuffed doesnt count. So you impressed with his partner(,see guilfords take on Wren)- who now is detective,in the gang unit- why is it the cops that are about to be busted go to gang unit- Ramos, Rincon,Wren?
If butt fucking were an Olympic sport, it still wouldn’t be as gay as body building.
Looks like it could be him. On Feb 3rd, he posts about bringing his gun with him to Santa Fe Springs. One of the comments on the post indicates he is a cop and that he has a license to carry.
You mean this FB entry?
Albey Al-
Should I or shouldn’t I take my gun to Sante Fe Springs…..
Share · February 3 at 12:55pm near Brea · .
Kimberley –
Aren’t u a cop …n have a license to take ur gun with u .. lol
February 3 at 1:48pm.
I guess Kimberley and the rest of his pals don’t watch the news. lol
had to rinse with some sterile eye wash after looking at his face book page. Curious though about Yep…I get no play from women. Anybody? It must be him because he writes about can’t wait to bring GOD MODE to Vegas.
…I’m guessing he’s asked to watch kids before which is why she said that.
U people are pathetic!
Care to expand on that?
No, I’d say their pissed.
Hunting for a predator that your pals tried to cover for us just to cool.
Uh, actually, the definition of pathetic is handcuffing women, throwing them in the back of squad cars, molesting them against their will and not only getting away with it but also getting protection from psychopathic buddies.
Good news Rincon! I noticed the defenseless and vulnerable are your type of thing so when you get caught you’ll just get a slap on the wrists.
Interesting find.
And Rincon had how many victims and the DA would not file?
And keep in mind that any one of Albert Rincon’s female victims could very well have been your very own daughter, sister, niece, or even a mother that was pulled over as prescribed by law ; unknowingly fell prey to this monster’s pathological need to denigrate women.
His first victims were probably his close relatives.
That is true FL. But just because the DA said “no file” doesn’t mean the war would stop there.
Kinda like the war FFFF is not waging on Rincon.
It will be over when the PEOPLE say it’s over.
After reading some of this clowns comments on his FB page, Rincon is one WEIRD dude.
FL guess I should have added that after taking 11 months to file a simple misdemeanor on Mater, really suggest the DA’s office has issues if they couldn’t make a case on Rincon with several victims.
– Albert Rincon
It was cold and windy today?
I know I didn’t grope a handcuffed woman in the back of a patrol car to “get active.”
– Albert Rincon
I am reminded of this whenever I read that line from the great “filosofer”.
hahaha -that’s great – all that was missing was an empty pink bakery box
There’s another from the same series for fire fighters. Funny stuff.
– Albert Rincon
Ha, this meatsicle is the gift that keeps on giving.
– Albert Rincon
– Albert Rincon
Albey Al
On Valentine’s Day, I’m at the place that I love most — at 24 Hour Fitness – Brea, CA.
Share · February 14 at 5:51pm in Brea ·
Kind of reminds me of SNL’s Daily Affirmations With Stuart Smalley
I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me.
say.. has anyone compared these pics w/the rapist at the college drawing?
All images are publicly available. That’s all I’m going to say.
Hmmm, if I was a detective working the case I’d present a photo line up to the victim.
If I was a detective I would look into Rincons whereabouts when Norma Lopez was murdered.
It’s odd that he traveled all the way down to Moreno Valley February 8th of this year. Seems a bit out of his normal area IMO. I would wonder if hes made other trips and for what purpose.
Also he seems to be quickly altering his physical appearance for no good reason which is another red flag.
The guy is a proven dangerous sexual predator with absolutely no remorse. God only knows what other crimes he’s committed.
Are we dealing with another Itzcoatl Ocampo?
A suspect has been arrested in that case. He lived within sight of the school Norma was coming from, had a vehicle that matched the description, and had lifestyle issues that fit.
A suspect was arrested in that case who lived within sight of Norma’s school, had a vehicle that matched the description, and had lifestyle issues that were suspect.
I remember they arrested a substitute teacher right after it happened but then dropped charges and they keep postponing the hearing for the current guy they have in custody. So, I’ll take that with a grain of salt.
Well, they also said the first guy they arrested was fired by the school district. Most DAs tend to release negative criminal or employment history to bias a jury.
In his case, the “lifestyle issue” was a domestic violence arrest. Doesn’t mean he did it.
Look at the murders of Raquel Estrada and Juan Herrera, they initially held the son/brother for their murders before releasing him and going after Ocampo.
Just because they have a guy in custody doesn’t mean “case closed”. All I’m saying is that I think they should take a close look at this Rincon creep.
“Just because they have a guy in custody doesn’t mean “case closed”. All I’m saying is that I think they should take a close look at this Rincon creep.”
Here, here! How many times has this happened in the past where the po-po’s grab the wrong person just so they can take credit and close the case quickly? Usually for political reasons-like cronism.
Here, here as well Merijoe!
Now THAT is Reality Is, ooops; sorry folks…
A suspect was arrested in that case who seems to be a very good fit.
I called this situation yesterday! Has anyone called 24 hour fitness yet to inform the management there is a sexual predator working as a personal trainer at their establishment? Even if he is not working as a trainer there and is only a member – they still need to be informed; otherwise the corporation may be dealing with a costly law suit if it is sued for the same thing our city was sued for!
Whatever you do don’t call the local 24 hour fitness management in Brea, they’re probably good friends with him and will just ignore your request. Call corporate instead.
or just email them with as much information as possible. Trust me they’ll have a heart attack once they get wind of it and make a few calls to legal and upper level management.
As the very least they’re going to have management watch him like a hawk. I agree, the last thing they need is getting sued when a woman comes forward about being molested by this dirtbag.
…And I’m almost certain that he’s recording people in the Gym showers.
Phone: (800) 432-6348
Fax: (760) 710-0284
Mailing Address: 24 Hour Fitness Member Services – PO Box 2689, Carlsbad, CA 92018
CS Email:
Corp Emai:
Contact form:
JUst stand outside with a foto, and the judges report- shoud end this bs right now.
I’m with you on that one ACU.
Line up!
OMG that looks like him. Explains the over the top, smug attitude
Isn’t changing your appearance what criminals do to avoid detection?
Each time I look at that pic I keep telling myself that my mind is playing tricks on me …I don’t know but I think someone, perhaps an outside agency should take a serious look at this also compare his friends list to the name of the victim. I see there is one CSU student or graduate on there.
I counted about 6 Cal-state Fullerton friends.
He’ll probably get lip injections very soon to erase any incriminating …features.
And sandpaper his fingertips to erase his fingerprints
I think you are on to something here. The thing about Rincon is that he was willing to take extremely big risk in molesting women while he was on duty. If he will go that far when the risk for discovery is high, what will he do in secret? He is dangerous.
“”Everybody, one day will die, and be forgetton. Act and behave in a way that will make life interesting and fun, fuck a mundane predictable life. working monday to friday with something you derive no pleasure from; just living life out till you grow old and wither away. Find a passion, form relationships, dont be afraid to get out there and fuck what everyone else thinks, trust me its alot more fun that way.
Share · Sunday at 1:27pm near Brea ·
Dont ever pay people out or put people down. Instead just put yourself up and let the haters do their thing. Id rather be a person thats hated on, than a person that does the hating. A wise man one said…
Haters gonna hate!
I don’t know, I’ve had enough for the day. I can’t even think of anything snappy for this comment. This guy gets old real fast. And to think he was or is a cop. Ugh!
He’s a filosofer.
Aristotle Rincon.
“Dont ever pay people out …”
The name Anthony Wiener comes to mind
well i am thinking this might be him, heres a post
Albey Al
So I’m thinking about trying out for the Chippendale’s crew…. so I’m going to need some ideas on a theme , any suggestions??
Share · February 1 at 11:26am near La Habra ·
Matt Olson Police officer?
February 1 at 11:40am
Of course this is Albert. The damning evidence comes from his Facebook friends list. These Fullerton PD officers are his pals on Facebook:
Bryan Bybee
Andrew Coyle
John Cross
Tim Haid
Amanda Nguyen
Jeremy Viscusi
Epic fail FPOA, epic fail.
Bryan Bybee is winner. Drinking a big mug of beer for the camera.
“currently unavailable” as of 9:30 03/13/12 (p.m.)
Bybee is unavailable.
Bryan Bybee: I miss cruisin’ with Chubbs 🙁
February 15 at 1:23pm
He forgot to add Rapin’ and molestin’ and drinkin’
Ha ha ha.
That is rich. They all deleted their facebook pages at the same time.
albey is still there, who else do you mean?
Albey removed his for about 10 mins then restored it.
He also posted a picture of some dude’s arm right after he restored it.
“some dude’s arm right”
That’s cause he’s a psychopath with no conscious and feels we’re all “haterz”
How old is this pig? he talks like he’s a 18 year old gang member.
They must have a quite a grape vine. He was fast. people are reading this, that’s for sure.
Herp! and Derp!
All of those are verified Fullerton police officers
I have a feeling he didn’t take down the page because he thought if he just ignored us we’d just go away and perhaps dismiss it as not being him.
It’ll probably be taken down by late tonight so grab what you can.
Just as I expected he took it down but don’t worry Rimjob we have lots of backups.
You can’t delete stuff off the internet that easily.
Tee Hee hee. This is classic, he restored it again but looks like his good pal Officer Bybee deleted his page for good.
that was the first cockroach to scurry away.. LOL
Officer Amanda Nguyen removed herself from his friends list but her profile is still up. Whats the matter Amanda?
Are you finally ashamed to be associated with your fired rapist pal who cost the city thousands of dollars because of his hijinks?
Who is Stacy Butler?
That is an awfully familiar name.
She’s an on-air reporter for KCAL9/CBS2
Take a look at this. Think its her?
Nope. Not her.
Fullerton Police Officers Bryan Bybee, Andrew Coyle and Amanda Nguyen all removed themselves from his facebook list. Tee hee.
This leads me to believe the 3 donkey’s read this blog, thus comment on it too. Bwahahahahahaha
Fullerton Police Union Boss Caught on Tape Beating Suspect
April 2005 – Officers John Cross and Gregg Nowling were caught on tape in the 2005 beating of a young man who was pulled over for playing his music too loud. Fearing outrage, the department refused to release the recording to the public. Nowling resigned and officer John Cross was fired several years later.
Blog Report – Fullerton Observer
So he’s still friends with some of the other corrupt FPD.
Hi Blessed-very interesting about Cross- wasnt he listed as a friend of rincon?
Yes and still is.
Nice find blessusall and merijoe, he still is.
You forgot about Jennifer Brown but he friended the wrong gal. He obviously meant Officer Jennifer Brown who also goes as Jenny Brown so that takes us up to 7 former and current Fullerton police officers on his friends list.
Umm this is nasty. If he is not a retired or active LEO he CANNOT carry a weapon. LEOSA specifically covers active or retired LEO’S that are range qualified. California does not let inactive LEO’s carry guns unless they mee the Federal LEOSA standards. If he quit, was fired or retired but is not in retired status (before he was eligible) he carries a gun illeglly (unless Mcpension or someone gave him permission). he could be committing a felony. If he carries a gun odd are it is illegally unless a corrupt sheriff or chief approved….. FOIA will let us know….. Rincon’s days with a weapon are numbered. Be careful the perve may still have one even though he is a perve.
Sorry I typed fast for the LEO grammar police.
admin? i’m curious? did i say something wrong? why is my comment awaiting moderation ?? thanks
This facebook page seerms like a culture of coruption all to itself. I am a generation older, and I realize that those in their late 20’s involve themselves in a lot of banterthat is not to be taken too seriously. Those of you in that age group tell me…
But still, it seems as if being fired and costing the people of Fullerton $350,000 has not changed this guy at all. This guy acts like he is still on his feet, still in charge, and doing what he always did.
Then again, Dan Hughes acts like he is still on his feet, still in charge, and doing what he always did.
And not only that but you have police officers from the department he was just “fired” from commenting on how buff he looks and how they miss “cruisin’ ” with him.
i am not surprised at his attitude, with that ego..
maybe the steroids eating away his brain, has something to do with it. i sure hope he doesn’t carry a gun anymore…
i forgot to add, it is frightening..
Love u Albey Al!! Bitches be crazy….. all the f-ing time!! While youre at the gym all these tards are at the computer googling everything under the sun. Stay on top, don’t let anyone bring u down. Haters gonna hate! More people love u than hate u.
P.s. can i wash my clothes on your abs??
“Albey Al” is in deep shit. Word is out, more women are gonna come forward and not even his bros at the FBI can cover for his twink ass.
Your boy is better off buying some high heels, lipstick and changing his name to Alice.
and pucker up his cheeks cause his ass will be getting an overhaul in the state pen.
The douchebag anthem.
did anyone hear that?? what was that??
oh, nevermind, it was my dog farting…
Has anyone yet contacted any of the above to report this more-than-likely lady groping cop?
If not, I did, but the more of us that do, the more believeble.
Even if by chance this isn’t Albert Rincon formerly of FPD, he’s still a douche that needs to be removed from this position that would allow him contact with woman/girls.
I plan to do it later today, I just need to compile as much info as possible so it won’t get dismissed. There is a lot of information on this sexual predator especially here in this thread.
contacted them…sent them the message- and said- dont be surprised, if any woman is molested or feels uncomfortable with this guy, after we have told you about him, then you are liable for any wrong doings. O gloria ( press whore) allred- where are you when we need you? YOu already told several of us, you would defend us- cmon.
This is so funny that the fullerton police officers are all NOW deleting their facebook pages like Brian Bybee and Sonny Siliceo AKA “Sonny Black” or removing Albey Al as their friend. These guys are a bunch of currupt losers just like Albert Rincon AKA “Albey Al”. These lame nicknames just make me laugh By the looks of the photo of Albert and Siliceo it almost seems they could be secret lovers. HA!
@ ChinaDoll, I think you are ChinaDumb. Your viewpoint is a bit cracked. When a woman (or man) can excuse any sins because someone is good looking, or well built or just “nice to me” you are a bit twisted in your morals. As is Albey Al. Albey Al is a pervert who thinks he is something special and that he can get away with anything, even putting photos with his “member” poking thru his shorts. (I have seen photos like this banned from facebook so why not his?) This man is dangerous and a disgrace to men and women who work out. What a showboat, take away the muscles and what do you have? A predator and a pervert.
That’s how Ted Bundy got women to get in his car and to trust him -he lured them with his charm and decent looks then he brutally killed them and thought he was too smart and above any law right until the end.
Did anyone notice that Rincon changed his photo?
He must be loving this.
Old Profile Picture:
New Profile Picture:
McPension likes.
The link said “content currently unavailable” when I tried the link…
Gross. It upsets me to know that THIS is what they hire at FPD. I don’t want immature, self-loving cops in charge. He’s like a high school boy. Grow up already and act like a man.
I’m SO over this city. Makes me very sad.
Unfortuntately these issues happen in other cities too, hopefully bringing it to the surface will scare the bejebus out of other governments to straighten out.
Thanks to this blog, the writers, the commentaters and Kelly Thomas for their courageousness in the face of evil and helping to expose the wrong.
Fullerton is ground zero.
I personally think this is a perfect reason NOT to allow older Police Officers to retire at 50 years old, as it eliminates the amount of mature officers available to provide counsel to the immature ones.
FPD a bunch of closet meat tube lovers? Wtf. Not that there is anything wrong with hiding the hotdog with your pals. But seriously, any married man on Alby gay’s friend list has some explaining to do with their wifey
The brass should be instilling virtue and courage in the young officers leaving a legacy within the department of honor and integrity to further the cause of a free people and a nation all the while maintaining public safety. Instead it appears that they have tacitly condoned corruption and brutality.
This is McSatan’s legacy, should have taken care of them earlier.
Pathological narcissism is a spectrum of disorders. People suffering from the full blown, all-pervasive, personality distorting mental health disorder known as the Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) – are, indeed, more prone to violence than others.
Narcissists live in a state of constant rage, repressed aggression, envy and hatred. They firmly believe that everyone is like them. As a result, they are paranoid, suspicious, scared and erratic. Frightening the narcissist is a powerful behavior modification tool. If sufficiently deterred – the narcissist promptly disengages, gives up everything he was fighting for and sometimes make amends.
I repeat: most of the drama takes place in the paranoid mind of the narcissist. His imagination runs amok. He finds himself snarled by horrifying scenarios, pursued by the vilest “certainties”. The narcissist is his own worst persecutor and prosecutor.
“Birds of a feather flock together” many Officers had to leave FPD with Horrific tales.
Reading your comment ‘truthseeker’ made me wonder what the hell goes on day in and day out with FPD as far as their daily meetings.
Does a captain give a pep talk at the beginning of each shift telling his/her field officers to be tough on everyone that fits a certain profile? IE. Young tatooed latinos, blacks dressed in hoodies, etc.
Do they give them incentives for making a minimum amount of arrests?
Do they show them snuff vidoes of other police agencies beating up on citizens while praising them on their toughness?
Just wondering>>>
To the Abuser, we are all just objects, extensions of their perfect selves. I dont think they have to say anything.
I always wonder too about how they behave.
Wrong Guy.
Answers to that are very simple if you really wanted to know. I bring citizens down for briefings and personal tours all the time. Briefings you sit in the back and listen to the supervisors and cops interact. Walk the halls and watch and listen to the daily hussle. Hop in a car and do a ride along with a street cop. Citizens do it all the time and learn a ton. It’s just a matter of if the person really is interested in learning and observing or has other motives.
Well then RI, let me ammend my question by adding, are these the kind of meetings they have when there are NO citizens present?
Come on RI, we’re talking about corrupt police departments; not stupid ones.
Even ALL the officers at FPD know how to put on their friendly public smiley face in the presence of non-LEOs.
Yes, virtue, courage, honor, integrity…Al is none of these. How many of the FPD have these character traits?
None of there virtues are even considered when promoting for prospective cadets for Fullerton PD.
Qualification Guidelines:
– The knowledge and abilities which are required to perform the duties and responsibilities of this class are as follows:
– Knowledge of:
English usage and grammar.
How the hell did Rincon manage to pass that very basic requirement?
One might need references for sompthing as simple as renting a room or applying for a basic type job. It doesn’t appear that cadets have to have any sort of references to enter police training academy in fullerton.Any bully can apply with some basic high school education requirements.
Im reading Guilfords report…..
The city claims that it first learned about allegations against Rincon on Nov 3,2008. The plaintiffs URGE the court to find a reasonable possiblity that there were earlier reports of such incidents……..the city admits that it has learned about allligations earlier…Thus, the city got it wrong at least once. Second, the city does not provide any records or cite to any deposition testimony to back up it claim that it did not receive any complaints before Nov 3. Third- in its deposition and production responses, the city REFUSED TO DISCLOSE,whether or not there are any pre 2008 complaints, on the grounds of PRIVILEDGE.- this is from the report!!!!!
But if I go back myself the first record of issues with RIncon was back on 10-9-2008? Where are you ladies..step up we have him on the ropes.
Is this Amanda Nguyen related to that other officer Nguyen who perjured himself in the Veth Mam case lying about Veth Mam jumping on an officer’s back?
Yes, all Nguyens are related. Ask them.
What a bunch of racist, homophobe,haters. You would think you people came from a Selma Mississippi time capsule. Your comments are hurtful and disgusting
Selma is in Alabama.
Racist? Homophobe? that’s all you got from this?
Yep, derrrr.
Hurtful and disgusting to who? the women that for years, he handcuffed, threw in the back of his squad car, molested without their consent and got away with?
They ALWAYS run away and abandon the conversation after being confronted.
Lawd have mercy, child! Dayum – let’s see now… My abuelita was a Valenzuela, I have Korean, First Nations and black family members, two nieces and a nephew are gay (and all have been able to marry their partners). Wow – does all that make me a racist homophobe hater?
Hmmm… never knew that – are you a blonde? I will admit to not caring for blondes who are vacuous – are you one of those?
Removed themselves? Rats scatter when the lights go on-lets keep the lights on. I guess all those officers think molesting women and screwing the residents out of a couple hundred thousand in legal fees plus other admin costs is no problem and still can hang with the best of them on disgracebook. It sure says a lot about the culture of corruption that Dan says doesn’t exist. It does exist in the dimension of reality that the sane members of the taxpaying public reside in.
I actually think that I read somewhere that these two are married to each other.
Posted on at 3:25 p.m. today (03/14/12) –
FULLERTON (KTLA) – A 16 year-old girl ran away from her sister in Fullerton early Wednesday morning and has not been located. Fullerton police are asking for the public’s help in locating the girl.
Fullerton Police Corporal Tim Kandler said that Kayla Lyons is from the state of Michigan, and was in Fullerton visiting her sister.
Lyons was last seen in the area of Gilbert Street and Orangethorpe Ave on Wednesday at around 1:25 am. Lyons suffers from psychological and medical issues and is in need of medication.
Kayla is 5′ 0″, 95 lbs., with blond hair and blue eyes. She was last seen wearing a blue sweater, dark blue v-neck shirt, blue jeans, and black sandals.
Anyone with information about Lyons or her whereabouts is asked to call Fullerton police detectives at (714) 738-6716.
Really? Not as disgusting as placing a girl in your custody in handcuffs, then molesting her- you ok with that? Rascist? Where the hell did that come from? I looked back -no rascist comments…Time capsule, you ar lucky it isnt or we would already had rincon head on stick—what you like being molested by Albey Al Rincon…so who is worse,me for placing crap on a blog- or you defending his behavior,by attacking the messinger…well that is rich- pack your stuff…move to ol Miss…and take your boy toy Al with you. big dork. PS. My kid is gay..and I still call Rincon straight gay. keep fooling yourself honey- he just aint that into you..he likes boys.
and to top off Mj- if you dont likeit…there is a power button, on the side of your computer…hit that little button see it…dont like in here-dont navigate your computer to this site- or turn it off. Problem solved, your not uncomfortable with fullerton citizens trying to find a badged molester…and you can pretend were rascist-instead of concerned citizens…
Exactly. Why bother putting your 2 Pesos in if that’s how you feel, stay on Rincon side
I just don’t get how anyone could possibly be on the side of Chester the Molester after knowing what he did to women and how he got away with it for years without so much as a picture of him released to the public filled with young girls. They must have a few m&m’s missing from the bag.
Since RI never seems to answer the tuff questions, and the very reason he could never meet me face to face with me, outside his fullerton “fort apache” is YES!!!
No group of cops in briefing with a UNKNOWN citizen sitting in, will hear anything that even closely resembles what you have read here.
A citizen riding along with any police department will indeed see some very interesting things, and learn alot if they pay attention.
Will they see any significant problems or the appearance of corruption or the daily misdeeds of anyone. Very doubtful.
You have read how more than a few cop trolls have responeded to some of my commentary.
Thats secret stuff they would perfer you don’t know about.
I submit you might learn more watching the police series “Southland”.
“I submit you might learn more watching the police series “Southland”.”
Love that show. They need more episodes.
How many rapes and murders have you gotten away with Albert Rincon or should I call ya Rodney Alcala?
Where where you July 15th 2010 around 12:30PM when Norma Lopez went missing while walking home from school and was found dumped a week later?
Where were you Oct 12th, 2011 around 8:45AM when a CSU FULLERTON student was sexually assaulted by a man who closely matches your description?
Where were you Dec 26th 2011 around 7:30PM when Bree’Anna Guzman-Ruiz disappeared without a trace and was found a month later in Silver Lake dumped like trash?
Rodney Alcala told his victims he was a “professional fashion photographer” just like you used your position as a cop to rape women and now you’re trying to pass yourself off as some fitness guru/life coach.
And for all of the women reading this and still covering for him, WE KNOW FOR A FACT HE’S STRUCK AT LEAST 8 TIMES, do you really want to be alone with this creep when he strikes again if he hasn’t already?
Do you want to let this creep around your kids?
Think about it.
Yo Feds! Did you get all that?
Whenever Police Officers look the other way for their “Bros”, they’ve decided to turn their back on the same people that they are sworn to protect.
I think we need to see more police officers disciplined and dismissed from duty, for lying for each other, rather than watch them get promoted for plagiarizing police reports for each other as is reported to be the case with soon to be Lt. Andrew Goowrich, who is looking to get promoted for being a pathological liar.
Nothing screams dysfunctional organization any more than when the pathological employees in any organization are routinely promoted over those with personal integrity.
That’s because they are a ring of arrogant, god-like thugs constantly on a crime spree.
They care about no one-if they did they would speak up-this silence/lying BS isn’t helping anyone, they are just too cowardly to say anything,
DA is the main dictator- they should prosecute these nazi’s but don’t. As far as I’m concerned DA is as reprehensible and complicit as the gestapo they protect.
Strike that, the unions are the one’s calling the shots (Ya vol).
Their vehicle, AKA the DA, gives the unions a big Sig Heil to whatever their directions are for them and the DA goosesteps in time to whatever they are told to do, like good little SS soldiers.
“Nothing screams dysfunctional organization any more than when the pathological employees in any organization are routinely promoted over those with personal integrity.”
I agree 100%. I believe that can be said for the majority of government organizations. I know from experience, coming from the County of LA, the third in the government tier–fed, state and county. I have never before seen such incompetence, which resulted in severe organizational dysfunction, from the top to the bottom.
Everyone in the organization paid the price, and ultimately the public, for whom the institution was designed in the first place.
A sincere thank you for that response ACU…
I forgot I asked RI that question yesterday and as usual, instead of answering my reasonable yet point blank question, he chose to post other unrelated comments to others.
That’s because once again, his tongue was tied.
Nor will his ego allow him to respond with the only true answer he could give, which would be, “good question Wrong Guy, probably not”.
Let’s see if he responds now. (bright yellow smiley face here)
Your welcome. I thought he would chime in under a different screen name and babble something.
(Insert a big freakin yellow smiley face)
He seems like Patrick Bateman in “American Psycho.”!/profile.php?id=100000212107300&sk=photos
Hmm! I wonder why he changed his facebook status to “fugitive” and location to “mexico”.
…I kid I kid.
…he stuck his finger in one of his victims while fondling her breasts then told this poor woman that he thought her daughter was hot and asked if she could get him a date.
Each time I read the reports I want to cry. Each time I SEE HIS FACE I WANT TO THROW UP! Each time I SEE THAT SKETCH OF THE FULLERTON RAPIST SOMEONE POSTED HERE AND SEEING THE GLARING SIMILARITIES JUST MAKES ME SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG those transcripts are a Steven King plot…This sick psychotic POS continues to walk around free and easy with a chip on his shoulder, changing his appearance, his actions seemed to get worse with time,
The woman he molestesd got off a few good retorts to that dumbass nazi, even in the situation he put her in.
Read these transcripts and get angry.
Angry that this was allowed to happen without consequence even after knowledge by the great leaders of Fullerton who think they should continue running Fullerton, their spouses, the supporters, the DA, etc knew about it, -everyone knew it seems, except the citizens.
This should not be brushed under the table, this crazy man is dangerous to all cities that have women in them.
The pack of wolves just let this cracked maniac out on the streets over and over again. And Mclooney had the chutzpah to talk about the victims character while his depraved spouse just looked on in glee at a seminar that was camouflaged as helping women be safe.
Well said merijoe…
Your statement, “Angry that this was allowed to happen without consequence even after knowledge by the great leaders of Fullerton who think they should continue running Fullerton, their spouses, the supporters, the DA, etc knew about it, -everyone knew it seems, except the citizens”,
got me even more riled up about this!!
But thank you…
“Read these transcripts and get angry.”
I read them for the second time this morning, and it still makes me want to barf. If I could I would help plaster flyers all over Fullerton, and Whittier for that matter. That gives man idea now, but the bottom line is that this man is dangerous and should be a registered sex offender, not a gym instructor working with young women.
Wow! This just goes to show us the level of corruption the people of Fullerton have had to tolerate for too long. The message we women get in response to this kind of behavior is: WE DON’T MATTER, and that boys will be boys.
The fact the FPD has condoned, or winked at, the criminal behavior of it’s officers, makes this even more serious.
No one can possibly know what it’s like to be restrained and fondled, molested or raped, until it has happened to her/him. I know from first-hand experience, that the emotional repercussions can last a lifetime.
He needs to be held accountable for his actions, and that means jail and sex offender status.
That gives man idea
should be: That gives me an idea
you guys had the right guy Rincon yes is him the one with the hat that say roscoe’s.i don’t need too hide my name .what can i get more retaliation from fpd.? like past saturday sargen diaz din’t want to take my report if i speak spanish.rincon was at and in my house several times ,he was there by himself and other ocassion with solorio ,and other with wren.fpd hate me cause i say the true.sorry the tru is the true even if nobody like it.
Wait, wait, wait…. So Rincon is the older, bigger guy?
I know, but when she said it’s the guy with the Roscoe’s hat on in the photo, I just wanted to make sure.
Samara = COINTELPRO gone bad?
Her post before it was edited certainly fits the definition of cointelpro.
Thanks Samara, you are very brave.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with who Samara Mohagen is, she is the very brave lady who stands in front of the City Council pleading for help with a domestic violence/police officer involved case, while McKinley and Co. mock her language skills and try to get her thrown out of meetings.
In other words, she’s one of us. Welcome aboard Samara!
Good for Samara for sharing her FPD experiences here and at the city council meetings.
If there are any spanish speaking Gloria Allred types out there, step up and give her some assistance.
guns and goons in the city!
So has Mr.Rincon and his band of studs gone underground at this time?
Do we know if he worked at 24hr fitness in Brea?
Samara you should check your facts before pointing fingers. The man in the hat IS NOT officer Rincon. So before everyone goes on a wild goose chase to publicly bash that man, relax. Samara has incorrectly identified Rincon.
Thank u
No the man in the hat is Siliceo who through incompetence or laziness or malice put an innocent man in jail for five months.
rincon forget about the part it say domestic ,VIOLENCE IS VIOLENCE.GET IT.
The man in the hat works at Roscoe’s. The man on the right is Albert Rincon. Will you look at the picture again and get back to us so that we can help you?
The man in the hat is a Fullerton cop – Siliceo.
I heard they are both at the Slide Bar celebrating St Patty’s Day!! Then will do the bar crawl through DTF to celebrate later.
Maybe after drinking 25 pints of green beer, they’ll stumble over to Harbor Blvd. and play in the street.
Nice Jane H…
LOL (smiley face here)
O.k. got it, but Rincon is on the left.
Please look at the picture.
A Fullerton cop pulled me over and said “Papers” – so I said “Scissors, I win” and drove off laughing
That would be even funnier if it were true.
And then I came along and said ‘Rock’ and won.
Good one.
This is simply appalling and scary -What/who is next for this untouchable psychopathic serial abuser? or, better, who else don’t we know about that he has since violated?
Wish that cop from Oklahoma was here-the one who wanted 10 mins alone with “big” one (Jay C.)
Any of the candidates for council seats have anything to say about this? Matt? Barry? etc?
Read the transcripts. They are in full on FFFF -Google it.
Whats with the Antonio Villarairapist look he’s sporting here?
At least he covered up his misshapen flabby man boobs.
HAHA! He does look a little like the LA mayor in the first photo but man his flabby skin looks like a god awful mess without proper lighting.
It explains why most of his photos are over processed and he only poses at a certain angle. Dumb roid head is obviously half assing it.
This is for sure the same Albert Rincon. He is a personal coach/trainer in OC. Used to hang out in DTF. Has posed in pictures wearing his uniform on FB and instagram..dumb if you ask me! He is weird and creepy!
Confirmed that Albert Rincon is part owner of a new restaurant in Brea called Protein House – This store should be protested.