Back Room Deals at the FPD; Hughes Wants Blatney, Craig and Hampton Back on Our Streets

Acting Chief Dan Hughes has been trying real hard lately to peddle the notion that he is in charge of a new and improved Fullerton Police Department, even though when you get right down to it there really wasn’t all that much to fix – just some irritating communication problems.
Although the scribes at the OC Register have apparently bought into this malarky, others who have seen the veritable conga line of crime perpetrated by the boys and girls in FPD blue, are a long way from being convinced. After all, the first step toward recovery is admitting the problem right?
Which is all preliminary to the point of this post.
Our FPD deep cover source informs us that Hughes is pressing to have three of the cops who ganged up on Kelly Thomas, and who stood around as he gasped his last breaths in the gutter, return to active duty. That would be cops Hampton, Blatney, and Craig. Of course he needs the DAs assurance that these goons won’t be prosecuted for anything. Which is why he came out with all that BS about how he and his boys were part of the “prosecution team” and why Tony Rackaukas praised the FPD for all their hard work for the benefit of Lou Ponsi. Looks like that deal’s done. It’s all about damage control now, and surely the City’s highly paid lawyer Michael Gennaco chipped in to help exonerate the three accomplices though his double top-secret report.
We have also been informed that although he is formally being fired, a back room deal is in the works to reward Joe Wolfe, the thug who started the murderous beat down on Kelly Thomas, with a nice, fat disability claim if he goes quietly. Of course we’ve been told that Wolfie re-injured his shoulder in the “tussle”, most likely bashing Kelly’s face with his elbow. That ought to good for a hundred thou’ of our money, give or take. Nice.
This all has the ring of truth to it, especially the Wolf part.
Anybody who ever thought that creep Rackaukas was going to do the right thing needs to have their head examined.
I sure hope the new council thumb’s down the Wolfe deal.
Hampton’s had a lot of problems stacking up before the Thomas murder, and of course he is still in good standing with Danny “Nothing To See Here” Hughes.
I’ve been sayin this for years, it’s time to fire the whole lot and start over. We need real accountability and genuine policing. Why not form a new department and rid ourselves of Hughes and this whole mess.
When good men remain silent evil is allowed to exist making the good men equal partners in the crimes.
As usual FFFF first to get the story. Well done.
WTF are you talking about. You didn’t think this was going to come up. Please use lotion next time. Vote NO
After the recall goes through, I hope the new council can clean house starting with:
New chief of police that cares about the safety of the citizens instead of the “brothers in blue” who are responsible for bloodshed and turmoil.
New city manager that REALLY cuts waste by not shuffling employees that should have been laid off.
Replace that sleazy city attorney.
Fire any public employee with an anthropoly degree. 🙂
Require FPD officers to get rid of their bellies and double chins.
* anthropology degree
Sorry, submitted via mobile phone.
attach to that sentiment, any snivel servant whether in fullerton’s municipal government and at the county level who graduated from an experimental college where the students told the professors what they knew, and you fools out there who paid top dollar for the experimental college degree know who you are
The anti-intellectualism is really getting old, and will do nothing but lose your side votes. Van, you mention Foucault on one post and attack anthro degrees and experimental colleges on another. That makes no sense. Admit it or not, you’re obviously an intellectual yourself. Tying police reform to firing people with degrees you don’t like from colleges you don’t approve of is beneath you. More importantly, you guys getting sidetracked on peripheral and trivial issues like this weakens the whole movement for police reform. Which, from looking at the original story Joe wrote about, is way too important to screw up.
Please be quiet Ima Crank.
Experimental colleges = lose
Did you go to one, and the mean old professors failed you?
ima crank, its an inside joke, actually I refer to only one person who got a degree at a college that no longer exists. and that person reads this blog and is friends with the evil triad, Jones, Mckinley and Bankhead. Instead, it was rolled into a department of a university. I don’t mock higher education, I do mock persons who get government jobs through cronyism and not specific qualifications.
Van is one of the good guys. Why attack him?
I wasn’t. I like Van!
O.k. good. Maybe I misunderstood.
Reforming the FPD is futile and expensive. OCSD can step in and take over in less than a year at half the cost.
The OC Sheriff is way ahead of the curve on serious and meaningful reform.
The museum might have a need for someone with an anthropology degree but not the City Manager’s office.
Lol. No that museum as where Joe Felz to his start on the way to Albert Pujols status.
These officers will soon be back on the streets doing their jobs and protecting the community, where they belong! And Jay should be with them. I predict that he will be found NOT GUILTY, and will be back working in law enforcement one day, but not in Fullerton. Why would he want to serve a city that spits on him? He’s devoted his life to serving our nation and coummunity and look at the thanks he has gotten. It’s DISGRACEFUL .
dont think so trina!
Shut up Trina your husband is a disgrace to the uniform. So is Manny and Joe! I hope they never wear a police uniform again. You all better change your names!
Look what they did to me!
They fired the only hunk on the force that was in shape with rock hard abs! Sure I abuse women, but that’s besides the point.
I want back on the streets too!
Well maybe mick mckinley can do him another favour and get him a job at the city of BELL, AS A PARKING OFFICER
> I predict that he will be found NOT GUILTY, and will be back working in law enforcement one day, but not in Fullerton
Maybe Mike Hillman will get him a spot working dodgers security but he is done working in law enforcement.
The man is mentally retarded, can barely communicate and only has one eye. There is no way, no how, another department head is going to put their career on the line to bring in this guy who offers NOTHING to Law Enforcement.
Not even former LAPD Deputy Chief and current Riverside Police Chief Sergio Diaz.
“…a city that spits on him.”
This is the only thing accurate in the post.
further proof the FPD refuses to reform itself . Instead, they believe they may continue as usual because they bought lies from Gennaco. Rackaukas is bought with FPD Mckinley’s boys in blue campaign contributions for re-election. Even as a temporary stop-gap measure, the FPd needs to be disbanded and contract with OCSD or another local police department.
My opine
Where is the back room deal in this story? I figured at some point this would have to be addressed. You FFFFer’s are funny……………….back room deals.
More examples of GED reading proficiency.
How about a back room deal between Hughes and Rackaukas?
How about a back room deal between Hughes and Wolfe?
How about a back room deal between Hughes and Gennaco?
Van my opine is that there is no back room deal going on and that the city council (that includes your buddy) and city manager will all be involved in this decision. I think they should be back at work. My opine
More bad news for the FPD and the taxpayers of Fullerton.
Stay tuned for my post.
Fred I read what you typed but I still don’t see the back room deal. Is there any proof that there is a back room deal or is Hughes just addressing an issue that needs to be addressed?
And my “opine” is that they should be fired for their actions and inactions in the Thomas murder. Wolfe should have been charged right along with his buddy Ramos.
A lot of people are wondering why Wolfe was never charged. And now we know. The DA cooked up weak charges and in the case of Wolfe no charges. And he never bothered to investigate the source of the call and the possibility of a criminal conspiracy, either.
It’s the same back room deals since day one. It’s in the eyes of the 10 FFFF loyalists. Drugs. That’s why Fullerton could care less what FFFf says.
But you care RI, that is why you are always here.
Bingo dat!
Ellis pays him $1.25 per comment.
If that’s true, let’s go back and see how much he made.
Just kidding.
Why is this not in the least bit surprising. Ramos should have been off the streets for misconduct weeks before the murder of KT.
Correct. Kelly Thomas died because city leaders refused to deal with deranged employees. It’s really as simple as that.
Whoah. This is a bombshell. That story made me literally want to throw up.
How many of these cases do we NOT know about? At this point it wouldn’t be out of order to demand an Internal Affairs investigation of EVERY SINGLE OFFICER on FPD. What the hell is wrong with these people? Stomping and beating on a fully disabled man? WTF?!!
And why didn’t the DA press charges against Ramos for falsely arresting and abusing this “fully disabled” man? Well, why didn’t they press charges in the Veth Mam case, or the Eddie Quinonez case, or the Trevor Clarke case, or the Chris Spicer case, or the many other cases that THEY know about and the public does not?
Maybe because then the DA would also have to file charges against the majority of the FPD? And maybe he needs police union support to get re-elected? And maybe he doesn’t want to set a precedent of telling OC cops to stop abusing their authority and beating the hell of out innocent people because they’re power-mad thugs on a control trip?
This story needs wide, wide coverage. Kudos to Moxley for breaking it. I am embarrassed to live in this city.
Jt we need to be proud to live in this city as the push back to this evil is massive and unprecedented. Righteousness always prevails in the long run. They are on the wrong side of things. What is evidently clear here is that the deck is stacked against us with the DA, the department, the council, the media and alot of brain dead voters. We need to press on and fight the good fight for the future of us and our children and we will overcome. This movement is in its infancy believe me.
Not that story. The OC Weekly story on Ramos linked above.
Just more low lives trying to jump on the bandwagon. Accident chasing attorneys. One year later and this guys is suing. Go back to your whiskey and SSI checks Walker. I aint going to work.
That’s the ugly side of police work. No one like it. But it is done everyday. Thousands of sues just like this one.
“It” aint going to work.
This would be an unfortunate development that would only serve to further violate the public’s trust in their city council and police department.
What I don’t understand is FPD’s stubborn “nothing to see here folks” stance. They have to be aware with the spotlight on them that more and more of these incidents will be revealed. When the public hears about others standing up for their rights, it gives them the strength they need to come forward.
Why have they haven’t they followed the LAPD footsteps and hired an outside Chief who can be completely objective and CLEAN HOUSE.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much sh@t come out of one PD in such a short period of time.
Sorry for the typos…I get upset and push submit too quickly.
I’m disgusted by this, but can’t say I’m surprised. In fact, I had a feeling this would happen. If it hadn’t been for Ron Thomas taking that horrific picture of Kelly while he was in the hospital, and this blog and KFI radio, the public would have had no idea what happened and those psychopathic cops would still be on the streets right now, as if nothing had happened.
And to Trina, or whatever the hell your name is…Jay Cicinelli’s wife…your husband is a psychopath and a murderer. He is going to jail. He will never be a cop again. And even if somehow he does manage to find another corrupt police department to slither into after he gets out of jail, his name and face are known all over the world. Even you can’t be that stupid and naive to not know that. That name, Jay Cicinelli, will be radioactive. Every time there is a search result on Google for his name, it will be in connection with how he beat Kelly Thomas to death. You think he will be able to walk into a grocery store and no one will be able to recognize him as the one-eyed, psychopathic monster he is? His picture has been plastered all over the Internet. Do you get that? He won’t be able to walk into a store without getting stared at and people calling him a murderer and walking away, disgusted by the sight of him.
If I ever found out that he was living in my city, I would let everyone know exactly where he is.
So do you still think he’ll ever be a cop again? Do you still think he’ll ever have a normal life again? He doesn’t deserve to. He killed an innocent person. He’s a psychopath, and he’s a danger to society.
That is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read to date. You are a clown.
Umm….”file charges”? I don’t know why I’m asking, but what charges would those be?
jerry, please put down the crack pipe.
It’ll probably be hard for him to proofread that book with only one eye.
It’ll also be hard for him to write it since he’s somewhat mentally retarded.
If he does complete it, who aside from other rogue retarded cops would buy it?
I’ll bet Hughes already has his disability claim exit strategy in the works, you know, from all the ‘stress’ of having to sit around and peddle nonstop bullshit to keep his thugs employed and out of jail. How long before he goes adios with after a new council is in place? Tick, tock.
Yes Nips. Most Chiefs do. Stress gets them 50% tax free just like Wolfe got for life. I mean you could live on $60k tax free for lIfe right?
For all of your defense of law enforcement in general, you sure brag a lot about how they lie, cheat and steal from tax payers.
All of these cops/cop worshippers don’t really get it. You end up making points for the side you are against…
Not that at all.
The admins here only post half the stories, so people like you feel it’s a big conspiracy. Just like you want everyone including the watch commander and dispatcher charged and fired.
Deal with reality and your life will be much easier.
This blog will rot your brain into thinking the world is against you.
FPD does a great job.
RI~Then why do you come here? Oh wait, that’s right, your brain is already rotted.
Where else can someone from the law enforcement community get educated on how anti police and anti government people think? And debate them until their posts are deleted? And get a feel for how their brains work in debates related to same? It’s that and great entertainment. It’s very valuable for cops and city leaders in events such as protests, occupy events, major incidents with out of town activists, etc.
Bottom line is it doesn’t matter what the LE community tells them or educated them with, they don’t care. That’s why what you say goes in one ear and out the other. That’s also why long ago I said silence is best because it’s lose lose. You are seeing that now. It doesn’t matter what Feliz or Hughes or anyone else says. It will be flipped by admin and made to look bad and like a conspiracy. That’s why not even addressing the 10 FFFFrs is the best strategy. I mean the council approved the city realignment and personnel changes recommended by Feliz so why not yell at Bruce and Squirt as well as the other three? Yes we know the answer to that don’t we?
Please don’t lump the FPD in with the LE community in general. It is an insult to law enforcement who actually do “a good job.”
I think shining a light on the Fullerton Police department and the City Council that best is lazy, worst complicit is imperative. Any honorable LEOs would agree. It isn’t all or nothing. Not all PDs are horrible…FPD is…and continuing to defend it instead of wanting to reform it says a lot about your character.
You are wrong again. Take out the Kelly incident and the Veth incident. Those are unfortunately type incidents that happen in LE organizations and always will. The rest are standard incidents that happen and are dealt with. Just like in FPD. Just because you want someone fired that made a mistake, doesn’t mean they will be fired. That’s reality.
Do you really think that if all the BS on here spouted about FPD and all the half truths were facts, that FPD would even be operating? The FEDS would have shut them down long ago. They make hundreds of arrests and take thousands of reports a month, and all is done by policy and without incident.
Get the bad cops out and look to the future. Deal with reality not this BS here. Facts are facts.
Oh, boo hoo. Reality is you ain’t in charge of anything here.
Lol they have blocked everything they can. Some things they can’t block but they are trying. Next?
While I really don’t agree with anything much you say, I do appreciate the nickname Squirt.
Thank goodness I have a full arsenal! 🙂 LoL
So Erin are you back. Are you voting YES on the recall?
John Doe, Most likely no. However, I’m sure my no vote won’t make a difference. The recall is in the bag.
Mr. Doe, you should never start sentences with ‘so’. Also, please note that when asking a question such as “Erin, are you back?” you need to make sure to use the proper punctuation mark, in this case a question mark.
On another note, yes does not need to be in all capital letters. This makes it look as if you are shouting, and is overall poor internet etiquette.
Grammer Police rocks!
John Doe will never get it, however.
John Doe will never get, however. However what?
You left out the “it”….. dumbass.
He is a dumbass shi#-for-brains that absolutely cannot post a comment without ommiting or misspelling words, lacking proper punctuation, etc.
The Grammer Popo needs to punish this boy.
He still can’t get it right…
Don’t hate me causes I am beautiful.
OK. I won’t hate you because you’re the King of France either.
Define “great job”.
If by “could care less” you mean couldn’t care less, then yes.
Clearly – who could argue that point. FPD doesn’t care what its tax-paying public thinks. Thanks for agreeing, and for confirming what we already knew.
Biting the hand that feeds them…and with a smile.
Where the hell is Chris Thompson? Does he approve of this? I thought he once told us that Danny was a great, great guy. Have you changed your opinion yet, Chris?
I told you that Hughes was more of the same.
I will tell you one more time:
Are the three bald tires and their special interest money and free propaganda from the Observer going to pull some ballot stuffing/vote flipping and voter fraud come Tuesday?
Wait, you think the feds care and don’t engage in this type of corruption on the reg?
Exactly- the Feds are part of the problem. If anyone thinks that the Feds are angels then the password is abbadon. That is why bottom up reform is so important and this recall is so key.
LOL good point Michael. I forgot its a conspiracy top to bottom here at FFFF. That must explain why the Feds have done nothing. My bad.
The reality is conspiracy in government at all levels is the rule not the exception and you can freely look up the thousands of cases of government conspiracy.
Its not necessarily a conspiracy. Just similar goals. Feed the prisons. More control. More weapons from the Pentagon. More asset forfeiture. More grants from Homeland Security. We own the streets. More taxpayer money.
All the way up, and all the way down.
That’s why it’s called a cover up and Fullerton has been doing a pretty good job till now… The feds are already in the midst of an investigation because of the Thomas killing….
As far as the wives and friends of the murdering police go. Why is it so hard to understand that they may be good people on their off time (doubt it) but at work they look the other way and beat the shit out of people till they die because the thought the guy was “resisting”?
Why the kin and friends can’t or refuse to understand that is beyond me.
Michael. It’s complex.
It’s an isolated incident. Any other Ramos beating incidents come up? Any other Cicinelli beating stories come up? Outstanding personnel files. Good citizen contacts. Good cops. This was an unfortunate isolated incident.
The incident can be analyzed up and down and will in court. Incidents happen everyday just like this around the US and 99% of the time the person is fine. Yes cops get beat. Cops get punched. Cops get their asses kicked bad. So do bad guys. Force results in injury often. It’s reality. Good supervision makes cops do the job right and report the job right. There are good cops in Fullerton. FFFF needs to start the healing and look forward and not think the world is a conspiracy at all times. Even with OCSD here you will have the same complaints. It happens everywhere everyday.
“Any other Ramos beating incidents come up?”
Bad timing, asswipe.
Mr. Self-important O’Malley steps in pig shit.
Ramos is long gone. He will be a cop in Montana some day. Im actually surprised there haven’t been at least 10 lawsuits filed against those two guys. Feeding frenzy leads to lawsuits.
I forgot im Omaley. Been awhile.
Short memory? You asked a few minutes ago if there were any other incident involving Ramos. Weak.
Wrong. Ramos hasn’t gone anywhere. He hasn’t even had his disciplinary hearing yet.
Ooof. Right in the solar plexus. Reality is you’re getting your ass kicked.
Lol. He’s long gone. He ain’t coming near Fullerton again. Only one other claim? That’s shocking. I expected at least 10. Just like I expected at least 5 inside employees to come out and claim harassment and inside good ol boy coverups. I admit when I’m wrong.
Let’s see one assault and false arrest, and one murder for Ramos. And those are only the ones we know about. We’ve got Hampton for at least four incidents. Mater destroyed evidence and falsely ID’d a guy. Major ripped off Explorers. Mejis stole an iPad. Tong and Thayer beat people up for fun.
I can’t even keep track anymore.
Nice pals you’ve got there.
Wow..Some old drunk is getting coaxed by some fly by night attorney. What a surprise. One more idiot to join the group. That makes 11 FFFFer’s.
Yep RI and there is more coming out.
Any other Ramos beating incidents come up?
Any other Cicinelli beating stories come up?
i heard officers where taking bets on when he would lose it.
I’m willing to buy that if FPD didn’t have a record of abuse and corruption top to bottom. The reality is police brutality and government corruption has reached a zenith and its obvious to anyone paying attention, it happens everyday.
People need to stop thinking that nothing is a conspiracy and everything is an isolated incident.
More Bad News For Fullerton Taxpayers; Another Lawsuit Against FPD and Manny Ramos
Didn’t you read the latest post here?
FYI Arrogance is not an attractive feature in a person.
Well put RI! Could not have said it better!
What a load of bullshit.
The people that vote for the old farts are their neighbors, golf and business buddies who strut around town thinking they made something of themselves when in reality it’s all ill gotten goods thanks to out of control, sanctioned cronyism.
True. But it’s their right to vote how they want.
Personally, I think to heal and mOve forward we need a new council, all 5, and an outside police chief. Move forward and be confident.
I agree. Remove everyone and abolish the FPD.
Finally, a statement we can all agree on with RI…
Nice RI. Especially the outside police chief. That’s why LAPD seems to have greener pastures these days; because of Charlie Beck…
Yes, people have a right to vote how they want and on their terms NOT Tony Bushala’s.
No. Need three. You can’t count. Figures.
Hang out outside the Sunny Hills post office for awhile if you want to take a gander at the phonies and cronies you’ve described.
They tool around in cars that look like they’re attending their own funeral.
cop beats or frames someone = non punishable “mistake”
anyone else does it = felony
RI – why would they block you? Everything you spout only makes FPD look worse. Arrogant, myoptic, cop-worshipping troll. You really flatter yourself.
Doe Miss. I always wonder the same thing. They don’t want to hear truths though. They want to form their own truths. They hate facts.
RI you know that with all the IQ reducing programs in full swing not limited to diet injections and injuctions, TV flicker rate manipulation, seratonin re uptake inhibitor proliferation, pharmacological dosing of the food and water and the likes, sensationalism is a necessity these days. How else can one effect change when the mental capacity and attention spans of the general populace have been greatly diminished? Spin is interwoven into our society. The inconvenient truths, however, plentiful as they seem on this blog, for the most part stand on their own. Speculation has always been an art and as of late, under the form of information warfare we are being subjected to, has become a national pastime. FFFF exists to hybridize them into a new tomorrow for our community. You see its kind of like when you went from 460.2750 to 900 mhz. The pendulum swings back and forth doesn’t it. I for one could not be more grateful.
Truthseeker, you are some scary guy. Be afraid, by very afraid.!!
Is that a threat?
Not much of one from a lower primate with a low IQ like JD’s.
i need bodyguards now
Reality Is in your post # 73, what two guys were you referencing?
There are hundreds of websites to do exactly this. Why specifically the focus on Fullerton?
Because he’s chummy with Hughes, McKinley, Bankhead, Goodrich, Sellers and that other captain at FPD…
In fact, he may be one of them.
“In fact, he may be one of them.”
Ding ding ding!
Bring on OCSD! We are looking forward to it! Force me to double dip, get rid of the trouble makers, I welcome the change and the money !! Thanks Tony !! Oh… are you not going to post this like all the other ones!
Whatever. Hughes – gone. Goodrich – gone. Hampton, Craig, Blatney, Coffman, Kirk, Thayer, Tong,, Nguyen – all gone!
Keep dreaming!!
Mud flaps sound like part of the problem and I highly doubt he is a member of OCSD… I know personally how they don’t behave in this manner of speaking…
There is no fixing a broken Police Department like Fullerton. It’s like trying to fix a 100 year old car, Most of the parts need to be discarded and new ones re-fabricated. It’s time to face the reality and dismantle the department. I don’t think that the city can afford this type of department. Nothing will ever change. There are too many veteran officers that follow in the footsteps of the prior Police Chiefs. Chiefs that stick there heads in the sand and do nothing about their poorly behaved personnel. This doesn’t start or end with Ramos, he just was the unlucky # that came up and got caught. If they modeled their Police Department from an outstanding Department Like Orange PD, then you would definitely have a professional team. So glad I don’t live in Fullerton and I feel for the residents that are losing so much money that could be benefiting the city’s parks and overall well being….
Like I figured more and more people blogging from out of town.
I know for sure now that the recall is going to fail.
I’d like to put some cash on this. Of course, since you’re so confident, you’ll be laying odds. What’s the spread?
Are you serious? SoCal police are known throughout the world for their extraordinary corruption. It’s virtually a tourist attraction. People travel to London and expect to see the Queen’s guards and bobbies. People travel to Socal to enjoy queens and corrupt policemen. Orange PD not corrupt? Give it a break.
“Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful”
Mr. Doe, please use proper verb subject agreement, and please use the correct words. In this case, causes is the incorrect choice unless you are talking about a ’cause’ that you support, or multiple ’causes’.
No only should these officers be fired, they should be fired ESPECIALLY if they’re innocent. I’m not trying to be sarcastic. If they get fired and they’re innocent, that’s even better.