Bankhead, Jones and McKinley Are Proud of Their Supporters

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The Anti-recall squad is boasting of its broad range of fundraising support, including developers, city contractors, and the police union. Naturally the Fullerton cops have given liberally to the defense of the Three Dithering Dinosaurs – a whopping $19,000 last fall. If you peruse the FPOA’s Form 460 you will certainly discover some familiar names. Names like Goodrich, Mater, Tong, Hampton, Nguyen, Mejia, Power, Siliceo, Coffman, Blatney, Craig, Thayer, Wren and other by now familiar characters who have a vested interest in supporting the sclerotic regime that has permitted a Culture of Corruption at the Fullerton Police Department.

But the names that really jump out at you are serial sex pervert Albert Rincon, and the two goons, Manny Ramos and Jay Cicinelli, who have been charged with the murder of Kelly Thomas. I don’t know about you, but I would just feel ashamed having those names on my list of supporters. But apparently shame is not an emotion experienced by Mssrs. Bankhead, Jones and McKinley . These fine gentlemen say they are proud to be supported by law enforcement.

Well, I predict that they are going to come to regret that pride.


136 Replies to “Bankhead, Jones and McKinley Are Proud of Their Supporters”

  1. Well, there’s $19,000 they’ll never see again. Flushed down the hole for some useless mailers and shoddy campaign consulting.

      1. yeah, and supposedly Fullerton is NOT FOR SALE…or so their anti recall signs state. sounds like it’s already sold.

      2. BLOOD MONEY-PURE AND SIMPLE. Quite the roster. I guess these individuals have their price. It’s a good thing the MAJORITY OF FULLERTON RESIDENTS DON’T. There is something to be said for a clear conscience as well as one that is still functioning. Onward to the certification.

  2. Has anybody seen the Anti-recall expenses? I’d love to see how much of that cop dough they’ve wasted collecting 145 recission signatures.

    1. Finding a little humor here…that money paid for more than 145 rescission signatures lol I think the several thousand they claimed to have mailed back is more accurate – 145 only signifies actual signatures to rescind. The rest of the cards had personal messages, etc for the three and their anti recall pals, all at their expense. I got hold of at least 40 sets myself that I and others filled out and sent back to them. Do I owe their sponsors a thank you or something?

  3. Fact finding and reporting about matters of public interest was once a function of newspapers and then radio and then TV too.

    You can look up fun facts such as that.

  4. WOW, FFFF your timing on throwing logs on the fire just freakin amazes me.

    Yep like RI said, ONE BIG happy family. I’d say a rather large MAFIA family would be fair.

    You can rest assured the lawyers for the UNION will do everything they can to spin the Kelly Thomas case after seeing these documents.

    Another EXCELLENT piece of ammo that MIGHT show why these other dirty cops were given a pass and a second chance after their misconduct.

    YES folks, I’d get me a new tape recorder or camera if you don’t have one.

    You might want to get yourself a new pistol if you don’t already have one.

    NOW FFFF since you seem to keep pulling rabbits out of your hat, why don’t one of you fine administrators go to GWCC, and get a list of FPD’s employees who teach there.

    Some of us could have some fun with that too!!!

  5. And now we know why the city didn’t seek an outside Chief to take over FPD.

    NO ONE want to upset the gravy train!!!

    1. I posted earlier, one of my first posts here “If you are part of a EVIL Corrupt Criminal Organization, you dont want outsiders who dont have any skin in the game. Couldnt agree more.

    2. The only way the Fullerton PD can be saved is if they’re disbanded and the sheriff’s department takes over for about 5 to 10 years after which the city considers reinstating the department or out of state/out of county investigators and agents of the FBI/USDOJ takes over.

      You can bring in all of the outsiders in the world to oversee that department but as long as the corrupt bastards remain, nothing will change.

      As far as I can tell, the OC “bros” at the FBI arent going to do jack shit. Orange County is a very corrupt place when it comes to law enforcement.

      1. The OC Corruption will meet its match when Citizens and Media, step up as we have seen. When Rauckakus, went on TV and did his, detailed description, of the July 5th 2011, Kelly Thomas Murder, the little world they lived in changed, hopefully forever.

        There is the thin blue line, but information still gets out that later gets confirmed.

        The politicians are their own worst enemy, or they do a really really good job of playing stupid beyond belief.

      2. #15. I Agree!, and well said.
        We the people have woken up, No more is trust so freely given.
        The tow truck saga looks like “Racketeering” to me!!!!

  6. larry :
    need to get court TV to cover the ramos/cicineli trial.

    AMEN on that, but the defense lawyers will fight like hell to keep them out.

  7. “You might want to get yourself a new pistol if you don’t already have one.” -ACU

    Any suggestions, anyone, on how to find a great Lawyer.

      1. I’ve spoken to Mr. Mardirossian in person at the KT Memorial Concert. I’m not exactly confident in his expertise or experience when it comes to police brutality but I don’t know anything about his background so I could be wrong.

        Anyone know of a civil rights attorney preferably a former prosecutor or law enforcement officer who has had decades of experience dealing with and winning cases as it relates to police corruption and police brutality?

        1. I don’t know of any but I did run into a former attorney who left law and is now involved in civil rights. He told me about the 800 seq series (it’s been awhile and I could have that number wrong) that will often protect law enforcement and get most of them off. He also suggested checking complete backgrounds of judges in OC because one or more have a relative in law enforcement and could be biased. He asked me to convey all this to Ron Thomas but when I did, his response was his lawyer would know this. I hope this helps you, Anonymous and anyone else; now or down the road.

  8. Lifesaving Service :
    “You might want to get yourself a new pistol if you don’t already have one.” -ACU
    Any suggestions, anyone, on how to find a great Lawyer.

    OMG, that is the tuffest of all questions to answer.

    You might want to start with that attorney who represented Mrs.Thomas on her issues with the DA.

  9. Let’s see, tens of thousands from a private businessman who has never manipulated government for selfish interest or tens of thousands from a self serving union which has bought and continues to pay for its benefactors. A union which both tirelessly supports even its criminal members.

    1. the way I see it is they don’t like Bushala because what he does is not connected to the FPD or their cronies or feathering their PD nests for the future. Let’s dump those three knuckleheads asap.

  10. … I was absolutely floored that the FPOA spent $19,000 of their cash on the anti-recall effort!
    At least now I know why the police used to spend me so much of the time visiting me when I was collecting signatures.
    Here’s a list of the rest of the usual suspects that ponied up for the ride out of City Hall…
    p.s. It takes awhile to load some of the pages of the campaign contribution forms, however well worth the wait ; )

    1. Corruption, and Criminal organizations have to have many tentacles. Thats why the Federal Govt. and International Law are required. (probably not in this set of cases in Fullerton).

  11. Are these contributions by officers to the Fullerton Police Officer’s Association voluntary? If so, I’d suggest that every self-respecting officer ask that his contribution be refunded back to him or her because of this outlandish contribution to the anti-recall campaign. Then hang on to the money and financially support the people of intregity who will run for City Counsel to replace the three corrupt counsel members.

    1. Those contributions to the PAC are voluntary, all right. Seems to me that pretty much tells you how many good cops there really are.

  12. And WTH did they do with all that money? other than send out demented, looney mailers about Tony Bushala to all of Fullerton, I mean

    1. merijoe :And WTH did they do with all that money? other than send out demented, looney mailers about Tony Bushala to all of Fullerton, I mean

      I heard that they donated the remaining balance to Anton LaVeys church. I just hope they wont hold anymore rituals at the transportation center as we approach the summer solstice this year. Last years was a couple of weeks late. If you dont think what they did to Kelly Thomas was satanic then I dont know what to tell you. May God have mercy on these demons. Hell has a special place for this type.

  13. The irony doesn’t escape me that Manual “Manny” Ramos is listed as a “Peace Officer”.

    I also noticed on the form 460’s, that the Contra County Deputy Sheriff’s PAC threw in $500, as did F.rederick “Dick’ Jones wife, Norma, and Hee Haw himself threw in a $1,000

    On another note, the two old ladies that were pontificating on the dais about the recall being wrong, Jan Flory, and Molly McClanahan, are both listed as contributing $150 each to the Anti Recall campaign.

    1. Don’t forget those great community icons and aliens, Rincon, Meija, Mater, Major- gave $190.00 each which comes to 38 bucks a month to the anti recall effort

    2. DId you notice that the majority of people are RETIRED’ or house wife-Im looking at the list of house wives to see who their husband are.

  14. News and Videos are starting to disappear online, someone should save them, for later. I can only save images and bookmarks.

      1. Stuff like old news reports and videos, some are saved to youtubes FFFF profile, but probably not all. Even radio audio podcasts.

        1. I have archived copies of just about every TV and Internet-based video newscast on Fullerton from the past 6 months.

  15. That’s some nasty stuff right there. Taking money from accused murderers is not the way to win the hearts and minds of the people.

    Everyone associated with the anti-recall campaign should take a good hard look at what evil thy have associated themselves with.

  16. fullerton lover :I saw Anthony Bogart’s name in there also who is a coach in East Fullerton Little League.

    An FPD cop who coaches little league in Fullerton.
    My guess is he’s probably one of the friendlier of FPD officers, but even the good ones will back the bad ones.

    1. There is “a new Sheriff in town” its the Internet, with its fast and timely information, vast audiences, and group collaboration, knowledge is very powerful, against Evil.

      People tend to fight battles in the manner befitting battles long past, to their own demise, as we are seeing here.

    2. I used to think the guy had integrity, however this is a game changer in my eyes. I have a hard time with those who help bail out “accused” murderers , and financially support crooked politicians.

      If my son were to get selected on his Little League team, I would definitely ask the League President to place my son elsewhere as I wouldn’t want my son to be influenced in any way by someone with little or no scruples.

    3. I do wish that individual cops would recognize the impact of their union on the average citizen…the community as a whole. However, I have had discussions with Tony Bogart a handful of times over the years, including his handling of one supermarket call during the recall and he is, in fact, a very pleasant guy. And he was a pleasant guy to me long before I ever had any involvement with the recall. These cops are people. They are not all political and many tend to go-along with the prevailing wisdom of their peers without a lot of thought. Very much the same as many of my non-political friends. I view it as part of my responsibility to attempt to move them as individuals as well. Mind you, I measure success in nanometers.

  17. Winning, “hearts and minds of the people” is probably trumped by the fact they apparently have a lot more to hide. And the Feds are probably persuing many avenues.

    Legally they shouldnt do to much to infer Guilt. -rough quote, ACU


    LOS ANGELES — There was never any outward indication that anything was wrong in Mark Berndt’s classroom at Miramonte Elementary School in south Los Angeles. School officials and law enforcement authorities say they never received any complaints about the third-grade teacher, who is accused of blindfolding students, putting tape on their mouths and taking photos of them with live cockroaches or a spoon full of semen.

    Some parents picking up their students at the school on Tuesday complained that school officials should have notified them when the photos were discovered last year. Berndt was fired immediately after the investigation began, and placed under surveillance, but parents didn’t learn why until this week.

    “My concern is why, if the principal knew this in advance, why didn’t he inform us?” Gloria Polanco, the mother of a second- and a third-grader, said to the Associated Press. “How long has he been doing this?”

    Deborah Harmon, whose 7-year-old granddaughter goes to the elementary, was also upset about the length of time it took school administrators to notify parents of the allegations.

    “It’s a sense of violation and betrayal because you think that your children are safe when you send them to school but they’re not safe,” Harmon told

    I just now heard on KFI 640 radio that the L.A. County Sheriff Dept. advised the school and district staff to remain silent until they get more evidence. They were silent alright; FOR ONE WHOLE YEAR!

  19. On the Form 460 under expenses, the anti-recall folks paid Davis Barber Productions $250 for campaign materials.

    NO JOKE !!!

    1. I’m not surprised at this fact. Davis Barber and his sanitized newspaper suck up to the evil three, jones,Bankhead,mckin
      Ey, Fullerton pd and any city o Fullerton top dog in order to get contracts from the city. My conjecture worth proving

  20. Cicinelli and Ramos were placed on unpaid leave shortly after the criminal charges were filed in September. Rincon was terminated. Why do all three show the same payroll deductions as the other officers from 7-1 thru 12-31?

    Either these three are STILL being paid by the City or that deduction was a lump sum payment before their careers were over.

    Which is it?

    1. Vern I had a personal promise, along with many other women in this city that Rincon was gone,on unpaid leave, we had nothing to fear….Kevin Hamilton..emergency council meeting on ALBERT RINCON..I would like to know the answer to that question.

  21. Wrong Guy :

    fullerton lover :I saw Anthony Bogart’s name in there also who is a coach in East Fullerton Little League.

    An FPD cop who coaches little league in Fullerton.
    My guess is he’s probably one of the friendlier of FPD officers, but even the good ones will back the bad ones.

    Approach this guy in a diplomatic way, ask him the tuff questions right out of the gate.

    Watch his body language and facial expressions. Does he look you in the eye when he answers?

    That will tell you the story in part. Cops like anyone else wear two hats, one hat while off duty, the other while on duty.

    But the smell of crap remains no matter what hat your wearing.

  22. By the way I think it’s commendable that NOT ALL Fullerton PD officers contribute to the PAC which funded the anti-recall coffers.

    Good for them.

    1. Everyone of those LE contributors should be ashamed and mortified, but I know they are not…they are drinking the Koolaid and smiling like they love it. Kudos to those who did not contribute.

      I love that the list and what it exposes. A little league coach you say? I bet none of them thought this would be exposed, ever. Also LOVE the guy who gave $20…LOL Woohoo, go for broke dude!

      I am surprised Lou Ponsi is not on the list.

  23. Of the $169,317 raised by the Fullerton Recall campaign, $149,267 came from Bushala, $20,000 from his brother George Bushala and $50 from Lake Forest nurse Merry Axelrod, according to reports filed by The Fullerton Recall.

    The largest opposition donation was $19,000 from the Fullerton Police Officers Asssociation political action committee. McKinley is a former Fullerton police chief. Another $10,000 came from the Sacramento-based Peace Officers Research Association of California political action committee.
    Smaller donations of $500 and $1,000 from other police agencies, including Newport Beach and Riverside, also were received. Altogether, police-related contributions comprised about half of the money received to fight the recall.
    The rest came mostly in contributions of $100 to $250 from dozens of Fullerton residents, many of them retired.

    1. And yet the supposed recall supporters say this isn’t about Bushala trying to buy himself a city council. I can’t wait to watch him piss away a million dollars only to see the recall come up short.

      1. Anonymous (of course you are) …

        It takes MONEY to run a campaign, itchy
        The recall sigs are already in and far from “short” far from it.
        Even Tony Bushala only gets to sign once, so I guess all those other sigs came from others in the community who want a recall.

        So go pound sand with your “Bushala wants to buy himself a council” constant unsubstantiated whine before someone calls you a waabulance and take your meds.

        And, we aren’t “supposed’s”, we ARE recall supporters

      2. Recall voters won’t give damn who funded the signature collecting. The only people who will support Jurassic Park are dinosaurs themselves – or trough-feeders who profit of their evident dementia.

        Bushala is a freaking hero.

      1. Erin, indeed. That’s just too blatant. Makes me wonder what exactly is the environment in the DA office regarding the recall?

  24. if you guys need financial support from the community, be sure to set up a money bomb date. I’ll support you guys with some cash for sure.

  25. fullerton lover :I used to think the guy had integrity, however this is a game changer in my eyes. I have a hard time with those who help bail out “accused” murderers , and financially support crooked politicians.
    If my son were to get selected on his Little League team, I would definitely ask the League President to place my son elsewhere as I wouldn’t want my son to be influenced in any way by someone with little or no scruples.

    That would be great FL if not only you removed your son but also rallied with some of the other parents to do the same.
    That would really get in that poor soul’s head, considering he’s probably a good guy at heart.

    Shortly after I had been rail-roaded by the La Mirada Sheriff of LA County, I signed my then 5 year old son up for soccer and his coach was an L.M. Sheriff deputy. He was an extremely good coach whom all the kids and parents liked and appreciated. At the first practice I remember him telling us that he was a deputy in La Mirada and that his name was last name was Maldanado. He went on to say, “I happen to be the friendly Maldanado, not the other older Maldanoda who writes a lot of tickets.”
    I was surprised to hear that remark knowing that even the good ones, side with the bad ones.
    I knew exactly who that other Maldanado was because he threatened me when I was held up in his Downey courthouse jail. After that threat, he continued to stalk me at least every two days. He finally stopped after I reported him and two others to internal affairs.

  26. I counted 131 separate contributions toward the anti-recall effort. Of those, 76 came from people who listed their occupation as “Retired” or “Homemaker”. Countless others on that list are retirement age but remain employed.

    Fullerton needs to realize this is generational warfare for the Anti-Recall folks. They look down with smug pride believing that the “kids” under age 50-55 are incapable of being effective leaders. Being the cowards that they are, they won’t come out and admit their bias, so it’s easier to focus all the attention on Tony Bushala.

    1. A lot of truth there. The oldsters really don’t want to let go of power no matter how badly they have screwed things up.

      I think we now know the how few people will support the Three Baboons.

    2. This is somewhat accurate. During the four months of gathering signatures, the majority of those who spoke against the recall were 45-80 and up and mostly male.

    3. Those people are quite simply the personal friends of Bankhead, Jones and McKinley. They have invested too many decades supporting at least the older two to come to terms with what kind of “leaders” they really are.

      1. That’s right. The only things they could was what great guys they are, they go to church with them, they’ve been friends with them for 15 or 20+ plus years, blah blah blah.

  27. “I predict that they are going to come to regret that pride.”

    If we’ve learned anything about the three pickled pigs, it’s that they never regret anything, ever. Even when they should.

    1. Reminds me a Professor, who said in early Greece, where our political system got its starts, leaders had to be forced to lead, or even the drawing of a lottery was used. Because anyone wanting to lead wouldnt make a good leader.

      “… that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth…”
      -Abraham Lincoln

      Its too hard to tell the good leaders, from the really bad ones!

      1. OOOPS, should read

        Its NOT too hard to tell the good leaders, from the really bad ones!

        Forgot the NOT.

    1. The scary thing is that thugs like Ramos and Cicinelli and Rincon are wandering around with guns while off duty.

  28. recall figures :
    Of the $169,317 raised by the Fullerton Recall campaign, $149,267 came from Bushala, $20,000 from his brother George Bushala and $50 from Lake Forest nurse Merry Axelrod, according to reports filed by The Fullerton Recall.
    The largest opposition donation was $19,000 from the Fullerton Police Officers Asssociation political action committee. McKinley is a former Fullerton police chief. Another $10,000 came from the Sacramento-based Peace Officers Research Association of California political action committee.
    Smaller donations of $500 and $1,000 from other police agencies, including Newport Beach and Riverside, also were received. Altogether, police-related contributions comprised about half of the money received to fight the recall.
    The rest came mostly in contributions of $100 to $250 from dozens of Fullerton residents, many of them retired.

    Well that tells a story there too about PORAC, the Sacremento based firm.

    PORAC will be paying the attorney’s for Ramos and Cincinelli defense, from their Legel Defense Fund.

    PORAC seems to be backing more than a couple corrupt figures either in their campaigns to get elected, or anti-recall efforts as here.

    They don’t seem to do any research to find out if either issue have merit.

    You can thank Sergeant Andy G, for his interaction in getting PORAC to cut a check for $10k and the surrounding agencies.

    Funny though you won’t see any of the cops marching in front of the DA’s office protesting on behalf of Ramos and Cincinelli.

    Not quite that brave to create a potential riot.

  29. Listed on page 33 is a professional company of David L. Gould Co. in L.A.- They specialize in Political Reporting and Consulting listed as giving $1,117.75 to anti recall.

    That’s an odd amount

    1. Known to carry a hatchet? What a colossal shyster-Some idiot high on homemade moonshine, coplicker on the jury is going to buy his horsecrap too.

      1. Yeah on the hot night of July 5th Thomas was almost naked, Wolfe had his backpack and yet somehow we’re supposed to believe the pigs who killed him thought he might have a hatchet?

        Was this the slimesack who claimed Haidl’s rape victim wasn’t unconscious and in reality was auditioning to be in porn movies?

  30. We’re there other scratch my back and I will scratch yours public servants who paid homage oops, I meant contributed to the evil three , jones, bankhaed and McKinley, campaign?

  31. OC Weekly :
    John D. Barnett Is the Attorney for the Damned

    John is good at what he does, create reasonable doubt. I watched him defend his client in the Rodney King case. That was over 20 years ago.

    Interesting he claims Ramos did not deliver the final blows. So Cincinelli must have?

    So will Barnett throw Cincinelli under the bus? I doubt it.

    Barnett and Swartz will work hand in hand. That alone will be interesting to watch.

    Again, I pray this case is televised for ALL to see. It will be nothing less than educational for all.

    Hopefully many cops will watch it and learn from it. IN a posative way.

    It appears Barnett is going to expose Kelly’s past as some justification for the present situation.

    Then I hope the DA cut’s no slack with Ramos or Cincinelli’s past if there is evidence of such in their backgrounds.

    1. Jesus, man, get a grip. Of course Barnett will throw Cicinelli under the bus. That’s the plan. Cicinelli’s got a pissant charge and may have to spend a few months in jail.

      Cicinelli’s lawyer will claim he rolled up after the “fight” statred and had to subdue a crazy man with superhuman strength.

      These cases are designed to fail.

  32. fullerton lover :… I was absolutely floored that the FPOA spent $19,000 of their cash on the anti-recall effort!At least now I know why the police used to spend me so much of the time visiting me when I was collecting signatures.Here’s a list of the rest of the usual suspects that ponied up for the ride out of City Hall…p.s. It takes awhile to load some of the pages of the campaign contribution forms, however well worth the wait ; )

    $33,000/$61,903 donated by police assciations and PACs. Thats a little over 53%.

    I’m particularly interested in $10,000 from the Police Officers Research Association of California PAC. Any relation to Lexipro?

    It seems the police are defending politicians who stay silent when cops commit murder. (Accorde to T-Rack).

  33. There is a big problem with trying to bring ANY element of Kelly Thomases past into the trial. Kelly Thomas is NOT on trial, he was the VICTIM and is deceased and can not present a defense.
    A smart judge will declare any record of any actions by the attorneys for the people or defense to present background earlier than the call to the FPD could result in contempt charges and some time in OC Jail.
    Kelly Thomas is Not on trial.
    WORD:: Don’t mess with the judge..

  34. This OC DA is the same guy that SOLD badges and concealed gun permits to his friends.
    Did he sell permits to other police types and friends to KILL/MURDER homeless people?
    $19000 for a kill permit in ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA.

  35. Or perhaps a national media headline could be something like this.
    POLICE OFFICERS will not be prosecuted for KILLING HOMELESS PEOPLE when bar/saloon owners call and complain that customers are being panhandled.
    How much does a RAPE permit cost?

  36. I wonder if the $150 “donations” are from the fundraiser at the Villa Del Sol? Especially after seeing a couple names on there that were in attendance.

    …and I guess this confirms some suspicions about Fullertonstories too lol.

  37. Mr. Peabody :
    Jesus, man, get a grip. Of course Barnett will throw Cicinelli under the bus. That’s the plan. Cicinelli’s got a pissant charge and may have to spend a few months in jail.
    Cicinelli’s lawyer will claim he rolled up after the “fight” statred and had to subdue a crazy man with superhuman strength.
    These cases are designed to fail.

    Mr.Peabody simply throwing out an analogy based on Barnett’s comment.

    It would be a true historical event to see one cop defense attorney throw another cop defendant under the bus when their all sitting at the same counsel table.

    I am focused and my grip is intact.

    Let’s hope this case is televised as mentioned by others.

    1. Well, let me put it like this. I believe the cases have been designed to fail and yet give the DA credit for doing something, albeit damn near as little as possible.

      Cicinelli delivered what could be construed as the death blows and yet was charged with a lesser crime. Bennet will have to confuse the jury by pointing out that Ramos didn’t really hurt Thomas – just held his legs while others beat the shit out of him. And the attack on Kelly’s head was executed by Cicinelli.

      This approach may not even comport with the law, but despite what I’ve read on this blog, juries are not always made up of the brightest bulbs on the tree.

  38. plain ornery :
    This OC DA is the same guy that SOLD badges and concealed gun permits to his friends.
    Did he sell permits to other police types and friends to KILL/MURDER homeless people?
    $19000 for a kill permit in ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA.

    The DA cannot issue gun permits to ANYONE. A badge maybe, but not gun permits.

    Police Chiefs and Sheriff’s only issue gun permits.

  39. Mr. Sipowicz ,

    Can you kindly point out where/how the FPOA pac is related to the anti recall folks. I’ve looked through the campaign finance material that you provided and can’t find a connection.

    Do a bro a favor and place the dots a bit closer together!!!!


  40. Mr.Peabody,

    Make no mistake I believe this case could have been designed to fail. But not from one defendant throwing the other under the bus.

    I know many think the defendants should have been charged with 1st degree murder too.

    The higher in charges one goes, the heavier the burden of proof.

    One could be over charged, knowing full well they can’t meet the burden. But a dog and pony show could be put on trying to make others believe otherwise.

    Could this case simply be a CYA for someone, OH YES!!!!

    One or more people could be doing most of this just to keep the “mob” happy and under control.

    If you don’t think street level cops get thrown under the bus to protect others in the bigger scheme of things, let me assure you it does.

    It’s going on right now in San Bernardino County. Like I said before, FPD is small potatoes in comparison.

    This case only got off the ground becasue of the evidence from the pole camera followed by FFFF jumping on it, then the public outrage.

    If history has taught you anything, you will know the bigger cases that have been prosecuted have come from VIDEO footage.

    There is a saying among some in the LE, “GOT NO PICTURES”, you ain’t got shit.

    The other 4 not charged in this case has me concerned also. The DA seemed to be concerned about not being ABLE to meet the burden of proof the other cops were accessories to this crime.

    But he’s not worried about charging Ramos with 2nd degree murder. Something just doesn’t seem right.

    It will come together if we get TV camera’s in the courtroom.

    But again until Ramos and Cincinelli are found NOT GUILTY, the FBI declines to pursue the matter further, should we be getting TOO excited.

    It truely won’t be over until the fat lady sings.

  41. Nothing will surprise me in our Wonderful criminal court system.
    Look what happened in ’93 with the LAPD getting acquitted in the Rodney King beatings. King was no angel of course, but once again our system demonstrated that ‘cops have a license to kill!”
    Then we got to see O. J. Simpson and his “Dream Team” make a mockery of our system when they got O. J. acquitted for murdering two people. Why? Simply because he’s famous and more importantly ‘rich’. He bought himself a team of attorneys that made Marcia Clark and her DA team look like they just started law school.
    Herego, if you have enough money, you could get away with murder, legally.
    I hate to be a pessimist but I believe in Mr. Peabody’s comment #104. I smell a rat.

  42. @

    Wrong Guy :
    Nothing will surprise me in our Wonderful criminal court system.
    Look what happened in ’93 with the LAPD getting acquitted in the Rodney King beatings. King was no angel of course, but once again our system demonstrated that ‘cops have a license to kill!”
    Then we got to see O. J. Simpson and his “Dream Team” make a mockery of our system when they got O. J. acquitted for murdering two people. Why? Simply because he’s famous and more importantly ‘rich’. He bought himself a team of attorneys that made Marcia Clark and her DA team look like they just started law school.
    Herego, if you have enough money, you could get away with murder, legally.
    I hate to be a pessimist but I believe in Mr. Peabody’s comment #104. I smell a rat.

    I smell a rat too, just not sure where to look for the trail of rat droppings just yet.

  43. I think it’s even more insulting that the $19,000 contributed by the Fullerton PD to the Anti-Recall effort, ultimately came from the taxes paid by the residents and businesses of Fullerton.

    So in effect, they’re using our own money in order to finance the contributions that they’ve made to the Anti-Recall campaign.

    That’s alot of nerve.

    1. Theirs are brass and they shine them up whenever they can locate them. It’s called the Union Circle Jerk.

      Nothing new really, they have been using our own money to fund their corruption for years while we were sleeping.

  44. You all are a bunch of cattle :

    WOW that letter really says a lot. I bet if Bushala was backing these gentlemen with his money and it was others still involved in the recall, your beloved Mayor would be saying the “great” Tony Bushala supports us too.

    Maybe Sergeant Andy can sit down as the Union Pres and lay out all the “great” things the 3 Amigo’s have done for them and the City.

    1. That letter says doc jones in a very simple minded man with a very limited vocabulary. I hate to think about how many service men he botched and butchered during his tenure in the air force.

        1. It’s worse than that. Dick Jones isn’t even capable of writing that drivel. It came from his high-priced consultant.

    2. I found it equally amusing and pathetic that the responses of all three are similar with key points being about their past careers and Tony Bushala. They don’t offer any reasons why they shouldn’t be recalled. They’ve yet to defend themselves against the reasons given for the Recall.

  45. SherBear :
    I found it equally amusing and pathetic that the responses of all three are similar with key points being about their past careers and Tony Bushala. They don’t offer any reasons why they shouldn’t be recalled. They’ve yet to defend themselves against the reasons given for the Recall.

    AMEN SherBear, that is the standard among MOST politicians when they come under fire.

  46. In a past blog, Dr. Oddlot probably summed it up best with the explanation concerning malignant narcissism as related to these three square pegs in round holes.

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