A Message Of Doom and Gloom

Here is a fun e-mail sent out Wednesday by Fullerton cop union boss Barry Coffman. Yes, indeed, Barry is singing the blues, as well he should be. On Tuesday he discovered that the city he thought his union had bought and paid for just wouldn’t stay bought. Here’s Barry’s sob story:
Dear FPOA Member,
Last night we witnessed that the City of Fullerton can be bought. The citizens of Fullerton, or a least a small percentage of them, have spoken and decided that a change was needed. By now I’m sure you’re all aware of the city council recall and know what I’m talking about.
I suspect that besides the changing of the guard on the city council, there will be many other changes that will affect the city’s employees from the top all the way down to the bottom of all the bargaining units. The new city council will want to establish some sort of reform with us to save money.
Of course it’s still too early to tell what these changes will be but there are some ideas that are floating around that aren’t out of the realm of possibility of happening. First and foremost, our contract takes us through 2014.
Remember we added an additional 1 year extension that only WE can choose to utilize if we so desire that would make us safe through 2015. My guess is that we will probably pull the trigger on the extension but we’ll wait and see how things are two years from now.The city could also ask us to re-open our current contract and renegotiate. I’m fairly certain their reason wouldn’t involve us getting a raise or some other increased benefit. I would always be open to hear what the city has to say but we signed a contract and I feel the city should honor its end of the deal as we would.
I spoke with our attorney Rob Wexler about the city trying to null and void our contract before it expires. He said that the only way for this to happen is if the city declares bankruptcy. This very thing happened in 2008 with the City of Vallejo, CA. They filed Chapter 9 bankruptcy citing one of many reasons being employee contracts and their inability to pay them along with retirees. Their POA took the city to court stating the city purposely created a fiscal crisis to break their contracts with the association. The POA lost and now has a new contract with fewer employees.
Could something like this happen here in Fullerton? Maybe, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.
There has been a lot of talk about the Orange County Sheriff’s Department coming in to take us over as a contract city. It’s my understanding that the sheriff’s department would want to have a legitimate city council vote or city manager requesting a cost pricing for their services. They will not do a pricing just because someone asks them to. Again our contract will come into play since they would not want to interfere with it and get involved with what would surely be a fight between our association and the city.
Another issue would be the City of Fullerton trying to become a charter city. I don’t know all the pros and cons or intricacies of a charter city but my understanding is the rules change somewhat when it comes to local versus state control regarding local affairs. The City of Costa Mesa has been trying to become one. They want to be able to control their employee’s wages by outsourcing much of their city services to private companies or other agencies at usually lower cost.
Could something like this happen here in Fullerton? Maybe, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.
If you haven’t been following the news in San Diego and San Jose, you probably should. The voters in San Jose successfully passed a measure that would help curb retirement cost. Employees would be required to contribute significantly more towards their current retirement formula or choose to opt out to a retirement plan which would offer fewer benefits. San Diego voters passed a ballot initiative that would replace guaranteed pensions with 401(k) style plans for most new hires. I’m sure both ballot measures will be challenged in the courts and we’ll have to wait and see how they turn out.
Could something like this happen here in Fullerton? Maybe, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.
No one really knows what will happen over the course of the next few years. A few of the soon-to-be city council members have made it perfectly clear that they want to put our associations in check and have us pay more towards our retirements and anything else they can. Depending if they want to play by the rules and meet and confer as required, we could see ourselves tangled up in a legal battle like many associations across the state.
So as I close this message of doom and gloom, I don’t want to create a panic. We are a professional organization and we still have a job to do. Let’s keep up the great work we do and not fuel the argument that we are just running amuck out there. We know that’s not true and no other agency would be able to provide the same level of service to the citizen of Fullerton.
If you have any questions or concerns, you know how to get a hold of me.
Be safe out there,
Barry Coffman-President
Fullerton Police Officer’s Association
Reform of a corrupt police department? Could something like this happen here in Fullerton? Maybe, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.
“Let’s keep up the great work we do and not fuel the argument that we are just running amuck out there. We know that’s not true and no other agency would be able to provide the same level of service to the citizen of Fullerton.”
Wishful thinking.
“amok” – what a dolt this Coffman is
you mean he’s such an a-dolt? heh heh
Apparently, he’s reading this blog, or one of his ass-kissers is and reporting in lol Good!! Let them read it and become afraid, very afraid! We mean what we say. Time for THEM to feel fear and know we are moving right towards them!
What a whiny childish letter. No acceptance that anyone there did anything wrong — he’s definitely part of the problem and seeing him go will be a pleasure!
Same level of service? DUUUUUUUUUUDE! That’s why we want to disband this merry band of boys with guns and batons and “fists that will fuck you up!”
GET IT Barry boy??? Or is that the Pillsbury Dough Boy? I am so confused! 😉
Did the boys in the white van snag that?
That guy has serious denial issues or doesnt give a S***, “come back from Planet Mc Satan PLEASE!!!
“The citizens of Fullerton, or a least a small percentage of them, have spoken and decided that a change was needed. ”
Haha-over 65% is a small percentage? (Insane in the membrane)
A small percentage? Apparently he needs a vision test as well, can you say doorknob?
Dear FPOA Member,
Last night we witnessed that treadmills can be bought. The citizens of Fullerton, or a least a large percentage of them, have fewer chins than I do. By now I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.
I suspect that besides exercise, I should eat less fruit pies. There will be many other changes that will affect my girth from the top all the way down to the bottom. The new city council will want to establish some sort of diet plan with us to save money.
Of course it’s still too early to tell what these changes will be but there are some Snickers floating around.
Remember we added an additional order of fries that only WE can choose to utilize if we so desire. And we do. My guess is that we will probably pull the trigger on the onion rings too but we’ll wait and see how things are two minutes from now.
The city could also ask us to re-open our refrigerators and renegotiate their contents. I’m fairly certain their reason wouldn’t involve us getting any cake or some other increased benefit. I would always be open to hear what the city has to say especially if there is a buffet involved.
I spoke with our attorney Rob Wexler about the city trying to null and void our baked goods before they expire.
Could something like this happen here in Fullerton? Maybe, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.
There has been a lot of talk about the Orange County Sheriff’s Department coming in to take all of our pizzas. They will not give us breadsticks just because someone asks them to. Again our contract will come into play since they would not want to interfere with it and get involved with what would surely be a fight between our association and a jumbo Carnitas burrito.
Another issue would be the City of Fullerton trying to become low-fat. I don’t know all the pros and cons or intricacies of pancakes but my understanding is the rules change somewhat when it comes to waffles. The City of Costa Mesa has been trying to become one. They want to be able to control funnel cakes by outsourcing much of their city services to DairyQueen or other agencies.
Could something like this happen here in Fullerton? Maybe, I wouldn’t be surprised if it did.
So as I close this message of doom and gloom, I don’t want to create a food panic. We are a professional eating organization and we still have a job to do. Let’s keep up the great work we do and fuel our ample bellies with babyback ribs. The argument that we are just dining amuck out there is false. We know that’s not true and no other agency would be able to eat as many chicken dinners as we can.
If you have any questions or concerns, you know how to get a hold of my love handles.
Be greasy out there,
Barry Coffman-President
Fullerton Police Officer’s Association
🙂 !!!
best comment EVER
omg, I am rotflmao with tears in my eyes!!!!!
The argument that we are just dining amuck out there is false. We know that’s not true and no other agency would be able to eat as many chicken dinners as we can.
Nuff said. 😉
Geniously hilarious!!!
Oh, man — that is so freaking funny! Congrats on hitting it out of the park. I hope this little diamond of satire goes around the world a dozen times.
“There has been a lot of talk about the Orange County Sheriff’s Department coming in to take all of our pizzas.”
ROTFLMFAO. Seriously.
Ease up on Barry. He is a source of comedy gold, he entertains us with his portly demeanor…
Barry taking a guy to jail
He sounds just like that lmao
Love it!
The job they have to do is do what they have sworn an oath to do. The FPD needs to end all intentional escalations, grey area inciters, and forget about the pinball point game of hunting for arrests and unnecessary escalations to felonies that ruin peoples lives. They need to focus on keeping Fullerton safe by locking up the thugs and respecting this Nations laws and its citizens’ rights in the process. We are all Americans. This can be done. It just means that there is no more business as usual for some. The good officers know exactly what I am referring to. The handwriting is on the wall. The survival of the FPD is in the FPD’s hands. Redeem yourselves. It is never too late to do the right thing. The world is watching.
Today you are “Truthspeaker”:
“The survival of the FPD is in the FPD’s hands.”
Well stated again Truthseeker. I would disagree with the time factor though- their NEW leadership needs to meet with the new council majority ASAP- within the next 2 weeks.
I do believe that Coffman just changed my mind on shutting down the FPD.
and the more Coffman speaks, the more confirmed the decision will become! Disband!
have to agree, i thought it might not be the best decision but the more he and other fpd speak the more its seems like the only choice. i can’t beleave some one hasn’t told them to stfu.
Offer the bums on the corrupt FPD early disability parachutes and hopefully they’ll take their criminal empire back to the LAPD and add another pension to their inflated bank accounts.
Wow! I know their contract is up in 2014. But that 1 additional year option that they can exercise…talk about a sweat deal!
Now that Bankhead, McPatdown and Jones are out…they don’t have the majority that will bend over to the union’s demands.
It’s a bit concerning that Barry is suggesting that the city would try to void their contract, to the point were he spoke to the union lawyer. Talk about spreading fear. Good leadership Barry!
I would equate FPD as a body being held on life support by the Coroner in the Coroners Autopsy Building.
for organ donation to science
What’s sweet about FPD unions lawyers, they are the same ones who have represent OCSD members.
Same law firm could not file suit against OCSD attempting to take over Fullerton, “conflict of interest”.
OOPS, FPD has to find a law firm to represent them if OCSD issue comes to life.
What a bitch!
Uhm, Anonymous, it’s not likely that the FPOA’s UNION lawyers would be representing the COUNTY of Orange or that the OCDSA would have any involvement at all in a contract between the CITY of Fullerton and Orange COUNTY. I understand that pesky little thing like facts will never get in the way of your intentionally incendiary commentary but some concept of reality should not be too much to ask before you pontificate…
Imagine if they were asked to testify in Congress, Holder US Attorney General “Americas Top Cop” Got his ass grilled hard today!
Barry needs to take a writting class. Sounds like a middle schooler wrote this letter.
My thoughts exactly! What a whiner! lol
My guess is the letter was edited (i.e. mostly written) by Wexler.
Wexler. Hmm. Now where have I heard that name before?
Silver Hadden Silver WEXLER + Levine; longtime attorneys for law enforcement interests – met a couple of their attorneys before I retired; both were creeps (personal opinion)
Could it have been this letter and the stationary heading where you may have seen his name?
Isn’t Barry the guy who gave Ryan the ticket for excessive honking at a Kelly Thomas protest? Who’s honkin now biotch!
Yes it is Roy.
…and it’s “horning”.
Just listened to the Honorable Pam Keller spew nonsense from her mouth on the video of last tuesday’s city council meeting. Could she be any more self righteous? I know this has nothing to do with this post, but had to express my grievances somewhere.
Andy, I totally agree with you! Pam Keller is only interested in Pam Keller.
Pam Keller’s got my teeth!
no, she has cartoon character Goofy’s teeth
Taking bets on whether or not she will run in the next election (November) – filing period begins July 16th or so…
God I hope so.
Peaches, I think that’s the point she was trying to make to us the other night. I think she wants back on the council and will go for Silva’s seat. Keller lives in a “wonderland” bubble.
Admin, please do a post on Ms. Keller.
Does anyone know who negotiates with this union? is it the council or the Chief of police?
The head of HR negotiates with them on your behalf. That may have just ended with the recall.
Holy crap…who is that person? and who do they answer to?
Gretchen Beatty is head of HR and answers to Joe Felz.
So, Joe Felz actually is calling the shots to Beatty regarding union negotiations? Maybe it was that Chris Meyer (with Beatty) who decided on this particular contract the union now has?
“Let’s keep up the great work we do and not fuel the argument that we are just running amuck (sic) out there.”
Wow…let’s do our jobs so that we won’t look like we’re running amuck (sic).
I was hoping to see something more like:
“Let’s keep up the great work we do because we are paid to do it, because it is our job, and because it’s the right thing to do.”
Uh, what about their solemn oath to uphold the constitution??
Actually that’s funny. He seems to pleading with his goons to quit gooning around.
What a punk. This buffoon is really running scared. You can see it in his email. He’s terrified.
You got him on the ropes, City Council. He’s not being honest. He refuses to apologize to you or to the citizens of Fullerton for ALL the wrongdoings of the past. He’s being defiant.
it’s all bout money and not protecting and serving just as we thought!!
dunzo FPD dunzo!!!!
“Despite warnings about icebergs in the water, Captain Coffman ordered “full speed ahead.” Later, when the SS FPD was sinking, Coffman was one of the first attempting to enter a lifeboat.”
The question remains.
If the city goes to OCSD what will happen to Lt. Goodwrench?
Will he keep his rank? Will he stay in Fullerton?
Will he be assigned to the jail?
Will he be Sheriff Hutchins new PIO?
Will he be unemployed?
Andy boys regime is crumbling.
What I find most troubling is a sense their battle is how to keep what they have and how to keep things as they are. Instead, they should be concerned with reform and keeping themselves clean. There are good cops within the FPD. This is their chance to step forward and say “no more”. They won’t be popular at first but hopefully, others will follow.
FPD: It’s on you now. If you value your jobs and want to keep them, start the change NOW. Don’t wait for a new council to come down on you. It will be too late. And to your effed up union leaders, do your damn job. You’re there to protect your members, not hang them out to dry because the bonus baby died. Unions can be sued by their members.
What proof is there that they’re are good cops in FPD? Why should we give any cop at the FPD the benefit of the doubt? They don’t deserve it. I keep seeing this “There are good cops” really? where?
What kind of proof do you want to see?
If the answer is: There isn’t any proof that I’m willing to acknowledge, be honest.
Proof: We have a copy of Barry’s email.
That’s not proof for good cops . . .
It seems to be a REQUIREMENT to be a sociopath in order to be hired by FPD. The bad cops rise to management positions just as methane gas rises to the top of a swamp.
The sociopathic “good” officers stood around and said/did nothing while Kelly was being murdered. The sociopathic “good” officers have not stepped out in front of the thin blue line. They have no conscience and they are much more concerned about preserving their cushy jobs/pensions than they are concerned about preserving a human life.
I haven’t seen ANY proof of a truly good cop, except for perhaps the one (cop?) who went on John and Ken as the anonymous informant.
By their silence, they approve the behavior.
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “One who condones evil is just as guilty as the one who perpetrates it.”
IF, IF there are any truly good FPD cops, who are not sociopaths, who are committed to uphold their oaths, and who are committed to uphold the constitution, -I would hope that we would have heard more from them by now, even if it had to be anonymously. If slimy, evil “Reality Is” and “John Doe” are the best they can muster, – I don’t have much hope left.
You know what, Barry?
If you guys did such an indisputable good job, no city council would dare consider anything that would involve outsourcing.
The reason you are worried about FPOA’s future is because you know, deep down, your union boys and girls at the FPD have failed miserably.
You want to save the FPOA? Start by looking in the mirror and fixing that problem first and foremost. Tell your membership to do the same.
Reality check for tin gods with tin (stinkin’) badges! I’m SO happy for Fullerton and all the people who worked for this. It is my everlasting shame that I actually voted for the bill to allow public employees to form collective bargaining units, years ago. I never dreamed they would become SO evil, greedy and just plain malevolent towards citizens. I used to be a cop booster. Now, I am a hard sell, at best. Plainly, citizens all over the US are seeing the wrongness of being forced to work to age 75 or older and have their businesses and families ruined, just to pay contrived fines, tickets, etc, and all so that these public employees can live large and retire at 50. These people call themselves the working class, but they are parasites on the working class and they are sucking the life out of everything they come into contact with!
We told ya so back in the day but you didn’t listen did you? When people have access to public funds evil begins.
Its a giant MONSTER!
I think Barry, reading between the lines, is worried that the end may be near. But… we’ll have to wait and see.
One thing I have seen about union leaders, is that they don’t understand economics, and they don’t want to. They don’t want to see what others go through, trying to keep a struggling business or household together. They’ll come in like a bunch of jack-booted thugs and destroy everything you’ve built, stick-at-a-time, for the last 20 years. They don’t give a crap, either. In fact, they laugh about it. What these idiots don’t realize is that you can’t get eggs from a dead hen. If they’re going to do that sort of thing to families and businesses, they won’t have anything to support their pensions and lifestyles, down the road, because they will have killed off their own future, as well as everyone elses. I realize they don’t give a crap about other people (witness what they did to Kelly Thomas, for Chrissakes), but if they were even a little more intelligent and thoughtful, they’d see that they are helping to destroy the communities we ALL depend on. It’s unsustainable! Get a clue!
Yep. Plus they’re not even smart enough to know when they’ve dipped into the well too often.
Barry has a lot to worry about. If the City contracts with OCSD, his cops all get laid off and his precious contract becomes obsolete.
Any cops re-hired by OCSD will have to pass a background check, and that can be controlled by the City Council. No more cops with rap sheets.
What proof is there that they’re are good cops in FPD? Why should we give any cop at the FPD the benefit of the doubt? They don’t deserve it. I keep seeing this “There are good cops” really? where?
Many seem to have left, others may not have the opportunity. Some would stay for their consciences.
“ITS ABOUT STICKING IT TO… (Fill in the blank)” -Liberal Proffesors
Michael Liberty, yes, I wish I had listened to you. This is also what my mother said, and they finished her off in a forced conservatorship, trying to plunder her assets. You would not believe the things I have learned over this experience. The rest of my life I hope to spend fighting this nightmare and preventing this from happening to other older people. Sometimes, there is no other option, but they should never take someone against their will and force them into their money-making “care” schemes. I hope that this is the next big scandal to pop. Y’all better hide grandma and grandpa. The body-snatchers are looking for them!
While I have the opportunity, let me give a warning. The union scum and their lobbyists are looking to get rid of the LPS (Lanterman-Petris-Short) act, which is the only protection people have from the body-snatchers, but poorly enforced. They want to put people like Kelly (and anyone else they get) into permanent custodial relationships, from which there is no out. They are also trying to seal all medical records, so the families can’t find out about the bedsores, MRSA, malnutrition and other problems elders and invalids get in these “wonderful” “care facilities”. That way, they can’t get sued by the families. Don’t let this happen! Everyone has to be accountable!
Dear Heartfelt,
Thanks for the heads-up. I know this is a problem and it’s a serious one. People need to be made aware of these facilities. Most think they are doing right by their elderly loved ones but many times are unknowingly putting them at risk of abuse and neglect.
The medication cart was left unattended and my Dad swallowed several other peoples prescription meds. The staff, to cover their asses, never told the paramedics or ER. He could have easily died. The only way we found out was through an ex-employee.
100% correct. we had to visit granny unannounced and catch the staff neglecting her (bed sores, not getting medications on time or at all). Jewelery and some clothes would go missing routinely. When she passed away they tried to plunder granny’s assets and navy pension. what a fight that was….bunch of blood suckers.
Exactly Heartfelt they call it Lauras law and everyone on FFFF thinks its a great idea!!
I’ve been trying to tell them its a trap though.
If anyone out there has a family elder in long-term care, you’d better check in on them, unannounced, once in awhile. My father was pulling his tubes out and they had to tie his arms down, but they are not really supposed to do that, by law. And, they were using shoelaces! His poor hands were swollen and purple every time I came. I’d try to move and loosen the laces, but I could only give him a little relief. They could do this with other types of restraint that don’t restrict blood flow, but they can’t be bothered, I guess.
They are supposed to use soft restraints when they do that not, shoelaces-call adult protective services immediately if you ever see that or anything else that looks abusive and/or neglectful.
Orange County-Elder/Disabled Adult Abuse 24 Hour Hotline 800-451-5155
LA county-24 hrs (877) 4-R-SENIORS (477-3646)
The look on Conman’s face is the same look I saw on the face of the wicked witch of the east right before Dorothy poured water on her.
Wicked Witch of the West. The house dropped on the WWOTE.
At some point, people need to understand that cities and states do not have infinite financial resources to fund extravagant pension programs. These programs are UNSUSTAINABLE!! I suspect that what just took place in Wisconsin will have a ripple effect.
The ripple effect was just seen in San Diego and San Jose. Majoe pension reform in both cities. Also, Stockton is headed toward third world status because of unsustainable pensions.
The city’s dirty laundry is going to need extra detergent and a hell of a lot of bleach to clean things up!
What Barry Coffman is acheiving.
Boo hoo. If anyone is buying government, it is unions. The people of Fullerton are taking their fair city back. Deal with it Barry.
Keep sobbin’ there ‘Slim’ Coffman.
What you don’t want is what is needed in Fullerton you self-serving swine!!!
Get over yourself and get the fu#* out of the OC.
An overstuffed tub of lard like you and many others at FPD could do without those big fat pensions so you don’t grow old and overly obese. That would be an invitation to major coronary problems.
Isnt that the guy that pulled a guy over and wrote him a citation for honking his horn during one of the kelly thomas protests? Fire his ass and take his pension away as a co-conspirator in a civil RICO statute complaint..
Dear Friend and Neighbor,
Once again, I am proud to take this opportunity, as President of the Fullerton Police Officers’ Association, to extend my most sincere gratitude for your generous support. These have been difficult times for all walks of our community, so we understand how valuable your donation today is to our group. …
Your contribution to us today will help provide outreach and strengthen relations by and between the Fullerton Police …. We have worked very hard to develop a good name and outreach program. By donating to us today, you assimilate with that good name….
Sincerely yours,
Det. Barry Coffman, President
P.S. donors who pledge $250 or more will receive a complimentary FPOA Custom Plaque and Lapel Pin.
Donors who pledge $100 or more will receive a Lapel Pin only. Any questions or concerns, please call 714-930-9438.
Fuck Barry Coffman. FPD has ruined their good name beyond repair. And your name is shit in this town. Give you a donation? I wouldn’t piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire.
Yes – Use of Horns – CVC27001.
Although, I thought SherBear or Chris mentioned awhile back that Hughes agreed it was B.S. and that he would go ahead and void the citations.
It would be interesting to see somebody march it up the court system on First Ammendment grounds though.
perfect example why Hughes is full of shit. Hughes wanted the cops on that shift to cite the honkers. When the guys complained he got his cronies aka the union, brought them in on the weekend and paid them OT to do his dirty work…. pretty sure Carona use to do this too…can anyone say Coffman is to Hughes what Jaramillo was to Carona
Hughes voided the tickets that were brought to him. I was sitting at the table gathering signatures for the recall petition and saw this firsthand. If I recall, I think there were three that he voided.
He issued them then had people groveling at his feet when he “dismissed” them. What a scam.
Hmmm I didn’t see anyone groveling. I heard people complaining about it and when he checked into it, he was told they were only issuing warnings. Then someone showed him their ticket and he immediately voided it and said he would void others and he did.
I also saw an antagonizer damn near start a riot over the horning. It was returned to peaceful activity by other regular protesters. This person then began screaming at Hughes, calling him a fucking liar for saying he told them to only give warnings when in reality, she heard him check on the ticket issuances and that he was told they were giving warnings not tickets. I believe this is how the rumor started that he was in on it. In retrospect, over the months of protesting and at council meetings, this person was nothing more than an antagonizer and instigator, not the protester people thought.
Is there anyone who actually knows firsthand, outside the rumors, that Hughes ordered the horn citations or even the warnings?
don’t know what proof you need? look who’s giving the citations? they don’t work weekends. Who approved the OT??? all OT approved by patrol capt… I rest my case… Hughes=liar
BC: And you’re absolutely positive those officers were on O.T. and if so, that Hughes authorized it? May I ask how you’ve ascertained this?
People got on their knees and worshiped the “good captain” when he dismissed those tickets (the same tickets he was responsible for issuing in the first place).
It wasn’t a rumor. He was caught on video standing right next to the officer who was spotting “excessive” honkers. Hell, he still hasn’t done anything about Cpl Lenny Ledbetter harassing Tow truck drivers.
The person you’re referring to didn’t buy into the slick PR and sleight of hand BS good old Hughes was dishing out and god bless her for that.
We need more people and less sheep in this world.
Scuzbuster 9000: You are so full if chit and hardly credible. lol No one was on their knees worshipping anyone. Me thinks you meant that for perhaps another site you visit.
As far as any video of what you claim, surely no one would hold back on this juicy, tell are proof. So let’s see a link to this prize winning video.
I saw Dan talking with the protesters and handing out water. I never saw anyone but other officers with the one on the radio until he was drowned out and all went inside. This is not to say Hughes never spoke with him. My back was to them. I’m just saying all the times I did look, I never saw him. It would surprising if he didn’t talk to any officers he would see.
My comments on this matter are what I saw because I was actually there and not based on someone else’s version or perception of things. I commented because my name was initially mentioned.
But if you can actually back yourself up with video, please do. I’d ask for audio but I’m sure that’s asking too much. I also doubt anyone heard this conversation (if one existed) so it’s really assumptions.
Sheeple believe what they’re told and what they want to believe. That’s not me so you’ll have to come up with something better.
To be clear, I’m not discussing the merits or failures of Hughes right now, just what I saw firsthand on a specific occasion.
Okay, let me use my brain here and suggest the following: Allow the city to open up the current contract between the FPOA and Fullerton…….With the possible disbanding of FPD in 2015, why not open up the contract, eliminate the 3@50 retirement provision, and give the FPOA another year or two extension on their contract?
No agreement on the elimination of the 3@50 provision, the real threat looms of FPD being disbanded in 2015……….I think that might cause a few knees to buckle within the walls of the FPD.
Dear Coffman,
I signed the recall petition! Nobody paid me a dime to sign it.
How dare you !
This letter is full of so much BS he had to have known it would end up here. There is no way that letter is for real, he probably wrote it for this blog. He couldn’t really be that stupid, could he?
uh, yeah he is that stupid…welcome to our world… FML
Behold the power of STUPID! This is one of the rejects from the Mutant Academy whose superpowers reflect back in a mirror – not a good thing to have for a narcissist.
Coffman and the union need to go. The Fullerton Pd is out of touch with the citizens of our city. They need a realitly check. Fulletton police do not seem to be able to police there own much less grasps what the heck we are in raged about.
Fullerton voters make me proud!
“Let’s keep up the great work we do and not fuel the argument that we are just running amuck out there. We know that’s not true and no other agency would be able to provide the same level of service to the citizen of Fullerton.”
Same level of service? What level are you talking about? Like the level of service of acting like a bodyguard for Bankhead at the LWVNOC forum or the level of service Kelly Thomas got. Totally different level of service.
Atleast Barry knows with the new city council, anything is possible, but one thing is certain; which is, FPD is not safe in its old ways.
Buttonh00k, you’re correct. They’re as good as gone if they think all they need to do is stand together in solidarity and not change things. The three idiots we recalled had the same mentality. We all know where that got them.
And never raised a hand, said a word, or came forward
Hello OCSD!! You’ll be in Yorba Linda in 2014. Come on over next door to Fullerton and drop off your proposal PLEASE! If the 200 police rain jackets don’t sell at the FPD Memorabilia sale, you can have them as a bonus. We’ve got great places to eat for your officers when they’re 10-7. You’ve got helicopters, we’ve got an airport! You’ve got equestrian units, we’ve got equestrian trails! ATTENTION new council members, OCSD is ready willing and able to come to Fullerton. Please welcome their proposal. Yes we know not all of the new officers will know every thug/street/alley like FPD does… too bad.. so sad. They’ll figure it out.
Are there a lot of thugs in Fullerton, a sleepy college town? Somehow I don’t think so. Get rid of the bar scene downtown, even fewer.
We have a man who looks erily similar to Albert Rincon groping women near Fullerton College.
You know whats funny, after someone posted that picture of him next to the sketch back in April, the sexual attacks suddenly stopped.
Oh yeah… that’s right. You get a free helicopter with purchase your OCSD happy. 🙂
I gotta say, with Coffman’s grave digging, the OCSD option is looking better and better…
happy meal rather.
Can somebody get a copy of the last couple of contracts the city has given the FPOA? It would be nice to see what kind of raises they have had the last few years.
Union Boss. Need I say more. typical BS.
Laura’s Law is a good idea. It has worked it Nevada County, and it’s cousin (Kendra’s Law) has worked in New York.
5150 is a relic of the 1960s. I’ve been taken in on 5150s. It doesn’t work, and its almost impossible to invoke it when you really need it. I gather Ron tried several times.
Ultimately, it comes down to the County though. It would be nice to know what the incoming council thinks because they could put pressure on the BoS.
Use of the word ‘execution’
If Kelly Thomas was executed , then it was state sanctioned.
Or was it an assination?
Or a paid hit?
If the bar had a prearranged agreement with the FPD and there were any favors granted to any FPD personnel, this murder may be considered as a paid for hit.
Do ole Barry and Ramos get their hair/moustache dye at the same shop? Seems like Ramos emulated a fatass hero. look where it got him. Sissynelli forgot his oath. He took it once for the Marines and at least twice as a cop. Then he beat an unarmed citizen to death. He deserves prison. I would hate to think Sissy was correcting one of his kids and “ran out of options” that would be very bad for him and his wife.
“if they want to play by the rules and meet and confer as required, we could see ourselves tangled up in a legal battle like many associations across the state.”
Dear Barry Coffman,
You must be an asshat. Play by the rules? What a novel concept considering members of the FPD murdered a Fullerton Citizen. I guess the FPD is “above the rules”.
And yes Berry, your contract is at risk, “like many other associations across the State”
The issue is Cities and the State of CA have not been fully funding their annual pension plan obligations for many years. They lacked adequate resources to pay the obligation.
Its an unsound business practice to promise retirement benefits to employees which cannot be funded each year. In private sector pension plan administration, its not allowed.
Currently CalPers is $52 Billion dollars underfunded to meet its current retirement obligations. CA has a budget deficit of nearly $16 Billion dollars. Th end is nigh for your unsustainable benefit packages
I have had rougher run ins with obstinate teenagers than what Kelly was doing. To this day I have never killed even one teenager. I pity ole Sissy’s kids when they get mouthy.
Lets fire all the cops and hire security guards to partrol the city. That will save money! !!!
better idea….lets promise future benefits we cant fund and then declare bankruptcy…jokes on them
I’ve spent a lot of time over the past nine months trying to appeal to the other 34.5%. If time allows, I will continue my efforts.
Barry Coffman just doesn’t get it. But I am more interested in Dan Hughes.
Any advise in the questins I should ask?
Dan told me he does not track FFFF.
Advice? Tell O.P to start reading FFFF if he’s interested in hearing the WHOLE story instead of listening to the half-truths that his troops tell him.
I’d like confimation from Hughes of the name of the watch commander who was on duty the night of july 5th 2011.
I’d also like to know why nothing was said to the community by him, about Albert Rincon (since he claims to have been at FPD for 28 years) even anonymously.
I’d like to know why he didn’t say anyting then
and why he still isn’t talking-even anonymously, about anyone or anything?
* It is beyond belief that the LAPD brass is considering firing Officer Jay Cicinelli, the policeman who lost an eye in an on-duty gunfight (Sept. 30). He should be given a medal, a bonus and a promotion. He put his life on the line to protect the citizens of our city, exactly what he was sworn to do when he got his badge, and he paid a terrible price.
There is nothing but sympathy for what happened to Jay Cicinelli in his very first weeks on the LAPD. He was not fired, he was given disability leave. When he rehired as a Fullerton police officer, he assumed all liability for his actions as a Fullerton police officer, just as all of us assume all liabilites for actions in our chosen careers and in the conduct of our personal lives.
“The citizens of Fullerton, or a least a small percentage of them, have spoken and decided that a change was needed.”
“A small percentage of them” ? Wow…this guy is really not playing with a full deck, is he? The recall was successful by a LANDSLIDE. And he can’t face the fact that the public HATES the FPD now. The citizens decided to kick 3 corrupt city council members to the curb. He’s next, and he knows it. The police department itself may not exist in the near future…or if it does, it will be completely overhauled and every single idiot there will be fired. Either way, he’s screwed.
He knows it.
Good riddance. I think that with the new city council members, and if the FPD is completely overhauled or disbanded entirely, then maybe Fullerton can still be saved.
I don’t know who wrote the original post, but the last sentence is unbelievably brilliant. Way to tie it all up, whoever wrote it!
Yes, if I happen to have any questions I’ll contact Barry, apparently we should all know how to get in touch with him…
Just signal him with a burger-no words are needed.
As a retired DEA agent, I am against the idea of any law enforcement agency belonging to a union.
So Gary, who was your retirement union?
“Remember we added an additional order of fries that only WE can choose to utilize if we so desire. And we do. My guess is that we will probably pull the trigger on the onion rings too but we’ll wait and see how things are two minutes from now.”
John 141,
I didn’t have one. I have never belonged to a union.
So How are you collecting your retirement?
Double yawn. I get a government pension. And I earned it.
I get a check every month. What else do you want to know?
Fullerton Police Officer get a retirement check too. They have also earned it. Just like you.
earned more steal
Einstein, you missed his point entirely. He said he was against unions, not retirement checks.
No, they stole it.
You are the goons who keep mentioning unions. What the hell are you guys talking about. Cops dont have unions.
Is your TBI acting up again Jay Cicinelli?
they don’t call them “unions” they call them police/police management associations
Then stop calling them unions..simpleton.
Awwww, pooor baby John Doe!! How about if I just change one letter and then you can pay your dues to a stinky ONION that smells to high heaven? Is that better?
“especially if there is a buffet”