Chief Sellers Calls It Quits

He gave it 110%. Well, 10%, at least.

But not before ripping off the taxpayers of yet another $150,000 in the form of a disability claim. Apparently he got sick of his job and two compliant medicos agreed the poor bastard was just too ill to continue. But fear not. On disability half of Seller’s $18,000 a month pension will be tax free.

The City’s lawyer who dealt with the case is satisfied. Well, he’s not picking up the tab, we are. And come to think about I wonder how hard the City really pushed back on this scam.

Here’s the announcement from City Hall pensioner and new-hire Sylvia Palmer Mudrick.

122 Replies to “Chief Sellers Calls It Quits”

  1. Push back? Are you kidding me? Fullerton is a FAILURE.

    FULLERTONSFAILURE.COM (picture of Bankhead, McKinley, Jones)

    1. If this example of government waste isn’t a completely convincing example of the need for major public worker pension overhaul…….

  2. The worst thing about Sellers was his absolute failure to do anything about the mess that McKinley left behind when he zoned out.

    Sellers had almost three years and accomplished nothing. The Culture of Corruption just festered.

  3. A true American public servant to be immortalized as an example of courage and honesty. Mike Sellers is a staunch defender of individual greed, the police state and the finance oligarchs that it serves. History in the making right here in my hometown.

  4. How can we not feel used? Does anyone else out there have any doubt that the police officers are completely scamming the families and taxpayers of Fullerton, and laughing all the way to the bank.
    They don’t care one iota about you, or your famililies future when they blatantly rob us after walking off the job after turning our city upside down.
    How can a guy like this not be seen as anything less than a complete corrupt coward?

  5. Police chief on leave after homeless death retires

    FULLERTON, California (AP) – A California police chief on medical leave after coming under fire following the death of a homeless man after a violent confrontation with officers is retiring.

    The city of Fullerton said Friday that police Chief Michael Sellers will retire effective Feb. 18.

    Sellers went on medical leave August 9. The city says he filed a workers’ compensation claim that will be settled with a $127,500 payment to Sellers and $22,500 in legal fees.

    City spokeswoman Sylvia Palmer declined to discuss the nature of the claim.

    Sellers went on leave amid public outrage over the death of a mentally ill homeless man in July following a bloody encounter with police. The death of Kelly Thomas prompted dozens of citizens to call for Sellers to resign.

    1. heart disease, hypertension, and related problems are the usual reasons as they are “presumptively” deemed to result from employment in law enforcement (only for sworn employees, BTW) and fire services (ditto)

  6. He must have gotten wind that the FBI could be opening an investigating into his fat ass. It wouldnt look nice if some agency got video of his fat ass lounging around seal beach or recorded him and his doctor in collusion to defraud tax payers.

  7. Seller will never ever live this one down as he is laughing his way to the bank. Thanks for absolutely NOTHING Michael Sellers.. You WILL ROT IN HELL!!

  8. Outrageous! So he goes out on a medical. Then he collects a hell of a sum on a WC claim that he holds a direct and shared responsibility for creating! What an EFFing culture of corruption, perpetrated by the 3 dodo birds and Sellers!!

    1. Stress…it’s not for breakfast anymore! This was a high stress job, that’s why it pays the big bucks. If Sellers couldn’t control his hypertension with diets and meds, his condition made him unfit for duty. He should have resigned or been terminated, not rewarded.

  9. I implore EVERYONE to come to the City Council meeting this Tuesday and let the entire population of the world know your disgust for Michael Sellers. Lets give him the going away party he has asked for and so rightfully deserves… We need to pack the place..

  10. just for the record, instead of wishing seller out to go to hell, the people of fullerton should just give him hell!

  11. The Independant Medical Examiner also thought Sellers was unable to return to his job-Hmmm. I don’t remember Sellers claiming he had cancer or a broken collar bone.

    It isn’t unusual for people to work the system by being referred to a “certain” doctor who will do exactly what the person wants, like medical retirement.

    Sure would like to know what specialty the Independant doctor was, and what he did rack up in medical expenses for 6 mos.

  12. This is a standard move just as I advised when he went on leave. He had prior medical issues that were accepted and was leaving anyways. This incident just made it easier and quicker to do it.

    Research the last 10 years and police Chiefs and firemen. 80% went off on medical just before retirement. It’s not as common now but it still happens.

    Sellers was leaving in 2011 anyways on medical but doing it right after this incident made it appear even worse

    1. Let’s not forget that Bankhead “fell out of his chair” back when he was a FPD captain. Bankhead still gets a fat 50% tax free pension for his “medical” retirement.

      Its called Chief’s Disease.

    2. And of that 80% how many are legitimate medical issues and how many are just “working the system?” That would an interesting stat.

  13. I say the someone should see how really disabled he really is. This guy is a total scammer. The best money the town could pay for is a insurance investagator to really see how so called disabled asshole really is.

  14. RI- unless you have “Kreskin” abilities or are good pals with the Sellers and his doctor, you would have no freaking idea if that guy had any prior medical issues or if he was “planning'” to do a medical leave anyhoo, so stop your lying BS with your pompous self, and its only “standard” if you are a crook who knows how to play the system.

    1. Merijoe – for once RI (bless his heart – as they say in the south, and it isn’t a compliment) is pretty much spot on. I had the dubious pleasure of seeing “cumulative trauma” W/C claims followed shortly by applications for disability retirement (from LEOs and FFs) – when I received the CT claims, I set up a pool to see how long it would be before the disability retirement app came in (not really, but I often wished I could).

      1. B-there is no proof that Sellers had priors-so no one knows if he can claim CT and CT doesn’t automatically mean that you need a medical retirement -I’ve only seen barpal tunnels as CT’s -I’ve never seen a CT for HTN, And further I suspect this is a stress claim not a HTN claim, but we’ll never know.

        1. far too often, LE and FF CT claims were heart-related; carpal tunnel was a rarity. Heart-related issues are presumptively believed to be work related due to the power of the LE and FF lobbies and their influence on Workers’ Comp legislation.

          Presumptive issues are a pain – we had a Fire Captain who received a disability retirement based on the “presumption” that his lung issues were work-related – didn’t matter that he was a heavy smoker and that he worked drag races in pit road or the equivalent off-duty.

          I didn’t like the presumptive cases then and I don’t like them now, but I had to deal with them before I retired (RIF’d – not disability – by the way)

  15. If the city really cared they would have had the good chief under surveillance (subrosa) that’s standard for a claim of that length if the city cared

    Out of work for 6 months without a surgery? that is not standard-that’s someone looking the other way.

    1. This is why I think he decided to bail out because he might have gotten wind of another agency launching an investigation into his fat ass.

  16. What kind of Workers’ Compensation claim could he file, that is, that would be valid???? Did he fall, get shot or get hit in the head? If not hurt in the line of duty then it must be something that his employer did or maybe didn’t do to help him in his line of work.

    Really…for not standing up and not doing your job, he gets to claim workers comp???

    I guess him wining this case and finding resolution of his workers’ compensation claim against the city would indicate his employer, the City, allowed one of their employees to be hurt on the job.

    Just SICK!!!

    1. Police have injuries that are accepted without a fight. Back, heart, stress. No surveillance would find the stress or heart issues claimed. The city and Sellers (attorney) agree on a doctor or doctors to conduct the diagnosis and make the recommendation. Clearly the Doctor said yes work related, unable to work.

      Happens often. Hard to disprove. All reliant on the professional, the agreed upon Doctor.

      1. I think RI has either been police management or worked in a police-based personnel department or in a personnel department for an agency that has police. He/she is pretty correct in this comment. When the employer and the employy’s lawyer agree to abide by the AME (agreed Medical Examiner) one side prevails.

        Moving on, as to back injuries, sometimes subrosa refutes them (employee can’t lift anything over 5 pounds, but film sees him throwing far heavier bags of cement for use in his off-duty masonry business) or in another example, the LEO can’t do patrol but can do events at Glamis. Sadly, due to the leverage various legislation provides, it becomes a business decision – fire the person and incur legal expenses fighting a lawsuit against the firing even with the film? or allow them to retire/resign? It becomes a cost-benefit analysis issue. NOT RIGHT, but it HAPPENS.

        I know I didn’t like results like that; not sure if RI did/does

  17. This pension CRAP is out of control… STATEWIDE!! It’s absurd. I heard the other day that the teachers union spent the highest amount of money on lobbying in Sacramento last year.

  18. What a piece of shit. F*ck you Sellars. Anybody else want to run for the hills (or the beach in this sense) because all your little scams are coming to light?

  19. Sellers quit right after he got back from his Alaskan cruise, so my guess he hurt himself while whale watching.

  20. It is exactly as many predicted, RI just likes to say..”you heard it here first”. I think I will start calling him Rush.

    I would suspect the reason RI feels so comfortable saying it, is because maybe that is how he is planning on leaving LE. With a corrupt common disability/ pension scam that is run so often, the Union members feel entitled to it.

    Reminds me of another corrupt public union…. the teachers union…. where you can molest kids for 18 years, volunteer to leave, and you keep your pension.

    we must turn this ship around. this is sick beyond belief.

  21. Another note – based on experience with W/C claims – the $150,000 may be a minimum…

    If the claim was completed by way of a Compromise and Release (a C&R) – then it should be only $150,000 (all parties agree the claim is finalized for that amount).

    If the claim was completed by a Stipulation and Agreement (an S&A), the $150,000 may be a cash amount, *but* Sellers may be entitled to “future medical treatment” expenses paid to his treating providers as well as for prescriptions and other medical expenses deemed related to his health issue(s).

    C&R settlements are much better for the employer, especially if the employee is a younger employee.

  22. Reality Is :
    This is a standard move just as I advised when he went on leave. He had prior medical issues that were accepted and was leaving anyways. This incident just made it easier and quicker to do it.
    Research the last 10 years and police Chiefs and firemen. 80% went off on medical just before retirement. It’s not as common now but it still happens.
    Sellers was leaving in 2011 anyways on medical but doing it right after this incident made it appear even worse

    RI, that is because YOU are Mike Sellers.

    Had your fun dropping little hints here and there.

  23. AntiCorruptionUnit :

    Reality Is :This is a standard move just as I advised when he went on leave. He had prior medical issues that were accepted and was leaving anyways. This incident just made it easier and quicker to do it.Research the last 10 years and police Chiefs and firemen. 80% went off on medical just before retirement. It’s not as common now but it still happens.Sellers was leaving in 2011 anyways on medical but doing it right after this incident made it appear even worse

    RI, that is because YOU are Mike Sellers.
    Had your fun dropping little hints here and there.

    BINGO, ACU!!!

  24. I would lay you odds that F. Richard Jones, M.D, Col, USAF (Ret) is drawing a non-combat related disability from the US Gov’t.
    As the saying goes “birds of a feather flock together”.
    For the interrelated square pegs, life must be miserable for you and your families in the festering nest that you have carefully crafted in the shadows out of the public view.
    When the lights are shined on the nefarious relationships and questionable dealings of the Fullerton Leadership, SELLERS can be be considered as a MODEL LEADER in how to game the system. Better hurry, the door may slam shut at any time.
    Legal don’t make it right.
    Right don’t make it legal.
    I wish you all would just go away and enjoy your ill gotten gains in a cesspool some where other than in the Fullerton area.

  25. Don’t forget Mrs. Sharon Quirk was a big pusher of hiring Sellers above 2 other more qualified canidates. By the way Sellers’ medical issue (blood pressure) were know and present when he got hired.

  26. cg :
    WHY? I mean why would Sellers comment on this blog? If so, he is one sick son of bitch.

    WHY wouldn’t he? He likes to play games.

    He dropped the hints thinking he was of superior intellect.

    But I DO agree on the last part of your comment..

    1. Playing games? if so, it’s going to be hell, when he meets his maker. He must laugh when he looks in the mirror. What a Chump!!!!

  27. Tthanks to all to FFFF’s for helping me out with my retirement package with a special shout out to Shawn Nelson for believing in me and hiring me in the first place. Now go fuck yourselves!

  28. Did DA Tony Rackauckas botch another case?
    Initially he said that there was significant evidence to hold ” Guerero”for the double murders of a mother and son in Yorba Linda but has now exonerated him because they have now found the real killer, Ocampos.Was the significant evidence stated base only on assumptions? DA Tony Raucacuss said “At this point we just can’t continue to hold Guerero.”
    Was this case investigated fairly.
    For one it sounds like he wishes to still hold him but there is no justification to do so.The evidence?…
    “The authorities said there were no signs of forced entry into the home, and they believed that Eder Herrera’s behavior the night of the murders was suspicious.”

    Secondly , considering the DA almost sent an innocent person who lost his mother and brother to life in prison he should care enouph to at least state the correct name of the now exonerated (Herrera not Guerrero) as stated during his news conference.

    1. This is another example of our corrupt and coplicking D.A. charging an innocent man with murder, incarcerating and railroading him all the way into state prison, before circumstances beyond his control occurred and the REAL killer was fortunately caught by a local resident.
      T-Rack will be unapologetic about doing so and we’ll all hear how they had to err on the side of caution, blah, blah, blah.
      Meanwhile, this poor guy has had his Mother taken violently from this earth, and instead of being able to grieve and mourn, he’s been sitting inside of O.C. Jail trying to stay alive while everyone and their brother thinks he killed his own Mother.

      1. This idiot DA, as well as many others don’t mind assuming anyone they don’t know and don’t wear a badge into incarceration.

        If only the Feds could somehow get a grip on these DAs and punish them with jail time for their presumtuous arrests.

        When it comes time for the elections, if he’s stupid he will cite all of the arrests his department executed like Gil Garcetti did in 2000. Everyone needs to keep in mind that a high percentage were bogus arrests that he knew about, as well as the ones he failed to investigate and just took the word of some Fullerton-like(bullshiter) police officer(s).

        Jail time for Tony!!!

        1. OC DA Rackaucus is a menace to society because he presents his assumptions as solid evidence of a double murder to the public. OC DA , if not for the capture of Ocampus, would have given the death penalty to an innocent man . we, the good people of the OC, need to vote out this DA for his irresponsibley dangerous actions

    2. Lucky for Guerrero Ocampos was caught (not by the cops).

      The Rackaukas Regime is a bad combination of cowardice, corruption and incompetence.

    3. Did I hear the news correctly last night? Herrera is not being released but instead, held while things are put into this place so he can be deported as he’s here illegally? Looks like T-Rackemup will skate on another heinous mistake. I hope this young man can finally grieve and will have the support he needs.

  29. I support Chief Sellers! I support him getting the hell out of Fullerton. I support him continuing to stay away from Fullerton! He messed up a perfectly fine job by not being available when the stuff hit the fan! Why? Because the moribund city council allowed him to live in the southernmost part of Orange County even though his contract said he had to move to Fullerton. Just another example of uncaring politicians mucking up the system.

  30. “I wish Michael all the best,” said Councilman Pat McKinley, Sellers’ predecessor as police chief. “Now we can move forward with the appointment of a permanent police chief.”

    He assumes that he will still be around for that.

    McKinley is one arrogant SOB!

      1. and maybe someday, we can move forward with a new nation, one that is based on principles.

        I know it’s a dream, but absent dreamers we would not be here.

  31. Jane Doe :
    Don’t forget Mrs. Sharon Quirk was a big pusher of hiring Sellers above 2 other more qualified canidates. By the way Sellers’ medical issue (blood pressure) were know and present when he got hired.

    Sounds to me like this “Hero” came on board with pre-existing health issues. Why should we be on the hook for this. Obese cops with hypertension, sounds like a Crispy Creme problem.

    1. Good point. Did Sellers have an exam performed before he was hired?

      In any case high blood pressure and stress are treatable medically.

      Another scammer helped out by a compliant City Manager.

  32. Jane Doe :
    Don’t forget Mrs. Sharon Quirk was a big pusher of hiring Sellers above 2 other more qualified canidates. By the way Sellers’ medical issue (blood pressure) were know and present when he got hired.

    Thank you sooooo muchto SSSSSSSSSilva! Again, her interests and respect for the citizens of Fullerton continue to amaze. When this is all over I wonder how many state funds she will double dip from.

    1 out of 3 Americans have high blood pressure, so why in the hell is this a WC claim is beyond me and every other intellegent person. Any other employer this would be seen as WC fraud.

  33. Mike Sellers :
    Tthanks to all to FFFF’s for helping me out with my retirement package with a special shout out to Shawn Nelson for believing in me and hiring me in the first place. Now go fuck yourselves!

    Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts for ONCE!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!

    If you look at Sellers SHORT tenure at the other police departments he worked for, you REALLY have to ask yourself what happened there too?

    Just about 2 years at each as a COP. Makes you wonder if someone there asked him to leave after they discovered he was NOT the real deal.

    Again those who are impressed with titles and resumes, LET THIS be a lesson in AWESOME on paper.

    Talk is cheap, if your a good used car salesman then you can get your foot in the front door. Acutally selling cars is another issue.

    At some point when people realize your just a talker and not a walker, they show you the door.

    Much like the great Joe Paterno of Penn State. A extensive legacy, DOWN the tubes over one issue.

    The best Joe could do was claim he was naive for all that went on around him. WOW!!! A naive teacher/coach imagine that?

    But as I have seen the real issues involving police managers SELDOM come to the for front. Those below them that saw problems, almost NEVER speak out, at least in any detail.

    Hughes just eludes to a “leadership” issue and nothing more.

    I bet big money Sellers had more than his share of baggage before he became Chief of FPD. This little lapse of leadership was NOT an abberation.

    If you have the gift of gab, and kiss the right butt at the moments it’s needed, your other short comings will be ignored, GENERALLY!!

    Sellers might be laughing all the way to the bank, I also hope he spends the rest of his life looking over his shoulder too.

    His little game playing here is in fact indicative of a “WARPED MIND”.

    Since I doubt he ever grabbed the bull by the horns in his day, and has shown what a coward is, he should sell his house and move out of the area.

    With his ugly mug plastered all over America, and the insult to many common folks with his last robbery of the system, he will never know who might wish to take out their rath upon him.

    Myself I’d hate to be sitting at a public place with my family, have some stranger walk up and call me a POS or a thief, or an enabler of a group of killers and thugs.

    Emotions run high, and they are justified.

  34. Chief Sellers crawls off with money,  but he is completely disgraced. McKininly is the biggest villian, and Sellers the biggest coward.  Goodrich is the biggest colan. Bankhead is the biggest nothing, Dick Jones is biggest Dick Jones. And there can be no bigger insult than that. The day that Kelly Thomas was murdered and all these ass clowns conviened to srategized on
    a response, even in their nightmare scenario they never dreamed what resulted possible. How could they? Not one of them would have thought that in just over six months two would be charged, one with murder, the chief replaced, two bumbling decade plus establishment council members facing a recall, and X Chief & Hebear, McKinley’s plans for higher office would be aborted and floating in a stagnant pool of Baby’s bathwater. The day Ron Thomas agreed to give this blog the picture of his son’s battered face, the stars, for once in a hundred years, aligned for justice. This blog has pissed me off over the years, and I will continue to defend Pam Keller, Vince Buck and any number of other good people you target for sport, but for what you have done here, in relation to police corruption, a murder, and subsequent collusion, the city and myself are in your debt. That is how these events will be remembered decades from now. This city was sold 20 years ago and it is Tony Bushala and FFFF that is enabling the people to buy it back. Thank you!

    1. Keller was targeted for justice, not sport. BTW, she opposes the recall.

      You got everything else right on.

    2. Very well said, Steve! ^5 You summed up the key players nicely. The next time I hear someone say Fullerton’s not for sale, I’ll take from your post and reply that it’s already been sold, we’re taking it back.

  35. Another reason it is easy to bash FPD’s management is they ARE top heavy.

    It’s hard to escape or sidestep problems when you have a Chief, 3 Captains, 7-10 Lieutenants, and at least that many Sergeants, ALL with supervisory power.

    I just discovered ONE of those 4 not charged was a Sergeant. WOW exactly what was this guy doing when Kelly was getting beat?

    Even if he was one of the last to arrive on scene and hopefully wasn’t at the station kissing the Lieutenants fanny, HE had the primary responsibility to start a “use of force” investigation.

    He may very well have, and discovered as he should have, things were going to get ugly and passed it to the Lieutanant quickly.

    In the real world of LE this guy would be taking the brunt of the heat.

    No doubt this Sergeant called up the Lieutenant, who called Hughes after discovering they were in deep crap.

    Whether justified or not, when someone goes to the hospital and is put on life support, ALL COPS who have been around, KNOW shit is going to hit the fan at somepoint. To what level the heat rises will always vary. In this case it was intense.

    They knew they were in deep crap because someone at FPD got the video from the pole camera, I bet within a couple of hours of the incident.

    My point a department that is top heavy with brass as FPD and many others are, even worse when it comes to repeated scandals such as we have seen here.

    Hughes and his two pals are as responsible as Sellers and McKinley are.

    Even McKinley knows what’s going on in FPD everyday, because Sellers probably had his head up McKinley fanny at least once a week.

    McKinley should have been calling BS quicker than Whittaker has. Hmmm we don’t see that do we?

    We don’t see the city challenging ANYTHING about Sellers. If Sellers own conduct created this high blood pressure, YOU make an argument on that alone.

    Again you don’t get rewarded for bad conduct or poor leadership by walking out the door with cash in hand.

    Cops are fired everyday for NOT reporting criminal or adminstrative misconduct.

    So Hughes and his pals should be replaced/fired. But what will they do when the heat get’s to hot.

    Retire on a medical just like Sellers did, like many others before him.

    We know Hamilton doesn’t want the job, so how long before he too retires on a medical?

    I bet sooner than later.

    This is going to be a vicious revolving door for all of you Fullerton taxpayers.

    If you elect 3 new city council people because they have AWESOME resumes, YOU might be right back into the same rut again.

    1. “I just discovered ONE of those 4 not charged was a Sergeant. WOW exactly what was this guy doing when Kelly was getting beat?”

      Watching, while simultaneously talking on his radio or cell phone doing part of the CYA.

      1. No. He showed up at the end. Kelly Thomas was already braindead and the fire department was arriving on scene. The fight was over by then.

    2. “We know Hamilton doesn’t want the job, so how long before he too retires on a medical?”

      He’s already retired, in his head anyway.


      “Hamilton, who will now focus on his old duty as head of the detective division until he retires, had been serving as acting chief since Chief Michael Sellers went on medical leave in August, weeks after the controversial death of Kelly Thomas.

      Hamilton might retire early next year, said Sgt. Andrew Goodrich, a department spokesman. Hamilton will now be able to help Hughes move into the chief’s role.”

      Everyone wants to get on the gravy train, and they’d better hurray before the state shuts all the conduits of free money.

    3. au contraire mon fraire……..FOUR , count’em FOUR new council members. If the citizens of Fullerton re-elect SSSSSSilva they are more stupid than I ever imagined.

  36. Mr. Peabody :Lucky for Guerrero Ocampos was caught (not by the cops).
    The Rackaukas Regime is a bad combination of cowardice, corruption and incompetence.

    Yes it is. And don’t you think for one second that a “Spitzer Regime” would be any better.

    1. Rack is a coward; Spitzer is a grandstanding fool.Neither have any ethical underpinnings.

      It will be different. But not better.

  37. with full knowledge that his officers had a long history of brutalizing the public he and his officers swore to protect, Sellers did nothing to reform his police force that had been corrupted byt his predecessor, Pat McKinley.
    The murder of Kelly Thomas by Fullerton police officers last July forced public scrutiny of this police department. A long list of horrific civil right abuses committed by this police force upon the public.
    Sellers who probably thought his role as Fullerton’s police chief would allow him to calmly sail into a lifetime of a cushy retirement pension, hid behind the white coats of his doctors when moral outrage swelled up in front of Fullerton’s city hall.
    Sellers failure to take action and reform the Fullerton police force makes him a tacit partner of Cicinelli and Ramos on the night of July 5th.
    How painful it must be for the Kelly Thomas family to know the persons who should have protected Kelly murdered him and now live in comfortable retirement courtesy of the tax payer.
    Sellers must be brought to court for his culpability in the civil rights abuses of the public committed by Sellers police force. There must be some legal recourse that wrests Sellers’ cruises, expensive beach home and benefits from him and gives it to the thomas family. If this were to occur, it may be close to what the city of Fullerton offered to ron thomas to quietly accept his son’s murder and slink away, $900,000 tax dollars.

  38. So it all makes sense now. On 2-2-12 there were police officers here visiting FPD from outside agencies. LA, LA World Airport, Santa Monica and many more including Bell Gardens. There were brand new police motorcycles and trucks and a bunch of dodge chargers with suits in them.
    It was amazing to see them all here to say farewell to such a distinguished leader.

  39. @ #85

    Well said van, then comes onto this forum under the name Reality Is, and proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he is an idiot.

    That alone proves he was an arrogant and a coward as a leader. You fill in whatever else you want.

    If Hughes was even half the man he proclaims, he’d be in Sellers face big time, telling him to shut up and stay out of Fullerton.

    OH WAIT, Sellers teaches at Fullerton College, not Golden West.

    Guess Sellers will continue to sell his flawed philosophy to the wanna be cops at Fullerton College. GOD help us all.

    I wonder if Sellers taught the serial rapist any classes? NO Sellers is the man, he’d know a serial rapist if he saw one.

    Doesn’t know a rogue cop, but a rapist, YOU bet.

    It will be ethics,courtroom deameanor, and brady issues, right Sellers. Fullerton college teaches that, Golden West does NOT.

    NICE try Sellers!! It’s probably been 15 plus years since you did any real police work, but many games of gold while moving up.

    No body from FPD teaches at Goldwen West according to Cindy an Pat who I spoke to on the phone yesterday about 0915 hrs. Could they be wrong, MAYBE!!!

    Your a sick puppy Sellers.

  40. How does this public serpent earn $18k per month pension when he only darkened Fullerton’s door for a couple of years? I thought the arrangement was 3% for each year served or some such. Can anyone explain the mechanics of this?

  41. D. Wayne Love :
    and maybe someday, we can move forward with a new nation, one that is based on principles.
    I know it’s a dream, but absent dreamers we would not be here.

    Best comment yet.

  42. #51 by One for the books on September 12, 2011
    All are Terrible

    I am a former Fullerton police officer who
    worked with the six accused of beating Kelly
    Thomas. Two officers are directly responsible
    for the death; one has been a ticking time
    bomb for years. He lives in Corona. Both the
    Fullerton and Corona Police Depts. have covered
    up his numerous previous altercations.
    All six are terrible police officers and
    deserve to go to prison for manslaughter, pergury,
    and lying on police reports.
    Chief Sellers is a disgrace to the profession.
    He has made it his captains’ mission to find
    out who is the “leak” at the department and
    has said not only will that officer be terminated,
    he will be prosecuted. For what? Telling
    the truth?
    I left the department because it is corrupt
    and full of “Good ol Boys Clubs,” but I still
    know people at FPD. They are appalled by
    the actions of the six officers. The man who
    died, did not need to die.


    The Fullerton Observer
    Early September, 2011 issue, page 3.

    #52 by EyeNeverSayNo on September 12, 2011
    An anonymous ex-cop on a message board who spells perjury witha ‘g’?

    Umm, okay.

    #53 by Anonymous on September 12, 2011
    Dismissing this over a spelling error?
    Umm, okay.
    I make spelling errors all the time.

    #54 by EyeNeverSayNo on September 12, 2011
    Well, there are spelling errors and typos and then there are spelling mistakes that stand out as revelatory. Cops don’t spell perjury with a ‘g.’ The gratuitous and off topic mention of the Corona PD also seems strange, like somebody has an axe to grind and is trying to piggyback onto the Thomas case.

    Just my opinion, you are of course free to disagree.

    1. This was published in the Fullerton Observer, early September edition. I simply copied and pasted it here! I am not a cop!

      #70 by Jt on September 12, 2011
      Yeah, we both pasted it separately into different topics. Not trying to take credit for your copy and paste activities.

      #71 by Reality Is on September 12, 2011
      I know who wrote this. it’s all made up. He wasn’t a cop and was trying to get a rise out of the city.

      #72 by Jt on September 12, 2011
      Give us one teeny tiny bit of evidence that either of those statements are true:
      1. that you know who wrote this. If you know, tell us.
      2. That its all made up.

      You like facts, remember? Go find some for us and get back to us with them.

      #73 by Reality Is on September 12, 2011
      I’ll use the same one that everyone uses here. He doesn’t want to put his name out there because he’s part of your group. He hates the cops and the city because of past dealings with them.

  43. The video must show something that the DA doesn’t want us to see. I’m curious if the video shows one of the other cops (perhaps Wolfe?) doing something equally culpable that contributed to Kelly’s death as what Ramos and or Cicinelli did to Kelly.

    Why else would the DA be so heel’s-dug-in about releasing the video?

    1. Curious, T-Rack is setting this whole dog and pony show to fail in favor of his buddies in LE. He could care less about the regular citizens in this county.

  44. RI, LE personal have made it easy for the public to “hate” its members by using its connected influence with the politicians it elects to pass laws and make policy that gives those in LE the immunity to maim, beat, falsely arrest, imprison, and murder everyday citizens. Your cabal has also robbed the citizens of their tax dollars with you obscene pay, benefits and pensions you have been able to steal! 😉

    1. Incorrect. The DA has discovered how to subsist in his environment while doing as little as possible and by not killing the host.

      In biology the phenomenon is known as parasitism.

      1. Maybe more Symbiotic (living in symbiosis, or having an interdependent relationship)? (I do know a little about Biology)

        The DA should and seemingly does have more push and pull.

  45. You know…I understand what this blog is trying to achieve. I’m all for what you’re trying to do. However, I do enjoy a trip to the pretentious Slidebar. Why not report on some of the positive things going on in Fullerton? Because that pretentiousness I see at the Slidebar, I see it in this blog and in the comments here, as well.

    1. My advice to you young Cody (I presume you are young) is to visit FullertonStories or enjoy the weekly “articles” by Lou Ponsi of the Register. There you will find all the positive stuff you seek. There may be an opening in the Fullerton Positive, too.

      In the meantime please find out what pretentious means.

  46. There are dozens of Fullerton website.

    When surrounding Policemen say that Fullerton is the worst in the county, and have not been given the blessing of the Feds, Gennaco, Judges, Juries, and News Media, I do not care to recommend anybody to go to Fullerton. How many Cities in the country have had travel advisories against them, in the last decade, other than for acts of God.

    1. LS, “How many Cities in the country have had travel advisories against them, in the last decade, other than for acts of God.” Let me guess, one. Fullerton?

  47. So, I guess I should have used douche bags. No, that’s overused as well. Holier than thou? Too wordy. Highfalutin? Sure. I take it no one wants to go get a post game beer with me?

  48. Commonwealth Lounge has a nice ambiance. So does Heroes. If you’re in the mood for a dive, we could always do 2J’s.

    1. I look for a fun, happy, safe, crowd. Brea, Yorba Linda, Anaheim Hills, Huntington Beach, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, etc.

      A Moment of Silence for Kelly Thomas in Beverly Hills
      City Council meeting August 16, 2011.
      “Justice for Kelly Thomas’ death.
      “I went to Fullerton, to stand by other fathers.”
      “I know this could not happen in our Beverly Hills”

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