City Council Candidate Jane Rands Identifies Corruption

Kudos to Recall candidate Jane Rands for correctly identifying repuglican bagman and fixer Dick Ackerman as the motive force behind the St. Anton Partners project’s meteoric rise from number six to number one. The Three Bald Tires clearly intend to reward the leader of the anti-recall team with a juicy multi-million dollar subsidy for his client.

Is this a quid pro quo? Of course it is. The Three Dithering Dinosaurs have been handing out freebies to their supporters and campaign contributors for years.

You see, in Fullerton the Culture of Corruption extends beyond the walls of police headquarters.

51 Replies to “City Council Candidate Jane Rands Identifies Corruption”

  1. I wonder if that same corruption extends to downtown developers who were given subsidies to renovate city-owned buildings for use as privately leased floor space?

    1. I think you have that backwards. You know, where a private company paid to renovate a city-owned asset.

      Try to get it right next time, Dick.

      1. When a private company takes a subsidy from the city to help offset renovation costs to a publicly owned building and then is allowed to lease said publicly-owned building for private gain, it’s a relatively small subsidy in terms of out-of-pocket costs but an enormous windfall for said private company, and a redevelopment subsidy nonetheless.

        Said company gets to operate the building as if they own it, profit handsomely from leasing space in a building it doesn’t own, and all without any competition from other potential master lease holders. Its a raw deal for the taxpayer because they don’t get anything out of this arrangement. Just because the subsidy is wrapped up in a complicated lease agreement doesn’t make it any less of a sweetheart deal. A better deal for the taxpayers would be if said company agreed to pay fair market value for the building and wrote the city a check.

        1. No you are wrong. Nothing was subsidized. The City chose a private developer to renovate their own property at considerable cost. The lease reflected the terms the City thought were reasonable – as indeed they were.

          Terry Galvin didn’t want to sell the building. If you have a gripe take it up with him and Hugh Berry ($100,000 pension club member).

          Take your boohoo tears somewhere else, Dick.

    2. Keep going shoe. You bang away at vapor trails and reformers will bang away on hundres of millions of dollars of issues that hit all Fullerton residents right in their pocketbooks. You can’t win the argument that Tony supports this recall for personal gain. You’ve got three councilman who would have gladly sold their votes to Tony just like they did to Ackerman. To my amazement and the amazement of all of his close friends and associates, the problem you ultimately don’t know how to deal with is that good government is Tony’s hobby. Renting industrial space is his business. Note the fact that your boys are being recalled as evidence that Tony is already doing fine in business without backing some imaginary, self-serving slate.

      1. Stop taking a monthly allowance from Daddy Bushala and folks might find you credible. Of course you’re quick to defend him, you’re his errand boy. Tony’s an affable, decent man and he’s got a good heart. But whenever I see wealthy developers throwing around enormous sums of cash to influence elections and buy politicians it raises major red flags for me and a lot of other people.

        1. So Tony’s a great guy. I’m his errand boy and your concerned by the great guy who is throwing around cash tooo…what? Is he a great guy or is he buying politicians? You’re going to need to choose a path here if you want to avoid idiot-land.

          1. These Nascar goat loving trash are just repeating the propoganda that certain lowdown dirtbag scums with ulterior motives are brainwashing them with, like the typical dicatators always do.

            They have no actual facts to point to, and can’t think for themselves, they only have their own twisted opinions to rely on.

            They were raised this way and are raising their own to have this “quality”.

        2. as opposed to lackluster civil servants entering politics with the hopes to use tax dollars to gain personal profit from developers and their devlopments?
          The Tony Bushala, Chris Thompson and Travis Kiger triad did not obfuscate evidence in a murder by our police department or use tax dollars to gain perks from developers or take civil servants’ unions’ money in exchange for outrageous salaries and pensions for their members. I’ve named three strikes against the evil three, Jones, Bankhead and McKinley that knocks them out of their civic leadership positions and hopefully into some jail time for their criminal actions because the evil three are naturally corrupted by their greed.

          1. Sharon Quirk was part of this, and will continue to be for the rest of the year. Shawn Nelson (remember him?) was also on the Council for a good many years before moving up the political food chain. Am I to believe that they were so clueless, as to not see what was going on around them?

        3. Wealthy developers? You mean like SunCal and Chevron? Like Louis Kuntz? Like Steve Sheldon? Like Dick Hamm? All gave money to the Three Hollow Logs and got massive entitlements.

          You have a lot of targets to aim for, chum. If you try it won’t be hard hit one that actually matches your description of pay-to-play political fixers.

    1. Alber Rincon looks alot like the profile sketch especially the angle in the eyebrows and the shape of the ears.

  2. Kudos to Jane Rands for speaking up on this.

    Tip: She would have much more credibility if she were able to speak without that voice quiver and studder.

    Whatever; glad she spoke up about this issue.

    Was there a response from any of the council members?

    1. Perhaps she is so angry she stutters — that would make sense to me… confronting evil in person could freak ya out 😉

      1. Agreed.

        I know I’ve had my derailed moments getting up there and calling bs on some of the recent FPD related crud, but perhaps some written foot notes to read while she was up there would have helped.

        Either way, my hat’s off to here for looking them all in the eye while speaking on such a serious matter.

  3. It takes courage to stand up in public, especially when you are sharing an uncomfortable truth. Was somebody called Paula Williams there?

  4. Bonds? Hmmm, so now we are putting future Fullertonians in debt too?

    BTW I wonder what company installed the new left turn arrow lights which are driving people crazy and causing accidents. Who did they give campaign donations to?

  5. Yes, isnt that what they are about, “I’ll scratch your back, if you scratch mine”?

    No wonder they are so violently opposed to Tony Bushala-he dont play that.

    Thanks Jane, I know that had to be hard.
    She had alot of crediblity to me-that was brave.

    Try standing up alone in the presence of wickedness and repulsive evildoers to make it clear that you know the emperor has no clothes on and not studdering.

  6. Wrong Guy :Kudos to Jane Rands for speaking up on this.
    Tip: She would have much more credibility if she were able to speak without that voice quiver and studder.
    Whatever; glad she spoke up about this issue.
    Was there a response from any of the council members?

    This is what WRong guy woulda liked…Look you carbet baggin slime balls, we know what your up to…you guys reek of corruption and back door deals, why was that wussy ackerman, here? the guy that steals from us, and an IRS theif. What is he doing in chambers, and have you already been purchased and Dick Ackerman ( how many dicks do we need) do you have the receipt? On the right path Janie….I didnt add all the colorful words we like! giggle.

  7. Wrong Guy :Agreed.
    I know I’ve had my derailed moments getting up there and calling bs on some of the recent FPD related crud, but perhaps some written foot notes to read while she was up there would have helped.
    Either way, my hat’s off to here for looking them all in the eye while speaking on such a serious matter.

    I get so flustered when they lie right to my face….I get up there and want to jump the podium and re-enact a brue lee film…..I know what cha mean!Sharon is the smarmiest.

    1. not only did she spot it, she stood up against it. her discomfort in revealing it to the public may stem with her breaking ranks with her current associations

  8. Jane also mentioned this in the Observer when this deal first took place and went on the table back in August.

  9. Questions & Answers About Your Water Rate :

    Did anybody read this crap? One of the alternatives proposed by the City is to offer in-lieu franchise fee refunds for only the last THREE years, not the entire period they’ve been ripping us off.

    They also claim the 6.7% is used for support services, so the refund amount is the remaining 3.3%. Maybe it’s just me, but that 6.7% figure seems a bit too convenient – 2/3 of the 10% fee – to be taken seriously.

  10. Back room deals. Dirty old men-shame on you. I look into my children’s eyes every night and pray that they never make breaking the 10 commandments into a career.

  11. Lou Ponzi ….”And rather than costing 10 percent — or $2.5 million a year — the cost of running Fullerton’s water utility is really only 6.7 percent, or $1.67 million a year, the report concludes (proving the cynics who were sure it would arrive at a figure of at least 11 percent wrong!).”

  12. The report is suggesting Fullerton residents pay rent for the property used by the Water Department, even though your tax dollars paid for these parcels years ago.

    Not including City Hall and the Maintenance Yard, they are recommending $1.37 million in annual rent for property that has a market value of $17.8 million. Nevermind the problem of being taxed for property we already own, the properties could be “bought” in a little over 12 years from the City at the proposed rental rates. So why not recommend that option? Because the rent is a lucrative revenue stream for the City.


    1. I know Greg Sebourn will be all over this, but I want to point out the sheer stupidity of the staff at City Hall.

      The City is proposing refunds or allocations for the PAST three years based on the 6.7% calculation the consultants made for the CURRENT year. This is just as egregious as an arbitrary 10% in-lieu franchise fee because the actual percentage will fluctuate from year to year based on actual revenue (tied to water consumption) and actual cost (tied to market rental prices and street repair costs).

      What’s really scary about in-lieu franchise fees is that the City has NO INCENTIVE to lower basic water rates because it boosts the in-lieu franchise fee revenue.

  13. Kelly Thomas,Dean Gochenour and now Dick Ackerman, three good reasons to recall the evil three, Bankhead, Jones and McKinley, from our city council

  14. This water tax rip off has me amazed! Tuco is just an ol farm boy from the dairy farming business. You use water, you pay the meter rate. Any extra taxes are not necessary for running a water business.
    You want taxes? You got the sales tax, the income tax, the users tax, personal property tax, and on and on. This is Fullertax, Taxifornia. Ya needs a tax, you tell it to the people and vote for a tax. You do not hide it! The entire tax needs to be rebated! Not 1/3 or 2/3 but ALL.

  15. So, let me get this straight, One of the many DICKS,was in the chamber in closed sessions…and was Bruce Whitaker back there…why did he not yell foul? Bruce?

  16. We must continue to be vigilant.

    The state can do away with Redevelopment, but the giveaways of our tax dollars to the politically connected friends of McKinley, Bankhead and Jones apparently continues. What is the purpose of having a rating system,to pick projects, when it can be overruled?

    Good presentation Jane!
    Every time one of these men claim they are the victims, it just makes me laugh!

  17. Oh, please :
    Stop taking a monthly allowance from Daddy Bushala and folks might find you credible. Of course you’re quick to defend him, you’re his errand boy. Tony’s an affable, decent man and he’s got a good heart. But whenever I see wealthy developers throwing around enormous sums of cash to influence elections and buy politicians it raises major red flags for me and a lot of other people.

    Envy is ugly isn’t it?

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