Comment Highlight

Once in a while we here at FFFF like to pluck a particularly trenchant comment from a thread to give it the attention it deserves.

Here is a great comment from one of our readers who cuts to the chase about the crazy, spittle-flecked ravings of Jay Cicinelli’s step-father, John Huelsman, the other night. Huelsman is some demento who supposedly used to be a cop in Anaheim – a claim that is perfectly believable.

This Huelsman character is clearly bonkers. But his twisted argument has been appearing on these pages from FPD cop trolls since the summer of 2011.

Enjoy some clarity of thought:

#192 by Finally, Justice for Kelly on September 22, 2012

With regard to Huelsman, I have to say I find this specimen to be all too typical of police intelligence.

First he confuses “the court system” to be somehow connected to Kelly Thomas, conveniently overlooking the awkward fact that his out-of-control son-in-law acted as judge, jury and executioner on the night of 7/5/11. And this is the whole point of the public outrage: Kelly was denied justice thanks to the Fullerton Six. He is dead. The justice system has no bearing on Kelly.

The justice system however, does have Cicinelli in its clutches, although woefully undercharged by our pathetic DA. And the court of public opinion has and will continue to condemn a Culture of Corruption that has festered in the FPD. Flory can deny it. Hughes can deny it. Quirk can deny it. Goodrich, Coffman and Gennaco can deny it. The cowards left and right can deny it. But we know the truth.

And the truth will set us free; it will not however, set Wolfe, Ramos or Cicinelli free.

81 Replies to “Comment Highlight”

  1. The other big misdirection from FPD Central was that Ron Thomas was somehow responsible for Kelly being beaten to death by six Fullerton cops.

    1. Sadly true. What I really wonder is whether those cretins actually believe their own crazy logic or whether they are just throwing it out their trying to find somebody dumb enough to swallow it.

      1. A little of both. A neighbor of mine told me months back that if Ron Thomas truly cared about Kelly that he should have committed him. The sad thing is that there are many who believe the way my neighbor does.

        1. KL: If only your neighbor realized that commitment — “5150/5250/5270” is extremely difficult to get due to budget cuts and “patients’ rights”. Another aspect is that for a person who has claustrophobia — as Kelly surely must have had — confinement is psychological torture. My schizophrenic/claustrophobic son stopped eating after being confined and they had to discharge him due to this.

            1. Mental illness is not a crime. Anyone who has ever been around schizophrenics for even a short time, will know that they do not have the same perceptions as the average person. A little empathy goes a long way, something the cop apologists do not seem to have.

              1. I agree, mental illness is not a crime. The real crime is not being able to get your loved one treatment when needed. I was just on the phone with a friend who’s having issues with her dad and knows he needs to be hospitalized pronto, even though he’s not a danger to himself or others.
                I won’t delve into the cop apologists category because I’m not out there everyday doing their job.

                1. “I won’t delve into the cop apologists category because I’m not out there everyday doing their job.”

                  If doing their job every day is similar to what the FPD did to Kelly, and all the other things we read about daily, then I am sure that there are enough cops out there who do not have empathy or compassion, just disdain for those who are mentally ill.

                  I have my own story, but revealing that part of my life would open me up to being attacked by trolls.

                  What I will say is that I know personally, and have seen it on a daily basis, how people are treated by them when there is a psychological, not a criminal issue. Many LE do not see mental illness. They see a criminal, even when someone is despondent and suicidal. That is the real crime.

                2. I forgot to add that our society has a lot to learn about mental illness. Even people lucky enough to be put on 5150 hold, for safety reasons, do not usually get the treatment they need.

            2. KL: How true. My son Aron was in two locked psychiatric facilities this year and he was released from both of them. The first time he was released was due to his not eating. The second time was because they needed his bed for a new patient, i.e., a shortage of beds due to budget cuts. From what I’ve read the Thomases suffered through what my ex-husband and I have been through in our attempts to keep Aron off of the ground. Some people might need to go through these ordeals to learn compassion, don’t know if they ever will in this lifetime.

      2. If it was a military maneuver it would be laying down supressing fire. The nonsense posts submitted by the coplickers are meant to discourage and or infuriate serious posters so they will just go away and this whole thing will just “blow over” Intimidation and “rat packing” (submitting comments useing multiple screen names, to give the impression that they are the majority) are also oft used tactics. That ‘lil skrawney guy, O’maley? who had his photo posted some threads back, would be a poster boy for this sort of behavior.

      1. I havent seen the video yet but heard from someone that Kelly was saing sompthing that sounded like corona.Was he calling out to Sherrif Corona…

  2. Yes Kelly was denied justice. He was also denied life by a bunch of goons who got band-aids on their boo-boos and joked about their workout as Kelly lay in the gutter fighting – fighting for air in his lungs.

    No, we’re not forgetting and we’re not letting that whitewash work either.

  3. That old man is nuts and has nothing to lose. Use caution around that guy. You talk smack to him in real life you might be putting your life at risk.

    1. This is akin to putting a “Beware of Dog” sign on a poodles pen, a toothless poodle at that. So said poodle, hopefully will be given a wide berth and not have it’s cage rattled, accidentally or otherwise.

    2. eep doing what you are doing John. These half wits are stupid. One sided. You pissed them off. Which is great. You have balls, which is more than those idiot on the clowncil. Continue with your first amendment right and screw Kelly’s Army.

      1. Can you blame them for being “one sided”, if they are “half wits” as you claim? Idiots on the clowncil? Screw Kelly’s army? Sir, if anyone sounds “pissed off” it is you! It is a hot day, step away from your “idiot box” and get some rest.

        1. Sir, no I am not pissed off. I am very happy with what Mr Hulseman said. He has big cajones. I didn’t see Hughes look at him once. Chicken shit.

    1. We know, it’s his stepson Jackass but who the fu*# cares. He’s an idiot and a disgrace to the badge just like his stepdad!

        1. Hey Mickey, You openly stated that “a friend” told you about this blog and that after being so offended at the nature of the posts by KT supporters you wer not comin’ back. You get it right, Jack Ass!

    2. It hardly matters. Cicinelli is an animal and his step-pa is a foam-at-the-mouth cretin. Typical cop material. in fact.

  4. Pathetic, Jackbooted, Murdering Pussies:

    “A mentally-ill, wheelchair bound, one-armed, one-legged man was shot to death by a Houston, Texas police officer, Saturday night.

    Houson, Texas police officer Matthew Jacob Marin responded to a call for a man in a wheelchair causing a disturbance at a group home.

    Houston, Texas police department spokeswoman Jodi Silva said the man cornered the officer in his wheelchair and was threatening the officer while waving a metal object.

    That object turned out to be a pen.”

  5. The truth has set us free and at the same time has become a yolk of bondage to those who fear the scales falling off of the eyes of the masses.

  6. Very well written. Glad (s)he pointed out how pathetic it is that these ex-cops have received reduced charges. If they had not committed the murder while wearing a badge Hampton, Blatney, and Craig would be facing Involuntary, Cicinelli and Wolfe would be facing 2nd degree murder, and Ramos 1st degree. I hope (s)he is correct about the public outrage/condemnation. It is the only chance the city has of getting the other three officers fired and keeping further travesties of justice at the hands of the FPD from occurring.

    1. Those charges were ridiculousas we all know it. Thanks to Susan Kang. Schroeder. T-rack had nothing to do with it. She will eat crow soon enough. Can’t wait.

      1. The charges were indeed ridiculous. Cicinelli should have got 2nd Degree. Hampton, Craig and Blatney should have gotten criminally negligent homicide.

        Other possible charges by a DA with balls: conspiracy, falsification of evidence, obstruction of justice, etc.

      2. Can’t wait? Your boys have stalled justice for for 14 months so far. Kelly got about 20 minutes – before the Fullerton six played cop, judge, jury and executioner.

        What was his crime again?

            1. It’s a crime to have property that does not belong to you. But for Kelly that was ok. That is according to all you fffer’s

                1. Hes a sicko, everything is grounds for torture and murder, the trick is finding a department or agency where its acceptable!

  7. Cicinelli is very lucky to only be charged with involuntary, considering the damage he inflicted on Kelly. Huelsman needs to realize this and STFU. He is probably still thinking that cops can get away with murder, like back in his day. If FPD were not so inept at what they do, they may have been able to cover it up. Like the death of Dean Francis Gochenour.
    I am sure that without the efforts of RT, Kelly’s Army and this blog, the DA whould have let this whole thing slide.

  8. The DA wants to get re elected. Some DA’s even run for Mayor and then Governor! Some even run for President! The last one, Dewey won, according to several newspapers, but from 2 AM to 7 AM the tide turned and Truman was elected! So much for Dewey! (Read the book Truman by McCullough).
    So DA Tony wants to get re elected. In Orange County that means getting money from the various Police Unions and leagues and running against folks with no name recognition. Susan Kang runs the place anyway and what she says, goes! Its a tough fine line to toe, being a real DA yet covering for all the police agencies in Orange County. Yes, it is.
    So at election time, you need name recognition and no negative thoughts on the parts of voters, and you just may make it though for another four years! Upstarts like Fullerton citizens who rally, get on radio, get newspaper coverage are exactly what a DA does not want as the average person will think, hmmmm maybe DA Tony really is not doing his job! Law and Order DA? That means for ALL!

  9. It’s wonderful to read concise and accurate posts that really cut through all the bullshit and speak the simple truth in such a deceitful society that we have become.

    My compliments to the poster who wrote the featured comment.

    You have a gift, my friend. Please use it frequently. Don’t bogart it. The sanctity of life is reliant on people like you. You were born to deliver the message. Keep coming back!

  10. “Flory can deny it. Hughes can deny it. Quirk can deny it. Goodrich, Coffman and Gennaco can deny it. The cowards left and right can deny it. But we know the truth.”

    Well said. How about a post with all their pictures on it?

  11. Nomad :
    If it was a military maneuver it would be laying down supressing fire. The nonsense posts submitted by the coplickers are meant to discourage and or infuriate serious posters so they will just go away and this whole thing will just “blow over” Intimidation and “rat packing” (submitting comments useing multiple screen names, to give the impression that they are the majority) are also oft used tactics. That ‘lil skrawney guy, O’maley? who had his photo posted some threads back, would be a poster boy for this sort of behavior.

    Also, They are SICKFUCKS, for lack of any other appropriate term.

  12. The Fullerton Harpoon :
    The charges were indeed ridiculous. Cicinelli should have got 2nd Degree. Hampton, Craig and Blatney should have gotten criminally negligent homicide.
    Other possible charges by a DA with balls: conspiracy, falsification of evidence, obstruction of justice, etc.

    The DA is who the Government should look at.

    1. You can’t rely on the DA. He’s in bed with the cops. We’ve known that for years. You’re not going to find justice through the DA in the Kelly Thomas murder. You are going to have to hope for the Feds to deliver the justice. The DA will screw up the current case (he’s already screwed up the first part of it) and blame it on things outside his control (like the jury system). The DA has already put the case in motion to fail. Any insider who knows anything would tell you that in an honest conversation.

      1. There seems to be wide opinion that Rackauckas deliberately screwed up his own case. That is hard to believe, but it is even harder to believe his charges and his initial whitewash of Wolfe. Hard to believe there is any new evidence about Wolfe.

        It is also easy to believe his total lack of curiosity about a possible conspiracy, and the real likelihood of cop reports being altered to make a consistent, if untrue story.

        Of course we should be thankful that we have T-Rack, chickenshit that he is instead of the absolutely unbalanced union tool Todd Spitzer, who really does seem to be mentally ill.

  13. “It is also easy to believe his total lack of curiosity about a possible conspiracy, and the real likelihood of cop reports being altered to make a consistent, if untrue story”

    T-Rack acknowledged at his intial press conference that the Fullerton cops rewrote their reports after being allowed to view the train station video shortly after the beating. And he fully acknowledged that he that thought that action was wrong and showed poor judgment on part of the FPD supervisors.

    T-Rack is not stupid. He knows why this was done. Any idiot knows why it was done. To change the facts to fit the story. T-Rack simply can’t say that in his capacity. He knows about the propensity for cops to lie. But the cops bring him his cases. In effect, the cops control his budget. So he goes with the flow. Now whether he does this against his will or voluntarily is a whole other question.

    “Of course we should be thankful that we have T-Rack, chickenshit that he is instead of the absolutely unbalanced union tool Todd Spitzer, who really does seem to be mentally ill”

    You think Spitzer would be more protective of cops than T-Rack? I beg to differ. I think it would be a wash. Sure, Spitzer voted to give the cops the 3%@50 – but had T-Rack been the Supervisor – he would have acted identically.

    Both are cop bootlickers IMO. 6 of one, half dozen of the other.

    1. Joe is right. Spitzer is body and soul cop. And he is demented. Seriously: Spitzer is a manic-depressive megalomaniac. He has to be stopped from ever becoming DA. Of course that is a topic for another post.

  14. [graphic video attached, if there are any children in the room with you, please tell them to leave while watching] – People in the arab world protest over some idiotic, low budget film, but when real evil is going on right here in America, the people say nothing. Sometimes I ask myself and God, “Why are people so f’d up” and “Why do people do such f’d up things”. I know it might sound like a stupid question or a dumb question, but to me, it is a human question. The thing that really gets me about humanity is man’s continual inhumanity to man, it never stops. I mean, let us take Jesus Christ for example. This man did NOTHING wrong to deserve to be tortured, crucified and killed, but guess what happened? I mean, if the Son of God gets treated this way and does nothing wrong to deserve it, who knows what people will do to someone who has actually done something “wrong”? Personally though, seeing this video was a turning point in my life. I have never cried so hard in my entire life. I have cried over my own pain , but never anyone elses before. I mean, how can one human being intentionally and delibrately cause pain and suffering to another human being like themselves and not feel bad about it.. but even worse, actually enjoy it? I used to read in the Bible and Quran and philosophy books about “The nature of evil”, but I never really appreciated the severity of it until I saw this video. It all just hit me at once. Some people say that people are fundamentally good with evil inclinations, I just don’t see it that way. At the end of the day, I realize that i cannot change others or what they do, but I can change myself and try to do the best I can to make the world a better place. I used to think “I exist because God wants me to help other people”. I am starting to think that way again, I mean, at the end of the day, what is wrong with helping others and wanting to make the world a better place? It is funny that a natural pessimist like me can come to a conclusion like that, especially having clincal depression and all, but at the end of the day I think all we really have is God and each other. Isn’t that enough? I personally have been on a journey of self-improvement, it is easy to tell others how to live thier lives and what they should do etc, but living your own life is the real difficult part. At the end of the day we all have different stories, different experiences, but I think we are all on the same path. Who doesn’t want to be loved Jesus asks somewhere in the Bible, that is so true. Who doesnt want to be happy I ask. I just hope that I never become like the mongsters in this video. This man was homeless, alone, afraid, and the very individuals who were supposed to help him turned out to be his worst enemy. He didn’t even have a home or a life of his own really, being homeless and on the streets, that isn’t living, that is a horrible fate. He didnt even have a life, but these monsters even took that away. I know that God cried with me. -Paden F. Cheeks(Member of the Christian Left).

    Security footage of Kelly Thomas police beating

  15. In Jerusalem when you walk the steps leading to Christ’s crucifixion, you realize that evil has lurked in the world just has goodness has existed. In W. War II, the russians killed over 15,000 polish soldiers and leaders placing them in a mass grave and Roosevelt heard about it but did not want to confront Stalin at what was a precarious time in the war.
    Do I hold anything against Roosevelt? No. But, it proves that evil exists as long as we all allow it to keep fomenting. And evil continues on and on.
    So you wonder about why 6 cops kill a homeless guy? Not just evil, but the good ol boy network. We used to see that in my days in South Carolina and I used to think naively it was just in the Southeast. But its right here in Southern California. Still festering, looking for its next victim.

  16. Relax. All is well. At tonight’s Fullerton Interfaith Emergency Shelter fundraiser at Angelo & Vinci’s, both Interim Chief Hughes & Ruty Kennedy were mentioned for their work on Fullerton homeless issues.

  17. Predictably, I will weigh in with my opinion on those persons who can’t stop pointing the finger of guilt at everyone except the six Fullerton police officers who in full view of the public beat Kelly Thomas to death.
    It is a sad fact that Fullerton’s religious community has bought into Rusty Kennedy’s hollow sentiments about unconditional love for all people while he showed his loyalty to his colleague on the Orange County Human Relations Commission ,Retired Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley, and McKinley’s rogue, murderous police officers.
    Kennedy and his duped followers believe forming a
    committee that periodically meets to “mind mix” ideas about Fullerton’s homeless will deflect Guilt from McKinley’s personally hired officers who beat Kelly Thomas to death .
    These committees, “mind mixers” only resulted in this committee publically accusing the good people of Fullerton for Kelly Thomas’s death evidenced in his letter published in his sister’s very local paper, the “Fullerton Observer”.
    Despite all,the “mind-mixing” by Rusty Kennedy and his committee members , the fact remains that no matter how hard Rusty Kennedy, recalled city council persons, McKinley, Jones and Bankhead, their devotees like Jan Flory, and those local religious leaders duped by Kennedy’s hollow sentiments , these mentioned persons can’t mix up the video, the eyewitness accounts, the autopsy report on Kelly Thomas that clearly shows It was Fullerton POlice officers not public indifference who murdered Kelly Thomas

  18. They are all getting off and you all know and it’s pissing all of you off. TUCO knows it and he is jerking all you haters off. Susan Kang Schroeder and her husband tell T-rack what to do. He does shit. He has such a weak case. They are both going to eat crow.

    1. Let’s just say that 99% of the people I’ve spoken to that has watched the city’s video of the murder of Kelly Thomas thinks that it was just that…murder.

      If the police officers are found not guilty, I believe that 98% of the population will begin to start opening their eyes to how corrupted our legal system has become through the financial influence and support of the public employees unions.

      Either way the case is decided I see no real losers here.

      Win win for everyone.

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