Cop Shoots Self at FPD Gun Range
It just gets worse. A premature discharge.

Fortunately the injured party is doing fine and no lawsuits are expected.
Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
It just gets worse. A premature discharge.
Fortunately the injured party is doing fine and no lawsuits are expected.
The story is more believable since Lou Ponzi-Scheme didnt report on it.
Self-harm (SH), also referred to as self-injury (SI), self-inflicted violence (SIV), Non-Suicidal Self Injury (NSSI) or self-injurious behavior (SIB), refers to a spectrum of behaviors where demonstrable injury is self-inflicted.
The motivations for self-harm vary as it may be used to fulfill a number of different functions. These functions include self-harm being used as a coping mechanism which provides temporary relief of intense feelings such as anxiety, depression, stress, emotional numbness and a sense of failure or self-loathing.
I guess if one has a conscience and works for an organization such as the FPD with obvious and substantial ethical problems that reaches the extent of murdering unarmed homeless people, one must experience a little emotional numbness and a sense of failure and self-loathing.
Perhaps they should keep an eye on the honorable FPD officers to prevent future “accidents.” But then again, there may be only one.
Its ok, I’m an FTO(field training officer), my idols include Andrew “purple dildo” Goodwrench and I’m one of Danny’s boys… You know “camp snoopy”
That explains the 2 firetrucks and the ambulance there this early evening.
three helicopters in a row with thier cameras facing north yet couldn’t find anything going on. This was probably what brought the big birds out.
At least it wasn’t an innocent civilian this time … Maybe FPD is getting better and all of the “workshops” are paying off
Casey: Those workshops are working.
A premature discharge? Must have been Goodrich.
Bam bam. Get better soon we don’t need another medical retirement. Juicy though.
At least he didn’t murder anyone.
Good God, another FPD clown cop.
First on the emergency contact was a dispatcher; his first baby momma. Second contact was his second baby momma; a police cadet…. Phewwwww
I’m sure the concerned Councilmen Whitaker and Kiger are at the officers bedside.
Haaaaaa that’s funny. Could u imagine if Travis and Bruce showed up at the hospital? There might be another shooting.
Hey Pomona PD Sgt Pat O’Malley aka Reality Is aka Cop Logic, where have you been?
We missed ya!
in court
Been out on a bender? Skrawney.
Considering the officer has already been released, I’m sure dopey doug is at the hospital as we speak standing next to an empty bedside and praying with family members who left hours ago.
They SHOULD be at the officer’s bedside laughing their asses off at him for being a cluts, then hand him his ‘walking papers’.
He failed, but I’m sure Hughes will keep him.
FTA: “The officer was undergoing the department’s monthly qualifications at the range in the basement of the Fullerton Police Department when his weapon “accidently discharged,” Sgt. Jeff Stuart said.”
Knowing what we now know about the fpd, I figure this dude qualified with flying colors. Even though it was self-inflicted, at least he wounded someone.
That IS the goal with those guys, right?
According to the famous O.C. Register: “The department will conduct an INTERNAL INVESTIGATION! That means that Sgt. Jason “Bong” Shone will be investigating and finding nothing as he usually does! Ya know, .40 cal 180 grain bullets travel at 1100 feet per second and could have hit the floor and bounced up through the ceiling causing irreparable harm to the donut factory!
I forsee a month of medical leave followed up by desk duty until Shone is done with his investigation. THen back on duty patrolling the 52 establishments that serve booze in Downtown Fullerton! Sorta scary thought for Halloween!
Kudos Tuco. You are finally learning the process. Only took you a few years.
Name these 52 places you speak of…. cuz there ain’t, moron.
Tuco is retired, so he sometimes sleeps a little late and counts on me from time to time to respond to cop trolls anonymous postings.
Fullerton Lover has the info right outta the OC Weekly. 52 drinking establishments in DTF. I suggest “52 boozers?” take a tour of DTF on Friday night and have a drink at each one of these tasty places. Tell them, Tuco sent you!
Ahhhh…. still, I bet you and OC Weekly cant count 52 bars!
There aren’t 52 bars. There might be 52 “restaurants,” which includes McDonalds, Whaoos, Philly’s Best and the “bars” you speak of.
Funny how people just regurgitate what they read online.
Again, NAME THEM! Do your due diligence.
According to inside sources corporal H.Garcia shot himself in the ass! You can’t make this shit up!
According to FPOA political donation records, there is a “Hugo Garcia” at the FPD.
According to court records he’s paying child support to a police dispatcher and police cadet at FPD…. Nepotism? Nah, danny boy cleaned that up remember?
Sounds like this guy is used to shooting himself is the ass with his own weapon.
I heard Jason couldn’t stop laughing, but then again he was munching on chips and brownies…. Hmmmm
Basic gun safety, dont ever point your gun at anything you cant afford to replace!!!
Perhaps this officer attended this seminar.
Definitely one of the all-time most hilarious YouTube videos, ever.
It does take a “special” guy to be an idiot.
You would know wouldn’t you R.D. You are a special idiot.
Garcia shot himself in the ass. Will now be on paid leave and get a disability pension.
Hero. Deserve.
My guess is that he saw his own reflection and thought he saw someone “reaching for his waistband”; reflexively he pulled the trigger even though it was his own pistol in his own back pocket.
Negligent discharge. The fact that he might have really hurt himself or killed one of his brethren or sistren will be papered over by the ever diligent Sgt. Bong Rips.
This is a bit philosophical, but does shooting yourself in the butt elevate you to the list of FPD bad cops? It’s a serious boner, but not maliciously conceived.
What say you, FFFFers?
Bad, no. It shows the lack of training, oversight and discipline.
Yes but indicative of the Culture at FPD, right?
I would say that the culture at the FPD is no different than other police forces in So Cal. The lights are just on and the cameras are rolling here in our great city. There are bad officers in every department. Police officers beating people up, killing people, framing people, stealing and molesting goes on all over. The FPD has just been getting caught. Also we don’t have a slave mentality population that lays down in Fullerton and we have a political machine run by the loyal opposition that keeps everyone on their toes. It is a vibrant community full of involved people on all sides of the debate. I see only positive changes going forward that result when the level of public scrutiny is this high and the public’s political involvement is this pervasive. I am glad this officer was not seriously injured. I don’t wish that upon anyone. I will say that it is also a good thing it didn’t happen while on duty to an innocent bystander out in the public.The FPD has a very long or an extremely short road ahead. Time will tell.
Truthseeker, I agree with you. I believe there is a shift going on with the “old way” and “new way” of law enforcement, mostly in part to the video camera. Law enforcement is being exposed in Orange County and nationally of lies, cover-ups, abuse etc. So, law enforcement must shift to a more educated, diplomatic approach (because EVERYBODY is now watching/videotaping) but that mentality goes against all the egos and bravado that is law enforcement. This is where we have the divide. We see it with Fullerton with Kelly Thomas. No one in their educated or just common sense right mind can look at the K.T incident and call it JUST. However, the boys in blue live by a different code. There must be a shift in the way law enforcement is conducted or there will be revolt if abuse of power continues to be exposed. This militaristic, scare tactic, yada yada, “we are going to place fear in people,” is complete bullshit. We don’t live in a uncivilized community, so let’s not police as if we do.
Great post.
No, culture of carelessness and stupidity, yes.
My question is how does a guy shoot his own ass? How do you do that? Unless it was some sort of ricochet, wouldn’t that involve a reacharound?
Foot, leg, head, innocent civilian — those scenarios I can understand. But his own ass?
What the hell is going on in the basement of the fpd?
I was sort of wondering if maybe this might not have been an”accident”, and was instead similar to what soldiers did to avoid combat during the Vietnam War by self-inflicted a gunshot wound?
S/B “self-inflicting”.
How many times does a butcher cut off a finger? A carpenter smash his fingers with a hammer?? Guns are tools police officers use/handle everyday! It was an accident! Its just magnified because it is a gun! GET OVER IT! Happens all the time, all over the country!
I have many guns and shot them all the time.
I have yet to shot myself or even come close to shoting myself. Nor anyone else.
Simmons did you even read your post before you sent it? You are a moron! And do you handle your guns everyday or just occasionally? Big difference! Try some grammar classes while you’re at it!
There is a difference between an accident and carelessness. This was not an accident! This was stupidity and a failure to adhere to basic safety standards. The LEO that shot himself is a complete moron.
Yes, I handle weapons daily and have never even come close to doing something this stupid.
So I am missing an “o” or two. No big deal.
Good one!
Hey Moron, are you related to this poorly trained MORON cop who shot himself in the ass?
Bet you are…
Hopefully a butcher who cuts off his finger finds a new line of work; a carpenter who smashes his finger is out of a job. What happens to the cop who let’s fly out of carelessness? He gets a disability retirement!
A gun is a lethal weapon, idiot.
Your simple-minded explanation is cute. Fuck him if he can’t maintain weapons discipline. He needs to lose his job. How many times have you shot yourself, Trooper?
Preliminary reports indicate an FPD officer was shot in the ass, very nearly blowing his brains out.
Maybe this is the same Butcher where knuckle sandwiches come from?
Anybody got a picture of this guy?
Standing next to Cicinelli.
10/21 Transient Problem – A group is setting up camp under the 91 Freeway Overpass at Euclid Street at 1:31 p.m.
10/23 Transient Problem – A caller says a 5’10” blond man living on a trail behind a home on the 400 block of Estralita Place sets up a tent at night and in the morning takes it down and stashes it away. The caller wants him moved along at 9:11 p.m.
10/23 Suspicious Person – A homeless woman with 10 tote bags is trying to move in the St. Jude Emergency Room lobby An employee asks for help moving her out of there at 6:04 p.m.
10/24 Transient Problem – A woman who wants to sleep in the parking lot on the 4100 block of N. Harbor Boulevard refuses to leave at 11:59 p.m. The caller says it’s the same woman from Brea Boulevard and Evergreen as last night.
10/24 Transient Problem – Four people are camping out under the 91 Freeway overpass at Euclid Street at 10:59 a.m.
10/25 Transient Problem – A group of 10 people with sleeping bags are camped out at the gazebo on 435 W. Wilshire Avenue at 7:37 p.m. Police arrived, determined everything was okay, and said they would patrol the area through the night.
10/25 Transient Problem – An irate woman who says she calls every other day says a man is again sleeping on the bus bench near the El Torito at 4:58 a.m., and that she wants him removed. Police arrived, but were unable to locate the sleeper.
10/26 Transient Problem – A caller says 4-6 transients are camped out with tents behind the Fullerton Library on 201 S. Basque at 6:16 p.m. The caller says her children are in fear, and she would like them moved along. The call was cancelled after it was determined that the subjects are allowed to camp at the location after hours.
10/26 Transient Problem – A man subject is sleeping on the bus bench near the El Torito at 5:02 a.m. Police arrived and moved a couple there along.
I agree Herr McKinley, homeless people and other undesirables should be given the Kelly Thomas treatment or better yet placed on trains and set to labor camps!
I think it’s ironic that every one of those entries describes a person sleeping in a place on earth that they don’t have title to, by a person that doesn’t have title to that land either?
The sad part is that I’ll bet the majority of those callers would refer to themselves as Christians.
Great point.
Yes, ditto! Great point.
Police arrived, but were unable to locate the sleeper.
Can’t find a guy who’s asleep?
Must have been “detective” Bair.
Welcome to Fullerton. Bum City U.S.A. I went by the transportation Center last night and every bench had a bum sleeping on them. Pathetic. Thank You Ron Thomas and Kelly’s Army.
Shall we kill them?
When the 8.5 hits on the San Andreas or the debt ceiling doesn’t get raised you will wish you had a bench. There is a thin veil between the less fortunate and those who display such disdain. We are all less than 60 seconds away at any given moment of losing everything. You think HAARP works only on the jet stream? Mickey I think the Lincoln has an exhaust leak.
Did you know that there is a California law PC211-215, that affords persons who are assaulted on land that’s designated as a public transportation center, certain special protection rights that DOUBLE the criminal penalty for being assaulted at a public transportation such as the Fullerton Transportation Center?
Doesn’t sound like the OC District Attorney is aware of this provision in the law either, so don’t feel too bad.
No be outdone, an Orange officer shot himself yesterday in the leg. Off duty, while drinking in a bar.
Officer Hugo will pay for all those accidental discharges…in the end.
Indeed…NO such thing as an accidental discharge. It’s a negligent discharge. Guns never just “go off”, the trigger must be pulled. RARE exception is gross mechanical failure.
90% of cops are lousy shots anyway…they are trained incorrectly from the get go.
Cops win most gun fights. It’s very rare an innocent person in the background is hit by cops bullet. What do yo base your statement on that 90 percent of cops are bad shots?
Turkey shooting season has arrived early in Fullerton and Orange.
Finger only goes on trigger when pointed at something you can and want to shoot.
Off trigger at all other times.
2 Policemen shoot themselves in one area of OC in about one day, what are the chances of that???
Apparently pretty good!
It almost …almost seems like they shot each other during some sort of …argument then one scurried over to the shooting range and the other to a bar to save face and career.
…but I trust that law enforcement in Orange County is not corrupt.
He thought his butt was reaching for a gun.
I stopped by the FPD. The room temperature was 74 degrees with 100% humiliation.
Another reason to not eat so much, as to create a target twice the size. (butt)
@ thoughtful
Not a cop, but I have had to retrain them. Poor body alignment, incorrect stance and BALANCE are the main problems…and SWAT are the worst (not all), because of the egos. Most would have a problem hitting Greg Diamond at 20 paces. They
have been learning bad habits for decades.
You have that right. Most people don’t realize this but swat is primarily a psychological tool and visual aid.
Whenever there is a major shooting they like to parade around in front of the news cameras with their long guns and gear solely as PR. The FBI’s SRT who typically shows up hours after an incident is notorious for this.
They’re not trained for accuracy either. Training usually involves getting as many bullets as possible to center mass. They don’t train to watch for backdrop either.
Some have very very good hostage recovery records technology helps a lot. (SWAT)
They are probably many of the most proficient.
I do like the fact they are staffed by some Paramedics and Firemen. And have more training.
Egos are also part of athletic sports and in the military without some they would be doomed. But proper leadership will make or break any team.
Just because you want to believe something doesn’t make it true. You can throw out all sorts of buzz-words like “technology”, “training”, “heroes”,”state of the art” and “top notch” which sound great to those who don’t know better but that alone doesn’t make it true.
Two things typically happen during a hostage rescue situation:
1) The hostage taker gives up.
2) The hostage taker kills himself and his hostage long before before swat calls members in, suits up, gets equipment, get a layout plan of the location, gets into position, set up equipment, makes announcements and eventually enters the location which usually takes hours.
Today’s swat especially in southern California is slow, inefficient and never at the ready 24/7. Most are just there to look pretty for the cameras after the fact.
This is the problem. Ego gets people killed and has no place where lives are at risk. You wouldn’t want some dumb egotistical football jock operating on you just like you wouldn’t want the same egotist trying to rescue you.
I disagree, a proper team with proper leadership will simply work. This isn’t american idol or the entertainment industry where people are “made” or “broken”, again we’re talking about lives.
Hostage records are very cut and dry, I said SOME.
FBI Swat teams were recently in Buena Park they are responsible for Banks. You are way overgeneralizing.
Police in America are very very limited in a lot of technology because of guaranteed widespread abuse. SWAT teams are abused to by both governmant and civilians
Maybe your definition of ego is. Ego is part of the Psychi, so is conscience, cant say conscience is always good.
“I disagree, a proper team with proper leadership will simply work. This isn’t american idol or the entertainment industry where people are “made” or “broken”, again we’re talking about lives.” -Anonymous
“will make or break” “Not always does” Proper leadership knows when to step down when its time to, and may even find someone far more capable.
Deterrence is a very logical endeavor!!! (the camera was/is said to be the most powerful weapon known to man!!!)
I sense you are being very argumentative and anal. (like Jack o Diamond) 🙂
Badger, Howe and Howe
specialists drive it right through doors and walls to simulate special ops actions
Rescently the Administration denied the Americans Gunships in Libya, probably a big politically fatal mistake.
Gunships were denied to Task Force Ranger in Somalia and we lost 19.
“SWAT are the worst”
Got that right. They can hardly get the right house to raid.
Yes local police are one step above a security guard with a badge, handcuffs and no gun.
This is one of my favorite movies, far far left Hollywood can be seen contributing to their own downfall, go figure???
The Other Guys – Silent Funeral Fight (Hollywood Movie)
What did one FPD cop say to the next on the FPD range?
Bang! Bang! In ur ass! … Lol
There is the 50/50 possibility that the Fullerton cop at their pistol range did not shoot himself.
The key is, the FPD stated they would investigate themself.
All police involved shootings are supposed to be turned over to the OCDA for investigation.
Quirk-Silva acknowledges that she hasn’t made any joint, campaign-related appearances with Norby, but she insists its not because she’s ducking him. Rather, she said, she’s been busy as a teacher, a mayor, a candidate and a mother.
“I’m not a full-time candidate,” she said, adding that “There was never any big push” to bring her and Norby together for an event.
Quirk-Silva said some of the invitations she received were “vague,” while the dates suggested by the Cypress Chamber of Commerce were too late in the month and conflicted with her get-out-the-vote plans. She also said she wasn’t against appearing before the West Island group, although she noted that the organization is associated with Norby.
“None of these have been an attempt to avoid Mr. Norby,” Quirk-Silva said.
Quirk-Silva said she’s made numerous public appearances as both mayor and a candidate. She also said that while debates and campaign forums have value, they often have low attendance or the audience members have already made up their minds about who they’re going to support. Given that, she said, a better use of her time would be knock on doors and talk to voters.
Even so, Quirk-Silva added: “I really regret there wasn’t more opportunities (for her and Norby) to be together.”
Oh yeah right! This is the same Mayor Quirk-Silva that called a get-together with the Kelly’s Army members at Steamers one afternoon, to discuss the Kelly Thomas/FPD situation.
She was 20 minutes late, then sat down and sized everyone up by asking them to introduce themselves and talk about their career, education, etc.
She’s dishonest, unintelligent and full of “lip service”.
That’s it!
Sounds like your describing a snake in the grass that does nothing but kiss the FPD unions ass…
SSSSSSSSame circus, SSSSSSSSSame clown. Nothing new there. She is as transparent as cellophane. A fence riding chicken shit piece of cellophane.
Ironic how Norby( or Huff) doesn’t even need to campaign because Greg Diamond has done all the hard work for him.
It’s OK Mr. Morons. Any mishaps like this one among FPD needs to be publicized. The more mishaps and dirty deeds within FPD, the quicker we could get rid of FPD…
Maybe he/she was practicing their quick draw and got confused.
It’s draw,aim,fire.
Some people only hear the last word.
So he shot himself while stuffing or removing a loaded pistol from his back pocket?
Sounds like Doc Heehaw’s Old West! Yeehaw! Presumably the bullet went all the way through? Did it richochet? Where’s the slug go?
Let’s let Sgt. Bonghit figger it out.
More weak sauce from our DA.
Informal probation and community service. BLAH!
We have a dead body and a smashed DAR and this is what happens? What the HELL was he hiding? This is an outrage.
He told the DA there was nothing on there that he wouldn’t want anyone to hear.
Uh- huh, right.
Even the jury objected to his sentence.
it takes about 9 PIGS and 120 bullets to shoot 1 man. SO GO FIGURE.
To me it seems like an election week gimme.
It wouldn’t hurt. Or maybe you Can take a couple of them home.
Mickey, son – it’s almost 7 p.m. and a schoolnight; you need to come in and finish your GED studies so you can get your certificate in December and get a better paying job. This is your mother talking to you, so listen up!
Try and act surprised o.k?
Good news is that he eventually resigned. Bad news, justice denied. Another FPD cop falls from grace.
Frances Munoz will be running for reelection as a judge. Basically Mater got off scott free. Informal probation. What a laugh! If DA Tony had shown up, I bet the sentence would have been much more severe!
Or maybe we can swing by your caddi, and watch you do lines off your dashboard, O’ma.., skrawneey
Vincent Thomas Mater, 42, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor counts of destruction of property and vandalism and was sentenced Thursday to three years of informal probation and 60 days of community service under a plea bargain offered by Orange County Superior Court Judge Frances Munoz. Mater could have faced 18 months in jail had he gone to trial on the charges.
This sure needs to be reviewed by the OC Grand Jury and an appeal be filed by the DA.
Makes OCDAs office look guilty. FPD should have been on trial.
Now the Feds have another file to complete.
The glaring fact about this crime is that, it gave Fullerton and FPD leadership new items on their menu, Plausible Death and Murder for Coverup!!! (Actually Murderous “TORTURE THRILL KILLLL!!!)
Forgot to add “JOYOUS!!!”
Vote the fuckers out, State on up!!!
There is a cop working for FP that is on probation. What s good for one, is not good for another…I think sue is in order.