Cops Proffer Food to Protesters
What does it say about your “movement” when you need to bribe people with free food to show up?

Members of Kelly’s Army, showed up to Fullerton City Council meetings because it was the right thing to do. Members of the FPOA, however, believe it is necessary to entice followers to show up to council meetings with Tommy Burgers.
This could be because they know that ultimately their “I ♥ FPD” is really just about protecting their Culture of Complacent Corruption, where hardly any bad deed goes punished.

Well, go ahead and fill up, guys. The gravy train won’t keep running forever.
Ya it will hahaha all the way to the bank
Really anonymous? Your talking awful big for such a little man.
No they don’t have to bribe anyone because justice speaks for it self. but i want to ask these people who hate the FPD why they were in line for free food, including Kelly’s Army. I’ll tell you why….. the homeless will go anywhere and follow anyone for something they get FREE
rotflmao! You are way too funny! Using “justice” and FPD in the same sentence! lmao! You are a laugh a minute lol
Justus uses them together all the time. Doh. He just spells it wrong.
The chili burger was delicious. The Genacco report made me puke.
Tony did you ever pay people to show up to some of the protests? I heard you did.
Fly away troll.
Yes he did he was also giving away free food and drink during signing up for the recall. Funny how it’s seen a wrong thing to do when the shoe is on the other foot and does not involve FFF, so don’t judge when you also do it.
It’s always that way. Things are great on this end until its done on the other end.
you are just comedic lol forever making us laugh, and we really appreciate it lol
Thanks. You do the same. I get my daily humor from here. I thank TBush for that.
Hey now! Stop giving Tony all the credit! Some of us stay up reeeeealllly late at night to think this stuff up! lol
I know. Love all of you for your humor. Hey your name makes me hungry. Dairy Queen has good blizzards.
You know Dairy Queen is the “original” Texas stop sign.
Dairy Queen is one of my favorites — and then there’s In and Out Burger — now if one of those trucks showed up, I’d be pushing kids and grandmas outta my way!!!
CT: You know it! I’ve done my fair share of road trips through Texas 🙂
I had assumed Gennaco was a type of pizza. Turns out it isn’t.. Chili burgers are ok but I would have liked a deep-fried bison.
Why didn’t they feed and clothe the homeless and needy?
More Greedy Pig Attitude…
Our country is going down the drain because of selfish greedy people.
Try giving back for once.
They did!! All of Kellys arm had I love Fullerton police shirts on so they could get free food!!! Wow, where is the loyalty!!! Haha!! I bet next meeting bushala brings out his own food!! Haha you ffffers are fricken lame!!!’
Bushala already has-it is called food for thought-priceless-and if it werent so you wouldnt be on this blog chowing down on it
next mtg, FPOA will have Wolf Gang Puck catering truck out front.
They don’t have that kind of taste. Tommys suits them just fine as they wallow in the mire
Everyone loves free donuts. Clearly. Oink 🙂
The pig is cute. What a sign of disrespect, for the residents of Fullerton. Gee, Thanks FPD union for making the city look like crap. I hope the blue shirts got food piosoning.
yeah, I knew I smelled bacon on that deal lol
The cop trough is parked illegally in the fire lane.
According to Fullerton Police Chief Dan Hughes, “Multiple agencies, including the Orange County District Attorney and the FBI, have reviewed all the evidence and each has concluded that neither Hampton, Craig, nor Blatney were responsible for any criminal misconduct, however, the officers did violate some policy guidelines and will be appropriately disciplined. Because of employee privacy laws we cannot disclose the nature of the discipline, however, the officers’ will return to desk jobs at the Fullerton Police Department and they will not be assigned to patrol.”
“Gennaco and his team concluded that there was no cover-up or corruption within the department, however, there was a past “complacency” in discipline, and several policy reforms and procedural changes were recommended, many of which have already been implemented. Among these are new resources for dealing with the homeless, additional training on the use of force, providing the policy manual online for easier access, and a new citizen complaint process…”
Wow, can you say bs??? How can we get rid of this Gennaco character? Can’t the council remove him and his cronies and appoint a new firm? Holy crap!
Here’s a suggestion for an agenda item:
Fire Gennaco.
I second the motion! Let’s do it! What a slime ball! Right on Fullertonista!
56 pages of pure bs that makes ya wanna puke.
The vocal minority that stands for the truth will totally eclipse the lies and the efforts of the forces of darkness. That report reminds me of students i went to school with who were working backwards on a lab report to arrive at the answer they were given by a teachers asst .
with the new police station remodel I’m sure theres plenty of room to add three more desks.
Good allegory here, Tony. You have potential to grow beyond your limitations!
hey buddy RT & infowars is that way —->
Didn’t Tony pay people to attend the protests? I heard it was about $50 a day, is that true?
OMG, you finally posted my comment! You must have got the shit beat out of you from your wife for clamping down in reality. That’s a good woman you got there. Let me know if you need band aides, BTW.
Oh yeah, THAT’S what I am talking about!
Bribing people with Tommy’s to show up? Really? That’s quite a stretch especially for the 4F Mafia who has turned peddling half-truths and exaggerations into an Olympic sport. They had twice as many community members at the last council meeting without offering free food, you dip shit. But okay, I’ll play along. How is offering free burgers any different than Bukaka paying outside agitators to protest? How is that any different than Bukaka putting Bill Hunt on the payroll so he can dig up dirt on Bukaka’s enemies? How is that any different than Bukaka hiring a phony head shrink to quasi-analyze people he’s never even met in person?
FFFF continues its slide into obscurity and irrelevance…..pretty soon you guys will be nothing more than a carnival side show.
Wow, I would have shown up if I knew the burgers were free. It looked like the blue shirts were into it. BTW, it’s a blog not the mafia.
“They had twice as many community members at the last council meeting without offering free food, you dip shit.”
Wow, that means that without the food bribe they wouldn’t have had anybody there at all!
I wonder who will show up next week, besides Jan Flory.
I sure don’t agree with a lot of what Bushala wants for Fullerton; but, he was the guy yelling and jumping up and down about this city’s BIG problems when a poor mentally illness homeless man had to lose his life, giving Bushala and his slate a huge stage from which to launch their campaign to be the driving force in the running of Fullerton. Face it, this FFFF blog is a pretty typical blog where people get to vent anonymously, trolls get to see their crap on their computer screens, and sometimes thoughtful dialogue occurs.
It isn’t fading away for quite awhile.
Well that explains why my alter ego was there!
FREE food.
Based on your fake name, you are apparently insulting everyone in the world except for me.
Incahoots doesn’t have a food truck? Dump the six pack!
Tommy burgers are the best especially if they are free. I am certain that a lot of Kelly’s still homeless friends will be glad to proffer up to the Tommy counter for some free eats. Thank you FPD for providing free eats to the homeless!
The number of comments show how many people in Fullerton pay attention to this if it isn’t about Kelly Thomas. My congratulation to SGT. Jason Sheon for bitch slapping Council Member Whitaker, and Jan Flory for bitch slapping the weenie Kiger. Did you know that Kiger’s mom went to Jan at the break and told her he is a nice guy, and she should get to know him better. Well blow snot out of my nose what a naive “person”. This is a war, and in November we will find out if the people win, or lose (Whitaker, and Kiges out from the audience for the Mayor to shut up! Pitiful bag of puss. Got to her Facebook, lots of wine, and leather. OOH! Bruce do you feel my pain…
You must have watched a different meeting than I did?
I thought the two of them did more harm than good by showing their true colors for the rest of Fullerton to see on TV.
Oh well, you say tomato, I say tomato.
See what we had to share oxygen with Tuesday! I tried to offer them a mint cause the tommy truck chili was not coming out of their ass but their mouths, along with other foul noises. Combined I think they (blue shirt wearing cretins) hit a level of a thirteen year old mentality, so guess you could call it a good night for them? They’re almost there.
And here folks we have a post that is a prime example of the FPD intellect we are dealing with.
Thee most disgusting posts are coming from Fullerton’s finest(and supporters), they should be so proud.
this is in response to Joe Fridays post.
I went hungry could not bring myself to wear one of those.
Exact same thing for me. I prefer my burgers without murder and deception, please.
I was also a bit surprised/ disappointed to see certain people wearing the i heart fpd shirts. I think people are warming up to Hughes too much and letting the police department get away with 80% of their misdeeds while they cop to 20% and evade punishment for much if not all of that 20%.
The truth of the matter is we still have a police force that allowed this murder to happen and is still working to cover it up. And the cozier we get with those obstructing justice, the easier it will be for them to continue to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.
Lots of change and honesty and just charges and punishments for ALL of those involved needs to happen before I heart fpd. Even for a Tommy’s burger.
Was that murderin’ Manny in the foreground? I hope he is enjoying his last taste of freedom.
It was another cop that looks a lot like him Brandon.
Morning wood. Yawn. I think I need a donut hole. 🙂
You ARE a donut hole, assclown!
Ahahabaha! You write the funniest shit!
Hey fellers….don’t forget…there is no such thing as a “Free Lunch”…who paid for that truck to be there? Taxpayers? Hmmmm.
“Clearly, you have never read the protesters contract from the FPOA, Section three, Paragraph One:
Anytime a protester is asked to don a silly shirt, pretend like they are community members to defend our outragous salries, pensions and benefits, the FPOA shall include, High calorie, unhealthy fast food for said group.
Additional compensation is due members if forced to tell the truth or display emotion diring protest.
Further, if member gets an elderly, ill or otherwise physically challenged family member to appear said member will be eligiable for compensation.”
This in addition to the flyer
“It’s not our money, who cares”
While viewing the meeting Tuesday night, I thought it was very interesting to watch as people got up to speak to the Council. One man was exceptionally interesting as his legs were quivering like he was on speed..yes this was a cop and yes I want to know if we can ask for cops to be drug tested at least once a month? Anyone know this?
I have a challenge for you! If Kiger and Whitaker win in November, will you get out of Fullerton for goot?
whoops….for Good..Fullertons good that is..
Your friend, Jan Flory warned against trolling Facebook pages. Go back to Brea you wanking perv!
I don’t post here other than under my own name. I’m not clear on your reference, either.
I’ve never crossed a picket line in my life, I am as far from a teabagger as one can get, but public unions, or associations as they call themselves, are bogus. Unions were created to collectively protect the worker against The Man in power who otherwise may abuse them. These guys are not Kentucky coal miners who have legitimate reasons to unionize …. NEW FLASH …. THE POLICE ARE THE MAN, and it is us, the taxpayers who require the protection from THEIR abuse. The only reason my fellow left of center friends support these unions is because public unions help them compete against the political contributions of corporations … and that simply is not a good enough a reason for me.
Regarding Tuesday’s council meeting and the one before it: The police and their groupies proved to those in Fullerton, who are tuned in, what a bunch of selfish goons they really are. Their supporters, which I assume are their ski boat creditors and ex wives receiving alimony payments, are no better. Fullerton is a means for the idiots who in high school cheated off of the rest of us, and bullied others, to live a lifestyle their education and talents would never allow them to have. These guys don’t show up for anything except their own self interests, and they would never even posts on any other matter. Defending criminal cops and defending their paycheck is where their civic duties end. No other council vote, cause, or civic issue matters to these 48 year old pension junkies, they just want their fix electronically deposited every other Friday. Even then they only come out when free food and T-shirts are handed out. Barry knows his brothers in the “association” and to his credit he knew that there had to be mass giveaways for his crew to take a night off TNT’s Wrestle Mania … they needed cop swag. Fullertonista was right on the money with his well written story a few days back on FFFF.
Any negative comments to this post and others, should be filtered through the knowledge that the person making the posts is one who is personally enriched by the public unions .
Steve Baxter – If I posted here as me any more, I would tell you that you kick serious ass.
You are quickly earning my vote, looking forward to talking to you a bit after one of the next meetings or if I see you around town.
More people with beliefs like yours and the ambition to make a difference should be running. Best of luck to you, Baxter!
Maybe they should have provided a heathy alternative to greasy, high-caloric, high cholesterol fast food.
Oh right. None of them would have shown up.
whats a healthy alternative? all the health food has that GMO bullshit in it any way. Ever hear of kashi? loaded with GMO, and owned by Kellog.
so good luck with that
Thanks Fullerton Lover. I didn’t think he had the balls to show his face in public.
He came and got his free chili burger and went home. Screw the council meeting.
Aug 24- 2012
Lying, falsifying, fabricating — unionized, overtime-abusing, drugged-up dirty cop terrorists with “police powers.” EXterminate like cockroaches. and Quickly.
_ the end. don’t take free food from cops, it is infected with AIDS.
Dairy Queen is one of my favorites — and then there’s In and Out Burger — now if one of those trucks showed up, I’d be pushing kids and grandmas outta my way!!! 🙂
Then I know they were probably very looooong trips!