County Public Works Director Fired

The fallout from the Carlos Bustamante sexual assault case has now begun in earnest.
According to the Voice of OC(EA), here, the County has fired some high level guy named Jess Carbajal, the Director of Public Works, and Bustamante’s immediate boss. Mr. Carbajal’s offense appears to be that when the first anonymous complaint against Bustamante was received in March, 2011, he directed the Public Works HR crew to investigate. Too bad they worked for Bustamante! Naturally the conflict of interest resulted in no investigation at all. Bad, boy, Jess.

Of course Carbajal, who now has lawyered up, has already fingered County CEO Tom Mauk and then Board Chairman Bill Cambell as being well aware of the original complaint.
It seems to be common knowledge that Bill Campbell was Bustamante’s political mentor and promotor; and that the gross, serial perv held a series of unrelated jobs and possessed no discernible professional skills as he ascended the high-paying County bureaucratic ladder. Somebody was looking out for this miscreant and it seems to be generally accepted that these people were Mauk and Campbell.

At this Carbajal just looks like a ineffectual patsy with no moral scruples, but he probably has a lot to say. Why it took so long to dump him is an interesting question all by itself.
And yet the Supervisors refuse to dump Mauk. I can understand Campbell clinging to him like a rotten log but what about the others?
Nguyen probably needs Mauk to do her dirty work, but what about Pat Bates? Is she really this worthless?
“…what about Pat Bates? Is she really this worthless?”
Asked and answered.
OT but FYI:
Huff Post is reporting that Ramos has resigned as of July3.
Part 2
I think I know who John Doe and Lisa is.
Who cares??????
What a juicy story, huh?
In a just world such a scandal would destroy many careers. But the county oligarchs are hard at work behind closed doors with damage control to save the kings and queens. They want to keep Humpty intact. The corruption, deceit, coverups and political whoring here are obvious. It will be very interesting to see who the sacrificial lambs will be. Carbajal was a small fish in the pond. But I bet he has a big mouth which could bring the big fish down unless he has made secret deals behind closed doors that we don’t know about. Watch closely. All political science professors in the colleges should be following this case daily and discussing it with their students. This shows how the REAL POLITICAL SYSTEM operates, not the textbook way that is described in the 300 page poli sci BS books. For all of you who are interested in how you are governed – keep your eyes and ears wide open! 😀
Danny Hughes needs to spend more time running the police department and less time fine dining with Chris Thompson.
Or being pals with Ron Thomas.
Do you know something I don’t? Has Dan made reservations for us at the Cellar or something? Sweet, I’ve never been! Maybe you consider Islands fine dining…they do have decent chips and salsa.
Chris, just curious. Why haven’t you retracted your previous posted comments that Hughes is a great guy and is the solution, not the problem? After your comment facts were published here on FFFF that seemed to indicate otherwise. You didn’t respond. Why?
he still thinks he is a great guy. No?
I don’t know. That’s what I want to find out. I have seen Chris on the local news shows giving his sought after opinons on the Kelly Thomas murder so I thought he was an open guy who would freely respond to questions from the public. Maybe he hasn’t read this yet. But I think it’s a question that deserves an answer.
Chris did you ask Tony if it was ok if you met Hughes at Islands Burgers?
Great update, thanks.
Bustamante’s smile gives me the heebie- jeebies.
Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham was a big supporter of Bustamante and Mrs. “Jerbal” is Campbell’s Chief-of-Staff.
I am shocked! Are you?
So what is Cunningham’s latest take on the Bustamonte scandal? Don’t rush to judgment? Innocent until proven guilty? What about his opinion on Campbell’s participation or lack thereof in protecting the victimized female county workers? That Bill did everything by the book and followed protocol?
What is he saying?
Maybe Matt Cunningham will out Bustamove’s sex abuse victims. He’s had practice.
The inner war between Matthew’s Catholic guilt, his greed and the reality that he has kids of his own attending these institutions, might be enough to keep him quiet.
But I doubt it. He is waiting for instructions from his handlers. Then he will use a myraid of fake names, Liberal bloggers and cut and run tactics to spread propaganda.
Matthew J. Cunninghams heros include Joseph Goebbels, a man who was merely an instrument of his handlers. Never a thought of his own.
The firing of Bustamante’s boss is a crock of crap and is a way for the board of supervisors to cover their behinds to try to save their jobs.
Jess Carbajal appears to have done exactly what he was told to do. He investigated the allegations and per his lawyer the women denied all wrongdoing. What was his boss to do, fire him based upon anonymous letters? It is clear that even before Bustamante makes his first court appearance, the board of supervisors have claimed their first victim. This “cover your rear end” move will likely cost the taxpayers millions when Carbajal sues the county for wrongful termination!
Incorrect. Carbajal was notified of the issue ans supposedly did a Public Works HR investigation of which there is no believable record. The investigation was allegedly performed by a Bustamante underling who is now conveniently retired.
Jess is not a bad guy – just a useless yes man. He had to go but if Mauk and Campbell think that’s the end of it they are sorely mistaken.
I won’t be surprised if Carlos’s twin brother Al is arrested for the same thing. These guys are pigs and I know them personally!! So glad his true colors are now out.
Funny how the shorter they are the nastier they are too.