Did FPD Leak Personnel Information to Larry Bennett?

By now we are all familiar with the impenetrable shroud in which law enforcement has wrapped itself, with the knowledge and support of supine politicians across the state who have taken its campaign money and endorsements.
In Fullerton this official Code of Silence is used by the Three Dithering Dinosaurs – Don Bankhead, Dick Jones, and Pat McKinley – to excuse their deplorable failure of leadership in the aftermath of the Kelly Thomas killing. They couldn’t say anything, it was all about personnel stuff.
But what do we have here? Listen carefully to anti-recaller Larry Bennett on an October 19, 2011 Inside OC program:
Hey, wait just a minute! That bit about the “iPad woman” doesn’t sound quite right.Here’s a snippet from Lou Ponsi’s article in the Register on the matter, just yesterday, citing FPD spokesdoughnut Andrew Goodrich:
Mejia was placed on paid administrative leave after returning from Florida and has not been a member of the department since Oct. 28, said Sgt. Andrew Goodrich. The city can’t say the reason Mejia is no longer employed with the department, Goodrich said
October 28th, 2011. So why did civilian Larry Bennett say Mejia had already been fired (past tense) nine days before, and how did he come to have any information about that at all?

Was Bennett just lying? Could be. The truth hasn’t tumbled out of his mouth for at least six months. But let’s consider something else, implausible, but not impossible – that he was actually telling the truth of what he knew.
If that’s the case then it’s obvious that the cop personnel Code of Silence was violated by somebody in the FPD itself, as some one who knew what was going on with Mejia (any guesses?), told Bankhead, Jones, or McKinley what was happening, and one of them leaked it to Bennett; and then Bennett shared it with a TV audience! Either that, or somebody in the FDP went directly to Bennett with the news so he could beat the drum for a decisive, pro-active department: No Culture of Corruption here!
Well, selective leaks are nothing new for Andrew Goodrich. Police love to share information about suspects unless those suspects happen to be cops. In this instance it sure looks like the cop curtain of secrecy was opened just a bit in the service of trying to make the department and the Three Tired Tubers look decisive.
So next time you hear about the need for secrecy in all police personnel matters, remember this story of hypocrisy. Some things aren’t as secret as others.
Okay leaky Larry, what is it? Were you lying or did one of the Dithering Dinos spill the beans on Mejia?
Goodrich & Co. leaked that bogus story about Norby, he spread all the BS about Thomas including releases what he purported to be a three year old picture of a scary looking dude. Commenters on this site kept trying to out information about a fraudulent hit and run charge against Tony’s brother.
I’m glad to see the spokesdonut is finally blabbing about his own union members.
Apart from the main point of the story I’m impressed by the fact that Mejia got paid for six months for doing nothing before she was fired/quit. Now that she has pled guilty it’s clear that six month salary (about $40,000+) was collected under false pretenses and should be returned immediately.
A leak? It was probably Whitaker, I’m sure. McKinley would never do such a thing.
The city can’t say the reason Mejia is no longer employed with the department, Goodrich said
Gotta love that selective commentary.
FPD PIO Motto:
“We must keep silent if there is deplorable behavior by our police officers, but we MUST fabricate and embellish as much as possible when the perpetraitor in question is NOT a police officer or city official.”
Goodrich would be happy to blab about Whitaker or Quirky-Quirk if he got the goods on them.
but our civic leaders know what what is best for us to know and not know. If the public knew their law enforcement committed criminal acts upon the public
The Three Tired Tubers?
That’s just cold!
Three Slates of Candidates for the Fullerton Recall?
That idiot Chimellewski still thinks this is about Republicans and Democrats. He also thinks the three ninnies are conservatives of some sort.
Time has passed him by.
And his intel seems to consist of wrong guesses and reading The Observer.
O Ms Quirk…how you have stepped into a pool of swill, dont think for one minute, your running around town bashing business owners that dont give you free stuff… again-dont think that wont bite you in the ass..so next time your down town at a local watering hole pretending your mayoral duties are well just for show..when you are bashing fullerton business owners and my freind is in next booth with her phone..allowing me to listen to your not so private conversation with a blow by blow….really- think that’s gonna work for you in this political climate? Knowing all of us with our magnifying glasses really? the addage is true even for you…cheaters never prosper…got it.
Are you saying that Sharon expects free service like food, drinks, hair care, and maybe eyelash warping in exchange for a thumbs up from Fullertons Mayor? If no kick down she may bad mouth you?
I got it.
Someone has been eaves-dropping on my conversations in public. Maybe I will stop making myself so accessible like Dr. Jones did while he was Mayor.
I simply want the people of Fullerton to think I am caring and sweet and WILL make a huge difference for the city of Fullerton; that’s all.
It gives me a sense of ‘control’ when I go out in public, meet the people of Fullerton, ask them personal questions so I could size them up. I really appreciate those citizens that open up and tell me their names, year they were born and their address. You see, that way I could forward this information to my police department and they could do a ‘check’ to see if they’ve ever been arrested for anything.
I love power!!!
SSSSSilva doesn’t get it at all, she is so busy blowing smoke even she can’t see through it…to the next booth apparently. Ooooh, do tell, more details please.
Dig a hole deep enough and even the snake won’t be able to get out.
Snakes like pits and tunnels.That way they can hide from observation. This enables them to emerge only when they are ready to innocuously blend with the surroundings and all the while all maintaining their innate tendencies to strike without warning.
you have broken California law on wire taps. congratulations FPD has been notified
The web of lies eventually ensnares the spinster.
Larry here is a lesson for you from the book of timeless wisdom.
“A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.” Proverbs 26:28
Look it up-It might do you and your pals some good.
H-m-m-m-m I seem to remember that in addition to his responsibilities with the Anti-Recall “campaign”, that Larry Bennett was also the Campaign Treasurer for both Pat McKinley AND F. Dick Jones recent City Council elections, as well as their choice in April for Fullerton Planning Commissioner? The plot thickens…
Perhaps this is part of the reason he wants to debate through the blog. He’ll have others to filter what he says or reply for him. He already knows he doesn’t have a prayer of a chance live or on his own.
Larry Bennett is staring at the gold ring in someones nose over there.
“Did FPD Leak Personnel Information to Larry Bennett?”
Is that a rhetorical question?
Again FFFF another FACTUAL hit piece and a FAIR question for Bennett. YES how did this guy know this?
Is Bennett a former FPD employee??
His comment of “decisive” action taken against FPD cops is ABSOLUTE BS as to Rincon and Mater.
Yes I’d love to sit at a table with Mr.Bennett on a debate on ANYTHING cop.
He would be handicapped from the start, but he can have Reality IS to assist him.
On October 19th the City had already announced it was planning on firing Rincon (years too late). Although bennett said nothing about Mater, Mejia was still on paid leave (according to Goodrich).
I would guess that whoever told Bennett that Mejia was fired was intentionally misleading him. My guess is she was permitted to resign quietly to avoid embarrassment for the department.
Of course given Bennett’s difficulty telling the truth it’s also quite possible he just tossed that in.
Larry Bennett, your my moms age- pretty sure you have heard this before:
Mean what you say,say what you mean.
Or if that doesnt work…shut your stupid cake hole, and please for the love of all that is holy stop wearing BRUT…it reeks worse than your personality,and thats hard to do.
Bet you’re right on that one!
How ineffective it would be for the anit-recall anyway to have a debate on THIS blog.
If the anti-recall folks want their voice heard (non-sense and all) it seems they would want to do it in a more public forum with local media attention.
What good would it do them to debate on this blog (which they untout anyways) when the majority that view this blog are on the side of the recall?
If they feel that this blog has already won the recall issue, then the only desperate political attempt would be to invade the blog and try to devide it at its source.
In the art of “pure politics” it is always the loser who calls for a debate. The winner loves things a they are.
I think you are mistaken. The clowns need any publicity they can get. An average post on FFFF is now read by about 13,000+ people in the course of a week. It’s true that many of these people are not Fullerton voters; still, many are.
I doubt if their website is visited by 10 people a day.
As to a public debate they are hamstrung. Bennett is a transparent puppet and the three dinosaurs can’t be trusted out alone. Ackerman doesn’t dare show his mug or Nossaman will can him.
admin, plus, this blog doesn’t sugar coat anything. Everything is in raw form. Another thing is the anti-a-holes are making this about you. Have you ever felt more special? Please, can I grovel at your feet for a few bread crumbs?
In their minds it was a no-lose proposition. If Tony rejected the idea, they had a way to semantically justify claiming we had refused to debate. Tony did, in fact refuse to destroy the uncensored nature of the blog which has led to it becoming the only forum which deeply mines political truth out of Fullerton government. If Tony had agreed, the commentary would have either been minimal, or it would have exposed who the commenters were. The fading Fullerton establishment truly does not understand how the blog practically works, nor do they understand the value of allowing unlimited, anonymous commentary.
As a matter of practical reality, it really wasn’t possible anyway. FFFF does not have a paid staff to facilitate the idea and their proposed methodology of vetting identity was destined to failure.
Would this of been before or after the Federal Judge gave his scathing opinion of how FPD handled this affair????
As I recall, the timing was pretty concurrent.
If my personal computer hadn’t taken a dump, I could answer that more accurately.
Wrong Guy- do you blame your computer for taking a dump?..you keep typing in goodrich..how would you like it? Ha…see ya on the 18th.
I believe Rincon was terminated after the judge ripped Fullerton a new one.
nailed it sher bear….the city attrny claims we cant see his foto…he is a sex offender…just not registered…so lets do that for him.
That’s right, Shell, why hasn’t he been charged?
“Cuz them ladies wasn’t credibble.
By having a debate on the blog, Bennett would have others like RI, and a few selected clowns,to chime in and pound the point into the ground.
Yes I know they have no point.
In a face to face debate the answers stands as is without others jumping in as they could on the blog.
Bennett being a inferior intellect, and not up to speed on law enforcement issues, would get his ass hammered into the ground with little back up.
He wants to play in a public forum where his backup could play along, that simple.
He can’t do it on his blog because it has no readership, he can’t use Lou Ponsi as his ACE in the whole cause people call BS on Lou everyday.
He wants to play here, because it has the readership NO ONE else has.
asking for this debate is like a bald guy asking for a hair brush…useless.
Quit making fun of me.
Wrong Guy and ACU, I’m unable to reply individually to each of your comments related to mine. We seem to be in agreement often with each other.
My guess is those dimwits probably thought they had a win/win thing. If Tony says yes, they got us and if he says no, they’ll use that as more smear material. They just don’t get it.
One thing is quite obvious in Bennett’s BS.
QUICK decisive action was NOT taken on Rincon. The biggest scandal right behind Kelly.
Mater was another festering clump of crap, when they demoted him from detective to “official brady cop” and put him in the city jail to work.
Then a guy dies and Mater destroys his DAR.
If you take the Thomas case to, it CLEARLY seems FPD acts ONCE the cat is out of the bag and the public is calling for heads.
If the cop who arrested Vam is still working, after preparing a false police report, YA know the one that didn’t match up with the video? Another brady cop and festering scandal.
The other two thiefs mentioned, and anyone else I missed, is just BONUS points for the citizens to say whatever they want.
Much like the Lieutenant did on his ONE sided report on Bob’s towing to the city council.
If WE know about it, it happened, we don’t care if the DA did or did not do something about it.
WE should use the same approach FPD does in making their case to the city council. Let them tast what they so often dish out.
it took Capt. Hughes only 15 minutes on july 5th to arrive in fullerton from his hometown of Yorba Linda. Ive recently wondered since visiting here after the recent homeless killings about the mentality of people from Yorba linda,” Land of Gracious living.”
Urban dictionary helped me out on this. Yorba Linda “One of the most wealthy cities in Orange County, and populated mostly by spoiled rich kids who think they are very hardcore and drive very expensive cars that there CEO daddies bought for them.
2. Yorba Linda 135 up, 29 down
Ranked as the richest city in the United States by the Census for 2006. A very wealthy, quiet city in Orange County, California. People are loaded but for the most part aren’t as pretentious or materialistic as the beach-city counterparts of the Upper-class OC (Newport, Laguna, La Jolla). Generally nice people, but the kids are spoiled and bratty, as to be expected.
Commonly referred to as ‘the Y.L.’.
Dude: Where are you from?
Girl: Yorba Linda.
Dude: Oh, no wonder why you’re so bratty and spoiled.
A chief from a more humble origin is really what fullerton needs, not the mentality of snootiness.
Think what you will of Hughes as a cop, but snooty he is not.
I wonder if the mentality and exclusiveness of this community of YL helped nurture the invironment that created a vicious Killer who felt snubbed and thereby out his frustration on the helpless homeless of that area homeless.
I think Capt. Dan is mostly a phony and put on a show for all the protests, but he did grow up in Fullerton and his family still lives in Fullerton so the fact he lives in Yoriba Linda (if even true) is kind of a cheap shot. Instead criticize him for being part of the FPD culture of corruption since he was 18 yo. He also told me as Captain he was in charge of discipline and would implement any discipline as a result of the K. Thomas incident. Well in light of the “discipline” Albert Rincon got I guess that’s a JOKE!
How does this captain afford to live in the richest city in the US?
Yes a former Chief of Police of Yorba Linda told me himself that the folks in Yorba Linda were a pampered lot. Had to wear a special set of gloves when handling them.
Nothing finer in the morning than arresting a rich,elitist, masters degree holding fool, who talks his or her, “sense of entitlement” butt right into a set of handcuffs.
Better yet when they go to trial and bring forth the Johnny Cochran attorney’s they STILL get convicted before a jury of their peers.
Always a great day when they too make allegations of rudeness, police brutality, you pull out the tape from your video camera and play it for the jury. PRICELESS…
Did I ever tell you all how much I really like the elite ones???
Never had respect for those who extend their pinky fingers out when drinking a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.
Sorry I am from a red neck county, forgive me.
Accuracy Fail for Urban Dictionary re: Ranked as the richest city in the United States by the Census for 2006.
Census is every 10 years…last was in 2010, prior to that was 2000
Wonder if we know the same former “Chief of Police of Yorba Linda” (which would be Brea – nitpicking, sorry)… 🙂
Post-college degrees don’t confer *or* confirm intelligence; they just validate one’s ability to meet the requirements for the degrees.
Too bad some people never “get” that 🙂
Right pinky? or left pinky? Sorry, had to ask 🙂
Just grasped the bowl of my Waterford wineglass in order to partake – it is after 5:00 p.m. 🙂
pinky was *not* extended…
LOL Peaches, either pinky in my book.
Is anyone other a few of us on Facebook following the shooting death of a US Marine Sergeant in San Clemente this morning? The man routinely did a morning prayer walk with his two daughters. His pregnant wife participated until her pregnancy made her unable to.
No one knows why yet but the man crashed through the gate at San Clemente high school this morning on his way to walk with his daughters there. An OCSD deputy gave him instructions which the man either didn’t or couldn’t follow. The man started to walk toward the deputy. Feeling threatened, the deputy shot and killed the man as his daughters watched. That was this morning’s news.
What the news said an hour ago: There was no indication he was armed but the deputy feared for the safety of the man’s children . The Marine walked toward his vehicle and the deputy thought the children could be in danger if he drove off with them since he failed to follow the deputy’s instructions. So he shot him. In front of his daughters (I think ages are 9 and 14). With a pregnant wife at home. Words cannot describe how I feel. My heart is aching for those girls and their mother and I’m so angry.
Let’s see how long it takes T-Rack to jump on this. Or blow it off.
(for the grammar police, my sentencing and use of punctuation was deliberate.)
The DA has the investigation and the cops can be counted on to spin it in their direction. The truth will not come out and my guess is the truth will be that a gun-happy deputy started blasting when he should have been thinking.
Latest is that now the Marine was about to get into his vehicle. Give it enough time and he’ll have done much worse.
I have to amend what I said, it was a group of cops overheard talking and discussing needing to get their stories straight up and discussion went with the shooting death of the Marine. As this is hearsay until the person who heard it comes forward, I should not have mentioned it here. It’s nothing more than rumor at this point. Apologies.
shoot first, ask questions later? Whatever happened to wounding? Shoot to kill, unarmed?
If that slithering lizard Larry McBennettdick is a leaker I would sure be leary of him being on my team.
One thing to remember is that Ramos and Cicinelli weren’t immediately placed on unpaid leave. That was announced Sep 29 and effective Oct 8. Likewise with Sellers, his “retirement” was announced Feb 3 and isn’t effective until Feb 18.
Thus it is reasonable Kelly Mejia was fired around the time of Larry Bennett’s appearance on InsideOC but wasn’t effective until Oct 28.
To hell with informing the public, Goodrich’s new job title is Bennett Information Officer.
That title is in addition to, but doe not replace, his previous title of FPD fat fustercluck.
How long was that after the murder? Refresh my memory.
86 days to Sept. 29. Twelve weeks and two days.
Civilians would have been behind bars with their mugs in the paper the next day.
An excellent point that should NOT be forgotten.
In larger departments, and I am sure some smaller ones, when ANYONE sustains injuries to the level they MIGHT die or could possibly die, especially if they are in ICU, HOMICIDE is generally briefed on the situation. IMMEDIATELY, or as soon as possible.
Homicide will make a determination to come out as a team to process the scene and pretty much do the investigation THEIR way.
Better they do their thing NOW when everything is there to look at, versus coming in days or weeks later to start an investigation.
Many City PD’s use the Sheriff’s Department to investigate Homicides involving their officers. Some use the SO and the DA’s office in conjuction.
Why, most PD’s want the obvious transperancy that comes with an outside investigation.
Unless I missed something FPD did their own investigation???
After the Mater situation, they might have been smart to call Orange Co So in on this thing, whether they though Kelly would die or not.
Such requests from one department to another under such circumstances are seldom denied.
For sure the Sergeant who was last to arrive as we are told, the Lieutenant Watch Commander and a short time later Captain Hughes saw the pole camera video and said, “oh shit”.
There is NO DOUBT in my mind about that. From there the conspiracy starts!!!!! Or if you want to be gracious because you love Captain Hughes and the others at FPD we can call it “FOOT DRAGING”.
I really do believe the DA himself knows DAMN good and well it was an initial cover up and is KEEPING his mouth shut.
Many people were impressed with the DA press release before the cameras. I was scratching my head before long.
Yes Ramos and Cincinelli are responsible for their conduct, BUT so are a few others and it’s being downplayed or ignored.
As a cop whether just a patrol officer or a supervisor, if SOMEONE shows me evidence of a crime having been committed or evidence that exonerates someone, I have a DUTY to bring it forward NO MATTER what the outcome may be.
Will justice be served if ONLY Ramos and Cincinelli are convicted? HELL NO!!!!!
But I have this stinkin feeling they are going to get thrown under the bus to keep others from suffering a fate they so justly deserve.
The circumstances and things that have come forth, thanks to FFFF strongly suggest that.
You always hear about the street cops and rank and file employees getting dealt with, but SELDOM the higher ups.
Remember how deep rooted the corruption ran with Mike Carona and his staff??
Having the personal experience I have in these matters, Captain Hughes explanation of what he did in 15 minutes MEANS nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when you look at how long it took FPD to do what they did.
If you don’t think police administrators tell Homicide Investigators from within their own department HOW things are suppose to turn out BEFORE things get underway, THINK AGAIN!!!
And Sellers bailing out when the cat was out of the bag, SUPPORTS those feelings.
RI YOUR a THUG right along with the rest of those you attempt to spin shit for!!!!
I really do believe the DA himself knows DAMN good and well it was an initial cover up and is KEEPING his mouth shut.
That’s for certain. In fact, he was the one saying “oh shit” once that hospital bed head shot of Kelly Thomas was released to FFFF, then another louder “oh shit” when the informant spoke up on KFI, then the protests, etc.
Up unitl all that, he had his fingers crossed, in the hopes his FPD pals ‘covered up their mess’.
A valuable lesson I learned in LE came from the Rodney King trial, and I watched every minute of in on Court TV.
If you recall RI’s recent comment on how Sergeant Andy DID nothing wrong in all this, and was simply following directions from above. OKAY!!
If you remember Sergeant Stacy Koon the supervisor the night of the Rodney King incident, he testified HE DIRECTED his men to do what they did and accepts full responsibility.
Well in LE that would be a noble thing to say, stand up thing for a supervisor to do under the circumstances. Something that seldom happens with supervisors when the crap hits the fan.
Well the fact that Sergeant Koon said that, many would have thought the other cops involved would be FREE and CLEAR of criminal responsibility.
NOPE not even close. Powell who followed the DIRECTION of Koon got hammered right along with Koon. The other two had to fight like hell to avoid going to jail.
The I was following orders as a defense DID NOT work. The other LAPD cops got fired.
The feds sure didn’t give a darn about who followed what orders.
We know Rodney King did not suffer life threatening injuries either.
You might also remember the beating Rodney took was considered an “abberation” by LAPD command staff at the time.
THAT was absolute BS, whipping ass at the termination of MOST pursuits were common place in LE. NO ABBERATION then and in some case NOW.
My point, FOLLOWING orders that are UNLAWFUL will NOT get you a pass in the legal system when it comes to violent crimes and cover ups at the end of the day.
Of course Sergeant Andy and othesr will get a pass if NO ONE says anything and their misdeeds are ignored by others in authority and a position to do something about it.
Some of you who might be watching the Fast & Ferious scandal with Attorney General Holder.
YOU can see how he is attempting to escape responsibility in the death of that US Border Patrol agent who was shot by guns smuggled from the US under the watchful eye of the ATF.
Holder did not kill that agent, BUT he was the boss and SHOULD have know and taken appropriate action to stop this operation dead in it’s track long before those guns fell into the hands of the cartel.
Holder has changed his story so many times UNDER OATH I lost count. Congressman Labrador has called Holder incompetant and says he should resign. YA THINK??
Congress is cutting no slack to Holder, don’t you cut any slack to FPD and their minions.That includes Hughes,Hamilton,Sellers Captain #3,McKinley and Goodrich.
And do the Feds know about internal cover ups?
YES they do, they all learned about that during the WACO and RUBY RIDGE scandals.
Who told who what, what orders were handed down, some OUTSTANDING finger pointing took place there too.
The DA’s LAME excuse he doesn’t think he can convince a jury that the other 4 cops involved in Kelly’s case could be found guilty is just an EASY out for him.
Since the DA doesn’t mind filing charges on a guy as a murder suspect WITHOUT DNA confirmation in the interest of public safety, then let the DA file charges on ALL those in Kelly’s case, and let the JURY say not guilty.
LET the DA come before the camera’s and say, there WAS NO cover up in the first stages of the Kelly Thomas case.
Here is what I am really thinking.
We all read Ri’s comments from August 11, 2011 that pretty much said, Kelly was a homeless dirtbag who resisted arrest and got what was coming to him. You play you pay.
Is this the mentality among some in LE? YES!!!!!
Someone higher up in FPD had the same attitude as RI. Sellers is a good target, followed by those below him who stood silently by, and allow the Chief to do and say whatever.
Since they are only concerned about their future advancement and careers, they say nothing or give the nod.
One or more people told Ramos and Cincinelli, NO WORRIES on this, the guy resisted arrest, he is a “dirtbag” dingaling car burglar, doubtful if anyone gives a shit.
Brilliant thinking for those who have attended COMMAND COLLEGE or the FBI ACADEMY!!!
Everyone went about their business, back to work the next day like nothing happened. Maybe even a couple high fives and a beer or two after a ruff night in the ghetto’s of Fullerton????
Now Ron Thomas goes to the hospital and sees Kelly, snaps the picture of his son, YOU know the rest.
Now that the cat is out of the back, WE (FPD) gotta do something, but WHAT???
Ramos and Cincinelli has got to take a fall so the rest of us can skate, BECAUSE all this other stuff is going to come out. YEP it sure has.
How many scandals have I seen in my day where something was covered up, forgotten about, things get leaked to the press, and the powers to be throw those under the bus they initially protected, TOO MANY to list.
Who is keeping Ramos and Cincinelli quiet right now?
Their lawyers I am sure, maybe a few of their fellow cops.
Maybe Hughes by telling Ramos and Cincinelli ALL is good, your going to get through this. Maybe Sellers telling them he will get on the stand in their defense!!! LOL, NOT!!!
Patronizing them like no body can right now.
I wonder how many times Ramos and Cincinelli have told their lawyers, THIS is BULLSHIT, THEY told me all this was covered, I DID NOTHING WRONG?
Think about the movie, “A FEW GOOD MEN”. And this stuff DOES happen in Law Enforcement.
Who is the buffer on this right now?
Bennett and Swartz, the defendants lawyers.
Who might they be taking instructions from, THE UNION goons or FPD brass.
I’ll explain why this MIGHT be later on.
On a local level this will NEVER CHANGE either. The PEOPLE NEED to take this to the high court and DEMAND change! Cops have WAY TOO MUCH PROTECTION and this gives them OPEN season to COMMIT CRIMES under a badge of authority.
So far this year we have approximately 20+ officer involved shootings and I believe cops will ENJOY seeing that number rise.
Erin- I think there is a gang intitiation within the police dept- because why do these guys get rewarded? Im gonna give you and extra stripe, or a 3 week fully paid vacation, for keeping your mouth shut, and killing someone..only gangs and the mafia do that…so go figure.
You are correct Shell.. Gang mentality at its best.
Well really, who is the former Chief of Yorba Linda? since Yorba Linda does not have a police department.
The YL chief is the Brea PD Chief.
Exactly, that was my point.
FPD Means F**** Police Departments …… Its Really Bad Tho ….