Does Sharon Quirk Want To Raise Taxes? She’s Not Saying.

As a dyed-in-the wool Democrat, Sharon Quirk, the liberal candidate for the 65th State Assembly can be relied upon to do the right thing: the right thing for our Democrat Governor Jerry Brown and the public employee unions that put him in power. And the right thing to do is to pass a budget in June that relies on billions of dollars in new taxes to be voted on by the electorate in November.

Now, Ms. Quirk has a website that is just about the sort of thing you’d expect from a typical say-nothing politician – long on platitudes and lefty endorsements and zero on actual issues. And when I say zero, I mean zero. Scour it. You’ll read vacant nonsense about policies hurting hard-working families, schools and infrastructure, and all about the evils of partisan bickering (code for I am not a total, complete liberal loon), but not a single specific issue or even one useful fact. I have to give her credit for some transparency, though; she doesn’t really even pretend she is saying anything – there isn’t even an issues tab with the fraudulent “coming soon” scam.

Still, it would be nice if she would take a position on perhaps the biggest issue facing the State today. Does she support Governor Brown’s budget and tax proposal? After all, her support of this proposal would certainly be indicative of her own tax and spend propensity on down the road. Most of her endorsers endorse it. If A=B and B=C, then A=C.

So I’d like to know. I’m pretty sure the people of Fullerton would like to know. And all those blue collar, blue dog Dems who live south of the I-5? I bet they would like to know if Quirk is just another one of those incompetent Democrats who long to go to Sacramento where their foolishness and crazy spendthrift ways have buried California under an ossified government and a crushing public employee pension liability.

So how about it Sharon? How about a statement on your website about where you stand on increasing State revenue to feed the unions that have endorsed you?


93 Replies to “Does Sharon Quirk Want To Raise Taxes? She’s Not Saying.”

  1. You have just described just about all of our wonderful politicians at the present. Great on rhetoric without a plan or description of what action will be associated with said rhetoric.

    Does Ms. Quirk’s website really surprise you?

  2. The economy and the budget are the ONLY issues right now. She doesnt offer a suggestion as to how we could improve either.

    On the opposite side, she is backed by every left wing group of idiots that got us in to this sink hole.

    This is someone who thinks it would be cool to be in charge but has no idea what being in charge requires.

  3. if all it would take is one mailer of truth from an IE and Quirk goes bye bye, or would it take two?

          1. By telling speakers to “wrap it up”, “that’s enough” and “we’re not going to do that today”.

  4. Yep, it’s a big issue. Especially if the voters tell Brown to go screw himself and his tax increase. Quirky better start advertising her backup plan in case that happens.

    Of course she won’t because she hasn’t go one and never will. Hopefully between her and the equally vacuous Loretta somebody will remember to pay the utility bills at that campaign HQ on Lincoln Avenue.

  5. From where I sit SSSSSSSSlithering SSSSSSilva has never taken a stand on anything. All she does is scurry around and kiss butts at meet and greets for campaigning purposes. Her only agenda is to escape Fullerton with the least amount of political damage possible. In the recent year she has done everything she can NOT to talk about anything of real importance and the only thing she seems to have down pat is the banging of the gavel..

    Quirky needs to do whatever it takes to get the support of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Sanchez so OF COURSE she is going to support the delusional Jerry Brown and his fake budget(aka tax monster) I bet she thinks she will be taking the bullet train to the office this November….or that’s what she will tell you. Must keep the bullshit flowing!!

    She is a scum sucking opportunist and Fullerton is just one of her opportunities she has sucked. Did anyone pay attention to her statement in the last election propaganda? She talked about herself in the third person like she was God or something, it was truly bizarre. I think she has no scruples whatsoever. She won’t be elected on her deeds and actions and I think she is fine with that, as long as she gets elected. It is my belief that won’t be happening.

    She needs to start looking for a teaching job….outside of Fullerton. Her days are numbered here, thank goodness.

    1. Thanks for bringing up High Speed Rail. I don’t see any mention of that on her website. Sharon do you support HSR? Please tell us, we’re dying to hear!

      1. I’ve been to them countries where they have that high speed rail. I call it high speed fail. Its a disaster. Look at Germany where you can get from Munich to Berlin in an hour. What happened to the Luftwaffe anyway? Those SOBs could fly. I’ll take my chances on the Autobahn. Then take those other commie countries like Japan. Osaka to Tokyo in 2 hours drinking an Asahi dry. Actually 2 Asahi drys, a Sapporo, a couple a Kirins, a bottle of sake, and half a carton of Mild Sevens. Would you believe those damn nanny-staters let you drink and smoke on the train? Anyway, that trip sucked like a Soapland ladyboy. You wake up to see see Mt. Fuji and before you know it you’ve whizzed right past. Gimme a 12-hour Greyhound bus ride with 4 stops any day. High speed fail is the biggest scam since the national highway system.

  6. Dear Fullerton Shadow, et al: When have you ever met a Democrat who DIDN’T want to raise taxes?

  7. I’d like for there to be more money in people’s pockets and purses, especially those of people who aren’t rich. Sometimes that involves lowering taxes, sometimes raising taxes to obtain benefits collectively that people can’t obtain individually. If someone opposes taxes without which the state government thrashes, raising the yield we pay on bonds, they are costing the state’s taxpayers money. That’s not the good kind of conservatism.

    1. Thrashing, you say?

      Why don’t you find out why Quirk won’t take a stand on the tax? And what’s her position on the HSR?

      After all, it’s nice when people take stands on issues before the election, right?

    2. The “good kind of conservatism” is NOT continuing to spend money that we don’t have!

      The good kind of conservatism is NOT continuing to borrow massive amounts of money that we can never pay off and then hoping that the Feds will bail us out by printing more fiat currency, -which is backed by nothing and which will soon be worthless if the printing presses don’t stop!

      What kind of “collective benefit” do you think that we need? A “bullet train” that is not actually a bullet train at all, and which will cost us billions of dollars that we can NOT afford??

      Good conservatives realize that just servicing the debt on these “bullet train” bonds will put our children and grandchildren in debt forever!

      Until we stop the wasteful spending and the massive borrowing, I will NOT vote for ANY new taxes. Period.

      I’m not rich, not by a very long shot, and I’d really like some more money in my pocket too! Greg, if you’d like to give me some of your money, I’ll gladly take it.

      Remember, someone has to pay for all of the giveaways and projects. And, 47% of the citizens pay no taxes and the rest are moving out of the state because the taxes are already too high. So, Greg, can I expect your check in my mailbox soon??

      If not, I’ll be moving out of the state within the next couple of years, at most.

        1. Have you noticed that prices are going up?? Thank you, I’ll be glad to take you up on your generous offer!!

          1. Your post is correct and the ONLY thing holding back inflation is fact that the the US dollar is CURRENTLY still the world reserve currency. When oil trades are no longer pegged to the US dollar watch out.

            1. @truthseeker, you are exactly correct when you stated, “When oil trades are no longer pegged to the US dollar watch out.”

              The U.S dollar will lose its status as the world’s reserve currency long before the Marxists/Progressives (in both political parties) ever acknowledge that the current never-ending borrowing and spending policies, never-ending printing of money, and the Fed monetizing our own debt will be to blame for the demise of the dollar, and of the U.S. as we know it.

              Last year, the Fed purchased 61% of our own debt by printing money, which is backed by NOTHING except “the full faith and credit of the U.S. Govt.”

              They know full well what they are doing to our economy; however, they hope the sheeple will never figure it out, nor be able to do anything about it, until it is too late.

              I believe that our national debt and our unfunded liabilities are now so large that neither the principle, nor the interest on our debt, can ever be repaid. The total collapse of our economy, and the collapse of the global economy, is now inevitable.


              That’s why I am accepting all donations of tin foil, toilet paper, diapers, Desitin, diaper pins, plastic diaper covers, beans, lentils, split peas, rice, jeans, jackets, shoes, boots, socks, first aid supplies, medications, etc. If you care about your children/grandchildren, stock up while these things are still available on the store shelves.

              The U.S. dollar is well on the way to losing its status as the reserve currency. China and India are already purchasing oil from Iran with gold. The BRIC countries have also begun extending credit to each other in their own currencies.

              Citigroup has predicted that gold will go to $2,400/oz this year.

              If any sheeple out there don’t want their tin foil; please send it to me. During the great depression my grandmother saved every scrap of tin foil. The coming collapse of our economy will make the great depression look like a picnic in the park.

              1. Yes the death of the dollar is imminent and will more than likely be eclipsed by a war or a manufactured crisis as a good cover. Good advice but hey the media wants you to have a remote control in one hand and a bottle in the other. Look at the east coast today 100 degrees 90% humidity now power. We have power and the marine layer. How about a magnitude 8 and the santa anas howling? You know last year when the Japanese reactors melted down I called city hall and was passed around like a basketball when I asked if anyone had a radiation detector or was monitoring radiation levels. I was told no and to check with the AQMD. AQMD said to check with the EPA. The epa pulled their site down at the time. I just bought my own and it works great. Almost everytime a storm dropped in from the gulf of alaska the levels were 50% above normal background in my birdbath. Funny the only thing new in terms of prepping in this town is for crowd control and riot gear for the police. I will take a tin foil hat size 8 please.

        2. “I have some spare tinfoil if you need a hat”…….. Hmmmm

          How profound and original?

          You will stop being cute when the will start burning the sign of the beast on to your forehead. Or is it foreskin?….. if you have any.

            1. “Hitler called. He wants his manifesto back”……… Hmmmm

              I do not have it anymore, ONANymous!

              It was confiscated by Husein Obama’s secret goons. They told me that E. Holden must read it first to see if it is kosher.

              Now it is under the executive privilege protection. So tell Hitler!

              1. Die Straße frei den braunen Batallionen.

                Die Straße frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann!

                Es schau’n aufs Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen.

                Der Tag für Freiheit und für Brot bricht an!

    3. “I’d like for there to be more money in people’s pockets and purses, especially those of people who aren’t rich.”….. Hmmm

      There is a reason why people “aren’t rich”, Golem.

      Since we are not equal, there are lazy and stupid people, aka lumpenproletariat, who will be always poor and will try to take from the hard working and the IQ superior people until a braking point in which smart people will round-up lumpenproletariat and send it into the labor cams so they will start supporting themselves.

      I am [not] talking about the Nazi Germany but the good old communist Czechoslovakia where it was illegal to be unemployed and where I have lived for 22 years, a system which you are dally promoting and finely it is the law in USA now.

      In the free healthcare system, adopted by the Nazis as well as communists, you must work now or you will pay tax/penalty for not working or be arrested.

      You are classical example of an idiot lawyer who is poor, Marxist-Leninist and therefore promoting the wealth redistribution and labor camps tyranny.

        1. “could those be FEMA camps?”…….. Hmmmm

          I can see that you have took a ride via the California’s high desert and see the new, 2 million capacity, camps by your own eyes.

          But that was before the mandatory health care.

          Now, with free healthcare system, we are talking about the forced labor camps.

          In other words, if you will become unemployed you will have to take any job which the government will give you and if you reject it you will be transported into the forced labor camps.

          1. They think it can’t happen here. The communists have convinced him of his intelligence for agreeing with them. No one is going to feel more betrayed than the useful idiot left when this all collapses.

            1. “They think it can’t happen here”………. Hmmmmm

              I know!

              You have no idea how many times I have been laughed at when I told same to Americans in my early days of emigration.

              I was always reassured that it can’t happen here because we the Americans have right to bear arms.

              Sure, now we can barely bear a handgun against the militarized COPs who will be the one dragging us into the labor camps.

              Problem is that it always happens incrementally so you can’t go back and tell these moron mongoloids 30 years later — see I told you so.

              You have no idea what a tyranny will come with the free mandatory healthcare and what personal information you will be required to disclose to IRS.

              Remember that I have been under it for 22 years.

              The Nazis and communist embraced free mandatory health care so they can go forward with their genocide programs.

              Why are we so stupid???

              Why are we in planet of the apes.

              1. Forced vaccinations are the main reason for the free MANDATORY health care. Nanotechnology is frightening and even more so in the hands of the white coats backed by the brown shirts and black uniforms. Up in Sacramento AB 2109 is still alive and well. Oh yeah this is really putting California families first-first in line for what?

  8. Sharon gave us socks and fluff in response to snuff. I believe that Sharon is just what the doctor ordered for California families. She wants to put families first and it appears that she wishes to do so at apparently all costs. I believe that the job killing machine run by the tax increase union hack crew up there is sending the California economy( which is already on life support) to the coroner. Yea families first. Sure. Can you say “creation of dependence on government” first? That is more like it. California’s families are in the WORST ECONOMIC AND MORAL SHAPE IN THE STATE’S HISTORY. I am sure that some more socks will save the day. California families need jobs not industry killing legislation. Families need freedom of choice not nanny state regulations. Families need money in their pockets not money taken from the soon to be out of business soon to be ex-employer’s pockets to feed the monster. Now Loretta I mean Sharon, our families don’t need more IQ reducing curriculum. Our families don’t need free school lunches laced with trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, growth and lactation hormone and antibiotic laden milk. Families don’t need free mercury dental amalgams because all of the preceding come at the expense of loan sharking our future. That is the platform of her A list-welcome aboard the crazy train. The guards get walk time and the kids get no talk time. Sharon please save us from the deadly CO2. Mr. Norby please save us from the invasion of the Sanchez clones.

  9. With the new council sworn in today let’s call the day ” day one of operation bankrupt the city and renegotiate city contracts”.

  10. And to think if she wouldn’t have fooled the recall campaign with “socks” she would have never been running for this spot. She won that battle for sure. Politics.

    1. Wrong, O’Malley. We left her alone because we wanted the Fullerton lefties to stay out of the recall.

      And it worked. We won.

      1. Thanks Tony. I knew there was a reason. Well, not sure what is worse her with a clean bill of health running for a higher position or being kicked out with all the others with no further chance in politics. We will see.



  11. Studying inequality in America reveals some facts that are truly hard to believe. Amidst all the absurdity a few stand out.

    1. U.S. companies in total pay a smaller percentage of taxes than the lowest-income 20% of Americans.

    Total corporate profits for 2011 were $1.97 trillion. Corporations paid $181 billion in federal taxes (9%) and $40 billion in state taxes (2%), for a total tax burden of 11%. The poorest 20% of American citizens pay 17.4% in federal, state, and local taxes.

    2. The high-profit, tax-avoiding tech industry was built on publicly-funded research.

    The technology sector has been more dependent on government research and development than any other industry. The U.S. government provided about half of the funding for basic research in technology and communications well into the 1980s. Even today, federal grants support about 60 percent of research performed at universities.

    IBM was founded in 1911, Hewlett-Packard in 1947, Intel in 1968, Microsoft in 1975, Apple and Oracle in 1977, Cisco in 1984. All relied on government and military innovations. The more recently incorporated Google, which started in 1996, grew out of the Defense Department’s ARPANET system and the National Science Foundation’s Digital Library Initiative.

    The combined 2011 federal tax payment for the eight companies was just 10.6%.

    3. The sales tax on a quadrillion dollars of financial sales is ZERO.

    The Bank for International Settlements reported in 2008 that total annual derivatives trades were $1.14 quadrillion. The same year, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange reported a trading volume of $1.2 quadrillion.

    A quadrillion dollars is the entire world economy, 12 times over. It’s enough to give 3 million dollars to every person in the United States. But in a sense it’s not real money. Most of it is high-volume nanosecond computer trading, the type that almost crashed our economy. So it’s a good candidate for a tiny sales tax. But there is no sales tax.

    Go out and buy shoes or an iPhone and you pay up to a 10% sales tax. But walk over to Wall Street and buy a million dollar high-risk credit default swap and pay 0%.

    4. Many Americans get just a penny on the dollar.

    – For every dollar of NON-HOME wealth owned by white families, people of color have only one cent.

    – For every dollar the richest .1% earned in 1980, they’ve added three more dollars. The poorest 90% have added one cent.

    – For every dollar of financial securities (e.g., bonds) in the U.S., the bottom 90% of Americans have a penny and a half’s worth.

    – For every dollar of 2008-2010 profits from Boeing, DuPont, Wells Fargo, Verizon, General Electric, and Dow Chemicals, the American public got a penny in taxes.

    5. Our society allows one man or one family to possess enough money to feed every hungry person on earth.

    The United Nations estimates that $30 billion is needed to eradicate hunger. Several individuals have more than this amount in personal wealth.

    There are 925 million people in the world with insufficient food. According to the World Food Program, it takes about $100 a year to feed a human being. That’s $92 billion, about equal to the fortune of the six Wal-Mart heirs.

    One Final Outrage…

    In 2007 a hedge fund manager (John Paulson) conspired with a financial company (Goldman Sachs) to create packages of risky subprime mortgages, so that in anticipation of a housing crash he could use other people’s money to bet against his personally designed sure-to-fail financial instruments. His successful gamble paid him $3.7 billion. Three years later he made another $5 billion, which in the real world would have been enough to pay the salaries of 100,000 health care workers.

    As an added insult to middle-class taxpayers, the tax rate on most of Paulson’s income was just 15%. As a double insult, he may have paid no tax at all, since hedge fund profits can be deferred indefinitely. As a triple insult, some of his payoff came from the middle-class taxpayers themselves, who bailed out the company (AIG) that had to pay off his bets.

    And the people we elect to protect our interests are unable or unwilling to do anything about it.

  12. You’re all just haters. It’s about the children with all their smiling, hopeful, upturned faces looking to us for a healthy future.

    Keep saying it. Collaboration is good; it’s all about the children. Won’t someone please think of the children?

  13. It should not be optional for a candidate running for a high state political office to express her position on something as important as a statewide tax hike. It should be mandatory. If Quirk is waffling now – imagine how she would behave as a State Assemblywoman? If she refuses to tell you her position on the big November tax ballot – she’s a coward.

    Obamacare was the largest ‘tax’ ever levied on the American people. And now if the government wants you to behave in a certain way – they will just tax you if you don’t. If it wants you to buy 5 pounds of broccoli each week – it will simpy tax you if you don’t. It is bascially the anatomy of fascism.

    My guess is that Quirk is an Obama fan too and a closet Obamacare supporter too. Typical democrat. Rob from the productive and transfer to the leeches.

    ‘with liberty and justice for all’ my foot.

    1. Yep, they is leeches. Especially those K-3 rugrats. When I was a young whippersnapper we didn’t need no books and computers and whatnot. Leeching off their parents, and off a society. They ain’t productive! Put em to work out in the fields I say.

      That Brown just wants to raise taxes on the productive folks in society. You know the one who make $30 million dollars a year. They can’t afford no 1% tax increase! I was just talking to my buddy Mike Milken the other day and he’s hurtin’ bad in this economy. Why should he have his hard earned tax dollars taken away so some hobo can put their worthless kids in a school and learn about evolution. Hell with that! That ain’t American!

      That Obama care (I like to call it Romney care after the fella he got it from) is the biggest ripoff in the history of the Republic. Next thing you know they’ll be building prisons and stocking them full of non-violent drug offenders with our hard earned taxes. Hell, that will probably cost more than schools + college. Wait, we did that? And it was Republicans? Well, you can bet they were liberals at heart. Anyway we don’t need college. Place is crawling with communists trying to infiltrate the minds of our great white nation. Pass me that Jack over there Bobby. That’s better.

      I heard about over in Norway they make you eat broccoli three times a day. And the beer is all 3.2. No freedom fries either. Thanks a lot, Lenin. That’s pretty much fascism right there. That and their free medical care. I guess that’s why they were ranked as the most unhappy people in the world. I don’t care if I’m dying bleeding on the floor of this bar, if I don’t have the money I don’t want to live. Just shoot me right now. Instead they want to rush me to the hospital on the taxpayers dime. Over my dead cold hands like I always say.

      In closing, I am sick of productive people like myself and my buddy the Grand Wizard being taxed to death so the masses can live. Its can’t believe the selfishness of people who want to survive. And the those hypocrites won’t even let me own slaves! Damn leeches! If you want to survive, rob a damn bank. No more handouts for you Joe.

      1. The largest job creator is this country is in the cross hairs. The average small business will not see their taxes go up 1%. You are way off. Mr Alcohol Dehydrogenase, at the current rate the high cost of low prices like Walmart that has a large amount of its employees on the welfare and medicaid doles will be the new model. This will be funded by those who make over 250k which is every small business in town and the increases will remove the margins leading to layoffs and more on the doles and more taxes and more layoffs and more on the doles and more taxes. Maybe Rex 84 was for 2012. Hey by the way is there anything to eat or drink for 100 miles around Fullerton if the trucks stop rolling? The EBT cards don’t work with empty store shelves. Let’s just hand it all over to the social engineers that have been dosing the water and haven’t planted one damn fruit tree or edible piece of landscape on public property anywhere for as far as the eye can see for as long as I can remember. Even the third world has one up on is there. Oh forgive me I forgot the arboretum but its against the law to pick the fruit.

        1. Every small businessman in town makes over 250K? Whatta town! Chamber a Commerce, here I come! I know what you mean though, that 1% tax raise might put a bar or two outta business. And you know we can’t afford to lose a one of ’em. I love em all. Especially Slidebar. If you reds take one cent of Popov’s vodka I mean money just so some kid has a seat in a school I’m gonna raise me three kinds of holy hell I tell you what.

          1. Ya ever heard of manta? Its non alcoholic and available online for the price of a bottle of Stoli-and guess what? no crv.

  14. I’m waiting for Greg Diamond to explain why North orange County’s sweetheart won’t explain her position on at least ONE freaking issue!

      1. Please allow me to hold you to a higher standard than your oatmeal-brained fellows here and suggest that this is beneath you.

      1. Well that’s a lot on meaningless drivel. Her website is pabulum. There’s no there, there.

        I believe we have a new cardboard candidate.

  15. I honestly think Quirk likes ossified government and a crushing pension liability.

    I believe she has a total of two good votes on the Fullerton City Council, both of them cast in fright over the savaging she would get on this blog by doing the wrong thing.

  16. Ms Quirk will have a position sometime before the election in November. I assume she will articulate her position on the tax increase around Nov 1.
    She is in learning mode now from the Sanchez sisters who always say nice things and never rile their constituents! Expect the same from Ms. Silva!
    Tuco comment: Hey it works!!

  17. Quirk is not stupid. She’s not going to bite the hand of her democrat governor nor is she going to promote his tax proposal, especially after Obama just imposed the largest tax in the history of the planet on the American people with Obamacare.

    So to play it safe she just keeps her mouth shut and hopes that nobody will notice. 😀

    1. Au contraire monfrere…she IS stupid if she thinks no one is noticing.

      She is going to be following Tweedle Dee Sanchez right out the political door, we can thank redistricting for that. Say good night Loretta! Woot!

        1. No doubt. Marxists are always in cahoots with financiers. That’s why in all Marxist regimes like the former USSR and Red China and even in North Korea you see that they appoint the heads of banks and large corporations to cabinet-level positions. That’s pure Marxism right there.

            1. Thats right. If you read Kapital you can find the part where Marx talks about how in a true communist society you should give as much power and money as possible to the bourgeoise class, especially the financial corporations. Companies like Bank of America have their roots in early state socialism, mimicking Mao’s economic model. Its all there in black and white for those who have the eyes to see.

      1. Obama has become an emperor.

        The wack jobs in Congress are just as much to blame as Obama for allowing him that much contro and powerl. IMO all of them are complicit. What ever happened to ‘separation of powers’ that was supposed to guard against and prevent such dominance by one branch of government? The US Constitution is being used as toilet paper. My oh my how this nation has backslid!

        1. …many of you have been engaged in this all-out fight against communism long before I came on the scene. You have been engaged in what may well be the final Armageddon foretold in the Bible-that struggle between good and evil, between life and death, if you please.

          We know that the major aim of communism, as stated by its atheistic leaders more than 30 years ago, is to create a Red Fullerton, thence a Red Sacramento, wash it with a Red California -and then enslave America.

  18. Stanley Fiala :
    Golem, allegedly you do know some Yiddish language. Can you translated?

    I’m not Greg but I went ahead and tried using Google translate and it came out with this:

    There was an old Nazi who lurked on a blog,
    I don’t know why, he lurked on the blog,
    Perhaps he’s ZOG.

    1. Perhaps he’s ZOG.

      “Stanley Fiala”/”Greg Diamond”, take your putrid race baiting elsewhere. Its not welcome here.

      1. I think Stanley and Grag are the same person, if they are not, they sure need each other.We need to set them up on a date or something. They sound like an old married couple to me.

        1. That’s some pretty powerful idiocy there.

          I suspended him from OJB (the only person to whom I’ve done so) for being floridly racist, sexist, and anti-Semitic. So he has come here, where that sort of thing is generally tolerated and sometimes celebrated.

          I’m sorry it was not possible to keep the occasionally insightful Stanley without the indefensible Stanley. I like watching the good parts of Stanley occasionally kick some ass here, though.

      2. “take your putrid race baiting elsewhere. Its not welcome here”…….. Hmmmmm

        So far the race baiting is comming only from local ONANs and their acronyms. Read carefully!

        The allegation of a racism and hate are Socialist-Left-Liberal-Progressive-Bolshevist’s affirmative defenses and trades promulgated by Obama, Holder and Pelosi.

        So they will always dominate blogs like Orange Juice and “F”FFF which is here.

  19. Check out her endorsements list, the majority of whom are either Hispanic or women. These aren’t real endorsements but favors to one another.

  20. The real answer is she has no idea if she is for or against the tax increase. Until someone tells her what to say she will have no comment.

    1. She is waiting for Loretta to tell her what to say. And Loretta is waiting for Jack to tell her what to say.

    2. I’ve watched her in action during the council meetings. Very guarded, very cautious – as if ever word that exits her mouth was carefully scripted and rehearsed beforehand. She’s no leader. She’s a lemming who follows instructions. That being said, she would probably fit in very well in Sacramento. They don’t want leaders up there. They want automatons who obey the ringleaders.

        1. That was hilarious Commander Quirk-Silva. I had flashbacks to Queen Quirky’s admonitions during the city council meetings when I read that comment.

      1. “I’ve wandered those cold streets of the capitol at night I’ve heard the muted strains of L’Internationale echoing off the flophouses and rendering factories”.

  21. This candidate represents all that’s worst in California politics, from both parties – half-witted clones whose ambitions have vaulted far ahead of their paltry abilities.

  22. Whether she says yes or no, is moot. A candidate may say they won’t raise taxes, but they can do so by approving new fees, licenses, or vote in regulations that make it way more expensive for a business owner to operate (especially those with less than 10 employees). Small businesses really are the backbone of the community –unlike corporations, they don’t get the same tax breaks afforded to them.

    @Snakes — I agree that her list of endorsements comes from an unquestioning body of people –dedicated to approving people based on 1. Race; 2. Gender; 3. Party. The third isn’t surprising –it’s how the political system functions. And I do understand the historical tradition of having the support of one’s race. But quite honestly, neither Race nor Gender in this day and age of open communication and an exchange of ideas are sufficient criteria to justify a blanket endorsement these days.

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