Don Bankhead’s Gears Slipping; Elevator Not Reaching Top Floor
Here is an interesting clip of Councilman Don Bankhead from the last meeting opining on the subject of new elevators being added to the existing elevator bridge at the Fullerton train station. See if you can figure out what he’s talking about.
Poor Don seems to think this is a brand new elevator bridge at the new parking structure being built on Santa Fe.
Uh, oops.
Confusion is nothing new for Bankhead, but one thing Don knows for sure: when somebody else is fronting the money for a project it doesn’t matter where it is, what it does, or how much it costs.
Douchenozzle Don! Blithering Bankhead!
Doesn’t this poor old man have family who cares enough to tell him it’s time to step down?
Why has no one taken the keys to car away from grandpa yet?
Isn’t this guy in a ‘home’ yet?
Only half a mile off. Not bad for Blank.
Someone’s elevator doesn’t go to the top floor anymore.
That’s a win.
Yes, that comment is classic. I’m modifying my title.
And this is why the Fire and Police departments here in Fullerton work so hard walking districts and contributing so much money to get Don elected every year.
They know that contract negotiations between the city and their union is going to be like walking into the bank to rob it and seeing the security guard, Don Bankhead, asleep at his post.
Nice one F.L.
And a ‘Happy Friday the 13th to all…
And Bankhead might have also said “…the parking structure that we built on the other side of a Harbor Blvd. from the train station instead of on the giant piece of land right next to it so that we could get OCTA to give us free parking for our subsidized bar district and still have land left over for a huge development no one wants in the first place and ruin the bus station in the process.”
What else do you THINK, Sleepyhead?
How about getting the location for which you are speaking about correct?
and BTW. an elevator in a parking structure has never tempted me to park my car in a parking structure area-with or without a bridge.
Maybe DB can write a book on how to reuse a teabag or how to drive with your blinkers on.
He should be…or in some sort of assisted living facility.
Fullerton Gardens awaits.
I can understand Don’s confusion. The idea of adding another elevator way down at the east end of the Depot is counter intuitive to facilitating handicap access. Why would they not put a bridge/underpass near Harbor where it would be close to the handicap loading platform and is close to the new parking structure?
They think it’s not safe to have an underpass, but they close the elevator late at night so no one in a wheelchair can get over the tracks.
I understand the source of Don’s confusion, too. He didn’t read/understand the agenda item.
There may be underlying causes of Don’s confusion.
Not only was Bankhead misinformed at the recent council meeting but Jones also showed misknowlege of the light at Santa Fe and Harbor and stated he didn’t think it was necissary to put one there. When it was stated by the planner that the light was already in paid for and only need be activated he stated that if it was already there then he was for it.These council members like former Chief Sellers are being paid good money to lead our city .If they are asleep at the post and not doing the job they are supposed to and putting thier duties on auto-pilot then let someone else assume the post.
They’re tired and disinterested. Bankwad did the same thing in another recent meeting, speaking to the wrong item on the agenda because he wasn’t paying attention and started reading his script early. I don’t think Jones cares about anything. McKinlry doesn’t know anything.
I think Don Bankhead is a man of very high character.
Yup Don Blank needs to take a long long siesta!