FPD’s Tow Racketeers Keeping You Safe From AAA Roadside Assistance
Back in September, a AAA tow truck driver made a YouTube video accusing Fullerton police officers of running a coordinated effort to harass and cite any tow truck attempting to help stranded AAA members within city limits.
That video was removed shortly after it was posted. According to the original publisher, it was deleted from YouTube after the truck driver’s boss received threats from city employees.
Four months later, it appears that driver has had enough. Here’s a new video where he accuses the City of Fullerton and its police force of using Fullerton’s new truck route ordinance to cite AAA tow trucks attempting to respond to customer calls for service.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rk5uERx5csThe assumption is that there are a few tow operators who operate with the FPDs’s blessing (thanks to generous donations towards a few jurassic city council members’ campaign funds and a revenue sharing contract with the FPD) and thus are able to miraculously avoid getting cited for driving their tow trucks on the very same roads.
So next time your wife or daughter is stranded by the side of the road for an hour waiting for one of the few AAA operators left willing to run the FPD gauntlet, make sure you ask the driver what it’s like trying to help motorists in the city of Fullerton.

Having had to wait for AAA in Fullerton four 45 minutes this guy isn’t lying. Even the AAA operator told me it’s hard to get tows in Fullerton.
Another notch in the belt for the Culture of Corruption. Damn, this place is really ugly.
Ok…..can we go out and find what the city is doing right?
I would, but it’s been an hour and the tow truck hasn’t arrived yet.
Fuck the FPD for chasing AAA out of Fullerton. If I’m stuck in a bad part of town, it’s MY safety at risk. These assholes just don’t get that “protect and serve” applies to everyone, not just their buddies.
Hey Anonymous, I guess I’m kinda new around here, so would you tell me exactly where is this “bad part of town” where you are afraid to sit in your car?
Right in front of the police station.
anything west, north, east and south of the FPD/City hall.
This goes beyond corruption and criminality, This is being a actual and eminent threat to the citizenry “They Serve” !!!
When will the corruption END? Come on! It is getting friggin out of control.
Time to get out the pitchforks and take back our government NOW.
Bring it on you hippie lil’ bitches!! Go “occupy” each others assholes for somethin’ to do. Ha ha, this is amusing shit.
sod off
hippies and buttholes….the thought process of your average ape in blue.
Prove me wrong stinkie. You people are pretty tough behind keyboards and desks, but step out into the real fight and see how you do.
Citizen M, does it really matter what the city is doing right when there is a culture of corruption that is eating away, like a cancer, the city of Fullerton? Its like telling a cancer patient that he has lung cancer but his arm is working just fine! Does this make sense?
jtsmythe- you are 100% correct….I was being sarcastic…..because frankly my sincerity has been taken away..during this and many many many other things….its just disgusting.
Forgot to add Safety and Wellbeing,
Im also having trouble keeping my food down.
I wonder what his holiness Saint Dan Hughes has to say about this.
or he just going to stand there with that award winning smile and pat random people on the back while the ladies swoon over his shiny head?
Like all of FPD management, looking the other way got him where he is today.
I think he should say “his bosses made him do it. These of course are the city council members who have been complicit with all the the hierarchy of their staff in bumping salary and benefits and retirement. You know, the City Managers and Department heads over the last 25 years are the ones who had the most to gain and were getting paid to look out for their own welfare. That’s democracy asleep from over consumption, as did Rome unfortunately too. We are just cops doing our job and I have to help find a way to pay for these excesses in FPD as well”
A Transparent Police Department
by Tracy Wood
“Capt. Dan Hughes, the new acting
Fullerton police chief, has big plans for city
law enforcement and the words he uses
most frequently include ethics, transparency,
community, trust and communication.
“How can we start really connecting with
our community?” he asked last week at the
beginning of a five-hour interview and tour
of police headquarters, from the secured
parking garage jail entrance and cells
through briefing rooms, the watch commander’s
video camera displays on up to the
top floor office he took over just one day
“I don’t think we’ve done a good job of
explaining our department to the community,”
he said, adding “there’s just not a lot
in policing that I believe should be secret.
We work for the community.”
…A little help please?
No shit, Where the hell is the FBI? They disseminate corruption information but yet they sit idly by watching this all happen? For Christ sakes, what DOES it take?
Does Fullerton “own” them too?
i know. it took them 6 YEARS to make the NOLA Danziger killers pay. a little bit. one good thing. the longer they take the more FPD will try to cover whatever they can. this is RICO conspiracy and all kinds of nasty charges will come. i believe they will charge the other three that were there.
The FBI!! only in the movies.
You have to investigate and get documentation yourselves, in Orange County anyway. Think Federal Grand Jury!!!
What about council member Whitaker and the new Mayor? Why isn’t it a discussion item on the agenda? The discussion item should be about AAA towing within city limits of Fullerton, legal or illegal? Everyone in Fullerton should know about this. It should be another reason for people to sign the petitions for throwing out the three dinosaurs!
One of the largest donors to the anti-recall campaign is a tow company. No surpise. You’ve got to pay to play in Fullerton.
It’s shady as hell.
I think when I get home today (in Fullerton) I am going to lock my keys in the car and call AAA and see what happens.
I am so disgusted with the FPD having their corrupt hand in my affairs. I pay AAA to assist me. FPD has no right to violate my personal rights.
I’m up for revisiting the Saturday protests. These people are out of control!
gawd- do it Tracey!
In school they teach kids that bullies, are by nature actually cowards. Be careful they are like an injured animal, as sadistic as they are.
Please refrain from mentions of violence, thats their game not ours. You gotta love legal freedom, of annonymous, speech through the internet.
I was taught that, misunderstanding is the cause of most of all human conflicts. And knowledge is power.
Now, while they don’t exactly advertise it, I think that AAA is a special interest lobby group. Is AAA aware of the situation in Fullerton? Did the man who made the videos report this to the highest people in AAA? If multiple cities in different states start making laws such as these perhaps AAA would invest some resources into fighting them.
This operation is recommended for select Fullerton City Management and City Council members.
A section of a sigmoid curve in a mathematical computation, exclusive of a monte carlo analysis, whereby the navel is removed with the subequent installation of window pane so the person can see where they are headed when they have their head up their rectum.
This is not a legacy saving operation!
aka plexectomy 🙂
Everyone call AAA’s media hotline and alert them of the problem we have here in Fullerton: (714) 885-2333
I just sent AAA an email asking about the situation in Fullerton even though my zip code is out of that service area. I also asked them if they were aware of the problem and how prevalent this local type of corruption is in various states. I’ll let everyone know if I get a reply.
So this guy went public in September and the city put pressure on his employer to delete the video. That, my friends, IS A COVERUP!
The spawn of Capt Dan Hughes and Pat McKinley sucker punches a homeless lady in the face in Bellflower then tries to confiscate the video.
Gotta love how our quasi-government sponsored media waters it down as a “confrontation” then as usual regurgitates the spokeshole’s version of events.
and as usual the cop licking commenters lie, deny and smear.
…”The video doesn’t tell the whole story”, “You don’t know you weren’t there”, “I would have done the same thing”, “It’s a thankless job”, “Try being a cop for one day”, “Don’t call 911 the next time you need help” …just like clockwork
unless you are hagon you were not there ethere AND I’M NOT DONE TELLING THE TRUTH oh ya its real hard being a cop!!! do what ever you want!!! you try being a AAA tow truck driver you would not last one hour
I’ve always been happy to see a tow truck driver. Can’t say the same about a police officer.
A tow truck driver’s job is a lot harder than a cop’s.
Hero? Deserve?
Bingo you nailed that one.
I bet AAA lawyers would like to get some of that in court.
So my wife who is stranded because of a mechnical problem, calls AAA for help, if she’s in this zone she is SOL?
The tow driver responding gets stopped for this truck route crap and has to spend 30 minutes arguing with the assholes in blue when they know the guy is simply enroute to help a customer.
Now I better understand the ticket writing on the horn honking crap.
So do I understand correctly that “certain” tow trucks in Fullerton are allowed to travel where ever they want?
I just wrote AAA and summarized the situation. I didn’t provide the link to this blog because my service area is more West/Midwest, however I asked them to respond back to me.
unless you are hagon you were not there ethere AND I’M NOT DONE TELLING THE TRUTH oh ya its real hard being a cop!!! do what ever you want!!! you try being a AAA tow truck driver you would not last one hour
Is this a serious post? I wrote to AAA about being upset at the police and city for harassing the AAA driver. It was not a complaint about the driver but an attempt to make AAA aware of police harassment on a corporate level.
Looks like a drive-by drunk post to me, but I think “Rihard’s” point is it is harder being a tow truck driver than a cop….I think.
your right!!! I was being Sarcastic to that cop who thinks his job is SO SO SO hard. nobody asked him to be a cop
I just called and talked to a Jeff in Public Relations at AAA. I gave him this website. He told me he just reviewed the video.
He insured me he is on this issue.
I also told him it appears some may be exempted from this ordinance.
I am a 30 year member of AAA.
This one is crap in the first degree.
I am also a life-long member of AAA. Was this Jeff’s first time hearing about this?
I have experienced first hand the response time of over an hour in Fullerton. A dead battery left my wife and I stranded late one night after dinner. Please make sure you have a can of fix a flat $3, a battery boost in your glove box $28, a spare gas can in your trunk $6, and you carry pepper spray and a camera. Make sure you know how to use all of the preceeding items. Make sure you are registered to vote, sign the petition, vote in the election and attend all the council meetings. We are big kids and we can take care of ourselves and we will fix these problems. SO THE 27 MILLION IN ILLEGAL WATER FEES COULD STILL PUT A REVERSE OSMOSIS SYSTEM IN EVERY DRINKING FOUNTAIN AND RESIDENCE IN THE CITY AND HAVE ENOUGH LEFT OVER TO PUT A VEHICLE SAFETY KIT IN EVERY CAR IN THE ENTIRE CITY. Such leadership being protected by a group of sophistictated liars that so dearly cares abouts the safety and well being of its residents should be rewarded with the highest accollades at the nearest ballot box.
Well said Truthseeker!
You are correct in that a tow company is one of the largest donors to the Anti-Recall group, however did you know that old Don “Blankface” Blankhead’s largest campaign donor in last fall’s City Council race was “Fullerton Tow Company” of Anaheim(?), who contributed $5,000.00 to Don Blankhead on Oct 12, 2010?
Fill in the blank: Tow companies donate money to Don Bankhead’s political campaign because of his principled stance on ______________?
“using the power of government to eliminate the competition.”
is that the motto of the now defunct fullerton redevelopment agency?
No said he just got an email from someone else.
Everyone call and complain.
Jeff wanted to know who was excepted from this ordinance. I told him to follow the blog the answer might show up.
It’s not who’s exempted from the ordinance. It’s who’s exempted from enforcement.
Or who is willing to pay the high price for the right to service the streets of Fullerton.. I believe it’s called extortion..
nailed it!
LOL, yea that too!!!
I wonder if FPD chases the fire trucks around and gives them tickets? or trash trucks, or constructon crews, or street sweepers, or moving vans, or concrete trucks etc etc etc. I worked for a construction company for years and there is abosolutely no way to run a business and not have to put over limit vehicles on certain streets and one time or another….. we built streets where the equipment used to build the street was to heavy for the street……. Without exception the police in those cities worked with us to set up no parking signs, tows for people parking in our way and even help dealing with crazy people who tried to have us arrested for blocking the street we were building…… but FPD is different from the look of it.
I swear, people can’t make this crap up..
Here’s the link to the donors of the Anti-Recall campaign donors group. Note that “Quick Service Tow Company” of Anaheim gave them $1,500.00
Aren’t there any local tow companies here in Fullerton that are allowed to operate and serve within their own city limits?
Why would AAA maintain a (nice, newish) office in Fullerton if thsi is going on? Sure they do more than towing, but they have a local interest in cleaning up any nonsense that puts them and their customers at a disadvantage.
AAA at that office seems more about being a travel agenst and insurance agents than they are anything else.
Now let me get this straight, this reputable , towing company gets harassed by Lenny Ledbetter of the FPD for just doing his job. But yet when I lived in Fullerton and I and hundreds of other tenants complained about Predatory Towing in my apt complex…the police wouldnt even let us file a complaint..they told us it was a legal matter, Then I went through a city council person and got a meeting with Lenny Ledbetter who told me he had received no complaints from my apt complex, but agreed to do an “investigation” , where he said the towing company’s record was clean…oh yeah..???..check this out…http://www.orangecountyda.com/home/index.asp?page=8&recordid=302&returnurl=index.asp%3Fpage%3D8%26pagenumber%3D9%26pagesize%3D300%26deptid%3D%26archive%3D0%26sl_month%3D12 The last meeting I had with him, he stuck his knee in my face and told me he spent enough time on this issue and I needed to move on….great work Lenny!
I just called the AAA media relations number and spoke to the guy, he said that he had not heard of any problems as of this time. So guys start calling so we can get the service that we choose and pay for.
Even if they wanted to get involved, a local office would have to send a matter like this up to corporate to handle a problem like this.
I am sure letters to the City will be authored by those in power at AAA.
The weight restriction,commercial vehicle exceeding GVWR of more than 26000 lbs. on or near residential neighborhoods is actually intended to keep big trucks on main arterial routes instead of your local quiet streets…if your stopped by commercial enforcement,drivers just explain why they are there…but if you refuse to explain your reason for being there…you will be cited like tow truck guy who claims some ridiculous, evil conspiracy.
…No comprende Carolyn.
No, Bill is right. In laymans terms. City streets have a weight limit and only certain routes are designed for truck traffic. If you are moving, pouring a driveway, hauling a heavy load or have a work permit requiring you to be on restricted street, the enforcement/cops can stop you and ask you your business. If you have a valid reason to be on the street they will say see ya and drive off. If you are a big truck trying to take a short cut, they can write you up.
Shhhhhhhh Just go along with the conspiracy story.
A “conspiracy theory” is nothing more than a euphemism for an unspeakble truth.
If it were only that simple, then the city wouldn’t have threatened to have the first video removed. AAA operators wouldn’t complain about how hard it is to get a driver to go to Fullerton. And the guy in the video wouldn’t risk his job to make a stupid video.
I agree that the whole thing stinks.
I just got another Anti-Recall flyer in the mail today. We need to go back to protesting!!!
Ackerman and Ellis just got suckered into wasting another mailing. What maroons!
This sort of story would have been unbelievable to me relating to our small city of Fullerton except for the now many police corruption and murder !!! charges indicted or proven (or plea bargained-settled out of court).
This kind of racketeering by police, relating to towing services is an old scam in the big east coast (utterly corrupt) cities. Washington, D.C. which had THE WORST city government on earth (except for a short period recently, under a Mayor named Mr. Fenty) had various corrupt police officers owning and running tow truck businesses which they would use to actually STEAL CARS in broad daylight under the pretense of law enforcement.
The Fullerton Fire Department has been hurrassing private ambulance services for years-decades. This tow truck video is quite believeable.
It seems crystal clearly obvious that the THUG UNIONS have made our Police and Fire Departments just wholly corrupt enterprises, which have used their Union dues to BUY equally corrupt and thuggish City Councilmen.
Interesting stuff. Let me throw my $0.02 in:
I am a car guy (most of you already know this lol) and I have a 30 year old car that I drive every day. I live here, and I have AAA, and I use their services about twice a year on average. Anyone that breaks down to the point that their car cannot be driven calls AAA to tow their car somewhere (in my case it’s to my house tyvm) and it is standard for them to show up to help you within 40 minutes…not just in Fullerton but all over SoCal. I have always accepted this, and as such I have never had a problem with AAA’s service.
…just sayin’. We have bigger fish to fry here in Fullerton.
…the Occupy Fullerton protest begins tonight.
Sorry folks, but this is too much-even for me!
This is INSANE that my tax dollars are being used to teach me how to do this!!! Stupidest class EVER! The government is going to teach me how to text appropriately???? What’s next?!
Don’t forget to bring socks!
Should be offered by volunteer(s), not paid staff; if the target audience is boomers and seniors – do it through the senior center
Homeless men stab each other during fight
Investigators believe that two homeless men suffered stab wounds after engaging each other in “mutual combat,” Fullerton police Sgt. Andrew Goodrich said.
Well that is good to know, thanks Andy.
I heard there will be a traffic accident in fullerton tomorrow morning. By golly I hope Andy lets us know so we know which areas to avoid on the way to work.
Towing contracts are magnets for corruption. In the Inland Empire, we haverecently had problems in the cities of San Jacinto and San Bernardino.
Pursue this. I’ll ask my insurance agent (in Fullerton) about this tomorrow.
When you go fishin you catch all that you can. You fry them all.
My point is, when you start attacking corruption you attack it all, the big issues and the little ones.
If tow companies don’t kiss the ring of the corrupt ones, and become targets of selective enforcement, it’s a BIG ISSUE and a big fish.
It seems FPD enforces the politicians agenda. Like the brown shirts did for Hitler. Big issue.
Occupy group moved up from Irvine and is in front of the city hall tonight. The police gave them permission to be on the sidewalk only tonight and say they will tell them what park they are allowed to be at for their stay. Hopefully they can help support the cause to occupy city hall with people who care and will look out for the public’s best intrests.
I presume the police are making the traffic stop under the guise of FMC §8.30.040 which is named: Weights and routes designated; violation; penalty.
How ironic because nowhere in Article I or II of Chapter 8.30 does it lay out the penalties for violating FMC §8.30.040.
Oh, and here’s the truck route map:
Interesting map. Notice their is no minimum weight at the bottom of the scale. Does this mean that any “truck” under 21 tons could get cited if they are off one of the designated routes?
Also some allowance has to be made for local deliveries, pick-ups, construction sites (concrete trucks), etc.
This is very fishy. Sound like they are deliberately citing non-select tow companies.
Right. The new ordinance was written by the police department to give maximum discrepancy to the police, which makes it ripe for abuse.
And of course it’s no surprise that un-politically connected tow truck drivers immediately get pushed around.
Sounds like a PRA request. All citation in the past year for violation; compile the stats and see how many have been handed out to the favored companies.
As a Fullerton lifer, I remember in the 1970’s , the city of fullerton , without notice, targeted lower income apartment residents who had to park their cars in the streets due to lack of garages. for weeks, apartment dwellers were hit every night with parking tickets with fines reaching into the hundreds of dollars per car.
I lived in an apartment built in the nineteen twenties that lacked a parking structure for cars. as a full-time student and working thirty hours a week, paying a parking ticket meant utility bills went unpaid or cutting back on food.
a swell of moral outrage confronted the then city Fullerton city council members. when I explained to this city council that I lived in the oldest section of town where parking was nil, one council person told me I should conduct a property search for vacant lots in the city, then contact the owner and then ask the property owners permission to park my car on this vacant lot. I couldn’t believe what I heard because there were no vacant lots within half a mile where I lived and when and how was I supposed to do a property search and then run around and find the owner to get permission to park half a mile or mile away from where I lived when I was putting in an eighty hour week with work, school and studying.
My point in telling this story is to point out our city of Fullerton has a long history of exploiting its residents, especially if these residents are lower-income and have less ability to legally fight back against being shaken down by their own law enforcement and city hall.
The corrupt culture of Fullerton’s municipal government and its law enforcement is not a recent phenomena; it has existed for decades and city hall and its police force work in tandem greed.
thanks to the internet and the FFFF blog, residents and others increasingly aware of the pattern of Fullerton PD’s civil rights abuses against the community and fullerton’s city hall’s cronyism that always seems to put money in our civic leaders pockets.
the result of the 1970’s city hall parking ticket shake down, the city council to show their empathy for the less fortunate of fullerton, allowed us to purchase weekly parking permits. Needless to say, I ate less and juggled my bills to rent a few feet of asphalt that was paid for fifty years earlier by tax dollars
That’s some good background. I too remember when I had to park on the street because my apartment had NO parking. That was in LA. And I too, was in school. Sometimes I could see that parking patrol was following the street sweeper, writing up tickets and sticking them on the windshield.
What a scam!
Fullerton needs to get it’s s–t together and stop terrorizing it’s citizens.
The little fiefdom is going to fall.
Which council person was that?
the one with the fattest head, biggest mouth and beady eyes, someone the Kennedys’ sucked upto
hahaahah. lol!
According to the campaign contribution forms at City Hall, CARE Ambulance gives freely to each of these City Council candidates. Why? Monopoly on ambulance services within Fullerton, and it keeps out other ambulance services, whose personnel may not always look the other way when they’re transporting a victim of the FPD to the hospital like Kelly Thomas.
Well Chuck was the one with the fat head and beady eyes while Francis and Bob were the ones the Kennedys sucked up to. So I’m confused.
throw in their last names
Great comment #85 ” Van…” I had the exact same experience where I complained to the police about the predatory towing in my complex, the police ignored our complaints but you can bet they were sure right there to write parking tickets, because they knew it was low income, and there were not enough parking spaces….they would have to have seen the tow truck camped out in the park next to our complex, because that is where most desperate tenants parked their cars. When I complained to the city about other issues at my complex, their solution was to take away more parking inside the complex and outside,supposedly because the alley was just an inch or two too short for parking on both sides. It had been fine for parking on both sides for years, but after I complained I guess they realized they could write more parking tickets if they reduced the number of tenant parking even more. The city gives that property a tax credit , ostensibly to provide low-income housing, tenants save a couple hundreds bucks a month on rent, and the city turns around and takes it away from the tenants with 38.00 parking tickets….how idiotic is that, making low income housing more expensive than free market apartments.
I wish the guys who run this site would do an article on this subject. If you add up the revenue , generated in low-income , sub-standard places it makes you wonder if the city is willing to turn a blind eye to slumlords in exchange for parking ticket revenues.
FPD like any police department keeps copies of ALL the tickets they write for a number of reasons. Statistics are kept on file for a period of time.
A subpeona can be issued ordering FPD to produce records showing what tow companies have been cited for violations of this ordinance.
If the tow companies who contribute to these local politicians are NOT being cited, and you find that company on the 460 form like fullerton lover showed us, YOU have a good argument.
The burden of proof is on the City to show why this ordinance was adopted and why only certain groups or class of people or vehicles are being cited.
One might look at it as racial profiling for sake of argument.
They would need to explain if challenged who is exempted and WHY?? They would need to show good cause for issuing a ticket to a tow company responding to AAA call when other tow trucks might not be.
The city would need to show how the standard size tow truck is overweight to such a degree it would damage the roadway. THAT is not going to happen on a good day.
Here is a link to another political website discussing a $9Million dollar class action lawsuit regarding red light camera tickets.
Local lawyers have been kicking the crap out of cities who use these things up here in the high desert. The battle rages on and the citizens are winning.
The City of Fullerton seems to be under the gun on the water tax, just add this to the mix.
What’s up with the map extending the acceptable truck routes outside of Fullerton city limits? I doubt Buena Park, Anaheim, Placentia, or Brea appreciates Fullerton telling truck drivers where trucks are allowed in their cities.
As drawn, the map cited in §8.30.040 does not agree with the routes established in writing, which end at Fullerton city limits.
Seems to me that AAA, the Corporation could file a lawsuit, of course I could be wrong. This smells to the high heavens of special treatment.
How about a law for cops only; Citizen endangerment!
You, Officer Douche are charged with putting Lady Law Abiding Citizen and her two children in danger knowing that known sexual assault offenders, Officer Pedo, Officer Phile, and maybe Johnny come lately, were out attacking women who were stranded.
Okay, thats my one and only attempt at some humor.
The point of many of new laws is to criminalize and thus get revenue from just about everybody. With thousands of new ones on the books as of Jan 1 in Cali, it’s easy pickings.
AAA even wrote an editorial in their magazine objecting to traffic laws as a way to garner revenue. Of course, they never mentioned it again, but it’s a start.
Adnd watch out for Chapman Ave from Harbor to Raymond-it’s a speed trap.
Aren’t kickbacks in any way shape or form illegal where towing is concerned. Isn’t revinue sharing just that. It seems that the city uses the mafia blueprint for operation. Pay me or I will make you pay me.