Go Home Or Go To Jail. Fullerton’s Latest Export: Riot Cops
The recent Time of Troubles in the Magic Kingdom has caused an influx of outside cops into Anaheim. A sharp-eyed bystander noticed some Fullerton police persons giving some mutual aid in Anaheim. This sleek fellow is one of them:

I believe that you’re feeling fine…
Photo courtesy of Greg Silva Photography
No word about if Anaheim appreciated the gesture.
Added bonus: spot this same cop in the video link below and win a trip for two to the Anaheim protest this Sunday.
is he the fat bald one at 2:18 yelling “go home!”? there was so many fat ones it is hard to tell.
Indeed, yes, it is I Robert Kirk. I bravely plucked myself away from consuming an entire meat loaf that night to tell Fullerton citizens to “go home or go to jail.” Personally, I recommend home as there is a shortage of food in jail. Well, we do have food but we never really have enough if you know what I mean and almost none if it is cooked in hydrogenated vegetable oils. Now, on the streets of Anaheim the other day there was a lot of food. The BaconMania truck was out there. That’s one of our favorites, along with the PorkSausageMania truck and the Green Eggs and Ham truck. Don’t care for the eggs myself, but mmm, that ham. Anyhoo, eye of round is overrated and I prefer T-bones to T-Rack. I like cracking protestor ribs while simultaneously chewing on 3 or 4 St. Louis style ribs. It was fun being out with the horses but they wouldn’t let us roast one and eat it, even though I requested this several times and Barry stabbed one with a fork.
Sorry Robert, I do not see you being fleet-footed enough to catch a protester to break their ribs so we can go ahead and call that myth busted.
Also, as far as rib cracking goes, I do not think their is a meal portion known to man that would even crack your ribs while consuming it. Not that I do not think if there ever was a person that could do it, it would not be you; no, no, no. I just think that you’d be too lazy to rise to such a challenge…as several other challenges that come to mind after observing your “athletic” figure.
Oh come on now people…hot dog eating has been considered a sport.
That’s so hot. Love it. Big gun baby.
He’s wishing that grenade shooter was a nice pork shoulder. Yum!
That picture is both funny and truly sad.
He or she?
Looks like a he, could be a pregnant she but would be one ugly woman. No offense…
He or she?
It is not obvious in your case neither, Golem
Why is the one next to him in blue jeans and uniform shirt holding a baton that’s attached by a cord to the fat ones belt? Can’t afford his own? Why is the fat one carrying two batons? One for each hand? He thinks he’s Bruce Lee using them like nunchucks?
It just looks like it’s attached to the plastic ties lol
But the one in bluejeans and uniform shirt looks like he’s definitely in better shape than the StaPuft marshmallow man from FPD lmao!
I carry two batons because they double as sausage carriers. When I get hungry the ends twist off to access my tasty treats.
isn’t that George Crum? sure looks like him.
Looks more like Harry Crumb?!
How embarrassing! Is this “Fullertons finest”?
LMAO Joe, your stories and jabs are the best.
Too many stops at the donut shop!!!!! Those jelly filled, are SURE YUMMY!!!! See, they don`t have it TOO BAD ALL the time, they have PLENTY of time for those donut shops!!!! As for ”go home or go to jail”, I`ll stay on the sidewalk, & DON`T HAVE TO GO HOME!! Are you afraid I`ll see how violent you are, and probably ….for no reason??!!
How the hell did Officer Slimer pass the physical?
Physical? what physical? OOOOH, you mean the donut eating contest! THAT physical…. well, looks like he completed that performance test with flying colors (most likely raspberry)…. lol
I hate how this “protest” has been infiltrated with the Occutards.
Signs about racial profiling. Killer Cops. Disney funding terrorism.
Please people, get a grip on reality.
Where were all these masses of young people and Occutards for Kelly Thomas?
This protest is a disgrace. They are defending the actions of two criminals, one of which who was firing at police.
I watched youtube videos of the protests from last weekend and noticed a few individuals who stood out. I then drove down to Disneyland on Saturday to checkout the protestors and low and behold, the same people from all the videos.
Get a job, kids.
Stop acting like these shootings are evidence of a police state and martial law. Statements like those are completely ignorant of what martial law really is. And when and if martial law happens- none of these protestors would have the nards to even confront military police.
These are cops protecting buisnesses and homes of the people who live in downtown.
Anaheim does not want occutards from other states and cities flooding in and trashing this city. Stop claiming, “WE ARE ANAHEIM.”
YOU ARE NOT ANAHEIM – you are a movement of youth from an unfortunate generation that lacks jobs, proper education, and opportunites – but that doesn’t mean to come in and screw up our city. That has already happened in several neighborhoods in Anaheim – two of which where the shootings occured. Those are horrid neighborhoods.
Wake up clueless bluehair. First of all, the Answer LA people/Anonymous whatever were all OVER the Fullerton protests.
Second, these shootings and particularly the response to the protests are DEFINITIVE PROOF of a police state.
Sorry you find neighborhoods in your own town “horrid.” And what did you ever do to improve them? Back the badge?
Please go back up to the hills and barricade yourself into your bubble/gated community. Leave the discussion of politics for people who know what they’re talking about.
Very well stated and summarized. This is the feelings of the majority of citizens in Anaheim and the surrounding cities as well.
And you know this how? Canvased the other retirees in your homeowner association in Anaheim Hills?
…Notice how this cop licking piece of garbage left out that the other guy was shot in the hip then back of the head.
Of course these fat sacks of crap also think its perfectly to bash in the head of an unarmed homeless man while he cries for his Dad and says hes sorry.
We ARE IN martial law now! Your communist thug president obummer has already signed THAT executive order. This is a police state! The cops should go to the “horrid” neighborhoods and clean it up! The people need to take back their neighborhoods if they don’t like ’em.
Trust me, the “occutards” as you call them are NOT screwing up the already crappy neighborhoods you have. They may be bringing light to the issue…
downtown is not crappy and the protestors sure did a number on the vons shopping center – looting too. None of this took place with the Kelly Thomas protests.
I don’t live in the hills or am a bluehair. I’m just as young as all the morons who were protesting.
I’m all good for a ripe conspiracy and know all about the FEMA camps and martial law, but this is not even CLOSE.
Did you see any agent provocateurs at the protests?
Yep. I do believe that’s Officer Go Home or Go To Jail.
Now here is an officer who actually needs a “waistband.”
what’s that sticking out from under his Sam Browne?
That dude is a slug.
Is the city of Fullerton being reimbursed by the city of Anaheim for the officers that are provided to them?
What’s the hourly rate for a grossly out-of-shape Corporal?
Is this overtime?
Are we so overstaffed here in Fullerton PD that we can outsource manpower?
Are we as a city liable for that officers actions while they’re working for Anaheim?
Yes all overtime. Mutual aid agreements. Costing millions. Yes liable. Part of business. All north OC cities send a squad everyday. F the police. F APD. F the world.
FTW – said by smart people never.
Yes all overtime. Mutual aid agreements. Costing millions. Yes liable. Part of business. All north OC cities send a squad everyday. F the police. F APD. F the world.
You are one nutty po-po!
I think I need a psych eval lol
The squad they send every day sound like they are police personnel which are expendable.
Suggest that we cut the manpower rate for next years police budget by this amount.
That Cop must be 49. Chiefy and Sarge gave him the OT duty. Spike baby spike. That’s the way of the Broterhood.
Any excuse for our boys in blue to show off their toys, flex their stuffin’ and COLLECT THAT OVERTIME.
Is this the same guy?
Oh God no please, that looks worse than a political cartoon.
FPDumpty probably falls over a lot, at least you can roll him to where you need him.
Steroids mislabled, 100X overdosed and puffy.
I’m not here to promote the Orange Juice Blog, nor to get into any arguments with people here, but the Fullerton Police Department was assisting Anaheim over the past weekend. They had a vehicle stationed in the parking lot on the south side of Glover Stadium at La Palma Park, which is just a stone’s throw away from your city. I’m not certain about this, but I believe they use this truck when they deploy their S.W.A.T. team, although I suppose it could substitute as a command post as well. I took a photograph of it sitting next to two other armored cars. It’s the white van on your right. There is a blue tent canopy with several folding chairs behind it. Can’t miss it.
If you want to see for yourself how massive the law enforcement operation was in Anaheim, please check out some of the other photos I took:
And for your info, there were several S.W.A.T. teams patrolling the protests, of which one I believe was Fullerton’s. That’s something you can ask your city officials about.
Minor correct: I meant to say that Fullerton Police had a vehicle stationed in the parking lot on the north side of Glover Stadium. Sorry about that.
Mr. Roberts, that’s the Fullerton PD lunch truck cleverly disguised as a mobile command center. The BaconMANIA co-branding opportunity was dropped in favor of the more subtle black-and-white design.
Awesome display of resources. Imagine the millions of dollars per day these protests are costing? These cops will make $200k a year no problem at this rate. They are loving life.
They are loving fast food, that’s for sure.
It is not very difficult to imagine that about 70% of the $200k in question is going straight to “appetite expenses” of most of these guys.
How nice, shoot an unarmed dude every couple of weeks and cha-ching. So law enforcement is the only career field in the world where the more you fuck up, the more money you make.
How many people in the armed forces get overtime?
Answer: Zero.
Is being a police officer the same as being in the military?
Answer. No where close. Most people answer that here daily because being a cop is so easy and not dangerous at all.
Good try though.
That’s my point. Those that are in the military have no “horse in the race” so to speak, and thus have only altruistic motivations to squelch a conflict, rather than labor to keep the conflict alive as we have witnessed the police do through acts of provocation with the protesters.
I think we’re saying the same thing, just singing it in a different key.
“And for your info, there were several S.W.A.T. teams patrolling the protests, of which one I believe was Fullerton’s”…….. Hmmmmmm
These were Chief Paul Walters SAPD13!
They kill even mother in front of her crying 18 month daughter Syrian execution stile.
The SAPD13 is Walters’/ Pulido’s death squad. The most brutal force in Santa Ana assembled from the rehabilitated Santa Ana’s lumpenproletariat.
Speaking about the police state, Paul Walters is City Manager and Police Chief so as a manager he levy tax, Mayor Pulido puts his signature on it and then Walters dispatches his SAPD13 death-squad to collect the levy.
More brilliant than any cartel ever.
Good point Duane. I suggest we ask city council the following:
1. Do we have an agreement to provide police personnel or equipment?
2. Who foots the bill for this?
3. Who makes the decision as to whether we are going to send them people/resources?
Ask them. Answers are:
1). Yes. Mutual aid agreement.
2). Fullerton does. Other cities foot the bill when Fullerton calls for mutual aid as they did a few times during the Kelly Thomas protests.
3). Chief and City Council signed a mutual aid agreement. It can be reviewed again but all cities and all counties always have mutual aid agreements in place.
“It can be reviewed again but all cities and all counties always have mutual aid agreements in place”………. Hmmmmmm
….. in addition to the Department of Homeless Security which dictates such agreements and if necessary the FBI help with tanks to burn Anaheim down same like Wako Texas.
For God sakes. Look at that fricken oinker! Disgusting. Imagine that oinker trying to chase down a crook on the street. He’d probably collapse after 15 yards from exhaustion. IMO he has no business being a cop. Shameful. Is he protected by the “Fat Boy Bill of Rights”?
“He’d probably collapse after 15 yards from exhaustion”……….. Hmmmmm
That is why they must shoot to kill in back.
Which is probably what happened in the Diaz shooting.
He ran, cop lost his temper cause he couldn’t keep up, so he shot him using that BS coptalk template, “he was reaching for his waistband”.
I think that’s FPOA union goon Robert Kirk.
That’s Fullerton Police Officer’s Association (FPOA) Vice-President, Robert Kirk sucking up overtime for a pension spike. He’s the very same officer that accepted the hero medal from FPOA apologist, Chief Dan Hughes…
page 8 of 20 or type in “Kirk” in the “find” box once the file downloads…
* historical footnote :
Robert Kirk was also the Officer standing next to FPOA President Barry Coffman when he was handing out tickets to honking motorists in last years honking video at the Kelly Thomas protests/
Correction…The picture on page 8 of 20 is of the same officer (Robert Kirk) that’s shown in this post, however it was Offficer Bova that accepted the medal erroneously.
I don’t think overtime counts toward pension spiking.
Of course these fat sacks of crap also think its perfectly to bash in the head of an unarmed homeless man while he cries for his Dad and says hes sorry.
No, I don’t think that.
Nice try though.
Y’all missed the point of sending a tub of lard like that into a street protest. A dozen of those doughboys charging at full speed will scare the crap out of the majority of liberal protesters who are typically fed on granola and soy juice, so they’re easily overcome. It’s like bowling for dollars – the pins go down, and the fines roll into the PD coffers.
Maybe the cop’s physique serves a purpose. He might be a human door buster used on search warrants. They knock and announce and then the cop gets a running start from about 10 yards out with a couple of his buddies pushing him from behind and BOOM – he flattens the door so the others can rush in. That way he can write off his donut purchases at the end of the year as a business expense.
LOL JustUs. Yes they have uses. Most are desk cops or detectives. Hard to work patrol once you get too fat. If its a chick god help her husband lol
they are all just trying to spike their pensions. they love it when these things happens. pigs
True to a point. The cops don’t have a choice in times like Anaheim. They are ordered. So ordered to make overtime. They love it. Most PDs don’t get pension spikes for overtime though. Last final year not including overtime.
Anaheim: home to Disneyland, the Honda Center and Anaheim Ducks hockey team, Angels baseball team and other revenue sources for the city. Also home to real people who live and work in this city and who actually die when unarmed and shot from behind
50% of Anaheim City revenue comes from the bed tax. Anaheim must defend that tax or the house of cards collapses. Other cities like Fullerton should get out of sending any mutual aid to Anaheim as they are a tinder box waiting to explode. The City must defend the huge revenues from various agreements like parking, etc. with those large corporations.
Why should Fullerton be involved with them? Leave Anaheim out. Other cities are not controlled by large corporate needs. Lets make Fullerton the Happiest place on earth, instead of Anaheim!
This is going to have long term ramifications to Anaheim’s tourism industry. If the city of Anaheim and its PD cant get their arms around this thing and fix the problems, its reputation will end up like Beirut. Anaheim has a problem and shooting rubber bullets and intimidating protesters is not the solution. To the credit of news media, the fear mongering coverage will keep untold countless visitors from visiting the city hitting them hard in the wallet. The light the news media is casting the demonstrations in is extremely sordid. Both sides are digging in and when this happens a solution becomes out of reach. We are dealing with a very tense situation here. It is never too late to do the right thing Anaheim.
That is one fat bastard. A cop really? Fullerton is hurting.
This is the same guy in the background at 1:45 into the tape of the FPD cracking down on the people honking their horns in support of the Kelly Thomas protesters…
Is that the point when they switched to the wide angled lens?
It looks like Greg Diamond in a policemans costume!
Aside from the obvious reasons for outrage, does the FPD have no fitness standards?
Maybe the city council should establish fitness qualifications, something along the lines of bootcamp in the Corps, and fire any cop that fails to meet them in say 90 days? Probably easier on everybody to disband the department.
Based on personal observation – some (possibly many) cities do not require fitness qualifications after the initial hiring of the LEO and/or FF.
Just as follow up psych evals are not required…
It’s also one thing to be large but muscular/in good condition – this fellow is large and sloppy; he obviously has no working stomach muscles or he would have tried “sucking” his stomach in to appear (very) marginally fit. Nor does he seem to take any pride in his physical appearance – wonder if he tried hitting on the photographer…
I’m thinking 300+ without any equipment…………
I was watching the video of the cops on horseback yelling at protesters: “Back! Do it motherfucker!” He literally ran his horse into that protester.
And the thought occurred to me “Hmmm … I wonder how those horses would react to the sound of a rattlesnake up close?”
Horses have an innate fear of rattlesnakes. A handheld shaking rattler or a recording of an actual rattlesnake might be protection against one of those cops who goes berserk and tries to plow over the protesters.
Here’s a selection of rattlesnake recordings:
Please post a link to the video you’re talking about.
I was hopping between HuffPo and Rawstory and a few others, I don’t remember which link had it, but I think it was an ABC embedded link.
If I can find it again I’ll post it here.
If every protester had the sound of a rattlesnake on their iphone etc. and began playing it all at the same time it would create a din of the sound of a den of rattlesnakes preparing to strike – my guess is those horses wouldn’t like that.
Then again, the horses are trained. Maybe they’d go “Oh, yeah – right! Stupid fuckers! Naaaayyy!”
You know how our media likes to show us video of how messed up the Middle East is? Well now the Middle East media is showing video of how messed up Southern California policing is.
This FPD is ok, he’s got a sun visor for his little friend, and his feet are also protected. But looks like his clothes are painful.
And Viagra makes his guy come out for a suntan.
Travis / FCC please buy a LARGE scale so we can do weigh in on this fat @ss and start docking his / their pay every LB over the limit wow what a bunch of fat, lazy, arrogant, over paid city employees, pathetic.
What about a crane or a forklift or something to transport the corpulent officers onto the scale? Or onto the backs of horses for that matter. Maybe we can get a DHS grant for that.
Greg Diamond, your input please. This brings out an interesting question. Would it be considered discrimination to have police officers have to abide by weight standards?
It would depend on whether there was a rational basis for them or not. If, for example, a city was using minimum weight standards to keep women off of the force, despite that they could do the job, then they could be a problem. But being above a certain weight is not itself the sort of “suspect class” (like gender, race religion, etc.) that would cause a law to face a higher level of scrutiny.
Hey dope, he’s talking about BMI.
Rational Basis:
Get into car
Get out of car
Apprehend suspect by running after and catching, not having to shoot in the back to stop
Run at all say more that 100 yrds
Push ups
Pull ups
Physical exercise at all with out going in to cardiac arrest or turning blue out of breath
Climb stairs without stopping at each landing
Squat and get back up without 2 or 3 buddies pulling up
Squat without the crack of fat ass showing as pants pull down and shirt pulls up
I won’t mention real exercise as I said earlier like in Corps boot camp as that would drive most of them straight into a heart attack or coma, even those in their twenties.
Crack rules. Plumbers crack is normal for people over 40. Ha
Okay, thanks. I was just curious about that.
I uderstand that everyone disagrees and thinks I’m from another time, BUT, I don’t think women have any place on the front lines be it police, fire, or military. Most don’t have the size to deal with even slight men, without recourse to the deadly threat of a weapon. The reason most if not all women (for those in LE females) are successful is that most men treat them like ladies and don’t fight them as they might a man (for those in LE males).
Evidently there’s a test for wannabe OC cops. If you’re not obese, stupid, lazy and corrupt, you don’t get the job.
Here are a few highlights of video shot on July 29 that show the police response to the protests disorganized and occasionally brutal. Times are elapsed time of the video.
1:00:15 – Cop yelling “Do it! Do it! Do it motherfucker!”
1:01:45 – Cop shoving protesters with horse
1:03:15 – Horse freaking out
1:17:25 – Interview with Anaheim native expressing frustration
1:22:35 – Reporter asking cop which direction to disperse, cop ignores question.
1:23:20 – Horses pushing people on sidewalk
1:28:15 – Reporter suggests cops stay put while protesters disperse
1:37:40 – Man rubs face in horse manure
This is a U-Stream video at the bottom of the story here:
Well this comment is disinfo central.
I don’t see a cop yelling do it motherfucker sounds like it came from the crowd and all I see are idiots coming up to the cops on the horses.
And hello tards! These people are in the street! You aren’t allowed to be in the street. This isn’t a fucking parade. The “reporter” asks where to disperse and the cop answers and point.
The only factual thing is the crazy man eating the horse shit. Something the protestors should take note of.
Who authorized Fullerton PD to send the “swat” team and the black armored truck? Mutual aid is one thing but sending equipment and cops dressed for war is another. This is bullshit way to for Fullerton cops to bill the city for overtime. And why in the hell did we send some fat slobs of a cop who is sopose to be representing city who counldnt run the mile in under three days? Cops were just looking to bash some poor dudes skull in, and then Fullerton would be liable. I thought the city counsel’s was in charge of the cops now?
They wish. They will never control the cops. Thats why they hire a Chief. They might think they will someday but that’s the smoke and mirrors show. Kinda like the new council.
The SWAT team was probably North Orange County SWAT – formed by Brea, Fullerton, La Habra and Placentia in 2000 or so. Corporal “look at all my goodies (and all the goodies I’ve eaten)” is probably not part of that team – they demand more fitness of their members than he exhibits.
Not sure who is the lead agency on North OC SWAT, but that would have been who Anaheim called on for assistance.
I have a feeling the lead agency is Brea PD – if only because I’ve seen the SWAT truck parked there on multiple occasions…
Wake up!!! Why would you even think, somebodies in charge? This City has a long road ahead of it. Just because we got rid of the 3 old dumb asses, does not mean we might have ended up with 3 younger dumb asses.
Fire the police chief then for the hideous waste of equipment and overtime. Normal cops in cars would be fine. Cops are not sopose to be trying to escalate and inrage the public in a peaceful protest.
Cops can not tell anyone to go home or go to jail unless maritial law has been declared. Well technically they can, but considering the number of lawsuits they’re already facing/paying, it would not be too smart on their part.
Sopose = Supposed
Okay, so here’s the deal. There are fat people who do good jobs. So don’t think I’m being overtly discriminatory. However, someone out of shape is more likely to get hurt. The get hurt, they have to go on disability. Then we’re down a cop, others get over time, we’re stuck paying that bill –and on top of it, for the fat cops medical and disability as well.
I’m disgusted that obesity is even tolerated. But then, they tolerate thuggish brutality, so we really shouldn’t be surprised.
Maybe the new logo of the future Fullerton PD should be a Fat Caliper.
Hormone levels are going to be way off. Especially Testosterone, Testos. and Estrogen levels are what differentiates a man from a woman. Being very overweight, excessive eating, not excercising, are big factors, just older age can reduce levels 50%.
“Low testosterone is a common condition that often goes undiagnosed because its symptoms are similar to other conditions. If you have type 2 diabetes, you are twice as likely to suffer from low testosterone as a man without diabetes.”
Identifying Low Testosterone: The ADAM Questionnaire
(Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male)
If you are experiencing a lack of interest or desire in sexual activity, take the ADAM questionnaire and share it with your doctor. If you answer yes to questions 1 or 7 or any 3 other questions, you may have low testosterone and you should see your doctor
1. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)? Yes No
2. Do you have a lack of energy? Yes No
3. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance? Yes No
4. Have you lost height? Yes No
5. Have you noticed a decreased “enjoyment of life” Yes No
6. Are you sad and/or grumpy? Yes No
7. Are your erections less strong? Yes No
8. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports Yes No
9. Are you falling asleep after dinner? Yes No
10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance? Yes N
About 80% of Americas health care costs are “FROM LIFESTYLE CHOICES”, not good ones like smoking and overeating.
July 5th 2011, was the day after the big BBQ day, always thought that was a big factor. (Low hormone levels, BAD sugar levels, irritability and aggressiveness, Aging adrenaline junkies and sadists needed monitoring not a FIX!!!)
“5. Have you noticed a decreased “enjoyment of life” Yes No
6. Are you sad and/or grumpy? Yes No” 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Protesters who are going to be marching down city streets need all the pizzazz they can muster to really make an impression! Chanting slogans is SO 20th Century! Be all you can be, and MORE with the scent of animal urine!
Mountain Lion, Wild Boar Sow, Skunk, Bear Sow – these are just SOME of the scents you can proudly wear to any protest that tells everyone “I’m mad as hell, and I smell like shit!” without having to actually rub your face in a pile of horseshit.
Order your animal urine scent TODAY and really make an impression on your fellow protesters!
Hey Travis how about some fitness standards for our cops?
That fat-ass holding the fucking grenade launcher is actually a sworn officer?! LOL! What an insult to the uniform. I know this isn’t a fashion show but get fat-ass off the streets and let him work the jail or something.
The brave warrior in the picture is merely mirroring Fullerton standards. Anybody been to Costco, lately?
He is not “That fat-ass holding the fucking grenade launcher is actually a sworn officer?! LOL! What an insult to the uniform”. There are officers out there that murder homeless people, fabricate evidence, lie under oath, make threats “these hands are getting ready to f%ck you up, and then expect the public to respect them. The police of today have absolutely NO honor or integrity.
Oh my! There’s a workers comp claim just waiting to happen. Just like many pensions, that bely buckle can’t sustain the pressure.
seriously, this guy will do ten years and have some weight related injury and retire with a disability claim.
Or even worse he holding at gun point some bad guys and slips because his knees can’t hold his weight and fire one off, his back up follows and then they all say that the bad guys were reaching for their waistband.