Hail to the Creep

Back after a month in eastern Nevada, I picked up some information about Fullerton’s cop union president.
We first met Barry Coffman on these pages as the carb-packing ticket writer for “excessive horning,” a charge made up by the FPD as tickets were being handed out to honest citizens honking their horns in support of Kelly Thomas murder protesters outside the Fullerton Police Station. That strategy was organized by then Captain “Danny” Hughes who got to act as both bad cop and good cop all by himself by thoughtfully tearing up the tickets he himself had ordered handed out. Hughes and Coffman. What a team.
But back to the egregious Coffman, himself.
I have it on good authority that Coffman was re-elected as head man of the Fullerton Police Officer’s Association, proving that being an otiose fathead who won’t even stick up for one of his own members is no obstacle to leadership in the FPOA.
Coffman had no opponent; apparently another cop challenged Coffman and was told he couldn’t run without naming a Vice President candidate. Whether or not such nonsense is actually memorialized in the FPOA by-laws in anybody’s guess, but I would bet not. Yes, the FPOA resembles nothing so much as a small, corrupt banana republic.
DOUBLE YAWN. Why should anyone give a damn about the inter-workings of FPOA?
-because the inner workings of the FPOA affect the outer workings of the FPD and even the make up of the council which affects us all.
FPOA’s mission is to look out for the wefare of its members. They don’t give a crap about the welfare of their employer, the city and its residents. They think it will all work out in the long run — just give me mine!
Our representatives are the Council. The focus should be on who they are and what they do. Worrying about FPOA is like playing with the cockroaches.
REALLY Shimon that opinion comes from personal knowledge about unions?
YES the FPOA’s mission is to look out for their members not management, EXACTLY!!!!
Guess you have missed the fact by all REASONABLE appearances that the FPOA is looking out for management.
Giving the MERE appearance of looking out for the members DOES NOT cut the mustard.
Maybe I’m wrong here, but I would think that all FPOA is supposed to do is look out for members interests.
You are mistaken about the FPOAs goals – for the moment. In the short-run Coffman fears that if he doesn’t circle the wagons with Danny Boys and a helpful council, a lot more shit is going to come a-tumblin’ out.
It’s about the getting the quick settlements, I assure you.
Yes, it all falls under the heading ‘looking out for members interests’. They don’t care how empty city coffers get.
FPOA’s mission is to look out for the welfare of it’s members. Are you kidding? What happened to 3 that were not supported and thrown under the bus. I wish I was a fly on the wall the day they decided to do this and why.
They were sacrificed for the ‘greater good’, in other words what keeps the status quo (which is pretty damn good).
Here’s a starter course for you Shimon Mendel. When your done reading that piece by former Presidentof the FPOA, Andrew Goodrich. Then maybe you could explain to the rest of us why 98% of the $50,000.00 raised for Jan Flory’s campaign for a $7,500 a year job came from the FPOA?
Wake up Shimon Mendel before it’s too late!
$45,000 plus the hush money for Lira for a few extra months to keep his lips sealed was all that was required to keep $37,000,000 flowing annually from the taxpayers pockets into the city’s coffers. What a deal. The potency of the fluoride in Fullerton’s water is absolutely mind blowing.
Because she will be expected to look out for FPOA member interests. This isn’t brain surgery. It’s simple local politics that is driven by money. You hope the council members will have a highercalling, but many times they don’t. Our loss.
“Gluttony, derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste. In some Christian denominations, it is considered one of the seven deadly sins—a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy.” -Wikipedia
JUST for starters.
Because it is the FPOA by their action or inaction that supports the corruption from within.
Their action, attack Benjamin Lira who has blown the whistle on what is REALLY going on.
FPOA’s inaction by ALL realistic UNION goals or mission statements, failure to OPENLY support the defendants charged with crimes and DENOUNCING Hughes actions of FIRST supporting the actions of those cops on the night of July 5th, then 4 weeks later throwing them under the bus.
Action by FPOA according to commentary right here on FFFF saying NOT ONE WORD about how FPD management SCREWED up, but SUGGESTING that DA T-RACK filed a bogus case against the officers.
So Shimon if you need me to use a CRAYON to write out what is going on JUST from the trolls from FPD let me know.
I am here for even the most handicapped of indivduals who still enjoy a glass of FPD kool-aid.
Question Shimon, YOU shining Coffman’s boots before or after you post?
Guess you forgot while your head was up Danny’s butt about how the FPOA poured in the money support the 3 Amigos anti recall.
You FPD guy are obvious, it’s tuff when you been a cop for 20 years and all you have done is bust tweekers and think your ready to argue with those who have already been there done that.
It’s a REAL bitch bro.
That coming from you ACU is funny. They could all medical stress retire like you? What a pussy you are.
Barney we could easily settle that issue.
What kind of person are you? I disagree with your postion and you think my head is up Coffman’s ass.
Really, isn’t that a bit simple minded of you?
Political scientists take note of all branches of government, all appointments, and all significant policy positions.
“Yes, the FPOA resembles nothing so much as a small, corrupt banana republic.” or spin-off of Fullerton’s old regime, Jones, Bankhead and McKinley
When are you going to learn that FPOAs money is endless and Tony’s is gone? FPOA wins. Didn’t you hear the door hit you in the ass!
It’s all making sense now. I’m on payroll til this Friday and forbidden from being on city property. Silenced for a recall, an election and now the possibly appointment of Hughes. When this is all said and done he will be no better then our former disgraced sheriff. And when the PD begins to implode his Jaramillo, George Crum, will turn on him too!!! Sad, sad, sad
The FPD can’t admit to any real guilt in anything they have done. This is to be expected do to the extreme overlapping relationships of the people that work there. They have no separation of right and wrong, they have no concept of reality because they live in a corrupt fantasy. It is a fantasy they have created and control. It will never make sense to good people. We don’t live in a reality where it’s acceptable to murder, rape and steal. They beat Kelly to death with attitudes of complete power and the ability to turn it into a fantasy they could live with, then try to sell to the people of the world.
It is the sickest thing I have ever seen, a true slap in the face to all that is sacred.
But this is not over by a long shot.
The voice of truth will prevail and triumph over the cowards that live to destroy our country.
Why do people think lira was silenced?? If he wanted to talk he would talk!! No one can make him or anyone else not talk!! So for anyone to say he was silenced is BS!! 4715 Dorinda Rd. Just like they can’t silence anyone at the department! If lira wanted to talk at anytime he could have!
Ooooh! Someone’s been on lexisnexis. Scary!
Do you seriously think people are still intimidated by you thugs posting addresses?
but I bet his admin leave would have cut short
That address was not for anyone that was an accidental cut and paste! There is no conspiracy!
Sounds easy when you are not the one with something to lose. It took a police lieutenant in Memphis seven years to raise doubts about his boss. Ultimately, that innitiated the House Select Committee on Assassinations
Why do people feel lira is the victim?? Wasn’t he the one that helped bailed out Ramos?? He supported Ramos and all 6 until things didn’t go his way, now he plays to all the crazy ffffers and is trying to get their support! And of course the ffffers so easly forget and now think lira is on their side! Really?? Oh wait squirrel! Oh look over there……. Oh ya he’s on our side! Read between the lines! 17 years and now he says something?? Why not ask him why he waited? He was promoted! Now he has a problem when things aren’t going his way!!! People …… Fffers read between the lines and the BS!
This is not two-party politics. There is not one side or the other. It does not work that way.
Anonymass O’ Coffman
Thank you to all the officers who were at all the Fullerton schools this morning to ensure our childrens’ safety.
Can’t any of the good they do ever be recognized here?
I haven’t noticed any FPD goons thanking ME for going to work every day to do my job so I can pay the taxes that support their exorbitant pay and benefits and pensions.
I had more of a “Cannibal Island”, vision in mind.
Put some bones and a grass skirt on that fat piggy!!! CASE CLOSED!!!
OOPS wrong quote on last.
I wonder if det. Coffman and Neal Kelly have gone out for coffee?
“Hail to the Creep”……….. Hmmmmm
Folks this is Creepy from the Orange Juice Blog.
This Tatar Greg Diamond aka Golem comes here and enjoys a freedom to publish his crapola and no one is editing it.
I have made the following innocent statement at OJB:
If you want to intelligently debate this issue you must stop using your left liberal politically correct talking points.
This genetic misfit Golem modified it as follows:
If you want to intelligently debate this issue you must scratch my belly first and make me purr.
We are dealing with really sick, sick, individual who definitely should be disarmed before he will hurt someone.
See http://www.orangejuiceblog.com/2012/12/if-newtown-changed-everything-so-that-now-we-can-talk-lets-define-our-terms/comment-page-1/#comment-273279
Stanley Fiala,
You have to admit that Greg Diamond does sort of resemble what Garfield would look like if he were a left-leaning lawyer.
Just saying…
I think, that would be offensive to Garfield.
I am picturing him more like Joker if he were a left-leaning lawyer who just ate whole kosher pig.
You mean James Garfield? Maybe a little.
Fuck Flory and her standard bulllshit…she is the paid lobby for the corrupt fuck tards, you people call cops..they aint cops, no cop in good standing would spend one second here working. Just ask..FOOLerton is a joke. ALways has been, chock full of over educated idiots who are socially retarded,and belong to churches that preach PROSPERITY, not human kindness,not your brothers keeper. nope..money…fullerton is SALEMS lot. Fuckin bunch of cross wearing ass holes who pull human sacrifices, and get rewarded. Isnt that sweet?Yeah and then we get to go to slimebar and celebrate. What a joke.
East of drake,
You say over educated???? But I thought all of Fullerton pd were just a bunch of GED cops? Isn’t that what all the fffers say??? Why so angry?? Maybe you need to go to church!!!
East of Drake. You are absolutely fucking correct on every point.
Except East of Drake was talking about the citizens. This fantasy of punishing the Police has to stop. It’s non-productive and it’s an insult to the many good Police officers who are out there and there are many out there. There was a lot of good energy out there for the cause of reform but it got mis-directed and it imploded. It’s a star that turned into a supernova.
“Fullerton is SALEMS lot”? In what respect, Charlie?
Plant fruit trees.
The guy our best customer. Leave alone.
Coffman is a dirtbag pig who is a little panzy with out his badge.
I’d could knock him out with one punch.
Chris, and the powers that back Coffman could tie your windpipe into a knot with one arm tied behind the back. Get a little perspective.
It’s low on the list of things needing improvement in the FPD, but they seem severely lacking in fitness standards.
Being overweight has a really negative effect on your aura.
Yeah kill a homeless guy to death in front of witnesses, and we all have our panties in a bunch? seriously? Fuck cops, I dont want those fuckers near anyones kids. Maybe Debby VIveros kid, yeah they can have that poor kid that is so fucked up, they can have him, he has not one chance of being normal…not one. So there you have it Viveros retarded kid, or cops.. I take neither.
So Barry Coughman got re-elected as union president. That is not news. That is expected!
I wonder if “Barry” is short for “Bariatrics”?
” The smart cockroaches RUN!!!!”