Here’s an E-mail To The City Manager Accusing Cops of Drinking At Lunch

A Friend forwarded this e-mail purportedly sent to Fullerton City Manager Joe Felz. Personally, I don’t mind having a beer or four for lunch before returning to the gun store, but I don’t wear a badge.


Subject: Misconduct on oct 18th

Mr Felz,

Please look into allegations that officers of the Fullerton police attended a training class on Oct. 18th, Tuesday and during their lunch break drank beers at Roscoe’s in Fullerton before returning to training.

Officers drank beer in front of LT Crum and his Sgt’s and none of them took any action for this obvious policy violation..

I apologize for the anonymous email, but I’m afraid of retaliation.

Bottoms up!

90 Replies to “Here’s an E-mail To The City Manager Accusing Cops of Drinking At Lunch”

  1. Let me guess? They never received a response back from either the City Manager or a representative from the police department?

  2. Cal Trans gets away with it…. why not the badge boys. We all know a drunk cop gets a pass unless the CHP gets him.

  3. You mean the newly appointed LT Geo Crum? The one that is a 20+year FPO under the direction and grooming of Pat McKinely? Say it isn’t so.

    1. Are you talking about the recently promoted LT. and now newly appointed CAPT. Geo Crum whose promotions started when his sister, an FPD officer, was one of their captain’s girlfriend? Is this the same Capt. Crum who plans to promote his sister to Sergeant and had promoted one of his bff-officers who was a criminal defendant in San Bernardino Superior Court? Nepotism? Corruption? No shame? Say it isn’t so.

  4. We love beers, big ones, n wings, n ranch, n burgers, n donuts, n pot pies, n ribs, n sticks of butter, n cake, n ice cream, n French fry’s…. It gives us energy to kick innocent people’s asses n the beer gives us the courage to beat people us in front of people n cameras

  5. Training class? Would that be the new mental illness sensitivity class that was mandated by the interim chief? Sounds like they’re taking it very seriously.

    1. Wouold he have done anything about it if he had gotten it?

      Well, he might have contacted Patdown Pat McKinley.

      1. I don’t know. He’s usually proactive about answering e-mails, but taking action on anything is another story.

  6. I think your source sent you this email to discredit you.

    From now on I would look very carefully at any information coming to make sure its accurate and doesn’t contain any “easter eggs” before posting.

  7. If true that should be 10 days suspended for the lower ranking cops and termination for the Lt and Sgt.

    But nothing will happen. These misfits are untouchable until the new City Council is seated. Then SHTF. You could hire Pinkerton guards and they would outperform these circus clowns.

      1. Wake up Anonymous. The Fullerton voters just recalled a few of the rats’ asses and handed them to you on a silver platter!!

        NOW, the FPD badge wearing rats’ asses are beginning to scurry and worry about their rapidly sinking ship. The FPD’s cozy relationship with the bars/restaurants will surely be terminated, just as surely as Kelly Thomas was terminated.

        We know you don’t care about the FPD rats’ asses lack of ethics or morals, murdering, sexually abusing, stealing, lying, perjuring, drinking on the job, doing favors for your friends who comp your meals and booze, -so the good people of Fullerton have had to step in. We’ll be handing you more rats’ asses shortly. You’re wrong if you think we don’t care.

  8. * It is beyond belief that the LAPD brass is considering firing Officer Jay Cicinelli, the policeman who lost an eye in an on-duty gunfight (Sept. 30). He should be given a medal, a bonus and a promotion. He put his life on the line to protect the citizens of our city, exactly what he was sworn to do when he got his badge, and he paid a terrible price.

  9. As a workplace lawyer, I am sure Counsler Diamond can explain why this was perfectly acceptable behavior. It likely will include the fact that they are members of a protected class: FPOA and as mere taxpayers we don’t have the intelligence to understand the responsibility of society to accept and even PAY for this kind of activity.

    He’ll go on to say something like: Police unions are in place to proctect officers from punitive city council members like the “Bushla majority”

    Somebody lift up the rock for these bugs to crawl back under!

  10. A witch-hunt is a search for witches or evidence of witchcraft, often involving moral panic, mass hysteria and lynching, but in historical instances also legally sanctioned and involving official witchcraft trials. The classical period of witchhunts in Europe and North America falls into the Early Modern period or about 1480 to 1750, spanning the upheavals of the Reformation and the Thirty Years’ War, resulting in an estimated 40,000 to 60,000 executions.[1]

      1. That is precisely why we cant sit around and suck our thumbs in the fetal position in front of 300 channels on the idiot box like the satanic scumbags that run things want us to. Wake up everyone! We are not in Kansas anymore. Bill of Rights-learn and know them-Constitution-read and understand it. Your legal rights-get versed in them-Get healthy and wake up -our children and their children’s future depend on WHAT WE DO NOW-these folks mean business-look how they roll gang.

    1. Maybe you have missed the point of my post. Hollis Dugan and “peaches” got it.

      And that’s the cozy relationship some of the cops in the FPD have with the saloon owners in downtown Fullerton, and yes, include Slidebar on that list. If you know what I mean.

  11. Cozy relationship with saloons? Tuco says if you gonna shoot, shoot straight! Drinking on duty (yes they were on duty), is simply not allowable in any quality police force. Time to toughen up the standards, start reviewing what is allowable and punish the miscreants. FPD don’t like that? Go elsewhere! Lots of other police forces would love to have you. Try and find a job!

    1. When cops go to conferences, they are supposively on duty. And they go sign in for classes, drink all day go back and sign out. Happens all he time. So that’s the the name game. Nothing will happen. They were not drinking and driving a cop car. They walked to Roscoe’s.

      1. They walked to the bar?! my guess is they were wearing shoes too. Thanks for the intel Mr Doe.
        Is this in the Gennaco report? for effective procedure training, cops must walk to the bar when on duty, not drive.

  12. Can’t wait to hear from Felz, it will go something like:
    “…We are going to let the investigative process take its course and not rush to judgment. I have talked to these officers and your opinions will change when the evidence comes out…”
    What’s a few pops among these though guys? How else will they be able to cope with putting their lives on the line beating the homeless and college kids?

  13. When cops go to conferences they do the same thing. Go in and sign in they go and drink all day, come back to class and sign out. These cops were on lunch from possibly a class at the PD. Walked to Roscoe’s had a beer with lunch and walked back. Nothing will happen. They were not driving a cop car or in uniform. Get over it.

    1. So I guess policies don’t mean anything. Follow some, others aren’t as important.

      I feel bad for you. Integrity is something I’m sure you would enjoy.

  14. Mr. Doe, What is more difficult than being a FPD apologist? When the whole city is looking to the FPD to show accountability and toe the line the fellas go have a few pops while involved in police business. It’s not OK and we won’t get over it. REPLACE THE FPD!!! They just don’t care and cost way too much.

  15. Nothing corrupt about drinking on the job, huh Barry? Especially if the Supervisor is condoning it! The OCSD looks better and better everyday.

  16. We can even get a bidding war going. Brea, Anaheim and the OCSD would all love to help us. This also tells the one we select they need to step up as there are two replacement suitors in the wings. Market forces will drive the prices down. Currently the FPD is given a budget. They know if they don’t use it all they get less next year so they are motivated to spend everything and then tell the city they need more (and certainly not less). Market forces are the exact opposite. All are motivate to come in the lowest and keep the renewal costs down or be replaced. They will also understand why we got rid of the FPD and appreciate conduct is paramount. Conduct can be their doom as it will be that of the FPD.

  17. Why don’t they just put beer vending machines at the Precinct and make Fullerton cops immune from driving patrol cars while drunk unless their BAC is over 3.0?

    That seems to be appropriate for those who are immune from prosecution for lying on the stand, fondling women in the backseat of a patrol car, fudging reports, partaking in a homicide that was clearly an act of murder, etc.

  18. John Doe :When cops go to conferences, they are supposively on duty. And they go sign in for classes, drink all day go back and sign out. Happens all he time. So that’s the the name game. Nothing will happen. They were not drinking and driving a cop car. They walked to Roscoe’s.

    More genious writings from our resident tree sap, John Doe.
    My favorite: supposively

    You are not very intelijent JD!!! LOL

    1. ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

      1. And I say that John Doe (Cicinelli) is a MURDERER. I can’t wait until you take the stand and try to tell the D.A., the jury, and the judge that they’re all “drama queens.” Nah, you won’t do that; you’re a COWARD who only feels brave when you’re using a Taser to murder someone.

  19. This site is if for the clueless drones who will believe anything on the web, an anonymous informant sending an email to an incorrect email address, unbelievable. You don’t want facts or source information to fill up your brains.
    Even if it is true so what! Grown men having a beer at lunch…Oh my God what is this country coming to. All of you self-righteous anonymous bloggers get over yourselves!

    1. Mr. Felz, is that you??? So a blogger known as “Anonymous” attacks blogers for being anonymous, wow.

    2. 66% of the voters got it clown. I’d say your upset your going to be passing out spoons at central jail soon if you have a job at all.

      Grown men having a beer on the company clock who have guns and badges, a fine example of we will because we can.

      1. WHAT!?! Did you mean to write you’re (i.e. you are) rather than the possessive pronoun “your”. English professor, please give it another shot so I can understand what you are attempting to say.

      2. Dear Anon (posting #51) I thought any city employee returning to their workplace after consuming any alcohol was subject to disciplinary action. Just like coming to work with alcohol on their breath.

        1. Yes you are correct, I was being sarcastic to those who thinks it’s no big deal to consume alcohol while actually on company time, especially cops.

    3. Clueless armed drones will be what replaces the FPD and most local law enforcement someday soon unless we wake up and take back local control and continually scrutinize the grants with 100 miles of silly string connected to them. Oh the irony of your statement. I digress. I am not clueless nor are the rest of us. The truly clueless and their fan club have 30 days left to build a dais over at the fox theater and order some black corinthian leather chairs from living spaces. They can talk to the brick walls all they want because in 30 days we are done talking and listening to them. As far as this site, I can’t feel your pain. Only the intellectually challenged have a hard time with it. Stick around for a while and you too will see that in most cases truth is stranger than fiction. Oh yeah, I forgot, the OC Ragister with it’s government controlled gatekeeper spin doctor editors are where the real truth is if you are into being coddled while being intellectually castrated and lobotomized-no thanks Charlie. Yea a little sensationalism, humour, hyperbole, and the like does a brain and a city a a lot of good as long as it well intentioned which this site most certainly is. Good day my dear.

      1. You make no sense. Do you feel important? I stand by my original statement clueless drones but I amend it; clueless drones who have an inflated sense of intelligence because they can spell lobotomized.

        1. Clueless drones don’t cause a seismic change recognized world wide and a shift in power from the ruling elite to the electorate. Change hurts but you can’t stop it now. The murder of the citizens because the police and their supporters have characterized them as unimportant doesn’t work any longer in Fullerton. Smack away (in the blogs we can understand). It only shines a brighter light on what is happening here.

          1. Hey thanks for the laugh! A seismic change recognized worldwide. Yes! The people around the world were breathlessly awaiting the City of Fullerton’s recall election results. Thanks to all of you blogger’s on this site, we will have peace and harmony in Fullerton’s streets once again and prosperity will reach all corners of the City.

            1. They are also breathlessly awaiting the verdicts of the upcoming trials of your officers. We’ll see about peace and harmony then. But hey “don’t shoot me I am only the piano player”.

        2. @ Anonymous, the Clueless Drone,

          I will put this into VERY simple terms for you so that you can perhaps understand: TRUTH matters, ETHICS matter, MURDER matters. And, yes, drinking during working hours matters.

          Can you spell Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock….???

  20. Out of curiosity…does anyone know if this was the same day as Sharon Quirk’s thing that she used to do monthly at Steamers? I ask because during this gathering, someone who had just left the police station plowed into several vehicles, including Ron Thomas’s. They said he had just left some sort of presentation at the FPD.

    1. (The driver had just left the FPD, Ron’s vehicle was outside Steamers, up the street from FPD.)

    1. I like it!

      Don’t forget anonymous too, they helped out spreading the word about Kelly and were there at the street protests.

  21. -no thanks Charlie. Yea a little sensationalism,

    Yeah. That ALWAYS helps discover the truth.

  22. I have come to a conclusion, its all about “right and wrong” really simple, it could even be broken down into mathematical and logical terms (as in higher education).

    What is ironic is who really is dangerous and unstable. And what determines right and wrong in this city, as it relates to governments higher entities.

  23. “In psychiatry, the terms sadism and masochism describe a personality type characterized by the actor or actrix deriving pleasure and gratification from inflicting physical pain and humiliation (sadism); however it is difficult to distinguish this from the exercise of the purest sentiment of justice[vague], and the sacred need of the expression of judgement, punishment, and from suffering pain and humiliation upon the self (masochism). Sadism can be defined as a serious[vague], asexual activity to which one is devoted” -Wikipedia, Sadism and masochism as medical terms

  24. The Fullerton problems will continue until the new council will replace the city attorney.

    I have personal experience with the following attorney which I can highly commander!

    Check him out: Bar #256598

  25. I’ll be sending down two associates to monitor the egregious murder of the homeless man by these morally challenged officers. I EXPECT the penitentiary doors to open wide for these miscreants. They’ll be in a special cage lest the cons “shiv” them. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!

  26. John Doe :
    When cops go to conferences they do the same thing. Go in and sign in they go and drink all day, come back to class and sign out.

    They do? Really? How do you know this?

    There sure is a large group on misinformed, clueless folks on this website.

  27. This is a completely false accusation and has absolutely no truth at all. Just another cop hater trying to stir the pot!

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