Is Dad Taking Car Keys Away From Goodrich?

Maybe. There is certainly a change of “hats.” Looks like nobody wants FPD spokeshole Andrew Goodrich to be the on-camera face of Fullerton anymore. Well that’s a step in the right direction. The next step would be to put the egregious sergeant back into a patrol car.
What’s with the new email footer? Looks serious.
The email footer is a normal procedure companies use to get people to delete a message that was never intended for them.. LMBO..
No, it’s an attempt to keep his emails from getting leaked to FFF via intimidating red legalese. Doesn’t seem to be working.
Let’s hope so..
It’s about time. Let’s hope the “team” can give us the truth.
Oh thank goodness! Officer Alex Bastreri is certainly easier to look at.
Don’t let the door bounce off your fat ass on the way out Chaz! …Fullerton tax payers have enough debt to deal with as it is.
Why is the e-mail from Goodrich, and to Goodrich?
Who else was a recipient? Just wondering.
I do believe this is a sign of Chief Dan Hughes caring and listening to the citizens. People have expressed their concerns about his chronic lying, not only on this blog but at the city council meetings.
Great move to keep him away from the cameras. He’s a BAD image for the police, with that swine face and all.
Back into a patrol car? Or into the back of a patrol car?
Either way it’s gonna be a tight fit. They may have to remove a seat or two.
and maybe a door.
Good job moving him out of the spotlight, that lying S.O.S.
That’s a good place to start Chief Hughes. Well done sir. I do sort of wonder what role “Andrew” will be playing now within the police force? Would you really trust your life with this guy if you were his partner?
Hopefully, the Chief will be inducted him into the pork chop platoon to get him back into shape, and if he can’t reduce his weight enough so that he’s not a burden to his fellow officers, they cut him from the police force for good for non-compliance of being in good enough physical shape to perform his duties as an officer.
Into the back of a patrol car for a “Screen Test”.
It took them to yesterday to put this in effect?
No more Syl emails?
Instead of putting any other FPD officers at risk, Goodrich needs to be solo on a motorcycle issuing ‘chicken-shit’ traffic tickets.
I’m sure we can count on Chief Hughes to tear up the bogus ones.
not sure the shocks/struts/seat could take his weight
This situation is why cops are being targeted these days. What other job in this day and age can slime balls like these find employment?
wrong guy are you kiddin…that motorcycle is not a toy- have him start out in front of walmart on the quarter a ride horse and if he passes the test…maybe just maybe he will get to see the keys the real police officers use…just sayin
LOL. I got a complete visual on that in my mind and it looked hilarious.
FFFF you have to pat yourselves on the back for this one. You are right, because of the influence of FFFF several things have happened to Sgt. Goodrich in the past few months.
First he will be returning to patrol shortly as a newly promoted Lieutenant.
Second, because of his unwavering handling on the KT incident Sgt. Goodrich was selected as “Supervisor of the Year”. When you see Andrew congratulate him on a job well done! Thanks again for your support. You know what they say any publicity is good publicity as long as they spell your name right.
“his unwavering handling on the KT incident”
You mean his lies, disinformation, and arrogance. Of course he was unwavering. And that’s why I can’t wait to do a nasty swipe post on this swine and the way FPD rewards malfeasance instead of punishing it.
You’d better watch it. I hear Internal Affairs is investigating FPD employees posting comments here.
Funny you should mention that. “Lucky Buck” was one of the swine that leaked the bogus “hit and run” charge against my brother.
Supervisor of the Year?
Who does Waddles supervise?
I say put Goodie on one of those two Segways FPD purchased a couple of months ago. Actually I have not seen these Segways since the first time I saw them. Maybe they are in a cops garage.
Some troll made the comment here the other day that Goodrich was about to be promoted, so this may be preliminary to some other duties fort Andy.
I hope to God they promote this clown.
geez Fn…why not relive 1978 with fat girls on mopeds–fast forward-Goodie on a segway…no! have we no HUMANITY.
…like this?
The footer:
“In otherwords posting this e-mail is a violation of electronic media policy and can be used against you.”
Good. I just sent this post to city manager Felz, in good taste, as well as to his council members expressing my gratitude towards FPD improving their public relations staff.
Maybe they’ll use it against me too somehow. LOL!
I also cc’d Goodrich and Sellers.
Would anyone agree with me that the three most dishonest occupations, that is, jobs that consist of spewing the most lies, would be:
2-Defense/Divorce Lawyers
3-Police (especially the high-rankers)
Not necessarily in that order.
Please add others in case I missed some, such as ‘Used Car Salesman’.
Don’t forget Lobbyists and American “solar panel” maufacture CEO’s
Securities traders
Utility commisions
Union leaders
anyone participating on “The Bachelor” or
“The Bachelorette”
DMV workers
Fox news reporters
OC Regurgitator editor
SHE_BEAR author
University of Penn State leaders.
Goodrich being promoted to Lieutenant makes so much sense.
THe more deceptive your are, the more dishonest you are and the more overall corrupt your are gets you promoted up the ranks quickly in most police departments. This has been going on for quite some time with the L.A. County Sheriff’s department. These LEOs all stick together like chickenpox on skin and therefore appreciate anyone that will lie for them and cover up their dirty deeds.
Lieutenant Goodrich you say? There goes the neighborhood!
I can picture Goodrich getting an emergency call for a bank robbery in progress, then him driving to the other side of town to avoid confrontation with the ‘bad guys’. LOL
BTW, you are funny Lucky Buck.
Considering they also hired and gave an overweight, brain damaged and partially blind man a gun, a badge and a patrol car then made him a corporal
…says a lot of about Fullerton PD.
The way FPD handled public information in the past is a perfect example of what every law enforcement agency should never hope to repeat again.
The PIO can’t be trusted,and needs to go.
Every police spokeshole knows it’s never a good idea to go into specifics especially when they know their officers may be in the wrong.
Any other gas bag would have said “there was an altercation between our officers and the suspect”, “there were injuries” and “I can’t comment any further because it is still under investigation” …blah blah blah blah blah.
but Andy Fatbitch decided to start lying about Kelly Thomas breaking an officer’s arms, they released a fake booking photos and so on.
I saw the female spokesperson from FPD, on a major news network, a week or so ago, she looked really really scared. maybe they are starting to run thin of the thick skinned FPD.
Re: Joe Sipowicz’s -This Being a “Step in the Right Direction”
I had expressed my concerns, both in an article posted by FFFF and at the city council re: the absurdity of having a public spokesperson for the FPD who was also involved in negotiating the last two police union contracts. (For details: A Lack of Trust, by Robyn Nordell, 9/21/11
Having Captain Bastreri and Lt. Jones doing the on-camera interviews for the FPD is positive step forward for the FPD by Dan Hughes.
I have had numerous interactions with / observations of Dan Hughes since our family’s mistaken police raid on our home in Oct 2010. I have asked Hughes a ton of questions over a period of months and found him to be very straight with me in his answers. Hughes has a much needed and different communication/ leadership style than Chief Sellers – Hughes makes himself available in multiple ways and is big on transparency and accountability. I was impressed that he recently spent 5 hours with two reporters. Based on what I have observed so far of Hughes, I expect more steps in the right direction.
Re the statement #39: “I saw the female spokesperson from FPD, on a major news network, a week or so ago, she looked really really scared.” I didn’t see it; I don’t know how she did, but she will obviously have a learning curve.
Chapter 11 and out go the contracts-keep spending gang
Lieutenant Lorraine Jones, Fullerton police officer for 27 years and highest-ranking female officer, was another recipient. Jones has worked in the patrol, traffic and investigation units. She is a member of the Leadership and Ethics Institute, which provides leadership and ethics training for law enforcement professional.
“This is a small community, and we care about each other,” Jones said. “I am so proud to live here and to work here.”
she has been ethics traner and leadership for 27 years with FPD and this is a good thing?
we need to disband the FPD and hire in some decent folk. How come no one thinks of that? Think of the money we’d save.
Unlucky black uniform we shall see as we have a recall, an election and a couple of trials on the horizon. Everything is on the table at this point including the feds and the military taking over the dept, a total collapse of the economy, a war with Iran and $10 a gallon gas. No one is safe right now-NO ONE. Someone pointed out in an earlier post that there are 140 + officers and 130,000+ residents. This thing is a paper tiger in case you havent figured that out yet.
You have to be very careful when dealing with vengeful, petty, people and organizations. This is going to take a lot of research and brainpower, maybe even a celebrity that will or does take on this particular cause.
“everytime you come in with a broken nose the Departments moral goes up 10 points” -Lt. Dennis Becker LAPD
Society has grappled with misconduct and corruption issues for as long as it has had police officers. Through the mid-to-late nineteenth century, private police forces were commonplace, and agents of Pinkerton’s and other forhire services became notorious as the muscle employers used to violently end strikes. Heavyhanded law enforcement as well as Vigilantism by groups such as the racist Ku Klux Klan spurred passage of the civil rights act of 1871, which criminalized acting under state law to deprive a person of constitutional or other rights under federal law. Section 1983 of the act remains a critical tool in the early 2000s for enforcing constitutional rights, with direct applicability to police misconduct cases.
Department of Justice, police misconduct
#22 by admin on January 13, 2012
Funny you should mention that. “Lucky Buck” was one of the swine that leaked the bogus “hit and run” charge against my brother.
Ha Ha Ha,
Hey Bushalla,
I’m not a cop but I happen to be in the know and I happen to know how to use the orange county superior court system, it’s online. It’s fun and easy and anyone can use it. You should give it a try. Check out your family and friends and see what kind of tail their draggen. Maybe you too can find some top secret information online.
In the know. Right. You’re a cop, alright.
Did you leak the bogus Norby story to the Voice of OCEA?
Both “cases” were dropped because you cops had no evidence.
“see what kind of tail their draggen”
Well, there’s your garden variety GED trying to write English.
OK everyone, , this link is what he’s talking about. You only need to enter the first name or initial of the person, then the last name.
It will give you all traffic tickets and criminal charges to date of that person in Orange County…….
When the info pops up, click on the blue case number for add’l. info…………..
DalaiLama Dalai Lama -Twitter
If the twentieth century was a century of violence, let us make the twenty-first a century of dialogue.
12 hours ago
Lucky Buck,
King Bushala is only a first amendment public information supporter if it suits his agenda.
Just like theft, groping women and murder is bad unless your officers are committing it. 🙂
Freddy (AKA Emperor Emptyhead)-
WTH are you talking about? You have proof of this slanderous remark? … and put some clothes on.
Jan 13 – 2:23 PM
Just like theft, groping women and murder is bad unless your officers are committing it.
Not my officers? But last time I checked, theft murder and sex crimes are not a constitutional right…..
Still a barrel of laughs Lucky Buck…
BTW, when’s your buddy Goodrich becoming a Lieutenant?
Appointing two people to take his place in the public and giving him only paperwork and scheduling tells me they believe his credibility and image with the public is NOT up to par. They cannot change their image unless the public has some faith and believes in their spokesperson.
I don’t think any promotion is taking place, just assigning him other duties……..
Yes , this is post Rodney King Riots, they may not seem to be smart, but with the 50+ witnesses and a VIDEO TAPE. “THEY knew the party was over (deep down).” Narcissists dont feel guilt, they feel shame, and deep inside inferiority, BUT have no empathy, or feelings for others, and really do enjoy making others suffer greatly. Greed is one of the, if not the ugliest human emotion.
Hopefully trash duties.
Nasty Swipe
Jan 13 – 1:46 PM
In the know. Right. You’re a cop, alright.
Did you leak the bogus Norby story to the Voice of OCEA?
Which stories about Norby, sexual harrassment, misuse of campaign funds used in a seedy motel trying to hide from his last wife, drunk sleeping in a Santa Ana Park or wife beating?
Except that Norby isn’t the topic. The topic is Goodrich leaking embarrassing and unfounded information about a political enemy to the press.
Nice one Jane, I almost forgot about all of Mr. Norbys adventures. I’m sure those are just the tip of the iceburg. I know he was on the city council when he voted for the lush 3 percent at 50 retirement for the cops. If you remember correctly he did that to get the enforcement of the Fullerton police union. He wanted the endorsement for his run at the county supervisors seat.
yeah, Im sure if you dig enough, you will find out that he’s really a vampire too
Wrong. He did it as a favor to the cops for endorsing him in 2000.
He’s admitted he didn’t know what he was doing and made mistake.
Haven’t heard that from Blankhead or Heehaw.
@ Lifesaving…true that…”a bad man doesn’t have an excuse, a good man doesn’t need one”……some Sal Mineo movie…Semper Paratus
A promotion to Lieutenant is hardly getting your keys taken away.
No sir. His newfangled position allows him to piss off a lot of senior cops who probably got passed up so old chubbsey could move up the ladder.
They’re going to love answering to some soft spoken chaz bono looking ball of fat but maybe he’ll grow a ‘stache. Actually, a guy like him will just sit around looking at the security monitors all day while emailing to his buddies, texting some buddies at the OC Register and occasionally venturing out whenever there is a bad accident or something.
Only a dumbass would want to “fix” this police department instead of disbanding it. There I said it.
She can kick your ass any day of the week and twice on sunday!
She don’t take no guff! I’ll tell ya what! You betcha! Uh huh! Yeah!
…You bad mouthing our troops Lifesaving Service? They put there lifes on the line to protect ur freedoms! Don’t ya forget that!
The problem is they are not “your our” they are everybodys not just a liability. Most dont desire a Sadahm style institution, as in Arab Spring, and Fullerton Summer. “We the people……” gave us USA and Lady liberty.
“A beacon for Democracy” not European style Socialism, a nanny state with Government crippled by Labor Unions, and a stiffleing debt.
You dont know what thick skinned means do you?
insensitive to criticism or hints; not easily upset or affected
Like everything that is true here, you dont believe.
Are smart, you are.
“Hipocracy, you are absolutely right.
So that everyone understands the situation. In 1981 a Court Decision came out that blocked civil suits against police departments. So as not to bore you, the decision went way beyond civil protection, it actually pronounced that “Police Owe You No Individual Duty”. Yes, that’s right “No Duty At All as an Individual”. Now couple that decision with Copely v. San Diego Superior Court and The Police Officer’s Rights and the extremely uneducated, emotionally unstable, poorly trained, poorly supervised and terribly lead humans who are hired and promoted through the ranks in Law Enforcement and you have the following result.
1. A City that teams up with the City Attorney, the Chief, Internal Affairs anf a District Attorney who take two months to make a decision on a Murder and who did it. Notice on all other murders there is an immediate arrest of the guy holding the smoking gun.No Bail. They needed time to reduce the incident to the bare elements they couldn’t deny. These officers have worked together and assisted each other many times while engaging in excessive violence. They know each other, protect each other. The digital recorders “Claimed not to be on” were in fact on and recorded evidence of all of their knowledge of the crime they were committing. There was no video evidence of that culpability. It was erased to help the DA in the coverup.
2. Government and these thugs are sewed at the hip, them against the citizen. They are afraid of Law Enforcement who might band together and use the same technique on them. San Jose Councilman folowed and arrested for DUI, Oakland City Councilman followed and arrested for DUI and like in Los Angeles a special Task Force that tracks the movements and conduct of many wealthy and Politically prominent. 1985 was the scandal on that in L.A. but they are still up and running. As long as the victims are homeless, mentally ill o poor minorities there is no problem. This time they murdered a Cop’s son on video and that was “There only Crime”.
3. Your paying people $100,000.00 to $300,000.00 dollars a year with GED’s , Cafeteria-one night a week-$15,000.00 (paid by the taxpayer) degrees in 18 mos sold by NAME colleges who need money. Your giving these losers a 90% retirement at age 50 with 3% yearly increases and totally free Medical and Dental for life.
4. You get a police force who owes you no duty and stares at you saying “I don’t have to listen to you and you are legally prevented from knowing what criminal behavior I have engaged in on or off duty.” Nobody can touch me because you need someone in charge of me to take action against me and that person doesn’t exist. I’m self employed and protected against inquiery or statistical reports. The last time Government protected itself with thugs like this was Germany 1934-1945.
5. The trick is to say nothing, let time and tempers pass and pretend it never happened. The Rule “Bull—t everybody and play the percentages of those who find out”.
6. What can we do, Recall the Politiians, force a new outside Chief in to Enforce the Police Manual, reduce pension benefits and saleries, do away with Lay Off Seniority and lay off these people on a merit basis and open the books on police conduct by a California Ballot Measure to do away with The Police Officer’s Bill of Rights and make all Government Employee Conduct open to inspection. Total Transparency so you can see the repitition with which these officers commit crimes.
If you don’t take these cops, stand toe to toe and explain to them they work for the taxpayer and the first word out of their mouths to a citizen is “Yes Sir” “No Sir” “Please comply with my orders” and ” I Apologize for mistaking you for someone I’m looking for or I apologise for kicking in your door, I got the wrong house” you’ll continue to have your and your families in danger. These people are not tough guys, they just Dangerous.”
Those of you giving subtle kudos to Chief Hughes should really ask yourself what he was doing under McKinley,Sellers leadership when many of these issues were festering into a serious culture of corruption?
If Hughes is the pillar of ethics, then how did FPD reach the level of corruption that it has?
And yes this fine female Lieutenant who has all this ethics training.
Are we forgetting the scathing judicial opinion from the Federal Judge on FPD’s handling in house of the recent sex scandal by one of their patrol officers?
That was a CLEAR reflection of FPD’s leadership.
Let me look at the training files to see how often she taught ethics to her troops.
Did Hughes have his own agenda running behind the scenes all this time, that was countering what we now see?
Could someone say the corruption would be worse if Hughes had not done what he did behind the scenes?
Those of us who have followed the mafia and it’s long history have ALWAYS seen the organizational chart of each mafia family posted in various forms.
If you paid attention then you saw that EVERY member of that organization was an ACTIVE player, and all were considered SUSPECTS in various criminal activities.
In reality Hughes would be high on that chart. The higher you go, the higher the “should have known” needs to be answered.
So for those who met Hughes ONCE or TWICE and think he is “cool” and seems candid in his demeanor, OKAY!!!!
Did someone just mention how a “used car salesman” is up there with ones who should be considered “corrupt”?
Remember someones “inaction” on a given situation is just as responsible as someones “actions”.
Some of us might remember the Rodney King incident. REMEMBER all those other cops who showed up at the termination point of the pursuit?
The ones who DID NOT lay a hand on Rodney?
Some were from different departments who showed up to help out. Some of them were fired from their jobs for NOT taking action or getting involved in this terrible misdeed.
YES it was a knee jerk reaction from those in power, ALL those cops got their jobs back after going through lenghty civil service hearings.
The basis for most of the terminations were, the cops didn’t do anything to stop the beating.
Even Hughes is smart enought to know it’s time he do SOMETHING to take the heat off FPD.
For you who think Hughes made it up the ranks in FPD because he is the pillar of ethics and reform, THINK again.
Do you really think he would be a Captain if he told McKinley and Sellers NO when they wanted something done that was “unethical”?
Drink the “kool-aid”, there is plenty of it to go around.
If Hughes had called “bullshit” too many times in his career, he’d still be pushing a patrol car and writing tickets for honking your horn.
Used car salesman ALWAYS have “kool-aid” at their workplace. Free for the offering.
They are all in on it. Don’t let the musical chairs game fool you. This is a slick propaganda and damage control operation designed to put you back to sleep.
Yep. Only it ain’t very slick.
Point taken. However, I will note that then Captain Hughes, was the only one of the Fullerton police officers that was regularly out there front and center for the weekly Kelly Thomas protests who made a sincere effort to keep our vigil for justice just as peaceful as we intended it to be.
Now onto Sergeant Goodwrench.
A Sergeant who would like to be promoted someday who is also a union hack. BAD!!!
Worst two combinations one could ask for in a labor leaders background.
Oh he will do well in getting the maximum benefits for himself and others, but that is generally where it stops.
Hell, I bet he will close his eyes when the rank and file have to have their salaries and benefits cut as long as it doesn’t effect him TOO MUCH!!!
A good union leader needs to be someone who isn’t looking for pay back down the road for going along with managements agenda.
Someone who isn’t going to allow a fews corrupt conduct to bring down the “majority” of good cops.
They are not going to allow the Chief or others to target those they don’t like and eventually fire them for simple retaliation.
I bet McKinley and Sellers authored more than a few terminations of people they didn’t like in their days.
Hopefully Sergeant Goodwrench has files to prove he kicked ass on management more than once and made them look like fools because they violated their own policies,state labor laws, etc.
I doubt he did, if he had, he too would be pushing a patrol car right along with Hughes.
The second glaring issue is the law firm that the FPD has representing them. The law firm of Silver,Hadden&Silver. A dual roll law firm that represents employees and management. Not of the same department.
But the law firm does represent management in other areas. Dual roll representation is dangerous. But both bring BIG BUCKS to the firm.
This law firm is liberal left wingers for the most part. The have won some victory’s in their day on wage and hour issues, and a few criminal trials also.
One thing this law firm does not care to do is attack management, the core root of many problems.
They have a “non-confrontational” approach to solving problems. They won’t attack the glaring issue of “corruption” that creates most of the problems we have in Law Enforcement.
They fight the same fires over and over. If they solved a problem once and for all, that would be a financial disaster for them.
This law firm like many keep hashing over the same old issues and make millions.
Michael Swartz is representing Cincinelli and he is a lawyer with this law firm. He is a good criminal lawyer, BUT won’t rock the political boat too much. He is making BIG BUCKS working this case.
If in doubt about Sergeant Goodwrench, has anyone seen him coming public and attempting to show support for those accused of crimes under his leadership as a union leader?
He hasn’t come forward in defense of those other 4 cops who weren’t charged.
He should be fighting for something or someone as a union leader. He hasn’t said squat.
He definately won’t say or do ANYTHING that pisses off management.
At this point he would have voted to give Sellers a serious vote of “no confidence” for abandoning the ship he set on fire.
Is Sergeant Goodwrench a true labor leader in any sense. NOT on a good day.
Judging by his girth, he is enjoying many of the fine dinners the labor organizations put on several times a year.
Come on Andy show us how much you have done for the rank and file of your department in your day?
For Andy to be what he is for as long as he has, tells me the rank and file might be a truck load of sheep in reality.
If Andy is the man as a Union hack, I’d love to see the rank and file stand up and cheer for him.
Your a good man/woman fullerton lover.
What you say should tell you a story. It should raise a few questions in your head.
I will also say in fairness to Hughes, he may have reached his limits of “looking” the other way on some of this stuff. It’s possible.
If he is Catholic, I hope he has gone to confession?
No, apparently he’s a Friend (Quaker); police is an odd career choice for the non-violent.
LOL Joe!!!!
If Hughes has been a “stand up guy” for 28 years and has no “skeletons” in his closet, learned the happy balance of “politics” versus “reality” in police work, he WILL prevail when all is said and done.
If not, and Hughes has stepped on toes going up the ladder, a boozer,womanizer, liar and cheat and now want’s to be the hero, it may get ugly before it get’s better.
If Hughes throws the wrong person under the bus, then Hughes has the “disgruntled” employee(s) that could say enough is enough and say they are tired of the hypocrisy if that exsists, and tell the world what is really going on.
Nothing worse than a disgruntled employee coming forward and calling BS on your operation.
The only way to discredit a distgruntled employee is to have as much dirt on them as they do on you.
You can call the disgruntled employee a bad one all you want, but if they can show the standards applied to them were not equally spread around, the employer is not in a great position to call BS on the complainer.
A smart disgruntled employee will have plenty of EVIDENCE to prove their point.
A situation that should not be ignored when the world is watching.
Time will tell thats for sure.
…the church that Hughes goes to is sort of an offshoot of the pacifist Quakers, and consider themselves as non-denominational Evangelical Christians.
I gotta tell you Joe, that I honestly think that the non-violent people are the ones that we SHOULD be recruiting to work as a police officer, in that I believe that an officers primary responsibility is to endeavor at all costs to labor as peacemakers, and not the troublemakers we’ve become accustomed to.
fullerton lover, there is a lot to be said about being non-violent in many respects.
As long as the non-violent cop can turn on the violence when needed in defense of himself or others then I am all for it.
The non-violent attitude would have sure come in handy with Kelly.
The non-violent philosphy when deeply programmed into your brain and way of life can also cost you your life during critical moments. It HAS enough that it is noteworthy.
Let us not forget that between 120-150 cops get killed every year in this country. Many of those killed are from violent confrontations with ARMED criminals.
Mindset is critical when you have only SECONDS to re-act and save you butt.
And NO I am not suggesting in anyway shape or form this applied in Kelly’s case. It clearly DID NOT.
I’m speaking of phasing out the old “chest bumping” cops that created their own freight/problems by telling and yelling at people that “you will!” co-operate or else I’ll make you.
Instead, I’d like to see them employ officers that understand the phase shift in a persons attitude when you reverse the words, “you will!” with “will you?” Mutual respect for each other is what is missing in the “you will” relationship, and that is just asking for, and/or creating problems, rather than resolving them.
I was quoting the fact he said she looked scared, believe me she takes no shit. Take a look at what you read before you respond.
What shes gonna use a gun or a ticket book against a KABC7 camera, the thing must cost $200,000 or something like that. The Camera, most powerful weapon known to man, or was recently.
Actually it was compliment, how would you like to say what they tell you to say with a straight face, being in the ethics dept of FPD and all.
We live in a violent world. Gone are the days of trying to talk to people. The first words out of someone’s mouth when confronted is the way the situation is going to be at the end.
Right you are: “these hands are getting ready to fuck you up.”
Remember the words.
Lets not forget that over 30,000 americans are killed by guns each year.
Hell, 200 homicides occurred in LA County last year but maybe you think a cop’s life is worth more.
“Roughly, 150 officers die in the line of duty each year. Meanwhile, police officer suicides number at least 250 every year.”
Of the 31000 gun deaths in 2007, over half were suicides.
Making the world a worst place to live isnt going to help anybody much.
Their cars were the most deadly to them, except maybe themselves.
Actually there is or was training out there for that type of “interaction” with the public.
It’s was called verbal judo. George Thompson was a “head doctor” who created this and sold it to more than a few police departments across the country a little over a decade ago.
He taught the classes, when he was done, I bet he brought down close to 7 digits into his check book.
Problem is it didn’t last long. Most went back to the “you will” or “else”.
Kinda of like putting on the gloves and saying, “I am going to F you up”.
If your a street wise cop who thinks fast on his feet there are plenty of ways to get your point across to the other party without being rude and hostile.
But to say NEVER be rude is also absurd. Some folks just don’t respond to that polite verbage. I KNOW some will never be able to put their arms around that.
I little creative thinking, the ability to see things getting out of hand, going south and respond accordingly, is the key to accomplishing the contact.
Always has and always will be exception to that too.
I must say that if BS’s the bad guy, even cursing at him saves me from having to put my hands on him, or injure him is a FAR better approach.
It’s difficult to be sued for telling someone “hey asshole” your not going to win this war, let’s not go there ok.
Sometimes talkin the talk with a person calms a potentially violent or negative contact into a mutual understanding and everyone goes home a winner.
It’s called the gift of gab. That too is not 100% fool proof.
Are you sure this isnt just another quack theory taught by a Pat McKinley type.
I can’t argue that. But I disagree that the first words ALWAYS dictate the outcome.
Sometime you start out the asshole, or the bad guy does and sometimes you both might be laughing and MAYBE shaking hands when it’s over.
Cops have to wear many hats these day, no question about it.
But when people die, then it’s time to re-think and re-evaluate what your doing.
NOT play the games we see going on here.
If FPD was paying attention to what was going on around them, or pull there heads out of their butts a few scandals ago, we wouldn’t be talking about most of this stuff.
YOU will suffer for being stupid and arrogant.
It’s time for Chief Hughes to start talking with creative thinkers who won’t tell him what he wants to hear.
He must accept the bad and the good.
Time to grab the bull by the horns and not surround himself with YES men or those who say what they think he wants to hear.
Maybe the Chief should seek out some advise from the common folks instead of surrounding himself around those who have their degrees on the wall.
If I want to know how to run a WAR, I seek the advise of fellow generals. If I REALLY want to know what’s going on, I seek the opinion of the soldiers in the trenches, THEY are the ones who are going to suffer if I don’t.
General Stormin Norman did so in the Gulf War from time to time and took the appropriate steps when his soldiers told him the truth of the matter.
It appears Sellers didn’t bother.
It doesnt work like that within the “brotherhood” cult and if any officers happened to be naive and actually tried being “creative”, Hughes will personally make the person’s tenure with the Department a living hell.
Fullerton PD is rotten to the core, make no mistake Hughes is and has always been a part of that core just like his predecessor Hamilton.
At least dirtbags like Goodrich and Dick Jones let you know where they’re coming from but dirtbags like Quirk-Silva, Hughes and even McKinley sweet talk you while screwing you over.
Agreed. I saw Sellers as more of a cop’s cop that cared too much about whether or not his officers liked him, and not much else.
A fatal error at somepoint. A cop’s cop. At this point one might ask exactly what is that?
1. Go drinkin with the boys after work?
2. Throw a party at his house several times a year?
3. Pat someone on the back for saying, “I am going to f you up” when he should of been disciplining them?
4. Promoting the kiss asses over the consistant hard working cops?
1.Leading by example?
2.Fair but firm in his disciplining the troops.
3.Telling Pat McKinley to stay out of his business? To include others I am sure.
4.Getting out in a patrol car a couple times a month and handling calls for service along with his troops?
5. Come to grave yard briefings, sitting down with those who work the late shift. Riding with them to see what they face first hand?
6. Listening to the bitches of the troops and doing what he can to correct problems?
The BITCHES of the troops? You mean listem to the women every once in awhile to see what they mean, right?
Given the context, “bitches” is probably “complaints” as in “I bitched about it”
That’s what I’m thinking this morning too. 🙂
It’s very clear that nobody was in charge. McKinley was distracted for a decade as whatever moral fiber there was disintegrated. Heehaw was clear: “we gotta get tough and mean” to clean up the mess he made of DTF.
Sellers has been a cipher – a zero placeholder that just let the ship keep going toward the sandbar. And that means WE have paid Sellers almost twenty grand a month to do nothing; and we pay McKinley ten grand a month pension for screwing up the FPD.
Given what’s happened in the past year and the payouts coming up, there’s no way the permanent chief can be an insider. Hughes says he is proud of the FPD. Proud of what? The addiction? The theft? The beatings, false arrests and perjury? The sexual battery? The murder of Kelly Thomas and subsequent disinformation campaign by Goodrich? The in-custody suicide?
Please Dan, let us know what exactly you are proud of.
Disinformation is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. For this reason, it is synonymous with and sometimes called black propaganda. It is an act of deception and false statements to convince someone of untruth. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.
Unlike traditional propaganda techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions. A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole.
Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can affect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with many easily disproved false claims.
It this the Mission Statment for the FFFF?
The fact that your comment remains here without moderation immediately dispels your assertion. The second paragraph and part of the third certainly has applied to a certain PIO on more than one occasion. The last part of the third paragraph is a good summation of the Anti Recall effort.
Re: #5 How could Sellers “come to graveyard shift briefings, sitting down with those who work the late shift”? Sellers lived 42 miles away in San Clemente former summer home of Richard Nixon! The 3 “old guys rule” on the City Council chose not to enforce the portion of Sellers contract that required him to be living in Fullerton. Another example of sleepiness on the part of city council when it came to the FPD! Thus old wounds are left to fester and blow up!
Oh well! Sgt Goodrich can run that force just as well as Sellers!
Thanks for that. That’s what I really figured in the first place.
I was trying to be a little optimistic, but I knew better.
And the “bitches” will make it even worse….
There were two murders in all of Fullerton last year, and one of them was at the hands of the Fullerton Police Department. What does that tell you?
Actually very simple Tuco. Sellers would not come in during his normal working hours. He’d stay home and come in at the beginning of grave yard. Seen that a few times.
I am sure the Captains can handle the daily business of the department. Goodwrench will gadly call the Chief if something pops up.
Those two seem to be a pretty tight team. Stevie Wonder leading Helen Keller through the park. LORD forgive me for that!!!!!!
Bottom line, good leaders do whatever to get out there with the men and woman under their command.
A cops cop NEVER forgets where they came from, no matter how high in rank they get. They always want to keep in touch with the worker bees.
High moral leads to less problems for the most part.
…only if your dyslexic.
Goodrich is on Facebook – minimal info, minimal wall posts, but definitely him