It’s All About Image
Sorry guys, I forgot to add this gem from the article:
In the weeks after the July incident, more trouble surfaced: an officer facing charges for stealing an iPad at a Miami airport; another facing termination after reports of sexual misconduct; police raiding the wrong house in search for a probationer.
This sentence sure makes it look like Ponsi is finally starting to lay the facts on the table, until you realize that we broke the Mejia story in June, before, the Thomas murder (Ponsi swiped that from FFFF without attribution); the raid on the wrong house occurred in 2010; Rincon’s debauchery started years and years ago and included the complicity of the entire department. And of course there is no mention at all of incidents that must have involved higher ups, like the Gochenour suicide and the beating, false arrest and phony prosecution of Veth Mam.
– Joe Sipowicz
When you’ve had some practice, it’s amazing how much you can write without saying anything. In fact, between the first sentence and the last, people adept at it can cram all sorts of empty stuff into their essays. The conclusion is always the same. Reading such drivel is like eating a bag of marshmallows.
Here is our old friend Lou Ponsi of the Register doing his usual gig. The story is all about Fullerton’s image in the wake of the Kelly Thomas murder by members of the Fullerton Police Department. To his credit Ponsi finally describes the DA’s version of the actions of Ramos and Cicinelli: a “rain of blows.” Everything else is fluffery designed to avoid the critical main crux of Fullerton’s present problems: that out of control rogue cops have been permitted to prey upon the citizens of and visitors to Fullerton, and the Kelly Thomas episode was not an isolated case at all.
Ponsi’s story includes the obligatory interview with a Chamber of Commerce booster-type – Davis Barber (who also pretends to be a real reporter, yet tips his hand rather badly) and some business owners defending the honor of Fullerton. Oh, and of course there’s the de riguer academic “expert,” who arrives upon the scene to compliment the City for bringing in Michael Gennaco.
As usual you can avoid getting the sort of responses you don’t want by asking all the wrong questions.
Did Ponsi ask Acting Chief Dan Hughes to explain the actions of Rincon, Mater, Power, Mejia, Tong, Hampton, Cross, Goodrich, et al? Has he yet asked anybody to explain the call that came in the night of July 5th; or why the cops involved were permitted to watch the video and coached to re-write their reports? Did he ask those interviewed if they knew about the serial transgressions of all these cops?
Bet not.
The strategy of the FPD and its apologistas now seems to be to make FPDs problems mostly about image and lack of communication with the public. The Kelly Thomas thing? Oh, yeah, mostly about two aliens who didn’t know how to deal with the mentally ill homeless.
Come on in and take the tour. Glad to see ya. Big hugs. Air kiss!
Joe, I agree.
It appears that the FPD is now doing a PR offensive with the complacent help of Ponsi and Barber who both have published virtually identical articles that are designed to miss the mark.
Note the recognition that Hughes is a 28 year veteran of the FPD, but not the slightest inkling that maybe, just maybe, this makes him part of the problem rather than any solution.
P.S. Bravo to Whitaker who relentlessly recognizes the cultural problems at FPD.
And you can bet Hughes will continue to seek out those who are GENTLE with him.
It will be interesting if any of these reporters will be covering the trial when it starts?
That again will be a crucial test for them if things get ugly inside the courtroom.
What will we read, and what will have a spin to it?
Hughes states: “In terms of how we move forward, that is my responsibility, and I should be held accountable.”
True dat dan, but you should also be held accountable for allowing your badged-apes to review the tape, as well as YOU helping these murderers to ‘cook’ their reports.
You should also be held accountable for ALL of the other mis-deeds that we’ve all learned about here at Fullerton’s Future.
Notice how the word ‘attack’ pops up in some form in both Fullerton Stories and OCR powder puff pieces? That looks to be one of the new buzzwords going forward.
“It is apparent that we have failed in some segments of the community,” said Capt. Dan Hughes, a 28-year veteran of the Fullerton force who now leads it, while providing journalists a behind-the-counter look at police headquarters. “Part of that (restoring trust) begins with what we are doing right now. … In terms of how we move forward, that is my responsibility, and I should be held accountable.”
O.k., then lets’ hold him accountable and ask some hard questions.
I’m sure Danny Boy is well versed on being a typical politician.
That is he will play ‘dodge-ball’ with any question he doesn’t want to address.
His generic response to those questions would be, ‘due to the on-going case, I cannot answer that question.’
“photo of a bloody and bruised Kelly Thomas”
when I fell, my knee became bloody and bruise, beneath Kelly thomas’ face blood and bruises were crushed bones.
“Demonstrations were staged weekly in front of City Hall” or moral outrage from the the good, law-abiding people of Fullerton protested the murder of Kelly Thomas by Fullerton police officers in front of City Hall.
“Grainy cell-phone videos captured a blur of bodies and the sounds of a Taser and Thomas screaming in a downtown parking lot for his dad” along with numerous eyewitnesses, and from a public safety camera perched above recording thomas’ murder.
” In the weeks after the July incident, more trouble surfaced: an officer facing charges for stealing an iPad at a Miami airport; another facing termination after reports of sexual misconduct; police raiding the wrong house in search for a probationer” or the murder of thomas by Fullerton police forced public scruting on this police department and it found a long history of other police abuses committed upon the good community of Fullerton.
“A local blog,, which published the photo, has continually attacked City Hall for the death and how city officials handled it. So has the popular John and Ken show on KFI (640-AM).” or a local blog FFFF has stood up to city hall and demand an explanation to the public. Long-time champion for the people of fullerton, the FFFF blog demands an explanation from city hall. Unlike the OC Register and Fullerton Stories, the FFFF asks the hard questions like why has so much of the city’s tax dollar revenue been used as legal settlements to keep its police force out of court for its civil rights abuses?
” – this proud city had its image tarnished, at least when to comes to outsiders” or the good people for many years had to quietly suffer its government and police force until FFFF gave them a collective voice
at first Ponsi’s opinion piece seems to be another one of his fluff pieces until the reader realizes Ponsi uses lies to convince the public that Fullerton’s city council and its police force are not corrupt, tax dollar stealing, muderous thugs who collude to hide a murder.
Who is buying whom?
” until the reader realizes Ponsi uses lies to convince the public” sorry Ponsi, I meant not lies but persuasion
I find the title of the article, curious- “Fullerton’s Image Is On The Mend”
The image of Kelly Thomas’s beaten, mangled and broken face in print, and the DA’s descriptive vision of what happened to him at the hands of FPD are images that will stay with me forever, as well as other corrupt BS that they have gotten away with for years-and the fact that no one, including the great heal-master, Hughes, has ever spoke up about.
No amount of FPD greeting people at the farmers market or Hughs phony stratagem/shell games, is going to change my thoughts of FPD or police in general, too little and way too late as far as I’m concerned.
And I’m quite sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.
The trial of Ramos and Cicinelli will not bring “closure” to anything (and what the hell does that mean anyway?) including all the other crap that has been pulled under the noses of Fullerton residents by the FPD.
“District Attorney Tony Rackauckas has said the officers, Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli, delivered a barrage of blows to the 37-year-old’s head and body. Police have said they were looking for someone possibly burglarizing a car.”
A Ponsi quote -allow me to complete his incomplete quote-“…they were looking for someone possibly burglarizing a car from a so called phone tip that was never, to this day, proved”
keep finishing those sentences, merijoe, because half truths are full out lies
Dan Hughes is using his ‘Richie Cunningham’ image in the hopes of giving the community and the general public that he’s got the FPD under control.
This article as well as the one two days ago from Fullerton Stories goes to show neither he nor anyone involved with this gestapo department is willing to provide any transparancy concerning the REAL issues within FPD.
I have never met or heard of anyone in law enforcement admit they did something wrong.
To all that frequent the city council meetings, I suggest we get up to the podium whenever the next meeting is and confront Mr. Hughes about al of these of wrong-doing as he sits on his throne over to the left.
“I have never met or heard of anyone in law enforcement admit they did something wrong.”
Here’s one:
In Norm Stamper’s book, “Breaking Rank” he talks about all of that, the mistakes he and others have made.
I always plug his book to anyone interested.
Unless cancelled, the next scheduled meeting is February 7, 2012
Scheduled meetings are the first and third Tuesdays of each month
“…you can avoid getting the sort of responses you don’t want by asking all the wrong questions”
Wrong, Joe – at least the first marshmallow tastes good.
On the positive side, in his latest story Ponsi finally acknowledged that only the police are claiming that anyone at all was suspected of anything illegal: “Police have said they were looking for someone possibly burglarizing a car.”
Ponsi credits FFFF for publishing the hospital photo of Kelly Thomas, but goes on to characterize this blog’s activities as attacks, and doesn’t bother to interview admin or anyone else. Well, you won’t find anything hidden if you only look where it’s light.
Attacks? Hey Lou, it’s called looking under rocks to see what critters are crawling there. You ought to try doing that sometime. Your articles would be so much more interesting to your readers.
Right on. You reading, Ponsi?
you know he is.
Eventually, a healthy child will learn that the world is bigger than he or she is, and parents will not always satisfy selfish needs. Failure to learn this fact can lead to a condition called primary narcissism.
Narcissism is primarily a defense mechanism, albeit with some socially damaging side effects for the sufferer. A narcissistic adult faced with the pressures of career, family and social interaction can literally implode psychologically, retreating to childhood behaviors such as primary narcissism.
The feelings of others no longer matter to a narcissistic personality. Other people simply live to serve, much like the role filled by parents during early childhood. When family members, co-workers, subordinates or friends fail to satisfy his or her needs, a true narcissist will most likely detach from them emotionally and become even more self-absorbed. Narcissism as a personality disorder can be treated through psychotherapy, but many sufferers prefer to remain undiagnosed.
Again Ponsi, is on, very biased to the Liberal, Labor, planet.
Biased toward the planet?
The Society of Professional Journalists.
Has anyone read what the Preamble to its Code of Ethics states:
…public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and comprehensive account of events and issues. Conscientious journalists from all media and specialties strive to serve the public with thoroughness and honesty. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility.
In the Ponsi article,OCR dtd01/20/12, a person interviewed states that at the Thursday nights Downtown Fullertons Farmers Market she has noticed something: officers mingling more with the marketplaces’ shoppers.
WHY is it necessary to have a roving police patrol at this event?
Could the City sponsored PUKE PALACE at this event be an underlying reason or maybe to protect the children that are present?
Are police assigned to mingle with the crowds at other gatherings, little league games, swimming meets, senior citizens gatherings, church rummage sales, etc?
Looks to me like another made-up squeal for more cops and an OT bonus.
“Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility.”
But if Ponsi starts really asking questions then Goodrich will cut him off like he did with the OC Weekly. Without any City hall press releases to regurgitate, what’s a Ponsi to do?
Yeah, Lou’s a feeble tool, alright, but I believe his boss Radcliffe may be adding to Ponsi’s overall uselessness.
Had to think about it a little more , the FPD is at that event to keep those HOMELESS people away from those folks that aren’t like them.
Right you are. I’ve never seen any fights there, and the parks and rec staff keep the beer drinkers from wandering out of the pen. I once saw two cops on Segways rolling around to no apparent purpose, like Mike Dukakis in a tank. Didn’t get it either until I remembered that homeless people own the museum plaza events days.
Aw here in Mayberry, um Fullerton, everything is on the road to healing….at least according to the people who were interviewed in Ponsi’s story.
Problem is, he did not interview any of Kelly’s Army or any one of the bar owners often harrassed by FPD or for that matter, the homeless.
Funny, I think they would and do have a totally different view of how our city is feeling right now.
When the Thursday Market was being invaded by more FPD it was unnerving to my friends and I, not comforting.
I think it is time for another protest in front of the FPD very very soon… any plans?
So all of a sudden a swarm of cops show up at the Market? Ca-reepy! I wonder if they were on OT.
This was one of the most laughable pieces of journalism I’ve read ina while…
This artical starts by saying “The death of Kelly Thomas, while in custody of police in a parking lot”, is not intirely acurate. First he was not in custody, he was detained witout cause and then running for his life after a threat.second it was not in a parking lot, it was in the bus terminal drive thru.As an eyewitness to this account I was surprised right off the bat at how misinformed thru media the public was about what really happend at street level.
@ streets of fullerton: YEP ! we need to know all of the facts.
yes, it only takes a few misrepresented facts to change the whole face of a story.
@ streets of fullerton:
YEP ! we need to know all of the facts!
Someone mentioned that Ponsi might be going for the recent opening for PIO in Fullerton.
More Benny Hill theme music cued
oops sorry bout the double post…delete delete
Thanks for sharing that. This is a first for me.
Is it possible to hear this some time ?
“I Made Major Mistakes”–Ex Chief Sellers Admits Response to July 5th Homeless beating of Mentaly ill Kelly Thomas
Hi WG,
In post #13 I mentioned Norm Stamper’s book, “Breaking Rank”. If you like the article, you’ll appreciate the book.
Thanks Jane. I’ll google search that one.
In case anyones mistaken about who’s the chief…
One for the archives!
What I see is just another skin head FPD cop,Badge #778, trying to look like McKinley.
Excellent observation.
“What is etremely sad to find out is that there are many corrupt police officers everywhere and Orange County is no different and may be one of the worse in volume. Just like the DA protected Sheriff Mike Carona, he did not indict him does everyone remember? I believe there is a band of cops that know of or are part of corruption and they do not fear prosecution by the DA. Why should they when Sheriff Carona skated? The DA has his little dweebs inside his department keep in touch with every law agency in this county, and lord knows what other agencies, and they get the dweebs at these police and other agencies to spill the beans about cases, contracts and more. I also believe the DA’s dweebs pull the strings of the dweebs in these police agencies, for example: not to pursue investigation on a case; throw the victim under the bus; put pressure on the Gangs to get them to do the criminal acts for the corrupt in OC (cops, electeds and who knows who else). Orange PD has a few dweebs providing information to the DA’s office, breaching their fiduciary duty to the public and their oath of office. Likely these couple of informant dweebs in the Orange PD will be offered jobs in the DA’s office as investigators or something. They are already proving unethical and that fits the mold of this current DA’s office. The ethical get blown out, or the finally get out on their own. Why and how can I state this about Orange PD? Easy, It’s happening to me and my family. Orange PD has this string bean, very tall, and young Detective that finally not only threw me in harms way with the Orange Hispanic Gangs but every other citizen too. This squeemy Detective has thrown my case under the bus from the beginning because I believe the DA does not want the criminal (s) found as it will lead to elected officials. So this Detective has done nothing but ambush. His final act of throwing the victim under the bus, and everyone else’s safety except for the Hispanic Gang’s”
Here is a quote from Norm Stamper from wikipedia:
In response to the Occupy demonstrations, he has reiterated his regret about how he handled the protests in Seattle, and publicly stated the need to create an alternative to what he termed “the paramilitary bureaucracy that is American policing”, stating no change will happen “unless, even as we cull ‘bad apples’ from our police forces, we recognize that the barrel itself is rotten”.
It is nice to hear a law enforcement officer admit “wrong-doing”, although I’m certain all of these admissions did not come out until after his resignation.
I wonder if there is any LEO on record, who was or is CURRENTLY employed as a Chief, Captain or however in rank, admit guilt?
Thanks Anonymous and Jane H. for bringing this humble ex-chief of police to my attention.
I am completely disgusted by the boohoos who used the Thomas murder to promote their agenda, i.e. Rusty Kennedy and his sad tribe of Diggers.
It would appear that the ploy of making the Thomas murder an issue of schizo-homelessness is still going full swing. Of course the cops are all for it, too.
what is thoroughly disgusting is rusty kennedy uses his position as the CEO of the Orange County Human Relations Commission to co-opt the murder of Kelly thomas by fullerton police officers via his direct involvement and influence to the reaction to Kelly thomas’ murder, the Fullerton task force on homeless and mentally ill.
Why is this on the surface benign person and his taskforce disgusting to those who truly want the civil rights of Fullerton’s community protected from its police force? Because Rusty Kennedy’s tax funded commission was formed forty years ago due to complaints from OC communities that their civil rights were routinely and historically abused by their respective police forces.
When now Fullerton city council member,Pat McKinley, who has obfuscated evidence about the Thomas murder became Fullerton police chief in the 1990’s, he also became the only member from law enforcement on Rusty’s Orange County Human Relations Commission’s board.
Hmmmmm? And evidence shows a link between McKinley’s tenure as Fullerton’s police chief and increase in incidents of civil rights abuses committed by McKinley’s force against the community of Fullerton.
A month or two after the murder of Kelly thomas by fullerton police, Pat McKinley, at a city council meeting, highly recommended Rusty Kennedy as the best person to lead/guide the Fullerton task force on Homelessness and Mental Illness.
In exchange at this meeting, Rusty Kennedy highly recommended “independent” investigator Gennaco to determine the evidence in the thomas murder to determine whether or the degree of Fullerton police officers culpability in thomas murder.
Oddly, I believe Gennaco, like rusty Kennedy, will find no evidence of a long pattern of pervasive civil rights abuses committed by fullerton police.
wow! the loftier your place in fullerton’s community, the nicer the view
The Three Stooges Official Trailer #1 – Farrelly Brothers Movie (2012) HD
this is trash. Hollywood trashed the brady bunch also.
McKinley trashed FPD.
How can you not carry on the Three Stooges legacy, classics are easy to imitate.
Good update. it reminds me that Ponsi has been mum about the $350,000 settlement.
That’s all they will ever say: the few bad apples excuse.
Too bad the whole barrel is worm-eaten.
I call bovine defecation on the Hughes interview as well as the Ponsi article. For all of his 28 years in FPD, he knows what is going on in the rank and file. As one of them, he has been around for all the dubios actions of FPD – those that have been brought to light as well as those that never saw the light of day. Doesn’t matter if he was a participant or not…….A few questions via the FPD Grapevine or coworkers would bring the necessary information………If anyone is aware of the malfeasance and corruption of the FPD, it is Hughes, he has seen it all………..Now, as chief, in order to keep the support of the troops, he knows not to throw the rank and file officers under the bus. He will lie and whitewash the public, at all costs, to achieve this. If his officers do not do not think he has their back, they will refuse to support him. You may talk POBAR all you want, but there are some things a union contract does not cover.
Ponsi, on the other hand, why is he a boot licking FPD supporter? If he had gonads and an editor who supported investigative reporting, could have made a positive contribution to his career as well as the community in general. Instead, opportunity lost. How can a young reporter from the OC Weekly get a hard hitting article published on the history of corruption within the FPD while a career journalist like Ponsi comes up with articles like this that have absolutely no impact in the big scheme of things?
Here is an Encyclopedic online image of FPD.
FPD page Wikipedia, 90 percent of page is under, Controversy section. I think someone should update or edit out, lies by OC Registed, quoted article was pulled from web.
“How can a young reporter from the OC Weekly get a hard hitting article published on the history of corruption within the FPD while a career journalist like Ponsi comes up with articles like this that have absolutely no impact in the big scheme of things?”
I take it that is a rhetorical question. But a good question nonetheless.
“O.C. Regurgist”
What a waste of newsprint and pixels.
Had he bothered to ask even two hard-hitting questions this boob could have written a real news story. But he either doesn’t know how or it’s just not in him.
Or he’s afraid of cops.
I admit I was wrong!!! For ever being one and pursuing a LIFE long dream from the age of 10.
Too many corrupt people within. I WAS WRONG.
I wouldn’t say you were wrong because YOUR intent of being an LEO was for GOOD; that is to say, you wore your badge for truth and justice. NOT power.
Often times we don’t know what we’re getting into until we’re their.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.
ACU, give me a call. I’m listed in the Nuevo/Perris area.
Keep in mind that the Register’s main source of revenue comes from the advertisements and not subscription costs, so cancelling your subscription is inconsequential to the Register.
The Register has zero motivation to rock the boat with these Chamber of Commerce/Rotarians types, and their main source of revenue, such as advertisement revenue, to lose.
The only way to affect real change with the way that the Register conducts it’s less than accurate, and business-biased reporting, is by mimicking the same tactic that consumers use with TV networks, and that is to start boycotting the businesses that advertise with the Orange County Register, until the Register commits to addressing these concerns, and acknowledge their past errors, and openly commit to mending their ways.
If enough of us committed to respecting this type of boycott, the Register, like any other business, would succumb to the financial pressure of lost business and change their ways, or go out of business.
It’s time to play another round of “finish that Ponsi quote” Here you go, Lou.
“In the weeks after the July incident, more trouble surfaced: an officer facing charges for stealing an iPad at a Miami airport; another facing termination after reports of sexual misconduct; police raiding the wrong house in search for a probationer.”
“…more trouble surfaced for the FPD: Officer Kelly Meija-arrested 5/2/11 for grand theft at Miami International Airport for stealing an Ipad who was placed on admin leave ASAP (unlike the officers involved with the Kelly Thomas murder), Officer Albert Rincon, accused of arresting women and then groping them. The lawsuit for him is on behalf of two women, but court records show that since 2008, at least 12 women have made the same accusations against him. Rincon admitted to not calling in a female officer or a backup officer to witness the arrests, (which male officers are supposed to do when arresting women), and he also admitted to turning off his audio recorder while walking his victims to the patrol car. Rincon was briefly placed on admin leave then released back to the streets until July 2011 then was terminated in October 2011-“At the end of the day, the City put Rincon back on the streets to continue arresting women, despite a pattern of sexual harassment allegations”, said a judge
and, the Fullerton citizens, Chuck and Robyn Nordell. Mrs. Nordell was on her computer at about 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 20, 2010 when she said four undercover officers entered her home through a back door, the undercover officers apologized after they realized they were in the wrong home, but according to Nordell, she never heard again from anyone at the police department.
If an incident of mistaken entry does happen, the directive says involved officers must report the matter immediately to an on-duty watch commander and the chief of police.
The directive also requires a command staff officer to contact the people involved at the location where the entry took place.”
My understanding of the raid at the Nordell residence occured at about 3:30 to 4:00 AM. and the door was broken down.
Was there two instances at this residence?
Here is the story from a link I read about the Nordell raid
This is what happens when nobody is in charge.
Your understanding of the incident is wrong but your source for information is this blog. Which is filled with slanderious half truths and flat out lies.
Cindy sour grapes or whatever your name is, Slanderious?
Speaking of GED-no, rather, fresh from the planet of the apes.
Not sure what incident you are referring to but when you clear that up, could you expound on what is incorrect about the FFFF version of any incident?
Sure would like to know “half truths and flat out lies” you are referring to that this blog is “filled with”
I won’t hold my breath, because you won’t find any and don’t play with the big boys and girls unless you can handle it.
In 2002, along with Bruce Praet and Dan Merkle, Gordon became a co-founder of Lexipol–a company designed to standardize policy, procedure and training in public safety operations. Today, most of the law enforcement agencies in California are using the Lexipol Knowledge Management System and nearly half of the States are now using this approach to law enforcement operations. This effort has greatly improved the safety of police personnel while also influencing a dramatic reduction in claims, settlements and verdicts adverse to law enforcement agencies.
Gordon held his law enforcement headquarters assignment until his service retirement in 2006. In 2008, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from California POST.
Today, Gordon divides his time between study, research, writing, speaking, and consulting in the discipline of risk management. His innovative programs, based on the values and beliefs he learned as a child along with a passion for continuous improvement, are the standard for any organization that wants to improve existing operations and prevent things from going wrong.
During our interview we talked about things that could get you fired or ruin your career. They included:
Improper Vehicle Operations
Wrongful Use of Force Issues
Kicking in the Wrong Door
False Arrest or False Imprisonment Situations
Improper Jail Operations
The Creation or Violation of Special Relationships
Problems with Ethics & Integrity
Job Based Harassment
“During our interview we talked about things that could get you fired or ruin your career. They included:
Improper Vehicle Operations – Tong’s brake test
Wrongful Use of Force Issues – where should I start here?
Kicking in the Wrong Door – Nordel’s
False Arrest or False Imprisonment Situations – Hampton
Improper Jail Operations – Mater
The Creation or Violation of Special Relationships – Goodrich..Ponsi & Barber
Problems with Ethics & Integrity – too many to mention
Job Based Harassment – help me out?
Jeesus, the whole force would be a goner if this Gordon feller was Chief.
Job based harassment: how about the female cop who got her ass grabbed by Doc Heehaw at the Christmas party – all covered up nice and neat?
Covered up during labor negotiations with the cops. I wonder how much that one cost us.
JM, “Job based harassment: how about the female cop who got her ass grabbed by Doc Heehaw at the Christmas party – all covered up nice and neat?”
That should look nice on his recall resume (mailer) along with all the other idiotic things Dr. Boob has done & said to earn his “esteemed” reputation!
Bennett says these are “honorable” men. And that tells you all you need to know about Bennett.
“Honorable” is the ability to be honest.
I’ve never known Larry Bennett to be honest with anyone, including himself.
You haters SUCK. This is GREAT REPORTING. Stellar journalism. I mean hell, the first person he interviewed can be found Thursday evenings at the Fullerton Market. WHICH DOESN’T EVEN RE-OPEN UNTIL APRIL! What a putz this guy. That paper is a joke.
Ponzi scheme is still riding the tiger. FFFF is cutting off the tigers balls and getting ready to make a fur coat.
“They respond with Anger, Arrogance, Disdain” -Jon and Ken, in front of FPD.
Why dont They help Samara Mohagen. We saw the City Council meeting on Channel 3 last night. Are they really THAT STUPID.
For about 6 months, she has been asking for help, at every meeting I can remember, Who or what is responsible for their public relations.
I’ll do one better and send you mine or vice versu through Sharon.
Not only has she asked for help..McKinley mocked her..and said Poor poor zamora..and chuckled…he is that out of touch,coming from a man who has SHE BEAR…this tells you they dont care..Samara husband is a drug riddled cop, who uses his badge and the badge of others to get his hold over this lady..I have seen the photographs of her husband with a cash of drugs..she sent this to his boss..and guess what ..NOW they pick on yes, they are that stupid and two they dont care.
chalk this up to Badge before vag…cops very own bro before ho’s ..sickening
So true. Samara’s husband is a Long Beach PD in the IT department and resides in Fullerton. She had shown me a photo of him preparing to shoot up anabolic steroids.
Due to his cop status coupled with her heavy latina accent, he’s been mulling her over in court, convincing the judge that she’s mentally ill and is not ‘fit’ to have custody of her two daughters. Anyway, I can go on and on, but your comment about McKInley mocking her floored me when I heard it. First of all, she had Sharon Quirk-Silva one-on-one, then Sharon went and pulled McAsshole in, according to Samara.
Apparently Sharon wanted McKinley for his terminating skills. They just wanted to maker here go away, regardless of what her thug-cop husband (who lives in Fullerton) does to her.
In fact, if anyone reading this is an attorney with a heart (if there is such a thing), help this woman out. She’s getting “rear-ended” by the system and Fullerton’s city leaders are adding more insult injury.
Should be a case for the FBI.
She is getting rear-ended and Sharon SSSSSSSIlva the snake is driving the bus. what a bitch….which is alot nicer than I would’ve written. That woman is evil, but people still think her “open office” policy somehow makes her different. She just meets with you, blows smoke up your skirt and SSDD, she IS one of them, don’t let the lipstick fool you.
I suspect Fullerton LE has covered for the fellow “bro’s in blue” abuses of their wives since the beginning of time. That is known in the department and they just look the other way and don’ talk about it. I assume every LE organization does the same. I am convinced cops are a bunch of insecure pussies with guns…..makes em feel reeeeeeeal powerful. Just like the kid in HS that bullied people, they really ARE the most insecure of society.
And Lou Ponsi doesn’t deserve the time you spend on that know-nothing piece of crap junior copywriter that types for that worth nothing piece of crap Ragister. Why would you even give validation by responding? It’s like responding to RI…don’t feed the trolls.
I wondered why Bankhead’s abusive relationship with his son, or his ex-wife, never made the light of day?
Psycopaths dont usually get into legal trouble, Im not saying he is a psycopath.
Steroids AND in the IT department, 3 red flags
At #75. Many organizations out there trying to cash in on giving ADVISE to those corrupt ones. I bet a few of those companys know from personal experience about being corrupt themselves, MAYBE.
Again for those who don’t understand. Chief Hughes and a few others are NOT going to answer any SERIOUS questions about anything that has happened at FPD in the past or present situation.
Why, because he has 4 MAJOR issues looming on the horizon.
1. The trial of Ramos&Cincinelli.
2. The FBI investigation.
3. The Gennacco investigation.
4. Wrongful death lawsuit.
Until at least the first 3 come to sometype of conclusion, Hughes and his crew will simply do what your seeing now, using Lou Ponsi and others giving interviews that provide very selective reporting.
Hughes is not reaching out to you and me, he is reaching out to those who are not really paying attention, shall we say those other Fullerton residents who could CARE LESS about Kelly Thomas or police corruption.
Only when some of those “feel good” citizens become a PERSONAL victim of some cops rath will they CARE. Such is life.
If items 1-3 go badly, Hughes will look more of a fool than he does now. If he makes to many changes some might consider it an addmission of guilt or think they have him on the run.
MAKE no mistake Hughes has an ego too, and needs to keep an imagine within FPD and his fellow Chiefs around the area.
We all saw the original “godfather” movie. You all should remember Al Pacino asking Robert Duvall if they had people on the payroll at the local newspaper when they were planning the killing of the police captain who broke Als jaw?
Well that is the samething your seeing now with these reporters and these interviews.
The only thing that counters those interviews is THIS BLOG. The nice thing about the blogs is MORE people are reading them and from around the country.
You have read where I mention San Bernardino County. Folks again if you think you have it bad here, you have NO IDEA!!!
The past 5 Sheriff’s in that county are the finest example of “good ol boys” known to most cops.
Getting a ‘good ol boy” as Sheriff spans more than 50 years, YES I said 50 years.
The present Sheriff grooms someone below him to take his spot when he retires. ALL of them are corrupt to the CORE.
Thanks to the bigger newspapers who are no doubt just like what you see here, the appointed Sheriff eventually runs for office and in most cases is unoppossed during the election.
An outsider with little money has little or no chance of suceeding. But if they do some of the “good ol boys” will do their best to sabatoge the under dog.
It’s a well organized and financed game of keeping a corrupt official in power.
Hughes SHOULD have started seeing a “good ol boy” regime back when he was a patrolman.
But with McKinley being in charge for 16 years, I know it happened for sure at that time.
NO ONE should be in charge as the Chief LEO for 16 years. Such a long tenure BREADS corruption.
And you either play the corruption game or you get kicked to the curb. So Hughes played the game and made it up to Captain and now Acting Chief.
With his fine style from the “university” of used car salesmanship, he has the “feel good” citizens of Fullerton wrapped up. FOR NOW!!!
909 GED hillbilly, if there was any question about you really being a cop you confirmed it with this little gem.
NO ONE should be in charge as the Chief LEO for 16 years. Such a long tenure BREADS corruption.
What kind of corruption toast do you like with your eggs?
You might want to check the spelling of “slanderous” before you start throwing stones at Anti Corruption Unit…
From “Cindy”
“Your understanding of the incident is wrong but your source for information is this blog. Which is filled with slanderious half truths and flat out lies”.
And 16 years is one helluva long time as chief at one single department.
Who are you, Lou Ponsi’s old lady?
That’s funny Wrong Guy..
we accept grammatical errors as long as the content is worthwhile. Bye the bye, what are you adding to this blog other than criticism?
Cindy you ignorant ‘crack-head’!!!!
WTF did that mean? You must be one of those “alien” types McKinley was talking about.
You make and have zero sense!
Never mind answering my question Cindy. I see now that you were attempting to discredit ACU because of one little spelling inaccuracy.
Why would you or anyone want to attack him?
As an ex-LEO guy, we appreciated his analysis about the Fulerton PD and selected councilmembers behaviors. What he says on his comments is based on working experiences as an LEO in a corrupt “red-necked” sheriff’s environment
You, however must be a part of the corruption in Fullerton; either you are a FPD cop, cops wife, McKInley’s wife, etc. In fact, you may be Captain Hughes in disguise!
I say this because anyone who would resent ACU’s comments, must be on the ‘other side’.
Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Conflict between good and evil
It is also one of the most common conventional themes in literature, and is sometimes considered to be a universal part of the human condition.
Contrary to popular belief, right and wrong, moral and immoral, ethical and unethical—are not always on opposite ends of the spectrum of good and evil. In addition, the people who fight for the cause on either side may not always look or act like the one you would expect.
Who has the FBI all up in their asses, and there is a UN Childrens Bill of Rights. Right to respect and courtesy. Children should be treated with respect and courtesy by adults, as well as by other children.
OOPs bad link
8.Right to respect and courtesy. Children should be treated with respect and courtesy by adults, as well as by other children.
#105 Wrong Guy.
That pretty much is a given when you have a Cindy come in here with a generic comment, just about a given you hit a nerve from the other side.
Cops hate it when someone can come on board and call BS on their game and they can’t do much about it. LEGALLY that is.
Nothing Cindy or her friends could do to me that hasn’t already been tried at least once.
That would include simple insults up to and including attempted murder on me.
Fullerton Officials Have Got to Go – Chris Emami
Some big news recently has been with the potential recall of three Republican council members in Fullerton. People have asked me what my take is on the recall since the recall is targeting Republicans. I may not agree with Tony Bushala on every issue, but no matter what his motives are behind the recall these council members have simply got to go.
Hurting the Republican brand? There’s the danger of seeing (almost) everything in terms of political party.
These three goons are hurting the human race brand.
Three goons and a lady are hurting the human race brand.
I agree Mr. Harpoon.