It’s Broken. Fix It.

And let’s start with someone named Dana Fox who supposedly is an attorney for the City of Fullerton – a holdover from the Old Regime of Incompetence and Denial.

Here is a story by the never helpful Lou Ponsi of the OC Register that includes an interview with said Mr. Fox. It’s all about the the lawsuit filed by Ron Thomas against the City of Fullerton for the murder of his son by the Fullerton cops July 5th, 2011.

Lawyer Fox? Close enough.

First Fox pops off about the irrelevance of previous bad behavior by some of Fullerton’s Finest:

Responding to the lawsuit Thomas filed last week, alleging officers’ misconduct in multiple incidents apart from the July 5, 2011 incident involving his son, attorney Dana Fox said many of the allegations deal with “extemporaneous” and “irrelevant” matters.

“All of those other matters have nothing to do with the events of July 5, 2011, and are irrelevant to determine if there is liability, and if so, if there are reasonable compensatory damages that Mr. Thomas is entitled to recover,” Fox said.

I think the history of malfeasance and cover-ups is very much germane to the Culture of Corruption that permeated the FPD. Of course I’m not a lawyer. But Garo Mardirossian is. I do know one thing: I want the history of FPD abuses addressed, admitted to, and corrected, and through a court proceeding, if necessary.

Later on Fox dangles the tasty carrot of an easy settlement:

“As the city and Cathy Thomas were able to do, which is put aside their differences … the city is more than willing to sit down with Mr. Thomas and his attorney,” Fox said. “Otherwise, it will be a lengthy case.”

Differences? Hell, we all saw the video. Who in the hell gave this assclown permission to speak to the media on behalf of the City. Bankhead, Jones, and McPension have been fired by the people of Fullerton. Who is giving this bozo direction in dealing with Ron Thomas, or any other of the long line of plaintiffs against the Fullerton Police Department? Again, I only want a settlement after a court trial, in public, details the facts of the Kelly Thomas murder on top of those the DA will not touch.

Finally, I would like to know who gave Lawyer Fox permission to open his yap to the media in the first place. Was it Old Regime City Manager Joe Felz? Was it Old Regime City Attorney Richard Jones? Was it Mayor Sharon Quirk? Whoever it was, one thing should be made abundantly clear – nobody speaks for the City of Fullerton except the city council; this means no more happy press releases issued by staff, no more  government self-promotion, and no more obfuscation meant to protect city employees and meant to sweep embarrassments under the rug.

And let’s hope the new council gets on with the business of clearing out the holdovers from the corrupt, stupid, incompetent, and negligent council majority that preceded them.

199 Replies to “It’s Broken. Fix It.”

  1. I want the history of FPD abuses addressed, admitted to, and corrected, and through a court proceeding, if necessary.

    The court proceedings may ensue, but I don’t think anything will ever be admitted to. jmo

    1. hopefully, when the murder of kelly thomas goes to trial, the defense and prosecuting lawyers will establish the Fullerton PD, under the leadership of Pat McKinley and his intellectual heir Sellers, promoted a culture of corruption evidenced by the many legal settlements the city of fullerton paid out to the victims of the Fullerton PD. the reason both sides will promote this fact is : ti may to a degree decrease the level of culpability for Ramos and Cicinelli and shift some of the blame to Pat McKinley and the city of Fullerton’s city council. And the prosecution will use this fact to show Fullerton PD routinely abused suspects

      1. van get it da artiste :
        hopefully, when the murder of kelly thomas goes to trial, the defense and prosecuting lawyers will establish the Fullerton PD, under the leadership of Pat McKinley and his intellectual heir Sellers, promoted a culture of corruption evidenced by the many legal settlements the city of fullerton paid out to the victims of the Fullerton PD. the reason both sides will promote this fact is : ti may to a degree decrease the level of culpability for Ramos and Cicinelli and shift some of the blame to Pat McKinley and the city of Fullerton’s city council. And the prosecution will use this fact to show Fullerton PD routinely abused suspects

        This case will not go to trial. The DAs office has political ambitions and needs the financial backing of the cop unions. WATCH

        1. None of that will be allowed. It has nothing to do with the incident itself. One thing that will be allowed is Kelly’s violent history. Yes politics and money plays into every decision made thus far.

    2. Very enlightening posting Tony. You have your guys on the Council now so you are TELLING the rest of the public how it’s going to work from now on and who is now in charge if what?

      I haven’t read anywhere that the Council voted to be the single source of release of news or press releases. Where was that? And when did they relieve the City Manager of his duties of running the daily business of the city?

      It’s quite clear by your posting that your clearly believe you bought the control of the City Council. I hope this fact is not lost on your sheep.

      1. It’s only “quite clear” to you and the rest of your overpaid, overfed, incontient Apple Dumpling gang members.

        Tony and the rest of us with integrity, are here to stay.

      2. “I haven’t read anywhere that the Council voted to be the single source of release of news or press releases. Where was that?”

        You’ll be reading all about it, soon.

  2. I’m still trying to figure out who ok’d and what it was all about, regarding that settlement offer of $900 grand from Bruce Praet to Ron Thomas last year.

    I think this point has everything to do with July 5th 2011- wondering why the same police were allowed back to duty on the streets for weeks after killing a man until the poo hit the fan?
    (Wasn’t Hughes aware of this? I thought internal affairs automatically suspends the cop/cops after someone dies at their hands)

    Would like an answer as to why the Rincon case, along with a host of other things were not dealt with for years?

    Dana Fox? I’m starting to see a pattern-Chris Meyers coming forth from the past, now Dana Fox…looks like an inside job to me.

    “Fox also represented Fullerton when Kelly’s mother, Cathy Thomas, accepted a $1 million settlement from the city in May.

    The amount was agreed to through mediation.

    “As the city and Cathy Thomas were able to do, which is put aside their differences … the city is more than willing to sit down with Mr. Thomas and his attorney,” Fox said. “Otherwise, it will be a lengthy case.”

    “Lengthy” meaning costly,
    “putting aside differences” what does that mean?…. oh brother

    1. City attorneys offer settlements all the time. If the person says they want to accept, it has to be approved by council if it is above the specified amount. Council could have said no to the 900k once it was presented to them. It was just a preliminary discussion and those offers still happen today in all cities. The cops don’t get suspended after a death. They are put on paid leave for 3 days to seek counseling and gather their thoughts. Some don’t go back to work for weeks. Aside differences means moving forward. Councils don’t micro manage. They hired people to manage the city for them.

      1. Or to be more precise they hired people to mis-manage the City. And now they have been recalled.

        1. Just three of them. Bruce and Squirky voted yes on numerous items that they now wish they didn’t. Feliz still calling the shots. Keep up the good work.

  3. Well, damn! “putting aside differences?” Differences? Yeah! The difference between being alive and freaking dead!!!??? Is that the “difference” he means? Jerk.

    Correctly and astutely stated: “assclown” …and that assclown needs to shut up and not be allowed to speak for anyone other than his own ass.


  4. A lot of the comments on that article are pretty disgusting, too – not unlike a lot of the cop apologists on this blog.

    Say what you will about the Register, they certainly have found their readership.

  5. Perhaps Grammar Police can confirm my opinion about this quote:

    “All of those other matters have nothing to do with the events of July 5, 2011, and are irrelevant to determine if there is liability, and if so, if there are reasonable compensatory damages that Mr. Thomas is entitled to recover,” Fox said.

    Shouldn’t it be “[None] of those other matters”? And, “are [not relevant] to [determining]”?
    Also, to what does “if so” refer?

  6. I think I found attorney Fox – this may be the person (given that his law firm frequently represents cities against which lawsuits have been filed):

    Mr. Fox has defended and tried many high profile cases, including the Santa Monica Farmers’ Market litigation (which involved 36 coordinated actions arising from an errant vehicle that drove through a farmers market). Mr. Fox has tried to verdict cases involving wrongful death, traumatic brain injury, paralysis and similar catastrophic injuries. He has tried to verdict police use of force, product liability, transportation (including trucking and light rail), premises owner/premises liability and construction site accident cases. He has lectured on defending police officers in use of force actions, catastrophic case evaluation, jury selection, defending high exposure cases, and opening and closing argument presentation.

  7. For God sakes. Some incredibly stupid thing coming from a representative of city government. A city manager of any competence would call him into his office and read him the riot act. But then, perhaps the author is right. Perhaps Felz or Quirk or ___________ (fill in the blank) authorized him to shoot his mouth off. If that’s the case this situation is much more dire than I first suspected.

    In a legal sense showing a pattern of egregious wrongdoing carries a lot of weight. Look at the RICO (Racketeer Influences and Corrupt Organizations Act) statute. Proven patterns generally elicit greater punishment. Any judge worth his salt would allow in evidence that shows a pattern or ‘culture of corruption’ within FPD IMO.

    Oh, and do you see how they are pushing Ron Thomas to sit down and “let’s make a deal”??? Why??? Because they don’t want the pattern revealed. They don’t want the facts (that would otherwise get buried) to rear their ugly heads.

    I urge Ron Thomas to go all the way and take these scoundrels to the mat. Afterall – none of this should be about the money. It should be about justice for Kelly. And my personal opinion is that a settlement before a trial would be a slap to Kelly’s face.

  8. Obviously, the city knows it has a losing civil case with Ron Thomas. It is in the best interest of the city to come to a quick settlement.

    However, I do not think Mr. Thomas will go that route. He has stated that he wants the whole truth to come out about his son’s murder. If he keeps to that pledge, I forsee a long court fight between the city and Mr. Thomas. Although this will cost the city more in dollars, it might help clean up our police department.

    It is obvious that the FPD has not yet totally accepted their role in sending out some officers into the street that act more like they are in Bagdad then in Fullerton.

    Until the FPD brass, the city manager and the council make it crystal clear that our city has no tolerance for bad cops with bad behavior, I worry that our city will have gone through this horrible period with little improvement in our police force.

    Let me make it clear that officers watching criminal behavior by other officers and not physically or even verbally trying to stop that criminal behavior must also be severly dealt with by our city.

    The words “To Serve and Protect” should mean something!

    1. Fullerton llerton conscience….. absolutely right, AMEN!!!!! PLEASE, EVERYONE…. SIGN, SIGN, SIGN!!!! kelly thomas, the two petitions: remove all 6 cops, AND, the criminal justice one!!!!

    2. I think the battle will consist of delaying the presentation of evidence or avoiding having to present it at all. If you look at the entirety of the response to the Thomas family, it has consisted of nothing but personal and character attacks. That, and a number of lies.

      It would be a great idea to criminalize the act of disabling, muting, or otherwise preventing the assigned audio recorder from serving its purpose. You know, like a felony.

      Another great idea is to create a public accessible record of police officers who are known to experience issues with their assigned audio recorders. These recorders are paid for by the taxpayers and the treatment they are subjected to should be made known to those who pay for them.

      So, if the contact with Kelly Thomas was expected to be ordinary, what’s with the collective failure to either wear or ensure that the recording devices were operational?

  9. “None of the Fullerton Six will be going on trial any time soon. Ramos and Cicinelli have a stay of execution for 2012.
    The fight goes on.” From the Justice For Kelly page.

    Any confirmation of this? Sounds like horrible news.

  10. This post clearly clarifies a few things.

    Joe S can rant all he wants. No one is clearly listening to him and they don’t care what Joe S thinks. Chief and others will continue to speak with the public and issue press releases.

    FFFF is making it very easy to use them as an example of what can happen without POBAR. This is why POBAR will never go away.

    Wolfe may be charged for PR purposes only. The other three responders will get no discipline or ever be charged related to this case.

    Danny will revert back to Captain once the new Chief is chosen. It’s in his contract. He’s not going anywhere for a long time even though FFFF wants him fired.

    All city leaders and department heads don’t want corrupt employees or cops anywhere near the City. They will discipline and fire, if necessary, anyone found in violation. Just because FFFF says someone is corrupt or bad doesn’t mean they are and no one is going to make a decision because FFFF says so.

    Fullerton is looking to the future and working together to make Fullerton a better place in the future. Great progress has been made already with new blood.

    1. Boo hoo, no one cares what FFFF says. But we kops need POBAR protection from FFFF because they are scary bloggers (?)

      Make up your mind, fucktard. You’re going to have to pick one lie and run with it.

      1. Nipsey, as soon as someone posts their opinion that you don’t agree with you call them a fucktard? It’s comments like that that make this blog enteraining! Nipsey, you’re an asshole and Merihoe, you’re a cunt!
        Trolls have their opinions too!

        1. Better watch it. Reality is you’re leaving a slime trail a mile long. But at least you have that going for you. It’s all good.

      2. What is everyone supposed to do? What would make you union people happy? Should we all act like we have a mouthful of crackers, keep our heads down, talk like mechanical Stepford wives and only think about what’s on sale at Albertson’s while POBAR and the likes, do what they want, say what they want, make the rules, take the money and defend criminals who they like for whatever reason?

        Sca-wee FFFF’ers – keepin POBAR in power cause we make noise. Has nothin to do with anything other than FFFF not cooperating- POBAR knows everything, they are the all omnipotent, I mean POBAR can eat chinese food with one chopstick, POBAR can light a fire by rubbing 2 ice cubes together.
        They won’t ever go away, ever-as long as they keep getting tons of money and freebies.

    2. Wrong. Council can tell Chief and City Manger no more unauthorized PR. Insubordination cause for termination. Hughes can go pound a beat, the go pound sand.

      New Chief (Hunt) will clean house.

      Department heads don’t mean shit. And city leaders are now the council. Too bad. It wasn’t POBAR that kept Hampton employed. It was Hughes, Sellers and the DA.

  11. Yes merijoe that is him He specializes in “Hospitality” law. That means he puts a shining face on horrible incidents. Perfect to represent Fullerton.
    Sometimes it is good for a plaintiff to attend their settlement talks along with their lawyer so that the first time something is leaked to the Lou Ponzi Scheme OC Register, you end the talks immediately. That sends a message that trial by newspaper will not occur. Each time something is leaked, the settlement amount required by the plaintiff is increased. This leaked info by the lawyer representing the city results in termination by city council. Its easy. The city manager wants his job, he will terminate the contracted city lawyer or risk all the sordid info about what really happened in a civil trial.
    Its time to get tough with the “old tried and true system” used throughout Orange County. Its an abomination.

  12. Nice post Joe. That article has been irritating me all weekend. Someone is also issuing a not-so-veiled threat to Ron Thomas that if he doesn’t knuckle under, they intend to slime his whole family with the aid of such lowly likes as the Register and Ponsi. Man, not only does this sort of culture kill an innocent man, they then go after his family. The real character of Fullerton is above that. Ron will not likely be intimidated now anyway because these deviants have been trashing him and his family for a year already. Some poor soul posting on this site has sunken to new lows in attacking Ron. If you’re out there Ron, stay strong. The culture of corruption that has been festering for so long is very much relevant to this case, and true justice for Kelly will never happen as a result of the kindness of these individuals. You have to go get it just the way you have been. A lot of us are sticking with you because nothing permanent will have been acheived until all the facts see the light of day.

    Whoever sent this lawyer out to speak for the City of Fullerton did no service to residents who want to finally let the true character of the town shine through. The city needs new rep-resentation. Bashing Kelly’s family has always been bad strategy for a successful outcome.

    1. Then Ron shouldn’t have lied of who he was, what he has done or who he claims to be. You cant lie forever and get away way it. Specially when lies in front of cameras and on the radio.

          1. @John Doe, trust me when I tell you that I am NOT “worrying” about your lies.

            Now, tell me precisely what “it” has to do with the FPD 6 torturing, bludgeoning, Tasering and suffocating Kelly Thomas to death on July 5, 2011, while Kelly was screaming in pain, begging for his life and calling for his dad and God to save him. -ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! You are a sociopathic FREAK! Until you have something substantive to say, SHUT your donut hole.

            1. Until you stop saying that Kelly was tortured and murdered, I am not shutting my so called “donut hole”. Because that is not what happened. Why don’t you cut your losses Ron and settle before you get nothing.

              1. I’m not Ron, so shove it in your donut hole.




                1. No one covered anything. It will all come out. No matter how much you scream. Relax you are gonna bust a vein.

                2. @John Doe, You and your FPD buddies are STILL trying to cover up the TORTURE and MURDER of Kelly Thomas, but it’s NOT working.

                  “Relax”? “Relax”? Geez, that’s what you/FPD kept yelling at Kelly Thomas the night you all MURDERED him!! You REALLY have that word fully ingrained into your psyche, don’t you?? Next, you’re going to start yelling, “STOP RESISTING, while you beat me to death”!!

                  My veins are quite fine, thank you; however, I sincerely wish that you, and the rest of the FPD, had been EVEN HALF as concerned about the condition of Kelly Thomas’ veins on the night that you MURDERED him, as you profess to be about mine.

          2. So I took a few days off, wondering if JD would learn and stop his poopy ways. Maybe he’d cut back on the fiber. Maybe he ran out of newspaper to wipe with. MAYBE . . . he learned to keep his poop in the toilet and off the keyboard.

            Alas, here we are again. New week; same poopy tune.

            Poop. Wipe. Post. Repeat. The legacy of JD continues.

  13. Knuckle under? meaning what?

    Just words, no meaning. Keep going- the closer you get to the heat the hotter it gets. I think Ron and family along with most have probably heard it all by now.

    1. My take, Merijoe, is that the purpose of that Register article is to send a signal to Ron just to give up and settle, or it will get real ugly for him and his family for a very long time while they try to wear him down. If Ron settles, only the DA will remain to get to the rock bottom of things. Some unscrupulous people will breathe a sigh of releif if that happens.

      1. Ronald will have to settle or risk losing millions. He wants that free money and with Garo getting half, he knows he has to be careful. If the city offers $10 million he could lose half of that if he goes to trial. He would love to expose things he thinks he can, however, that could cost him millions in the end and seeing that he just wants the money and get out of town, he will probably take a settlement and move on.

        1. @Reality Is..nt, You are making the FALSE assumption that because YOU and your FPD SOCIOPATHS are ONLY motivated by the almighty dollar, that everyone else shares your same lack of morals. You couldn’t be more wrong.

      2. The DA already passed on Wolfe in order to cut his losses with the FPD. Wolfe will never be charged in a Superior Court.

  14. Actually the deal will be cut by Mardirossian who will prefer to settle for a sure thing rather than to take the case to trial.

    1. Garo Mardirossian is a civil lawyer and is in no way directly involved with the criminal proceedings against the FPD officers.

  15. This guy is paid to reduce the pay out by the tax payers of Fullerton. Any reduced settlement to Mr. Thomas will put in jeopardy the goal of bankrupting the city. This man needs to be fired as soon as possible. He may be looking out for the tax payers but he does nothing for the political agenda.

  16. What a hoot!!!

    Finally, I would like to know who gave Lawyer Fox permission to open his yap to the media in the first place. Was it Old Regime City Manager Joe Felz? Was it Old Regime City Attorney Richard Jones? Was it Mayor Sharon Quirk? Whoever it was, one thing should be made abundantly clear – nobody speaks for the City of Fullerton except the city council.

    And they only say what Tony Bushala tells them to say!

  17. “Nobody speaks for the City of Fullerton except the city council,” says “Joe Sipowicz,” purporting to speak for the City of Fullerton.

    Trying to tell people they can’t talk to the media. This is going to be some funny stuff.

    1. This mud created idiot Golem is still posting his crapola here, disregarding a fact that we are the representative republic, not a democracy, and that city council speaks for, and represents people.

      This constitution’s-molester Golem obviously believes that some sort of occupy-lynch-mob, lead by him, should speak on the Fullerton issues.

      What a orangejuice sucking moron mongoloid?

        1. Sure!

          Your creator, Rabbi Loeb, made you a dumb slave from a dirt and you are upholding his creativity.

          In contrast, my creator made me sovereign person with the unalienable rights.

          Big difference in IQ.

    2. This may come as a surprise to you fathead employee lawyer but a boss can tell his employee what to do – and what not to do in the performance of his job.

      1. Not if the boss’s directions are illegal, he can’t. (Or, at least, that’s where I come in.)

        In this case, Whiz, is the person who Joe Sip wants to shut up a city employee? Go read it again. … … … That’s right, he isn’t. So what comes as a surprise to me is that you bother making that argument where it’s not pertinent. (Just kidding; I’m not surprised by that.)

        1. “Not if the boss’s directions are illegal, he can’t”…… Hmmmmmm

          An employ has no right to the constitutionally protected speech, you mud-doll, therefore, an order to shut up is legal.

  18. Mr Diamond, I wonder who gave Travis Kiger permission to open his mouth and say that Ramos was fired? Isn’t that a violation?

    1. I don’t think that he needs permission to do so. If he’s wrong and it is damaging to Ramos, I suppose that you could get into defamation issues, or he could be violating some personnel policy that carries penalties, but otherwise I don’t follow your line of thought.

  19. Yeah, right, you game playing hack, that’s what he meant, no one is allowed to speak to the media…why don’t you quote the whole statment in context-and you are the funny stuff that people laugh at.

    “Finally, I would like to know “who gave Lawyer Fox permission to open his yap to the media in the first place.” “Was it Old Regime City Manager Joe Felz? Was it Old Regime City Attorney Richard Jones? Was it Mayor Sharon Quirk?”

    Whoever it was, one thing “should be made abundantly clear” – nobody speaks “for” the City of Fullerton except the city council; “this means no more happy press releases issued by staff”, “no more government self-promotion”, “and no more obfuscation meant to protect city employees and meant to sweep embarrassments under the rug.”

    To me that is saying the person in charge over there in the Land of Transparency, needs to make sure what is said to the media by whoever is in charge of flapping of the gums, is fact and not fiction.

    And let’s hope the new council gets on with the business of clearing out the holdovers from the corrupt, stupid, incompetent, and negligent council majority that preceded them.

    1. So what part of “who gave Lawyer Fox permission to open his yap” do you find OK, merijoe? Does he need anyone’s permission to talk about Fullerton issues?

      You’re sounding like the Republican Old Guard after 7/5/11.

      1. You’re sounding like the Republican Old Guard after 7/5/11.

        Good to see you’re still pushing that left vs. right divide and conquer scam Gregory.

        1. Whatever you’re talking about, I’d suggest that you take the comment at face value. merijoe’s line sounds like it could have come from Dr. Dick Jones.

      2. Of course he does. He is a contractor for the City. Man. you really are a stoopid fuck. Or just a useless troublemaker.

        By the way, how is your fall victory strategy workin’ out for ya?

      3. After this he will need permission if he wants to keep his job with Fullerton. I really wonder if your clients (presuming you really have any) are getting legal advice worth anything.

        As to Fox, I believe the City should just cut loose all the old lawyers under contract and start with the bumbling stooge Richard Jones. The man has done irreparable harm to the people of Fullerton through his 15 year support of the illegal water tax.

  20. John Doe :Don’t worry, it will be out soon.

    Hey jd how much do you think cici will be able to get for his glass eye in prison. Or do you think the gaurds will confiscate it so he cannot hide contraband in his socket?

  21. John Doe :Then Ron shouldn’t have lied of who he was, what he has done or who he claims to be. You cant lie forever and get away way it. Specially when lies in front of cameras and on the radio.

    cici is gonnabe real popular in prison what with that extra hole in the middle of his face almost as popular as you are here JD

    1. Larry, why are you such a fucktard? When people say things like that it makes me happy I don’t live in Fullerton. Fuck your city, I hope it burns to hell.

  22. If a contract was given to a group of lawyers to handle the case, the lawyers would proceed according to their contract and their own discretion until a change was made. The authorization to speak for the City would arise from the initial contract.

    It may very well be that the law firm was hired under the old council. The law firm would be duty-bound to proceed. It would be up to Joe Felz and/or the new City Council to express restrictions on their actions or to thank them for their work, dismiss, and replace them.

    1. Good question Shimon. Trivia question…Did you know that Kerry was her middle name, and that her first name was “Rector”.

        1. Obituary: Rector Kerr Fox Iii
          1952 Rector Kerr Fox III of Fullerton, Calif., died on August 4, 2000, after a six-year struggle with cancer. He was 65. Born in New York City on September 25,1934, he was the son of Edith Darrach Fox and Rector Kerr Fox, Jr. ’22. After preparation at Greenwich (Conn.) Country Day School, he entered the 111 Form in 1948. He earned Second Testimonials in 1951 and 1952 and was a member of the Missionary Society, Le Cercle Francais, the Delphian first football team, and worked with the Concord Project helping youth in Concord. He received his diploma cum laude with Honors in public affairs.

          He received his A.B. degree from Harvard in 1956, majoring in geology. He was a Dean’s List student and a member of the Hasty Pudding Club and the varsity crew.

          Commissioned through the NROTC program, Mr. Fox qualified as a Navy carrier pilot and served on active duty

          for three years, much of that time as a Douglas AD-4 Skyßaider pilot with Attack Squadron 216 (VA-216), the “Black Diamonds,” aboard the carriers Bennington and Lexington. He remained in the reserve until 1976, serving in the Judge Advocate General Corps and retiring as a Lieutenant Commander.

          After returning to civilian life in 1959, he worked for Cook Trust Co, Ltd. in Honolulu before attending Stanford Law School, from which he graduated in 1964 and where he was vice president and treasurer of the Stanford Law Forum. He was deputy city attorney for San Diego (1965-1970), corporate counsel for TraveLodge International in El Cajon, California (1970-1973), and city attorney for Fullerton (1973-1994).

          Survivors include his wife, Hermine Louise Gross Fox; a daughter, Jennifer Ann Fox Graham; a son, John William Fox; and seven grandchildren.

          1. Just assume they are related and bash a dead mans family anyways. FFFF is good at that. Assume it’s true or could be and use it as fact. Go protest at his house too.

            1. Who bashed Rector’s family? I posted an informational obituary of the man’s life and didn’t add a word?


      1. F.L. – FYI, Kerry was a he. Who would want to walk around with people calling you ‘Rector’. I’d go with Kerry, too.

        1. I caught that and corrected it on post #67. The only consolation would’ve been if “Rector” had a twin named “Hector” or a sister named “Nectar”.

  23. JFA you are going over the edge quickly. Get back on your Meds. You are halucinating now too. You may end up like Kelly without help. Call 1-800-IMNUTS.

    Justice for ALL :
    @John Doe, You and your FPD buddies are STILL trying to cover up the TORTURE and MURDER of Kelly Thomas, but it’s NOT working.
    “Relax”? “Relax”? Geez, that’s what you/FPD kept yelling at Kelly Thomas the night you all MURDERED him!! You REALLY have that word fully ingrained into your psyche, don’t you?? Next, you’re going to start yelling, “STOP RESISTING, while you beat me to death”!!
    My veins are quite fine, thank you; however, I sincerely wish that you, and the rest of the FPD, had been EVEN HALF as concerned about the condition of Kelly Thomas’ veins on the night that you MURDERED him, as you profess to be about mine.

        1. @Reality Is..nt

          And, IF I were suffering from schizophrenia, as was Kelly Thomas … (many sufferers of severe mental illness don’t understand that they are sick, also known as a “lack of insight”), -so, in which case, you would just have to beat, Taser and suffocate me to death, as per your usual MO.

          1. Yes we know that JFA. You would much rather have cops injured or killed when whackos go crazy. That’s why we know you are mentally ill and need help. Please seek help before you end up smashed and suffocated when you go bizerk on cops that come to help you.

            1. So, when the trained, armed, bulletproof vest wearing “cops that come to help you” arrive on the scene, and they find an unarmed, half naked, disabled man calmly sitting on a bench at the bus station, -are officers going to calmly call a Crisis Intervention Team?

              OR, are they going to threaten me with, “see these fists, they are going to F you up if you don’t comply” then when I back AWAY in fear, hit me as hard as they can with a baton on my leg? Then, bash my head into the concrete curb? Kick in my ribs and collapse my lung? Pile several fat cops on top of me and then push down as hard as they can with all of their combined weight, crushing my thorax and depriving my brain of oxygen? Taser me over and over, even after I’m unconscious?? Knee drop on my throat twice, after I’m already unconscious? Put me in a choke hold? Bludgeon me in my face/nose/eye as hard as they can with the butt end of a Taser, while I am being held down?? Leave me lying unattended in a giant pool of blood, unconscious and choking on blood, while they put Band-Aids on their elbows?
              Yes, that’s exactly what I thought.

              1. Correct. No cop would ever call a CIT for that. Never. Either 5150 or send you on your way.

                Here’s a hint. If you get up and run and then refuse to be cuffed (see video legs and arms flailing everywhere), then you risk injury or death. Not intentional but could happen. Your choice. Sit still, answer questions, be mature and non evasive, you will be on your way also.

                Normal people understand that. Mentally ill people like you will never understand that.

                1. That’s how you handle mentally ill people??? You just routinely MURDER them? Even if they apologize and call you “SIR” and tell you that they can’t breathe? And, even when they be for mercy? And, even when they are begging for God and for their dad to save them? You don’t have mercy for mentally ill people who are crying in pain, unarmed, and being held down? You just keep beating them until they are DEAD??
                  Yes, that’s what I thought.

                2. As others have said. JFA you clearly need stronger Meds. You are blind to what actually occurs in front of your eyes. Seek help immediately. Please.

                3. There are a number of problems with your recollection of that video.

                  First, at no time did Ramos put himself into a position of defense. He could have put Kelly into a number of positions but failed to do so. At one point, he completely takes his visual off of Kelly to speak with a third party. So, while people are expected to believe that Kelly had the potential to be threatening and even dangerous, both of these cops break their visual on Kelly for an extended period of time.

                  Kelly handed over the one thing that could have posed a lethal risk (his backpack) and he’s responding to questions in a normal tone of voice without quick or unstable movements. Isn’t this an ideal situation for law enforcement?

                  So, who raises their voice first? Who is the one that becomes agitated? Who is the one making the unstable and angry body movements with the baton? The police officer.

                  I do not believe that either of these officers ever believed that their safety was compromised or at a risk of being compromised. Throughout the entire event, these two cops had the opportunity to put Kelly into a disadvantaged position that would have been safe for both of them but never did so. Not once.

              2. Yes and and the media calls it a struggle, they say that Kelly died days later after an altercation, Hee Haw says he dont know how that boy died, McSatan hired em all, Blankead just snoozes through, Sellout bails on the 50% tax free pay plan, the video editing reaches new heights, DA drags feet, over and undercharges, now its musical docket time, and the flouridated public’s attention span, already an endangered entity, is all the while becoming shorter by the day and has been given a 6 month lapse so the fog will roll in. Folks they actually think that they can get away with this. They will continue to marginalize those who stand in the gap, spin, deflect, and intimidate. Ron please take this thing all the way. Roll the dice double or nothing. Money wont bring back your son, nor will it change what has happened. Settling and forgoing the trial most certainly will ensure that this kind of thing will happen again. Once the line is crossed it always gets easier.

                1. How old are Ramos and Cici? They will start collecting their Fullerton pensions at 50. Sweet deal huh?

                2. You speak truths sir. All right on point. Ron and Garo will settle. They can’t risk losing a few million. It’s all about the dough.

                3. They won’t collect it if Fullerton goes into bankruptcy. And, when the dollar collapses, their pensions won’t be worth spit.

                4. Fullerton isn’t going bankrupt. Federal judge will never allow it with their reserves and revenues. Pensions will always be worth something. If dollar collapses their pension will be relative to that dollar. It will buy top ramen.

                5. They will collect if Fullerton goes into bankruptcy. That is one of many claims on the bankrupt city. It will work well for reducing pensions until settlement is paid off. Sort of like poetic justice.

  24. Lake County Sheriff’s Office deputies shot and killed a man they assumed was an attempted murder suspect on Sunday, but they now know they shot the wrong man.

    In the early morning hours, deputies knocked on 26-year-old Andrew Lee Scott’s door without identifying themselves as law enforcement officers. Scott answered the door with a gun in his hand.

    “When we knocked on the door, the door opened and the occupant of that apartment was pointing a gun at deputies and that’s when we opened fire and killed him,” Lt. John Herrell said.

    Deputies thought they were confronting Jonathan Brown, a man accused of attempted murder. Brown was spotted at the Blueberry Hills Apartment complex and his motorcycle was parked across from Andrew Scott’s front door.

    “It’s just a bizarre set of circumstances. The bottom line is, you point a gun at a deputy sheriff or police office, you’re going to get shot,” Herrell said.

  25. What is the re..ity now?

    That the whole world is part sociopath and part narcissistic?

    That John Doe is actually Chief Danny?

    That Goodrich is the next Chief?

    That Lapd lesbian Captain Tina Nieto is the next Fullerton Chief?

    That Tony is King of the USA?

    That Tony is actually all of the 5 main posters on this blog outside of John Doe and Re..ity Is?

    That love is in the air?

    That Mitt Romney is sexy?

    Or all of the above?


    1. That John Doe is actually Chief Danny?

      John Doecinelli wishes he was half the man Dan is and that aint saying much.

  26. I have to agree with the recent posters noting the decrease in Kelly Thomas stories. Not even a mention on here about the thugs getting a six month vacation from court. Instead I get to read sophomoric personal insults and silly threats about censoring free speech rights. I mean, I make stupid insults on here from time to time as well, but I’m not getting paid/recognized to write these stories.

    1. Brandon how will you feel when one gets found not guilty and one guilty but he only gets 2 years and does 6 months in jail?

      1. Stories, How will YOU feel when you hear that one of your fellow pigs got ass-raped by a gang of inmates? Kind of like the smell of bacon cooking, smells delicious to most of us, but terrifing to you.

    2. I think this is an indication the the Kelly Thomas murder news cycle is winding down. Getting an addtional 6 months before Ramos and ‘Cici” go to trial is a gift from the OC justice system. The longer it takes to go to trial the less likely they will be found guilt of max. charges filed against them. Sometimes time heals the wrong wounds.

    3. Instead I get to read sophomoric personal insults and silly threats about censoring free speech rights.

      Maybe I’m wrong but seems like you’re purposely confusing stories posted on FFFF with posts/comments by users.

    4. Perhaps because this is a blog for city, county and other issues, Brandon. Many of us are still concerned with Justice for Kelly. However, we still have other problems to contend with. We still have a city to fix, WE, those of us who live here. The ones who submit subject entries write of things that many find of interest and do so voluntarily.

      1. I want to add, that many of us greatly appreciate the outside attention and help that we’ve received. What happened re Kelly was the final straw that brought down the three idiots but ny no means, the only straw. We’ve had problems that are finally have a realistic opportunity to address and fix.

      2. What was a problem for Fullerton, will now be a problem for a different city considering the manner these cops are bounced around.

        The Upland Police Department hired an officer from Costa Mesa that was let go due to excessive force or so I’ve read.

  27. Stories: If they get reduced charges I will realize it is just a symptom of a corrupt legal system and uneducated jurors who believe police can murder innocent people in full public view because they wear a badge. I will also take comfort knowing the officers have no chance in hell of ever terrorizing citizens under the guise of being a cop again, that they can not walk the streets of Fullerton without people looking at them with disgust, that their poor children will not be allowed at friends houses because their daddies murdered a homeless man for fun, that their uneducated, unemployable selves will have to scrounge just to get by, and that they will have to live with guilty consciences for the rest of their days.

    Very interesting points Shimon. I’m afraid there may be some truth to your statement. It’s unfortunate that people with money and power get special treatment and are often not held accountable for their actions.

    Walsh: I was referring to name calling such as “assclown” and “bozo,” and statements such as, “I would like to know who gave Lawyer Fox permission to open his yap to the media in the first place.” I was unaware lawyers, or anyone for that matter, needed permission to speak to the media.

    1. Brandon. Dont be so sure. Most exiled cops get great jobs in Montana and other states. They will also get their pension when they turn 50. It may not be as bad as you think. Most Fullerton cops don’t live in Fullerton and never come to Fullerton anyways. Most people in other cities wouldn’t know these two if they saw them either.

    1. You wish James. Won’t happen. Even if convicted they still get their pensions at 50. No one can touch the Calpers $235 billion in assets.

      1. Isn’t their a process to ‘un-vest’ an employee who is fired for wrong-doing and the employee simply gets their employee contribution refunded and they are no longer under CalPers?

      2. Ummm that is now totally wrong! Calpers had a terrible year only having +1% for the year. Cal Strs for teachers did way better! Municipalities are going to have to make up the difference and bankrupt cities will be allowed to reduce pensions to those who have not retired. Cicinelli has not retired. Ramos was fired so he can collect a partial pension if he fills out the paper work quickly and reaches 50.
        Muni pensions are coming under attack and into full view, finally. Unfunded pension liablilities is a huge problem. But it is true that you cannot garnish the pension plans for settlements. (under current law)!

  28. John Doe :
    As others have said. JFA you clearly need stronger Meds. You are blind to what actually occurs in front of your eyes. Seek help immediately. Please.

    I would have to be on mind numbing meds NOT to realize that Kelly Thomas was MURDERED by sociopathic, self-entitled, brutal, FPD officers right in front of our eyes!! Kelly Thomas, and many others, are MURDERED by officers who believe that they are the jury, judge and executioners of the citizens!!

    I am seeking the help of ALL citizens to rid Fullerton, and the country, of unrepentant, corrupt law enforcement who believe they can torture, abuse and murder citizens with impunity.

  29. Pensions? :
    Fullerton isn’t going bankrupt. Federal judge will never allow it with their reserves and revenues. Pensions will always be worth something. If dollar collapses their pension will be relative to that dollar. It will buy top ramen.

    When the store shelves are empty, you won’t be buying any Top Ramen, and I won’t be giving you any of mine.

    1. That day may be a lot sooner than most people think. The blatant corruption at all levels is merely symptomatic of a larger problem, a nation on the verge of collapse. There will come a time where we may be left with nothing more than our integrity. May God have mercy on those that have sold theirs for 30 pieces of silver.

  30. John Doe :Fact. She has a loud mouth and very large breasts. I’m sure Ron loves them very much.

    So you like breasts hugh Jd why dont you Emil and I go to Lv this weekend and go ***********************************************************************!!

      1. Yes. Breasts are nice

        There’s nothing like a horny brain damaged a-hole with self control issues. ************************************.

  31. Lol @ JD telling anyone they need to take meds. She about had a nervous breakdown on here the other day when 9c1 pointed out that spousal abuse is rampant with cops like Ramos and Cicinelli. Pretty sad that ex-convicts who are fired for being a disgrace to the uniform, from a department that it is damn near impossible to ge fired from, can still collect pensions.

    1. Imagine if pensions weren’t protected. People like you would take them away for using their freedom of speech rights. They will thank Fullerton once they start collecting their pensions.

  32. Sherbear: I understand that it is different for residents of Fullerton and that the Thomas murder only scratches the surface of the corruption. I just question how much good name calling does for the city. But I can only worry about controlling my own emotions, which is hard to do with the class of people we have representing FPD on here.

    1. I agree about the name calling and other things that are so vile and full of hate. There’s a difference between frustration and ugly hate. I prefer to ignore the regular haters rather than give them a response and traction to keep going.

  33. This defense attorney is gonna do the usual routine to Mr. Thomas. Delay, lie, forget documents requested by the judge and make excuses to the court until he figures out along with the city that the longer they persist in playing games in court the larger the amount becomes when it goes to a jury trial. If I was Mr. Thomas I would go and bankrupt all the police officers personally after his suit against the city and its insurance carrier are taken care in a few years…

  34. Mark: You have some good points. There may even be some cities who want to hire thug officers, if they are not afraid of potential lawsuits and community backlash. Hopefully this story will pick up enough national interest that they will not be able to get jobs anywhere after the trial and prison. It is pretty easy to recognize these guys with their distinct physical features. You don’t see too many one-eyed or 5-8 250lb individuals roaming the streets.

  35. I hope he does that as well O.G. With no employable skills outside of law enforcement, a felony record, and no college education, I doubt they will be making anything. But at least he can get those overinflated pensions. Hell, the Cicinelli’s are already online beggars, they can probably get used to doing it in person.

  36. You mean freedom of speech or freedom of murder Pensions? Non-cop murderers don’t get to enjoy their pension benefits from prison. Why should it be any different because you were wearing a badge at the time you committed the crime?

      1. The laws need to be changed and this trial just may lend itself to kick start a ballot measure on this very subject.

  37. Brandon :Lol @ JD telling anyone they need to take meds. She about had a nervous breakdown on here the other day when 9c1 pointed out that spousal abuse is rampant with cops like Ramos and Cicinelli. Pretty sad that ex-convicts who are fired for being a disgrace to the uniform, from a department that it is damn near impossible to ge fired from, can still collect pensions.

    but in sissy and ramO’shit’s case they are they ones getting beat down by their wive’s. Then have to go out and beat up other people to get their kicks.

  38. John Doe :
    As others have said. JFA you clearly need stronger Meds. You are blind to what actually occurs in front of your eyes. Seek help immediately. Please.

    John Doe :
    As others have said. JFA you clearly need stronger Meds. You are blind to what actually occurs in front of your eyes. Seek help immediately. Please.

    If I am severely mentally ill, and I don’t even know it because I “lack insight” into my own illness, and if you think that I am dangerous and pose a threat of harm to you or to myself, or if I am gravely disabled and cannot care for myself,- please do what you have been trained to do in your CIT training. Call a Crisis Intervention Team and take me to the hospital on a Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5150, in order to get me a psychological evaluation. At least 30% of the homeless are mentally ill and need to be stabilized on medication.

  39. “In limited circumstances, current law provides for suspension of benefits for state members of CalPERS upon indictment for specified felonies.” Even if these thugs do not have their benefits forefeited under current laws, they may very well if Gov. Brown passes legislation reform.

    1. One of the maintenance workers in the local school district where I live was convicted of molesting a child and lost his CalPERS retirement benefits, so, yes, it does happen.

  40. Pensions? :How old are Ramos and Cici? They will start collecting their Fullerton pensions at 50. Sweet deal huh?

    Sweet, ramos will be behind bars, kids will be grown and me, emil and his wife will go off and spend all his money, Sweet!

  41. Pensions? :
    Imagine if pensions weren’t protected. People like you would take them away for using their freedom of speech rights. They will thank Fullerton once they start collecting their pensions.


  42. Larry and Emil :

    Pensions? :How old are Ramos and Cici? They will start collecting their Fullerton pensions at 50. Sweet deal huh?

    Sweet, ramos will be behind bars, kids will be grown and me, emil and his wife will go off and spend all his money, Sweet!

    Pensions? :
    Imagine if pensions weren’t protected. People like you would take them away for using their freedom of speech rights. They will thank Fullerton once they start collecting their pensions.


  43. Pensions? :But just think old one eye will have two pensions before too long.

    Still not worth what they are gonna do to old one eyes brown eye in prison


    We hear the gangs in prison have a unique retirement program for former L e

  45. John Doe :Yes. Breasts are nice. Especially big fake ones like Marlenas. Ok let’s go. We will have a 4 some.

    Sounds great just as long as you dont look anything like the one eyed beasts wife, you can be my gal saw a photo of her outside the courtroom whew! no wonder she is so jealous of Marlena

  46. Sher: I agree about the difference between angry words out of frustration and the vile, ignorant hate that most of the cop apologists espouse. I am slowly learning I can best help increase the chances of justice occurring by making more people aware of what they did than by engaging them in a vacuous argument.

    Mitt: If they can take benefits away from a child molester they can definitely do it for a couple of murderers.

    1. It’s not happening. It’s theirs to keep. You can try to say it again 20 times and 20 times you will be wrong.

  47. Leon sounds like a cop who thinks he can order someone to stop saying “mean” things. Maybe if someone would address Cicinelli’s mental imbalance, and need to take out his frustration of being shot on innocent citizens, people would stop talking about his eye. But I guess his family members/friends/supporters are too busy badmouthing the Thomas family to address his psychopathic tendencies.

  48. McKinley did not get Cici his job. He got his own job. He proved himself and worked for a year without pay. After a year he was accepted as an officer and was voted by the city council, the city manager, the city attorney and the Chief.
    it was not ONE person who hired him, but six people who voted to hire him.

  49. Greg Diamond :Whatever you’re talking about, I’d suggest that you take the comment at face value. merijoe’s line sounds like it could have come from Dr. Dick Jones.

    are you talking about this line:
    “And let’s hope the new council gets on with the business of clearing out the holdovers from the corrupt, stupid, incompetent, and negligent council majority that preceded them.”

    I forgot to put quotes around it-this quote is from the post above by JS…proves you don’t read, you retain selectively and take any morally corrupt opportunity that you can to try to make a point so you can bloviate and spew like a cartoon character on Road Runner.

    Further, wish I had said that, Jive turkey.

  50. Ronald Monerief Jr :
    There are a number of problems with your recollection of that video.
    First, at no time did Ramos put himself into a position of defense. He could have put Kelly into a number of positions but failed to do so. At one point, he completely takes his visual off of Kelly to speak with a third party. So, while people are expected to believe that Kelly had the potential to be threatening and even dangerous, both of these cops break their visual on Kelly for an extended period of time.
    Kelly handed over the one thing that could have posed a lethal risk (his backpack) and he’s responding to questions in a normal tone of voice without quick or unstable movements. Isn’t this an ideal situation for law enforcement?
    So, who raises their voice first? Who is the one that becomes agitated? Who is the one making the unstable and angry body movements with the baton? The police officer.
    I do not believe that either of these officers ever believed that their safety was compromised or at a risk of being compromised. Throughout the entire event, these two cops had the opportunity to put Kelly into a disadvantaged position that would have been safe for both of them but never did so. Not once.

    Well analyzed.

    1. Yes Joe blow, they are damn if they do and damn if they dont. Give me break. You are good at giving your bad opinion. So he shouldnt have taken his eye of Kelly cause why? Kelly was dangerous. I thought everyone said Kelly was a little lamb. Exactly Police Officers put their lives at risk so we can sleep safely at night.

  51. Tuco, what has cost a bunch of money is not the police department, the officers or the city council or any of the things one would think.

    Ron Thomas is the one that has cost the City of Fullerton a whole bunch of money.

    It is time for the “followers” to face reality and realize why Fullerton is in the mess of a lifetime.

    Ron Thomas should have been the one to pay Kathy the million bucks, not the City. She deserves that much just for being married to such a loser.

    And having one eye is not a deterrent to being on patrol. It actually heightens ones senses and makes a person more aware of surroundings.

    Walk a mile in his shoes before you condemn him.

    1. “And having one eye is not a deterrent to being on patrol. It actually heightens ones senses and makes a person more aware of surroundings”

      That’s why the DMV gives eye tests before licensing a driver. They want to see if you can’t see so your other senses will kick in and heighten your surroundings. Makes a person a better driver of a 2 ton weapon.

      Yes, I hear being totally blind and/or deaf will make you the same.
      By george, maybe having a whole PD full of handicapped, deaf and blind officers is the answer.

  52. Leon :Enough of your crap talking about Jay’ eye. It’s not his fault that he lost his eye and for you to say the things you are saying is real stupid.

    Ahhh Too bad! Do you think that one eyed beast got his itty bitty feelings hurt? Dont like a dose of your own medicine do Ya? Too bad! Suck it Cyclops!

  53. Anonymous II :Tuco, what has cost a bunch of money is not the police department, the officers or the city council or any of the things one would think.
    Ron Thomas is the one that has cost the City of Fullerton a whole bunch of money.
    It is time for the “followers” to face reality and realize why Fullerton is in the mess of a lifetime.
    Ron Thomas should have been the one to pay Kathy the million bucks, not the City. She deserves that much just for being married to such a loser.
    And having one eye is not a deterrent to being on patrol. It actually heightens ones senses and makes a person more aware of surroundings.
    Walk a mile in his shoes before you condemn him.

    Having one eye makes cici disabled, beating his wife, and taking part in KT murder makes cici a grotesque monster!

  54. “And having one eye is not a deterent to being on patrol it actually heightens ones senses and makes a person more aware of his surroundings”.. Pluck out the other eye cici and youll be omnipotent

  55. i have been very out spoken ever since this poor homless man was murdered by the police and i now see people like this other clown fox spurting rubbish from his mouth when he shouldnt be i think it clear to the fullerton city council to continue to get rid of clowns like fox and others that want to sprout off

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