Joe Felz “Streamlines” City Government

The City of Fullerton issued a press release yesterday identifying some job reassignments. Here’s a link to the press release.

How any of this game of musical deck chairs constitutes a real “streamlining” of anything is anybody’s guess, but it sounds good and appears proactive. I remain highly skeptical of people moving into technical jobs like Risk Management just because there may be an opening and a body with which to fill it; likewise the relocation of an Redevelopment “manager”  into a completely unrelated area like accounting and payroll to avoid just cutting them and their big salaries and pensions loose.

How someone with a degree in Anthopology becomes an expert in Economic Development is a complete mystery to me.

162 Replies to “Joe Felz “Streamlines” City Government”

  1. These positions look more like safe harbors that were created for these individuals, rather than the traditional “pink slip” one usually receives after the agency in which you were hired for is dissolved.

  2. This is the worst move Joe could make!

    I hope the new council asks the tough questions and holds him responsible.

    Who authorized the creation of the new Economic Development Czar? Was that in the budget?

    Its B-A-A-A-A-A-D ! ! !

    1. Yes, by all means. Let’s start moving people around for no good reason into jobs they aren’t qualified to do; and let’s make sure we find places for for all the Redevelopment staff even though there is no more tax increment to featherbed with.

      Great strategy.

  3. what? Ramona is in charge of fullerton’s redevelopment because she studied social work and how to impact it in the inner cities. I thought fullerton’s demographics show it to be a middle class suburb. Nicole’s anthropology degree from CSUF will certainly aid her in bringing business to fullerton because this degree has nothing to do with business and economics. I thought CSUf had one of the largest and well-respected college of business and yet the city of fullerton only uses these telemarketer wash-outs to make sound economic and business decisions? are these four related to or friends of persons in fullerton’s municipal government or friends/relatives of their cronies?

  4. Explain to me how transferring 3 highly paid Redevelopment employees to newly created other functions “streamlines City services and lower costs…”

    Everyone, please do everything you can to get out the vote on June 5th.

    1. Barry there is no explanation. Once you are elected get in there and clean this thing up. The economy is in total free fall and the insiders have their fangs on the jugulars of all of us taxpayers and they will eventually have to get into our carotid arteries to continue to satisfy their cash addictions to maintain this ridiculous jobs program. The only job creation I see in Fullerton right now is with the liquor peddlers and the alignment shops. We need to look our kids in the eyes and ask what the hell kind of a future will they have when our reprehensatives only care about THEIR OWN FINANCIAL WELL BEING AS EVIDENCED BY THE WAY THEY EXTRACT AND SPEND OUR TAX MONEY. The jacarandas are almost in full bloom.

      1. >We need to look our kids in the eyes and ask what the hell kind of a future will they have when our reprehensatives only care about THEIR OWN FINANCIAL WELL BEING AS EVIDENCED BY THE WAY THEY EXTRACT AND SPEND OUR TAX MONEY.<

        "Reprehensatives"… NICE ONE.

    2. Someone might want to remind the voters in the NE Fullerton area with some new signs. The signs that were there are gone.

      1. I don’t know who is taking signs but they are being taken daily.

        The City manager warned that certain areas were off limits because they are owned by OC Flood Control. But for some reason the City takes down campaign signs and replaces them with community banners.

        Hey admin, that might be a blog post for you. the double standard is glaring.

        1. Blog post? Pfeh, put up some new signs and park yourself somewhere not too visible and wait. If you happened to be equipped for the softball game you were going to later, all the better.

      1. As opposed to Joe Felz? Is that even a serious question? He just played musical chairs without a seat taken out.

      2. It can’t be any worse than the hole we’re currently in. At this point I don’t trust experts and do trust laymen. I’ll be voting for regular people like myself in this election.


  5. where exactly is the lowering of costs?

    He must think no one has ever played the shell game before, What a bunch of BS. Do they actually think the citizens are that stupid?

    Same Circus, same clowns.

  6. Is Ramona Casteneda connected to Orange County Fair Housing whose splinter is Fullerton Fair Housing . Is Rusty Kennedy connected to Fullerton and Orange County Fair Housing and Pat McKinley? and how did “affordable housing” in fullerton require some potential buyers to have a six figure income? And did Mckinley support RDA funding construction of affordable housing in fullerton? I’m full of questions because i am perplexed. How may I find these answers?

  7. Why be suprised? Just repaying favors, wasn’t Felz a PLAYGROUND MANAGER (ok park manager) before being appointed City Manager? Tht makes just as much sense. One of the first jobs for the new council will be getting a real city manager in there. Hell, I’ll apply, I’m no less qualified than Felz, maybe even more.

  8. “How someone with a degree in Anthopology becomes an expert in Economic Development is a complete mystery to me”

    In government it’s common for someone to get promoted if he has dirt on a ‘higher up’ or if he has a cozy relationship with the decision maker. In my experience getting promoted in government has little to do with competence and/or merit. I don’t know of that is true in this particular case, but in my life experience it is very true.

  9. Greg if you be quiet the 10 people here will all stand in a circle saying yea yea to each other and circle jerk each other. The only posts with any activity are the ones with Doe, Reality Is, and you. Let em jerk each other off.

  10. Haha!

    A lame attempt at Orwellian language to evade explanation of what you are really doing.

    1. Eater of Greg (that’s just foul), don’t forget that Felz gets a one year severance that rivals corporate America.

        1. You dam right your tax dollars are wasting away..

          Risk Management requires years of service, a professional designation and/or a BS degree in risk management to properly consult in that role.

          Clowns are trying to pull it over on you.

          I’ve had a 33 year career in Risk Management…what a fucking joke…the Council is blowing smoke up your ass

      1. You mean the corporate severance packages that pay out millions in unearned compensation just for running a corporation into the ground and laying off thousands of workers? Those corporate severances?

        1. Yeah. Everybody knows that Jamie Dimon’s severance package is way worse than Joe Felz’s. Cause even though Jamie Dimon essentially owns our government he doesn’t actually work for it. I would tell you to go the library and read up on it but they don’t have any books on personal income taxes and other things adults like me without a degree care about. Goddam it.

        2. No, I meant the severance packages my friends got while working for very large and very small companies in the last 3 years. One friend was with the company for ten years, had a stellar record but just didn’t fit in with the direction the company was headed. She got 4 weeks of pay and a $2,000 cash payout. Felz has been CM for what, a year? And he gets ONE YEAR OF PAY if he is not meeting the needs of the City?

          Are you kidding me? O P-UH-LEAZE!!!

  11. Jay Cicenelli fought in Desert Storm. He was WESTPAC Marine of the Year in 1992. He served honorably with the LAPD before being medically retired. He served honorably with the Fullerton PD before he was RAILROADED out of his job, for doing his job.

    What did Kelly Thomas ever do for his country? What job did he ever hold down? He did nothing, he accomplishing nothing — was a BUM.

    1. “What did Kelly Thomas ever do for his country? What job did he ever hold down? He did nothing, he accomplishing nothing — was a BUM.”

      Thank you so much for this insightful comment! Now it all makes sense why Kelly was beaten to death – because he was a BUM! It’s all so clear now! Apparently in America you have to be a contributing member of society in order to not be beaten to death! Good thing you told me, I was about to quit my job and live on the streets.

    2. Hey Duty Bound, have you ever heard of a thing called accountability? JC was not RAILROADED out of a job. He made a choice to beat an innocent man to death (You know, the ones he fought for in Desert Storm) and now, he must pay the consequences of the actions he CHOSE to make.

    3. He might have WESTPAC Marine for 1992 and I’m sure all of his other accomplishments helped him get into the LAPD. But that’s all pre-PTSD.

      Why does Fullerton have to pay for the trauma he encountered while being a rookie LAPD officer? LAPD found him unfit for duty after he was shot in the face.

      FPD got half a cop. FPD gave him the ability to fulfill his life long dream of being a cop without any regard to public safety or any PD standards.

      Friends of cyclops can suck it!

    4. “I smashed his face to hell” -the shot that was heard around the world echoing in the hearts and minds of millions of people that know that there is a line in the sand and the FPD crossed it on camera. That is what Jay Cicinelli did for America. Kelly gave his life so that the world can see what is happening to freedom and the increased militarization of law enforcement in America. Kelly made a contribution to the cause of freedom and civil rights far greater than anyone can realize. Kelly was a martyr and Jay is no hero in my book. Heroes don’t smash peoples faces to hell. Heroes save lives and protect the innocent, poor and defenseless. The true heroes in this country are the brave men and women who stand in the gap against the tyrannical abuses of power by our government and the egregious actions committed by the agents of the state under the color of authority.

      1. “I smashed his face to hell” – Jay Cicinelli

        truthseeker :
        Heroes don’t smash peoples faces to hell. Heroes save lives and protect the innocent, poor and defenseless.

        Simply the truth.

      1. Once again Matt, thank you for everything that you do. Most importantly, thank you for serving our country. Stay strong and good luck!

      2. Matt now your calling people names like everyone else here. By the way I loved you in the Hobbit.

    5. Just because you fight in an unjust war doesn’t mean you aren’t a murdering asshole. Marine of the year is also suspect. I wouldn’t trust the criminals in charge to give worthy medals anyway. Being a policeman isn’t as hard as you are making it anyway, its all crony promotions inside and out, not too mention bloated budgets and police brutality.

    6. “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

    7. Hitler served in WW1 and was twice decorated for bravery, then joined the nazi party after that.

      Kelly is accomplishing alot for civil rights, freedom and the homeless not only in this country but for others too, now and since his murder by the Marine of the year of 1992.

      Cicinelli is a cold blooded killer.

  12. How nice.

    Ramona Castaneda with her Social Welfare and Urban Planning degrees will be in charge of ACCOUNTING and PAYROLL.

    Nicole Bernard with her Anthropology degree is responsible for ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.

    And people wonder why City Hall is so screwed up. These people and their bullshit degrees are completely unqualified for these positions.

    1. Yes, Snakes, welcome to the Felz Regime where all the sociology degree recipients are interchangeable.

    2. Rest assured that any UC Berkely grad graduating at the bottom of their class is still much, much smarter than you can ever hope to be. Envy is unbecoming but par for the course for FFFF.

    3. Yeah. Everybody knows when you have a degree in something that means that you only know stuff from that degree program. You can’t possibly know anything else about anything. It wouldn’t matter if you say, minored in it, or worked in a different position related to that field previously, or took further coursework, or read about it. You sure as hell wouldn’t be able to read about it in the library because they don’t have enough books about personal income taxes and the whole damn thing should be burned down anyway. By the way, Michael Jordan is a good example. His degree was in meteorology. What the hell did know about business, or basketball. His worthless degree only prepared him to talk about the fuc*ing weather. Goddam it.

      1. The character of an individual is worth more than any degree especially in public office. We the people aren’t convinced degrees mean much these days due to the economic collapse perpetrated by degree holders, illegal wars sold to us by degree holders, Murderer police officers hired by degree holders, deficits in the state inflicted by out of control spending degree holders, etc etc on and on and on


        1. Yeah. Only people without degrees should be hired for anything! Especially for enginnering and medical jobs. And burn down that goddam library. Goddam it.

            1. I’m with you there pardner. I had me a doctor once, got his degree from a correspondence school. I know it wasn’t one of them fancy ones. But he was a strait shooter. I mean that appendectomy did hurt a little once the infection spread, and he did make the incision about 6 inches too big. But he was a stand-up guy. All about character goddam it! I’ll take that over book-learnin’ anytime!

      2. Wow, you are a nut.

        Most people would disagree with and think a manager of an accounting department for a $100,000,000 enterprise be a CPA – not a sociologist or an urban planner.

        Most people are funny that way.

        Business development? For the kind of dough that woman is getting I’ll bet you could actually get yourself somebody with an MBA!

        1. I’m not a nut, I’m a crank. Can’t you read? See, a nut is someone who see those goddam black helicopters flying overhead wherever you go. Like that one there! A crank is someone who thinks that government employees shouldn’t have degrees. Or should only have MBAs. Same difference goddam it.

            1. I know. Studying other people and cultures, what a waste of time! And how uninteresting! Like, who cares about some damn pygmy tribe? What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? People who don’t know accounting shouldn’t be able to get jobs anywhere. Everybody knows accounting is the most exciting, interesting, and useful profession of all time. Why, I only hang out with accountants, because they’re the funnest people out there. Always telling those great stories about the time they were in the red. Or is it the black. Anyway, yeah. Goddam it!

              1. Who said it was a waste of time? I said it was a real peculiar academic background for somebody in charge of “Economic Development.”

                Really, do these city jobs ave any real MQs at all? I don’t see how knowing about pygmies will help with the balancing the books. Fun at cocktail parties, I’ll bet.

                1. So in your opinion what kind of degrees apply? MBA’s? Guess what, you have to pay them a hell of a lot more. Economic degrees? So they can apply Keynesianism and monetary policy to our city’s finances? Accounting? So they can make entries on a ledger? Is “Economic Development” the same as balancing the books?

                  Goddam library book-learnin’ know-it-alls with their fancy degrees! I’ma give em what for! GODDAM IT!

                2. Wow, you really are an idiot if you don’t know what an accounting degree means.

  13. Snakes :
    How nice.
    Ramona Castaneda with her Social Welfare and Urban Planning degrees will be in charge of ACCOUNTING and PAYROLL.
    Nicole Bernard with her Anthropology degree is responsible for ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.
    And people wonder why City Hall is so screwed up. These people and their bullshit degrees are completely unqualified for these positions.

    Pure GOLD post right here folks. Let’s get these morons out of our pockets NOW!!!!!

  14. How someone with a degree in Anthopology becomes an expert in Economic Development is a complete mystery to me.

    How did a stupid football player from a 3rd rate school grow up to want to be the King of Fullerton? Easy silly daddys money.

  15. How someone with a degree in Anthopology becomes an expert in Economic Development is a complete mystery to me.

    How can Travis Kiger a college drop-out, get propped up and financed to run for city council?

    1. “How can Travis Kiger a college drop-out, get propped up and financed to run for city council?”

      Because he can get what he wants without it. Intelligence is not measured by college or substantiated by a peice of paper. I think if college students had a choice to finish college or an opportunity to get a job that would support the needs to live. There would be many drop outs. Probably not all though.

      1. ‘substantiated by a peice of paper.”

        Damn strait. Who needs spelling classes anyway goddam it.

        1. in this post industrial, pre-dystopic world of android devices with spell check, voice recognition software, calculators and the like-damn strait that piece of paper may have cost a couple hundred grand but that with a dollar may not even get you a cup of coffee these days-we need people in high places whose minds are not in the low places and take pride in serving us and not serving us up.

    2. People that don’t go to college can’t make wise financial decisions??? sweet logic there. How about this, the people currently in charge are “educated” and we are in dire financial shape. I think its time to give regular folk the reins using common sense since the “experts” failed.

      1. I’m with you again! Let’s find us some poorly-educated people and put them in charge of everything! Especially the police! Oh wait… goddam it.

          1. Thank you for making my point. Anybody still want to go with Liberty’s knowing-nothing-is-best and Snakes’ burn down the library to save civilization platforms?

            Ignorance is never the solution. Anthropology, Urban Studies, and Sociology are degrees where students have to read, write, and think critically. Which is more than some of our FFFF commentors are proving themselves able to do today, anyway. I don’t know if their education prepares them specifically for the jobs they just rotated into but trashing those degrees and thinking an Accounting degree makes a person some kind of deeply competent mastermind of high moral character is just stupid. Worse than stupid, its fundamentally anti-intellectual.

            Don’t give the people who hate the Tea Party more ammo to label you all as ignorant redneck jackasses a week before an election would be the point you don’t seem to be getting.

            Goddam it.

    1. “for giving Tony a good sence of human decency”

      I’m sure his ex-wife and sister would disagree

  16. It simply is a Cities Leadership and Representatives, who are low on morals and ethics and apparently very seriously ill, nothing out of the ordinary.

    But when they take advantage of people that had most of their Human beat out of them when they were young children is SICKENING. By letting them go about the City, for their own pitiful personal gain and greed. And joyful lust for pain and suffering. (NOT Just the uniforms)

    Stop the BULLSHIT, RECALL and change, show the world Fullerton Gives a SHIT, Peace and Hope to ALL.

  17. Consider that Ramona Castaneda’s SOCIAL WELFARE and URBAN PLANNING degrees would **NOT** have required an Accounting 101 class. Perhaps she took it as an elective, but that seems unlikely.

    What’s really scary is that a kid graduating from high school in a couple weeks could enroll in Accounting and Economics classes at Fullerton College and be more qualified than the hack jobs at City Hall by the time summer school ends in August. Some of these kids could accomplish that feat before their 18th birthday.

    Scary stuff indeed.

    1. The art of clandestine operations is not taught at our clandestinely controlled institutions of higher education. These folks are experts.

    2. Yep. To make fiscal decisions regarding the city all you need to know is how to make entries into an accounting book. That’s all she wrote. Uh-huh. Burn down the library! Goddam it!

      1. Uh, gee, yeah. Making fiscal decisions? Let’s hire us a social worker. We’ll get us an urban planner thrown in for free!!

        1. read my response to your last point above. This might be worth repeating:

          Don’t give the people who hate the Tea Party more ammo to label you all as ignorant redneck jackasses a week before an election would be the point you don’t seem to be getting.

          Goddam it.

          1. What do you care about the election?

            And what does the Tea Party have to do with expecting highly paid city workers have proper academic qualifications to be hired. That’s just basic. You’re making yourself look ridiculous.

            1. You need to internalize the simple truth that people may disagree with you on one point, and agree with you on others. I am in favor of the recall as much as anyone in this town or on this blog.

              But hating people for having social science degrees does make the “movement”- if it still is one after the last few days – look like its populated by a bunch of anti-intellectual morons. Learning how to do accounting is like learning how to do long division, but you guys are treating it like the fuc*ing holy grail of intellectual achievement, a highly technical skill that one must study at the Sorbonne for 20 years. You’re the one making yourself look ridiculous.

              Goddam it.

              1. What? Who “hated” anyone for anything? Pull your head out, man. The point is a “social science” degree does not qualify anybody to head up an accounting organization. Can’t you get that through your thick skull?

                Let’s see if I can frame this in a way you can grasp: would you hire somebody to do your taxes just because they had social science degree? Take a deep breath before you answer.

                Thought not. So why should the taxpayers of Fullerton?

                1. It’s a management position. It’s human resources You don’t need an accounting degree. A social science degree is totally fine for many human resources positions. You don’t need the finest accountant in the land to fill that position. Now ask yourself this. Do you have any clue what you’re talking about? Nope. Get a goddam clue. Goddam it!

  18. The California Department of Finance isn’t too impressed by Ramona Castaneda’s work. Oh well, it’s not like accounting and payroll are important responsibilities anyway.

    And Joe Felz is clueless, as usual.


    April 27, 2012

    Ramona Castaneda
    City of Fullerton
    303 W. Commonwealth Avenue
    Fullerton, CA 92832-1775

    Dear Ms. Castaneda:

    Pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 34177 (I) (2) (C), the City of Fullerton Successor Agency submitted a Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) to the California Department of Finance (Finance) on April 13, 2012 for the period January through June, 2012. Finance staff contacted you for clarification of items listed in the ROPS.

    The ROPS submitted to Finance is incomplete and contains errors; therefore, the ROPS is not approved for making obligation payments. The ROPS contains obligation line items with multiple funding sources, schedules 6 months of payments using RPTTF funding that exceeds prior year’s gross tax increment disbursement by 300 percent, and there are line items included not approved by the oversight board.

        1. Not to worry. This is an anti-recall troll who has posted slurs under four different names today.

    1. Cause we hate us some government. Except when its State government requiring a whole host of burdensome form-filling to satisfy some faceless bureaucrat in Sacramento. Then its blessed God-given government of the highest order! WE HATE GOVERNMENT BUT FILL OUT THEIR GODDAM FORMS CORRECTLY DAMMIT!

      1. Missing the point, entirely. Which is that if city finance people are good for anything it’s filling out the forms right. They always expect us to do it.

        1. Yeah, I hate bureaucracy so much that I want to make sure all of our employees are the best faceless droid bureaucrats they can be. That makes complete sense now.

          1. Faceless droids? Step away from the acid blotter, brother. Were talking about professional qualifications for technical jobs – like accounting.

              1. That’s peyote buttons to you. GODDAM IT!!!!!

                But seriously, accounting ain’t rocket science. I don’t think its too hard to pick up. If people with social science degrees are getting technical accounting jobs you’d be better off thinking about them as being OVER-qualified.

                1. A warm body that still breathes can get a SS degree, not true for an accounting degree.

                  God damn it!

    2. Good find Snakes!

      Would anyone like to wager how long it’s going to be before they blame this letter on Tony?

    1. Well done Sheriff Sandra Hutchens!Margines ruled that removing the “pre-interview” access did not affect the deputies’ wages, hours or working conditions, which are subject to negotiation. The court also concluded there was no legal or contractual right to the “pre-interview” access, which though long-standing was an unwritten practice.
      Additionally, Margines ruled that any negative impact on employment conditions was substantially outweighed by the sheriff’s need for unencumbered decision-making in how to investigate deputy misconduct.
      For decades, certain employees have been allowed to review the evidence against them in internal affairs probes, including witness statements, video and transcripts, before answering a single question. The practice hobbled investigations by allowing deputies to get their stories straight before being interviewed. It also encouraged employees and investigators alike to attempt to stall. The practice did not apply to criminal investigations, but to the 400 administrative probes conducted every year.
      Hutchens said in a court declaration that she ended the ”pre-interview access” on Jan. 1, 2011 as part of her effort to make the agency more transparent and accountable, as well as bring the department in line with industry standards.
      Hutchens noted that she took over a department in 2008 reeling from the federal indictment of former sheriff Michael S. Carona — later convicted of witness tampering, the jailhouse killing of inmate John Derek Chamberlain and revelations that deputies used some inmates as enforcers.
      Hutchens said tightening internal affairs investigations was an important step toward bringing order to the department.
      Union attorney Adam Chaikin argued in court that the “pre-interview” practice had been followed for so many years that it had, in fact, become a work condition, subject to negotiation.

  19. karma :
    A warm body that still breathes can get a SS degree, not true for an accounting degree.
    God damn it!

    Obviously the statement of someone who does not have a social science degree. Try it. You might lern’ yous sumfin!


  20. Can the new City Council call Felz on the carpet and ask him to explain these decisions? Any way the new council can override these new position appointments?

  21. The Fullerton Harpoon :
    Wow, you really are an idiot if you don’t know what an accounting degree means.

    So you actually think a person in charge of economic development for a city should have an accounting degree.

    And I guess people who run hospitals should have nursing degrees too, right?

    You guys don’t know when to quit when you’re ahead. Though on this one you haven’t been ahead yet.

    Oh yeah, and…


    1. No, I think a manager of an accounting department should have an accounting degree. Try to stay with the program, coach.

      I think a person paid a six-figure salary (plus a massive pension) for “Economic Development” should have a degree in business or economics. Get it?

      1. Oh, I get it. You have a narrow understanding of personnel, institutions, hiring, economic development, social sciences, higher education, and fiscal management. And you’re proud of that lack of knowledge to boot. I get it all right.

        People move around within either companies or institutions ALL OF THE TIME. Its not rare, or unusual, or a sign of corruption. When you are looking to fill a position the degree is not the most important factor. Especially if that person already has a track record with that company or institution. They are going to know the system, the personnel, and the ins and out of the organization. Hiring people from within is the normal thing to do.

        I love how the libertarian spirit of freedom turns into the most oppressive, stupid, kind of limited thinking imaginable whenever it relates to a city or government employee. “We must only hire people with accounting degrees to manage accountants. Because even though they don’t do any accounting in that position, and even thought a trained monkey could do accounting, they must have that accounting degree or the taxpayers of the city are being ripped off.” Ignorance masquerading as outrage is what we’ve got here. Exactly the kind of lack of thinking that ANY kind of college degree is supposed to help you get away from.

        And, in case you didn’t know, most business degrees are totally worthless. You take good classes from good teachers in a social science program and you will learn more about the real important factors that attract development and business. The people who planned and created the towns we live and work in are not for the most part people with economics or business degrees. And that’s a fact, jackass.

        You live in a weird alternative reality where everything is supposed to work according to the fixed rules that you make up and then assume are just commonsense. A real failure of our public system of education unfortunately.

        Get it now? Now go bitch about how guvmint wasted all your tax money on buying books you can’t and won’t read at the library.

        This whole article and the responses to it are garbage. Felz might be a scumbag and this may or may not have been the right call but judging the entirety of people’s careers by the degree they got indicates a worldview of such limited scope it boggles whatever mind I have left after reading such asinine drivel.

        This town has out of control cops and a recall election and instead of focusing on that you waste our time with a bunch of BS about human resources decisions and assume its all evidence of some deep plot to waste your precious taxpayer moneys. Then you get the amen chorus to spend their time chortling about how unqualified people they don’t know, have never met, and have never seen their job performance evaluations are.

        Focus fellas.
        GODDAM IT.

        1. This comment is really sad. Institutions that move around unqualified personnel into jobs they are not qualified to hold are corrupt and bound for disaster. Organizations that are inbred are led by managers who believe that the parts are interchangeable and who place loyalty over performance.

          I hope that Anthropology chick picked up some good business advice from her teachers (foe our sakes) but to say business degrees are useless is worse than ignorant.

          1. Pure silliness. What you are essentially arguing is that on-the-job experience is valueless and only what a person learns in 4 years of college, and only in their major classes, is the only important criteria for hiring someone.

            Funny how you scratch that proletarian “man of the people” shtick enough and what you get is pure unadulterated elitism, of a strangely provincial kind.

            1. The next time your sewer backs up, have the plumber perform a colonoscopy on you with his roto-rooter snake.

              You could have your tree trimmers cut you open to remove a tumor.

              Let us know how that works out.

              1. I’m saying that if a person has worked for a plumbing outfit for long enough, they might not need a PhD in roto-rooting to perform that job. Get it yet?

              1. Yeah. Learning about other parts of the world, people, cultures, early prehistory, is all “elitism.”
                Learning how to screw people out of an almighty dollar though, that’s patriotic American stuff right there.

        2. it is not what you know, but who you know that gets the job for these people who promptly misuse our tax dollars on silly , self-serving projects or lose it due to theri ignorant decisions, But who cares, its not their money. as for inserting libertarian odeology to justify these inadequate persons six figure salaries funded by our tax dollars, libertarians would not permit these useless government jobs and thus no need for these useless people.

    2. Ima, you really need to let this go. Your anti-anti-intellectualism jihad is misplaced here. You’re making yourself look pretty absurd.

    3. Lordy, You’re starting to remind me of that guy on this site who was explaining how a porn watching teacher was okie-dokie so long as he was a “good teacher.”

  22. Ima Crank :
    It’s a management position. It’s human resources You don’t need an accounting degree. A social science degree is totally fine for many human resources positions. You don’t need the finest accountant in the land to fill that position. Now ask yourself this. Do you have any clue what you’re talking about? Nope. Get a goddam clue. Goddam it!

    Uh huh.

    The Redevelopment Manager position (Ramona’s old job) is noted in 2010 as having total wages to the tune of $110,970.

    The funny thing is, people with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting are starting out at about $50,000. Their accounting classes consist of 45-60 units of the 120 needed for a Bachelor’s degree. That’s about TWO YEARS of their lives going to school full-time to learn accounting.

    In a perfect world, Joe Felz would be losing sleep over this asinine appointment, but we know that isn’t the case. He doesn’t care.

    1. Wrong. it’s risk management, a specialized area involving technical actuarial and legal knowledge. You’re burying yourself, bub.

      1. Wrongo Rudy can Fail. That’s this other dude. The one with the Masters in Public Administration. Or does he need a triple doctorate in Risk Management from the London School of Fucking Economics before you’re happy?

        “Rob Ferrier, Assistant to the City Manager, will begin a special 12-month assignment in the role of Risk Manager in addition to his ongoing duties as Assistant to the City Manager. In this capacity, he will work in the Human Resources office leading the Risk Management Division. He will continue in his role as the City’s intergovernmental liaison to various regional agencies such as the O.C. Council of Governments and the Southern California Association of Governments. Ferrier joined the City of Fullerton as Redevelopment Project Manager in 2005. He is a graduate of CSUF and CSULB and holds a BA and MPA degree in Political Science and Public Administration.”

        Almost forgot. GODDAM IT!

        1. Yeah, there’s a load of baloney. The MPA degree doesn’t even address risk management.

          OCCOG and SCAG? Congratulations, you have finally discovered a make-work job that requires no specialized professional skills. Bravo!

  23. Ima Crank :
    And, in case you didn’t know, most business degrees are totally worthless. You take good classes from good teachers in a social science program and you will learn more about the real important factors that attract development and business. The people who planned and created the towns we live and work in are not for the most part people with economics or business degrees. And that’s a fact, jackass.

    This is the funniest post I’ve read all week. You’re more ignorant than I thought.

    1. Really? Tell me all about the business majors who built the city of Fullerton.

      cue the crickets.

      1. Pretty soon we’ll have you arguing that the City doesn;”t even need an Economic Developer!

          1. I’m not even going to waste my time arguing with people who hate libraries . Next.

            GODDAM IT.

        1. I thought you were the laissez faire lobby. Shouldn’t you be hostile towards any kind of government planning?

          1. Geez, you’re finally getting it! Which is why an Anthropological Economic Developer is so funny!

            1. If you have the idea of planned economic development why would you care so much that the person who got the position was indoctrinated by other economic planners? Do a bong hit and ponder that one for a moment.

                1. And your economic degree is from “I read an article on NewsMax once”?

        1. Planning degrees are in the social sciences boys. The people who get them take more social sciences classes than business classes. I know these uncomfortable facts come into contrast with your imaginary utopian paradise where everybody gets an MBA, so sorry to disappoint.

  24. I’d like to steer this discussion in a different direction.

    My hope is that a new council majority can define MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS for all city positions and make their salaries commensurate with actual experience in that field, even if they transfer from another position at City Hall. And if that means a pay cut, so be it.

    There’s a LOT of nepotism at the City of Fullerton. Too many people are employed by the city, not because of their qualifications or experience, but because their mommy or daddy or spouse is a City of Fullerton employee. One glaring case in point: Manuel Ramos.

    This needs to be stopped.

  25. I’m just a crank.

    But hear me out. If you want government to function more like business you have to treat it its institutions more like a firm. You have to give its people the flexibility to make decisions without micromanaging them every step of the way. If you set up strict conditions for the educational requirements for each job you are limiting your pool and you may be eliminating extremely good and talented people from advancing in your organization. A good firm wouldn’t make that mistake.

    Have any of you actually worked in a public institution? I’ve seen people with minimal educational qualifications or the wrong educational background who are exceptionally talented and high-achieving people take on new positions that they are not that trained for and do incredibly good work. If you codify all of your requirements stringently, and especially if you view the degree program a person went to 8 years ago as more important than their job performance during their last 8 years you will lose the opportunity to best utilize that exceptional employee.

    All of this applies to firms as much as public institutions. I don’t know anything about these particular employees and their actual job performances, but unless you do, inferring that they are unqualified and unsuited to do the job is just an assumption. An uncharitable one, based on a simplistic and totally bureaucratic ideal.

    You want to fix government you can’t just throw a bunch of onerous new rules at people and think that will solve the problem. You anti-government types should get that instinctively and it is not to your credit that so many of you don’t.

    If you approach all the institutions of city government with this attitude you will drive all the good people from it and leave the worst ones behind. Then someone will have to come along later and recall you to clean up the mess you will have made. I believe the proper phrase to describe this process will be “pennywise and pound-foolish.” You may save a little money in the short term but you’ll cost a lot in the longterm.

    You guys need to be smart, pick your battles carefully, and win them. Cleaning up the police force is the main battle. Not making every single city employee culpable for the crimes committed by the police and City Council.

    Or keep playing the tea party card and see what happens. I hate to tell you this but in a small town where a lot of people might know a nice city employee that they kind of like, it won’t be pretty.

    1. show me stats not your philosophy that proves these four city of fullerton employees’ unique qualities, intelligence and creativity got them their positions and not cronyism.

  26. Marijoe, you need to take a bath. How bout we call you a name that you did not deserve. I could think of a few.

    Calling the Officers murderers is out of line. THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CONVICTED OF ANYTHING!!!!!!!!

  27. How much longer is Joe Felz’; contract for? I for one am going to urge the new council to examine is comp plan, fringes and benefits as well as demand full disclosure of any fees, stipends, gifts in excess of $100 from third parties. These redevelopment funds were so poorly managed. And Joe’s migrated some “select” staff to new positions. Hopefully they are all “At will”. Should be ashamed.

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