Justice and Peace, That’s All We Want!

On Sunday I had the opportunity to witness an amazing display of principle and courage. As many of you know, our neighbors to the south in Anaheim had the misfortune of yet another police killing of 25-year-old Manuel Diaz who was unarmed. Diaz is the 7th person killed by Anaheim cops this year. The killing sparked neighborhood protests, one of which I attended outside the Anaheim police station.
A group of anarchist protesters armed with short sticks approached police on horses in front of the police station where Anaheim Crusader Teresa Smith was standing and protesting. Teressa’s son, Cesar Cruz, was another victim who died at the hands of the APD in 2009. She’s been protesting and advocating for peace and justice every Sunday outside the Anaheim police station for the past two years.
The anarchists were carrying short broom sticks and had their faces covered with bandannas. As they approached, Teressa told the angry group of anarchist to put down the sticks and protest peacefully. Marlena Carrillo and Shelly Kearney with Kelly’s Army showed up to support Teressa and also encouraged the angry protesters to stand down.
The angry group calmed down and the rest of the protest went peacefully from that point on. No broken windows, no rocks or bottles, although the police did arrest several people for no apparent reason.
Sunday’s protest ended peacefully despite the ARMY of cops there prepared to maim and kill. That’s a direct result of the courage of a group of principled women who were driven by peace to advocate for peace.
Hopefully the angry anarchist remained for the duration and adapted to some peaceful protesting.
This thing is much larger than I thought.
Justice For Us All..
Peace and Power to the People
Great job by the peacekeepers: Kelly’s Army in particular, also OC CopBlock and even parts of Occupy.
The Black Bloc anarchists are not all or even mainly agent provocateurs. The blond “tats” lady the other day certainly was, but she was not Black Bloc or an anarchist, and the bandana-ed kids are usually naive but idealistic youth who believe in some kind of active resistant – taking the fight to “the man” – which includes corporate entities as well as law enforcement. That is why Starbucks is always attacked. Just imagine if there was a Nike store in that area.
Their ideology is not necessarily that different from other police protestors, the difference is their tactics. See here for more: http://libcom.org/library/black-bloc-salar-mohandesi
Black bloc’s importance is being hugely exaggerated by the media, including even the alternative media. The hype is that these violent anarchists are seriously bent upon destruction and that their rationale is either global revolution or hijacking legitimate protest movements. Both charge are false. They are best thought of all well-intentioned, but very poorly thought-out in their strategy, which just serves to invite more repression. I personally think the violence in Anaheim last Tuesday had little to nothing to do with Black Bloc or Occupy and a lot more to do with pissed-off residents who suddenly saw an opportunity to get some free T-shirts and jeans.
The most important argument to summon up in dealing with this issue is that despite the minor property damage “anarchists” cause and the consistently overwhelming police response to them, they are essentially harmless. Breaking windows isn’t nice but it is really not comparable to shooting unarmed suspects in the head; unleashing police dogs against women and their children, shooting peaceful protestors with pepper spray, rubber bullets and bean bags, and arresting random people who have committed no crimes just to send a message.
The focus should be on APD and the way they turned these peaceful protests into riots through their incompetent overuse of force, personnel and equipment. And of why they performed specific actions like driving SWAT teams through the Anna neighborhood merely in order to intimidate an entire community. Whose idea was that? I’d like to know.
Fullerton police have no place in these responses and as a taxpayer I resent the use of our police resources going to help a Police Chief in another jurisdiction make a fool of himself and of Southern California policing in general. All they are doing is hastening the inevitable replacement of the Anaheim pro-business carpetbaggers with politicians of at least marginally more integrity.
And a great comment by Jt.
You can usually spot the provocateurs based on their reaction to other protesters — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVg16EUTDhc — or because they can’t make themselves not look like cops — http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPFC7THiKho
It’s also not uncommon for the police to allow the Black Bloc to do as much damage as they want at the same time the police are attacking and assaulting peaceful protesters. Here’s an example at G20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUwvlsU7_b0
Ans Incaseyoumissedit is one of the best newsfeeds around. If that’s you, thank you! Everybody should check it out: http://www.facebook.com/incaseyoumissedit – Its invaluable.
Thanks for the plug! I didn’t start the feed but I’m one of 3 current editors.
Provocateurs use hijinks. You’re up, their down. You’re reactive, they’re are calm. If they can trigger the double bind they can get you to follow them off a flat earth. they are situational con artists, and DO NOT tolerate reality.
Just like you have done over the past 2 weeks here.
Its all a game to you guys whether you’re posting rambling and disruptive posts while sitting in a cubicle hiding behind a computer screen or throwing rocks at the police while hiding behind a mask.
Distract, disrupt and discredit is the name of the game.
Wouldn’t it be great if life were that simple. It occurs to you a certain way, therefore it must be true! Hahaha. Modern OAKLAND man at the height of his intellect.
I’m so amazed by efforts of Kelly’s Army to protest peacefully, exercising incredible patience, restraint with no lack of passion. Justice!!!
Actually the police stood down in Fullerton during the KT Protest.
You would have had the same result/reaction if the Fullerton PD responded in the same fashion Anaheim PD did.
Marlena is an activist hottie!
I hear you got the best bud in town.
MK/ULTRA. Fess up.
Interesting word “anarchist” — what does it mean to you? Could we be anarchists?
1. The theory or doctrine that all forms of government are oppressive and undesirable and should be abolished.
2. Active resistance and terrorism against the state, as used by some anarchists.
3. Rejection of all forms of coercive control and authority
I would say I am an anarchist for reasons #1 and #3, and perhaps #2 but I am not into terrorism against the state in the general sense of the word… I will stand up for myself and some may consider that terrorism…
When is the next scheduled rally/protest at APD?
Wrong Guy, Teresa Smith protests outside the Anaheim police station every Sunday from 12:00 – 2:00.
Teresa, Marlena and Shelly are very brave women. That had to be a scary situation.
Those women are to commended as well as prayed for. They are true Americans who stand for what is right. They are bridging a gap that provacateurs wish would crumble into a pretext to act out against the people. We have much to thank them for much indeed.
amen and amen!
Amen is the negative core of neopolitics. It is secretive and bonds it’s brotherhood in necromancy, the child sacrifice debauchery ritual, child sacrifice and human ritual sacrifice generally.
Amen is also Amun-Ra, the later it’s philanthropic presentation which cloaks Amen.
This is the basis of every European SSO on the planet. They front philanthropic and are very active in kidnapping for torture.
When you say Amen at the end of a prayer you are acknowledging Amun-Ra and child sacrifice. This practice was introduced to it’s neo hybrid, Christianity, by the council of Nicaea around 325AD and was used to acculturate you to ritual human sacrifice which to this day is practiced in the Vatican, Britain, the Catholic and Mormon churches and has expanded to include the Baptist church, Nazarenes and the Iron Triangle in Washington DC, hence XI-U AKA the Delta Region Abduction Project/DRAC.
While you may be unaware of this, having acquiesced you are participating in ritual child sacrifice out of ignorance with every victim they have taken in the US, and we are talking over 400 thousand between 1900 and 2000. They make those individuals aware you are doing this so it appears they are supported by you when they cut that child apart during their sadistic BDSM/pedophile entertainment activities.
In reality, such behavior is nothing more than ax murder, and every one of you that knowingly postures scripted on this prayer closure are as guilty and the individuals that actually commit these horrific crimes.
This will eventually sink in.
This guy is not an ordinary troll. So if he is a troll at all, he’s not local. If he’s a paid troll it’s a weird strategy since what he basically saying is that the govt kidnaps and sacrifices children in sexual rituals.
Party like a protestor.
…is this FFAF or FFFF?
Bandana clad Anarchists = Agent provocateurs
Folks, just bear in mind we’ve been under marshal law since December 31, 2011, thank you sociopath Obama for your betrayal! What people do not understand about this is they are staging summary executions which is permissible under these regulations. There were 300+ Kelly Thomas’ last year across the US, and with 7 victims in Anaheim already this year, do the math. That a minimum of 23,000 victims across the US since January 1, ad the numbers will double by years end. You know this is only going to get much worse with the Federal government seizing police control in Oakland. You need but do not have state sponsored and well regulated militia to address this issue. You are not going to “protest” these circumstances away, period. Why do you think Scalia is making a grab for the 2nd Amendment? People are starting to arm up, albeit without highly structured organization this too is a doomed enterprise. Militia, folks, THEN guns. Organize, because you DO NOT kow what you are dealing with in these potentially overwhelming circumstances.
I wouldn’t say our freedom is a doomed enterprise. The end run around the second amendment will be the foreign treaties. Even then enforcement will be the quagmire with local control of government still in the hands of the people. LDX what is your take on the “report from iron mountain”?
I think given the time and presence of neopolitics AKA McCarthy’s communists, Iron Mountain was probably disinformation. Bilderberg was just 7 years old. Bohemian Grove was well under way. Iron Mountain talks tot he issue of disarming a peaceful world, which in the US that would naturally alert constitutionalists. Could have been an early works MK/ULTRA. Definitely Stated Department. Thumbs down as a credible source of information other than to penetrate the future to seed conspiracy, which we already knew we were dealing with an increasingly sociopath government. When you consider what Ted Bundy was up to and Ted Kennedy’s revealing testimony before he died, the prime directive is occult rendition which is the ultimate sociopath bonding party in DC, enter the IRON TRIANGLE, which IS a reality. There’s only one game plan. These monsters are acculturating the US to occult government, which is repatriation. What people do not understand is THIS is the reason the founders gave us the 2nd amendment in the first place, then they prohibited the Catholic church from establishing itself in the US. This is the economic entity they warned of. People didn’t listen. Where secrecy is authentic, we’ll never know about it until AFTER the war, because the US Masons are not the fools people take them for. FYI, it was fundamentalist protestants who fought the British, mostly Presbyterians, NOT the fxckxng Catholics! hahaha Catholics are worthless. Phony religion. Phony conscience. Phony through the gate and out the back door.
The glue that binds the sociopaths is demonic indeed. So many dark secrets in the district of criminals. So you feel the Jesuit influence is far greater than most believe. It is certainly clear to me. The reality of the iron triangle is this country’s worst nightmare. What is your take on the timetable for the dollar’s demise?
LDX tell me if you recognize this quote-“nothing happens unless the priesthood allows it”—-
That’s an invocation from the Mormon church, I think. Maybe Catholic. Both are Knights of Malta.
Nothing happens unless God allows it. It’s a highly rationalized state of mind where such individuals issue status authority to which their lessers must subordinate because god allegedly made it so.
Again, institutionalized mechanisms of domestic control are entirely arbitrary and have no basis in reality except to con and disarm a public, in my opinion, and every con artist, regardless of noble cause, is the Satan.
Reality is what you see. Truth is how you assemble the facts. For example, Johannes Mehserle shot Oscar Grant in the back is reality. The truth is being provoked by the crowed, resisted by grant who kept flaying round on the ground and feeling panicked himself, Mehserle mistook his firearm for a taser and killed Grant out of misjudgement that had Grant been less combative this would never have happened.
The priesthood in this event would be the older cop who knowing Mehserle needed relief instead walked off thus setting the stage for Mehserle to act on his own, which in this way the police “priesthood” allowed this to happen on predictive intelligence, and in this regard Mehserle is a hero.
My point is the priesthood serves a predatory function that does not allow people to think for themselves. Further agitating the circumstances with the double bind, victims are assured, which in this case such a predatory entity is a petty tyrant and those who serve him his lackeys. Alternatively, THIS model portrays Mehserle consciousless.
Back this up with beheadings, evisceration and burning at the stake and EVERYONE’S going to follow the priesthood, even if they don’t like it, which is MK/ULTRA synthesis.
The Senate is a priesthood. Worst still, McCarthy correctly perceived the problem in congress, he just didn’t have it correctly labeled; JFK did. No matter what anyone says about him, JFK turned down the Iron Triangle AND the DC priesthood, and this is why they killed him. Ross Perot and Ron Paul backed down for this reason.
Neopolitics is an epithelial priesthood. Is Sisyphus would get to work we’d be able to move past this.
Well, I know the constants. I think the Paul’s screwing with us regarding the Fed. International currency is not going to sustain a viable US economy (already been proven in Europe), and the Fed is useless at this point.
I think they’re hoping to loft an international currency with development of the NAU, but not before. You know economics needs diversity to thrive. These transhuman monsters don’t do complexity very well. If it’s plastic and it fucks, all the better for them, hence there is no longer a need for human race except to say it once existed and will soon be a thing of the past in these circumstances.
Then again, there’s always the 2nd Amendment if people ever get their bearing straight on this issue. What you have to do is ostracise any seditionist that provocateurs for the UK. they tarred and feathered their like-minded Torries in the day. Today’s breed has been taught to turn the other cheek and do prayer vigils.
We are morally, ethically and economically bankrupt until this is over.
The hijacked seminaries and the fluoride have ALMOST done the job.
Fluoride introduced to the diet via the food supply and water induces enloase deficiency precipitating unnatural production of creatine phosphokinase and subsequently interference in cognition. THIS is why the added it to drinking water, besides the fact that in combination with certain pharmaceutical substances added to immunizations kill in puberty. Andrew Wakefield co engineered the Sorbitol laced MMR vaccination which he will not discuss publicly, for obvious reasons, yet people flock to him. Why? Because he’s a con, and they are pathologically gullible. Simple minded, too!
Sodium monofluorophosphate p&g style stops the Krebs cycle dead in its tracks and is in all the toothpastes. Sorbitol is in all the gum and the sorbates are in all the low end ice creams. Sorbitol is the adjuvant in many of the vaccines yet we are given the thimerisol red herring to look after. The good cop bad cop ploy and what Wakefield fails to address is the key-another circus clown on GCN.
No, summary executions are not “permissible under these regulations.” Don’t say crazy things. Cops have often killed actual or alleged gang members without due process; it didn’t just start this year and it tends to be vulnerable to protest when the public gets wind of it.
Calling for armed resistance sounds like provocation on your part. The police would love it if we came to these rallies armed.
” The police would love it if we came to these rallies armed.”
Do you think they’d also love it if some random citizens shot some of them dead?
No, I do not think that cops love being killed. Was that some kind of trick question? I do think that they’d love to suppress these threats to all that is good and Disney in OC.
If protesters showed up armed, or armed and brandishing, the cops would crack down on everyone, armed or not. Justice Scalia would not bat an eye at that. If cops were killed, I’d expect something more like martial law.
If you think that this would be good to test, please do it somewhere else.
“Was that some kind of trick question?”….. Hmmmmm
You do know how the depositions are done?….. Huh?…. Golem?
We want to make sure that you get on the list of the Department of Homeless Security so you will go with us to concentration camp in California’s High Desert, so if you survive it that you can keep barging that you are California’s Death Camp survival.
Look, people are stupid on the 2nd Amendment, you included. It is technically illegal to own firearms without concurrent involvement in a well regulated Militia. NRA promoted gun ownership with this in mind, which you really need to study the problem a little more carefully to understand this. Militia first, arms second, is the 2nd Amendment rule. Government issued gun control regulations is a convenience that was aggrandized by the NRA in ABSENCE of militia, NOT because this organization was trying to protect your 2nd Amendment rights but because doing this makes it easier to eventually disarm the public via process of law. do you not remember Waco? People are STILL muling this over when the issue there was Koresh had no business lofting himself a patriot on gun ownership alone. Had he been protected by militia he would still be alive. militia DOES NOT equate automatically to insurgency. this has a political function and a responsibility to attempt to engage tyrannical government administratively, and well before such a battle were to take place EVERY ONE would know the game plan. So anyway, you’re special. This idea crossed your mind, and without giving it much thought you just walked off your flat earth. WAKE UP!
LDX – No, 2nd Amendment allows you have guns, in case a militia is needed. Guns first, then the militia. You don’t need to be in the militia to have guns.
That’s a popularly held view, but it is incorrect. Gun ownership is qualified on participation in a militia, otherwise they would not have talked about this in the 2nd Amendment, hence:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Gun ownership is explicitly linked to militia. This is why they got away with taking out the Branch Davidians. Koresh was illegal.
You can’t just arm yourselves and fight the government. The government will fight back and kill you AND your children with so much as a backward glance, and this is about to happen in the US, BECAUSE WE DO NOT HAVE M-I-L-I-T-I-A.
LDX, your grammar is off. “A well regualted militia…” is a dependent clause. It is the justification. “The right of the people…” is the imperative. Note how “The right of the people to keep and bear arms” stands alone as a sentence and makes sense. “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state” does not stand alone as a sentence and needs something else to provide definition.
Thank you Kay McConnell, superb English teacher, FUHS 1974!
Grammar? XCK($*^&%#!! A4&^ $#(@))*$!!! Deal with TH-AT grammar issue!
That is going to take me awhile. However, the Supreme Court does take into account the grammer of the constitution if they desire to discern the original intent of the writers.
Yes, that grammar is a challenge. However, the grammar in the Constitution is important to the Supreme Court if they desire to discern the original intent of the writers.
“The police would love it if we came to these rallies armed.”……… Hmmmmm
So did Bashar al-Assad.
I am sure that he knows that he is walking dead.
OMG! Anaheim, San Diego…RECENTLY AS TWO DAY AGO? Dimwit, do you see any chief’s scrambling to terminate their little assassin squads? You’re embarrassing. Go stuff your face with a plain glazed! Ewe!
I beleive in true world peace but the International Banking Cabal does not want this. What is happening in Fullerton and Anaheimis very significant, you can feel it in the air, it’s hot and heavy. shooting innocent people is just “collateral damage” to these Nazis. Have you seen the cell -phone video that was taken of the officers after they assasinated Manuel Angel Diaz They just stood around, did’nt offer him help did’nt call an ambulance,did’nt care. They are fucking animals.This is what we have to look forward to.LDX is right about alot of things. On the Mexican-US border in San Ysidro they have these Border Guards patrolling and they are wearing three flags on their shirts,An American Flag, A Canadian Flag and a Mexican Flag. This is the “North American Union”. I myself don’t believe in Borders, at least not a border to keep people in or out of a country,especially their own country”indigenouspeople who have inhabited this continent for thousands of years. But what I find so disconcerting is that it is easier for a television or washing machine to cross through the border than a Human Being. We are all just merchandise to the Bankers.
“We are all just merchandise to the Bankers”
Fita, hat tip for scratching the surface of the problem. From what I’ve read you’ve gone where no other poster has gone before during this discussion.
Thank you for being an informed citizen. We are a dying breed. Please, for the sake of the nation, spread the word.
Correct. We are products and owned by the banks. The banking cartel in the US, the Fed, issued on the 13th Amendment, which empowered the corporation as a person. The elite, the people who control the banks, are our masters, according to this ideology. We are livestock, and they are about to thin the herd. If folks don’t want this to happen you need to stop screwing around with protests, form state and regional militia, be prepared to arm up on orders only from state leadership and make ready to be called to duty.
This is a daily responsibility. People are lazy. Protests are tantrum therapy, and there are too few willing to take up arms highly organized and with a thorough enough understanding of the Bill of Rights they can agree what they are preparing to fight for in the first place.
One of the most paradoxical things happening at this time is candle light and prayer vigils sponsored by the Catholic church, since this entity is behind much of the conflict people are experiencing in the first place.
There are four constants pressing themselves into the mainstream at this time, all precipitated by neopolitics and it’s affiliation with Nationalist Socialist Corporatism:
1) legislative circumvention of the constitution and bill of Rights,
2) collapse of domestic and economic infrastructures,
3) occult rendition, which this subordinates your children to ritual human sacrifice; the prime directive is legislation that sets an international legal precedence for resourcing human sacrifice with products acquired in the US, and
4) Sustained provocateuring on the double bind.
Militia is the only way to stop this. Sorry if this offends, but you folks are headed for the slaughter house. You are too fucking neurotic to help yourselves. You have to go through this because you’re lazy and diffident, plain and simple.
Well said LDX.
We do need to stop scrwing around, form a regional militia and be prepared to arm up. Can’t be any more clear than that.
How patronizing.
Fita, you’ve got it right!
And the issues in Anaheimistan and Fullertonistan are very significant! It is in the air, it’s depressing, hateful and negative.
It is so so true, we are just merchandise to the Banksters…
Wonder what craziness will happen if the Fed Reserve Bank does not get it’s contract renewed in 2013…
And when most of the Amerikans realize what’s been going on, and what’s happening, they will most certainly be overwhelmed… and I hope, shaken into reality and organize!
Now this has to be the most stupid video I have every watched. The OC DA told both of them NOT to attend the Anaheim protest and here they are getting the Anaheim cops to sign a paper acknowledging that they are peaceful protesters. Are you kidding me? http://i50.tinypic.com/8z1xdh.jpg
Green is definitely not your color, Stupid.
And you should stay away from the booze, horizontal strips and large floral prints, SherBear.
#1 Wrong Guy is right on the money. This Anaheim business is very much a big deal, in many ways.
The lid has finally been pried off and the world now knows that Anaheim is not Disneyland.
The cops are dangerous, the gangs are dangerous; apart from the Magic Kingdom, Anaheim is a dangerous OC city.
SoCal locals have always known this. The cat’s now out of the bag for the rest of the world.
We almost bought a condo in Anaheim a couple years ago, walking distance from the Big A. Changed our minds during escrow, and I figure that was a good move. Gone. I live in the desert now.
Humans ultimately ruin everything; greed, fear, stupidity, ignorance and ego all find their way into the most noble of endeavours and take them down. That includes cities and communities.
I was born eleven years after the end of WWII; I grew up in SoCal and I remember how wonderful it was. We used to surf all night on the south side of the Huntington Beach pier while Oingo Boingo and Honk were blasting from the Golden Bear.
Those were the days. And they could still be the days, if you want.
Because of the sad, outrageous Kelly Thomas police murder, Fullerton citizens have taken the highest road possible and beauty is slowly and clearly emerging from the ashes of a horrible, rotten travesty.
Anaheim should pay attention. This is not a time for anarchy. This is a time for community. Yes, the police must be pushed back. Everyone knows this. But breaking windows and ruining small businesses only makes the situation worse.
Thanks and praises to Teresa, Marlena and Shelly. Bravo, you wonderful ladies.
All well said SDLocal.
Especially: “Because of the sad, outrageous Kelly Thomas police murder, Fullerton citizens have taken the highest road possible and beauty is slowly and clearly emerging from the ashes of a horrible, rotten travesty.”
First of all go back into your dream world bubble while half the residents of Anaheim have to work 2 (two) minimum wage jobs to even make rent. And let’s just hope they are getting paid and not threatened by their bosses. Oh yes and the beach is really beautiful for all people.
The anarchists are certainly agent provocateurs. They have been showing up accross the US and accross the Western world to turn peaceful protests to violent since before the turn of this century. The question is how organized are their aims and in whose interest do they work?
They succeed by doing the minimum neccessary to draw a response from the police, which they have down to a science. They will then slip into the background, if possible, to allow the police to confront the crowd they were trying to provoke. However, they are willing to risk arrest and injury.
They fail when they are confronted face to face with real demonstrators who desire peace.
The police, on the other hand, know what they are dealing with. They have their police lines, they have their plainclothesmen in the crowd, and they have their surgical response teams. They locate and track the provocateurs. Upon need, they will move in on these individuals and arrest them, causing as little damage to the peaceful crowd as possible.
Successful organizers of peaceful protest have their own teams in the crowd ready to face the provocateurs. With some skill, the plainclothes police can be recognized. Showing them peaceful intent and allowing them to protect the protest will ensure a peaceful protest.
Thanks, Steve. That’s what we’re doing. See the story I just posted in OJB, by the way, about what had allegedly been planned for Cambridge St. once the post-rally march got there.
“The question is how organized are their aims and in whose interest do they work?”……… Hmmmmmm
The history teaches us that we are cowards and they know that. It takes about 3,000 dead people and two highrise buildings to defeat USA constitution and instal marshal law.
Never mind that every year about 9,000 people die from the common influenza and about 34,000 from car accidents.
Same goes for COPs.
As long as we do not use reasonable force to defend ourselves the COPs will keep killing us.
As long as we keep electing Progressive-Liberal-Socialists we will have clean air and dirty COPs.
Oh brother. You are a medicine cabinet full of love, peace and harmony for sure!
I don’t know why you good people can’t see what’s going on here. Have a heart to heart talk with an illegal someday. Ask him how easy it is to cross the border undetected. Piece of cake. Seriously. Now the Ca legislature is about to pass AB 1081 which will make it illegal for Ca cops to turn illegals over to the Feds for deportation unless they’ve committed a VIOLENT felony. Google AB 1081 if you doubt me. The illegal felons are allowed to stay. Only violent ones get the boot. I am as serious as a rattlesnake bite, my friends. Essentially this is a sanctuary state law. So you will start to see many more Anaheim’s and Santa Ana’s popping up in Orange County. In fact, Fullerton is RIPE for being an illegal alien sanctuary city. I am trying to be an honest with you as I can here.
So they flood the cities with poor, indigent foreigners. Crime has to go up. All these people know how to do to survive is sell dope and rob. We only need so many tree pruners and grass cutters in the economy. And with the fiscal crisis the welfare dollars will not be able to accomodate all the new arrivals. The cities will become powder kegs – just like Santa Ana and Anaheim are today.
This is the makings of a police state. Did you see what the cops were wearing and armed with at the Anaheim protests??? They looked like Army Rangers posed to invade Iran. Don’t you see what’s happening?
How could anyone claim with a straight face that this is not planned social upheaval in the United States? You don’t saturate cities and towns with illegal foreign indigents – then refuse to deport them – without knowing what’s coming next. Come on. Smarten up.
So the white Disney crony leaders clinging to power in Anaheim are faced with huge problems. But they are responsible for their own problems. Do you hear any of them complaining about the current absurd immigration policy? Of course not. They are complicit. The chickens are merely coming home to roost.
We live in interesting times – but the standard of living is destined to fall for the average America. Unless you are a bona fide club member living in a gated community with employment protected by those who wear the white shoes, sorry, you are going to see higher cost of living, stagnant wages, more urban blight and much more neighborhood crime. Your town will soon be converted to a Santa Ana or an Anaheim too. With AB 1081 it’s not a question of “if?” – only “when?”
I wish your children and grandchildren the very best.
To Just Us: First of all I seriously doubt you could ever have a “heart to heart talk” with a person whom you deem “illegal” Heart to heart talks for the most part take place when you view the other HUMAN BEING as equal and not inferior. A person cannot be “illegal” in the land that they haveinhabited for centuries. Second of all you do not sound informed about the situation,THE US has made it impossible to cross the border, the border of the US-Mexico is completely militarized now. That is why so many of our brothersand sisters die trying to CROSS it. Your post is ironic since it deals with Disneyland since I’m sure many of thr peoplecrossing the border to find work and risking their life to find a job would certainly only want to come to the USA as “Happy Disneyland tourists” that is if they had a chance and a choice. Please don’t try to hide behind your xzenophobia.
Well said. All of this is planned and has been for years and years.
Excellent post.
We see it.
You see, both Bush and Obama tried hard to get “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” (defacto amnesty) passed on a national level. But the pushback was tremendous and it was defeated. So now they are going to do it on a state by state basis – just like with AB 1081 in California that’s about to get approved right under your noses. But do you notice that the media is very silent about it? That’s intentional. They don’t want you to know about it until it’s been approved. Because the mainstream media is wholly complicit with the oligarchs who run your system.
The integrity of the system is being mocked by the politicians. You see, upon taking office a politician is SWORN under OATH to uphold the laws of the United States and the sacred elements of our US Constitution. Yet w/ AB 1081 the California politicians are OPENLY violating Federal immigration statues by DEFYING the laws which say it an OBLIGATION (not an option) for states to coorperate with the Federal government and turn illegal foreigners over to the Feds for deportation. So the California politicians are OPENLY violating their SWORN obligations here. But do you think the Fed govenment will sue California like they sued Arizona for SB 1070? Of course not. Why? Because the Fed government is also complicit here. In fact, the Fed government is the main culprit by refusing to enforce our immigration laws. The Fed government will turn a blind eye to AB 1081 and allow it’s implementation. Watch closely.
The ring is almost closed, my friends. But keep voting and paying your taxes. Keep being obedient citizens. In the meantime, your elected leaders are taking very good care of you. 😀
Bush and CLINTON have over 140 domestic assassinations between them, too. Obama’s got his hands in kidnapping for torture. WTF is your problem? ARE YOU BLIND? Deaf? Stupid?
I think that last couple of sentences were sarcasim 😉
What’s your point? I’m about to educate you. Brace yourself.
Awesome message SDL. I agree that destroying shops is going to solve nothing and only going to increase police brutality. But looking at it from the view of the disenfranchised, I can see how they feel helpless to stand up to thug cops who dishonor the badge and eventually respond with violence. Not saying I condone it, but can understand why it happens. It’s not the same for Marlena, Shelly, or most of Kelly’s Army. They are predominantly white and middle-class. They do not get messed with by cops every day.
I agree with you, Brandon. I don’t condone it either; some of those busted up Anaheim businesses are likely owned or operated by the “disenfranchised,” if you get my drift.
Listen — looting is not protesting. Looting is not protesting. Looting is prehensile stealing and selfish destruction. I’ve been around long enough to remember Watts. That’s right. Remember the Watts riots? I do. I was a little boy growing up in LA County and the Watts riots were my introduction to how dangerous SoCal can be. I’ve never forgotten it, and as we all know, there have been many more violent oubreaks since Watts.
My girlfriend’s dad was an LA County Deputy Sheriff during that horrible Watts nightmare. He was on the scene, right there. It was a nightmare.
Here’s the thing: everything we require to have peace on earth and make this world a paradise is right here, right within our grasp. Right here.
We have everything. We have the skills, tools and talents. This is so frustrating.
(and yes, I do tend to my local homeless as best as possible, just so you know).
I wish there was some kind of a way where we could all just STOP THIS CRAZY SHIT for a few seconds and reboot, you know?
This will never happen, I know. Too bad.
Are the cops to blame??? Hell yes they are!
But so are the Anaheim leaders who have turned Anaheim into a virtual war zone by not fighting back against untenable immigration policies. Stacking indigents on top of more indigents is not the answer, my friends. They are willfully creating a powder keg which only fuels the police state.
Please, step back for a second and examine your own viewpoints on this topic. Don’t just react emotionally. Think through it. Come to logical and rational conclusions.
My militia has a first name, it’s RUGER
My militia has a second name, it’s Kevl’r
Oh and if you ask me why I’d say
I love to practice every daaaaaay,
‘Cause Ruger/Kevl’r does away
lol very good!
This is the future for your kids and grandkids.
My parents were more concerned with the future of future generations than they were their own.
What the hell happened?
Does anyone care anymore?
I’m thinking people don’t know what to do; it’s frightening and overwhelming… I think people do care they just need a leader to organize them.
So the handful of you from Kelly’s Army and likewiseminded folk actually have a brain to keep it peaceful – unlike the other 99% of the protestors.
Do you folks realize that there is nearly one privately owned gun in America for every man, woman and child in America? Yep. 270M REGISTERED firearms. And that doesn’t even count the unregistered ones!
Have you looked at Sturm, Ruger and Company’s stock price for the last 5 years? Now keep in mind – this was during a DOWN economy:
Click on the 5 year chart.
So it’s not just the cops who have guns.
The only reason Rugers stock price dropped a little in 2012 was because their company did not have the production capacity to handle the incrased demand. They ran out of guns. lol.
So Smith and Wesson picked up the slack. If you notice, their stock price has close to doubled in the last 4 months. They are supplying the demand for firearms that Ruger did not have the capability of producing.
So, my friends, what is YOUR analysis of this phenomenon?
What do YOU think? :O
that the honest, non-criminals are loading up because of the people like Manuel Diaz.
BUZZ: Wrong.
Americans like their guns.
Much, much moreso in the last 4 years when sales have flown off the charts.
The question is “why?”
Crime has actually gone down quite dramatically in the last 5 years. So the answer: “to protect themselves from criminals” is a fail.
Try again.
hint: when people get scared they seek protection and safety.
what are they scared of?
More meetings, eh? lol
I’m surprised they haven’t formed an ‘ad-hoc committee’ yet to investigate neighborhood discontent in Anaheim. lol
You’re piling indigents on top of indigents. What the heck do you expect, you imbeciles?
Why do you think you and Santa Anaheim are responsible for 80% of the crime in Orange County?
You aren’t really this stupid, are you??? lol
Why don’t you have a council meeting every day of the week???
That would really solve your problems, wouldn’t it??? lol
Theresa Smith For Anaheim City Council!
If the best and the brightest in Anaheim can’t even figure out the problem how the hell could they find a solution?
This is like watching a keystone cop comedy.
Members of The Rock church showed up in force at the Fullerton location, with lines running the length of the building and the wait as long as an hour.
*sigh* …Idiots. Viral marketing at its best.
Chick-Fil-A pays the leaders of some gay activist group under the table to target them, people get all worked up, they get free advertising in print, radio, television and online media which equals more brand awareness and customers.
Up until now, Chick-Fil-A was barely hanging on because if their policy on closing on sundays but now business is booming
Its actually a brilliant marketing campaign. I expect more failing companies like JcPennys to pull this stunt until it gets old.
Dear Anonymous-
Chick-Fil-A is and was a booming business. Their same location sales were up quite a bit. They were definitely not “just hanging on”. That is a total falsehood. I do not really support them one way or another. If they have a certain stand on an issue and it gets a certain group upset, that is the price they pay. However, As a 6 day a week company in a 7 day a week business, they are doing extremely well. Go visit the one at Long Beach Towne Center, its very well run. Mostly latino employees too and they pay like Inn and Out, a lot more than other fast food franchises.
That’s IN N’ OUT, get right
They’re only open 6 days a week which I believe is a major handicap on the other hand they’ve rapidly expanded chains and hired 7,000 new employees this year but have little to no ads.
Even though its a billion dollar business, they’re expanding way too fast in the span of 2 years and up until now they didn’t have much visibility beyond billboards and mailers, on top of this, its not a publicly traded company.
More people eat out during the weekend but if you’re only opened 1 day on a weekend you’re actually going to drive people away.
When people like me see they’re closed on weekend, they’re not going to return so I honestly believe they needed this stunt to continue to survive and expand over the long term.
I’m not this fella. I changed my nickname to avoid any confusion.
LOL! Prove it.
Nah, Their food’s pretty shitty. Love the tone!
But I do support ’em.
Ironic how this church will line up to support an organization that opposes same sex marriage, yet was visibly absent during the Kelly Thomas protests where a homeless man was executed on the streets?
Churches seem to have lost their moral compass, and have instead become organizations focused on promoting hate, intolerance, and bigotry towards those that don’t share their views.
Anaheim latinos have no representation on city council. All council seats are city wide, not by districts. This is in the process of changing, but until latinos have someone on council they can go to, the pressure will build up in the Disney ghetto. 50% of the Anaheim budget comes from the bed tax. A latino councilmember might ask what does the Anaheim City residents (not Anaheim Hills) get from the bed tax? What do they receive from all the taxes at Honda Center? All the taxes at Anaheim Stadium? These questions are never asked as the council is essentially a rubber stamp, usually for the Mayor.
Its time for everyone in the county to start asking how their taxes and fees are spent and what are they getting in return! A lot of wide open eyes will result!
Blue shirt failures…
100% Posers
Copy that. Red October where you at?
Red October is running Red Route 2 (yeah, I saw the movie)
Actually it’s IN-AND-OUT – check the website (thwap)
lol 🙂 I love IN-AND-OUT… sigh….
check the sign bozo
Residents tell Los Angeles-based group that their presence Wednesday night before rosary for Manuel Diaz is not welcome.
Those “residents” (I’m talking about the ones wearing the orange vests) were acting as the mayor’s bodyguards last night, shoving reporters and residents aside.
They’re obviously trying to divide and conquer from within the community (ie turn this into an “Anaheim” vs. “Them” situation).
I remember when the Kelly Thomas protests began, the status quo including tried to demonize the activists as “outsiders” who didn’t represent Fullerton.
This is how they want it to play out, they want to harass and kick out “outsiders” in the meanwhile they want the residents of Anaheim to sit down and shut up so they can conduct a 1-2 year long investigation that will clear the officers of any wrong doing.
I am so thankful that the Thomas family and residents of Fullerton along with people all over southern California concerned about police brutality firmly stood their ground and didn’t back down until charges were brought against the thugs who brutally beat Kelly to death.
Like me and others predicted. They are starting to turn on each other.
Damn you FFFFers!
Green is still not your color. You should’ve kept the name “Stupid” that you used above. No matter what name you use, childish antics are taken with a grain of salt. Have a good life and try not to let your jealousies and immaturity ruin you.
4F is auto censoring criticism of protest leaders. There’s corruption afoot!
Friends for Fullerton’s Future is criminal. Censor TH-AT, jerk!
Locked and loaded here! You people are spooky!
OH, and you’re not?!!!
this site
Lol @ whiners talking about censoring. Go post on a pro-cop site then. They block any comments that are anti-cop. You have to be pretty hateful and/or crazy to get blocked on FFFF. Considering JD and LDX are the only two I’ve seen complaining out of the hundreds that post on here, I’d say the administrator is pretty tolerant of morons spouting nonsense.
LDX will soon get bored and go away. Nobody knows what the hell he/she is jabbering about from his/her rubber room.
I always thought you were nuts Tony. LDX puts it at a whole different level.
There you have it! Admin simple mindedness that EVERYBODY can identify with. All you got to do NOW is start chasing your tails and you’re in the club!
Actually, I do know what he is jabbering about. He is very intelligent and will teach you many facts. Judgement is a different thing.
Marlena, Shelly, Theresa and Jean Thaxton (not pictured, mother of death-by-cop victim, Michael Nida)…all beautiful and strong women who have my respect and support.
No their not. They’re MK/ULTRA, and they participated in a surgical hit on Diaz and Acevedo.
They’re trying to do a remake of the London riots in LA county, which all indications are Diaz and Acevedo were set up. So was Thomas. Question is what role is Kelly’s army in all of this? If Diaz/Acevedo= Duggan, Kelly’s army= an attempt to loft a 2nd Amendment insurgency, which this was the point of OWS as well. It appears as though the state department is attempting to stage an opportunity (false flag) to fully implement martial law in the US, and reacting to these assassinations will potentially give them the opportunity to do this. What you don’t understand, yet, is if they can do this and magnify it nationally, which all indications are this is what they are attempting to do, with what’s going on overseas, Obama could technically declare war with Iran, implement martial law here and reappoint himself president for a 2nd term. I think THIS is what they are trying to do. Obama’s open borders, so he’s a darling in the Mexican American community and NAFTA, and he needs another term to set the US on a course for domestic and economic collapse that will empower the Vatican to rebuild the US as a part of the NAU. People aren’t taking the bait, obviously, which is why they are attempting to increase a confrontation with the Hispanic population in places such as Disneyland. False Flag.
Looks like protest leadership is in fact MK/ULTRA.
When the white shoe boys lose control of the interest rates resulting in a bond market dislocations and the welfare dollars dry up – what you’ve seen in the last couple weeks in Anaheim will look like a Sunday school picnic at the park. Do you realize that over 50% of the population rely on a gov transfer payment to survive?
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Its idiotic and a bit racist IMO to compare the unrest in Anaheim over a man being shot execution style in the back of the head to people not receving welfare checks.
I get why you’re making that comparison because many of the people are brown so by nature they must be violent and all on welfare.
I’ve heard any racists openly and loudly wonder why Fullerton was so peaceful and the Anaheim protests were so violent.
What they willfully ignore was the lack of police presence during the Kelly Thomas protest, had the police been as aggressive and heavy handed in Fullerton as they were in Anaheim you would have seen the same results.
I knew some idiot would play the race card here.
If you read my previous posts you would realize that I have been hyper critical of the cops for what they did. If a cop has to shoot a man in the back he has no business being a cop. He’s in the wrong line of business. Got it??
The fact of the matter is that most of the welfare dollars in Orange County are going to Anaheim and Santa Ana. You can call it whatever you want or blame me by falsely accuse me of racism. The truth is the truth. My point was that when the welfare and gov transfer payments dry up you are going to witness chaos and disorder that you never thought possible. But when the gov allows foreign indigents to come into the State and saturate our cities, what do you expect? You cannot fill the cities up with indigents and when the money runs out expect calm. That was my only point. Now feel free to attack the messenger some more.
You dealt it. I play it.
You continue to deal it.
You’ve gotta stop dealing those race cards. Just because they happen to have brown skin doesn’t mean they’re all violent, on welfare, in gangs or here illegally.
The fact that you bring this up in a topic about a man who was brutally executed by the police shows your true agenda.
The fact that you continue to ignore the overkill tactics deployed by APD against the citizens of Anaheim which fueled the situation we’ve seen over the past week shows your true agenda.
total amount spent annually on all “welfare” to the poor: $191 billion (5.5% of budget).
total amount spent annually on military and defense: $1 trillion dollars (over 50% of budget).
If you care about waste, fraud, and abuse, there is one place to start. If you think the government collects too much taxes and spend too much there is one place to start: The US Military, DOD, and associated agencies and dependent subsidized corporations.
Your focus on “welfare”, the poor, and illegal immigrants is a red herring. All you are doing is distracting people from the real issues.
Given the date Thomas occurred (Tuesday, July 5, 2011) in connection with Duggan/UK ( Thursday, August 4, 2011), Thomas, like Duggan, would have been an assassination and an attempt to loft civil unrest in Southern California. It would ALSO have been collective punishment for Obama, Schwarzenegger and Soros having been found out involved in kidnapping for torture.
Diaz/Acevedo were surgical, by the numbers, facilitated from within the community and in collusion with the police. Message to community: protest leadership is in the tank with local authority.
4F censoring this information is making it appear as though this entity is a part of this.
@JustUs Good point!
watch the libor crisis unfold very soon
“You’ve gotta stop dealing those race cards”
I don’t give a damn what color they are. I am just pointing to where the welfare money is going to in Orange County. And I am telling you to watch out when Uncle Sugar’s teat dries up. All hell’s going to break loose. That’s all I said. Once you turned into into a discussion on skin color you became the ‘racist’ by definition.
Oh you do but you’re too much of a coward to come out and say it so you use words like “foreign indigents” instead.
You can’t help yourself can you?
You continue to make the contrast between the police fueled unrest in Anaheim to people on welfare.
JustUs’s theory is that the US is deliberately letting “indigents” across the border. The main push factor, he claims, is the Mexican government distributing pamphlets to urge them to cross. The main pull factor he cites is Mexican’s desire for “free stuff.” This is all code to imply that Mexicans are lazy and don’t want to work, and their government is lazy and doesn’t want to provide for them. So they come to the US to mooch off of hardworking taxpayers like him.
Its a very simplistic theory. It ignores the real push factors which are NAFTA and US govt. subsidies of US agriculture, which caused Mexican agriculture to collapse; and corruption and lawlessness in Mexico which is largely linked to the US war on drugs, which the US also forces on Mexico. Mexico is essentially a corrupt, US-backed plutocracy. He also doesn’t want to acknowledge the clear evidence of US complicity in ensuring the dominance of Mexico’s PRI, who were backed by the CIA for decades.
He also doesn’t seem to understand that the main pull factors are the availability of jobs in the US for these poor Mexicans: mainly service and construction work, some agriculture, etc.
From his erroneous conclusions about illegal immigration, he then conjectures that the reason the US is allowing/encouraging illegal immigration is to engender a situation of chaos and revolt in US cities, which can then be suppressed by the police/military/Feds and will lead to a state of martial law and the suspension of First and Second Amendment rights. This part of the theory interestingly follows Naomi Klein’s Shock Doctrine in many ways, though JustUs would be appalled to know how much he agrees with one of the country’s leading leftist intellectuals.
I think he is totally wrong about illegal immigration but frighteningly enough his embrace of the Shock Doctrine logic (though he imagines different ways it would be implemented) is an encouraging sign. And when it comes to knowledge of the police themselves and how they function as well as other issues such as the banksters, JustUs has a good understanding.
So it is both frustrating and encouraging. If JustUs would get over his fear of illegal immigrants and get past his prior indoctrination on how welfare queens etc. ruined the country he is actually more right than wrong on a lot of things. But these biases are a big part of his worldview as they are of most conservatives who haven’t been radicalized or made the move towards true libertarianism.
Now he will attack us some more. 😀
Oh, and you forgot to mention human trafficking, graft and all the fucking graffiti, Plazed Glain. Just saying.
Human trafficking is a big problem, but not just on the Mexican-US border. It is a bigger problem in Europe, where there are surprisingly few Mexicans.
Graft is the same thing as corruption LDX. I mentioned corruption, its one of the main push factors.
Graffiti dates back to Ancient Greece and before. It became widespread in the US in during WWII. It was not invented or popularized by Mexicans or illegal immigrants.
graft= POLITICAL corruption; child sacrifice= DOMESTIC corruption
I want to live among people who are conscious that we live in a war. A war against life, against the spirit. I want to live among people who don’t look down at their feet, or won’t look you in the eyes when you speak of struggle or insurrection, because in their heart they know they have surrendered, and because — maybe, just maybe — they never really hated the system. Among people who have not been bought, who did not take the pills they were offered, because they preferred to struggle with their feeling of pathologized anxiety than to live in the dead zone. People who don’t pretend to be struggling when it is obvious that what they are doing is turning a battlefield into a garden. I want to be in a place where the war is admissible. — Anonymous Spanish poet
“You continue to make the contrast between the police fueled unrest in Anaheim to people on welfare”
Compare the per capita crime rate of Mission Viejo or Irvine with Anaheim and Santa Ana.
Poor communities are petri dishes for crime.
When you invite more and more foriegn indigents to saturate our cities it only makes sense that crime will increase and there will be increasing tension between the cops and the residents. Eventually it blows sky high.
Take the gov money away from the poor and they got nothing to lose. Santa Ana and Anaheim are both powder kegs.
If you don’t like the truth stop debating me.
I see someone’s been hanging around stormfront.
What does any of this have to do with a man being executed in the back of the head by the police or the police using violent heavy handed tactics to suppress people from protesting that man’s death?
If poor communities were also and invariably petri dishes for crime than both within the US and in other countries poverty and crime would be extremely highly correlated. This could be easily proven statistically. The fact that it hasn’t is evidence that this theory “poverty leads to crime” is exceptionally overly simplistic. I’m impressed you actually think this though, because the idea is somewhat Marxist in nature.
Btw, I don’t give a damn if the foreign indigents come from Iceland, Mongolia, Egypt, Mexico or Turkmenistan. Poor is poor. Our nation is bankrupt. We cannot afford more poor people who specialize in pruning trees and cutting grass. Not when we pay for their education, health care, incarcerations and welfare. We have reached the saturation point. Color has nothing to do with it. I am talking economics while you are stuck on racism.
If our nation is truly bankrupt, we should probably stop spending $1 trillion per year on military and defense. That’s more than 5 times what we spend on welfare.
Our current form of Capitalism has no concept of right or wrong. It only recognizes what is profitable and what you can get away with. and when you have the Government, the media, the military and the police on your payroll you can get away with pretty much anything. – Modern American Proverb
Hence Thomas, Diaz and Acevedo… There will be many others.
“What does any of this have to do with a man being executed in the back of the head by the police or the police using violent heavy handed tactics to suppress people from protesting that man’s death?”
Everything always comes down to mathematics.
Why do all the uprisings always happen in poverty infested communities?
When indigents are already draining the public treasure why would you want to load up with more like is being planned with AB 1081?
They (the white shoe boys) are playing you folks like pawns. They are using you as the means to attain their final objective – total and full control over the masses.
But you turn it into a race issue.
Without education (I mean REAL education – not what they teach you in the diploma factories) you will forever be lost.
You’re being stroked, man. Wise up.
The most powerful weapon in the world is the ability to think. Use THIS, and all of this ends…TODAY!
precisely why the flat screen frequencies and flicker rates continue to increase exponentially with each passing month.
“If our nation is truly bankrupt, we should probably stop spending $1 trillion per year on military and defense”
Defense spending is corporate welfare. But at least those people make something. They get up in the morning and go to work. They’re productive. What good is a welfare leech other than to produce more government jobs that add NOTHING to the nation’s GDP?
I am not promoting war – but I would rather pay some guy who makes an airplane than some joker who sits at home waiting for his transfer payment to come in the mail while he sucks down malt liquor.
A guy who gets up in the morning and makes unnecessary weapons used to kill people in unjustified and illegal wars, destroying vast swathes of the environment simultaneously, is far worse for humanity than someone who gets a few hundred dollars from the govt. per month to sit around and do nothing.
I would vastly prefer people who are paid small amount of money to consume malt liquor than people who are paid large amount of money to produce tasers, bean-bag shooting shotguns, pepper-spray, and bullets used by cops; or napalm, white phosphorous, depleted uranium, cluster bombs, and land mines used by the US military to main and kill innocent men, women and children in desperately poor countries around the world.
Pentagon Contractors are “Second to None” in Salary, AIA Study Shows http://pogoblog.typepad.com/pogo/2012/03/pentagon-contractors-are-second-to-none-in-salary-aia-study-shows.html
Average salary = $81,000
Welfare average is less than $13,000 per year (California provides a poor mother with two children $694 a month, the third highest welfare payment after Alaska and New York. California’s welfare payments peaked at over $1,100 a month in 2010 dollars in the late 1980s. The number of cases, typically a woman with two children, fell to a low of 455,000 in September 2007; the caseload climbed to 540,000 in September 2009. http://migration.ucdavis.edu/rmn/more.php?id=1524_0_2_0)
This is also interesting: stats on welfare recipients.
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %
So much for the “illegal Mexicans bankrupting the country” theory.
Exactly -the Iron Triangle, black ops, black budgets and illegal interest to the Fed are the real factors bankrupting the country. All the rest is diversionary balkanization to get us fighting with each other so they can close the walls in on us.
You got it.
Protesting unsecured borders and failure to enforce immigration law internally is not ‘diversionary balkanization’ by any stretch. It is destroying the soverinty of the nation. No other nation in the world allows that crap and for good reason. It destroys nations. Pull you head out.
Put your money where your mouth is. Invite 2 illegal families to move into your home and pay all their expenses. Do that, Mr. Liberal. On a cold day in hell, eh???? 😀
The open borders are a nightmare but are all by design to drive down wages, create order out of chaos, destroy the midde class and help implode the country- no doubt about that. However the money going into the illegal interest, banker bailouts, the black hole of the black ops and military could feed and house the entire continent. The printing presses could run for free in this country but every time they try the greenback thing lead to head results.
Here we were discussing the illegal foreigner problem in Santa Ana and Anaheim before the Glazed Blade brought up the other topics since he could not hang on and counter my argument.
Anyone who welcomes illegals into the State that innocent taxpayers must support is a traitor to the nation. Our cities are being destroyed from within. Look at Anahieim. Look at Santa Ana. Case closed.
You’re not going to stop war, brother. It’s been around since the days of Cain and Abel. Stop spinning your wheels.
When millions upon millions of people collect free money while sucking down malt liquor the math adds up. Free housing, free medical, free food…. it all adds up. And my original point was that when Uncle Sugar’s teat dries up – it’s going to get real fugly. But certain idiots are applauding more foreign indigents as their sneak across our border and add more fuel to the fire. You allow ideology to override good common sense. You are pounding in the final nails of your children’s and grandchildren’s economic coffins. And apparently you are too stupid to see it. Oh well. That’s fine. You make your bed and eventually you go lie in it. Now isn’t there an ‘end world hunger’ rally for you to attend?
I see. “War” is natural and therefore we should do nothing about it. But poor people moving from a place where they can’t get work to a place where they can is highly unnatural. Uh-huh.
As I’ve already proven to you, the grand sum total of welfare payments is NOTHING compared to what we spend on defense. You could cut defense by half and then use all of that money to shore up entitlements and our entire debt crisis problem would be largely solved. Hey, we even had a presidential candidate suggest to do exactly that.
But you want to focus on the poor, and especially on illegal immigrants, whom you think are the cause of the decline of Western civilization. Not imperialism. Not $1 trillion defense budgets. Not the CIA overthrowing legitimate governments around the world for the last 60 years and causing economic conditions in many of these countries to decline. Not subsidized US agriculture. Not corporate welfare. Not the ever-expanding building of prisons to house the indigents for victimless drug crimes. Not wasteful over-consumption of limited resources. Nope, its none of these ALREADY EXISTING and ENORMOUS expenditures that concern you, its the hypothetical threat you imagine caused by “millions upon millions of people collecting free money.”
You’re been duped, and you are too pig-headed to consider the evidence which PROVES you have been duped. Who’s the ideological one?
Again, since you ignored it:
Total welfare spending = $191 billions
Defense spending = $1 trillion
which is a greater threat to US solvency?
Annual defense contractor salary: $81,000
Annual total welfare payments, Cal recipient, family of 3+ = < $13,000
Which one is the waste of money? Which one is the true parasite? Which one's labor goes mainly to killing and maiming the innocent?
Keep responding. It digs a bigger hole for you.
“As I’ve already proven to you, the grand sum total of welfare payments is NOTHING compared to what we spend on defense”
Defense spending adds GDP to the economy. When’s the last time a welfare recipient added anything to the economy? Without defense spending you’d had millions of more welfare recipients.
“But you want to focus on the poor, and especially on illegal immigrants, whom you think are the cause of the decline of Western civilization”
Illegal aliens are helping to destroy the soverignty of our nation and hurt our underclass who must compete w/ illegal aliens for resources. Anyone who applauds illegal aliens is a traitor to the nation.
“You’re been duped, and you are too pig-headed to consider the evidence which PROVES you have been duped”
Your ideology is literally destroying the future of your own children and grandchildren. It’s the math, stupid. Do the math!
Nations go to war because there’s money in it. There’s actually a return for your efforts, however shortsighted they might be.
When’s the last time some guy collecting a welfare check sucking on a malt liquor bottle showed a return on investment?
Of the various idiotic arguments you make when backed into a corner for lack of evidence, this one is the worst. “Defense spending adds GDP to the economy.”
Yes, that is exactly why GDP is not any kind of good measure of the true health of a society.
If I got out and shoot thousands of people on the streets with automatic weapons that would also add to GPD. All those hospital bills for instance. If I burned down LA that would add to GDP. All that rebuilding.
The fact that you don’t understand how militarism is the root of almost every problem discussed on this blog, and the fact that instead you think welfare is, despite your recognition that defense costs far, fare more than welfare just shows your intellectual bankruptcy.
And you’re going to cal me a traitor now? Fuck you. You are an ignorant, prejudiced blowhard. I’m sorry the brown people scare you and your country club friends so much. I’m sorry that someone barely subsisting on less than $12,000 per year for a family of 3 or 4 seems like such an imposition. Perhaps since war is good for GDP, and poor people and immigrants are bad for GDP, we should just send the military in to kill all of those poor immigrants. In fact, why don’t we do that AND nuke Mexico. That would raise GDP through the roof and solve the welfare problem, right?
Fucking racist dumbass.
Nothing makes a man angrier than the truth. If there’s no truth to a statement he just laughs it off!
Thanks for swallowing the bait, Mr. Glazed.
You should invite an illegal family or two to live with you (all expenses paid) instead of welcoming them into our society and expecting everyone else pay for them.
You liberal jackass. 😀
I’m not a liberal. I just value truth, not old hackneyed stereotypes perpetuated by the sort of doddering old racist politicians whose cocks you enjoy sucking.
Yep, nothing makes a man angrier than the truth. Thus your endless propensity to rant at everybody about those evil brown people moving to this great white country of yours.
You’re not just a liberal. You’re a dyed in the wool who just jumped aboard the Obama Free Shit train for a ride into socialist nirvana! 😀
Here. Your theme song:
The sun beams down on a brand new day
No more welfare tax to pay
Unsightly slums gone up in flashing light
Jobless millions whisked away
At last we have more room to play
All systems go to kill the poor tonight
Kill kill kill kill Kill the poor:Tonight
You have established the classic false dichotomy. A person participating in bringing a country into unnecessary war and a person being paid to be unnecessarily idle are both wrongs. However, they do not compete against each other. It is not one or the other. Both issues need to be addressed separately and at the same time.
I have no love of war. But I must point out that 20,000,000 died in World War Two, including 500,000 Americans in four years. 50,000 Americans died in Korea in about the same span. 50,000 Americans died in 10 years of Vietnam. I don’t recall the counts, but the death toll for Americans decreased markedly in the two Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Defense contractors have been paid big bucks to lower the death count of war. Yes, there have been some civil liberties sacrifices. Would you prefer another Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nakasaki?
I am not advocating in this comment, only stating facts and inviting opinion.
Once again, plain glazed, you are making a race issue out of something that is not race related. You folks are the living definition of “racism”. I am talking ‘mathematics’ – you are talking ‘race’.
In OC a disproportionate amount of the welfare money goes to Anaheim (where the civil unrest is happening) and Santa Ana (where crime rates are off the charts).
You folks can’t see the forest. You are tangled up in the trees. And that’s why the white shoe boys are winning. There are tens of millions just like you who don’t have a clue.
This is the math Just:
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %
Face it. Your theory of welfare recipients being largely Mexican immigrants is absolutely, completely, 100% WRONG.
here’s the math of this discussion: Plain Glazed = 1. JustUs = 0.
Shut down the ideological side of your brain for just one day, Mr. Glazed.
Think logically and rationally. Apply math. Use common sense.
It’ll open up a whole new world that you never thought was there.
I countered your ideological arguments using math. You ignore stats that don’t favor your ideological arguments.
Your arguments center on the popular stereotype of the welfare queen, largely debunked in the 1980s, and more recent stereotypes about illegal immigrants, debunked consistently.
Santa Ana is a dangerous city for OC but last time I looked didn’t even crack the national top 25. So much for that theory. Anaheim isn’t even close.
Fuzzy math.
You fail to show ROI.
You can’t counter my argument that foreign indigents are harming our society so you throw in defense spending.
The math shows that we get an ROI from defense spending.
Welfare spending is money flushed. It only keeps the gov social services offices packed full – which is another waste of money.
Waste begets waste begets waste.
Your arguments center on the popular stereotype of the welfare queen, largely debunked in the 1980s, and more recent stereotypes about illegal immigrants, debunked consistently”
In CA alone last year we spent over $20B on illegal alien health care, education, incarcerations and welfare.
Go look around the sidewalks of Anaheim or Santa Ana during the day. Mamas pushing strollers with 3 kids in tow.
The age of the welfare queen is alive and well. As a matter of fact, it’s thriving.
Octomom is a great example. There are mini-Octomom’s everywhere. All you need to do is open your eyes. But that seems to be a task beyond your capability.
“Santa Ana is a dangerous city for OC but last time I looked didn’t even crack the national top 25”
Your denial is deep. All one needs to do is read the crime reports in the OC Register. Shootings, stabbings, rapes, child abductions, drive-bys – occurring on an hourly basis in SA. Snap out of your denial.
Wrong yet again:
Confirmed – Defense Spending Creates Fewer Jobs Than Other Types of Spending
Yesterday, I pointed out that a study by one of the leading economic modeling companies shows that military spending increases unemployment and decreases economic growth.
I have located (giant hat tip to Gordon) a paper by economist Robert Pollin published in 2007 by The Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst – entitled “The U.S. Employment Effects of Military and Domestic Spending Priorities” – which concludes:
We present in Table 1 our estimate of the relative effects of spending $1 billion on alternative uses, including military spending, health care, education, mass transit, and construction for home weatherization and infrastructure repair.
[Click image for larger version]
The table first shows in column 1 the data on the total number of jobs created by $1 billion in spending for alternative end uses. As we see, defense spending creates 8,555 total jobs with $1 billion in spending. This is the fewest number of jobs of any of the alternative uses that we present. Thus, personal consumption generates 10,779 jobs, 26.2 percent more than defense, health care generates 12,883 jobs, education generates 17,687, mass transit is at 19,795, and construction for weatherization/infrastructure is 12,804. From this list we see that with two of the categories, education and mass transit, the total number of jobs created with $1 billion in spending is more than twice as many as with defense.
“Military Keynesianism” – the idea that war is the best economic stimulus – is false.
Update: Pollin published an updated version of his paper on October 20, 2009. The abstract summarizes their updated findings:
The authors compare the effects of a $1 billion military investment military and the same investment in clean energy, health care, education, or individual tax cuts. They show that non-military investments create a much larger number of jobs across all pay ranges. With a large share of the federal budget at stake, Pollin and Garrett-Peltier make a strong case that non-military spending priorities can create significantly greater opportunities for decent employment throughout the U.S. economy than spending the same amount of funds with the military.
Read more at http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2009/11/guest-post-confirmed-defense-spending-creates-fewer-jobs-than-other-types-of-spending.html#TPutbYKKF2JZUisO.99
25 most dangerous cities in the US:
No Santa Ana.
Man you argue badly.
Anyone who believes Santa Ana is not crime infested has to be smoking crack. 😀
On any given day go to the OC Register’s city guide and click on Santa Ana. Crime up the poopshoot, regardless of what your liberal media says.
The most dangerous city in OC without a fricken doubt.
Well, since we’re looking at math here, when people use their welfare check, food stamps etc. to buy food, clothing and, yes, even malt liquor isn’t the revenue generated by those sales “part of the economy”?
Another genius arrives!!!
Tell you what – clean your bank account out and hand it over to me. I will spend it to grow the economy!!! 😀
You people can’t be this stupid!!! 😀
Or, I can just sign my account directly over to the defense contractors, since they’re such a great investment.
Why even bring up the defense contractors?
We were discussing welfare waste and when Mr. Glazed could not counter my argument he diverted the topic over to defense contractors.
So I obviously won the debate on illegals and welfare waste.
I just wanted to thank all of you for the victory. 🙂
Uhh, no, poopsie. YOU brought it up. You said defense spending adds to the GDP and the economy. Like defense contractors spend any more money in stores than people on welfare. And those nifty missiles and drones are paid for by tax dollars, same as food stamps.
Then again, there are always lucrative situations like Iraq, where they’ll ultimately pay us back with all that free oil – oh,wait.
“Uhh, no, poopsie. YOU brought it up. You said defense spending adds to the GDP and the economy”
No. You’re wrong. The only reason I mentioned Defense Contractors was because Plain Glaze countered with the defense contractor argument since he could not respond head-on to the facts that I asserted about illegal foreigners and welfare waste.
It’s a disingenuous ploy often used in debates when a person can’t provide a legitimate counterargument to the topic. They switch topics and say “yeah, but what about this……”
So I won the debate and chased Plain Glazed away with his tail between his legs.
His argument is that the amount we spend on welfare, food stamps etc is a fraction of what we spend on defense. If you really want to go after governmental waste, why not go after that, too?
Actually, I’m all for the idea that when the deadline comes, we either have a balanced budget, or we cut spending equally across the board, by a certain percentage. That would include social services AND defense. Fair is fair, right?
I responded to every one of your “facts” about illegal immigration.
I proved to you the the push factors and the pull factors for illegal immigration are completely different than you claimed them to be. The main push factors are US agricultural policy after NAFTA and the violence caused by US war on drugs. The main pull factor is employment.
I proved to you that illegal immigrants are not the primary recipients of welfare. Not by a long shot.
I proved that crime rates are not highly correlated with illegal immigration. In fact El Paso with a very high proportion of illegals and legal Mexican immigrants has an extremely low crime rate. The worst crime rate in the country currently is in Flint MI which has a tiny proportion of illegal immigrants.
I then established that the total proportion of the budget spent on welfare to the poor was something like 5.5%, whereas military/defense spending is 50%.
In contrast to your claim that defense spending actually created more jobs and economic growth, I refuted that by providing evidence that there is no such thing as “Military Keynesianism” since militarization creates far fewer jobs than any other economic activity. I also argued and will continue to maintain that in moral terms creating work by creating wars is a far more heinous offense than not working and subsisting off public assistance. If we could cut defense down to virtually noting and continue public assistant exactly as it is my tax burden would drop substantially and I would have no objection to this at all.
I believe I’ve now refuted your comments in their entirety but if anybody sees anything I missed I’m happy to continue.
No, I am not a liberal, or a socialist. Liberals like war. Socialists like limiting people’s freedoms. I don’t agree with either position. But illegal immigration is really one of the least of our problems. You just hate the idea of somebody being lazy while you’re working hard. However, today is a Wednesday and the only thing you appear to be working hard at is writing inane self-glorifying comments on a blog. I submit that most illegal immigrants work a great deal harder than you do, and I would prefer more of them, and less of you.
If you welcome illegal foreigners into our nation you are a liberal, an anarchist/socialist and a traitor by definition.
Wear it proudly.
Maybe it’s not “Justus” people that are really that stupid?
How about looking at the guy pointing the finger at every one?
So let’s see.
If I take one dollar out of my pocket and give it to you to spend on an ice cream cone – I just contributed to a richer economy, eh??
Okay, clean your pockets out and give all YOUR money to the next illegal that you meet.
Our economy will be back in the black in not time!!! 😀
Stupid is as stupid does! 😀
I have Plain Glazed ahead after 3 rounds.
Look, another illegal alien lover liberal has reared his ugly head! 🙂
I’m a hardcore libertarian.
Libertarians generally favor open borders, you ignoramus.
I have refuted every single point you have made. If you’d like I will provide a blow-by-blow recap. Unnecessary though, since the regulars here already see it and have long ago concluded you are a poor debator with serious self-esteem issues. B
Lol @ Tony’s comments. He actually probably should be in a mental ward. And just so the people who whine about getting their comments blocked for disagreeing with the admin, I have had some of my comments blocked for language/put-downs, that supported the views of the admin/blogger who wrote the piece. This site may have an agenda, but they do not censor like all off the crappy pro-cop sites that only want to hear from people espousing their views.
Plain Glazed, Fullerton Lover and MittRomneysDog should get together with their liberal friends and organize a “invite an illegal family into your home” campaign where the bleeding hearts spend their own money to pay for an illegal family’s health care, education, housing and food.
How many libererals do you think would sign up??? 😀
But they don’t mind forcing YOU to pay for the illegals with YOUR money, do they????
All fricken hypocrites! 😀
See what I mean about stupid? Amen? Amun-Ra? You are fucking socially retarded. Go sacrifice your dog.
Stove top stuffing! Top ramen! Jiffy Pop! The global power feeds the special forces burned baby kazoos through the psychic connection that is beamed down by Jay Z.
Pyramid power! Pyramid power! Our collective chacras are misaligned. Only moses can save us! The power of genius compels them all to take fingerprints so they can birth super soldiers!
We have to arm ourselves against the tyrannical satan babies crawling on earth with their robo killers disguised as drones!
This is one of my favorite comments ever! PCP rocks!
You really need to chill out and do something about all that anger you’ve got in you. Not healthy.
Now when cornered with no logical comeback Fullerton Lover starts accusing other people of being angry.
You clowns are a riot.
“Now when cornered with no logical comeback JustUs starts accusing other people of being liberal”
Hey, if it waddles, quacks and has feathers there’s only one logical name to call it
Libertarian, silly.
Those who welcome illegal foreigners into our nation are anarchists by definition.
Wear it like a badge, traitor.
“Anarchists by definition” – you can’t even define the word anarchist can you?
Not other people. Just you JustUs.
Looks like I chased off Plain Glazed.
Now he two stumblebum replacements are getting their noses rubbed in come too.
Come one, come all! 😀
Mmmmm, lunch was good. I hope it wa cooked by illegal aliens. Now let’s see, what were we talking about? JustUs’s money and how he puts a bed sheet over his head to defend it from those scary furriners?
Plain Glazed, did you share your lunch with an illegal family? Why not? You expect us to give them free education, food and medical care. Why don’t you invite 2 illegal families to live in YOUR house, all expenses paid, you hypocrite? You putrid liberal hypocrite!
I have a friend who’s illegal. His parents brought him over when he was 3 or so. He’s a great guy, works hard, has a job, pays taxes. Biggest crime he’s ever committed is probably jaywalking. Would I trade you to Mexico to get more of him? Oh hell yeah. 😀
Look, we’re totally ok with your homosexuality. Even if you’re not. No need to threaten us with your “come.”
5th Round knockout on Fullerton Lover.
4th Round TKO on MittRomneysDog.
Plain Glazed is outside the ring lying on the cement perimeter. Someone call the medic!
i guess you have to flatter yourself a lot when nobody else does. 😀
Of course he does. He doesn’t realize that ending an argument with “You’re just a liberal” is the ultimate definition of “going away with your tail between your legs”.
Bitter? Table for one?
@truth seeker The pharmacology on Sorbitol laced infant vaccinations is this stuff oxidizes the liver permanently interfering in mitochondrial production of choline and ATP, and this has a particularly virulent impact on health during puberty as an increase in demand for ATP to metabolize electrolytes just isn’t there. This produces a degenerative cascade that issues on magnesium deficiency which stages acidosis and schizophreniform on a medical baseline. It mimics autism, because of how it impacts the HPA axis.
Thimerosal attacks GSH in children AND adults, crosses the blood brain barrier, and in children will interfere in myelination of the Purkinje layer of the cerebellum. Thimerosal produces premature aging
Regarding Sorbitol in adult foods, since the adult metabolism is mature, the only thing this will do is effect mood, memory and intelligence, which can be corrected by avoiding these foods: however, in combination with fluoridated water, this magnifies, which believe it or not, was the plan.
Andrew Wakefield co-enginneered the Sorbitol laced MMR vaccination, and he WILL NOT talk about this in the US. He’s a fraud here, but he’s also in the tank with Britain on this issue. He’s a British lion, which means he’ll screw with the public all the while making ready to do HIS part as a researcher living among the dead as it were.
What the fuck is this?
Very pertinent information and I might point out that Chris Norby correctly voted NO on AB2109 to protect our right to say no this very attack on our existence. Thank you Mr Norby.
So many folks worry about the barrel of a gun being the instrument of tyranny. Medical tyranny is being foisted on all of us and on our children at the hands of the white coats. Universal health care is really all about forced vaccinations.
I know it comes off as beautiful music to you but to the rest of us, its just comes off as the rantings of a mentally ill person.
“Thimerosal attacks GSH in children AND adults, crosses the blood brain barrier, and in children will interfere in myelination of the Purkinje layer of the cerebellum. Thimerosal produces premature aging”
…Like this.^
If you want people to listen, you have to get your point across in layman’s terms (and no I don’t mean half-assing it by spamming the site with a bunch of links).
@truth seeker Neopoliticians are following a four point agenda: 1) legislative circumvention of the Bill of Rights and constitution, 2) collapse of US domestic and economic infrastructures, 3) occult rendition, and 4) sustained provocateuring.
Would you believe people are going to vote for the very same politicians who have been promoting this crap? This is right out of Genesis 3.
People have trouble with #3 and balk at this in disbelief, but it’s actually their prime directive. Acculturation to occult ritual human sacrifice is a contingency of affiliation with British government. THIS GOVERNMENT IS THE BDSM/pedophilia nerve center of the world. They are getting away with this, because people refuse to think for themselves! People are retarded, what can I say? And they love being retarded!
People aren’t wiling to think for themselves, and the consequence is going to be Fullerton and Anaheim magnified. If you do the math, we’re already at 20+ thousand of these assassination across the US as of the end of July. Media blackout.
Salvation IS NOT a candle light vigil. Jesus is NOT going to restore order. God is NOT going to contain this. PEOPLE have to be willing to confront this. The ONLY way this will happen is a well organized militia, and we don’t have this, because people are lazy.
This whole post is nothing but my dik is bigger than your dik. Blah.
Well, you do have a very elementary understanding of local and world events so I expect some guy who occasionally posts as John Holmes to come to this very childish conclusion.
“Tee Hee I said dik!”
What’s up with you people?
If we didn’t vaccinate kids there’d be massive epidemics and tens of millions would die!
Look at all the diseases making a return that we eradicated decades ago!
TB, whooping cough, rickets, syphliss, measles, mumps, rubella, scarlet fever…..
Why??? Because unscreened foreigners are bringing them across the borders!!!!
Do you want your unvaccinated child sitting next to an illegal in class who’s infected with whooping cough??
Well, do you?
The paranoid schizophrenic vs. the raging raging racist, round 1.
What in my post is untrue, ahole?
Nada señor.
This blog provides ample entertainment. Thank you.
Another dumm-ass attacking the messenger.
Back into the woodwork wit ya!
Si señor. Estoy de acuerdo.
Vaccination is safe assuming that you TRUST what they are putting in them. I support sound medicine and not eugenics. Nano technology has come a long way since we were kids and in no way shape or form do I trust any of those vaccines now. You have to wonder why they are mandating so many, closing the loopholes and promoting pure garbage food for our kids. I smell a big dirty evil rat with big pharma in bed with the government.
@truthseeker Go here. Mark your comments DNA if you would like them to remain private. Looking forward to hearing from you.
It’s a fact that has been confirmed by peer reviewed medical journals. Awful disease that we effectively eradicated decades ago in the USA are on the comeback. The disease is being brought in by undocumented, unscreened immigrants. You might cavalierly schuck this off until you kid comes home with whooping cough or TB. Then you might turn from liberal into conservative quicker than a rattlesnake bite. If something bad happens to a neighbor the liberals laugh it off. If it happens to them it becomes a serious matter all the sudden. That’s the nature of a liberal.
Liberals love the undocumented until one infects his son or daughter.
Then the liberal says “That’s not fair. Call the Border Patrol”. 😀
I wondered why APD was unusually aggressive by shooting bean bags at women, children and letting a K9 loose on them and how they got officers to even go up on the roof of the head quarters with sniper rifles prepared to gun down protesters
…but this explains a lot.
I have been critical of the cops since day one. You are preaching to the choir.
But that doesn’t address the problem of Anaheim being saturated with illegal foreigners who cost California $20B annually and bring disease that was eradicated in the 1970’s back into our state and infect our children.
This is a 2-prong problem.
Both need to be addressed to reach a solution
Its called dehumanization. No matter which side you’re on, if you look at the other side is dirty, diseased or less than human like the German’s did decades ago, you are no better than who or what you claim to be against.
And you will be in for a rude awakening if you gun grabbing good old boys think what happened to Anaheim won’t happen to you but instead of calling you “illegals” and “gang bangers”, they are going to call you “skinheads” and “dangerous militias”.
Exactly. “Those filthy immigrants, all dirty and diseased and crime-ridden.” Thanks, Goebbels.
But rather than skinhead JustUs should more properly be referred to as a “cracker.”
Ilegals are criminals who entered our country in violation of our rule of law. They come here to steal our resources and to force more people into poverty. The underclass must compete for the same resources stolen by the illegals. Illegals are the enemy who are helping to destroy the nation from within and anyone who welcomes them is an anarchist by definition. How did that feel?
As stated below, this is recent. It wouldn’t have been against the law previously, before the racist nativists took and created unworkable immigration laws that cannot be enforced.
“They came here to steal our resources.” Ha! They come here to work. Unlike you.
“The underclass must compete for the same resources stolen by the illegals.” – the amount “stolen” by the illegals is NOTHING compared to the amount stolen by banksters and the Military-industrial complex. This is what you cannot admit and this is why you are so utterly deluded.
“Illegals are the enemy” – Just stupid rhetoric. Like someone else said, just go hang out on stormfront.org
“anyone who welcomes them is an anarchist by definition” – then the entire Libertarian party and all of its supporters are anarchists, as are all anti-nativists. Anyway, your definition of “traitor” is someone who disagrees with you. Ever heard of the First Amendment? What’s treasonous is calling others traitors because they have a different (and more historically correct) view on immigration than you do.
Go here. Mark your comments DNA if you want them to remain private. Looking forward to hearing from you.
You’re bringing back a disease that should have been eradicated long ago – nativism.
You suffer from another disease that will unfortunately never be fully eradicated: stupidity.
This is a 2-prong problem.
“Immigrants are dirty and lazy and they carry diseases.”
“”Many persons who have spoken and written in favor of restriction of immigration, have laid great stress upon the evils to society arising from immigration. They have claimed that disease, pauperism, crime and vice have been greatly increased through the incoming of the immigrants. Perhaps no other phase of the question has aroused so keen feeling, and yet perhaps on no other phase of the question has there been so little accurate information.”
Jeremiah Jenks and W. Jett Lauck, 1912.
You’re not just stupid. You’re ARCHAICALLY stupid.
Liberal is not the same as anarchist. Anarchist is not the same as socialist. None of these words mean the same thing as traitor. Are you really truly as stupid as you sound?
Oh, and here’s the Libertarian Platform on immigration.
“Eliminate all restrictions on immigration
We welcome all refugees to our country. Furthermore, immigration must not be restricted for reasons of race, religion, political creed, age, or sexual preference. We therefore call for the elimination of all restrictions on immigration, the abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Border Patrol, and a declaration of full amnesty for all people who have entered the country illegally. ”
Ha ha ha JustUs. WRONG AGAIN! 😀 10 seconds of googling and you could have been right for a change. Instead, you’re wrong, as usual! How much punishment can one dumbass take? Keep ’em coming!!
No JustUs. This post wasn’t about illegal immigrants. That’s your obsession. The post here is about how Kelly’s Army kept the peace. The post was about cops and protestors. It was on the side of protestors. Many of the protestors are…. anarchists! Do you know anybody in Kelly’s Army? Because I do, and I’ve never heard them say a single thing about illegal immigration. There is exactly one person on FFFF who is obsessed with illegal immigration – you.
Anaheim is #268 on the list of safest cities in California, out of 459! Santa Ana is #324! There are hundreds of more dangerous cities! Are they all full of illegal immigrants too, Einstein? Santa Monica has a higher crime rate! Lompoc! Bishop! Palm Springs! Eureka! Ukiah! HA HA HA.
WRONG AGAIN, moron!!
You’re the traitor. You support the military-industrial complex, and your level of ignorance should probably preclude you from voting. Plus you’re a nativist dumbass.
People who welcome illegal foreigners into the state/nation are subverting the rule of law which is a definition or ‘anarchy’. Those who promote anarchy are anarchists. Duh. Shoe fits? Put it on!
Open borders is such as stupid concept. So let’s invite all the nation’s poor, from China, India, Angola, South America, Africa to come across our borders and join in on the American Dream!!! 😀
You are really an imbecile I must say. All ideology – no brain! 😀
Fohrners! Libruhls! Muhlariah!
That’s the best you can do, chump?
Thanks for another victory.
“Another” victory? Let’s see:
1 Number of people JustUs has convinced of his asinine position: Zero.
2. Number of supporters JustUs has in this conversation: Zero.
3. Number of facts that others have made that JustUs has been able to refute with documented evidence? Zero.
4. Number of arguments others have made that JustUs has been able to refute with logic and rationality? Zero.
Nice victory.
By all mean, take yourself a victory lap.
And when you make your way back around, I’ll present you with the Petulant Child Award.
“Petulant Cracker Child with Crippling Learning Disability Award.”
JustUs, was your mommy a Welfare Queen herself? Did your Mexican daddy run off and leave you guys alone? Is that why you’re so bitter?
OK. Since you choose to define anarchy in this way, all Libertarians are Anarchists. That means the people who run this blog, the bloggers, and most of its readers are anarchists. So is the Libertarian Party since its immigration policy is, as already stated:
“Eliminate all restrictions on immigration.”
I am the antichrist! I am an anarchist! I know what I want and I know how to get it! I wanna destroy, the passer-by.
First one to name the tune gets to throw rocks at JustU’s unusually large and misshapen head.
Well, of course all Libertarians are Anarchists, just as all Welfare and Food Stamp recipients are illegal, all illegals carry diseases, and all 3 Star Generals deserve a $700 toilet seat.
This is what Marriam says:
1: a person who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power”
If you rebel against established immigration laws and welcome illegals into the country to steal resources from needy citizens you are, according to definition, an anarchist.
Does that shoe feel okay?
Oh, so you never rebel against any authority, established order, or ruling power.
Then kindly get the fuck out of this blog.
You’re not from Fullerton anyway. I doubt you went to a single protest. Why are you here? Are you a cop?
PS. Angola is a country in Africa. So listing Angola and then listing Africa is redundant. Did you realize that Africa is actually a continent?
It would take a dumm-ass like you to point out what everybody else already knows. 😀
Again, when are you going to invite that illegal family to share your home all expenses paid?
As opposed to welcoming illegals into the country with open arms and expecting everyone else to pay for them.?
You liberal POS. 😀
Libertarian. You need to work on your basic reading comprehension skills. Try this: http://reason.com/archives/2006/04/16/open-the-borders
I’ve already personally employed several illegal aliens in my lifetime. Happily.
Also, the word is “dumb-ass.”
No, dumm-ass. You need to share your home with illegal families, all expenses paid.
That’s what you’re asking of us. Walk your talk, meathead. Otherwise STFU.
I pay taxes. I would prefer my taxes support indigent illegal immigrants than the military-industrial complex. I have already said that. You don’t make the rules of this debate. and “meathead”? You’re dating yourself there Archie.
Not to mention the fact that South America is actually part of America.
Have you graduated 7th grade yet?
America / South America.
One is a sovereign nation with it’s own independent doctrine and rules.
The other is a continent.
No relation. 😉
No, shmendrick, it’s North America, South America. We live in the United States. Calling it America while waving a little flag while watching Fox News may make you feel all tingly inside, but it’s not going to change the way they write it on the globe.
Nations have borders. Continents don’t you uneducated schmuck.
What’s sad/funny is that so many seem to believe “illegals” are only people of color; go to San Francisco, Boston, New York, or the states along the Canadian border and “illegals” who fit into the WASP population are there. Several years ago there was a Irish fugitive found in Seal Beach – he had entered illegally.
Not me. An illegal is an illegal. No matter of he’s from Stockholm, Sweden or Guadalajara, Mexico.
Deport all of them. Colored and non-colored alike!
“The solution to the immigration crisis, if there is such a crisis, does not rest in guest worker programs or higher visa quotas, but in the one possibility nobody is mentioning: eliminating visas altogether within the NAFTA countries, and allowing Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans with legitimate passports to travel freely among our three countries for any reason or for no reason. This was the early vision of Ronald Reagan, and it was certainly an implied outcome of the North American Free Trade Agreement. “NAFTA had an effect on the Mexican economy, in terms of encouraging campesinos to leave the farm and seek better opportunities,” says Fred Tsao, policy director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant Rights, “but we’ve shut off the legal opportunities for people to do that.”
The pathetic aspect of this debate is that visaless NAFTA borders would not even be a novel step. They would be a partial return to the way things were in the golden age, when the Tancredos, the Sensenbrenners, and the Cavanaughs first fouled these shores. Anti-illegal-immigrant types who never tire of pointing out that their ancestors came here legally are making a hollow argument: Until fairly recently in American history, there was no motive for illegal immigration; all a prospective American had to do was show up. It’s a sign of a timid and tired nation that, in a period of economic expansion, we’re not even willing to allow such an open system for our immediate neighbors and closest trading partners. “Guest worker provisions are an attempt to recapture some of the circularity that happened in the past, when people moved more freely between countries,” says Tsao. “Whether that’s going to work, I don’t know.”
from Reason Magazine. You know, those goddamn anarchist traitors that made the video about Travis, Chris, and FFFF.
You’ve mastered copy and paste. Did a 5th grader teach you that?
Anarchy means revolting against rule of law which promotes order to a society.
Immigration laws promote order to a society. Otherwise we would have indigents piled 3 deep in our streets like they do in India. Coneheads like you would welcome it! The rest of us would find it repulsive.
If you want to live like that move to Bangladesh or Uganda.
Just don’t make us subscribe to your anarchist ways. We don’t want any part of it.
And yet, all our jobs seem to be going to India. They must be 3 deep for a reason.
So that makes it okay to open the US borders and let all the poor people in?
Put the pipe down.
You’ve had enough today. 😀
When JustUs is pwned (which is pretty much every time someone responds to his idiocy) he likes to tell people to put the pipe down, etc. He’s clearly a drug war sympathizer who thinks that everybody who doesn’t agree with him must be on “the dope.”
All the smartest people on this blog are weed-smokers you loser!
Libertarian policy – open the borders baby. So what is your political affiliation? You definitely aren’t a Libertarian.
Nobody owns me or my mind. I have no obligation to follow any political ideology like you do. I simply speak the truth. I am no one’s slave. But if you are really a libertarian and truly represent their belief system if I were shopping for a political organization to join, it sure wouldn’t be the libertarians if you belong to their club. That’s for damned sure! Your membership would be my deal breaker. 😀
Who is we?
Because I know many of the people who blog here. They are libertarians.
As I have now told you several times, each time with documentation, the Libertarian party and serious Libertarian publications such as Reason magazine (the thing you didn’t read pasted in above) are in favor of open borders.
Got that yet?
That’s REASON magazine. The ones who made the video about this blog and the fight for justice for Kelly. The major libertarian publication in the country.
There is no “we.” There is one lone asshole on here who cares about illegal immigration and thinks it is the root cause of everything wrong in the world. Then there is everybody else.
This whole website is about revolting against injustice. Most of the people who read it, whether they want to accept your spurious definitions of their political affiliations or not, have at least some anarchist tendencies, or they probably wouldn’t be here.
So it is not a question of “me” making “us” subscribe to my anarchist ways. It is a question of one nativist, pro authoritarian blowhard putting down an entire community of freethinkers by dismissively calling them “anarchists” as if that word represented something foolish or evil.
You should probably find a more suitable community to hang out with since you don’t like “us.” Someone else recommended stormfront. I’m not sure if they’d take you. Do the Minutemen have a forum?
pwned pwned and pwned again.
I don’t give a F if you’re a libertarian. So what? If you represent what libertarians actually stand for no wonder none of them get elected to office.
kelly Thomas and illegal immigration are 2 separate and distinct topics. Don’t blend them together like you tried with defense contractors and illegal immigration. I’ll call you out again.
Stay on topic, porky.
I’m quite svelte really.
The people who blog here are libertarian. Fact.
Libertarian position on immigration is open borders. Fact.
You are the outlier here. Both in political views and in ability to understand others’. Fact.
The protestors against Fullerton police were largely, predominantly, anarchists, libertarians, and liberal/leftists. Fact.
You’re just some Repuglican thug Border Patrol worshipper. INS is your god. Why don’t you go do some volunteer work for them? Ride around with guns shooting at those nasty diseased Mexicans crossing the border? It might make you feel all manly, which you obviously don’t now.
Boy, you libertarians really accept differences well and are tolerant of other beliefs, aren’t ya?
If I was in charge of the libertarian party I would tell you to STFU and stop embarrasing the membership on-line.
Guys like you don’t make people join organzation – they make them run away. If you are an prime example of a good libertarian it’s no wonder none of them get elected. You are a kiss of death.
Good. Feel free to leave this largely Libertarian blog. Most of “us” think you’re an asshole. Anybody who didn’t think so previously probably does by now. Keep em coming.
I thought you libertarians believed in free speech? 😀
God, the other libertarians out there must be cringing with embarassment. I’m really surprised none of them have come on-line and told you to STFU.
Why? Because I provided you with the following bits of information:
1. The Libertarian party position on immigration is: ““Eliminate all restrictions on immigration.” – direct quote.
2. Because the preeminent libertarian publication in the US, Reason, advocates “open borders”?
See, what is upsetting you isn’t me. Its the facts that I provide which refute all of your weak-ass arguments. its the fact that people whom you thought would agree with you on your entire raison d’etre actually don’t. its the fact that you are in the minority on this issue among people whom you thought all would share your deep-seated prejudices and hatreds. But don’t. That must make you feel bad. Like a social outcast. Like someone that nobody really respects, or even particularly wants to talk to.
And that’s exactly right. 😀
I do believe in free speech, but not in inane verbal diarrhea.
“1. The Libertarian party position on immigration is: ““Eliminate all restrictions on immigration.” – direct quote”
So we can look like Bangladesh too, you moron?
You are a typical brainwashed atomoton who can’t think on his own. You are the classic definition of a ‘useful idiot’.
You should be first on the invite list for anyone starting a new Jonestown kool-aide drinking party.
I find folks like you comical.
I actually didn’t write the Libertarian party platform. I was quoting it. Do you understand that these two things are different? I know its a rather nuanced point, might be over your head.
Why don’t you complain to the Libertarian party itself? Here: http://www.lp.org/
And by the way, Bangladesh does not have an “open borders” immigration policy.
You may be nobody’s slave but you are INS’s bitch.
: D
If you love illegal foreigners so much go to their countries and live them them. Get the F out!
I have a better idea. Bring them here, and let them populate the country and make white supremacists like you the minority.
Then if they feel like it later they can hunt you down and kill you.
Just kidding. 😀
God almighty.
And you’re a libertarian, eh?
Are there any other libertarians in the audience who would come and take this guy away – or at least tell him to STFU?
He’s ruining the reputation of your organization.
Touched a nerve huh?
My mixed-race kids are going to take all your toys. Better head for the hills.
Oh, I’m pretty sure Sean Hannity own your mind. I’ll bet every time you hear the words “You’re a Fine American, my friend!” you get all moist and tingly *down there*.
I don’t even watch Hannity – nor Rush – nor O’reilly. I think all of them are dipshits just like you.
JustUs despises Hannity for his deep-seated intellectualism. Rush is too much of a liberal for him, and O’Reilly has too many anarchist tendencies.
And let me guess. You’re going to vote for the ex-Republican Gary Johnson for POTUS, aren’t ya? 😀
Another proven phony.
The republicans didn’t want him so he changed his viewpoints like a chameleon changes his color and became a libertarian! 😀
Do as your told, lemming!!! Vote for Gary Johnson in 2012! 😀
Right, Gary Johnson voters are lemmings because, uh.. someone.. uh… somewhere is telling them to vote for him.
Who are you going to vote for? Hitler is dead you know. David Duke isn’t running.
I am totally accepting of difference when the people who voice the difference are reasonable and able to participate in a respectful back-and-forth sharing of ideas.
You blew that a long time ago. Every time you disagree with someone you go off on them. You have insulted scores of people on here. I’ve been watching you.
I don’t care what side you join. I wouldn’t want you on mine. You’re far too prejudiced, far too sure of yourself, unable to think critically, unable to compromise, unable to understand people who think differently, unable to see the weaknesses of your own arguments. If I was building a political party you’re damn right I wouldn’t let you participate in its formation.
But that’s just because you’re you.
Nothing personal. You had plenty of chances to say “sorry, I was being a bit too harsh there” but you never took a single one of them. You’ve insulted everybody who ever disagreed with you, no matter how minor the point.
Don’t ask for mercy now.
You attacked me because you opposed my viewpoint on illegal immigration. You drew first blood, chump. Go back and review the posts. And what YOU started, I finished.
When a poster makes a comment like you did:
“Then if they feel like it later they can hunt you down and kill you”
You know the poster is way, way, way over the line.
God help the libertarians if you belong to their organization.
People like you need to get weeded out ASAP.
Aww, did I scare you? My bad. Here’s a secret: I’m totally harmless. But those immigrants, well, who knows what they might do! They might form smallpox spreading gangs!
Anyway, I would never belong to any organization that would have me as a member.
Nah. You don’t scare me. One on one you’d run and hide.
But bringing the “kill” word into the dialog and directing it toward another poster is really stupid.
At least you are consistently stupid.
That’s a good sign.
Stupid is being terrified of brown people and believing with a religious-type fervor that they are destroying your society despite being presented with abundant evidence to the contrary.
Stupid, and racist.
Finished? You haven’t refuted a single point:
1. major push factor for immigration is US agricultural subsidies in the wake of NAFTA
2. illegal immigration is not highly correlate with crime
3. Latinos (including Mexican illegal immigrants) are not major beneficiaries of welfare. Whites and blacks are.
4. Welfare is a minor component of our national budget – around 5.5% compared with defense at 50%. Thus if its the fiscal aspects of welfare you are concerned with rather than the moral ones you’re looking in the wrong place.
5. In terms of morality – raising GDP by waging war is a far more evil thing to do than providing public assistance to illegal immigrants (even if neither is optimal).
6. The Libertarian party position on immigration is “Eliminate all restrictions on immigration.”
These are the substantive points I have made. Each one is backed up by empirical evidence, statistical evidence, and/or logical evidence. You have not refuted any of them, in fact, it would be impossible to do so, because these are not matters of opinion, but facts.
“1. major push factor for immigration is US agricultural subsidies in the wake of NAFTA”
The % of illegals in the USA working in the agricultural industry is less than 5%.
“2. illegal immigration is not highly correlate with crime”
30% of California State prison beds are occupied by illegal foreigners.
“3. Latinos (including Mexican illegal immigrants) are not major beneficiaries of welfare. Whites and blacks are”
The proportion of latinos in America who receive welfare and who are in prison far outdistances whites on a per-capita basis (since you feel the need to inject RACE into the discussion I will answer truthrully to your claim)
“4. Welfare is a minor component of our national budget – around 5.5% compared with defense at 50%. Thus if its the fiscal aspects of welfare you are concerned with rather than the moral ones you’re looking in the wrong place”
Helath and human services takes up a HUGE portion of our state and national budgets. In CA alone we spend $20B a year on education, health care, incarcerations and welfare for illegal foreigners. FACT!
“5. In terms of morality – raising GDP by waging war is a far more evil thing to do than providing public assistance to illegal immigrants (even if neither is optimal)”
There ya go. Diverting again. Stay on topic. You are losing the debate so you try to circumvent the discussion. You fool no one.
“6. The Libertarian party position on immigration is “Eliminate all restrictions on immigration.”
Big Fing deal! lol What’s that got to do with anything. They don’t even have one in congress or the state legislature! Stay on topic!
Well, I’m finished with you, old boy. I’ve rubbed your nose in it enough. Thanks for the entertainment. You need to hone up on your debate skills. And you need to apologize to the libertarians for dragging their good name through the mud. Mostly, you need more brain cells.
“1. major push factor for immigration is US agricultural subsidies in the wake of NAFTA”
The % of illegals in the USA working in the agricultural industry is less than 5%.
Yes, you simpleton, as I explained to you the other day, the agricultural subsidies of the US after NAFTA displaced Mexican smallholding landowners, resulting in the Zapatista rebellion and hugely increased number of illegal immigrants. http://economyincrisis.org/content/illegal-immigration-and-nafta
So, you certainly didn’t refute that. You didn’t even understand it.
“2. illegal immigration is not highly correlate with crime”
30% of California State prison beds are occupied by illegal foreigners.
Got a source for that? Cause I think you pulled that number out of your ass. The number I find from reputable sources is 13%. You are off by 17%. http://www.thecrimereport.org/archive/13-percent-of-california-prisoners-subject-to-immigration-hold/
#2 not refuted, at all.
“3. Latinos (including Mexican illegal immigrants) are not major beneficiaries of welfare. Whites and blacks are”
The proportion of latinos in America who receive welfare and who are in prison far outdistances whites on a per-capita basis (since you feel the need to inject RACE into the discussion I will answer truthrully to your claim).
Hispanics make up over 16% of the population and less than 16% of those on welfare so you are UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY WRONG on this one too. As usual!
#3 completely not refuted.
“4. Welfare is a minor component of our national budget – around 5.5% compared with defense at 50%. Thus if its the fiscal aspects of welfare you are concerned with rather than the moral ones you’re looking in the wrong place”
Helath and human services takes up a HUGE portion of our state and national budgets. In CA alone we spend $20B a year on education, health care, incarcerations and welfare for illegal foreigners. FACT!
I already gave you these numbers. 5.5% on welfare nationally, 50% on the military and defense. pwned.
#4 completely not refuted.
“5. In terms of morality – raising GDP by waging war is a far more evil thing to do than providing public assistance to illegal immigrants (even if neither is optimal)”
There ya go. Diverting again. Stay on topic. You are losing the debate so you try to circumvent the discussion. You fool no one.
Nope – anti-welfare assholes like you always rely on moral arguments. So I use on too. What’s good for the goose, etc.
#5 completely not refuted.
This point has nothing to do with prisons. As far as welfare, you are entirely wrong. Here are the correct percentages:
“6. The Libertarian party position on immigration is “Eliminate all restrictions on immigration.”
Big Fing deal! lol What’s that got to do with anything. They don’t even have one in congress or the state legislature! Stay on topic!
It proves that you are no Libertarian. You haven’t identified exactly what you are, besides being a nativist, a racist, and the biggest jerk on FFFF.
So, as I said, you have not refuted a single point I made, while I’ve refuted every point you’ve made. Enjoy.
Lol @ illegals infecting people. I think that’s what all the indigenous people said when the white man brought disease to America hundreds of years ago.
Oh look.
Another apologist rears his head. lol
Claiming that it’s okay for people to enter our society unlawfully and infect us because of what happened 300 years ago. lol
And I’m certain that you folks are good christians who think of yourselves as intelligent and civilized, don’t ya?? lol 😀
If we’re going to turn this blog in to a personal forum for our political ideologies, I just have to say: I love anti-liberals, aka, “I’m a middle-aged, middle to upper class white guy who doesn’t want all you filthy minorities achieving equality and ruining my privileged status.”
I suppose you’re one of those who calls for a ‘color blind society’ as you focus your comment on racial divide. lol.
You people are so easy to figure out. 😉
“You people” – JustUs, who do you hate? let me guess:
1. “Liberals”
2. As of today, “Libertarians.”
3. Illegal Immigrants.
4. Welfare Recipients
5. Government workers (except the Border Patrol and INS. You’d lick their boots clean if they’d let you).
6. Furriners.
You truly suck JustUs. You may be anti-cop when it suits your little hissy fits but you’re just a racist asshole. Seriously, find the Minutemen blog and leave.
Yeah, well like it or not, that’s where it’s headed. They say within another 100 years or so, there won’t even be a natural Blonde left in Sweden, the races will be so mixed. So it’s not just here.
Maybe you should consider relocating to Antarctica.
JustUs Go here, comment, note DNA if you would like your ideas to remain private. Looking forward to hearing from you.
SDL: Just saw your reply from yesterday. Very interesting point. I didn’t think about the shop-owners being among the disenfranchised.
Damn we have a lot of future James Holmes on here blogging 12 hours a day and including way too many “lol’s” and emoticons with their racist nonsense. Why don’t you geniuses explain why every time we read about some mentally imbalanced person shooting up a room full of people, it’s a middle class white man. Same goes with serial killers. Manson, Bundy, Dahmer, Berkowitz, Rader, Kaczynski, etc. etc. They are much scarier than any gang-bangers or “illegals.” I’ll be sure to look forward to the evasive reply filled with facts that have nothing to do with anything mentioned in my post and typical conservative stereotypes about minorities.
True! But Its actually not that many:
Casey Anthony’s Baby or whoever that was.
Stanley – who hardly counts, for obvious reasons.
If you think about, only three nutjob racists for a blog with this many readers is pretty good.
And each and every one of them has been pwned.
Sorry for the emoticon but 😀
Brandon, you forgot all about 19 illegal aliens who took out 2 skyscrapers in NYC and murdered 3000 innocent people. And you folks want open borders? lol. You need your heads examined.
And since you’re focusing on race that makes you a ‘racist’.
I oppose illegal aliens regardless of the color of their skin. I do not focus on race like you racists do. lol
JustUs I’ll race you. Races are fun.
Actually, I think they were here on student visas (legal entry) that they had overstayed (hence, illegal residents subsequently) – I will confirm that (or refute that).
Still illegals any way you size it up.
But open the borders and let ’em all in!!!! And tell them to bring thier favorite disease with them! lol
they did enter legally on duly-issued visas; do your own internet search
Doesn’t matter.
All 19 of the 911 terrorists were ILLEGAL ALIENS by definition.
And nothing you say will ever change that. lol
Interesting. The small letter “lol” is the same as RI uses. Coincidence?
Thanks for pointing that out Gazed. They pwn themselves by exposing their lack of regard for humanity on a website that is most famous for exposing the inhumane acts of a few FPD thugs. These guys actually make me miss RI and Doe. lol. Emoticons are cool when you are using them in moderation and relevant to the emotion being displayed. Haha.
You’re right. RI could at least argue and debate somewhat coherently, concede a point, respect opinions other than his own, offer pertinent factual information, etc.
The fact I just praised RI is truly frightening.
Blush. Agree though. These guys are nuts. I liked our silly debates better. 🙂
Where’s Glazed Blade tonight? La Raza rally? lol
Glazed Blade wants open borders. He wants cargo ships lined up 50 deep in Long Beach Harbor packed full of dirt poor indigent Chinese, Pakistanis, Indians, Swedes, Africans, Egyptians, South Americans, Icelandics, etc… coming to America to latch onto Uncle Sugar’s nipple. lol. Where does Glazed Blade think we could get the money to afford such an undertaking? Loans from China? lol. Put down the pipes, gentlemen. Let’s have a sober discussion tonight, aye mateys???? lol
Yes, simpleminded one. Discuss this:
How has US geoeconomic policy contributed to poverty in the developing world since the Cold War? To what extent does this poverty lead to increased immigration?
I didn’t say I want totally open borders. That just happens to be the Libertarian party position and I informed you of that. I know that facts that contradict your beliefs make you angry. That’s unfortunate, and the price one pays for being stubbornly wrong.
Anybody on the boards tonight without a designated typist??? lol
Let’s discuss immigration. Specifically ILLEGAL immigration!! lol
Yes I love talking about illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Lol I w
You mean like Pomo?
Check this out:
“Summary: The July 7, 2011, report of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration provides summary data from IRS tax returns that show illegal immigrants collected far more in dollars from the IRS than they paid in federal income taxes for each year in the period of 2005-2010, the total six-year net benefit amounting to about $7.3 billion”
Add that to the $20B the California taxpayers spend on illegals annually for education, healthcare, incarcerations and welfare!!!
Glazed Blade likes to spend other people’s money on illegals. It warms his jollies! lol
But don’t ask him to invite a couple illegal families to share his home, all expenses paid. He would tell you “that’s not fair”. lol
CIS is the producer of slanted, inaccurate information on immigration. They are an advocacy group, pure and simple.
“The Center for Immigration Studies, founded in 1985, is a think tank “devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States.” The center’s research and policy positions are conservative, and it advocates a “pro-immigrant, low-immigrant” position, which “seeks fewer immigrants but a warmer welcome for those admitted.”
Very neutral. Like JustIce. Cold gettin dumb.
hey bozo, the statement posted on CIS came directly from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Those were HIS words – not the word of CIS. $7.2B illegal alien ripoff! lol
But even when I throw the facts in your face you reject them because your denial in so deep-seated and ingrained.
You wouldn’t know the truth if it ran up from behind you and took a big chunk out of your ass.
So, they got $1.2 billion or so per year for 6 years. What percentage of the federal budget is that exactly? Let’s see, do the math…let’s see, for 2011 the budget was 3.8 trillion, wow, we are talking about 0.03% of the US federal budget.
Or, to put it another way, about 3 F-22 Raptor combat planes.
So, if your facts are true, they still are meaningless.
What time does the La Raza rally end tonight?
Anyone know?
I’ll be back! lol
I like how you presume I must be Mexican or Latino. It fits right in with your inability to see past stereotypes.
I never presumed you were latino.
But I know for a fact that you are an illegal alien bootlicker.
You’ve confirmed that for me.
They don’t have boots JustUs. They’re indigent, remember?
What? They get them once they cross the border. OMG! And when they can’t you’re a jelly bean boy! Ewe!
Oops. Looks like JustUs is avoiding addressing why 90% + of all mass murderers are white citizens and making up lies to support his delusions. Thanks for pointing it out Peaches. Crazy racists are just not as fun to converse with as dim-witted cop supporters. Sigh.
JustUs is very disappointing. He’s not a complete stone cold idiot. His position on police brutality is similar to the rest of ours. His understanding of economics is severely flawed and US-centric but he does at least understand the role of the banksters and their government enablers in ripping off the country and crashing the economy.
His big problem is his overwhelming fixation on illegal immigration. Let’s say for the sake of argument that he’s partially right, and illegal immigration is somewhat of a drain on our financial resources. (The numbers are still under debate with no consensus). This is still a minor issue compared to so many other issues we face. The amount of money it costs is negligible compared to the Iron Triangle, corporate welfare, unnecessary military spending, prisons, law enforcement. The immigrants don’t pose a threat to free speech or other freedoms as the government does. The immigrants, contrary to JustUs’s beliefs, do not commit a large and disproportionate share of crimes. And much of whatever crime is associated with them revolves around the drug trade; ironically, since prohibition and the violence it causes are one of the reasons for immigration from Central America and Mexico to the US. Many of those are fleeing for their lives and should be thought of as political refugees.
As a taxpayer, I feel strongly that helping support political refugees get back on their feet is a much better use of my tax money than for instance developing newer and more lethal weapons to put on newer and more undetectable drones. Just as a for instance.
So, even if JustUs was right about the facts, which I don’t think he is, that still doesn’t change anything. Illegal immigration should not even be close to the top of anyone’s priority list given our larger problems. Should the climate make a major change for the worse, of course it could become an urgent priority.
So what explains this obsessive focus? JustUs insists it is not racism, because he also is against illegal immigration from Iceland. Of course, it is easy to be against something which doesn’t actually exist. But his diatribes about Mexico and Mexicans and his underlying logic which is that “their govt. tells them to come up here to leech off us” is actually an excellent demonstration of racism.
I actually have a higher tolerance for racism than a lot of people, but I do think that racists should at least do us the favor of not consistently going on and on about their racist beliefs. If you’re a racist at some level you probably can’t help it, but you could at least not throw it in everybody’s face.
The bottom line is that if JustUs was less of a loudmouthed blowhard, none of this would matter. He’s not stupid enough to just completely dismiss, but he’s certainly not somebody you can take seriously on important issues such as immigration.
Look at all the personal attacks from Glazed Blade. lol. That’s all he’s good for. Long on hype short on facts. lol.
You notice he didn’t explain how we would pay for 200M new poor indigents arriving on cargo ships from India, Pakistan, China, Africa, Sweden, Iceland, South America, etc…. with his new ‘open borders’ policy, did ya??? All arriving at the Long Beach port of entry with lots of ungodly disease! lol
Glazed Blade can’t explain how he would manage that, can he?
Dumm-ass. 🙂
Personal attacks? They were compliments!
Answer the question, Glazed Blade.
How would you manage those newly arrived 200M poor indigents taking advantage of your ‘open borders’ policy?
Answer the question or forever be a dumm-ass! lol
I’d start out by giving them your address.
He ALWAYS chooses the dumb ass option by default.
And seriously, “He’s not a complete stone cold idiot” was the highest compliment you have probably ever received.
Glazed Blade originally tried to use the handle Gay Blade but was rebuffed by the site administrator for showing his liberal colors in a mostly neocon blog, something like that. NO REALLY!
I love how the conspiracy fruitcakes are both racist AND homophobic.
sound like cops?
Sounds like Plain Paranoid Glazed has a mental health issue.
@Plain Glazed I’m going to grade your essay. I’ll be firm and fair. F.
I have noticed that LDX and JustUs are very friendly.
I would never have thought of JustUs as a troll or undercover plant until today. Now that I think back on it though, he has been relentlessly criticizing our new city council when he’s not peddling his anti-immigrant crap.
Then, here comes LDX, author of the most ludicrous conspiracy theory mish-mash of all time, and JustIce is downright RESPECTFUL to him.
Sophisticated little trolling operation someone has going on here. And its not a coincidence that both of this dynamic duo and RI seem to be posting more or less simultaneously.
Intel. Remember that, moron. No, wait a minute. You are SPECIAL! Forget it. It’ll cause you restless sleep.
That’s moron, M-O-R-O-N.
Take your time. Yes you can use a dictionary. Be sure to take a potty break.
I criticize only when criticism is earned.
Naturally you fail to mention all the times I complimented the new Council people.
No one owns me like they do you, dumm-ass. No political party, no politician, no labor union, no corporation, no agency….I am my own man.
You are a slave. lol.
And you are a paranoid MF to call me ‘a plant’ lol
Your ignorance owns you. And you are either a cop troll or the stupidest poster on FFFF. Take your pick.
I changed my mind. F/F
There you go playng the race card again, Brandon – only confirming your racist ways.
And, naturally, you refuse to acknowledge the 19 illegal alien 911 terrorists who brought down the twin towers and destroyed over 3000 innocent lives.
You need to attend a ‘race sensitivity’ class. Your racist comments run deep.
@Just Us Good point!
LDX, do you see how scared these F’s get when someone else jumps into the fray to call them on their shit?
They like the 4-1 odds! lol.
But I singlehandedly kicked all their asses all by myself! lol
@Just Us You are doing it! There is indeed a carnival here. Respond to that link I gave you and I will educate you on the next level of your knighthood! you are worthy to receive, so get going!
If you’ve ever seen roaches scatter form a can of raid, I can teach you how to do that. These pricks are easy pickins! Brandon and Glazed whatever are begging the site administrator to disconnect me. I can fucking line’m up with GCN and publish.
I thought the Knights were the bad cannibal guys.
You have actually never won an argument on this blog.
This is Plain Glazed talking to himself.
Brandon. Are you black. I mean… You know what I mean.
Look at this racist clown. Pathetic.
No, no. I mean it. Are you black?
I’ll take that as a yes. in your opinion, what’s the WASP race got that African American Lack? no REALLY!
A larger proportion of batshit psychopath blog comment posters? Or they are yummier. Not sure which.
OMG, I am so taking this one to the board. You are saying you eat shit, Plain Glazed? I KNEW there was something terribly wrong with you. the topic is Justice and peace, NOT bats and shit. Sick!
You and LDX are both out of your minds.
I meant JustUs and LDX.
Racist, and YOU doing this to US works for me!
hahaha= laughing at your gullibility
Better consult your dictionary JustUs. Discussing race does not make one a racist.
Racist: A person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.
Your diatribes show who the real racist is.
Anyone who plays the racial divide game by targeting certain races with derogatory information is a racist by definition. Review your previous posts. The shoe fits. Wear it.
@Plain Glazed We used to train in bars. We’d go in and lay low, wait for some some punk to start shooting off his mouth, play helpless…hahaha Set the hook, and do what had to be done. I did a round house kick on this guy once. We trained to spin, knee into a block wall. Deadly as hell. I thought my trainer would live forever. He died. I realized my own mortality and backed off my skill, or so I thought. It comes naturally through my communication. Sorry, but you are a fucking punk!
troll troll troll
not not not… I am experiencing a recidivist moment of playfulness that would have ma ma made my psych prof very haa-pee!
Time for the SSRIs.
Actually it’s considered healthy if it doesn’t interfere in your work or domestic relationships. On the OTHER hand, you’re family dynamic didn’t allow you to explore play much did it? I’m listening. How fucked up are you really? Some of us want justice and peace. You want to eat people. I’d say YOUR concept of play is… Bizzare?
Well said, Just Us.
ah hahaha… Brandon’s got the maturity level of a 10 year old and a collection of JV action figures and he’s calling Just Us a racist? Nanny nanny nanny, Brandon, for your entertainment. Don;t forget to raise the fucking toilet seat BEFORE you take a piss. Ewe, you’d have never have survived growing up in St. Louis!
Thanks for the info Gazed: It’s amazing how progressive thinkers can always find facts to shoot down bullshit, but close-minded people just spout their opinions louder and louder and insult those who disagree with them.
@Brandon I can not stop laughing at your fucking idiot opinions. OMG, a thought crosses your mind, and WHAM! it must be true! Do your eyes roll around in your head when you do that? Vibrate, maybe?
Admin, please get this guy to a medicine cabinet before his brain short circuits!
And lo and behold, he proves your point.
Facebook… The EU’s “STUPID” catalogue of next victims to kidnap or assassinate in the US. Got to love perverts for their con issues. They are the most determined people in the world, because they are the most deprived. That’s basic psychology, just so you get a heads up BEFORE making an ass out of yourself with your genius sesame rhetoric.
Hopefully they will kidnap you and eat you as soon as convenient.
Yeah well, pay lay ale, dumb fuck. Believe it or not this site is monitored way beyond YOUR specialness, so be careful what you wish.
You should definitely be eaten so that others might be spared.
You got that native instinct coming on, eh? Kill and eat people when you feel frustrated. That’s primitive. How do you process that psychologically? I mean, how do you rationalize it’s correct behavior against a flood of WASP retaliation that would hold you accountable?
Assuming that you’re black.
found you LDX. You leave quite a trail. Those cannibals will be on you in no time.
And especially, look at this: http://factnet.org/vbforum/showthread.php?8686-Atramental-Lodge-23
found you LDX. You leave quite a trail. Those cannibals will be on you in no time.
More LDX:
And especially, look at this: http://factnet.org/vbforum/showthread.php?8686-Atramental-Lodge-23
Your brother is worried about you. He sounds nice. Maybe you should talk to him?
I don’t want to eat anybody. I’m just saying, if there are cannibals out there and we have to feed them someone, I think it should be you. Fair is fair.
Like I already said, when a thought crosses your mind it’s automatically correct, which is why yo folks can’t stay out of jail. WHAT do you NOT understand about this?
Great! There’s a little gift waiting at the end of the rainbow! Remember, your wish, your reality. The Island awaits!
Let me say it this way. Our hero is Benjamin Harrison. Yours is Oscar Grant. If you cant get yourself under control and connect the dots, others will do this for you, eh?
HAHAHA< You see?
Glazed don’t waste time arguing with the poor guy. He is just a tad bit smarter than Fiala, but just as psychologically impaired. Poor kid didn’t even know you had to be born in the U.S. to be President. I guess his esoteric cult never took Civics 101 in grade school. You can tell the people with limited reasoning skills by reading their comments when they converse. People like LDX go into profanity laced diatribes when people disagree with them. It conveys a lack of moral fiber and critical thinking skills. If the guy had any marketable skills he would not be on here 15 hours a day.
Oh, and he’s too dense to understand any type of sarcasm.
hahaha… You two are cut from the same cloth. Homespun. I guess it’s better’n going naked, but is only a close alternative to a quality life, my niggah! hahaha
The quality of a 27 year old virgin who lives in his parents basement and spams blogs all day? No thanks.
I have nothing to do with tour personal life, pervert. All I’m hunting for is justice and peace. You run into THOSE two and let me know. Other wise… You just plain fucking stink. = )!
go to sleep, fuck-ers.
JustUs: Next time you want to hide your bigotry and pretend your not racist you should probably find different words than “colored” and “non-colored.” Unless of course you live in 1950’s Mississippi where those terms are still ok.
LDX: Don’t splooge on your screen next time while asking a blogger if she’s female. Once she meets your cult buddies she’ll jump ship faster than you can say “Run Katie Holmes!” And you are very fortunate Bushala allows you to post here despite not having anything to say about the forum posts. It’s the only time more than three people read your comments.
JustUs: Next time you want to hide your bigotry and pretend your not racist you should probably find different words than “colored” and “non-colored.” Unless of course you live in 1950’s Mississippi where those terms are still ok.
LDX: Don’t splooge on your screen next time while asking a blogger if she’s female. Once she meets your cult buddies she’ll jump ship faster than you can say “Run Katie Holmes!” And you are very fortunate you’re allowed to post here despite not having anything to say about the forum topics. It’s the only time more than three people read your comments.
Justice is what is being served to all of the racist, homophobic, xenophobic, hate-mongers like yourself.
Peace is something that comes from accepting yourself, loving all people and developing empathy. You will never experience it unless you change your ways.
I collected this list to illustrate what happens when logic and empirical evidence is replaced with anger and ignorance, lack of critical thinking skills and a limited vocabulary are replaced with anger and hatred toward minorities. It reminds me of the Fullerton Six letting their anger and disdain getting the best of them when they beat Kelly Thomas to death. Not saying verbal attacks are the same as physical violence, but the principle is the same; “I’m going to teach you not to fuck with me.” I know these guys seem harmless, but so did Hitler until he found the right audience under the right circumstances. Considering all of the vile insults and thinly disguised racism in these comments, I have to commend the half a dozen or so FFFF bloggers who disproved all of the lies being spread without sinking to the level of using personal insults. One of the racists on here is open about it with comments like “What’s the WASP race got that African American Lack? no REALLY!” and frequent use of the “n” word. The other claims to dislike all “illegals” evenly, but shows his true racism and ignorance with comments like “Deport all of them. Colored and non-colored alike!” Thanks to these guys for teaching me a lesson today. When I get angry with a blogger I should not continuously engage them in debate. I should stop blogging and calm myself down! If anyone sees me using, sophomoric, profane, ignorant comments like this in the future please smack me.
“You liberal jackass”
“Catholics are worthless”
“You clowns are a riot”
“You putrid liberal hypocrite”
“WTF is your problem? ARE YOU BLIND? Deaf? Stupid”
“I knew some idiot would play the race card here”
“But certain idiots are applauding more foreign indigents”
“It’s the math, stupid”
“You people can’t be this stupid!!!”
“You are fucking socially retarded. Go sacrifice your dog”
“Now he two stumblebum replacements are getting their noses rubbed in come too”
“Do you want your unvaccinated child sitting next to an illegal in class?”
“People are retarded, what can I say? And they love being retarded”
“You are really an imbecile I must say”
“That’s the best you can do, chump?”
“It would take a dumm-ass like you to point out what everybody else already knows”
“You liberal POS”
“Coneheads like you would welcome it!”
“I’m really surprised none of them have come on-line and told you to STFU”
“You are the classic definition of a ‘useful idiot’”
“If you love illegal foreigners so much go to their countries and live them them. Get the F out!”
“I think all of them are dipshits just like you
“At least you are consistently stupid.
“Hey bozo, the statement posted on CIS came directly from the Treasury Inspector”
“Answer the question or forever be a dumm-ass! Lol”
“Remember that, moron. No, wait a minute. You are SPECIAL!”
“See how scared these F’s get when someone else jumps into the fray to call them on their shit?
“But I singlehandedly kicked all their asses all by myself! Lol”
“I can fucking line’m up with GCN and publish.”
“What’s the WASP race got that African American Lack? no REALLY!”
“Sorry, but you are a fucking punk!”
“Nanny nanny nanny, Brandon, for your entertainment. Don;t forget to raise the fucking toilet seat BEFORE you take a piss”
“I can not stop laughing at your fucking idiot opinions”
“Yeah well, pay lay ale, dumb fuck”
“When a thought crosses your mind it’s automatically correct, which is why yo folks can’t stay out of jail”
“You just plain fucking stink”
You forgot THIS one, dip shit:
Our hero is Benjamin Harrison. YOURS is Oscar Grant!
You also forgot to say why you got shut down, momma’s boy. The record speaks for itself. If people care that much about they can go back and read it, you included. Conscience medicine, you fucking predator.
Did you know African Americans sold their own people into slavery? They traded for beads and such. It doesn’t make what the East India Trading Company did any less inhumane, but it was a collaborated enterprise, fast forward to Obama.
If race follows the female, which it traditionally does, Obama is white. His hero was Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln told African Americans they should relocate out of the US after the civil war, fast forward to you.
You think it’s okay to shoot off your mouth, that ANYTHING you say to disrespect others is forgiveable as a misunderstanding on THEIR part. You fly off the handle impulsive with your keyboard self assured your ideas are righteous… And end up shame faced because you don’t fucking think it matters.
Is was me that asked, “What’s the WASP race got that African American Lack? No REALLY!” There’s actually an education here, but you can’t see it, because you’re more interested in playing yourself as a predator or victim. You have fuck something are blame it for your personal issues.
Race, hatred? What, because you provoked an argument and got browbeat? You stupid fuck-er. I sat across from a black man in a Louisiana restaurant in 1977 who told me, “You don’t talk to black people here least you you get hurt.” Racism, fuck head, doesn’t have a color. It’s an attitude like yours that baits a confrontation and uses color to attempt to protect itself (you) from someone standing their ground (me).
I’d tell you to go to hell, but I feel sorry for you. Not in a way that I would ever trust you. I don’t trust you, because you attempt predation and back it up playing whipped puppy. You also did say you like to eat people. I would never have said that. Even joking it’s a morbid thought.
You’re a flake AND a jerk. Does that sound racial to you? You SEEM like a predator. That bother you? You make yourself out to be a victim when you lose ground fucking with people online. Is TH-AT discrimination? Do you feel discriminated against because you opened your trash mouth and got to eat your fucking words?
Reality. A predator will NEVER give ground stalking prey. When you operate this way and turn around and deny it you pretty much seal yourself with whoever you fuck with. Diaz/Acevedo played themselves off as victims also. They were career criminals. In reality, who the fuck cares if they got whacked by the police. How many executions do you think THEY perped before getting chased off the planet? You want to punish THAT, freak?
Freedom of speech. If you don’t like it don’t do it! You’re not smart enough, nor are you resourced enough to force the issue. You feeling me, punk? You want to turn this into a race issue?
African Americans are fiercely physically powerful. That’s what they have that WASPS do not, but they think this will shield them from what WASP superiority, which is an illusion, but you don’t understand this. You don’t know what this is, because you’re busy playing predator as victim. This makes you a mirrored hero. you can’t help yourself. This is how you portray yourself, because this is who you are.
I hope for dignity and the courage of an athlete that got the balls to stand up to corruption and chose Don Carlos as a role model. You’re ambition is to make yourself look like an intellectual to get a white woman using Playboy magazine as YOUR game plan.
You’re a conscience predator. I can put you back in your cage by mystification. I can’t lift 300 lbs on a bench press, but I can sabotage the bench so YOU can’t either. You can kill me with a single blow the head. If I duck and cause you to fall off balance, I can kill you instead. You think the most powerful animal in the jungle is the lion. I say it’s Asians, so we’re BOTH fucked!
Get a sense of humor, fuck head, otherwise I stand my ground and YOU get shamefaced.
@JustUs – Your fear and hate mongering is exactly what perpetuates the cycle of hate and violence that you claim to be concerned about.
Let’s see if we got this correct. Trolls are typically emotional and do not contribute to the discussion except to provocateur. Just Us and others like this blogger provided valuable information on this topic. On the other hand, YOU appear to be attempting to provoke hostility, which under the circumstances you fit the description of a troll. Also, individuals who attempt to corrupt or debase otherwise normal conversations here are perverts. Add to this what any NORMAL person can read into your narrative as charm offence and it’s pretty clear what you’re up to. pervert. You’re a fucking pervert! And, if these little windows opened into someone’s home you’d be a peeping Tom, which is pretty fucked up, eh
Boycott Pepz in Anaheim. They are donating portions of your purchases to the family of Jose Acevedo, the gang member who shot at cops.
Got to see both sides of the picture here. In reality there’s another reason they shot Acevedo people are unaware of. Beside the fact that he was a criminal competitive with the character of Oscar Grant, he was ALSO current in his own personal crime syndicate, which the police were aware of this, and running form a cop will only escalate matters anyway. He was set up.
Regarding Kelly Thomas, his handicap precipitated his public behavior, but is was as inhumane for his father to allow him to live on the street as it was for Fullerton PD AND City council to stage his summary execution.
The problem with schizophrenics is they CAN be a nuisance, and when they are allowed to run wild it’s difficult for ordinary people to understand their behavior, hence Thomas looked normal, so people were caught off guard by his demeanor. He was also using the restroom in private local businesses which was running off customers. This is legal, but to make matters worse, they sent a retarded cop to ENFORCE THE LAW against an alleged car burglary rather than KEEP THE PEACE. This cop understood what he was doing, and his OWN behavior was directed by the blue brotherhood.
Some of these sociopaths are going to be without a job soon, and it will be very difficult for them to stay alive. They are hated by the public, and they are a liability for the shield, which is the OTHER reason they will likely dismantle FPD.
In reality, the Knights of Malta control the gangs throughout the world, including California and Mexico, so anyone thus engaged needs to understand this. This organization created you, and it will destroy you, and Acevedo is making this point.
Thomas was shock and awe as was Duggan.
You can think or you can continue to hide your head in the sand hoping this nightmare will go away. It won’t. The new project is the NAU, and US gangs are in the way. Unless they are willing to subordinate to MK/ULTRA they will be eliminated. You aren’t going to protest this away. You have to adapt.
Re-educate, hold your ground on the Bill of Rights and await a call to service from your state legislature. But do NOT arm yourselves to do battle with the police. This will get you nowhere. This will get you killed. This will get us ALL killed.
Lots of police officers are bright and know what’s happening nationally, and they will be a force to be reckoned with when TSA makes a presentation and subordinates THEIR children to standard invasive molestation pat downs before and after every recess at school.
For those of you who know history, children in concentration camps were told to follow orders by camp officers, which got many of them “voluntarily” exploited and AX MURDERED by their captors.
On the other hand, there are retarded cops who after watching some TSA agent with a criminal record of child molestation shove his hand between the labia of his 5 year old daughter will enjoy it. Don’t argue with the ethics of this scenario. It’s already happening, and BECAUSE it’s happening you need to decide what side of the fence you are on.
Most people don’t see a fence. They don’t recognize borders or boundaries, either. Figure it out, NOW!
oops Joel, not Jose
Very well said Truth: Thanks for exposing his hypocrisy. If I was Ron Thomas I’d tell him to take his hate mongering and support another cause.
7/25 Transient Problem – Police arrested 60-year-old Dean Allen Kelly after an employee at the Amalie Montessori Academy found him sleeping outside an open doorway at the campus on 1231 E. Chapman Avenue at 6:30 a.m. Mr. Kelly was arrested for theft.
That’s an exercise in summary judgement. Martial Law permits this. The police department is getting you ready for what they are about to start doing with help from DHS, in your best interest, of course.
Get your 2nd Amendment Education here:
@LDX if anybody is a troll here its you. Don’t click on his website listed above. He can PING your computer and get your IP address. Now why does this troll want to know who’s on this website? TROLL U R A CREEP!
@gracless grace By now people understand provocateurs are one part charm offence, one part double bind and one part out of sight once they have started a fight: however, YOUR style is special. In YOUR case, you’re paranoid!