91 Replies to “Kalifornia”

    1. LOL

      I agree.

      The poor public union employee has to be a work for at least 30 hours a week and they probably have to actually work 10 of those hours. And they have to work until they are 50 and then life off of only 90% of their salary.

      Poor Bankrupt San Bernardino has cut $26 million trying to stay afloat. But don’t worry, the public union worker, with their mad skills, can always work in the private sector!!


  1. We are worse than Illinois? That’s pretty bad. Well Scary Jerry got his “temp” tax and Norby did his best to ensure a 2/3 majority so now the Democants are sure to tax us into oblivion.

    Pretty soon we’ll all either be on the dole or on the government payroll.

  2. California is one of the worst places I have ever lived. Everyone is full of it. The ones that aren’t get shunned by fake wannabes. There are so many weird clans that stick together for the most obscene reasons. Here in Foolerton with its battered woman’s syndrome things will ever be good. Way too many scared people with short term memory loss. Not even the brutal murder of an innocent man could get then to do the right thing. Let your police department bully you back into submission. What a joke. I predict a bankrupt town that will be known for nothing except the place that Kelly Thomas was murdered.

    1. Yeah California is full of people like you who do nothing but bitch and still live here. Why dont you move to a land of opportunity like Oklahoma.

  3. Just think, someday in about 15 or 20 years when all the pop culture dummies grow up, the state will be a REAL Shangri-La!

  4. From the linked article, with my comments:

    “Every year, 24/7 Wall St. conducts an extensive survey of all fifty states in America. Based on a review of data on financial health, standard of living and government services by state we determine how well each state is managed. For the first time, North Dakota is the best run. California is the worst run for the second year in a row.”

    Godspeed, FFFFsters! Off to North Dakota with you! Stay in touch!

    “The successful management of a state is difficult to measure. Factors that affect its finances and population may be the result of decisions made years ago. A state’s difficulties can be caused by poor governance or by external factors, such as extreme weather.”

    “Decisions made long ago” — check! That 2/3 supermajority vote for raising taxes and, until recently, approving a state budget was terrible — it was textbook “poor governance.”

    “A state with abundant natural resources should have an easier time balancing its budget than one starved for resources. Regional problems or the national decline of certain industries can destroy local economies. The subprime mortgage crisis, for example, disproportionately affected states with strong construction and real estate markets. Such factors can be easily identified and noted as possible causes for a state’s poverty levels, unemployment, or strained coffers.”

    Yep. California has ample resources to raise revenues to pay for the government its citizens want. It took a lot of doing — 28 years of which 22 were Republican Governors playing accounting tricks with the budget until Brown came along again and decided to play it straight — to finally start to get our House in order.

    “Despite this, it is the responsibility of each state to deal with the resources at its disposal. Each government must anticipate economic shifts and diversify its industries and attract new business. A state should be able to raise enough revenue to ensure the safety of its citizens and minimize hardship without spending more than it can prudently afford. Some states have historically done this much better than others.”

    It took longer than it should have, but we finally did what we had to do and are on the road to rebuilding. Don’t worry, North Dakota is just a flight (or two) away; you’ll still be able to visit us.

      1. I think that no one here should get to tell him that I’m kidding when I make a prediction for at least the rest of the year.

  5. Kalifornia could have built the desalinazation plants and fed the Nation’s fruit and produce demands with our agricultural productivity. The tens of millons of acres of fertile farmland with climate to die for are gone forever as we now import and konsume fruits and produce from foreign kountries that are watered with RAW SEWAGE and treated with pesticides that are BANNED in our Kountry. The wisdom of Kalifornia’s failed leadership have left us a bankrupted state, with decaying infrastructure, a job killing tax code and regulatory environment and bestowed on us an emerging prison economy with our most vital natural resources having been concreted over. The plan to feed the nation was mothballed back in the late 1950’s. Minerva on our State Seal continues to watch the current demise of this once great State in horror as we are decaying into a decadent welfare state garnished with the public employee unions feasting off of the last dribbles of oxygenated blood as the patient turns blue. The consonant K has been Orwellianly inserted into Kalifornia hidden in plain view for decades. The K fever has even spread to here in my hometown Fullerton with multi-milliondollar Killer Kops, our newly elected Kouncil, the kurriculum at Kal State Fullerton, Fullerton Kollege, and even the Fullerton Skool district who Keeps lopping days off of the skool year in lieu of pay cuts. It wouldn’t be komplete without the phony feel good Kristian churches, and all the kool people that think ignoring the brutal murder of a homeless man is like the Danny Elfman song ” why should I Kare nothing bad ever happens to me”. Kalifornia-folks maybe San Andreas will wake this place up someday and shake some sense into what used to be the closest thing to the promised land that the world had ever seen.

    1. I think there’ll be plenty of folks thinking along those lines.

      Is this the ‘super majority’s ‘. Reincarnation of the old conservative motto ‘America love it or leave it’?

  6. We got the worst run state in the Union according to the article, BUT 39,000,000 folks decided to live here! It is an amazing statistic! Kalifornia is way ahead of the next states in population and after we raise taxes to the highest in the country, we will have a balanced budget! Oh and do not worry about those muni bankruptcies like San Bernadoo, Cal Pers is taking them to court for having the audacity to stop making pension payments after they declared bankruptcy. Several articles say that this will go all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States! (If it was the Kalifornia Supreme Court, they would force paying the pension into Cal Pers while firing the actual workers! Ahh, such is the new California! Land of Milk and Honey!

    1. Yeah – it will take the US Supreme Court to rule on the continued validity of public employee contracts in the face there being no bucks. If the Court rules that local govt can use BK as a fix for the sins of prior giveaways by councils and boards, it will be THE way to restore some balance.

        1. Actually Mr. Diamond, my dream is that both sides will sit down and NEGOTIATE modifications to exisiting contracts to help avoid BK. As a former govt employee back in the 70s and 80s it was good to have a union; but times have changed and the power balance got so skewed with public employee unions so successfully becoming political players in local politics; it’s time they sat down and peacefully gave back some of their windfall gains.

  7. California’s economy is the eighth largest economy in the world, if the states of the U.S. were compared with other countries!

    The gross state product (GSP) is about $1.9 trillion, which is 13% of the United States gross domestic product (GDP)!

    There is no shortage of money and incredibly rich people in California. There is, however, a shortage of monied and incredibly rich people who want to pay their fair share of taxes. Instead, by using loopholes in a complex tax system that has been tailor made for them, they hand down their share to be picked up by the middle class.

    Thank these idle rich, tax-dodgers for the $$$ shortage in Sacramento.

    The California middle class, of course, has taken a hard hit with deflated real estate market, the result of which has been the worst foreclosure rates in decades, in tandem with the worst unemployment rates.

    Who caused the real estate collapse in California? Wall Street crooks! The folks running the financial industry! Greedy corporations, dishonest owners, and incompetent managers certainly have caused the Golden State’s sources of revenue to be diminished.

    Thank them, too, while you’re at it. They’re as bad as the idle rich.

      1. You know meow mix, its not the govt that’s greedy. It’s the lobbyists who buy the legislature and executive to serve their clients interests who are greedy. The people we elect, for the most part, are not independently wealthy or even well off. They’re people with sometimes noble sometimes not so noble goals. They are easily bought; and that republicans democrats.

    1. There is, however, a shortage of monied and incredibly rich people who want to pay their fair share of taxes.

      Once there are pay cuts across the board when it comes to state public service employees making more than $200,000 a year then we’ll talk about taxing the rich.

      Taxing the rich is just going to drive business people out of state or even out of the country in the meanwhile you morons are going to raise salaries and encourage more people (including illegals) to enroll in CalFresh (aka Electronic Food Stamps).

      Its bad enough the unions are driving people out of business, now you idiots want to tax the hell out of those who dare remain.


    2. Well I hate to say this Mr. Cat, but two of the three largest of the subprime lenders were located in good ol Orange County! The other was in the San Fernando Valley! Yes they sold their crap to Wall Street, etc. but the originations were all from our area.
      Yes, the less the rich pay, the more the middle class pay. California’s problems are not all stemming from Wall Street. Just look at how difficult it has been to pass a State Budget!

  8. WTF do you expect? The oligarchs sold California’s sovereignty to foreign nationals a long time ago. Now they are in the process of destroying the middle class. Your children will live under the rule of a banana republic where there will be only rich and poor. 5% rich. 95% poor. Just like in our sister nation – Mexico. The ring has closed, friends. Those of you over age 60 lived the best American life possible. But your grandchilden will suffer to pay for your prosperity. That’s the way it is!!!

  9. “There is, however, a shortage of monied and incredibly rich people who want to pay their fair share of taxes.”

    George Dolomite Between the Ears, reread the above sentence.

    Do you believe that the rich should not have to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes?

    1. “There is, however, a shortage of monied and incredibly rich people who want to pay their fair share of taxes.”

      And some people think hiring illegals is good for the job market also being unemployed is better than being employed and taking a paycut.

      Just because a small group of people support a bad idea usually because of stubbornness, ideology or to serve their own selfish needs does not make it a great idea.

      Do you believe that the rich should not have to pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes?

      Your definition of “FAIR SHARE” is raising taxes (there is no denying or getting around that), of course highers taxes doesn’t mean the state will bring in more revenue, it just means they will spend more then turn around and demand more.

      This state already collects a $6 to $10 fee on on all televisions, computer monitors and laptops sold but where does that money go?

      Who the hell knows.

  10. Oh? So when one says “union workers pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes” that means their taxes have been raised?

    Or when one says “illegals pay their FAIR SHARE of California sales taxes” that means they pay a higher rate than residents?

    It sounds like you want to raise their taxes to me!

    1. It sounds like you want to raise their taxes to me!

      No, you’re purposely grasping at straws and trying divert the discussion.

      We’re talking about the idea of targeting a group of people simply because they happen to be successful and also wealthy, and shaking them down for more money.

      We’re not talking about the current tax rates which is already sending people, jobs and businesses packing although since we’re on that topic, I might as well mention (for the 2nd time) that before you start shaking down people for more money, it’s probably a good idea to start cutting salaries also getting rid of unneeded equipment and services.

      Lets start by capping all UC related salaries to $200,000, get rid of all vehicle and home allowances for state law makers, professors, etc and if a fleet vehicle (2011 and newer) sits in a garage or yard for more than 3 months or travels less than 100 miles within that same time span, it should be sold at auction.

      Once the state start making cuts then we can talk about paying a “FAIR SHARE” of taxes but don’t waste the money you already have then hold your hand out for more.

  11. And, the public employee thing is bullshit.

    I work 50 times harder and for probably 50 times less than all those fat slobs employed by the city , state , or the federal gov. Fuck,

  12. I have lived in S. Cal all my life. Grew up in Downey, got married and moved to Fullerton. I have always been a defense worker, non union. As I come to the end of my carreer, all I can do is think about moving out of S. Cal. But I will keep the homested to rent out, to keep the cash flow going. As my grown children keep saying to me there is other states to live in. BTW all of my children grew up, highly eduecated, and moved out of CA. I will be the next to leave.

  13. “Lets start by capping all UC related salaries to $200,000, get rid of all vehicle and home allowances for state law makers, professors, etc and if a fleet vehicle (2011 and newer) sits in a garage or yard for more than 3 months or travels less than 100 miles within that same time span, it should be sold at auction.”

    I assume you also would want to cap all salaries of military personnel and get rid of their vehicle and home allowances . . . as well as their free medical coverage for them and their families, and free staff support, and free college education benefits.

    1. I assume you also would want to cap all salaries of military personnel and get rid of their vehicle and home allowances

      You’re grasping at straws again and quote pathetically trying to change the subject..

      We’re talking about the State of California, remember?

  14. “I work 50 times harder and for probably 50 times less than all those fat slobs employed by the city , state , or the federal gov.”

    Gee whiz, Chicken, if working for the city, state, or fed gov is such a breeze, why didn’t you choose to do it?

    If the money and benefits are so enormous, why didn’t you become a cop, or a prison guard, or a fireman?

    If you’re under 45, or so, nothing should be stopping you.

    1. Typical: you’re just jealous because you can’t retire at 50 with 90% of your income for the rest of your life. Too bad you didn’t go that route.

      Well hell why don’t we just all work for the government? That worked out well in the USSR didn’t it?

  15. If your proposed plan in principle will work to solve the state government’s budget woes, wouldn’t it also work to solve the federal government’s budget woes?

    I mean, government employees are government employees, right?

    Big wasters of the tax payer’s money! The military is comprised of public employees who are greedy and don’t work very hard. We all know that government agencies are inefficient, second-rate, and filled with lazy people. The military is a government agency. Time to put a cap on their bloated budget and rein in their uncontrollable spending.

    Limit big government!

    1. If your proposed plan in principle will work to solve the state government’s budget woes, wouldn’t it also work to solve the federal government’s budget woes?

      Except we’re addressing the state. Remember, you started this topic on state issues now you’ve dodging it and trying to completely abandon it.

      I mean, government employees are government employees, right?

      Constitutionally speaking, no.

      The military is comprised of public employees who are greedy and don’t work very hard.

      That is a very skewered opinion and reeks of desperation..

      You’re pulling all stops to avoid having a serious discussion about cutting wasteful spending within state government (a discussion which you started).

      Seems to me, all you want to do is spew off a few talking points about taxing the rich within this state but when confronted with the fact that state employees are over paid and there are so many useless and wasteful programs, you completely bail.

  16. “Posted by The Desert Rat in Chronic Failure, Setting The Bar Low, Statewide Stuff, The Culture of Corruption, Union Goons, Watch Your Wallet on November 28th, 2012.”

    I didn’t start this thread. The above usual suspects did. They referenced an article that appeared on the yahoo site. Have you read that article?

    In it, the researchers reveal that many factors go into their assessment of a given state’s management success. Yes, tax revenue, or the lack of it, is one of these factors but not the only one.

    Others include lack of resources, natural disasters, the real estate market collapse, and unemployment–all of which are beyond the control of state government.

    The state of California did not cause the real estate bubble to pop or the foreclosures upon 33% of the homes here in paradise. The private market did that–because of the poor ownership and management by finance corporations.

    (Notice not one of the SOB lenders who promoted predator home mortgage programs has been arrested, convicted, and served one minute in jail. These white collar cons have gotten off scot free because the judicial system, like the tax system, is designed to protect the high rollers.)

    However, no where in my previous posts did I suggest a tax hike on the rich, despite their lack of remorse. Rather, I suggested that they be expected to pay their fair share of taxes without the benefit of loopholes just like the rest of us in the middle class.

    You’re the one who changed the meaning (and topic) of my “pay their fair share of taxes” to your “unreasonable increase their taxes.”

    At any rate, your free ride for the rich solution to our state’s financial problems has been in effect for decades. The result is that the rich have gotten richer and the poor have gotten poorer.
    Yes, the job creators did create jobs. Unfortunately, they are wage slavery jobs in India and China.

    This past month our nation had a national debate about which path to pursue in solving federal budget problems. Romney lost by a landslide.

    In the state of California and locally here in the OC, tea party conservative candidates also took a beating. That tells you something, especially after a two-year ranting, raving, and name-calling by the far right.

    We’ve heard enough, thank you. We’ve voted in favor of the other side.

    1. Yay! We’re number 50 the usual suspect claims!

      Black is white and day is night. Good times are right around the corner! Let’s raise taxes and apply CEQA and AB 32 to everybody but ourselves! Hooray!

  17. If this country invested it money in its people rather than give aid to every other country, and try to police the world , I think we would all be better off.

    1. This country is being destroyed by design Chicken. Almost all of the foreign, domestic, and trade policies are penned in a manner to gut this Nation like a fat hog. The social engineers dumb down the masses with the educational system, the media, the entercontainment industry and chemical lobotamization via food and water chemical spiking. Big pharma and its out of control allopathic petrochemical poison pushers put the icing on the cake and seal the deal so they can have their way with us. No problem is too big to try to solve. We have no other option. People have to just have to start saying no.

  18. Last night the cops went on call of a transient looking into windows. When they got to the location they saw a guy wearing a beanie and looking like a transient. He had his hands in his pocket. Cops asked him to get his hands out of his pocket. He wasn’t complying. A cop recognized him. ( to bad ). Quess who it was? “BOOSHSLA” they should of shot him for not listening. What was he trying to do. Maybe a set up for the cops?

    1. they should of shot him for not listening.

      Anyone find it peculiar that most of these tyrannical wanna-be dictators and defenders can barely speak English?

        1. Spanish was spoken in American before the English-speaking and German-speaking settlers arrived in New England. It was also the predominant language of California until 1848.

          Spanish was the language spoken by the first permanent European settlers in North America. Spanish arrived in the territory of the contemporary United States with Ponce de León in 1513. In 1565, the Spaniards, by way of Juan Ponce de León, founded St. Augustine, Florida, and as of the early 1800s, it became the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the continental United States. The oldest city in all of the U.S. territory, as of 1898, is San Juan, capital of Puerto Rico, where Juan Ponce De León was its first governor and from where he left towards Florida seeking the fountain of youth, gold and slaves.

          1. Indeed. The Spanish raped, pillaged, and subjugated the native population, many of whom adopted the Spanish language, first.

            1. Some of them, not all. As was the case with the Pilgrims whose plan it was to enslave the Native American population to work on their plantations.

              They did their share of rapiing, pillaging, and subjugating. And don’t forget those wonderful Salem witch hunts which resulted in 132 women being burned at the stake or drowned, all in the name of Jesus.

          2. The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! Miss His, you forgot, from current maps, Monterey, CA stretching north towards now state of Washington was claimed as territory belonging to Russia.
            Spanish, English and Russian all competed for linguistic foothold in colonial California

  19. Fred Alcazar, Romney’s loss in the Electoral College was a landslide defeat. He came up 126 votes short of Obama in losing to him by a vote of 332-206.

    Furthermore, Obama won the states that matter: New England, the Midwest, and the West Coast.

    Romney took the areas that are irrelevent and backward: The Plains (fly-over states) the South (former slave states), and Orange County, California.

      1. Robama and Obamney take us down the same dead end street. One gives a ride into the brick wall via public transit and the other allows us to drive right into it in our own automobile. Neither allow u-turns. I guess we can ride the 3rd rail. We just need rubber souls.

    1. “fly over states”-funny kinda like the 72nd Assembly race done through the mail-no debates, no town hall just the postmaster and his machines

      1. Yes, two Republican candidates were running against each other in the 72nd District race. It doesn’t get much more boring than that.

  20. ofc lira says he’s been on leave for 7 months now. and is coming out to talk about what is happening inside the dept

  21. ofc lira says he’s been on leave for 7 months now. and is coming out to talk about what is happening inside the dept

  22. Just Ask Miss History :
    Spanish was spoken in American before the English-speaking and German-speaking settlers arrived in New England. It was also the predominant language of California until 1848.
    Spanish was the language spoken by the first permanent European settlers in North America. Spanish arrived in the territory of the contemporary United States with Ponce de León in 1513. In 1565, the Spaniards, by way of Juan Ponce de León, founded St. Augustine, Florida, and as of the early 1800s, it became the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the continental United States. The oldest city in all of the U.S. territory, as of 1898, is San Juan, capital of Puerto Rico, where Juan Ponce De León was its first governor and from where he left towards Florida seeking the fountain of youth, gold and slaves.

    So there jackass!! Spanish is the universal language! So you jerks are the minority. Deal with it.

      1. 70% of the people in Santa Ana speak Spanish. 53% of the people in Fullerton are NOT white.

        YOU are a minority person, Mr. Haller. Deal with it. But don’t worry. We’ll accept you, even though you can’t dance, don’t know how to use tools, and eat boring food and beer (Coors Lite)!

    1. Isn’t KFI that the radio station which took Ken and John off the air for a couple of days because they’d issued hate-speech rants about Whitney Houston the day after she died.

      “so much hate will rot your soul”?

  23. This is really me. I would like to extend my apologizes to everyone affected by my email. FFFF should be proud of Tony as someone who stood up against a corrupt Fullerton Management. If my email offended you I sincerely apologize. Anyone who has a true friend knows that they would do anything for that person and That’s what I did for my friend Manny, not Manny my former colleague. Keep up the good fight! The PD answers to its Citizens and I’m sad that i wont be apart of this anymorw but happy Im moving on. The FPOA is already trying to discret me and myself and so be it!! I take full responsibility for the mistakes I’ve made in my personal life. My personal life however didn’t make the FPD management corrupt. Those of you who have met me on duty know I treated you good whether you were in my backseat or front seat. I’m the one who always stopped for kids on the side of the road to take pics and let the kids sit in the Police car… This is the only thing I will miss.. You haven’t heard the last of me!!!!
    God Bless

    1. Let the courts take its course. Lets bring this community back together. And sorry for above typos(damn, auto correct. I wish I had FPD management to rewrite it for me)
      God Bless

    2. I sure wish you would have come forward at one of the many city council meetings where the FPOA came out in force to bash Travis, Bruce, and Tony and do their loving on Dan Hughes. Now the election is over and the new council will likely give the job of Chief to Dan Hughes.

    3. Ben, all my respects to you. In this day and age when people don’t know the meaning of friendship you restore my faith in humankind. When others have turned their back on Manny,Joe and Jay you have stood by them because you know they are just being used as pawns to further other people’s agenda.

    4. God bless you Ben. Even though I don’t agree with you decision to bail out your friend, thank you for taking a stand.

      I think the initial plan always was to discard and throw Manny who is Hispanic and Cicinelli who only has one eye under the bus once the SHTF.

      I think your friend Manny was set up and coached by Wolfe but if he talks he knows he will face even more serious charges.

    1. A call to police spokesman Sgt. Jeff Stuart wasn’t immediately returned.

  24. hey flory what do you think? lets make chief hughes permanent we should start building statue for them outside FPD

    oh fullerton what a fun place to live in

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