Life is Good

What’s this? A former Fullerton Police Chief Mike Sellers sighting! Here is Iron Mike confabbing with Placentia Police Chief R.A. Hicks in the booth of a cozy Yorba Linda eatery.

Perhaps Sellers is dispensing wisdom about how to bail on one’s professional responsibilities and duty as soon as times get tough; perhaps he is explaining how to run a clean, efficient department.

We do know that for Sellers, who is able to squeak by on a pension of $20,000 a month, life is indeed good.

101 Replies to “Life is Good”

  1. He is laughing all the way to the bank. Is that a cheeseburger? Not good for his weak heart.

    1. $20,000 per month is about $120 per hour assuming 2000 hours per year divided equally among 12 months (Rough calculation but close). And he gets 50% of that tax free !!!!!

      Such is what happens when there are Police Unions (or any union for government employees) demanding money from people who are not paying the money. Public sector unions should not be allowed as they are corrupt and they corrupt everything they touch.

      Look at the FPD and the union thugs that beat Kelly Thomas to death. Notice how quick the Union Thug leaders came to the murders’ defense. Clearly the Police Union does not have the best interests of the public in mind when they act. They act to protect themselves and make themselves unjustly richer.

      Look at teachers unions and the state of public education. America’s public schools suck, on average, mainly due to teachers unions who have the best interest of teachers and unions in mind, not the best interest of the children they should be teaching or the public who pay their salary.

      Mega-pensions for police, teachers, fireman, etc. (where they exists) can only occur because government is paying the bill and the tax payers have no real say in the negotiation process for compensation.

      Even more cynical, the system is corrupt in that the unions pay to keep the politicians in office and make sure such politicians get the votes to get reelected. Such politicians make huge salaries also they so do what the unions want.

      So you have politicians pretend to “negotiate” in good faith against the unions (who keep the politicians in office with power and $$$$$) to keep union employees’ salaries reasonable when in fact both are invested in each other getting as much money from the taxpayers as they can.

      What a scam. Hence, mega-pensions and mega-salaries.

      Even if you vote the lowlifes politicians out of office, the police/teachers/whatever still get their unreasonable pension and salary; a salary no normal non-government paid worker that actually creates value for the community can get.

      Why anyone in Fullerton would work and create value and pay taxes so that these jerks can get their mega salary and mega-pensions is beyond me.

      Engineers and Doctors go to school for years and take out 100,000s of dollars in student loans in a field that is significantly more demanding than being a police officer or teacher and most such Engineers and many Doctors do not get paid as much as these pricks – particularly when one considers the cost and hardship of become an Engineer/Doctor. Why would anyone go to Engineering school hell and come out of school with a huge pile of debt just to pay the taxes that pay these pricks, with no student loans, more money to do less?

      The system sucks. Eliminating public sector unions is the only answer.

      Or, perhaps, just stop working and creating value and paying taxes for these blood suckers to leech off of. They certainly do not create any value and could not in the real world. They can only leech off others.

      1. The $20,000 a month isn’t because of the unions. Its because we had a bad council who was in on the scheme to bilk millions from taxpayers. This was just one of the thousands of bad decisions made by the old council.

        I agree, get rid of unions.

  2. OMG! Then, he isn’t medically sick on his medical claim.

    Someone tell the City Council.

    I am sick and tired of these idiots who milk the system, while we bust our butts doing honest job for a honest living instead of cheating the system.

  3. No integrity! Follows in the footsteps of Adams from the City of Bell and several other chiefs in the So. Ca. area. Anaheim’s chief is planning his medical scam now.

  4. Life is indeed good for those that have a clear conscience. Sellers abandoned his post and has nothing to be proud of.

      1. The hey doc sign me out at 50% tax free deal done clandestinely for all the others is no justification for what Sellers did in the spotlight. Poor guy. Is that a green snake in the window? There is so much symbolism there.

  5. Lots of well connected people eat at this particular eatery but only a select few take home $20,000 for doing nothing.

    1. They don’t pay them that kind of money for doing nothing. There are a lot of ruined lives out there from being fed into the criminal justice system’s insatiable meat grinder. The electronic arrest record plantation results in unemployment, underemployment and widespread poverty. The system ensnares so many unawares and is being propagated by folks just like this. Believe me Law enforcement has its place and purpose but for most part it has turned its back on the public and turned itself into a hunting sport, a system of revenue generation and very little to do with public safety. Being at the helm of such has its rewards .

      1. Truthseeker, your entire comment was worthy of being pasted on the front pages of both the L.A. Times and O.C. Register.

        You explained exactly what I’ve been trying to explain the entire legal (particularly criminal law) system is all about.
        It’s all about extorting as much $$$ from the citizenry as possible.
        We have cops trumping up charges on people, falsifying reasons why they were arrested when their victims did nothing aside from being a Hispanic male out in the evening. Then they get drug through our pos criminal court system where they’re greeted with a summons that states “The State of California vs. Jose Gonzalez”. Welcome to our wonderful country, America. Then, they get a pos Public Defender, aka lawyer intern who does nothing other than try to convince their victims to plead ‘guilty’ citing they will get a few years in jail if a jury finds him guilty.
        And they say our system is the best in the world.
        THAT ain’t sayin’ much!

  6. Sellers was police Captain in Seal Beach and Chief inLaguna Beach and was known to do nothing then. Now he does even less while he is on the “dole”! Ya did a great job Mike! Did you luck out by leaving the Seal Beach gig missing the big shooting at the Hair Salon. You would have been home in that nice seaside village of San Clemente catching some sun rays and unable to make it to seal beach in time for anything but chattin with reporters……..oops, you probably would pass on that also! Just exactly what DID you do during your career?

  7. Looks like Sellers hasn’t lost his appetite. It was never reported why he went out on medical leave but chances are good it wasn’t due to malnourishment. I wonder what the discussion was about? Who had the most leave time accrued?

    1. JustUs – In regards to your question why Sellers went out on medical leave. I know the answer. It was reported he went out on leave for hyperlipidemia (high choloesterol) and get this….. are you ready? Stress! lol Apparently these two medical issues were enough for a physician to put him on medical leave. Maybe if he ate more oatmeal, a well balanced diet and exercised regularly, then both of these conditions would be a non issue.

      1. “JustUs – In regards to your question why Sellers went out on medical leave. I know the answer. It was reported he went out on leave for hyperlipidemia (high choloesterol) and get this….. are you ready? Stress! lol”

        Where was that reported? Hyperlipidemia is controlled with statins. Why would that be a reason for a medical disability? It’s my understanding one doesn’t develop that condition overnight. Although genetics does play a role stuffing one’s piehole with lots of greasy fatty foods is a big risk factor. How long was Sellers a cop? Decades, right? And his cops getting caught dirty in the Kelly Thomas fatal bludgeoning pushed him over the edge after decades of police work dealing with bad guys? I’ve read about a condition referred to as “Chief’s Disease”. I wonder if he caught a dose of that?

  8. yes,life is good when you get paid $86.44 per hour while to eat breakfast with your old retired pal.

    1. Anonymous :
      yes,life is good when you get paid $86.44 per hour while to eat breakfast with your old retired pal.

      More like $120 per hour assuming 2000 hours per year divided equally among 12 months (Rough calculation but close).

      Such is what happens when there are Police Unions (or any union for government employees) demanding money from people who are not paying the money. Public sector unions should not be allowed as they are corrupt and they corrupt everything they touch.

      Look at the FPD and the union thugs that beat Kelly Thomas to death. Notice how quick the Union Thug leaders came to the murders’ defense. Clearly the Police Union does not have the best interests of the public in mind when they act. They act to protect themselves and make themselves unjustly richer.

      Look at teachers unions and the state of public education. America’s public schools suck, on average, mainly due to teachers unions who have the best interest of teachers and unions in mind, not the best interest of the children they should be teaching or the public who pay their salary.

      Mega-pensions for teachers and police and fireman, etc. can only occur because government is paying the bill and the tax payers have no real say in the negotiation process for compensation.
      Even more cynical, the system is corrupt in that the unions pay to keep the politicians in office and make sure such politicians get the votes to get reelected. Such politicians make huge salaries also so do what the unions want.

      So you have politicians pretending to “negotiate” in good faith to keep union employees’ salaries reasonable when in fact both are invested in each other getting as much money from the taxpayers as they can. Hence, mega-pensions and mega-salaries.

      Even if you vote the lowlifes politicians out of office, the police/teachers/whatever still get their unreasonable pension and salary; a salary no normal non-government paid worker that actually creates value for the community can get.

      Why anyone in Fullerton would work and create value and pay taxes so that these jerks can get their mega salary and mega-pensions is beyond me.

      Engineers and Doctors go to school for years and take out 100,000s of dollars in student loans in a field that is significantly more demanding than being a police officer or teacher and most such Engineers and some Doctors do not get paid as much as these pricks – particularly when one considers the cost of become an Engineer/Doctor. Why would anyone go to Engineering school and come out of school with a huge pile of debt just to pay taxes that pay these pricks, with no student loans, more money to do less?

      The system sucks. Eliminating public sector unions is the only answer.

      Or, perhaps, just stop working and creating value and paying taxes for these blood suckers to leech off of.

  9. Oh the contradiction in law enforcement. Constantly you hear..”We want honor, and integrity, and yada yada yada.” Yet every fucking day you hear of one more officer, lieutenant, captain, chief…stealing, covering up, shooting, beating, lying, cheating the system and you wonder why people are losing faith in law enforcement. And of course you have this leech (Sellars) who slides through the cracks when the “Fullerton pile of crap” came tumbling down. Shame on you Placentia police chief for even associating with this scum while on duty. I wouldn’t trust that police chief if he associates with selfish, self-righteous pricks like Sellars.
    Police departments don’t want integrity/honor…they want other Dickroaches who they know will cover for them. It’s becoming more apparent.

    1. Of course. Public trust my ass. The rot starts at the very top. I view PD’s as a den of thieves. Thieves who protect one another at the expense of the taxpayers. God help the honest cop who snitches off a dirty cop. He’s done. That’s why it’s practically impossible to find one.

      1. JustUs. You are assuming that all these cops see dirty cops all the time. Believe me. Cops hate dirty cops. Let’s look at the Kelly case. Two cops on the call. For an extended period. Wolfe doesn’t even hear everything Ramos is saying. That’s why he wasnt charged at all. Cockus said charges due to illegal arrest and Wolfe didn’t know the gloves part. So Wolfe is going through the pack and as he walks back up Kelly bails. Wolfe pulls his baton and whacks him to get him to stop. Now the two cops catch him. Cici responds to the call for help and jumps in. If he didn’t whack with the taser he wouldn’t be charged either. He knew nothing of the so called Cockus illegal arrest theory. The other guys roll to help and assist in the pile to get the arms and legs locked up and cuffed. The last three don’t see the details of the pile and focus on an arm or leg. Cici admits to the taser whack right away so nothing to offer there. All the others say what they did. So where is the failure to dime off a dirty cop here? That’s why no one else will be charged and no one else will be fired. Wolfe medically retired. Hampton might go for the Vam incident but they have to prove he lied and that wasn’t what he actually thought he saw. Blat will get nothing.

        I’m with ya but the clean cops scared to report dirty cops is so 80’s. Dirty cops get dimed off all the time anonymously. Clean good cops don’t want to lose their jobs for dirty lazy cops anymore.

        1. “Dirty cops get dimed off all the time anonymously”

          You just proved my point. If cops get dimed out it only by an anonymous source. There’s a reason for that. Because once word gets around that good cop’s career isn’t worth a plug nickle. And his very safety could well be in danger. The system is designed to punish good cops who snitch off bad cops. Not to reward them. Look at the OCSD jail scandal with the Chamberlain murder. The cops were falling all over themselves covering for one another. To think that the ‘code of silence’ is passe’ is naive at best. You might fook a 10 year old kid with your explanation. You don’t fool me.

          1. You only took a portion of what I said. That meant cops snitch by name and anonymously. Some people in life don’t like to snitch. Not just cops. Everyday people as well. My point was cops are like everyday people. They do it by name and anonymously.

            I think you are being hard. From what I have seen on here you know there are some really good cops around and just a few bad ones.

            1. “My point was cops are like everyday people”

              Total crock. Cops aren’t like everyday people. By law they are given special powers that everyday people don’t have. Hence, cops are supposed to be held to a ‘higher standard’ which they aren’t. In reality they are held to a ‘lower standard’ than ‘everyday people’. That’s my point.

              Any cop who fails to snitch on a dirty cop is by definition a dirty cop. There is example after example which shows that cops cover for dirty cops. It’s called ‘the code of silence’. You know that. Don’t act stupid.

        2. I’ve seen first hand that there is a code of silence and the cowboys of the departments run the show. Wolfe knew damn well what was going on, he was only 15 feet behind Ramos. I don’t buy the argument that he “had no idea” what was going on. Cyclops comes bum-rushing in and drops a few hammer blows, apparently runs out of options (and sanity), and then proceeds with bashing in Kelly’s face in. All the cops said what they did??? They had to rewrite and rewrite and rewrite their reports. So what exactly did they say? Oh and now Hampton isn’t quite sure what he saw?? Please.
          There are far more dirty cops than good ones, if there were more good ones, don’t you think we would have better police departments? It’s logic. This isn’t the 80’s but guess who is running the departments? You guessed it the the shithole bad officers of the 80’s are now the Chiefs/Capt/the brass. And guess who they hire? Their proteges. By the way, good cops don’t just lose their jobs, their reputations are tainted forever in law enforcement.

        3. Sorry ‘Actuality Is’, but this part of your comment is pure BS:

          “Wolfe doesn’t even hear everything Ramos is saying. That’s why he wasnt charged at all. Cockus said charges due to illegal arrest and Wolfe didn’t know the gloves part.”

          That’s the cop-lover coming out of Rauckauckas. Wolfe was EASILY in earshot of the entire conversation between Ramos and Thomas. He was only 12 feet away at max. Ol’ Tony is just like his cops; prejudice towards Mexicans. That’s why he charged Ramos and not Wolfe. Cicinelli’s actions were quite obvious however, therefore he couldn’t get him off the hook.

  10. Maybe Hicks should be asked why they are meeting for a meal in YL and not in Placentia? Placentia has good restaurants; maybe Hicks is afraid to go to El Farolito? It opens early. Or IHOP – ditto and IHOP is across the street from the Placentia PD/Civic Center

    1. This is actually taken at Kimmys in Placentia (Orangethorpe / Lakeview) not in YL as the post stated.

  11. Sellers should be ashamed of himself. I thought are police were supposed to enforce our laws not break them with fraudulent disability claims.

      1. For sure. He probably has two pensions too. So he could be making about $30,000 a month. Sheriffs isn’t Calpers.

  12. What a clown…

    Who approved his 20K month? We need to do some digging here

    Travis please unearth Fullerton Public Pay Policy and Procedures.

    This is not rocket science; we need to find out how these crooks can loot the public treasure legally and get it approved from the city council.

  13. improper force
    A former Desert Hot Springs police sergeant was sentenced Monday to four years in federal prison for pepper-spraying and using a stun gun on two suspects in custody “without any lawful justification,” according to a statement from the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles.

    Anthony Sclafani, 42, of Beaumont was convicted of two counts of deprivation of rights under the color of law.

    In February 2005, Sclafani pepper-sprayed and used a stun gun on a handcuffed suspect, the statement said. In another incident, Sclafani used pepper spray and a stun gun on a woman through the door of a locked prison cell even though she was too inebriated to stand, according to the statement.

    Prosecutors wrote in court papers that Sclafani “intimidated, abused and repeatedly assaulted two helpless victims who were in his custody at the jail…. To cover up his illegal conduct, he then concocted lies that the victims were combative and physically resistant to justify his use of force.”

    A 2010 internal investigation by the Desert Hot Springs Police Department failed to find evidence of excessive force, said Asst. U.S. Atty. Steven M. Arkow.

    “The truth about what occurred was not borne out by the internal investigation,” Arkow said. “It didn’t come out until the case was tried before a jury.”

    Sclafani was indicted in 2010 along with a second former officer of the department, David Raymond Henderson.

    Henderson pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor civil rights charge and was sentenced to a year of probation.

    Sclafani was convicted in April after the jury deliberated for less than half a day.

    1. And once again, what is the point of an investigation by the same department who’s cop or cops committed the dirty corrupt deed.

      “A 2010 internal investigation by the Desert Hot Springs Police Department failed to find evidence of excessive force, said Asst. U.S. Atty. Steven M. Arkow.”

      Of course, like always, they ‘found no wrong-doing’.


  14. So he can drive all the way up from San Clemente to share a doughnut with a fellow chief, but couldn’t come out of those beachside digs to even meet once with the council during the city’s darkest hour?

  15. Yup College Park Codger, that was the Police Chief approved by your old city council and aided and abetted by Joe Felz the city manager that Chief Mike Sellers reported to!
    Remember that Chief Mike was on a CRUISE after the Kelly incident. Did his Doctor give him a disability pension for the high cholesterol gained while cruisin? If so, why did not the current City Attorney and the current City Manager take exception to the MD report and work out a reduced medical pension? It can be done. Send him to two or three city paid for MDs just like people on disability in the REAL WORLD! The City Attorney and the City Manager are aligned with the FPD. It is very obvious. They need to be replaced!

  16. without his uniform , Sellers appears to be another innocuous customer. However, this man is complicit in obfuscating evidence in a murder while acting as fullerton’s police chief. Seller’s was nothing more than a fool’s intellectual heir, his predecessor retired Fullerton police chief pat mcckinley the progenitor of FPD’s “culture of corruption”..
    Good government respects the fact that it is dangerous to give too much power to ordinary, unremarkable people like Sellers and Mckinley because they will abuse it.
    Unfortunately for the good people of fullerton, our recently recalled city council members and quirk-silva who remains on the city council, took the power from the people and put it solely into their hands where they grossly abused the community of fullerton.
    Their abuse was climaxed by their blase gesture of offering $900.000 to Ron thomas to exculpate Seller’s police officers murder of ron thomas’ son, Kelly thomas.
    Like McKinley, Jones and Bankhead, comrade in crime Sellers blithely dines, on the taxpayers dime, reminiscing over the antebellum days of fullerton and FPD.
    Sellers, McKinley, Bsnkhead and Jones and their attending cronies and sycophants have committed crimes agains the good people of Fullerton and must be brought to justice .
    just my opinion

        1. I have no doubts you make your posts in between setting down your paper doily and wiping your ass. Your phone must have all kinds of poopy germs on it.

          Wash your hands before returning to work, please.

  17. Citizen should stop spending their money at “Life is good”, since they serve those who provided accessory and covered up for murder.
    I know restraunts don’t have a choice, but they can gently hint to Fullerton cops they are not welcomed at their establishment because of boycott consideration.

    1. How exactly would a Yorba Linda restaurant know who Fullerton Cops are let alone retired fat slobs in street clothes?

  18. Maybe the Chiefs are comparing Fullerton & San Clemente real estate prices. Maybe he’s still making a “bona fide effort” to move to Fullerton, as his contract required, and from which the City Mgr. unilateraly excused him.

  19. Seems that $20,000 per month would be better spent fixing a lot of Fullerton’s streets!

  20. Just a reminder… to EVERTONE!!!!! pLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE,..sign, sign, sign!!!! ” Kelly Thomas”!!! There are TWO PETITIONS to sign, most importantly, the one from Fullerton resident ”Paul Orloff”, to REMOVE ALL 6 COPS!!! We are nearing 22,000, & only need 25,000!!!! Please, let`s get ALL THAT WE POSSIBLY CAN, to sign these petitions!!!!! We are getting SO MANY from many other states , and even countries- ( God Bless them!!!!) Let`s ….. SIGN, SIGN, SIGN!!!!!

  21. bob :
    Just a reminder… to EVERTONE!!!!! pLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE,..sign, sign, sign!!!! ” Kelly Thomas”!!! There are TWO PETITIONS to sign, most importantly, the one from Fullerton resident ”Paul Orloff”, to REMOVE ALL 6 COPS!!! We are nearing 22,000, & only need 25,000!!!! Please, let`s get ALL THAT WE POSSIBLY CAN, to sign these petitions!!!!! We are getting SO MANY from many other states , and even countries- ( God Bless them!!!!) Let`s ….. SIGN, SIGN, SIGN!!!!!

    do out of state and out of county signatures count ?

    1. None of them mean anything. It’s just something to say see look at all these people that want it too.

  22. “To serve and protect themselves.” Bigger crooks and cons than those they police. Young boys get hurt in war (real heros) and get nothing and this pig just gets fatter. A coward quitting over stress. I hope he explodes on his pension. Fullerton PD just sucks, fire them all and start over.

  23. 20K a mnth? Thats $20,000 dollars a month. Thats Twenty Thousand Dollars A Month!, Jesus H, whos the real criminal here? Didnt the whole dman City Council of Bell just get sent to jail for all this shit?

    1. I’m pretty sure he gets closer to $30k a month. He has a few different retirements. He’s set. Jealous.

  24. I Own Fullerton :I’m pretty sure he gets closer to $30k a month. He has a few different retirements. He’s set. Jealous.

    Be wealthy and have his rotten soul, No I am not jealous.

  25. It looks like there is room in that booth for Danny Hughes and Chris Thompson to join them.

  26. This is the same Rick Hicks who worked with S.A. pd, Cypress as chief and now Placentia. Can you say triple dip in the ole’ pension courtesy of the TAXPAYERS??? This is a joke and this continual raping of the taxpayer has got to stop!

  27. You blogers have way too much time on your hands. You’ve bashed on this poor guy enough. most of you on this site obviously don’t know the first about the CalPers Retirement.

    Tony Bushala – you should be ashammed of yourself. In the end, I’m sure you’ll get what you deserve. GET A LIFE AND GET THE HELL OUT OF MY CITY!

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