Long Time Fullerton Resident Baxter Knocks It Out of Park!

Want to see and hear what a real local hero has to say about Kelly Thomas and the FPOA Blueshirts? Check it out:

I don’t know about you, but I think if we had a few more Baxters and a few fewer Florys we would have had a whole helluva lot less trouble around here in the past year.

216 Replies to “Long Time Fullerton Resident Baxter Knocks It Out of Park!”

  1. He is right on. The FPOA only rallied their supporters and came out of the shadows when their bloated paychecks and pensions came in to question. Business as usual.

    1. I agree 100%.

      Now that Kenton Hampton is back in at the FPD, if I were being pulled over by a FPD police officer, I would consider calling 911 and request a non-Fullerton police officer to respond and supervise the stop. You need to be SERIOUS about the call and tell the 911 person you fear for your safety. I would do this with a cell phone even if I was just being questioned by a Fullerton Police and tell the 911 operator you want him/her to listen to the events.

      You have much to support such call: Consider this:

      The FPD proudly allowed Kenton Hampton to return to the FPD so clearly the FPD support Hampton and his actions.

      Hampton has an irrefutable documented history of beating up and arresting innocent citizens and putting them in jail (Veth Mam).

      Additionally, the case went to trial because a FPD officers LIED in their reports alleging that Veth Mam jumped Hampton. THEY LIED PEOPLE, LIED and an innocent man was put through the legal ringer, not because of a mistake but a deliberate LIE.

      Lucky for Veth Mam the entire event was recorded by private video which clearly uncovered the FPD lies. Only AFTER the video was released did the “honorable” FPD admit the truth and claimed to have made a “mistake”. How honorable of them.

      You think what happened to Veth Mam or Kelly Thomas cannot happen to you, you are kidding yourself. Clearly both Kelly and Mam thought the same until it did happen to them. Mam lived to tell the tale, Kelly did not.

      Thus, as long as the FPD shows that they will employe cops like Hampton, if you get stopped (walking or driving) by a Fullerton Police Officer, consider calling 911 and have them listen to and record the stop and have 911 send out an non-FDP third party police unit ASAP to further witness and record the events.

      Tell the FPD officer you have no confidence in the FPD and you are calling 911 for your own safety.

      Otherwise, innocent or not, without video evidence, you might find yourself in jail like Veth Mam, or worse, dead like Kelly Thomas.

      1. Officer Hampton is back and if there is anyone on this blog who thinks that is proper, think about this. Mr. Mam ran up a huge attorney bill for successful defense in the courtroom. He still owes this bill and will be sueing Fullerton residents to obtain redress. His lawyer is Garo Mardrossian. Garo is very expensive! Fullerton not only has to pay Hampton for sitting on his butt at home for a year ($100,000 + benefits) but also will have to pay for Mam’s legal fees and for his large number of days in jail awaiting trial. As Angel eyes says: “A Tidy Sum!”
        Oh yes, in addition, I will bet that Hampton is now considered a “Brady Cop” by the DA Tony and therefore cannot really do proper patrol in Fullerton since he cannot testify in criminal cases – yes including DUI.

          1. Ruco Tuco nailed shit. Did you pull all that rhetoric out of your ass? Just because a person is lawsuit happy doesn’t mean they are getting paid. So much has to happen before that. More than your little pea brain can grasp.

            Garo has probably dropped your “mam” man by now and I wouldn’t be surprised if he drops RT soon too. That is of course if his investigator has all the Discovery that is out there about what a lying sack of shit RT is.

            Hampton has been cleared of any wrong doing, get over it. He and The other two aren’t going anywhere.

            1. And who or what cleared Hampton and of what charges? Probably an independent report authored by Hampton’s mother.

    1. I didn’t see that way. What was awesome was watching little Travis spin in his chair and make faces like a professional Tuesday evening. He must be super duper smart since his way is always the best and it doesn’t matter what the citizens of FULLERTON want. Him running this classy blog is also so cool. Take a look at some of the stories and what was written. Bet you can’t find too many that don’t call citiznes of FULLERTON names. What a true professional little educated Travis grew up to be. Entire family must be so excited for his success in destroying FULLERTON.

  2. He is always awesome. Those of your cranky Rethugs always blaming every problem in the universe on “liberals” – watch and learn.

  3. I think what is even more courageous about Bax, is that he’s known to stammer at times, which makes speaking in public for him even more challenging, and yet still he had the guts to get up there and speak truly from the heart.

    Bravo Baxter Bravo!

  4. Kelly’s Army and FFFF need to hire this guy to represent and speak for them. This guy has class and relays messages well and to the point. Much better than all those other losers that tell and scream non sense and lose the respect of citizens. Go Box. I mean Bax. 🙂

  5. Well, yeah — but that’s how politics usually works. It’s generally a matter of people getting agitated when their ox is gored. No big (or sinister) surprise there.

    Baxter is well-intentioned and a good activist, but he’s really not in a position to make legal conclusions like “six cops murdered him.” That’s a legal judgment. Murder has actual elements that must be met. For the last three to show up, it’s not even close.

    I liked the part on Coyote Hills, Tony! You agree?

    1. Greg,
      If my son, whose knowledge and understanding of the law is minimal (unlike a law enforcement officer) was with three friends that murdered someone, and although he didn’t actually strike the murder victim, he just held him down while the others struck him, wouldn’t he also be charged with at least an accessory to murder in criminal court?

      Why the double standard for someone who supposedly knows better?

        1. Qualified immunity with regard to cops, judges, prosecutors/ADAS, in fact everybody should be eliminated and the playing field leveled. Anybody can sue anybody. Sue anyone from the President on down, maybe everybody would do a better job with that sword hanging over their head. Or maybe just be dishonest/corrupt much more carefully I guess.

        2. Does qualified immunity apply to illegal acts, acts against department policy and perjury? Does it apply when intentionally violating one’s oath of office, and concurrently the Constitution of the United States? Does it apply to acts of vigilantism?

          If so, then let’s do away with due process for the perpetrators on the bus station video, and let’s have at it. One person on the video has received the death penalty for being the “wrong” kind of person. My definition of the “wrong” kind of person involves those who would shamelessly murder as a gang, and expect no retribution. It makes me wonder how many nameless people are buried in a potter’s field, who had no father to take a death-bed photo, and no blogger to publish it.

          1. What makes you think these cops intentionally hurt anyone. Read what Qualified Immunity says instead of talking without knowing what you are talking about. Ask Greg Diamond. He put it on his blog. The Orange Juice. He knows what he is talking about. Do not follow the dummies that say things they do not know what they are talking about.

      1. That’s a good question. I’d like to give it a serious answer, which would require a minute-by-minute analysis of what the other three officers knew, saw, and did once they arrived.

        Do you think that we can get away with that here? If not, we can go to OJB.

        1. Attorney Diamond, again, if six people rob a bank, three go in, two stand look out, one is the driver, while inside two kill a teller or a guard. Wouldn’t all of the six be arrested, put in jail, etc? Would all six be tried for murder or manslaughter? Wouldn’t all six be on their way to prison asap? It’s happened many times this way everyday in this country.
          What’s the difference, other than this was a street fight, and the six had badges? Does having badges make them better than everybody else? You and they seem to think so.

          1. Yes. All 6 planned, executed, and assisted in the commission of that felony. Tell me how all 6 cops planned, executed and assisted in the commission of this felony. They didn’t. 2 were on video for 15 minutes. Alone. Just them. The other 4 responded to the calls for help. They had no clue what had happened or what was going on. Each person is and was analyzed independently as to their role in the incident. That’s why the other 4 will never be charged at any level, even federally.

            1. You’re a little wrong — it was the 1st and 3rd cops who got charged. (Wolfe’s involvement, including trying to knock down Kelly with his baton swing to the legs, apparently didn’t rise to criminality.)

              Jay Cicinelli (the 3rd cop on the scene) is an example of a late-arriver who richly earned his criminal charge. He really was either trying to kill Kelly or recklessly indifferent to doing so. But the difference between him and the three later-comers is stark. They presumably took their cues from the fact that if someone who arrived on the scene earlier is beating someone on the ground like that, there is probably going to be a real good reason for it. If that’s the rule, this was one of the exceptions.

              1. Ok, I understand you’re probably getting bored, but let’s try this. You’ve got a guy sitting minding his own business, and a couple neo-nazis carrying bats come up, and one sits down a couple feet away and the other goes over and hassles the other guy, the other guy gets up and takes off, but the second nazi swings his bat knocking him down and they start to hold him down and beat him while the second uses his handsfree cell to call his buddies for help. The first two are laying and kneeling on the first guy beating the crap out of him when three of their buddies show up in their pickups and a Trans Am. The nazi in the Trans Am comes running seeing his buddies beating this guy and figuring the guy did something wrong jumps on and using the taser he’d bought mail order started tasering the guy over and over, not seeing or too caught up in the moment to see the guys just laying there, meanwhile the other two late comers just stood there not wanting to get too involved, or not wanting to get bloody, or seeing that it’s wrong what’s going on but these are friends and comrades that need support, so they stay on the edges holding him down or adding their weight. But they don’t, do not, try to stop it. Finally the third nazi runs his taser down and starts beating the victim in the face over and over. Right here I’m not equating the original participants with neo-nazis it’s just the first thing that came to mind, no disrespect intended to the cops or to neo-nazis. Anyway of the six #1 started the beating, #2 was also involved in the beating as he struck the first blow and participated in the beating itself, #3 no question participated in the beating and caused or helped to cause the death, #’s 4 &5 at the very least accessories before and after. Were they too stupid to see something was wrong, to question, to stop it? Finally if it was real gangmembers, or drunks, anyone without badges, all six would have been arrested, arraigned, jailed or out on bail, tried, and Jailed most likely or found innocent. Right? There’d have been no question of meeting the “legal definition” of murder. back on the job next day laughing in the locker room, no paid vacation, etc.

                1. No, these are fair questions. Cops have rights to engage in actions, including use of deadly force, that you and I don’t. That’s why it’s worth paying for good cops — and worth making sure that we actually do get what we pay for (as I think has not been the case in Fullerton.)

                  If people intentionally get involved in an illegal activity that leads to a murder, then they can be prosecuted under the felony murder rule. Here I’m citing from memory, but if a reasonable person in their situation didn’t know that it was clearly illegal — and for all the latecomers knew, Kelly could have had a weapon — or if they were unaware that illegal action was taking place (they probably knew that Cicinelli was down there doing something to Kelly, but were they playing close enough attention to process that he was doing something crazy?), then the rule that would apply to you or me in that situation would not apply to them.

                  There are other differences and other exceptions too, but those two should be enough to explain why I don’t accept your analogy.

                  (And, for the benefit of newcomers, I think that FPD handled it really badly and I think that Cicinelli committed a crime.)

      1. The Dumpster Diver can’t help it. He craves attention and wants so to be relevant and important. He won’t because at heart he is a useless, transient party hackling with no roots and dedicated to nothing but hollow abstractions.

        Now it suits his confused purpose to give the Culture of Corruption a pass. This is because he doesn’t want Quirk tarred with the FPOA brush, even though she is tarring herself.

        Anyhow, in ten weeks you will never hear from this pustule again.

    2. They killed an unarmed underweight man by beating and smothering him similar to the way a boa constrictor kills, by sitting/laying on his chest and restricting his breathing to the point that they cut off the oxygen to his brain, not to mention of course all the broken bones in his body and skull, the internal bleeding, his lungs filling with blood. Then delaying his reciept of medical care demanding that the medics fix their scraped elbows, etc. If this isn’t murder what is it?
      People like you that parse semantics, ie “that’s a legal…” are probably mostly, if not all, cops, buffs, or lawyers which is the same thing. As I’ve said before God put on Moses tablet, “Thou shalt not kill,” he/she/it DIDN’T say Thou shalt not kill except…

    3. Bax is what a principled progressive ought to be: a man of the people.

      You on the other hand are a pompous, self-aggrandizing fraud, posing as a progressive.

      For the sake of progressives in Fullerton and everywhere, learn when the hell to shut up. Which would be usually.

    4. Like Flory, Bankhead, Quirk-Silva, Jones, McKinley, Jones, Greg Diamond subscribes to the elitist belief that the commoners may be allowed to babble in public, its called freedom of speech, but to take serious these commoners comments is so abusrd because they are not experts in the law(or insert another diploma title dependent on topic a commoner dare to discuss). Even if commoners see six fullerton PD officers murder a disabled man by beating him to death and the commoners comments are corroborated by a video of this act , these commoners really don’t know what they say because they are not erudite like Greg but ignorant or stupid.
      Conversely, Greg who was not an eye-witness to the beating death of Kelly thomas knows what happened because his diploma says so.
      Like the character in the “Wizard of Oz” who only wanted a brain, Greg, too, only is a straw man.

      1. I wonder if Greg will reply with the comment; I didn’t say I knew what happended, I meant that because I have a degree in law I know the legal elements of murder and it has yet to be proven in a court of law that and on and on ad infinitum

        1. I’m working on a filing for my allegedly non-existent legal practice today; I’ll have to get back to you, maybe by tonight.

          I’m judging by what I saw in the video. I’ve explained my reasoning elsewhere several times, if you feel like looking.

          I’m being no more elitist than a scientist who says “no, the Earth is not 6000 years old, here’s why.” They get the same rap.

            1. Sure it would be possible. Anyone can try to sue anyone for anything. Just pay the filing fee — the courts could use the money! It just may not last for very long. And then there’s sanctions….

      2. I want to take your comment seriously — more seriously, perhaps, than you do yourself — so someone go keep “Real Liberal” away so he doesn’t get bored.

        Juries decide facts. They don’t decide what the “law” is — they receive jury instructions for that — and that’s left up to judges. Yes, that is a scholarly pursuit, where expertise matters; it should be no more offensive or embarrassing to say that some questions of law should be left to experts than it is to say that some questions of building safety should be left to engineers. Going by mere lay opinion is dangerous.

        The argument here seems to be that because the three later-arriving officers were there while Kelly Thomas was beaten and helped to subdue him physically by holding him down, they can be charged either with murder directly or (so much as I can understand the argument) with felony murder.

        No, that’s not how it works. It’s not that simply. Not knowing the complexity does not make one generally ignorant or the least bit stupid; it just makes one untrained in this particular area.

        None of us here, to my knowledge, were eye-witnesses to the murder; all of us saw it from the same videotape (or at least we had the opportunity to.) Putting aside your childish insults, the notion that something is murder because WE SAY it is murder, without respect to the requirements of the law, is offensive in pretty much the same way that the apparently lawlessness of the police force is offensive.

        I’m sorry if you don’t want to take the discussion seriously, but I do — and I make no apology for that.

        Whether this matches your predicted comment of mine, I leave to you.

        1. Not say it is murder , saw the murder. Three fullerton police officers in full uniform in full view of,the public beat a homeless, disabled man to death.
          There was no “altercation”, “confrontation” “resisting arrest”, what clearly was seen by the public and video recorded was Kelly Thomas murdered by Fullerton police officers.
          Where is “discuss” in those facts?

          1. The three officers in question didn’t beat him at all. They helped to hold him down, but presumably in the belief that the reaction of the officers on the scene legitimately demanded it. With full knowledge, maybe they should have instead taken out a baton and knocked Cicinelli into July 7th, but we don’t want our officers making those judgments on incomplete information.

            I don’t think that you understand the term “resisting arrest.” Yes, Kelly absolutely did resist arrest — for understandable reasons, because it was at best an ill-informed arrest and at worst was pure malicious bullcrap. And yet — you run away from an officer who just tried to knock you down with a baton and you sure are resisting arrest. (You just may have a really good defense to the charge.)

            1. And maybe this is exactly why we shouldn’t be hiring ex-military for police officers. That “presumably in the belief that the reaction of the officers on the scene legitimately demanded it” They don’t think for themselves, or question what they see, they act without full knowledge assuming the other cops are in the right. We now know better, and they should know better moreso than us being as they are on the inside, hearing the laughter, jokes and stories in the locker room. I agree and have said there are good cops, but until they start doing something about the bad ones, honoring Serpico, instead of the fat bad cop on Hill St. they’re no better, none at all. There’s no excuse that’s good enough. Hiring non-military that qualify may help.

  6. He knew how to use three minutes for maximum impact, and he wasn’t reading from a script either. That’s what genuine community interest looks like.

  7. Steve Baxter is a cool guy. Friendly, thoughtful, articulate, and he is blessed with excellent taste in art/music etc. His impassioned speech was spot-on. Go Bax!

  8. Do you really want FPD showing up as a ‘sea of blue’ then the Council is deciding on other city business … Coyote Hills, Water Tax, Budget …

    Of course they’re going to show up when their paycheck is on the line! Frankly, I DON’T want ‘a sea of blue’ in the Council chamber when other city matters are on the line.

    I like that the Council is taking a new direction, I wish all six cops present at Kelly Thomas’ beating would at least be fired, pension and benefits reform has to be made.

    But, I respectfully say, that Baxter is a little off-base. I don’t want them at all the Council meetings; I just want them to do their jobs and not be criminals.

    1. good point, the fullerton PD works for the community.
      If a member of fullerton PD voices opinions at a fullerton city council meeting it should be due to the fact he or she lives in Fullerton’s community.

      what got city of fullerton into trouble is it gave its police force under the leadership of “culture of corruption” police chief McKinley too much control and authority over the city.
      McKinley played bedroom city commando and this resulted into the FPD frequently abusing the civil rights of fullerton’s community.
      my opinion

  9. Well said… This frustration is shared by many bcuz of the lack of visibility by the FPOA president Barry Coffman. A simple statement of sympathy would of sufficed but he only came out when his pay check was in question and a Tommy’s truck was present. If Capt Hughes cared he would of had town hall meetings but all sat on their hands. It’s sad that only the officers lost their jobs and management and their failures were not held responsible!!!!

  10. how is Hampton allowed to go back to work he was one of the murdering thugs.were is the justice a real slap in the face for the thompson family and the citizens of fullerton why did the DA not prosacute this low life also something is really rotten here!


  12. As a rule I’m not against sodomy or sodomites like Mojo, if that’s what they are into, but If Mojo is a cop, or otherwise employed by the City of Fullerton, I would like to assure him that he is already doing what he suggests to every single tax payer in this city … and he is doing so without as much as buying us a drink first. Our New Fullerton will have very little tolerance for selfish lovers Mojo, you may need to accept a life of celibacy once your contract is up.

    1. Bob, really??? You said it, you are not a resident so mind your own business and worry about your own city!!! Moron!

      1. Do you really think this is only about Fullerton?

        Fullerton is only one domino along the line, and you do know what happens when one falls, right?

  13. Sounds like we got a new Ron Thomas, since Ronnie’s, I mean Fred’s 15 minutes of fame is up and nobody cares what Freddy has to say anymore…….The clocks ticking Bax you better hurry up!

  14. “Where were you one year ago? Now that your paychecks are on the line, you show up in droves…”

    SO TRUE and very well spoken Mr. Bax… Gotta watch and listen to that one again.

  15. Baxter statements needed to be said. I hope the FPD from Acting Chief Hughes, to Union President Barry Coffman, to the rank and file police officer listened carefully to Baxter’s words.

    Those words clearly told our police employees to please show the Fullerton public that you care about other important civic issues in Fullerton besides your paycheck.

    I for one, would feel much better about our police if in addition to showing up to support their jobs they had shown up for Coyote Hills or the Skate Park in Indepence Park, etc.

    I also believe providing people with free t-shirts and food to come out to support them at council meetings is money that could have been donated to the boys and girls club, or to one of our homeless shelters or to a battered women’s shelter.

    That would have been impressive.

    1. What would one expect from a UNION MONSTER that has eaten up 80% of the Cities LIFE.

      There is only so much, credit available in the world, About 46 Trillion is used up already (about 5 or 6 Trillion, was recently added by our Union funded Marxcist Dictator). Also the European Unions Labor Union controlled OVERLORD, will use up enough to crash the world economy. WAKE UP!!! GET FULLERTON OUT OF THE AVALANCHE!!

    2. Barry your a moron. You have no business running for city council. You have no idea what your talking about.

    3. BK Barry how do you know what the FPOA donates money to. I believe they donate thousands a year to college scholarships, school programs, sports programs, they help out families at Christmas time , numerous charities including sheltersand I know they helped out several local families when tragic medical issues came up. You need to learn how to look at the facts of things and why not disclose where your money has gone to…………that would be impressive

      1. And I believe they raise funds from suckers that are non-tax deductible and for which they get a stupid decal.

        How about a re-run of that post, admin?

      2. What I want to know is why all the people I knew that were Pro the Recall are appearing to be Pro the Police ..?

    4. Barry, you’re an idiot. If you want to know how much the FPOA donated to the boys and girls club and other organizations just ask them. It’s more than you think.

      1. I wouldn’t even go there if I were you, Kook. Otherwise I may have to republish our post on the fantasy world of Barry Coffman and Joel Swintowski.

  16. I would like to make one additional suggestion to the FPOA. It would be wonderful if instead of spending$40,000 $50,000 or more supporting candidates that will protect your pay and benefits regardless of the dire financial situation in our city, you would spend it the following way.

    Please spend that money on the groups I mentioned above and/or other worthwhile charities and non-profit institutions in our beloved city.

      1. Why the knock on Tony?
        Here’s a guy who actually put up his own money to support his conviction that Fullerton was heading down a perilous path. He didn’t need a blog prompt to put his money to work for others.
        Clearly, Tony’s funding of the recall effort has been a public good that will have long term benefits for all of the residents of Fullerton.
        Those who accuse Tony of trying to buy the election or the city government miss the point.
        Tony bucked up for all of us. He was a critical catalyst for getting more Fullerton residents to pay attention and participate in our city government.
        My family and I are thankful that there are citizens like Tony who know how important it is to keep our government in check, and who are willing to take action when necessary.

        1. cd :
          Why the knock on Tony?
          Here’s a guy who actually put up his own money to support his conviction that Fullerton was heading down a perilous path. He didn’t need a blog prompt to put his money to work for others.
          Clearly, Tony’s funding of the recall effort has been a public good that will have long term benefits for all of the residents of Fullerton.
          Those who accuse Tony of trying to buy the election or the city government miss the point.
          Tony bucked up for all of us. He was a critical catalyst for getting more Fullerton residents to pay attention and participate in our city government.
          My family and I are thankful that there are citizens like Tony who know how important it is to keep our government in check, and who are willing to take action when necessary.

          100% correct

            1. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Green fiat paper or zeros in on a balance sheet. Vip seating under Denver International? Sorry its out of your price range. So in the meantime stand with those who value what really matters. Stand not with those that have lead you to believe what you will someday find out doesn’t matter at all.

    1. You want to tell people how to spend their money. Who do you think you are. You lost my vote and I know other people will want to know about this…….Barry the Dictator!

  17. simmons :
    I agree 100%.
    Now that Kenton Hampton is back in at the FPD, if I were being pulled over by a FPD police officer, I would consider calling 911 and request a non-Fullerton police officer to respond and supervise the stop. You need to be SERIOUS about the call and tell the 911 person you fear for your safety. I would do this with a cell phone even if I was just being questioned by a Fullerton Police and tell the 911 operator you want him/her to listen to the events.
    You have much to support such call: Consider this:
    The FPD proudly allowed Kenton Hampton to return to the FPD so clearly the FPD support Hampton and his actions.
    Hampton has an irrefutable documented history of beating up and arresting innocent citizens and putting them in jail (Veth Mam).
    Additionally, the case went to trial because a FPD officers LIED in their reports alleging that Veth Mam jumped Hampton. THEY LIED PEOPLE, LIED and an innocent man was put through the legal ringer, not because of a mistake but a deliberate LIE.
    Lucky for Veth Mam the entire event was recorded by private video which clearly uncovered the FPD lies. Only AFTER the video was released did the “honorable” FPD admit the truth and claimed to have made a “mistake”. How honorable of them.
    You think what happened to Veth Mam or Kelly Thomas cannot happen to you, you are kidding yourself. Clearly both Kelly and Mam thought the same until it did happen to them. Mam lived to tell the tale, Kelly did not.
    Thus, as long as the FPD shows that they will employe cops like Hampton, if you get stopped (walking or driving) by a Fullerton Police Officer, consider calling 911 and have them listen to and record the stop and have 911 send out an non-FDP third party police unit ASAP to further witness and record the events.
    Tell the FPD officer you have no confidence in the FPD and you are calling 911 for your own safety.
    Otherwise, innocent or not, without video evidence, you might find yourself in jail like Veth Mam, or worse, dead like Kelly Thomas.


  18. Basically what Baxter said is that the blue shirted thugs have no discernable morals or ethics.

    And I wholeheartedly agree.

    IMO if they lived in nazi Germany in 1938 during Kristalnacht the week following that event all would stand before their city representatives and tell them how the local gestapo force coached their sons soccer teams, participated in fund raisers for ophanages, and repaired the homes of old widows on their free time at no charge. They are what one might call ‘fascist enablers’. None of them show up when a 135 lb. schizophrenic man was brutally beaten to death by 6 armed cops. His deathbed photo looked like somebody took a meat cleaver to his face. But no blue shirts at those meetings. Not a single one. But when there is backlash and a threat to replace FPD with OCSD, thereby eliminating some jobs and paychecks – they all came out in force screaming like stuck hogs. Disgusting.

    And your Councilman Greg Sebourn totally caved with his decisive “no” vote for an OCSD bid request and gave the fascist enablers exactly what they wanted.

    Please, burn that into your memories.

  19. Instead of patting good old Bax on the head I see him just like Keger and Witaker extremely mean spirited people with hatred spewing from them. I watch good old Bax 2 weeks ago wearing a blue shirt that he hates with vulgar remarks written on it meant to cause turmoil. I saw him yelling and clapping in the ears of 2 elderly ladies that were watching the council meeting and they had to ask him to quit yelling in their ears. He talked a good game when he wanted attention for his art program and it seemed like he was definitely caring community guy. I see a completly different individual full of hate for government workers that are trying to do a good job and move forward. He is trying along with Witaker, Keger and at time Seabourn to pull and tear this city down. GOOD OLD BAX

    1. It’s been scientifically proven that most people see others as they know themselves to be. Maybe the reason you see them spewing hate is because you know you are? By the way the word hate is overused, way overused. Most may dislike something, but few hate anything.

    2. Vulgar words? Are you freaking kidding me you lying bastard?

      His shirt read: I <3 FPD, when they're not acting like thugs.

      Hardly vulgar you ninny.

    3. I’m not sure if this comment should be classified as ludicrous or asinine. Well, how about both. I was there with Mr. Bax, and he most definitely was not yelling at any elderly ladies. “hate for government workers” yeah, right.

  20. If not for that video Veth Mam most certainly would have been convicted for assault on a police officer, as the jury always takes the cop’s word as golden. Veth would have been unjustly incarcerated and no doubt fined heavily. How many other innocents didn’t have the luxury of a video tape proving the cop’s testimony was false? Very few. Think of all the innocent victims who had their lives ruined by cops giving false testimony. And even when the cops are caught dead to rights giving false testimony and trying to convict an innocent man, nothing happens to them. Wow! What kind of a society have we turned into???

    When good citizens see this type of thing and go to jury duty many will look upon the cop’s testimony with a jaundiced eye and give the benefit of the doubt to the defendant, if there is any question w/regard to credibility. If it was a 50/50 split, with what I’ve seen in the last few years, I would most likely side with the defendant!!! Sad but true!!!

  21. 1. For the record I have never filed for bankruptcy.

    2. I have a MBA with Honors from Boston University. My background is mainly in auditing and accounting.

    3. I own my own home and it is worth more than I paid for it.

    4. I am not a lawyer.

    Anonymous and the Knack are just spreading lies about my finances. They are very disingenuous. All the readers of this blog can not trust a word they say. I find that very unfortunate for them.

    1. Barry, I saw you speak at the last meeting. I was impressed. You did a fine job. And I think that you are a very suitable candidate for a council seat.

      It is very very wrong for those other posters to falsify facts about you on-line. IMO they should be banned from FFFF for doing so, especially since you post under your true name and are running for a council seat.

      Best of luck to you in the council election, Barry. I think you should be one of the top contenders.

    2. Barry I really don’t care about your finances. I don’t believe you should be a city council member because you make statements without knowing any facts. I don’t want anyone representing my city who makes decisions or opens their mouth and makes statements without knowing the facts. We have enought of those kind of people on the city council already. Your college degree does not impress me, it just means your a good test taker and probably means you have no common sense.

  22. Imagine if Veth has an ‘assault on an officer’ conviction and tried to find a job. 95% of employers would reject him immediately.

    Yet if cops are proven to have given false testimony in a court of law to convict an innocent man AND participated in a group melee that resulted into the beating death of a defenseless man – the cops are allowed to retain their six figure jobs.

    What the hell has gone wrong in this society??

  23. Bax has the gift of being able to speak volumes in a very short amount of time. He addressed things that needed to be said and he did an excellent job doing so. As always, he shows intelligence and passion. He does so with grace, dignity and style. Having been around him numerous times, I can confirm he is like this whether in front of one hundred people or just one.

    Thank you, Bax. For all you do, for your compassion, for stepping for others (and doing so without seeking glory or fame), for everything you stand for and everything you are, thank you!!

  24. 8/12 Transient Problem – A park ranger says transients have set up camp along the trails on 1700 N. Harbor Blvd. at 12:44 p.m.

    8/14 Transient Problem – A caller told police the transients are being slow about leaving 201 S. Basque this morning at 9:17 a.m.

    8/16 Transient Problem – A city worker says transients are sleeping on the stage at 125 E. Wilshire Avenue at 6:55 a.m. He needs them moved along so he can clean the Plaza.

    8/17 Transient Problem – A caller says four transients are sleeping between the church and the school at the First Christian Church at 7:12 a.m. The caller is concerned because parents will soon be dropping kids off for pre-school.

    8/17 Transient Problem – A caller wants an officer to move nine transients who set up camp behind the parking garage at the pre-school on 109 E. Wilshire Avenue at 9:50 a.m.

    8/18 Transient Problem – A caller from the Hunt Branch Library says children are scheduled to arrive for a Summer Reading Program between 1 and 4 p.m., and would like the homeless people there to move to the patio area before hand.


    1. Homeless problems rose chiefly due to the over 50 bars and watering holes in Fullerton. People who drink and are a bit high are good for tapping for a few bucks for food.
      I live in a nearby community and if you divide the population of Fullerton by the population of my city you get almost exactly 3-1. Yet the homeless problems are far, far less than Fullerton. Like 1/20 of Fullerton. So what this says is those councilmembers like Pat McPension, Blankhead, and Jan Flory who voted for the expansion of these watering holes are now a problem all of Fullerton is stuck with. How to fix? Look to Anaheiim, they have a huge bed tax. How about a tax on alcohol at the watering holes of 10% extra! Use that money for bringing in specially trained personnel, build a home for all the homeless over near another city but within Fullerton city limits and have it staffed with people who know how to deal with homeless. In that manner, you can sweep the homeless up and bring them to the homeless shelter.
      The homeless problem is here to stay until Fullerton decides to reduce the number of watering holes substantially!

      1. Totally, one-thousand percent agree. The home is a nice idea, but unless they are ordered to stay there and not mull around, I personally don’t feel it will solve any problems.

      2. You have no statistics stating that bars are causing problems of homelessness. Bar owners don’t like transients hanging around their spot. Why would Kelly’s Army be giving so much shit to Slidebar for a phone call?

        Bars MIGHT be a factor, but an increase on taxes is collective punishment for those business owners, and the people they employ. The cost is then passed along to the consumer, which diminishes commerce. Google: the laffer curve.

        Another factor might be that Fullerton is located next to two freeways and has a train station and bus hub in the middle of it. We’re a transportation hub, and homeless people are known to drift. If we want to create random taxes why don’t we tax all Californians because homeless people like to panhandle at freeway off-ramps? Because it’s stupid. That’s why.

        1. Aha Alex, Tuco knows the Laffer Curve because he was an economics major in college! And my idea is to move the homeless to an area out of the city center including transportation hubs to a real shelter with people to help them. In addition, the tax is directly on all establishments that help increase the homeless and bars are good for that. Thirdly, I gave the example of the Anaheim bed tax (18%) and its use to solve problems in Anaheim – its half the city budget.
          In return, you just provided absolutely no ideas as to how to solve the Fullerton homeless problem created by 51 watering holes other than to say Fullerton is a transportation hub.
          How about some constructive ideas?

          1. I’m stating that you might not have all the factors of why homelessness is a big issue in Fullerton. Being a transportation hub is an additional factor. I’m sure that there are others.

            A real solution would be a finding a way to stop these people from being homeless entirely. It’s a complex issue, and I don’t claim to have the answers. Nor do I believe that one person could solve this problem. I do believe however that this issue must be handled voluntarily through organizations like KTMF, rather than using FORCE through government. Put the work in yourself, rather than saying local businesses should foot the bill.

            I have given food and money to homeless individuals who I believe deserve the help. Zeek Levine can attest to that. He slept on the streets alongside Kelly Thomas.

    2. being homeless is not a crime. so they are reporting BS and should be arrested, beaten by Hampton and jailed till they are murdered or commit suicide.

  25. J-Law :Bax, your a derelict and are going to f-up sooner or later and we’ll be there when you do.

    Seems to me that the boys in blue already f***ed up, and we are already here.

      1. Keep thinking what. Did you make an obvious threat on this blog? Sure looks to me like you did.

        Attention shit head: That’s illegal and a felony in the state of California. Enjoy prison you loathsome pig.

        1. Thanks J-Law that tells me that we are winning. I live at 917 N. Ford Ave near Highland and Valley View. You know my name and you know what I look like. You also carry a gun, I don’t. Yet strangely you do not worry me. Care to share your address and name? I may mess up one day, most people do, but I’m not a coward or a defender of colleagues who murdered an unarmed mentally ill homeless man. You are about as insignificant as anyone with a beating heart can be and I promise you that I get better threats than that on on any 2nd Tuesday of the month. I’m more worried if my salad fork will be chilled than I am of you. BTW – I wrote a positive piece on the police which is currently the cover story of this months Observer, take it all in my brother. Peace.

          1. Thanks for the info. Like I said, just promising to my job, within the law, no threat. Your what we call job security.

            1. You’re means you are. Your means your.

              You’re harassing Mr. Baxter using color of authority. I hope he sues your ass.

            1. Are all college grads contributing members of society? No.. Are some, even many homeless persons also college grads? Yes,

          1. JLaw some of your brethren officers in a city not far from Fullerton decided to stare at Ron Thomas and park their cars close to his home. He complained to the city council and it was taken care of. Too bad you do not work in that city as they were told, keep it up and you are GONE! See not all cities are sieves of personal responsibility like Fullerton. Real people do care about how the police officers of their city act and work. If you do not toe the line you are out, gone. Retired if you are close enough in age, but strong reprimand and then go try to get another job in southern california!
            FPD needs a boss and a city council who believe people first and recalcitrant individuals last!

              1. Oh, you can get a job being a stupid, annoying, threatening asshole? Social welfare for morons, whatever your job is.

        2. There have been many threats on here many times against the cops. Death threats. Threats of harm. It’s ok to do it to the cops but not ok for the whacko FFFFrs or Army to get them?

          Suck it up. Everyone is fair game. Don’t be a pussy and get your balls hurt because someone threatens to take you down. It happens to me all the time on here. I say bring it. Let’s play ball.

          1. There have not. The threats on this site all come from anonymous cop trolls. Like you.

            Well, I guess you’re not anonymous O’Malley.

                1. I told you. I have 2 peeces of paper from college. Neither say GED. I could wipe my azz with em. They get me 8% per month bonus from the taxpayers. Pays for my donuts each day. Big deal.

        1. Amen to that Reality Is. I’m on that same gravy train. I think all my incentives total up to about an extra 12%

  26. I did not vote for Barry when he ran last time, I supported Matt Rowe, and the only one I know for sure that I’m voting for this time around is Jane Rands, but having said that, I want to state that Barry Levinson’s involvement in seeking justice for Kelly Thomas is real and from the heart. A little over a month ago, KCET, our local PBS station, after hearing about the art show we put on “Art With An Agenda, The Life & Murder of Kelly Thomas” asked that I bring political cross section from Fullerton together, with several of the artist, to discuss the Thomas case and the role of art in political activism. Not everyone I invited could make it, or wanted to participate, but I did my best to invite folks from all over the community. I invited Dan Hughes, I invited retired cops, I invited Jan Flory, I invited Kelly Thomas protesters, I invited Barry, I invited Chris Thompson, I invited Matt Rowe, I invited a local Reverend Darrell McGowan who works with the homeless, I invited members of the mental health task force, I invited Rick Alvarez, I invited Larry Bennett who said he did not see any positive in participating and declined), I invited Rusty Kennedy and many many others. We taped for 2 hours but as it is with TV only 16 minutes of it will be broadcast. Unfortunately one of the best moments of the taping did not make the final cut. It was when Barry was talking about how as a father he was greatly affected by what happened to Kelly. Barry emotionally explained how as a father he could relate to what Ron Thomas was going through knowing that his son had cried out to him during his final moments and that it this happend to him it would tear him apart. . It was truly a beautiful and sincere moment. I am very cynical by nature, but there was nothing beguiling about his response. I am undecided on who the other two candidate I am voting for will be but, I will never doubt that Barry’s envelopment in this issue and his run for council comes from a deep believe that a great injustice was committed to Kelly Thomas and that he believes he can reform the police and be a positive influence on our community.I respect Barry and I respect all, even if I disagree with them on other issues, who are putting themselves on the line to get justice for someone I knew personally and someone whom I liked very much … Kelly Thomas. @ the one hit wonder, aka the Knack, I did none of those things and my shirt simply had the words “when they don’t act like thugs” added to the bottom of “I love Fullerton Police”. If you find that vulgar, you are the one with issues, not me. As for my 15 minutes, if that’s what this is, believe me when I tell you they are overrated. Ron Thomas would prefer to have his son back, and I want this to be over more than you do. My life goes back to normal the day Joe Wolfe is charged with murder, the other 3 thugs are fired, and Kelly’s name is cleared by our police department. If you want me to go away, help me to accomplish these things and I will be more than happy to vanish from the political scene and spend time with my friends and family. I thank Tony for posting this, and all the comments, both good and bad. Justice 4 Kelly!

    1. Mr. Baxter, I found your endorsement of Jane Rands curious. I watched her speak last meeting. She seemed sincere and intelligent. I don’t know her position on all the issues well enough to form an opinion. But I noticed that she acted real cozy with Mayor Quirk from the podium and that bothered me. It appeared that they are good friends. Quirk speaks with a forked tongue and cannot be trusted. One meeting she shed big crocodile tears for Kelly from the dais and at the next meeting she attacked fellow council members who shined the light of truth on your corrupted police department and the dirty union that supports it. The willingness to form a bond with such a devious and hypocritical politician is not a virtue IMO. It’s a negative. Perhaps someone could explain why Rands appeared so palsey-walsey with Quirk?

  27. JustUs, all I can tell you is that I’ve known Jane for a very long time, and if Jane and I were both ruining for the same seat I would vote for her over me. She is all the things I like about myself and none of the things I don’t. She is informed, she understands policy, she is fearless, and she has a heart of gold. Jane was at the protest a week before I was. Jane is thoughtful, and brilliantly smart. I would take a bullet for her, I’m serious. Regarding Quirk I don’t know what their relationships is, but I did not see Quirk endorse Jane when she ran last time, neither did the Democratic party, which I suspect should put your mind at ease. All who show up for the same functions in town are somewhat cordial with each other, I am cordial to Sharon Quirk too, but if she were to run for council again I would not vote for her. On the issue of voting. I must say, I loved Kiger’s cross of Gennaco. He got a draft the night before of the report and he clearly had studied it overnight. I’m not sure if anyone else even read it. I found him, someone who has only been in office a few months, to be very impressive. It was the responses to Travis’ questions which made the news that night, not in the watered down info in the 53 pages of the report. I want to preserve all of Coyote Hills, that issue matters to me a great deal, but we also need someone who will questions power the way Travis did, and once I get a chance to speak to him about a few other issues I suspect that I will vote for Travis this time around despite the fact that we are about as politically opposite on many issues as two people can be. If I can’t find 3 candidates that agree with me on most polices and have the stones to fight for meaning fur police reform , I will vote for those who have the stones.

  28. Our Bax Baxter is a hero to this community. He is an iconoclast, for sure, but he speaks the truth. The negative comments above are not warranted, and should be dismissed. We need more people like Bax, who will speak up when wrong is done, and mobilize the residents to act when action is needed. I am fully behind Bax in his endeavors, and question the people who can not, or will not, see that he is acting for the good of the community we call Home. Bravo, Stephen! keep up the fight.

  29. Baxter commented about the boys showing up in blue a year later…

    Ron Thomas did the same thing only it was more like ten years later.

    Baxter said that the boys were now showing up because of their paychecks…

    Ron Thomas is now showing up because of a paycheck.

    What is the difference?

    Ron Thomas wants to cash in a paycheck on the face of his dead son.

    Baxter seems sincere about what he said but he needs to turn it around and start where it began. With Ron Thomas because he wants something for nothing.

    At least the boys in blue are working for their $$.

    Ron Thomas is prostituting Kelly for his $$$$.

    1. you can play the daddy card all you want.
      truth is 6 dirty pigs killed a man, and said nothing.
      To hell with ron its about the man whos dead because some dumb pigs who were out for blood.

    1. thanks…. a formal apology from the department as a whole would be theraputic for the complacency (at the least) that pervaded the department.

  30. Kelly’s Army could use more intelligence and passion like Baxter displaYED.

    LOL @ some cop or cop apologist telling him to watch his back. I bet 2/3rd’s of the force are hoping the crimes of their colleagues and ex-colleagues go punished so they no longer have to be the laughingstock of CA and the other 1/3rd are figuring out how they can turn their DAR’s off while they illegally harass citizens.

    If any of thugs who want to limit anti-cop sentiments had any real power over it don’t you think they would have arrested the writers of this blog and members of Kelly’s Army on trumped up charges? They are afraid of anyone with a degree and the money to sue their asses.

    1. That’s right. I have had several Fullerton Police officers tell me that what Marlena, Ricky and Shelly and others in particular are dong, balls out activism, rather than my minimal attention garbing stuff, is appreciated. They want a better department, one they can be proud of, as much or more than the rest of us. Unfortunately these officers they are the minority. I’ve received a lot of positive attention for my 3 minutes, but I’ve spoken at council 20 other times were I was inarticulate and stammering. I’m thankful Tony has not posted those. There are others in this movement who deserve much more of the credit, including the three I mentioned above. Anyway thanks, I’m bowing out, as I am now just typing for the sake of typing.

  31. If you don’t like Ron, think of Kelly’s younger sister. Like so many others who get struck down by the disease Kelly was not diagnosed with schizophrenia until his early 20’s. He had a normal childhood. He was a protective older brother to Tina, he had girlfriends, he played sports. He was a good guy, and he did not deserve this. I will let others judge Ron, that is not important to me, what matters is that we get Ron’s son justice. Here is Kelly’s sister Tina. If you don’t feel for her you have a heart of stone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9cdKXPBO1E&feature=plcp

    1. Dont forget the consequential and undocumented victims of FPD and the many other Government Depts, and those that were intimidated to not be humans (THAT IS DOCUMENTED).

  32. Rea..lity Is…. :
    I told you. I have 2 pieces of paper from college. Neither say GED. I could wipe my azz with em. They get me 8% per month bonus from the taxpayers. Pays for my donuts each day. Big deal.

    2 pieces of paper? Yeah, right. I think in the dim light of your little room your smog check certificate and elementary school attendance ribbon look like academic degrees.

    Lol! Hahahaha!

  33. Do you notice that all these cop apologists always want to look FORWARD and never BACKWARD? Politicians like Chafee don’t want to hold violators accountable. They emphasize more training and rules. But even if rules are BROKEN their answer is more TRAINING! Shit, as if a cop turning off a DAR when he arrives at a call is going to be remedied by sending him to a 4 hour class to relearn something with our taxdollars that he was already taught 3 times!!! That cop needs to be at minimum suspended without pay for 30 days. Not sent to remedial training! But that is the designed scam. And the union’s water boys like Chafee enable them to do it.

    Did you watch Chafee try to cut Travis off in the middle of his questioning of Gennaco and try to direct the movement of the discussion to what has been accomplished rather than the violations that were committed??

    Typical water boy.

  34. Way to stand up to thuggish minded bullies Steve. It’s sad that we have cops like J-Law out there making 75K+ a year to threaten people, while teachers are making half that while they try to ensure kids know the difference between “your” and “you’re,” that might does not equal right, and that only weak minded individuals accept authority blindly.

    1. No pass for the teachers either. The average one makes $75k a year for 9 months work. Plus, they get big taxpayer funded pensions at retirement too. They are just as selfish as the cops are. As soon as there is a threat to cut their pay or lay them off (like millions of private sector workers got laid off) they gather up their children and use them as puppet to carry signs in protest. That’s just as despicable as what the cops do. Using children for political purposes is about as low as it gets.

      1. Just Us:
        Sorry but this is the first time i have to totally disagree with you. The max pay for teachers at most urban districts is 80K, the average is not 75k for 9 months work. Most districts now are off 2 months during the summer and teachers go to training sessions that have stipends as low as $20 an hour. Any extra duty is paid at the ENTRY rate for teachers which is around $40 an hour.
        I have a son who is an excellent English teacher in a continuation school with hard core kids grades 9 – 12. He gets under 50K and is in his 7th year.
        A huge number of teachers have been laid off due to the budget cuts of the past 4 years. Class sizes are over 35 -1 and reach 40-1.

        1. You’re wrong, Tuco. And I can prove it.

          I actually low-balled it. In Orange County the average public school teacher makes nearly $78,000 for 9 months work.


          And the public school education in OC is dismal. The good kids have to compete with the gang bangers and the illegals for the school’s resouces. I pity the parents who cannot afford to put their kids in private schools.

          Ca public school teachers are WAY overpaid.

          1. I looked it up and thanks for the view of the Orange County teachers pay. What it says is CERTIFICATED which is not just regular classroom teachers. It includes those districts who pay for speech and language, it includes the Orange County Office of Ed teachers who receive one month vacation per year as they have the Severely Handicapped students and have higher pay, it includes curriculum specialists, trainers (unless outsourced), and all those at the district admin offices who are coordinators like in LA Unified. Quasi Administrative positions. The specific salary levels would be lower, but the teachers who earn less and have less seniority were the ones laid off thanks to union rules, state education department rules and the state courts that uphold this.
            Its terrible that layoffs hit the lower seniority teachers since many have received the latest training @ the various teacher ed colleges yet are the first to be dumped. However, lets look at FPD for a second. If there were cutbacks by the city of Fullerton, the least seniority officers in each area would be the first dumped after they of course would offer some early retirement package to the longer service officers. What a system!

            1. There were few, if any, teacher layoffs in OC, Tuco. There were lots of threats of layoffs. But none materialized. You know how they play the game, don’t you?

              If you looked up the material – then link it. Don’t tell us what you saw. We need a proof source to substantiate your claim.

              I totally agree that cops are overpaid. You are singing to the choir on that one.

              There are way too many incompetent teachers and cops. If they could be fired like private sector workers then higher pay might be in order. But the laziest and most incompetent teachers and/or cops are allowed to keep their jobs. That’s why you are seeing so many problems on the streets and in the classrooms. Incompetent employees can’t be fired. And all of them know it. They mock the system!!!

    1. I wanted to let you know R.I. You have informed me to never call the FPD if you need HELP, or for that matter any LEO. Thank You.

  35. Reality, let’s be real for a sec. Most cops start at about 50K, less in poorer cities. You are not making 100K without 20+ years on the force or a college degree. I seriously doubt J-Law has either.

    1. Yes. 50-70k start. But remember police work has overtime no matter what. No way to avoid it. Staffing levels are mandatory. So sick coverage, homicides, babysitting, court, court on call, etc. 100k is probably the average for cops even new ones.

  36. I don’t give cops crap and vice-versa. They know better than to mess with people who can afford lawyers.

    1. Brandon. Cops could care less about attorneys. People always threaten to sue. It’s normal. Cops have attorneys too. Attorneys are just humans that lie and cheat too. Just like civilians. Just like some cops. Humans.


      1. But cops are scared crapless of the feebies and the feebies are going to drop the hammer on FPD. They are just waiting for the most opportune time. No doubt they already have the goods on them by now. I suspect the indictments are already in final draft and ready for presentation in Santa Ana.

        1. True to a point. No cop wants the Feds on them. Whe n it happens it’s usually too late. They are screwed. However if you ask every cop about the Feds they will say they have beer heard or seen one in their entire careers. Fullerton pigs would say the same thing. Now Cici and Ramos might have some Fed attention but other than that the Feds skipped town quickly.

          1. “Now Cici and Ramos might have some Fed attention but other than that the Feds skipped town quickly”

            You’re crazy, Reality. Just based on what we heard from Gennaco there is evidence of significant civil rights abuse @ FPD over and above the Thomas case. No possible way the feebies walk away after all that’s been revealed. When the feebies invite themselves in they don’t just investigate one case. They look for a pattern of abuse. And when they find it it’s like throwing pieces of red bloody meat into a shark pool. If you think the feebies are only going to go after Ramos and Cicinelli I’ve got some oceanfront property in AZ for ya!!!

            1. You got this one right JustUs. They split along time ago. They saw and heard all the evidence and from what I heard left Fullerton laughing. They were really only here for P.R. reasons.

              1. That’s wishful thinking, J-Law.

                FPD’s ass is grass. And the feebies are the lawn mower.

                FPD federal indictments will make the feebies look like heroes.

                I would not be at all surprised for some of FPD’s brass to be discussed behind the closed doors of the grand jury. I don’t think the feebies will only focus on the street cops. The feebies specialize in getting insiders to roll over to catch the big fish.

                If the feebies left town it’s only to find some bigger hooks. 😀


  38. JustUs :
    No pass for the teachers either. The average one makes $75k a year for 9 months work. Plus, they get big taxpayer funded pensions at retirement too. They are just as selfish as the cops are. As soon as there is a threat to cut their pay or lay them off (like millions of private sector workers got laid off) they gather up their children and use them as puppet to carry signs in protest. That’s just as despicable as what the cops do. Using children for political purposes is about as low as it gets.


  39. I really hope none of the “trolls” posting nasty evil comments here sincerely believe they are anonymous. Its going to be a big surprise when you are exposed and the general public reads what was published along with your occupation; ie cop, CITY COUNSEL REPRESENTIVE or anyother person feeding at the public sector trough. *note to self, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t toss rocks at voting taxpayers.

  40. I agree Tuco. That article, if you can believe anything the OC register says to begin with, was citing teachers from Laguna Beach, not exactly representative of your typical city. Teachers don’t get paid if they work OT like cops, they don’t get as many pay increases, and they sure as hell do not retire at 90% of their wages like cops do. Plus no teacher works 9 months. Most get off in mid June and go back in early to mid August. So it’s more like 10 to 10 1/2 months. ALL full time teachers have at least a Bachelors, many have Master’s Degree. What percentage of cops have a 4 year plus degree? Maybe 25% or so? Why anyone would compare the salaries of cops and teachers seems ludicrous to me.

    1. “Most get off in mid June and go back in early to mid August. So it’s more like 10 to 10 1/2 months”

      No. That’s wrong. If you add in all their vacation time, holidays, Christmas break, spring break, etc.. it’s probably less than 9 months of actual work time.

      The OC Register is actually biased in favor of teachers so it would not inflate their salaries. The $78k average is no doubt very true. And that’s for 9 months work. Annualized that’s over $100k for the average teacher. And many have separate jobs over summer break too.

      I think teachers should get paid based on the performance of their students. I have no problem paying a good teacher $78,000. But the lousy ones (and there are many) should get low pay or fired. And they should have to work to 67 just like those in the private sector paying into social security. Letting them retire as early as 55 with pensions is ridiculous. A college degree should provide no guarantee of a high salary. Performance should determine the pay scale, whether you are a cop or a teacher. Too many lousy teachers are kept on staff. They even have a hard time firing teachers who have molested students in California. The system is out of control.

      1. The OC Register is biased in favor of teachers? I just lost my respect for you JustUS. No way is that true. OC Register has always been against teacher unions, against raising property taxes which is 1/4 of school revenues, and only asks for money in general for K-14 education (yes the junior college system is included). Jr. College salaries are quite a bit higher than elementary and high school and may be where the 78k AVERAGE came from. However, K-12 education in Orange County does NOT average 78K and its less in most of the rest of the state. Go out to the Newport Mesa school district site and you will see 78 is way high on the scale which would mean that most teachers are near or at the top of the salary scale. It could be since they have fired all the beginning teachers due to cutbacks!
        Get your facts right. Go out and ask the State Ed Dept what the average salary of a K-12 teacher is, not including Junior college teachers. You will not find 78k anywhere close.

        1. Have you ever read the articles by Martindale or Leal prior to ballot measures that impact school budgets, Tuco??? Talk about tear jerkers! There are pictures of little children on the front page crying while holding protest signs. It’s some of the finest propoganda I have witnessed in my lifetime. Obviously you are not reading the same OC Register that I am. The OC Register is VERY pro-teacher and teacher’s union. Read the featured past articles in 2009, 2010 and 2011 when there were threats of big teacher cuts (which NEVER materialize) or pay cuts (that NEVER happen). The OC Register can ALWAYS be counted on to play the violin for the public school teachers. Always!

          And NO. The average salary was for K-12 public school teachers in OC. Jr. college salaries had nothing to do with it. Read the article!

          You are denying reality, Tuco. I gave you the proof in black and white. Don’t blame me for being the messenger. And don’t blame me for your denial either!

  41. RI: Most cops do not mess with people who are not committing crimes anyways. Maybe those who do are not scared of attorneys, but if that’s the case, why do they always seem to “overlook” white collar crimes and seek out minorities?

    1. Because people call the cops and 911 for crimes in progress so the cops respond and jack up the people committing the crimes which are now a majority of minorities? People don’t call 911 on white collar crimes. If you run stats on all gang calls, shots calls, and most other in progress crimses, a large part will involve descriptions and names related to minorities.

  42. Mr Baxter has spoken truth with passion. The sea of blue spoke obsession with delusion. I didn’t need a slop truck and a lame ass shirt to get me to the mic or me and my kids out there holding up signs speaking out against a brutal murder by agents of the state. Mr Baxter is far from alone in his sentiments and November will clearly show that Fullerton is not for sale.

  43. I won’t argue that minorities committ a disproportionate number of crimes that get reported. Still think they fear anyone who can afford a good lawyer or has any clout in the city though.

  44. Perhaps giving the remaining three PD officers desk jobs is punishment enough. They might rather be out “helping ” the public, if you catch my drift.

  45. Brandon :
    I won’t argue that minorities committ a disproportionate number of crimes that get reported. Still think they fear anyone who can afford a good lawyer or has any clout in the city though.

    With the internet almost anybody has some influence on the many depts and Politicians, (HI TRAVIS, HI City Slackers)

  46. Rea..lity Is…. :
    Because people call the cops and 911 for crimes in progress so the cops respond and jack up the people committing the crimes which are now a majority of minorities? People don’t call 911 on white collar crimes. If you run stats on all gang calls, shots calls, and most other in progress crimses, a large part will involve descriptions and names related to minorities.

    Racism has a lot to do with the stats that come up.

  47. I agree to an extent Anonymous. But unless you have the money to pay a good lawyer, the power of writing to your local politicians will not get you very far.

  48. RI: Although we may not agree on certain things, I have to say you are more intelligent and more open to hearing the other side than most cops/cop supporters.

  49. Brandon :
    I agree to an extent Anonymous. But unless you have the money to pay a good lawyer, the power of writing to your local politicians will not get you very far.

    Yeah but they cant mess with you like the old days, especially with the alarms that will go off when News and Media hears Fullerton, California.

    1. RI can BS all the way to the way to the Devil, but in reality, those at FPD and the DA. let the Video and Audio out, that didnt have to be.

      “That was the disturbing piece of film ever. I cannot watch this ever again. Ron Thomas and the rest of the Thomas family well, where do you start? I know now more than ever what drives this poor man on his quest for justice. It has moved me even more now. Wolfe the murdering cop thug runs free amongst us and that scares the shit outta me an it should everyone else too. Chief Hugh’s should be let go immediately. The fact that he nor Baghdad Bob, otherwise known as Goodrich did not hold a press conference after seeing this, what, 400 times, is disgusting and proves once again we have more of the same. The fact a recommendation has not been put across for the removal of Wolfe and his name as a FPD is reprehensible. We will never forget the names of all these liars, murders and cheats involved in this. This will be forever etched in stone on the city of Fullerton.”

  50. Brandon :
    I agree to an extent Anonymous. But unless you have the money to pay a good lawyer, the power of writing to your local politicians will not get you very far.

    Even the craziest person in Fullerton can put a picture online that changes the World. (Ref to KT pic)

  51. When I see all these FPD trolls on this site trying to crap on Ron Thomas for his “neglect” of Kelly the schizo, I finally stopped to wonder why? They do not want him to collect any large award since that will restart the entire controversy and investigation. Its really an economic issue. No more water tax to rely on. Belt tightening and then a huge award? Wow what damage that could do to the FPD budget requests.
    So I understand their concerns but economics over facts? Economics over coverups? Economics over honesty? Economics over internal problems? Economics over ethics? Wow! I am still waiting for the one whistleblower to come forward to the Feds! Remember, you are covered under federal law and can receive a substantial sum of money! I am still waiting FPD members! I heard that most of FPD are honest, hard working guys. Prove it!

    1. Tuco, they are delusional like greedy little children that want their lolly.

      Actually the investigation will end with a settlement. Which is why there should be a civil trial prior to any settlement.

  52. The truth hurts, doesn’t it FPD. This is EXACTLY what needed to be said and must be said again and again until justice is done.

    Local hero is right.

  53. Oh gosh…Baxter’s speech was GREAT!! And, he definitely got the number on a couple ones before him by restating about the “60 hour work schedule”…way to go Baxter!

    Now to speak to a few of the comments before me…
    #2 by Simmons; Totally agree…100%
    #52 by CD…Wholly agree!
    #63 by the Knack…I was there when Baxter was writing “When they’re not acting like Thugs”…Vulgar, you say…YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR!!
    #79 by Sherbear and #80 Anonymous (non troll)…I couldn’t agree more
    #114 by Anonymous II and #115 by Rea..lityIs…. BOTH OF WHAT YOU SAID, IS SICK!!!
    #133 by JustUs…Yes, and Chaffee is a disgrace!
    #173 by Annonymous (Non Troll)… Oh yes…I agree
    “That was the disturbing piece of film ever. I cannot watch this ever again. Ron Thomas and the rest of the Thomas family well, where do you start? I know now more than ever what drives this poor man on his quest for justice. It has moved me even more now. Wolfe the murdering cop thug runs free amongst us and that scares the shit outta me an it should everyone else too. Chief Hugh’s should be let go immediately. The fact that he nor Baghdad Bob, otherwise known as Goodrich did not hold a press conference after seeing this, what, 400 times, is disgusting and proves once again we have more of the same. The fact a recommendation has not been put across for the removal of Wolfe and his name as a FPD is reprehensible. We will never forget the names of all these liars, murders and cheats involved in this. This will be forever etched in stone on the city of Fullerton.”

  54. Mr. kelly Thomas was a human being, PERIOD.
    nothing more needs to be said.

    Lying, falsifying, fabricating — unionized, overtime-abusing, drugged-up dirty cop terrorists with “police powers.” EXterminate like cockroaches. and Quickly. 2012- 8/24/ Fri.

    p.s. arm Yourselves taxpaying Suckers.

  55. BRAVO. It’s important to note that while Baxter references Thomas specifically, that there are MANY just like him living on the edge of this community. It’s NOT about us supporting or wearing bracelets of T-shirts extoling the police department, the issue is making it clear that they are there for EVERYONE regardless of bank account or influence.
    So bravo to Baxter! What a refreshing and pointed statement, and yes, We’ve got your six!

    Please see my blog about another issue that came up yesterday in Aliso Viejo. But again, it’s about Veterans –a group that desperately needs assistance in communities everywhere as they transition from battleground to civilian life.
    Coming home might not be easy, but it shouldn’t be the same hell as war.

  56. Mr. Anonymous :Bax is what a principled progressive ought to be: a man of the people.
    You on the other hand are a pompous, self-aggrandizing fraud, posing as a progressive.
    For the sake of progressives in Fullerton and everywhere, learn when the hell to shut up. Which would be usually.

    Bax and principle-hardly- the two have never met.

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