More Mayhem In Doc Heehaw’s Crazy Wild West Show!!

Last fall anti-recallers wanted folks to believe that everything in Fullerton’s great and it was just a wholesome family town. Of course the facts are that City Councilmembers Bankhead, Jones and McKinley have turned downtown Fullerton into an all night free for all of drugged-up, boozing, fighting, defecating thugs from who knows where. And of course an out-of-control gang of badged thugs was deployed to try to keep the other thugs in line.
All of this is just a long preamble to advertise the fact that another shooting took place in Downtown Fullerton early this morning, in the parking structure in the 100 block of east Wilshire Avenue.
Who benefits from this mayhem besides the liquor peddlers? Ask Bankhead or Jones or McKinley next time you see them.
Everything’s fine, move right along. Nothing to see here. Have another round…
I suggest that with this GIANT CESSPOOL MAGNET pointing north by northeast and west by north west that we Fullerton residents be prepared to defend ourselves against the element that is being drawn to downtown.
–continued–just in case some of the patron saints of the architects of these fine establishments lose their bearings as a result of too many energy drink-alcohol molotoff cocktails and ends up in your living room at 2am. You have been warned.
Again with “…taken to UCI…”. Can anyone explain why, when St Jude was a mile and a half away, straight up Harbor? I realize this is off topic but after reading the article, I sense yet another scam here. I mentioned this before when I was in the hospital a few months ago and the same ambulance co showed up, determined to take me to UCI even though I and my daughter insisted I be taken to St Jude. I was taken to St Jude finally but after multiple failed attempts to coerce me into going to St Jude. So what gives?
Usually with gunshot victims or anything of that magnitude they are taken to UCI. St Jude does not have a Trauma Unit, therefore they do not mess with Trauma victims. Dont know why, that’s just what I’ve been told.
UCI and Western are the last 2 standing in North OC-pretty scary if you ever need major medical help. Better hope there is no traffic when your number comes up.
Thank you for your expertise, Randy….
Please, do tell us some more. We always appreciate feedback from experienced cop trolls like yourself.
BTW, how’s the family? Your children?
No trauma team on stand by for to fix my dealers
1. As John Doe (and I so detest agreeing with him/her/it) noted, UCI is a designated trauma receiving center; gunshot wounds, moderate-to-critical traffic collision injuries, other moderate-to-critical injuries – usually go there.
2. Maybe (and this is tongue-in-cheek here) the paramedics thought you had no insurance? UCI is also used for those deemed “indigent” (no insurance) – it’s kind of O.C.’s version of L.A.’s General Hospital.
3. Tuesday’s council meeting Public Comments segment should be interesting; it’s the only thing I give up NCIS for 🙂
You detest me..haha, thats funny. Dont hate, I even like peaches.
I also think it is possible that if the injuries were not life threatening and he did not have insurance, they would take him to county hospital , is UCI considered a county hospital? i am not sure on this….
sorry to repeat…I missed peaches’ post. 😉
UCI medical center used to be Orange County Hospital. The dean of the new UCI medical school, Stanley Van den Noort, convinced OC Supervisor Ralpoh Deidrich that the hospital should be sold to UCI. UCI assumed the county’s responsability for care, the students had a place to be trained, and the quality of care vastly improved.
I think its a very good hospital. I would trust it more than St. Jude.
Thank you everyone, for clearing this up.
@Peaches: They may very well have thought that I had no coverage. I was pretty sick and looked every bit of it. However, I should’ve only needed to say St Jude once. The comical part if in fact they had judged me, my insurance covers St Jude but not UCI unless an emergency.
Its an obvious hospital conspiracy! You people crack me up….soooo dumb
Just like when cops and fire fighters did not want to go to the “black” hospital that was closed down because everyone seemed to die there…. No my friend it was not a conspiracy and cops did not want to go die at a substandard hospital. Facts are not conspiracies.
Apples and oranges dipshit.
This is California the Liberal Wasteland.
They will let you die for a few votes, this is proof positive.
The people who pay State Taxes, are either leaving, left, or quit early, like me.
2010 was a Voter SLAUGHTER, especially with the Census and the redrawing of District lines for the rest of the country
I highly doubt US citizens wants to be left of Hugo Chavez or completly contolled by by Public Unions like falling Europe.
Orange County, which has more than 3 million people, remains one of the most conservative counties in the country and the “last conservative bastion in California,” as described by John Heubusch, executive director of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. All five members of the elected county board are registered Republicans…
Sherbear you have no idea what your talking about..It must be a hospital conspiracy… Now get your clothes off and get in the back of my police car already.
The 22 levels of evil:
Dr. Michael Stone has created a scale he calls Scale of evil. The scale stretches from 1 to 22 and Dr. Michael Stone places each and every serial killer on this scale all depending on how evil they are.
Thanks for letting us know what you think is funny. You have confirmed my suspicion that you are indeed a partially masked sociopath.
Some past ramblings of a sociopath/madman:
#225 by Reality Is on August 11, 2011
Invite all the homeless and tell them to assault the cops. That way maybe the cops will shoot back and we will lower the homeless population even more. Garbage.
22 by Reality Is on August 28, 2011
As many people have said before, there is much more to the story. I know conspiracy and coverup. There are numerous witnesses saying what actually occurred, and not what you guys are hoping occurred. Too late for you to persuade this witness into following your plan. Reality is hard to beat sometimes.
#24 by Reality Is on August 28, 2011
This was only one witness. Couldn’t provide alot but could provide some key things. There are many more that saw other angles and points of the fight. This with the video and reports is what the DA will piece together. Obvious. Then if charges are filed they will all be our put thru a major wringer on the stand, both for and against. 150 witnesses and everything else. Long process. I don’t think this blog will be happy with the result though.
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#91 by Reality ls on September 4, 2011
Sometimes transient assholes just need their attitudes re-adjusted. Sometimes permanently.
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#91 by Reality ls on September 4, 2011
Sometimes transient assholes just need their attitudes re-adjusted. Sometimes permanently.
This is why I hope lawyers for the Thomas family serve a subpeona on FFFF for the IP addresses on RI and a couple others.
It would be just terrible if the location of these postings came from some polititicians home or city hall or FPD.
Even if the poster can’t be identified, such comments are not going to help the city or FPD look to professional under the circumstances.
Wouldn’t it be funny as heck if these people turned out to be some of your beloved leaders in Fullerton?
I’d love to hear the excuse for such comments before a Federal jury.
Free speech from a cop or politician?
merijoe thanks for posting all those comments and reminding me and some others who’s ATTITUDE needs to be adjusted.
But we know RI isn’t man enough to adjust any attitudes on his own, that has already been established.
John Doe isn’t man enough either!
When he’s not doing his cop work, he’s harrassing his ex-wife, making false complaints about her to the police department that we so ofter talk about there on this blog.
This idiot works for another PD, however he has freinds like Rincon, Wren, McKinley and other notorious corrupters with FPD.
If he’s not doing all the above, he is going to TJ to score on some hookers or buy illegal drugs like anabolic steriods.
IT Guy knows…
You are getting warm….
I’m beyond warm son…you know it. 🙂
Sounds about right to me IT Guy. I’d say that judging from the police responses to resident calls that I’ve heard have happened to other Fullerton residents, I’d say that the City of Fullerton needs to intiate random drug testing to include anabolic steroids.
Since most FPD employees are no doubt protected by their union from drug screen tests or urinalysis this will be a moot point and will continue to expose Fullerton residents the “roid rage” behavior, as well as the financial liabilty that they’ll leave in their trail, because hot heads NEVER prevail.
The other problem with anabolic steroids is it makes the manhood shrink up which in turn makes these egotistical self-grandious idiots even more pissy and mean…:(.
Dont think only a few are going down. If one goes down on this blog. WE all go down. Some of you ffff have said some terrible things yourselves about alot of people, cops and others. So dont think you guys are going to be left standing…dont happen that way.
oooooo, scary piggy lover is threatening all of us.
Don’t ya love the sound of a ‘squealing piggy’?
I DO!!!
Mr. Doe you are getting very close to having your address turned over to the District Attorney.
oink, oink..threat, threat.
“Some of you ffff have said some terrible things yourselves about alot of people, cops and others.”
The truth can be terrible.
Would that opinion be based on your vast experience in the civil arena?
I don’t see anything criminal going on with the citizens who comment here. Bashing public officials on matter of public concern is free speech and generally protect by ANTI-SLAP motions.
But I do see some serious commentary from cops, at least one of them may very well be a FPD cop. And their free speech is limited and I doubt their bosses would want to see commentary like we see above.
Myself I think it’s a city councilman. But even if it’s Patrick O’Malley, I am sure his Chief would like to council him regarding his not so professional comments on Kelly Thomas and the homeless in general.
And since RI has chose to come in here and speak on behalf of FPD and explain to the citizens that ALL the corruption in fullerton is really not that bad, that would put any copper still on the job under scrutiny.
Those comments merijoe posted are comments clearly supporting misconduct and condoning murder and the use of excessive force to adjust ATTITUDES!!!!
And the comments are not SUBTLE!!!
That is an issue. If I was Ron Thomas I would do everything I could to find out who RI is and bring him forth under subpeona and let him explain his comments to a jury if at all possible. ESPECIALLY if he is attached to FPD or the city in anyway.
But if not, file a formal complaint with the appropriate agency he works for if he is still on the job. Such comments are contrary a professional organization.
RI has set the tone. He thinks he has all the answers, if anyone comes in here to counter his commentary, they are disgruntled haters, crazy have no business being a cop, blah, blah.
I’d like very much to have RI adjust my attitude. I hate corrupt cops or those who defend them, as much as I hate the crooks on the street. Followed by corrupt attorneys who protect corrupt police management.
I bet anything many cops from other agencies including high ranking officials who might have shook their heads after reading RI comments that were posted above.
The world is watching FPD right now, and more will be watching when the trial starts.
I bet anything if I came onto this blog making death threats against any of the 3 Amigos, I am sure FPD would be serving search warrants on the service provider for FFFF, and rightly so.
But I would think the administration of this blog would ban me quickly.
The above comment is directing at John Doe.
And as i understand it, FPD already tried to subpeona IP addresses from a blog, possibly this one and a judge turned it down do to ‘freedom of speech’.
And ACU’s comment here Is Reality, ‘Mr. Reality Is’!
I agree ACU in a few ways but the other points are far off.
You know what is a crime and what isn’t. You also know how complaints work. You also know both sides are always treated fairly and equally. I have seen much more anger and name calling from the FFFF side than the PD side. I also know not one person has used a real name or identification once in here representing themselves or any company or agency, which makes any complaint simple.
It’s a blog. Free speech. Without specific death or injury threats, both sides can have at it. Now if someone was posting saying they were a specific name from a specific company or agency, that changes things entirely. The social media game is fun to research because there is only a small amount of case law, but the general idea is still the same.
Good luck. You know I’m not going anywhere and either is the FFFF side.
The only ones that make threats to the 3 council people are the ffff’rs. Stop and smell the coffee. God back and look at all the blogs, then come back and try to defend them.
Good ol days when there was excitement here. We need a new event to discuss. Come on FPD!
An adrenaline junkie, that’s what you are!
LOL…”Feds left already and could care less about Fullerton at this point.”
I guess that means you are safe RI. 🙂
For some reason I can’t reply to RIs post.
Patrick, you live in Claremont, not Fullerton.
You can’t throw us off that easily.
Dr. Ott is my long lost german grandfather..He is known to be a psychopatical liar.
In a pig’s eye! (Oh! That could be taken several ways, couldn’t it?)
My comment is in response to Albey Al’s way above. (Comments posted out of order, in between)
Yeah, this’ll be great for business downtown. Bet the FPD will ask for more gear and officers.
Recall the 3 Arthritic Middle Fingers, Let Sharon, and Joe Felz GO, Get rid of the DANGEROUS BUMBLING IDIOTS, and do the right thing. Because the world is watching!!!
Was that not the cheesiest report of a fatal shooting ever? WTF is up with the Fullerton LE?
Q & A with some candidates after the walkathon on 4/21, come join this unique fundraiser…we’re going to have a good time while supporting the Fullerton community.
Only $25.00 to sign up until 4/10
go to and push the donate button. See you there. You know you have questions you want to ask the candidates.
All my blogs are gone. I guess admin doesn’t want to hear the truth. I answered Acu and others. Doesn’t like to play fair.
Wow..they are back.
You are high JD!
That’s what anabolic steroids do to you; make you delusional, angry and stupid.
So you say I take steroids. You dont even know who I am. Just assume. Like I said you guys make up so much. You better hope you are right or that is called defemation of character that can be a big fine or jail. I havent said anything here about anyone that was not the truth. Go back and check.
Please don’t report me to the Feds. lol 🙂
Where do you go in Fullerton for a nice, safe meal and a couple of drinks?
My girlfriend and I had lunch at a downtown Fullerton restaurant a few months ago and it was fabulous, man. Wonderful food, great service; I would gladly recommend it to anyone, except that the name of the place has come up a couple times here as one of the bad guys, you know?
It seems as if Fullerton has become a Jeckyl/Hyde kind of town.
Hey, I love Orange County, and I love Fullerton. I always have, all my life (I’m old). We came close to buying in your neighborhood last year, but things — including the Kelly Thomas murder — moved us in another direction.
The Fullerton police are dangerous and out of control, but it’s still a wonderful town.
Where do you guys go when you you go out?
SD Local,
Next time you come up from down south and want a night out, go to Brea. 57 fwy north to Imperial. You’ll find something.
Brea PD has had a few incidents reported however I Iive in Brea and have a son (w/bipolar) who has had about 3 incidents with BPD in the past two years and they have been incredibly patient, professional, egoless and helpful.
Again, that’s just my experience. I doubt that you’ll ever find as much dirt with any PD like that of FPD.
See you in B-town sometime SD Local?
Thanks for the compliment about your personal experience with Brea PD, Wrong Guy; as you said, there have been a few incidents, but overall their officers are good. I hope you have shared your opinion of your experiences with the PD management – they do appreciate it.
SDLocal re: restaurants – I agree with Sherbear (below) about Olde Ship (had a good b’day lunch there St. Patrick’s Day). As for Brea – Lomeli’s, Ichiban, Cedar Creek – all pretty good. Driving farther west – El Cholo in La Habra and Senor Campos and Tillies (also La Habra). I hear the Melting Pot in Brea is good, but it’s out of my price range. In Placentia, El Farolito.
Your right Peaches; I did let the Lt. Watch commander of Brea PD know I was pleased.
I neglected to offer suggestions to SDL on eating establishments as you did.
BTW SDL, Brea has the Comedy Club where you could get laughs and food and drink.
But Peaches is right on with the local eating establishments in the area. Ichiban’s is an awesome Japanese cuisine with superb Sushi.
Sorry to digress, admins – but, Wrong Guy – I’ve never had sushi there; can’t wrap my head around sushi at all; I usually got the teriyaki/tempura combo and then did some shopping (eyes only) at Geiger’s a few doors down
Which Lt. was it? I know several from 1990-2004 – and, no, I’m not a miscreant 🙂
SDLocal: I like The Olde Ship, Stadium and Matador. The last two are in the heart if DTF so I don’t go on Fri on Sat nights but their breakfasts are nice.
Although Heroes is on the no-no list for some, I periodically have out of town guests who like their food and impressive beer selection. I do go there on rare occasion but never on a weekend.
Slidebar and all of Florentine’s (Palapas, Florentines and Tuscany Club) are definitely out for obvious reasons.
Matador That’s right. The best restaurant breakfast I’ve ever had. And I’ve been around. I’ve been everywhere.
The Eggs Benedict at Matador blows NYC completely away. The Matador blows New York City away. Goodbye.
Gone. Adios.
I really want you guys to fucking FIX Fullerton so we can start coming back there, you know what I mean?
I love Fullerton.We were trying to live in the the neighberhood.
We’re only reporting the truth.
“Some of you ffff have said some terrible things yourselves about alot of people, cops and others.”
That’s a matter of opinion. What is a matter of fact are all the bad things a lot of people, cops and others have done.
Fullerton is about to get a cleansing flush. All the turds will end up at the waste treatment plant in Fountain Valley.
You sound pretty confident. Dont count your chickens before they hatch.
Here in Egypt, these problems are easily solved. There is no justice, it is a police state. Dissent, is not tolerated, and the only ones who get “recalled”, are those who openly criticize the government. Be glad you are not here. Good luck!
The Wild West still lives in Fullerton. The only thing missing from the scene now are the brothels!
Yes, it does. Seriously has the steriod rotted your brain? If I said bad things about cops, I talking about the bad cops, the good cops,know Im not talking about them, and they don t care, its the bad ones like you, who ruin our opinions of get off your steriods, and hang with your mommy who you hide behind…you have ZERO room to talk.
Smack, it smack, just remember that!
Not here…no one from here hangs out after 6..
You are so full of it. Its after 6 when the going gets good here. Everyone is out and about walking downtown. You must be talking to some old bitter, I hate Fullerton, even if I dont live here disgruntle old geezer.
That’s what I’m talking about.
I’ve never had a problem in Fullerton, ever. Never.
Granted, I’m an outsider and a Fullerton passer-by, but I’m a true-blue home-grown SoCal native/surfer/drummer/SCUBA diver/local fuckin’ California dude and all that stuff and Fullerton always seemed so safe, you know?
It never occurred to me –NEVER — that Fullerton was dangerous or the local police were out of control.
I don’t want to believe this. But I’m pretty sure it’s true, thanks to FFFF and KFI640.
I look like a bad guy, BTW. I look like a bad guy, but I’m a good guy. I’m the best neighbor you could ever have, for a lot of reasons.
I really want to trust the police. I do, man. There are plenty of reasons not to, but they’re all we have. Seriously.
I don’t want to be the police. I’d rather be a farmer or a mechanic or a merchant or a preacher and willingly pay some badasses to protect me and my family.
That’s the deal.
That’s the deal.
A deal is a deal, and it appears that some of the Fullerton badasses have welched on that deal, man. Big time.
So now you have what you have. I figure Fullerton will flush itself from these truly nasty people, and then you’ll be ok again.
I love Southern California. I love it like you can’t imagine.
I’ve been everywhere, and I’ve done everything.
You’ve seen me, and you’ve likely insulted me under your breath or to one of your goofy OC girly friends.
Justice for Kelly Thomas. This is all that matters.
Why dont you come down and see for yourself if its out of control. The ffffer’s want you to think its out of control. They are the ones that give Fullerton a bad name. If you want to believe them go ahead and just listen to all their made up stuff
Or come be the judge yourself.
Hey JD 6 seems to be the magic number for the FPD and their killer friends, huh?
I have it , you need it?
Go ahead, I am not going down alone.
Just you and Reality Is. 🙂
Its really funny how all you can talk shit, but we cant. Go ahead see what that gets you. I have freedom of speech, just like the next guy. That’s the difference between the truth, or made up stuff.
No, you go down on Rincon.
I saw John driving his mercedes benz.
No. Stalking.
“The only businesses that get any support (i.e. lack of harassment) in Downtown Fullerton are the bars. I had a photography business there a few years ago and it was a never-ending chore to clean up the vomit and feces left in front of our studio and in the nearby parking lot when we arrived in the mornings. It’s now come to the point that the only type of business that can survive there are those that serve alcohol.” -Facebook
Hey Mugsey Doe, don’t forget to add, “I tells ya!” and “You dirty rat.”
How about “listen here”.
So when you wear your badge , do you play fair..20 bux says, you were the bratty snotty nose red haired baby, that when he didnt get his way…squeeled and took his ball home,we know all about you….isnt your mommy calling you?
You got to love the sound of a squeeling ‘swine’…LOL
weeee weeee weeee weeee oink
Wheres the pig pen?
You should know where it’s docked. Not as good diversion.
That’s what happens when you are born with a silver spoon.
we wish you werent…
Q & A with some candidates after the walkathon on 4/21, come join this unique fundraiser…we’re going to have a good time while supporting the Fullerton community.
Only $25.00 to sign up until 4/10
go to and push the donate button. See you there. You know you have questions you want to ask the candidates.
Now that I got John Doe figured out, it’s time to reveal this Reality Is character.
Stay tuned.
Most clues are pointing to O’Malley, however I’ll make sure. 🙂
John Doe is a ‘Spelltard Moron’. “psychopatical”
Now he’s trying to make up his own terminology like McKinley.
My guess is he was a failure as a cub scout just as he is a failure as an LEO.
he was already all of that before, its his Penile erectile dysfunction, that made his what he is today, or can I blame your mommy for that too? Did she show up at school and say…O my future felon, doesnt do that…in her church lady way? No wonder your such a pussy,,,yeah I saw you at city council hiding behind SYL, the human you always hide behind women, or just beat them?
The sick truth at #69 has also got you pegged John Doe…
Enjoy the custody of your kids while you got it. It won’t be much longer.
Oh Patrick the Smilin Pig. me thinks he protesteth too much.
Make excuses, try to throw some confusion in, true marks of someone running scared.
No one cares what you say or what you post-coplicking apologizer.
Let me clarify, “No one cares what you say or what you post” NOW
“me thinks he protesteth too much.”
Me too.
How about we meet face to face somewhere where you are comfortable, like Slidebar or Heroes?
I know damn well your CYA style won’t reveal any information here so why do you offer?
In fact, if you paid more attention you will see JD’s first name above…I know his last name but you aren’t getting it until I get full confirmation of who exactly you are.
Nice try friend.. 🙂
Do you feel famous?
That was meant for the infamous RI.
So there! 🙂
An admitted POLICE MANAGER such as yourself making the comments you did above is free speech? NOT the way you have commented here under the overall circumstances.
LOL!!! OKAY, then if they find out who you are and subpeona YOU, I am sure the Federal Judge will quickly dismiss you from having to give any testimony.
I’ll bet money YOU will have some explaining to do. Someone might just want a piece of your butt from a political standpoint if nothing else.
If you wanted to be free and clear on the speech issues YOU should not have put your resume into the fray.
But you wanted to let everyone know YOU are in the know and your comments should be considered of great value. YOUR elitist attitude set the stage for challenge.
Your smoking freakin dope to think ANY agency would not be concerned about those comments merijoe posted coming from one of their own or any other high ranking police official is just freaking LAUGHABLE!!!
Further RI, if I was a private investigator working for any of these attorney’s who are handling cases against FPD, I would definately be seeking you out as a potential witness for a number of reasons.
YOU have made to many comments not go looking for you.
I’d bet my life you’d clam up too. But that’s ok, you get put on the stand anyways and treated as a hostile witness.
Play stupid all you want, let the jury give whatever weight they wish to your commentary.
It is also obvious you have came onto this blog using other screen names to get your points across.
Your so deticated to the cause, then let’s give you the opportunity to explain yourself in the judicial forum too.
YOU stepped on your proverbial dork with the above statements alone.
“Tell em you have some guy posting and you think he is some guy cause Tony said and see how it goes.
Tony didn’t tell us anything about who you are.
Now you’re grasping at straws.
Yes he did. Thats how it started with the wrong trail. Ask him. He does it on some of his other 20 IDs.
O.k. then, find the post.
Only he knows. He hasn’t said it here. Just used that name and the poor guy had nothing and knows nothing about a think here.
That’s why I finally got permission to post his phone number so you can call him LoL
“That’s why I finally got permission to post his phone number so you can call him LoL”
Interesting. You need to give yourself permission?
I just might call him, btw.
I know.
I still find it interesting that you have to give yourself permission.
I like your new pic on Facebook. You look older.
And you are the expert in that department… 🙂
love the RI mocking with those 🙂 faces WG.
And you are the expert in that department…
Well was FPD on a fishing expedition or looking for a criminal would be my first question?
Were they attempting to identifie a potential witness to help them in an ongoing investigation or attempting to find out who a specific blogger was, just cause they wanted to know?
Was this request done in Superior or Federal Court?
It would be interesting to know if one copied all of RI’s comments, brought that forward to a judge with the explanation the plaintiff feels this person is a witness in this case, and we want to find them, a judge would ignore such a request.
Maybe in the first couple months of the Kelly Thomas case I might argee with the free speech issues.
But a deeper pattern has been established at this time.
The issue should be revisited, and I’d be seeking relief from the federal courts, specifically the judge who is assigned to these lawsuits whether it be one or more.
Worst case scenario, your request is denied.
Get those docs. I read em. They are interesting when you talk about free speech and other issues. It addresses some of the threats made by FFFF against the cops. I think the judge sealed the request though.
Specific threats on specific cops, should be treated as a PC 422, especially if they have a pattern to them.
Just like those who started to bash the family members of both the defendants and the victims, I said DON’T go there it’s over the top and not needed, I WON’T do that.
I think Chris made a more compelling plea for others to stop bashing family members.
And you are absolutely nuts!
“It addresses some of the threats made by FFFF against the cops. I think the judge sealed the request though.”
How in the world would you know that? Again, just stirring up things for your own entertainment.
Interesting concept ACU. If I could claim all of the Reality Is’ comments I would. Unfortunately over the last 9 months people have hijacked my identity continuously. Sad but true. And most of mine were deleted by admin and you never saw them.
YES that is possible like many other things. And even Forrest Gump can or could sit down and do the comparisions.
NO BIGGY, It would take me a few hours to sit down and edit most of this.
If there is a half dozens RI’s out there, then I would visit each and everyone of them as needed.
You just need to hope and pray all those comments don’t come back to YOU.
Carry on, we will continue to pay attention!!!!
No concept though to seeking out a witness who seems to have alot of information good or bad.
It happens ALL the time in investigations, the blogs have just added another rung in the ladder is all.
“If I could claim all of the Reality Is’ comments I would. Unfortunately over the last 9 months people have hijacked my identity continuously. Sad but true”
For quite a while your posts were up on the blog and were never deleted. You just went too far, that’s all.
And now you try to deflect by leading us to believe that “people” have used your moniker.
I think it happened a few times, but you know what? You egged people on all the time, hoping to get a rise or something. Later on you softened your stance, because I think as you got to know us, you realized, way down deep inside your psyche, that we are right.
Kelly Thomas’ murder is much worse than what you would like the world to believe. I think that’s because you have become inured to the violence, and you can’t see perps, or some people for that matter, as human beings just like you.
The people who were supposed to protect him and give him his due process, battered him and smothered him to death.
Sometimes I think you’re funny, but then I remember how Kelly died, and how all those women in the back of Rincon’s car must have felt, and still do feel. To say that they were abused doesn’t even come close to the real feeling they might have had. Humiliation is a powerful tool for the weak!
Do you defend the above?
Sorry I should have added this earlier,t if that was a true statement, YOU would/should have called BS the minute you saw what merijoe posted.
ONLY after my comments did you come out and say this.
I am sure in your mind you consider yourself the VOICE of reason on behalf of FPD and the community at large.
I am sure you like to think you are a man of professional experience and a wealth of information. OKAY!!!
If so, I’d be outraged that someone would come in here and use your screen name in item #91 and say what they did.
But I am willing to bet money that your comment from September’s commentary, will match you current comments by IP address.
I know you think your one slick dude, bet I’ll give you a run for your money like a walk in the park.
Now that explaination sounds more like John Doe, unless you are lying about your Fullerton education.
Well, would you like to meet and compare notes as you suggested earlier or are you going to ignore my invite like the cowardly computer nerd that you are?
You could even bring John Doe (lower primate) along for comfort if you’d like.
Let me check and see if IT guy is just another of Tonys IDs first.
Well did you check my ID yet?
No, because you can’t! Trust me. I am not Tony. I am in Fullerton right now and right close to your and your buddies hangouts.
NOW, would you like to get together and compare notes?
That’s right. I didn’t think so.
Well ladies and gentlemen, I tried. RI failed, once again.
I’m in Chino hills right now or I would.
Another cowardly excuse.
I’m in Diamond Bar right now; right behind you.
But your kind wouldn’t want to meet live.
Fullerton Police Promote Two to Captain
by Erin Haselton on March 30, 2012
I guess that means Hughes will eventually be named Chief. Very very interesting. And Goodie as his LT. Wild developments in Fullerton. Exciting.
Looks like a couple of retirements are in the works too? Hamiliton and who else?
Reality Is sounds kind of like Captain Crum?
I posted that article. It didn’t take long for some to jump on it.
REality Is is sounding dumber and dumber and less authoritive with each and every comment.
Keep diggin’ your hole Mr. Know-It-All…
And you’re all ‘holes’.
John Doe was a good boy today.
He dropped his kids off on time for his wife’s visitation.
However, he did park across the street to do his surveillance for a few minutes. No harm i guess.
Someone was surveying him as well and he didn’t know it.
Be a good boy Johnny
Chino Hills….that is funny,tweekers and cow dung renamed to the hills, that is funny..sounds so chic…its meth lab haven..any reason you hanging out there…hmmm recon, perhaps.
I found him on TMZ and the local paper today. Busy guy.
You are a Funny guy RI 🙂
🙂 I think I’m John Doe today. Smells like him down here.
Another interesting case. Video system didn’t turn on due to no lights n sirens. Fractured community. Bad timing.
Amid rising national tensions over the fatal shooting of a black teenager in Florida, Pasadena police on Saturday held a meeting to talk about the circumstances of a police shooting of an unarmed black man accused of stealing a laptop.
Pasadena Police Chief Phillip Sanchez told a group of residents at the New Revelation Missionary Baptist Church that two police officers shot and killed Kendrec McDade after a 911 caller wrongly claimed that he had a gun during a robbery near a taco truck.
The police car was equipped with a camera mounted on the dashboard, but it was not running during the shooting that occurred after 11 p.m. on Sunset Avenue, said Lt. Phlunté Riddle, a spokeswoman for the Pasadena Police Department.
McDade, a former Azusa High School football player, had been out for dinner that night with a friend, family members said.
His uncle and grandmother are outraged over the shooting.
Pasadena Robbery
Victim Becomes Prime Suspect
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“When the chief wants to say these were tactical moves … shooting out of the police car … Come on man.. That’s a driveby,” said Kevin McDade, Kendrec McDade’s uncle. “I would like to see justice served. I would like the police to quit trying to cover up the real situation for political reasons.”
Kendrec McDade’s grandmother Henrietta McDade, demands answers.
“We’re hoping what they said today that this will not happen to another,” she said. “I think they could have used different tactics but that was then, this is now.”
Some at the community meeting drew parallels to the Feb. 26 shooting of Trayvon Martin, who was also unarmed, by a neighborhood watch coordinator in Sanford, Fla.
Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard said he appreciated the community’s patience while several agencies conduct an investigation into the Pasadena police shooting.
“Those who came to the meeting highly critical … I believe, departed with a sense of comfort or relief that this matter is in the best possible hands and that all of the facts will come out in due course,” he said.
It was the second fatal police shooting involving Pasadena police in several years. Leroy Barnes Jr. was shot and killed during a traffic stop in 2009.
Parallel investigations were underway by the Los Angeles County Office of Independent Review and the LA County District Attorney’s Office, officials said.
Prosecutors, meanwhile, were expected to decide next week whether to charge Oscar Felipe Carrillo, the man whose false 911 claim about McDade being armed was blamed for triggering the police shooting.
Carrillo, 26, who police said is an undocumented immigrant, was being held at the Los Angeles County Jail.
Riddle said he tipped police off to McDade stealing a laptop that night as he returned to a car from a taco truck.
Carillo called 911 and reported to police the location and type of clothing of McDade and an unidentified 17-year-old accomplice were wearing as Carrillo followed them from a car, Riddle said. The younger teen, from Pasadena, was arrested and charged with grand theft, police said. Police never found the laptop.
The shooting happened during a chase as one officer drove while the other officer ran after McDade.
When the officer in the car fired at McDade who made a sudden turn toward the officer, his hand at his waistband, Riddle said.
“The officer believed he was going to be killed and he shot Mr. McDade,” Riddle said.
The other officer, believing his partner was in a gunfight, also fired, Riddle said.
The officers were identified as Jeffery Newlen, who’s been on the department for about five years. Before the McDade shooting, he had not fired his weapon in the line of duty, officials said.
The other officer was identified as Mathew Griffin, who’s been on the department for more than 5 ½ years. In 2007, Griffin was involved in a shooting of a rottweiller.
The officers are on paid administrative leave during the investigation.
Details about how many times McDade was struck were not available Saturday.
As is routine in police shootings, officers placed a hold on the release of information about McDade’s autopsy.
Riddle said the police car’s dashboard-mounted cameras are activated only when officers are going code blue – with red lights and sirens, something that in this case, did not occur.
“We try to use it very sparingly,” Riddle said.
Without RIs posts this place is dead. Thanks RI.
Cut it out. I did not post that. The trolls are lively tonight.
Yeah; run your cursor over the blue underlined names and you get an incomplete http address. I’m thinking these fools are posting underlined names in the comments field for name to cause that…
Surprised they even know how to do that, or maybe I shouldn’t be surprised…
Sadly funny
Sure is. RI provides me free fun. I like fun.
RI, you are not only funny; you’re a joke.
Stop posting as other elites on this blog. You suck and swallow! 🙂
“stop posting as other elites on this blog”
It’s a passive-aggressive maneuver to show us how easy it is to post as anyone.
RI didn’t like what I said, and he especially doesn’t like the fact that we know who he is.
Hes an emotionally immature sadist, according to the Dr.
Thank You RI without your EVIL insight, County and higher Officials might have not asked the FBI and other Agencies to Investigate.
FFFF this Cities Most Dedicated Citizens?
VOTES COUNT!!! and so do petitions.
Q & A with some candidates after the walkathon on 4/21 at Hillcrest park, come join this unique fundraiser…we’re going to have a good time while supporting the Fullerton community.
Only $25.00 to sign up until 4/10/12
signups at the door-$35.00
Go to and push the donate button to sign up. See you there.
You know you have questions you want to ask the candidates.
Police working the streets tonight around the station area. (could have something to do with the police training conference their having at the station tonight) I was pulled over on commonwealth a few blocks before the PD (for no reason that I can understand). After I left a few blocks latter there was more people sitting on the curb next to their car just like they had me do. Then on harbor just around the corner more people sitting on the curb next to their car.
The reason they say they pulled me over…. I was driving kind of slow and stradling the white line two times. I don’t think I was driving under the speed limit and I never drive over the white line. Besides they came racing up to me very quickly in an unmarked small white car Which makes me think they were not following me at all.This reminds me of an identical experience I had a number of years ago on lemon st. when I was pulled over and they said I went over the white divider line. I wonder if this is how the fullerton pd are trained as cause to pull over any car they like. The last thing they told me after they asked me every antaganistic question they could think of is remember… we pulled you over for going over the white line… try to drive a little more safely.
To Fullerton Native,
Did this occur later in the evening?
It’s a shame when you have all of these police officers out at night when there is much less auto traffic. If you are traveling anywhere in So. Cal in the later hours of the evenings and see more police vehicles than citizens vehicles, you stand out like a sore thumb and are bound to get pulled over. Only exception would be senior citizens.
Bottom line, FPD needs to lessen it’s force big time.
They’ve obviously had too many officers standing around with nothing better to do but pull over random drivers citing BS excuses to pull them over and hopefully make arrrests.
….. this should be posting #160…….
Well if there’s a positive side to any of this, there’s a lot less feces on the sidewalks since Kelly’s passing.
But not inside FPD.
Occ-Not really, you’re proof of that.