New Spokeshole Beats Same Tired Drum

Here’s a telling article from the Daily Tital that addresses the poor, misunderstood FPD. See, the real problem is just that the public needs to be better educated, and of course there was this little problem of transparency that gosh darn it, is just so much better now.

Despite including a good quote from Ron Thomas, the dad of FPD victim Kelly thomas, the author of the piece, Mark Payne steps in some deep FPD bullshit when he adds this gem:

The department has been under attack by various activist groups for almost a year since the beating of 37-year-old Kelly Thomas on July 5, 2011, which led to his death five days later. His death was allegedly caused by Fullerton police officers. 

Wrong on all counts. The department is under legitimate protest for its serial malfeasances and crimes. And Kelly’s death was caused by members of the FPD. Nobody “alleges” that. It’s a fact. And the DA has charged two of the cops with murder and manslaughter. That’s just lazy work, there.

But it gets even better. New FPD spokehole Jeff Stuart  is permitted a plaintive, last word:

Stuart said the last year has been trying for the Fullerton Police Department, but when you look at their track record versus other agencies, they do a good job.

“We want people to come down. I’m proud of this department … We are a good department,” Stuart said. “If you look at the number of calls we handle every year and the number of complaints we get in relation to those calls, (they) are minute — they’re infinitesimal.”

More pathetic handwringing and denial from the FPD. If the boy reporter had bothered to find out a little bit more about his subject he may well have asked which part of the following list constitutes “infinitesimal” complaints:

Alber Rincon – Serial molester of in-custody women; $350,000 settlement.

Miguel Siliceo – misidentification and incarceration of wrong man who spent five months in jail.

Cary Tong – accusation of battery and civil rights abuse; broken finger and missing cash.

Kenton Hampton – accusation of assault, battery, civil rights abuse, perjury. Wrong man almost convicted.

Frank Nguyen – accusation of perjury (see above).

Ramos, Wolfe, Hampton, Blatney , Cicinelli – murder, manslaughter, civil rights abuse, etc., etc. A dead man haunts the FPD.

FPD Command – allowed the killers to view the video of the killing and rewrite their reports until everybody got his story straight.

Todd Major – abuse of controlled substance, conviction of fraud. Ripping off Explorers? Really, Todd?

Kelly Mejia – conviction of grand theft at a TSA checkpoint. Crooked and stupid is no way to go throughout life, hon.’

Vincent Mater – charged with destruction of evidence in jail custody death. Hey, we banged that corpses head against the bars!

Andrew Goodrich – dissemination of erroneous information never retracted. Too busy to get it right?

Mike Sellers – protracted medical leave punctuated by a disability claim and massive pensioned retirement. Business as usual. La dolce vita!

April Baughman – charged with two-year’s worth of theft from the FPD property room. Okay, who’s the accomplice?

etc. etc.

Well, who knows. Maybe someday young Mr. Payne will have the opportunity to write the right article about the Culture of Corruption in the FPD and quit spinning puff pieces at the behest of kindly, avuncular police spokesmen. We can only hope.


46 Replies to “New Spokeshole Beats Same Tired Drum”

  1. “The amount of murders the department has committed is infantismal when compared to the amount of round sugar-glazed pastries we have consumed.”

  2. infantile and infinitesimal are two different words. infantismal is made-up, and doesn’t mean anything.

    1. Hey GSB did anybody warn you to make sure the gun oil is only to be used with adequate ventilation ? Petroleum distillates wreak havoc on myelin. Joe’s post is worth about 50 million dollars. You see it is actually the framework for a screenplay. The title is 666 ways to ruin peoples lives. It is set to be released on Friday the 13th. You see you lead poisoned fool we are Americans and righteous indignation is a quality that is being found in an ever greater supply much like all the myelin degeneration in your CNS from huffing all those mercury vapors

    2. Looks like he’s got something to be angry about. BTW check out the latest post and see if it don’t cinch your your scrotum up a bit.

  3. Bingo! Thanks for that.

    I was hoping you’d say something about that article.

    He was probably writing this for extra credit in his journalism class.

    Perhaps he was promised exclusive access to the FPD once he starts working for a local paper. Wink, wink.

  4. “Under attack”, really? It’s more like all lies surface and the citizens have had enough of the lies. Either this student doesn’t live here or he is plain ignorant to life outside CSUF.

  5. Just wait, the minute Tony Bushala’s ministers are installed on the city Clownsel, FPD will be the finest crime fighting organization in the world but only if the Clownsel makes king Tony the Cheif of Police.

  6. The media in America has been backsliding now for at least last 10 years. It’s about as credible as Pravda was in 1975. The media is no longer interested in reporting the truth or doing quality investigative reporting to expose the white collared crooks. They’ve forced us all to turn to the blogs to find out what is really going on around us. The media’s only loyalty these days is to Uncle Sugar and to the money changers. Joe and Jane Six Pack be damned!

  7. Globalism… soon we will need to learn French, German, and Chinese.

    “According to the Oxford American Dictionary, globalism is the advocacy of “the interpretation or planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to events and developments throughout the world.” In its most extreme forms it is sometimes expressed using terms such as “one world,” support for a single world government, and/or terms such as “world citizen” or “global citizen.” Some globalist groups such as the World Federalist Movement, and some non-Christian religions such as Bahai, actively campaign for world government. “Global” is a currently fashionable term in business, where the term “international” would be more appropriate…”

  8. VERY VERY UPSETTING, but it ends better than usual.
    The story shows how Corruption can be very strong in OC,
    and how sometimes, the innocent can prevail.
    Meet Jane Doe
    OC’s most famous sexual-assault victim breaks her silence on the 10th anniversary of the Haidl gang rape
    By R. SCOTT MOXLEY Thursday, Apr 26 2012

    “…Haidl’s home near midnight on July 5, 2002, set in motion a series of events that would make national news, reveal wealth’s corrupting influence on justice, alter California law about defense lawyers paying jurors, prompt rebellion inside the OCSD, expose the laziness of the mainstream media that blamed Doe, launch a federal grand jury, end promising careers and put several powerful individuals once blessed by the president of the United States in prison.”- OC Weekly

    1. I had to reply to Stuart (and Plenty)’s Quotes, They won two dishonors, FPD and City Council Majority (The 3 MIDDLEFINGERS). I have to commend OC WEEKLY
      many times over.
      OC’s Scariest People 2011
      Celebrating the Day of the Dead with some of the county’s worst offenders Oct 27, 2011

      “…The city could sell the rights to a film titled Clusterfuck In Fullerton, which might pay for one of the many lawsuits it’s facing.”

      “…They pretended nothing was wrong—even with large, regular public demonstrations and national media attention. Then they absurdly claimed the real villain in the Thomas incident was Tony Bushala, the businessman/blogger who first exposed the horrors of the beating. But what’s really scary is that these three elected goons showed utter contempt for the community by also mocking reasonable concerns about a series of police-brutality incidents. Mitigating Factor: The recall movement is moving along.”

        1. I guess some reporters are paying attention and keeping a running tally. Lesson to be learned here Mark Payne.

  9. murder of Kelly thomas, probable murder of drunk driving suspect held in FPD jail by FP officer, molesting female detainees, perjury, theft, lies and beating down unsuspecting people are infinitesimal when compared to all the calls placed to the Fullerton PD.
    The writer’s logic would have us believe that murder, beatings, perjury by Fullerton PD are okey dokey because the Fullerton PD receive calls for assistance from Fullerton’s community.
    Here is my unpopular logic; the purpose of Fullerton PD is to respond to the community’s calls for assistance to maintain safety and peace , not disturb this same safety and peace with their actions.
    The Fullerton PD must be disbanded due to the long-lasting corrupting influence of its retired police chief, Pat McKinley who saw the placid community of fullerton as his personal war zone.

  10. “Yes, city leaders listen to what activists say and take it with a grain of salt. You can never please everyone, and no matter who ends up running Fullerton, they will never please this group or everyone in the city no matter how much you want to own them.” Bloomer shills for the continued dictatorship of Fullerton with his or her comment that :who ends up running Fullerton”. Bloomer, here is a reminder to you and the sad sheep who support the current evil triad, Jones, Bankhead, McKinley, because they believe it is the norm; we are a representative government, and our elected officals serve and protect the interests of the community , not the community serving, paying tribute(taxes) to a voter apathy city council persons.

  11. La Roo :“Under attack”, really? It’s more like all lies surface and the citizens have had enough of the lies. Either this student doesn’t live here or he is plain ignorant to life outside CSUF.

    So looking , searching and rooting the truth is under attack? Im with you, how could there be such a disconnect? Who is this kid, and where do we send the red inked paper with the correction needed?

  12. Kind of ironic that the very people who ignore the innocent until proven guilty concept now desperately cling to it. Well the constitution does protect everyone but you plea rings hollow here.

    We have multiple convictions of FPD in the last year and everyone knows the standard for charging a police officer, particularly if on duty, is much higher than that of a regular Joe.

  13. Joe, I think for clarification sake it is important you include the fact that all the arrests and legal issues have been created in the last 12 months! Given the length of the list one might otherwise think it is some sort of a lengthy history of wrongs by FPD. Knowing this is only the past year gives proper context.

    1. Hellllloooo…FPD first complaint while “serving” vs. date when/if any action took place.

      And what ever happened to any of these beautiful, hardworking, nameless FPD heros, after they came back to “serve” the community?:

      Fullerton Police Officers Suspended For Farting In Unconscious Woman’s Face

      April 2003 – Four Police officers in Fullerton have been suspended after humiliating a woman they had been called to help. The officers believed that the woman had attempted to commit suicide, upon arriving at the woman’s house she was apparently unconscious.

      One of the officers is said to have squatted next to the woman’s face and farted saying: “This ought to wake her up.”

      1. I remember in the late 1990’s early 2000’s seeing a fullerton cop who bore a striking resemblance to a white trash , SS Nazi. He was tall, had a shaved head, wore black boots and had a cigar stuck between his teeth while observing other officers investigate a car accident at Harbor and Chapman. the reason this image stuck in my mind is this FP officer reminded me of some nemesis, cartoon character . Tragic.

  14. blooming, please remember to chime in the next time FPD arrests someone for a serious crime and point out the accused is innocent until proven guilty.

    Of course, you fail to mention that the charges against Ramos and Cicinelli are not brought by some bogus civil rights attorney but by the D.A.. That is not a common occurrence and you know it. Conduct has to be pretty over the top to get the D.A. involved for a cop on duty.

  15. Stuart, the new spokesperson “I’m cautious to say that we weren’t transparent before, but I think Hughes is pushing to be more accommodating to the public,to let the public know,
    ‘Look, not only are we here, this has always been here, ….but please come now. We want you to be part of this as well, and we want you to understand.’”

    more transparency? How does a tour of the police department show transparency. Its not a tour of the facility that will make people feel more comfortable but knowledge of whats going on behind closed doors. “to let the public know”….. Know what….Statements like ” We want you to understand” understand? What can be understood by having open house at the police department? Its becoming more and more obvious that no reform has happened and not even a willingness to change anything. More transparency is not the problem it goes much deeper.
    With a new city council we can bring in a real independent review that will turn the department inside out.

    “We are only here ‘to serve you ‘ “.

  16. Old article…

    “It was a big responsibility to take on, but I’m very happy to do it,” said Hamilton.
    “Hamilton said he believes residents may have lost confidence in the Fullerton Police Department…. but he hopes to rebuild their trust through their actions going forward.”
    How do you go forward by not looking at what caused the problem in the first place? Its the same tune now as it was before.
    The culture in the city hall and fp deparment seems to be deny & ignore.

  17. Why are we forgetting Officer Ren who is a convicted criminal on criminal probation working the FPD Gang unit? He was working directly under then SGT. Jeff Stuart, who is now the departrment PIO!

    1. That sounds like a good post topic topic to me. Admin, could we please have a post concerning Officer Ren and his connection to the new PIO or a re-post if there is one?

  18. The author of that piece has received a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from the acting Chief Of Police.
    Who knows when he might need to use it?

  19. sick of fpd :Why are we forgetting Officer Ren who is a convicted criminal on criminal probation working the FPD Gang unit? He was working directly under then SGT. Jeff Stuart, who is now the departrment PIO!

    Ren has been promoted to detective. If you can believe anything he says.
    straight from his lying m

  20. Friendly Neighbor :

    sick of fpd :Why are we forgetting Officer Ren who is a convicted criminal on criminal probation working the FPD Gang unit? He was working directly under then SGT. Jeff Stuart, who is now the departrment PIO!

    Ren has been promoted to detective. If you can believe anything he says.straight from his lying m


  21. merijoe :Hellllloooo…FPD first complaint while “serving” vs. date when/if any action took place.
    And what ever happened to any of these beautiful, hardworking, nameless FPD heros, after they came back to “serve” the community?:
    Fullerton Police Officers Suspended For Farting In Unconscious Woman’s Face
    April 2003 – Four Police officers in Fullerton have been suspended after humiliating a woman they had been called to help. The officers believed that the woman had attempted to commit suicide, upon arriving at the woman’s house she was apparently unconscious.
    One of the officers is said to have squatted next to the woman’s face and farted saying: “This ought to wake her up.”

    I have often wondered why not on the side of cop cars, the protect and serve, should be changed to CORRECT AND PURGE…until further notice.

  22. Didja read the whole article. The journalism STUDENT, and that’s what they are students, not seasoned professionals, talked to Ron Thomas, who called bullshit on the department’s transparency. He also talked to a current cop who spoke about the issue of low morale. Did he also quote the new PIO waxing rhapsodically about how great the department is? Yes, because that’s what the guy. From my perspective, this is a balanced article. The STUDENT neither kisses the department’s ass or rips it a new one. He lets his sources do the talking. So get over it.

    1. A real reporter, even a student one would have asked if maybe, just maybe the FPDs reputation problem didn’t have something to do with the embarrassing revelation of misdeeds and crime perpetrated by the cops themselves.

      Of course this type of journalism passes muster in the mr. boo/Goodrich school of public information/propaganda dissemination.

      Next you’ll be telling us that Lou Ponsi is a “seasoned professional.”

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