Note to Larry Bennett: Defrost The Three Tired Turkey Dinners And Bring It on!

Here’s a fascinating excerpt from the No Recall bozos’ website. It seems that some assclown named Larry Bennett finally responded today to a November, 2011 challenge by Chris Thompson for a debate. What a difference three months makes! Last anybody heard from Bennett, he was waiting for Dick Ackerman to return from Thanksgiving vacation to tell him what to do.

Now Bennett and Ackerman seem to think they’re in a position to dictate terms to the Recall campaign. No, dimwits, you’re not going to use the Best Blog in OC to peddle your bullshit. Publish it on your own joke of a website. And invite comments, you sad, pathetic puds. I dare you.
In the meantime, Larry, I’ve been told that the challenge from the Recall is still in place: a live debate between Recall Proponent Chris Thompson and you; or better yet, with one of the Three Dead Tree Stumps – if you can pull one of them out of cold storage long enough to defrost. Do you have the huevos? Do gastropods even have huevos? I doubt it. But pretty soon you’ll have no choice.
02/08/2012 |
Why Is Bushala Rejecting a Debate on his Blog? |
TONY, WHY DID YOU REJECT A DEBATE ON YOUR OWN BLOG???Dear Tony, It appears that your $170,000 has bought a recall election in June. It is unfortunate that you have rejected my offer for an on-line debate using your favorite blog – Friends for Fullerton’s Future. Chris Thompson tells me that you are unwilling to modify the blog to remove the anonymity of bloggers and commenters because of the sensitive nature of some of your regular bloggers. In case you would like to reconsider, this is my proposal: I proposed that you and I engage in an online debate hosted on the Friends for Fullerton’s Future Blog Site. This online debate would be between you and I and available for viewing by the public. We would alternate posts where each of us is free to make our case and to challenge the opposing post. I’m sure you might want to talk about the death of Kelly Thomas, release of the video over the D.A. and Ron Thomas’ objection, pensions, the water tax, police discipline cases and the responsibility of our elected council members. We would want to explore the political involvement of yourself, how redevelopment has benefited your family, Chris Thompson and your political friends. Our only conditions for the online debate is that the blog change its operations to provide to the Citizens of Fullerton the same level of transparency they demand of the individuals and institutions they attack. Specifically the bloggers who post to your site would post under their actual name. That way the Citizens of Fullerton would know who is making what charge and the responsibility for their comments would rightly be a matter of public record. Secondly, the commenter’s who wish to post to our debate items would do so using a Facebook profile. That would bring some accountability and civility to the debate. This format is used successfully by the Orange County Register, Times Community News publications, and many other political blogs. I believe this will be a constructive debate that uses the blog you like to tout. I look forward to your reconsideration.
Regards, Larry Bennett Chairman, Protect Fullerton-Recall No |
This Larry guy thinks using a real name guarantees “civilized” debate. Obviously he’s never seen his buddy Your-ASteppin-On-Mah-Dick Jones in action.
Must attend the debate, if any. Ringside seats and popcorn!
I wouldn’t make the investment. 1st Round KO. 45 seconds in.
Just another attempt to keep the focus on Tony and off the three blithering idiots.
I can’t wait to see the election get closer and hopefully the prospective candidates will challenge the three to debates. They’ll finally have to respond and answer for things. Or they’ll decline and hope the lynch mob goes away. Either action will help seal their fate.
I just have to add: bwahahaha
Who does Larry Bennett really represent? Dick Ackerman? Who pays Dick? Does Dick live in Fullerton? No? THen what is he doing being allowed in this campaign? Sheesh! Such huevos!
more like “huevos en sus suenos mojados” for Ackerman
Ackerman’s wife used to live in Fullerton…. Kind of… sort of…. when it was convenient…
“This online debate would be between you and I” – not to be picky, but GRAMMAR FAIL
Grammatically correct phrase is “you and me”, Bennett
Funny, and true.
Release of the video over the DAs and Ron Thomas’ objection?
Hell yes.
And when did the Anti-recall turds give a damn about Ron Thomas?
…when they found a window of opportunity to suck up to him last night when Bruce requested to see the video.
Why does Larry want all of your names? I believe he already has a list of about 17,000 of them.
So true, but he needs help filtering out “the trouble makers” so the FPD can “put the pressure on” and fondle our daughters in the back of the patrol cars, cuz they are “those kinds of women”.
“Do you have the huevos? Do gastropods even have huevos? I doubt it. But pretty soon you’ll have no choice.”
They probably still have and are “NUTSACKS” (they also resemble them)
1. nutsack UrbanDictionary
1. important piece of male genitals that holds and protects the inner testes
2. a stupid fucker who does or says dumb shit and will not stop
2. Mother, that kid Timmy is a frickin’ nutsack.
After reading this letter for about the 15th time, I realized something extremely obvious. Note how Bennett assumes the topics of discussion for “Tony’s” side of the debate. That list is comprised of legitimate political items. Then he lists what HE wants to talk about (…. drum roll) ALL PERSONAL ATTACKS ON TONY BUSHALA AND CHRIS THOMPSON!
Really?!?!?!? That’s all you’ve got? This entire attack Tony and Chris strategy is just confounding me. It makes no sense.
I think we can all agree. Larry Bennett is a clumsy oaf.
Just between you and me, I really don’t care. I’m just in this for the money.
#19- well well well, even the grossest among us have a moment of clarity….when actually Lar, you knew you were a bag of suck, maybe no one has told you…but hey buddy- 9 out of 10 Fullertonians wish to own a pinata, that resembles you, or a Larry Bennett door mat, so you and your freinds get to walk over this tool every time you come in and out…or the ever so popular Larry Bennett, puppy pooper scooper, the ad says..Larry has been wallowing in shit for years…so he actually has used his experience to asst those he has kicked before…puppies- never to late to change, huh Lar Bear?
He’s just a sack of sawdust. Without Dick Ackerman’s arm up his ass his mouth wouldn’t even move!
Are you saying Larry is a slug?
We all know how effective the blogs on the Ragister(T-Rack’s prestitutes) and the LA Slimes are. Those government propaganda -dumb the masses down- tools are a joke. The anonymity of this blog is the embodiment of the first ammendment and its power is a force that cannot be reckoned with by these cowards that hide behind their gun collections and their Big Brother connections.
“The blog you like to tout?”
Who writes this cretinous crap? The funny thing is the Three Fusty Fungii are paying for it!
Three Fusty Fungii?
Sir, I doff my cap to you!
Bennett missed another Planning Commission meeting today. The topic/ Dick Ackerman’s project on Santa Fe Ave.
The money is in the re-zoning..
“The blog you like to tout?”
No, it’s the blog that CNN, KFI, NBC, CBS, KTLA, ABC and the LA Times like to tout.
I believe it’s TRANSPARENCY in government that is needed, not TRANSPARENCY in taxpaying citizen. Damn it.
Dear Mr. XXX,
I feel moved to inform you that you are not in any advantaged position to demand staged conditions for your appearance.
You should feel so compelled to present your thoughts and possible solutions to the many problems facing the city of Fullerton that you would welcome the opportunity to present yourself to an open public discussion mediated by John & Ken from KFI.
I’m sure you could provide the citizens of Fullerton a lode of insightful information from your experiences as a Planning Commission member working in such close cooperation with the Redevelopment Agency (RDA), city council, city senior management, and the Chamber of Commerce.
You and several others may be called to account for personal gains in the name of public service.
I’ll debate Larry under my own name. I’ll be upfront about all my Fullerton history, experiences, and personal contacts, too.
I would bet ACU would debate under his own name.
How about Reality Is?
Go for it Larry! I think FFFF would be an excellent host. But why take the position that you are a pantywaist waiting for permission from Tony? Show you are a man who is confident in his position and start an honest debate on Recall No.
I’ll be there.
Is this the best the Recall no folks can do? Did one or all 3 of the Recall targets wake up with skid marks in their drawers this morning after realizing their is going to be a Recall election?
Bankhead/Jones/McKinley + Ackerman/Bennet/Ellis = 3 new City Council members? They say good things come in 3s…………
Too Late!!
Ignore the devious ones.
That ship has sailed Larry. You and Chris Thompson could have debated about whether or there should have been a recall election while it was still in question, but now the signatures are validated and the election is on. The only debate that will be relevant now will be between Bankhead, Jones, and McKinley and their challengers on the ballot in June.
“This online debate would be between you and I and available for viewing by the public.” Larry, before taking the loftier,moral position in your formal requst to debate Tony, please use some grammatical rules when writing a letter. It is you and me not you and I because you refer to yourself after the verb.
Larry also requests disallowing anonymity on the FFFF because he links this action to civility and accountability. I assume Larry wants the same civility and transparency shown the good people of Fullerton by their city council members, Jones, McKinley, Bankhead, and the Fullerton Police. Jones, Bankhead protected Fullerton PD’s long history of civil rights abuses by paying out millions of tax dollars to quietly settle the long list of civil rights abuses committed upon our community by Fullerton PD. These settlements were paid to victims so the city of fullerton and its police deptartment would not have to go to court and thus be exposed to the public eye. And Larry Bennett accuses FFFF of lacking transparency and civility? As an aside, it is impossible for people to be transparent because they are not windows. jones, Bankhead and McKinley along with the Fullerton PD are not honest.
FFFF is a private blog that encourages discussion of opinions, Fullerton city council represent the public’s interests and Fullerton PD protects the public’s interests, both are public entities that are first and foremost accountable to the public.
FFFF is an opinion that stimulates discussion and has the right to anonymity, government belongs to the private sector and can’t be anonymous. Yet, our city council and police force have a long history of obfuscating justice, back room deals and receiving kickbacks from developers while using tax dollars called redevelopment funds.
Must be time for his employee assessment review. I bet there will be no raise this year for Larry Bennett.
I don’t think much of a request for civility coming from the guy on the side of Culture of Corruption that bashed Kelly’s head in.
That’s like the captain of the Titanic trying to negotiate with the iceberg!
These idiots still don’t get it. It’s not about Bushala, let alone his family.
Let’s explore Larry’s proposal:
1) Bushala gets to use his blog to write whatever he wants.
2) Dick Ackerman gets to use Tony’s blog to write whatever Ackerman wants.
Since the first is already happening why in the world would anybody be stupid enough to fall for something that dumb (except one of the 3 Hollow Logs).
Nice summation, James. I came to the same conclusion you did!
I would suggest setting up a neutral debate blog – with a link to the debate blog on each of the opponents original blogs.
Only a coward would hide behind a computer screen. This isn’t about Tony, no matter much they’d like it to be.
I suggest everyone ignore this Bennett coward.
Next topic please…
Not to be rude, but I hope we continue to slam this all day because this is exactly what Larry Bennett DOES NOT want! It’s the exact opposite. (I would put a smiley face but RI has kind of ruined them for this blog) Of course, I’m always up for a new topic.
I’d DAMN sure like a piece of that ACTION. I’d wear my best suit too.
I’d have NO PROBLEM using my real name in a face to face.
Bennett you want real names to do WHAT? Dig up dirt on someone or RETALIATE against them using the “brown shirts” of FPD?
I’d love to have Bennett and Reality IS sitting across the table while John and Ken referee this match of wits.
Or just a select group of common folks
If I can’t participate, I’d like to buy a front row seat. I will still wear my best suit.
Tony, Unless you’ve already replied to Bennett, you may want to write back and thank him for the invite, and say ” however we’re far beyond that as we’ve gathered more than enough certified sigs for the recall. Besides, you had the opportunity for a debate with our recall spokesman, Chris Thompson when the timing was ripe for a debate. That never happened because you backed out, citing you needed to converse with your team. IMO, you chickened out already.”
Or words to that effect… Then tell him to go pound sand.
DANG I knew I should have come to Tuesday’s council meeting.
I wanna see who is stepping on who’s “weenie”.
I was going to make a cool introduction too.
I watched the public comments live then went to bed. Yesterday I watched the entire archive, and I would encourage you to do so when you have the time. It’s over 6 hours long but they cover many of the topics that we have discussed on this blog. When you watch peoples’ responses (i.e. cops, council members etc.) you can readily see how deep the corruption goes. I was floored.
Mr Bennett,
Sir I have seen your face around the trough for many years and frankly the fact you raised that large dome of yours-smell money do ya? head raised long enough to get a whiff of opportunity -and money- you just couldnt refuse..face it Larry, you can try to convince yourself your a good guy, but we know, who’s teat you been milking on for a while. ( anyone with a balance in the bank)maybe its time for you to be weaned off the nipple…your what 60 and single? Please dont ever ask Spunky if you could walk her to her car…ew gross, and they say she has no filter…..eww your a sick puppy. so please do us a huge favor- just go away I heard there is a pile of money in Yermo, california- get it boy…cmon get it….
But it is obvious that if Bennett were a man among men, he would have gotten busy taking Tony and Chris on LONG before this.
One who is sharp doesn’t need weeks or month to take on any issue.
I guess if I had my ass kicked like Bennett and his crew has more than a couple times, I’d be telling them to “stay down” and avoid even more bloodshed.
But if money is Bennett’s motive to continue on, then I guess he doesn’t mind getting whooped everyday.
Good point.
A good interviewer knows when someone is being deceptive and their BS meter comes on.
When you see it, just keep digging. Obvious many Fullerton residents BS meters are pegging the meter.
I found the section about the towing RFP to be fascinating. An FPD officer gives a report to the council concerning several towing companies. However, he singles out Bob’s Towing for various criminal complaints and ONLY Bob’s Towing. Bruce Whitaker caught onto it and made a comment publicly. I would love to hear your take on it when you’re able to view it. An attorney for Bob’s Towing had to publicly counter the FPD report, stating that the incidents listed within the report had all been dismissed as frivolous. What do you think about it?
How about an appearance at the next, Feb 21st meeting?
I recall you stating 3 minutes isn’t enough time to get all your comments in.
IMO with all of your valuable input on this blog, your comments at a live council meeting would be quite welcome. If you need more than 3 minutes to do that, others here including myself could continue your comments. We would simply need to fill out the blue cards together upon arrival so that we all have numbers in succession. IE. You may get the 5th position as speaker, I’ll get 6 and so on.
Just a suggestion.
My comment #51 was for you ACU…
I clicked the reply button and it ended up in wherever.
This is an anal point, I know, but can you guys PLEASE link to the sites where you got your photos? I keep thinking copyright infringement every time I look on this great site and see a photo which we all know is probably swiped from somewhere else.
Oh brother Davis Barber. If it’s on the internet it belongs to EVERYONE! LoL
but how will davis barber make a living if we take photos from the internet instead of paying him for them?
Are you suggesting that FFFF link itself to the Recall-No website? Nice try, but no…. Are you working for Larry Bennett too?
Um, no on both accounts. What I’m suggesting is that this site not break the law.
Davis Barber, go back to your dog house. Woof!
break the law….now that is rich! Like your buddies with a badges…and the 3 narcoleptic ninnies with apparently money grubbing fingers…they get a free pass…wow -let me enlighten you to a term we concerned pissed off citizens use…its called rough justice…every time we have to use our bovine excrement meter, to ferret out liars and those who prop them up- yep we can smell it……so rough justice aint pretty or fun if your on the wrong side of the populous that hold honesty and integrity dear…so buckle up…Im suggesting maybe law breaking isnt the issue,because I have seen people take Ricky’s pictures, and use them with out consent…including every local paper, blog- and he isnt in hear sniveling…I own it…so you can keep your proverbial ball, and go home- we dont want to play with you any more.So I am right now going over any photo’s that you may have used, usually he or I dont care…but since you brought it up….lets see who is utelizing other people property…and O did I mention my nephew is a copy right atty….so lets see if he wants to do a pro bono…rough justice is a bitch..and I can identify with that…..
“Are you suggesting that FFFF link itself to the Recall-No website?”
I would not suggest that – but how about if both sites link to a neutral blog website?
Possibly set up a new neutral blog site set up for the purpose of debating this issue.
I was referring to “Copyright Infringement” only. I meant no offense to you.
Concerned… post was directed at Mr.Fullerton stories…not you- sorry should have stated!!! carry on!
Break THIS Ackerman!!!
There are many thieves on the internet.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1024&bih=677&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Z_8zT4vpBpTXiALf5_wd
That creepy/smarmy picture of Larry Bennett reminds me of the DVD, “Stepbrothers”…
Nice one F.L.
And I agree with the similarities in image.
Stepbrothers is an extremely hilarious movie btw.
What a great letter.
“We have nothing, we can only attack Tony personally.”
“Our only conditions for the online debate is that FFFF give us control over the citizens free speech. Specifically the bloggers who post to your site would post under their actual name. That way, the McDickHead camp would know who needs some bogus traffic tickets. Better yet, we prefer everyone to use a Facebook profile, that way, everyone’s personal info could be handed to the goon squad on a silver platter. To bring some accountability and civility to the debate, we recommend Dick Jones be put in a cage and served bananas. This format is used UNsuccessfully by the Orange County Ragister, Times Community News publications, and many other govt controlled fail blogs.”
Nice one!
I wanted to attend, meet some of you folks more than anything, and have a minute or so of fun, I know it would of gotten a laugh or two.
Regardless of anything I could say, even if EVERYONE gave their 3 minutes for me to speak, would mean NOTHING to the 3 Amigos and the other inept ones.
And no I would not be cussing and yelling at these folks either. I believe one must show some respect for the OFFICIAL meetings in government.
But if one of them was dumb enough to be a smartass, I’d sure seize the opportunity.
Even if I had the tape of Kelly’s murder, sworn affidavits from members of FPD on the cover-up within, would the 3 Amigos care.
They have dug their hole and they know they can’t get out of it, so their best defense is to play stupid,denie, and point the finger at other issues.
Despite all that has happened, and been said, none of YOU have seen the slightest change in their behavior. HAVE YOU?
TYPICAL behavior of the elitist,arrogant types who have sat on the thrown for WAY to long.
You can’t fix stupid!!!!!! I won’t waste my breath trying.
Besides, we all know that they all read this blog or their minions do, and report back to them.
If they were learning anything from all this, you WOULD see it in their performance during councel meetings.
All we get is, your stepping on your “weenie”. PRICELESS!!!!
I will consider the 21st.
Thanks you for the kind words and support none the less. (insert a thumbs up).
How about a debate on National T.V. ? No balls anti-recall!
Someone should get a copy of that report and put it right here on FFF. It’s easier to tear apart when it’s in print than to tear it apart when read aloud.
I can sure give it a whirl if I could read it.
There is no way that FPD will back down to something that has already taken place.
Just think about it, “there was no murder”.
************** 1 hour old OCWeekly Towing story*************
Bob’s Towing Unleashes the Dogs, Fullerton Police Bite Back
Is this article correct? I thought Bankhead voted to reevaluate as well, only with the caveat that he believed the FPD report. It’s difficult to understand them. Also, does this article seem to be slanted towards the FPD and against Bob’s Towing?
I wish I knew the exact time in the archive so that I could tell you to fast forward to that moment. They put on a .ppt presentation (which was incredibly poor by the way) where one could see the “facts” according to the FPD. I am curious as to how you would rate the presenters performance. Does the way in which the LT presents the information give you the impression that he should be on the Brady list?
“The Brady Bunch” “A Brady STATION”
I will try to look for it. I’ve done those presentations many times for councils.
By the way, let’s say the cop said something that wasn’t exactly true during a presentation. That wouldn’t make them a brady cop. It’s a process to be a brady cop and once a brady cop, they usually aren’t a cop any longer at that point.
Many believe that the problems with the FPD would be cleared up by replacing certain council members. If so, what would the new council do about the FDP? Does anyone have a plan to correct the problems with lawless police officers? The police departments of the entire nation have established a policy to protect fellow police officers who break the law. Everybody knows that because the evidence is overwhelming. I thought about this for a long time and I have no idea how to break up the “brotherhood”. Any citizen should be able to bring his claims before the halls of justice. If we could just get that we could be on the way to a solution. The DA needs the police department to perform his job. How can the DA be expected to pursue bad police officers when his dependency is so high? We need a system wherein charges against a police officer or other government official does not require the DA’s approval. Without something like this, we are all just wasting our time. We need a civilian based entity with the powers to put charges before a grand jury. We need a national level entity that can perform investigative and other functions so that lawless government officials can be brought before the court. We need HARSH punishment for any police officer found to be protecting bad police officers….REALLY HARSH!
The issue of pensions….pensions should be based on family earnings in the area in which the pensioner works. That should be an easy thing to initiate. I hear a lot of conversation but nothing in the way of suggested corrections of these various problems. Let’s hear some ideas! Let’s see some corrective actions.
I don’t believe FFFF has ever said the feds are at the FPD daily. Could you please go to another blog? We were having such a nice conversation without your needlessly inflammatory language and phony allegations.
“No Murder. Charges though 🙂 ” was a nasty comment to make with atrocious grammatical mistakes.
Yes it was said here. Said they are there daily wandering around the halls. Maybe they are?
FBI are said to be responsible for National Counter Intelligence, they would be in a relative sense. (They are at a much higher level of Intel and Investigation and Surveilance)
But you about how the CIA and FBI are involved in the daily coverups going on across the world right?
Yes it is a “Pay to Play world”, looks like you guys are outta money and credit. Fullerton is about a 500 Million dollar a year city and they have less than 20k of 60k+ to stay and “PLAY”, “Follow the losers, sad really!!.”
Our current Presidential Administration, is “Post Constitutional” and “Post American” (confusing, I know), But things will change 2010 was a SLAUGHTER.
s1867 was a slaughter and was signed new years eve by our very own dear Leader
“But you about how the CIA and FBI” duh duh duh, Freudian stumble Maybe.
Another thing the Cities response time SUCKS HARD.
Reply to Another thing the Cities response time SUCKS HARD.
Unless your a Tow Truck Driver without “PROPPER POLITICAL PAYOUT”
True and getting worse. No cops anymore. Follow up by Detectives is getting worse too. Cops cut by 30-50%. That’s reality though so nothing anyone can do except wait.
Plus Incompetence that you so freely display in your comments 🙂
you dumb cops are gonna be replaced by drones! thats reality
Was reply to “Yes it was said here. Said they are there daily wandering around the halls. Maybe they are?” -RI
On which post or posts does FFFF state the FBI is at FPD everyday?
Where did they mention the Feds are charging more cops?
Where did they mention all the brass will be charged with Federal Corruption crimes?
I know myself and other commentors on here have expressed that as a wish.
In fact, I was under the impression that the FBI is waiting for the Gennaco report to be completed and presented; then they will start their investigation…Is that true, anyone? RI? (smiley here)
“Distraction and Disinformation”
Disinformation (a direct translation of Russian дезинформация dezinformatsiya) is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately -Wikipedia
Walmart is looking for greeters RI.
TOO UGLY for a Walmart Greeter 🙂
Cristobal, we do have a local OC watchdog, it is called the Orange County Human Relations Commission whose stated mission is to act as a “clearinghouse” and mediator for the OC community’s complaints regarding the police /law enforcement. Remember? the CEO of this commission is Rusty Kennedy, a life-long Fullerton resident, and one of the members who proudly served on this commission’s board was none other then current Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley. Rusty’s Orange county Human Relations Commission, when it is not giving out awards to extremely local people, receives $300,000 tax dollars a year to remedy police brutality committed upon the public.
The council does not have the power to do what needs to be done. FBI and Dept of Justice need come down hard on FPD, then a Federal Judge needs to clamp the balls of whomever the new Chief of Police will be and put the department under such close scrutiny that they keep track of how often patrol officers stop for coffee and donuts during their shift.
“We do need to take a step back and take a look at these policies and see if they conform with other cities,” said Whitaker. “What I’m hearing is that a lot of these problems are unique to Fullerton . . . I believe there could be some personal vendettas involved by key personnel,” he said. “I’ve never experienced something so imbalanced as these recommendations and reports.” -OC Weekly
Public Corruption
Why It’s Our #1 Criminal Priority
It’s our top priority among criminal investigations—and for good reason.
Public corruption poses a fundamental threat to our national security and way of life. It impacts everything from how well our borders are secured and our neighborhoods protected…to verdicts handed down in courts…to the quality of our roads, schools, and other government services. And it takes a significant toll on our pocketbooks, wasting billions in tax dollars every year.
The FBI is singularly situated to combat this corruption, with the skills and capabilities to run complex undercover operations and surveillance.
There here is a good starting point! Let the bravest of us take that link to the FBI and initiate (if it isn’t already in process) an investigation into these four remaining police officers. In addition, let’s initiate an investigation into a probable cover up by the Fullerton administration. Anyone care to step up to the plate? Seems like put up or shut up time to me.
Agreed, but if the FBI REALLY wants to unveil corruption within FPD (and the DA), an investigation would be already underway, IMO.
“Shawn Nelson, a member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, seems to think maybe yes; Nelson’s the party who sent the FBI a letter asking them to investigate Thomas’ death, which took place July 5 in a Fullerton bus depot after six officers apprehended Thomas”
It is my hope that a 3rd party proposes either a candidates forum or a general debate of parties involved. There needs to be external political pressure to debate put on the three. External meaning not the Recall campaign or FFFF. I would guess that will happen. Maybe whatever still exists of NUFF. Maybe the CRA. But, if some other political entity calls for a debate or a forum, there will be a real price to be extracted for not being willing to show up.
Chris, you just have to hope that the candidates can debate like you do and have the knowledge you do. I can’t see that happening. If you put you up against them with your vast knowledge of just about every topic, they would look like idiots. Up against a citizen with limited knowledge and just running to get the seat, they may not come out looking so good.
Why don’t you block this asshole and his “buddy”?!
LOL, I must always be aware of you Lifesaving Service with your links. YOUR never late are you?
Concerned Texan, NO as to Brady and the Lieutenant. Writing a one sided report does not make you a liar. MIght make you look the fool when challenged.
I read the article. I do agree with Councilman Whittacker, we NEED another check and balance system in place for the tow company contracts.
It would shown fairness and transperancy.
No question some of FPD’s documented concerns are legitimate on their face. Not much detail in support of those concerns.
But it’s clear FPD has an agenda with Bob’s towing. ONLY Bob’s towing has serious problems.
As to Bob’s hiring crooks. The question would be what did Bob do with them once he found out he employed crooks, fire them or retain them?
Does Bob have access to the backgrounds of his employees like the police department does. I doubt it.
The councilman’s comment about Bob’s getting cited because of “ATTITUDE” has NO PLACE in official comments or documents.
I think some of you know how “HORN HONKING” is attitude?
The complaint from the CHP filing a criminal complaint for “threats” was baseless on it’s face and the comment itself. ATTITUDE again is the factor NO DOUBT.
No criminal complaint filed, NO CRIME. But FPD used it because it simply HAPPENED.
I DID NOT see anything in this article that Bob has refused to CORRECT or FAILED to correct the noted problems by FPD. Whether it was personnel employed or equipment standards.
It would have been nice if the Lieutenant had also included any citations of other companies in this report. If there was NONE I’d call BS on that. Someone isn’t looking to close at others.
Whether you like Bob’s or not, the guy is going to have his day in court both with FPD and the CHP.
More mudslinging indeed.
Bottomline at this MOMENT in time, who is FPD to sling mud,throw rocks at glass houses, have double standards when talking about Bob’s???
Of course FPD would say “give us a break” were working on it.
I did not see anything like that mentioned about Bob having been given the opportunity to FIX his sorted reputation.
Did the report say if Bob’s fixes these problems, he can again compete for our contract?
It’s very clear FPD used Bob’s history to help support their claim, Bob’s is not worthy of our contract and trust to work within our city.
Hmmm FPD, are you looking in the mirror.
We can see in your report alot of things YOU are doing right now, that YOU don’t like about Bob’s.
Now I know why the lawsuit might have been filed.
Good job Councilman Whittaker on BEING smarter and looking outside the box.
ACU, I was wondering if the way in which he gave or presented the report gave any indication that he might be a Brady cop, not necessarily the report itself. I believe the report was a group effort. I really respect Whitaker for his comments though.
Then why aren’t you and your pals in the family demonstrating at the DA’s office.
Shave your feakin heads like the cops did in Riverside regarding the Tahesa Miller case.
Your cops, you know the law and evidence, get busy protesting your pals “unlawful” filing of charges.
Still talkin shit…Hmmm who’s the moron?
You know the answer to that. Someone holding a gun and waking up moving the gun toward the cops is different. I’m sure you disagree. This case has many more elements to it. Charges were filed and the cops, including me, agree as they normally do that if a cop does wrong they need to be punished. The process will punish them if the jury feels they are guilty. Right?
Hey, if these guys are going to whimp out, I’LL debate Tony, Chris, Spunky, Reality Is, WHOEVER… BRING IT ON!! LOL!!
I have never heard of the FBI waiting for anyone else’s investigation to begin their determinations since they are the premier investigative agency of the world. Let’s be sure that they are on this by contacting them directly…or better still…let’s use their link given in an earlier post (#78) to get them involved. Does anybody out there doubt that the other four police officers are guilty of breaking the law? Does anyone doubt that a cover up is happening? Then….take that link and get the ball rolling.
From Anonymous above: “That way, the McDickHead camp would know who needs some bogus traffic tickets.”
I’ll admit, I just now realized that name “McDickHead” encompasses a portion of all 3 of the recallees names!
Frickin genious to whoever came up with that!
Well, Reality Is?
We’re waiting…..(insert shit-eatin’ grin here)
LOL I replied but they all got deleted already.
Ok, I feel like I’m a little crazy. I responded to an obnoxious RI post and it seems like it’s no longer there. I was asking him politely to go somewhere else. I wasn’t telling anyone else to leave.
sounds like the cops want to know who to harass if you post here….
Before you might read this, “There were many Great Men that got us to this point in Humanity” (counter to FPD and their POLITICS)
5 Psychological Experiments That Prove Humanity is Doomed
Read more: 5 Psychological Experiments That Prove Humanity is Doomed |
This debate should have happened July 6th, 2011. In fact there should have been pink slips given instead of PAL. And to Bennett, I quote from the lyrics of Mesopotamia…”before I talk I should read a book.”
Am I the only one experiencing difficulties posting today?
“True and getting worse. No cops anymore. Follow up by Detectives is getting worse too. Cops cut by 30-50%. That’s reality though so nothing anyone can do except wait.” -RI
Crime is down, even if one calls the Police, the chances you get one that gives a Damn is iffy. Even Doctors usually consider a patient a burden to pass off on to someone else, they are even educated and take an Oath. (not to the Constitution though)
Former Fullerton officer guilty of iPad theft
Awesome. Thieves have no business in LE. Sucks it will be off her record in a year though. She will become a cop in the mid west now. 🙁
It seems to me with all the recognition FPD is getting in terms of their unstoppable corruption that no LE agency in America would be willing to hire any rejects from FPD.
Jon and Ken KFI 640AM Radio On Demand
Chris Thompson :50 to 10:25 minutes
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
Fullerton Recall 5PM (2/7)
Read more:
And the world will be a better place.
At 1:50pm, somethings wacky once again in the order and positioning of these comments.
FFFF must be in the process of a new post….
Complete this sentence”
Reality Is _____________.
Unfortunately, the assignment of investigators is usually based on the priorities of a case.
Don’t be so naive to think that the death of a homeless person by police hands would rise to the level of an aggressive investigation.
The TV, on-line and print media remain the best avenues to expose misconduct public employees and officials.
Most investigations carry a degree of political baggage and until a champion is found that can carry the situation in Fullerton to the US Atty Generals’ office and force a top-down action this will become a rotten incident in undocumented Fullerton history.
ROYCE, BOXER, & FEINSTEIN are the primary inputs points to express the dis-satisfaction with depth, breadth, and progress of the Fullerton mess.
Your so AWESOME in YOUR mind, only your posts get deleted because out of all of us, YOU are the only one who has their shit together.
Go see a shrink then report back here. Maybe there will be an opening on the city council soon.
I bet you and Mike Carona think alot of each other too?
Cops are predator drones.
About 150 examples in the FPD.
I have no knowledge and nothing to say about Bob’s Towing either way. I will say that Anaheim Fullerton Towing are top professionals and the one’s I called as a private businessman when I needed a truck resqued.
Hey my point about the Miller case was simple.
You don’t think YOUR pals are guilty based on your previous comments for the most part calling BS as to the merits of the Thomas issue.
You boys in blue who think Ramos and Cincinelli are getting a bad deal then protest it like the cops in Riverside.
That was my point and NOTHING more.
If you cry about an injustice to your “brotherhood” then get busy showing your SUPPORT versus spinning crap on the internet.
You have seen cops gather and protest injustice to fellow cops how many times? Once? Twice? Statewide? Nationwide? There is your answer.
I read recently that record numbers of American citizens are buying handguns and ammunition. Hardly a day goes by that new police atrocities are not being reported. American citizens cower behind doorways or behind cars to see police officers beat their fellow Americans senseless. If you take a look at comment 77 and 78 you will see that even organizations set up to protect us have been invaded by the very people that we need protection from. There is an article today in the London Daily Mail with an accompanying video showing 3 or 4 American police officers holding down an unarmed man while another police officer repeatedly slugs the man in the head. I do not think that the police department knows that there is a limit to what we Americans will take and that limit is fast approaching. I know that many will say that these are exceptions to the rule but the one or two rotten apples in the barrel spoil the entire barrel. As can be seen in these many comments, we are fed up! We will take on any challenge, endure any burden (paraphrasing the words of John F. Kennedy) to correct these problems. We are in the process of replacing (and potentially punishing) an unresponsive administration. We are in the process of pursuing these errant police officers. We will never give up! You police officers who say that you are not to be included with these criminals….Stand up and be counted! Do not allow this corruption of your noble duty bring discredit and shame on all of you. Do it now and do it convincingly. No one could be found in Germany who supported the Reich after it was defeated. No one could be found that opposed it before it was defeated. Fullerton has awakened and will not take it anymore!