Pat McKinley’s Selective Silence

A few days ago, OC Register employee Lou Ponsi scribbled an article here quoting Pat McPension “that because the City Council may have to ultimately decide the employment status of the officers, both on unpaid leave, remaining silent was the correct decision.
We remained silent because that is the rule,” McKinley said. “We were told by the (city) attorney, ‘Don’t say anything.’ … A lawyer tells me what to do and I follow his lead.”
Silent? Yeah, right Pat:
Pat was pretty quick to peddle his damage-control and try to downplay Kelly Thomas’ injuries as not life-threatening. His statement that the Coroner couldn’t determine the cause of death was the old flat-foot desperately clinging to the insinuation that there was some medical reason (i.e. maybe drugs) Kelly died – apart from 1400 lbs. of cop meat sitting on his chest after they had bashed his face into his brain.
We’ve also just raised the question as to whether or not Mr. McKinley may have blabbed about the employment status of Fullerton PD officer Kelly Mejia to his pal and anti-recall spokesorifice, Larry Bennett.
Cognitive dissonance or just plain evil?
This is wrong on so many levels.
First, lets just accept that the whole idea Pat stayed quite on the issue due to his lawyers instructions is a blatant lie as evidenced by the interview.
Second, he was a cop and chief of police for over forty years. It defies logic that he failed to understand the “cause of death was undetermined” because there were too many potential trauma related causes to narrow it down to one. He was desperately holding on to an unfounded and impossible hope that some how Kelly died of pneumonia rather than at the hands of his hand selected men. He held on to this hope to at the risk of the citizens of Fullerton.
Rather than deal with the obvious facts in front of him and take action to protect the public, Pat McKinley held on to fantasy. That is why he will be recalled. Oh ya, and he is a liar.
That there Pat MuKinney is sho’ nuff a smaht boy. We all jes’ foller his lead these days.
seriously, he is a goon for evil, corrupt and full of lies.
“Don’t say anything”.Why is he there if he is not capable of thinking for himself. At least give an explanation of that statement…. “We remained silent because that is the rule.
If nobody knew what happened on July 5th would “We remained silent because that is the rule.Don’t say anything” still be the policy. IsLiabilty the only thing that drives this city. Lets get some people in office that care. There are candidates allready rising to the occassion who do care.
I believe we can have a good city attorney who knows the line between liability and decency.
He shore stepped on his weenie there!
Boy, that’s leadership. An absolute commitment to doing what the lawyer tells you. If that’s how it works, let’s just hire a lawyer as the City Manager and save the cost and hassle of having a council. Good post Mr. Peabody, whoever you are.
A lawyer might actually be cheaper.
Is this McKinley’ s perception of representative government? When your city’s police force beats a disabled , homeless man to death in full view of the public and same police are coached as a group on how to write their reports to cover up this murder, McKinley does not feel obligated to inform the public that their public servants are murderous thugs?
Now I get it. representative government in Fullerton means only what the select few in power,jones, McKinley, Bankhead, decide how the media shall represent them to the public
After reading this several times, the statement “We remained silent because that is the rule,” is why I believe McKinley is still running his mafia over at the FPD.
“I believe McKinley is still running his mafia over at the FPD.”
He has charisma, and not the good kind. He has that macho quality that so many recruits look up to. I suspect he has been their de facto leader even after he retired, pulling the strings of his puppets.
There have been a few other leaders that displayed such charisma. Let’s see, there was someone during WWII who was so charismatic that he was able to command vast armies to kill millions of people.
You can bet anything, McKinley has his finger deep into the pie at FPD. If you think Hughes would tell him to STAY out of internal issues, then go ahead and start laughing.
That’s part of the “good ol boy” system.
Connected for life!!!!!!
ACU, a friend and I were discussing how many “people” aka cops are attending the city council meetings are packing heat twice a month? I’m not sure people realize how many off duty cops sit in the audience and watch us all as we deliver comment after comment. To think someday this could get out of hand if one deranged cop decides s/he is either tired of hearing the bashing or just snaps and pow pow pow!
are* and packing heat twice a month?
Erin- Imagine calling out one of those boot lickers out and tell them – the what for- and have one of those cops..decide Im a threat in the parking lot..they would use the city council tape of me, telling him he is a douche…and they would say..justified.homicide…bet yer last dollar.
How much due process did the victim of this savage beating receive? Facial injuries are not life threatening. The facial injuries killed the victim. No matter how you cut it, this man is covering up a crime, a serious crime. He has more information than anybody else has and he is characterizing this death as maybe being caused by something else. It would be interesting to check official documents, collected videos, and other data later for the dates issued internally and compare them to the date of this public statement. This man should be punished for his involvement, the same way that any other person covering up a crime would be punished if it can be established that he did know how this man died and lied to the public. Enough already!
Is you sayin’ a PRA rekwest a-demandin’ to see any and all e-mails n’ fone reckerds’twixt the FPD ‘n us Three?
Yes “the old flat foot” was HOPING the coroner would tell the world that Kelly had methamphetamine, PCP, or a high blood alcohol content in his blood at the time of death.
If that had been this case, then some of you would know a NEW meaning to spin.
No alcohol/drugs, SHIT we have to try something else.
Kelly carried a hatchet…lets try this lie on for size..huh not buying that either…And-dreeeew, there not playing fair..boohoo.
I believe it is true that the city attorney advised the council to remain silent regarding the murder of Kelly Thomas. Remember, they also wanted to surreptitiously compensate Ron Thomas in hopes that the entire murder episode would fade away. That being said, the statements of McKinley on-camera were utterly absurd!
“Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.”
~Ronald Reagan
great quote OFTB. sad but true.
I won’t be buying his book!!
Well Erin I can’t say that isn’t possible. It would be a first that’s for sure.
I think it’s more along the lines as a security measure for the 3 Amigos and the crew.
Just some cops making sure things don’t get rowdy. That’s why courtesy should be extended by ALL attending those meetings.
It could be along the lines of someone speaking about something then leaving, then getting the nod for that person to be followed out to their car in order to obtain their license plate.
Once that is done, then that person would be checked out through various sources.
Worse case scenario the person is followed, then stopped down the road by FPD for a close and personal contact from the folks in blue.
Much like the victims of the horn honking.Much like Chris Thompson being cited while he was in front of those stores gathering signatures.
But there might be an FBI agent in the crowd also, keeping an eye on the cops who are there too.
FPD does not need anymore heat right now for being stupid on ANYTHING.
When and if I attend those meetings, I will be taking some SERIOUS security measures myself.
I have a much bigger target on my back than most of you.
People who come in here and rant a line or two on this blog, or at the council meetings are of no concern to anyone in the big picture.
Remember I have used the term KGB more than once!!!! THINK!!!
I honestly hope some of those cops are there to learn something from all this. If not their time will come if they are part of the corrupt regime.
FPD needs to be concerned that the FBI might not try a sting or too against them to see if they will take the bait and be stupid.
We just saw that at the LA County jails. ONE sting and the poop hits the fan for BACA.
I still have SOME faith in the system.
If you have ever followed corruption within Law Enforcement, history will show you more than a few BIG BUST of dirty cops over the years.
New York PD takes the lead, having entire squads of narcotic cops being busted ON DUTY by federal agents over the years.
But if you are part of a PD who has a history or a reputation for busting heads, you can bet your being watch closer than you think.
I’d say right now FPD is a big camel. It can’t handle anymore straw before its back breaks.
Whats more worrisome is that Mckinley is sitting up there armed and so is Bankhead…. I would bet that Jones has a permit issued by Mckinley too….. Not exactly the Guvment the founding fathers envisioned, the armed looking down upon the unarmed masses. Kalifornia likes it that way, and so do the cops.
Heya, ah ‘taint got me no shootin’ iron. I jes’ likes ta shoot off mah big yappah. Hell, evah’thin’s biggah in Texas! Yeehaw.
Well, shucks not evah’thin.’
Well SO WHAT??? If there packin HEAT, and so are the cops sitting in the audience, then YOU all have them just a little concerned then.
DON’T go to the council meetings then if you think the cops and the councilmen will draw their pistols at any moment.
Let’s not get so out of focus here we start hearing BLACK helicopters flying overhead too.
Jesus people, some of your comments are NOT based on any specific history.
If you have lost total faith in the system, think the FBI and Gennacco are going to give HUMANITARIAN awards to the City, THEN freakin stay home, LOCK the doors.
You do not quite get it. You are always on here saying how corrupt and inept these clowns are but when I point out that they are armed you run off on a conspiracy tangent. It is not secret knowledge that the people of Kalifornia cannot obtain a ccw freely. Two of the dithering Dinos are armed…. legally. The third probably is because he rubs elbows with corrupt police chiefs….. So yes, armed inept corrupt bozos in a position of power sit above the masses……. prove me wrong. Armed plain clothes cops in the audience, armed ex cops on a dias…. the only people not armed are the subjects. These cops are taking their orders from FPD not the people, we know how far FPD will go to protect bad cops. I for one do not trust them or their allegance.
I doubt if Bankhead is packing heat and nobody in their right mind would issue a CCW to HeeHaw. Oops.
LEOSA signed by Bush gives all cops and retired cops the right by Federal law to carry a gun, as long as they pass a qual and do not commit a felony….. Police chiefs and Sheriffs are the only ones in Kalifornia who can issue ccw permits….. It is quite well known they like to issue them to friends.
Bankhead couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn and HeeHaw couldn’t hit a mule in the ass with a handful of buckshot.
admin, I for one witness Bankhead showing off his gun at the fundraiser Larry Bennett so graciously put on for the 3 bozo’s. Matter of fact, I have the video where he opened his coat and shared it with a fellow cop.
Erin, oh, that would be some fantastically interesting video to see, do you see the gun in the vid?
merijoe, no however, you can hear them speaking about it. Bankhead turned his back to show.
Joe u wanna see the old farts guns huh? Be careful they take blue pills. Makes their guns big n hard.
I totally agree with you mi amigo Corrupt on your observation about the unspoken imbalance of power in City Council chambers, when there is only one side of the Recall argument present at the meetings which is openly and covertly armed. It’s also fair to point out without being labeled, that each and every one of the people that are attending the City Council meeting in an official capacity, either as an officer or a councilman, are on record as being on the Anti-Recall side, as witnessed by $19,000 in Fullerton Police Officers donation to the Anti Recall campaign.
When you have only the side of the room/argument that’s openly packing heat, while
the other side is unarmed,that’s not being paranoid, it’s called being honest and frank and talking about the elephant in the middle of the room everyone avoids.
ACU a FBI division.. feds trying to keep the lid on things. anti-police activities scare all cops.
You are missing the point! The LE cabal has the right to break into anyone ‘s home they chose to, at any moment, and for any reason. The “system” stopped working for non-LE citizens about 50 years ago!! 🙂
Thank You for pinning the tail on the truth again.
It’s closer to 40 years since the “War on Drugs” was implemented in 1971.
That was the start of the militarization of law enforcement in this country.
Jane H, the beginings of the war on drugs started when the feds decided that some plants were to be declared illegal with the passage of the Narcotics Tax Act of 1914. Until then it was anything goes for an American citizen.
The militarization of the civilian LE agencies started in the big cities like NY, Boston, and Phildephia at the beginings of the 20th century. The arming of LE agencies as if they were soldiers began with the creation of SWAT teams, at which time civilians became the enemy targets of these killers. 🙂
In the months after the 41st and Central raid, McKinley and his SWAT teammates headed down to Camp Pendleton for intense military training with the marines. They would never again be tactically unprepared. McKinley would rise through the ranks of SWAT, eventually becoming the captain in charge. In 1993, he was appointed police chief of Fullerton—a position he held until two years ago prior to being elected to the Fullerton city council. McKinley is currently being recalled for spearheading a “cover up” keeping all 6 cops on the street for over a month who assisted in a murder an unarmed homeless man in downtown Fullerton while responding to a bogus call about an auto burglary.
Roland Freeman works in South L.A. as a counselor for at-risk kids. Just like he did in the old days with the Panthers, Freeman puts together community breakfast programs. “The shootout was the high-water mark of the Black Panther party,” he says in hindsight. “It was everything we stood for…everything. The government came at us full tilt. They came in there to murder us in our sleep, and we were able to defend ourselves.”
And now he’s (McPension) voting on lawsuit settlements for things HIS “boys” did to Fullerton citizens under the color of authority, costing Fullerton residents millions. Something doesn’t seem right.
The video reveals the absolute truth. So why would anyone be “violently opposed” to the truth unless they have something to hide.
Cause the DA told him so.
“the beginings of the war on drugs started when the feds decided that some plants were to be declared illegal with the passage of the Narcotics Tax Act of 1914. Until then it was anything goes for an American citizen.”
Yes, that’s true, but the proliferation of SWAT teams all over the US started in the 70s and 80s.
“but the proliferation of SWAT teams all over the US started in the 70s and 80s.”
True Dat, Jane H!!
Looks like McKinley will be teaching Fullerton women how to be defensive. Except for that uniformed officer, molesting women while handcuffed scenario. Which he just doesn’t have an answer for just yet. Here
Oh, oh. The She Bear comes to Fullerton. How can these dames be so ignorant of what’s going on? I notice there’s no indication that mcpension will be pimping his stoopid book.
I see part of these ladies being in population that is still clinging to McKinely and the good ol boys who think they have done nothing wrong and we are just a bunch of hippie whipper-snappers who are just trouble makers. They are stuck in their time warp, if the “old chief” says it, it must be so……. it is often the sad side of getting old for many. That is not to be mean, just the truth as I see it, I am watching my own parents get old and see it daily. That still doesn’t explain many other members who would sit still for him speaking to their group, I don’t get it.
But what amazes me equally, is that not one person in the city (which he thinks he owns) has gotten it right as to when he should open or shut his mouth and what he should say. There is no way in hell he should be talking to any group right now, I don’t think he is legally skated death yet for all his deeds, known and otherwise.
about the book- My guess is he’ll have a box full for the little ladies, he’ll even be willing to sign it for them if they sit on his lap.
“not one person in the city (which he thinks he owns) has gotten it right as to when he should open or shut his mouth and what he should say.”
I don’t know if I was clear in my statement, by that i mean,
“not one person has been able to advise/control him as to when…..”
Trust me, not all the members of the Woman’s Club of Fullerton wants him there. I’m disheartened the rest didn’t agree to cancel his appearance.
Calling all real she bears – ten hut! Wednesday night…pass it on.
Here is something to share. Should it also be printed to hand out to those in attendance?
Let’s go….
Mr Mckinley is so worried about womens safety, he even wrote a book on it-wait wasnt he rincons boss and had a case of ‘look the other way”………nice
Is it members only? Need forty bucks to join? Give me a call!
I call bulllshit on the City Council possibly deciding the fate of the officers, hence the silence……..It will be a jury of 12 men and women who decide the fate of Ramos and Ciccianelli.
And quite possibly, another jury of 12 men and women in a civil case against the other 4 officers present at the scene.
No, they are talking about the elaborate kabuki drama it takes to get rid of a unionized public employee, esp. a cop.
What Whitaker should do is waive his participation of that charade in exchange for watching the video. The see what lame excuse they come up with.
I simply said so what if they are packing hea?. If your too scared of all that stay home. No conspiracy theory in all that.
As to your other points, I agree.
Hard to get a CCW in Commiefornia etc.
Yes I am well aware of former President Bushes executive order on retired cops carrying guns etc.
Yes FPD members take their orders from them.
There is an imbalance of power. Your preeching to the choir my friend.
With all do respect you might not quite get it since you haven’t been the personal victim of the very corruption I speak of.
Maybe a case or two in your time, try being a passenger on the bus of corruption for 20 years. YOU think this is the first Kelly Thomas case I’ve seen in my day?
In closing there might soon be a shift in power with the recall.
So until that issue is settled, LET’s all be cool about some things and remained focused.
fulleronsfuture blog subscription now available on kindle for .99 per month. What a deal!
Say what!!?? How come we’re not getting any of that action?
Chris bought a Kindle a long time ago and I tried to set up the blog as a subscription for him. Amazon set the minimum price at 99 cents. Nobody has ever subscribed.
does that still make this site non-profit?
Retired Fullerton police chief and current Fullerton city council member pat McKinley answer this question. while you served as the only member from law enforcement on Rusty Kennedy’s Orange county human relations commission, did any member of Fullerton’s community complain about civil rights abuses committed by your police force ?
Prepare yourself for more of McKinley’s selective silence to that question…
Yes it does, and many politicians too.
One will only know that if they have been privledged to work behind the scenes of a scandal. Quite interesting actually to watch the TUFF guys scramble around like cockroaches when the lights come on.
If one was to drive down any street in Fullerton they would see everything around them as quite normal. Most would have no idea anything is amiss.
If someone was to ask Chief Hughes if all this attention is creating problems, he would tell you “no way” this is no big deal, or words to that effect.
However if you could be a FLY on the wall inside his office, when he is talking to Godfather McKinley or his staff, I don’t think we would hear how all is well.
If you could ever get an “admission” anything is wrong with a scandal like this from anyone in power, it might be a first. They have circled the wagons, and will be in that mode for sometime to come.
There are many fires burning in the background right now. The fires have gone down quite a bit. But they are far from out.
Damage control is still working hard to contain them, BUT out of our sight.
The DA, FBI, Gennacco, the attorney for the Thomas family & Meth, a disgruntled FPD or city employee in the know, could throw a can of gas on the fire at ANYTIME.
Chief Hughes has a LONG way to go before he can breathe a sigh of relief.
If the recall goes through as planned, and a new MAJORITY city council is seated, and those folks elected do not share a corrupt mindset, FPD might have to relive another round of scrutiny.
A city manager or attorney could be looking for new employement too.
We are somewhat at an intermission in this drama, but the show is far from over.
City Attorney Jones must have highly recommended silence to ALL the council after McKinley made all those blunders on his CNN interview; not to mention the blunders on his ‘Insider O.C.’ interview.
Attorney Jones: “Since councilman Pat McKinley continues to put his foot in his mouth with public statements , I highly recommend we remain silence and we’ll use the pending criminal trial on our cops as our excuse for silence…”
Yes I ask myself how much longer is the family attorney for Thomas going to wait before he starts taking depositions in this case or Meth’s case??
If they have evidence that cannot be explained away, then get after the depositions NOW, before people start claiming they “cannot remember” this or that.
You can ALWAYS depose someone again as NEW evidence comes forth. In fact YOU might catch a whole bunch of people lying if you do. PRICELESS!!!
The more dirt you uncover, the higher the damage award, the less chance of going to court and having more defendants exposed in the “culture of corruption”.
Hey Erin, they were just saying among themselves, “my gun is bigger than yours”. (insert smile).
ACU, you are correct. It’s a GUY thing I suppose..
I think some of you might be angry to learn how many SPECIAL citizens have CCW’s issued.
Remember all the hoopla at the Sheriff’s Department that created with Carona.
Maybe some one can do a Freedom of Information Act on the CCW’s issued by Fullerton?
It might make for some INTERESTING commentary in lite of the presents comments.
I don’t see Bankhead chasing any bank robbers down the street at his age. I hope he isn’t packing that thing in a bar while he is getting intoxicated.
Another interesting point, might be the ISSUE date on some of these CCW’s. If recent, might show who is running scared and who isn’t.
Just a thought.
“The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.” Montesquieu
They have to go to the shooting range and qualify. As long as they qualify they can carry it. So obviously he qualifies
Because no one violated his civil rights. And there is no one to go after. If there was he would have gone after them a long time ago. Now that Ron Thomas saw the tape, he knows there is nothing. That is why he does not want the council people to see it. Nothing to see. Just a guy not cooperating.
Nice try but the DA would have mentioned something about the suspect (victim in this case) not cooperating.
The DA doesnt have to tell you shit as long as he looks good bullshiting you.
I have a copy of SheBear (for research purposes only) and here are some interesting, makes you want to stick your finger down your throat, excerpts from the book-written by McHypocrite the Hibernating Bear.
“I give you all license to be rude when confronted with a situation that causes your Inner Sense Of Danger to alert-act the part, speak the part and refuse to be a victim” pg 32 (and get tasered then beat to death)
re inner sense of danger
“Secret service agents have the enormous task of protecting the president, the agents keep him safe by being alert and avoiding dangerous situations, if something doesnt feel right they move him-you need to listen for the signals” pg22 (too bad your signals were out of order when you hired all those criminal POS’s )
“… the criminals (FPD) out there who are waiting to take advantage of you are not tough, they don’t take care of themselves, they don’t train physically (evidenced by the uniform buttons that cry out and the pot bellies), they dont eat the proper foods (evidenced by the pink bakery boxes that we saw in their dumpster one day)-they abuse and debilitate their bodies , they are not mentally or physically strong people” pg 9 (the hell you say, is that why 6 were needed to “get Kelly under control” ?)
REALLY??? Well it sure sounds like you and some other cops should be picketing the DA for his bogus filing of 2nd degree murder charges on Ramos.
Why isn’t Chief Hughes speaking out against DA Rack. How about Papa McKinley?
Or are all the Police Unions going to come together and oppose DA Rack when he comes up for re-election?
If what your saying is what you REALLY believe, you should be REAL PISSED at the DA.
So please tell me why NO COPS are after DA RACK???
You made the statement, JUST asking.
Serious dude, YOU cops have got to rally behind your brothers if your going to put out such comments and believe them.
Where is your UNION leader at in all this?
I see some serious talk from those in BLUE, but little action. Lot’s of spin, but that’s all.
No offense, but I see more talk from the cops than I do the citizens, CITIZENS are getting busy taking care of business they are pissed about.
@ #73
I hope its not because the cops are out numbered this time, and their afraid to go up against ANYONE now that the playing field is leveled?
When the cops were dealing with Kelly and yelled, “ROLL ME A BACK”, everyone came running that could.
WELL what about now?
Please tell me it isn’t like the gangbangers you deal with everyday who SELDOM go one on one with their opponent and need a 5 to 1 ratio to take care of business?
What I find most peculiar with Anonymous’ statement:
“Because no one violated his civil rights. And there is no one to go after. If there was he would have gone after them a long time ago. Now that Ron Thomas saw the tape, he knows there is nothing. That is why he does not want the council people to see it. Nothing to see. Just a guy not cooperating.”
It’s my understanding that the 2nd degree murder charge for the beating death of Kelly Thomas was based off the DAR (Ramos had his shut off, go figure) so it was Wolfe’ along with the other cops DAR and the video together.
In due time………
Hey stop blaming everything on Pat. You have no right to say anything bad about him. If you personally knew him you’d know the truth. People always bag on elected officials because they dont know who to blame. So lay off.