50 Replies to “The Blank Screen”

  1. Dear god- does he not spend one minute reviewing whats on the agenda? I do. As soon as its released I look up court cases,and the items. Here is a hint for ya Donny….read before you show up to city council and prove what a useless tool you are. Thanks for taking our money, and doing nothing. woo hoo par for the course in fullerton…is below mediocre. Woo hoo

  2. “……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..”

  3. Memory-related disorders often create enormous social, physical, emotional and financial burdens on the family of the patient.

    For the early stages of dementia, assisted living can be a good option. Assisted Living allows for a much more enjoyable and active life.

    Planned activities focus on rehabilitation and prevention of deterioration. Many facilities have special memory care programs designed to slow the disease. This treatment is the main activity in a dementia care center.

    1. I wouldn’t even send my worst enemy to some of these Assisted Living Facilities.

      What is your point WTM? A joke?

    2. THAT is the place for him! Locked-down assisted living! Do they have solitary confinement there? hmmmmm…. 😉

  4. Erin :Oh brother of the ancient ruins. He only reads what will benefit him and his 2 clown friends.

    O brother………………frikin Erin….hah ahhahahah.

  5. When I saw and spoke with Don Blankhead at the Sunny Hills post office before Christmas, I knew that the recall was going to be successful and that the keys to the city would soon be taken away from him.
    As Don was driving away from the post office, I wondered to myself, who is going to be the one to take the keys away from this senile senior before he hurts others with his driving?

    1. I’ve always said, when a person hits 60 they should be required to retake not only the written test but also the driving too.

    2. A doctor can do it if he sees cognitive impairment. Does Bankhead have kids? Then they can do it. Or his wife.

      O.k., now I just read that he is one month older than my mother, who is 79. Her faculties are not what they once were and before my father died at 80, his memories caused a serious enough impairment, that I had to take over his affairs.

      Now my question is: Why in the world does he even want to BE on the city council when he could be traveling and having fun with his grandkids?

      1. Scuttlebutt has it that Don used to beat his own son pretty regularly when his son was in high school, so I’d suspect that Don is estranged from him, as well as any children that his son had.

          1. Bankhead does what my father used to do. If he had a senior moment, he would suddenly dismiss something, right in the middle of a sentence, but that was more about saving face.

          2. Here’s the part that I don’t get Jane. The same people that grow beautiful vegetable gardens, and would never consider beating their plants up if they didn’t grow like they wanted them to, would beat their own children to a bloody pulp with the explanation afterwords was that they needed or deserved the beating, ” because I love you”
            When and why did we stop using our heads and our hearts to help our children grow up, and started using our hands and our words to injure them instead?

            1. Actually, beating children was the norm for a very long time in the country and world. Until psychiatry had evolved enough scientifically to realize that corporal punishment is very damaging to a child, in almost every way.

              Those who still hold on to the idea of sparing the rod and spoiling the child, will pay the price with estrangement from their loved ones.

              So if what you say about Bankhead beating his kids is true, then it may be that no one will come to his rescue. And he’ll be just a grumpy, old man who, like my father, would rather get angry and dismissive then admit that he just can’t do it (city council) anymore.

      2. He like many others have an addiction for power and attention, that simple.

        To me it’s a no brainer that’s all this is at his age.

        And with many years of this, he like the others who have been challenged very little and cannot and will not EVER get a clue to step down until they are beatin into the pavement.

        1. Circumstance in one’s life seem to dictate everything. He’ll probably keel over in his chair some night the city council meeting. And, that’s not a joke. My father fought me for the reinstatement of his license after he was already having balance problems and fell regularly. And if hadn’t been around? It could have been tragic, not that it already wasn’t.

          Mr. Bankhead, it’s time to retire, for the last time, and go have some fun!

  6. I get it that Bankhead is addicted to feeling important, and having city flunkies kiss his ass, and his coterie of Rotarian pals laughing at his unfunny jokes.

    But, seriously, has he no real friends or family members willing to do the right thing and persuade him to quit running for office?

    That’s really sad.

    1. They too may enjoy the perks of local corruption Joe? Maybe they like the local business people kissing the ring as they walk in the front door.

      Ya never know!

      1. Some of his closest friends, and yes he still has a few, have suggested he resign or at least not run again. They were suggesting this back in 2010 and he told them this was his last “at bat”. Since KT was murdered by FPD, many of those same people continued to suggest Don step down. They even began strategizing who could replace him. This was part of a larger idea to also replace Doc.
        Ol’ Doc and Don aren’t healthy. But to them, the Council is all they have. Family wasn’t it. Money wasn’t it. Even power wasn’t it (everyone knows the City Manager runs the town).
        It was always and remains today to be their egos and that’s true for all three- massive egos.

  7. Why would they ask him to quit? They get free stuff, free parking, free booze downtown,free crap from the Rotard-ery, why would they have him leave, his pension is gone throu like water, they need all the extra’s they can. Figure they have had carte-blanche to do as they wish,we are just takin gback what is rightfully ours, and they cant take it. NO t to mention all the free stuff from the water board he is on….he is too much of the bankheads money – to leave now. They use him. that is really sad.

  8. D. Bankhead has been recalled before. He ran again and won. And that’s the problem. He got majority vote after being recalled. How does that happen?

    1. Hopefully all the idiots that voted for him before are no longer around, or too senile to even remember him. LOL

    2. How does that happen? Easy. Let’s look at Don’s most recent election. He received around 12,000 votes. BUT about 20,000 (I’m guessing with no stats in front of me) voted for someone else. Those 18,000 votes were divided up among lesser known people. As the Recall election will prove, a majority of voters DO NOT want Bankhead but are divided over his replacement. This is where voters really need to come together to say NO MORE BANKHEAD and then vote for the person they think will bring the most to a new council.

  9. Let’s see. We’ve got one dummy who can’t talk, one dummy that won’t shut up, and one dummy who thinks sexual assault “ain’t a dangerous thing.”

    1. A Sad Day, Let’s see. We’ve got one dummy who can’t talk, one dummy that won’t shut up, and one dummy who thinks sexual assault “ain’t a dangerous thing.”

      That sums it up. Pathetic by ALL means!

  10. Mercury amalgams? Prions in the meat? Long waves? Statin drugs? Blue label? What is going on with this guy’s brain?

        1. At $200 a bottle…Yikes!

          He may want to change to Black Label; it’s only $24 per 750L bottle…

          Not that I buy that stuff…

  11. He isnt called Don BLANKHEAD for nothing. He deserves that name!
    Blue Label = $159 at Costco at Christmas time. Sometimes Tuco has to celebrate, but at $200? You can buy it and I can drink it!

    1. Perhaps someday Tuco…LOL

      As of late, times are tough financially but maybe we could celebrate with some of that Black Label when the recall turns out to be a success and/or when we start seeing prosecutions on Ramos and Cicinelli.

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