Justice for Dean: Protest Held in Fullerton Over Man’s Suicide in Police Jail Cell
So reports the LA Times, right here. It seems that the family of Dean Francis Gochenour believes the FPD’s treatment of their family member left a lot to be desired. Gochenour entered the FPD jail alive on the night of April 14, 2011. He left it dead on April 15th. Gochenour is claimed to have committed suicide by strangling himself with his shirt.

What adds interest to this tale is the fact that FPD arresting officer Vincent Mater apparently smashed his DAR right after Gochenour’s death. Suspicious folk believe he did it to destroy incriminating evidence about his arrest of Gochenour.
In a true man-bites-dog story, Officer Mater is being charged by the DA (finally) on charges of destruction of evidence. This is a misdemeanor charge, but you really have to wonder if there isn’t more lurking beneath the surface of this story.
For the family’s sake, and the the rest of the residents, I HOPE they throw the book at Mater!
Isn’t there ALWAYS something lurking beneath the behavior of FPD that isn’t right? It’s been that way for many many years, this I know for a fact….
They’ll never get the truth.
That cop dismantled his DAR for a reason.
But dead men tell no tales.
Best of luck to the family.
Our FPD is the best of the best. It’s time to start protesting FOR them. They put their lives on the line every day against gangsters and thieves and rapists and dangerous sleeping guys and terrorists with bombs and such.
And from coronarys, don’t forget heart attacks from being obese
Per the Federal Dept of Labor, police officers arent even in the top ten of Dangerous occupations, that they are is a myth perpetrated by the police themselves.
From the NY Times:
Clean the crap from your own nest and then you might get some public support.
As long as the rank ‘n file protect the slimeballs you are going to get pushback – like it or not.
I think the crab fishermen in Alaska truly risk their lifes to feed us.
YEA, hats off to the “Deadleast Catch” boys.
When was the last time an officer for FPD lost their lifes in the line of duty???
Coulda, woulda, mighta, isn’t the theme anymore.
Very possible to die of a heart attack when one can’t look down and see their shoes though!!!!
Just saying!!
“When was the last time an officer for FPD lost their lifes in the line of duty???”
I think it was in 1990 or so. In a drug sting gone wrong. In Downey. I don’t know how far back you’d have to to find a death in the City. Maybe there’s never been one.
Bankhead fell out of a chair once. Does that count?
A rookie got hit by an SUV on Commonwealth and Euclid, high speed chase, bad place to be, it was about 2006.
ACUnit. The trolls here know you and your career. It was long ago and you got run out cause you were a whiny pussy. You can only fool brain dead people with no clue how law enforcement works. Whiny babies like you get run out of LE everyday. You are one of thousands now milking the retiree system.
Well your buddy RI seems to be the one who is scared to meet me.
You feel free to join him so both of you can hold hands and feel safe, we know many of you can’t handle business unless you have a crowd of blue standing around.
So their won’t be any meeting in Fullerton.
I mean hell the best you have at counsel meeting is old retired drunk cops speaking up for you, and you call me what you do, LOL!!!!!!
Seems to me that if ACU was terminated from law enforcement it was more than likely that he was doing the right thing and working in the name of ‘Truth and Justice’.
A-holes like many of the brass at FPD don’t seem to like the officers that ‘do the right thing’ for truth and justice; they prefer to promote the kiss-ass corrupt officers who will do as they say, such as re-write your report so the prisoner/victim appears to be the ‘bad guy’.
FAILED Hamilton! Just as you did as ‘Acting Chief’.
Oh, and btw Hamilton, did you find the ‘Right Guy’ in the Veth Mam case?
There ya go WG.
RI when you going to grow some and come out from hiding behind your keyboard?
I’m out and about everyday. Let’s me at the courthouse.
NO RI, lets meet where it’s an even playing field. Your always willing to meet where you feel safe.
A man of your bravery should just say name it.
Or give your phone number to Travis, I’ll call you on my dime.
You act like we are gonna fight. We are two old farts. All I wanna do is drink a beer and tell war stories.
Kevin Hamilton?
I don’t eat crab but do expect my community to be safe. Crab fisherman do that job to get paid. Most police officers do the job to keep the community safe regardless of the pay. They also have to deal with the crap from the people the people that post nonsense on this blog.
“Most police officers do the job to keep the community safe regardless of the pay.”
Wrong. most do it because they get to wear a gun and couldn’t make nearly as much dough in an honest job.
Ask Rincon and Mater and Hampton and Wolfe and Cicinelli and…
You need Help….Or you don’t work for our police department. Or you have no ethics. You must be one of those people sittin at home and eatin a bag of cheetoss and a laptop. Just dreaming of what you could be…..
When was the last time there was a terrorist in Fullerton (with or without a bomb)? The only reason the jewelry store robbers were caught yesterday was because they were more stupid than the FPD and the store owner shot at them!
Fruity Pebbles taste better than Capt. Crunch.
I agree with back the badge. They put their lives on the line every day being gangsters (at least a dozen now have various charges against them although several have finally been fired because there is a recall election.); they put their lives on the line by fondling women (oops he got fired a year later), and dangerous sleeping guys? Oh yeah, they hurt their hand and got broken bones while beating Kelly THomas according to the Sgt Goodlie report to the news outlets. Yup and the terrorists with bombs have been active in Fullerton. They got the Irish pubs, the english pubs, the pubs pub and the police pub. So Back the Badge is right we gotta support FPD so they can throw out all the rest of the felons and crooks who are felons but get it reduced to misdemeanors.
Let me say here and now: if I ever off myself, I’ll leave a note. That can either be taken as over dramatic or chilling, take it as you wish.
I hope this family can find the truth and hopefully closure. I doubt the truth will ever come out. They have a long road ahead of them so it’ll be awhile before closure comes. For now, I wish them strength, courage and perseverance.
I got ahead of myself and left out that I have no plans of a shortened life. I meant if I’m ever in a shuffle, scuffle or any other kind of incident with law enforcement to suspect the worst if no note is found. (Yeah, timing is everything…I know…the post would’ve made more sense if its entirety was all together.)
Maybe they should get in touch with Mardirossian.
They are
Vince Mater is small potatoes to officer Ren who is still on the job for assault on a minor and unlawful detention. He was promoted to detective while on criminal probation. What a joke. He needs to be fired. Where is the FBI?
You mean Wren? Tell us more! He was Rincon’s partner!
Routine re-investigations, including polygraphs to help fight and prevent police misconduct and corruption. Maybe officers would think twice before breaking the very laws they are sworn to uphold. And the ‘code’ would once and for all be broken. http://t.co/rv9CwYeR
I agree with you. Taking polys will keep their heads staight. The rules would be, if you don’t pass your poly, you are out….Even Unions can’t protect that……
Major kudos to those who stood out there in the rain. I hope more people make it next time when the weather clears up.
That sketch and 2nd picture freaks me out every single time.
where is the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI)? Why do they evade us, the good people of Fullerton?
It is our, the good people of Fullerton, duty to seek out the FBI because they fail to seek us out?
The public protests must continue or evil will prevail in our town
The problem within fullerton doesn’t begin or end with the Kelly Thomas murder so I think its time to seek them out because they’re obviously arent doing jack shit in Fullerton.
When the Portland police was accused of being heavy handed they set up a community meeting not too long ago. Its obvious that the agents and investigators in Orange County are part of the corruption and intend to do their best to cover it up.
They go to the same schools, they go to the same churches, they probably go to the same masonic lodges, they go to the same fitness centers and they share the same building with the OCDA so I have no faith in the Orange County or Los Angeles FBI offices to do a thorough investigation.
Is there any way we can request an outside jurisdiction start an investigation?
Because everyone that tells the story of rampant and consistent corruption and coverup gets proven a liar quickly or that they are basing their stories on hearsay.
Need more facts to get the Feds involved.
Rincon? Mejia? Wolfe? Cicinelli? Hampton? Cross? Ramos? Siliceo? Mater? Major? Goodrich? Coffman? Wren?
Heresay? Lies? Yeah, right. That’s not even a good try.
You just proved my point. Now use facts and hearsay behind the names you mentioned? Exactly. You are using Tonys opinions vs facts.
Rincon = serial sex pervert
Mejia = convicted thief
Cicinelli = killer
Hamton = thug and perjurer and killer
Cross = thug and racist
Ramos = killer
Siliceo = perjurer
Mater = obstructor of justice and Brady Cop
Major = pill popper and convicted thief
Goodrich = serial liar
Coffman = creator of fake vehicle infractions (excessive horning!!)
Nguyen = perjurer.
Oh, I also forgot the pigs that farted in the woman’s face thinking she was unconscious. But boys will be boys.
Of course these are only the most recent miscreants and the ones that haven’t been shileded.
Wren = aid and abets Rincon
All hard workers and crime fighters. Tough job. Gotta break some eggs. Tough love. Public safety.
Earners of pensions and early retirement benefits-Some of Fullerton’s finest, hero’s of the city. (dont ya feel safer tonight?)
Don’t forget:
Hamilton=WTH was that?/seat warmer Stated before leaving the Acting Chef (yes, I said chef) position to the media that that Fullerton was “a town under attack.”
Michael Sellers=Coward and accomplice to various criminal activity including murder-Main decision maker for FPD (ret)
Danny Hughes=Defender for his boyz -Now Acting Chef, stated to the media, on his way in, that “If somebody says there is a culture of corruption, they’re either lying, they have other motives or they are grossly misinformed.”
He was also on the balcony listening to another cop receive a radio call of an excessive honker on the loose during a protest day
He also has a problem with releasing the name of the watch commander on duty the night of the Kelly Thomas murder.
Half are fact. Half are stories. Not a bad record for the last twenty years. Imagine what your local PD would look like with some personnel file sniffing? This is nothing.
More like 3 years and its an atrocious record for an agency of that size and within that short span of time. You have to step out the whole “brotherhood” mindset and realize that there is a serious problem within this department.
The bad guys within these departments are taking advantage of this mindset and destroying decades of trust between law enforcement and the community.
Reality Is, I’m sure you don’t want to live in a future where your loved ones could be pulled over and sexually assaulted by rogue cop who you can’t touch because he’s protected by his “brothers” and union. I’m also sure you don’t want to live in a future where the citizens view cops are being corrupt, irrelevant and worthless.
What you’ll end up with is a lawless wild west type society. I’m not going to go into details but wearing a badge and uniform could be … hazardous.
If you want to have a general idea of what the future of law enforcement could look like here if things arent addressed and seriously looked at just take a look at Mexico.
Not a bad record for the past 20 years? In the Orange County city I live in we have no crap like that. Also who looked back in fullerton for 20 years, actually the items all are in the last 4 years at most. So multiply all those names by 5 times to get to 20 years. Let me count the names yup 12 names. X 5 to make 20 years is right around 60 miscreants. Total sworn is 130 of which over a dozen are never out on the street so its easy to see that 50% of the cops on FPD are tainted. Thats why no one wants a Fullerton cop on their force in OC. Maybe in Cochise County Arizona. So I suggest they move to AZ.
Based on the James’ list above, that means the Fullerton Police Department has 10% of criminals within their police force.
And again, that’s just what we know of from the good folks here at FFFF.
My guess is that there is probably at least another 10% on top of that.
Well, according to grand master RI, that is nothing…
And most of those names James would be unknown to many if it wasn’t for FFFF.
And I bet there are more names that could be added.
Question ACU, in the transcipts of the depo one of Rapecon’s victims’ said that he rooted thru her purse right away, for no reason- wasnt that a violation of her rights? then he went thru a bucket and a pack of cigs that weren’t hers and said he found something.
He was probably looking for dope, or guns.
If he simply made contact and started going through her stuff and she wasn’t under the influence of dope, or consented to the search then the answer would be yes.
Predators like Rincon will get as many violations on their victims as they can.
Then they will discuss with them how they MIGHT get out of all these problems.
Hmmm, like maybe a little sex, then you get to go home, NO CHARGES!!
That’s small potatoes comparing to other PDs. The Feds are just laughing at you.
It’s logical fallacy to think that two wrongs make something right.
Trolls throw out little (and big) red herrings so throw us off balance.
Not working.
FBI’s reluctance to investigate the crimes committed upon the community of Fullerton by its police force is both are law enforcement. Current Fullerton city council member and recently retired Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley attended trainings at the FBI academy.
Another approach may be to bring state and federal representatives in their respective senates and assemblies into this morass called our municipal government.
Wasn’t the rallying cry for better government about putting “Main Street” over Wall Street interests the last time there’d was a national election. The time has come to take our plight to the national level to get our justice and representation. What better way for a politician to get national attention by caring about a “Main Street” called Fullerton?
The FBI has the evidence that links the police coaching Slidebar personel to call in the complaint which resulted in Kelly Thomas’ death. Of course, the false nature of that complaint must be concealed at all costs. That would make the case into first degree premeditated murder. Ron Thomas knows that and his attorney will use it to inflate the settlement. He will have to agree to keep everything confidential. The City’s attorneys will either conceal those allegations from the future City Council or scare the shit out of them to keep it mum. There will not be a trial. If the facts were to get out, all hell would break lose across not just Fullerton but across America. “Law Enforcement” would implode. The FBI is part of that network and will never expose the link. Don’t expect the truth to ever come out.
Law enforcement will not implode or explode, it may reform itself and call this reform the Fullerton reforms novel in that it was a grass roots movement that pushed up for improvements in law enforcement instead of,the usual dictatorial top down policies,memos,bulletins problem solving maneuvers.
What is left of us when our honor is lost?
Polygraphs are a joke. That’s why they aren’t allowed in court either. They are a tool to convince people to admit lies. They really mean nothing.
Polygraphs. Mandated drug and alcohol testing of cops. Good for business. Public safety.
“Neither shall you allege the example of the many as an excuse for doing wrong.”
Exodus 23:2
Why is it then that the FBI has their own agents take polygraph tests every 5 years?
Excellent question; Why does LE use it if it “mean nothing”….can’t have it both ways, call it effective or stop doing it yourself.
Also why does the public have to submit to a drug/alcohol test when called upon to do so and we just want to drive….not carry a weapon.
Because you sign a paper that you will do so and you only have to do so when the other reasons exist. I can’t just pull you over and say hi will you blow for fun?
Pull them over for fun and profit. Make ’em walk a line. beat their heads in if they don’t. Public safety.
you lost me @” for fun” I think that is a matter of perpective 🙁
He’s funnin you.
Apparently Albert Rincon didn’t seem to have any problems doing that 🙂
But I digress. The trick is to “look” for probable cause (ie just say the driver is weaving/not maintaining lanes).
True. That VC book gives anyone a way to find PC these days.
Good question. If you research it, the FBI tests are fought often by applicants and agents tha feel honestly screwed too. It’s just something that has never been a positive. It should be solid like DNA to be used. I passed mine in 1988 and I lied. Lol
Lying. Necessary component of police work. All do it. Good for business. Public safety.
Did you put thumb tacks in your shoes?
I heard that works.
Wrong….no poly no job. You have know idea what you talkin about…..RI you are stupid….
“I passed mine in 1988 and I lied. Lol”
Of course you did…lie I mean.
Scare tactic…
I am to old to fight too. I just don’t want any of your young friends around either.
And if your older than me, then you fit the elder abuse status in the penal code, and it’s a felony.
No thanks on all that.
you are stupid
Sadly, polygraph results can be misleading; in some cases, an agency’s polygrapher has prior and/or current connections to the agency and is in a position to “direct” the questioning to reflect well on the person being questioned.
Psych re-evals should be done at least every 5 years (if not more frequently) and by a different provider than the original psych.
Annual (or more frequent) checks of DMV records – would anyone want a LEO or FF with a DUI charge, license suspension and/or conviction (that he or she did *not* report to his/her command) driving on duty? Saw an FF lose his job for DUI license suspension that was not reported as required. A DMV check found it.
It all comes down to the “honor” of the individual LEO/FF.
Even you’re not that gullible but I get it. You’re posting a bunch of off topic messages to divert away from the original topic so people will get so bogged down in arguing silly semantics with you that they forget what the original topic is about and as a result won’t get all riled up and perhaps organize more protests.
I have to hand it to you. You’re a pro.
It’s still on topic. Corruption and coverups. That’s what the protest was about. Not much other info to get from the jail death. If walls could speak.
The camera’s spoke enough to substaniate a wrongful death suit.
you are still stupid
He is for some. But I smelled police management from the get go. (insert smile)
I didn’t hear ACU say anything like that, nor did I get the impression that’s what he wants, he wants to meet you in person to talk and debate, you little coward with girl parts.
YO you prob look like that chester molester teacher at mieramonte school. with your short shorts and queen like voice
That’s what the depo says he tried to do, the girl gave him some good backlash that the dumb trash deserved-and she was not under any influence of anything, it seems he just chose her because he “fancied” her.
Just like a predator, a HUNTER!!!!
A pedator with a badge-Damn, how do you protect yourself from that evil?
And yes, he did try to eliminate charges, after he left her breast hanging out and exposed all during the ride in his squad car.
All cops are hunters in a way. I’d have to look up the definition of predator too but I think all cops are predators in a way too. Always on the prowl, looking, hunting, watching, moving. At least the pro active ones. Some are just lazy and or fat and just respond to calls. But those ones are the ones you never hear about because they don’t get sued or use much force.
Only half the police departments in orange county record contacts with DARs. This practice has exposed the Fullerton police department to unnecessary liability. The Fullerton pd should adopt the policy of the FBI when it comes to interviews and other police contacts.
In the two recent high-profile federal trials of New Orleans police officers, defense attorneys spent much of their time questioning the veracity of FBI agents’ summaries of statements made by witnesses and defendants.
Matthew Hinton, The Times-Picayune archiveFBI agents and employees of the Evidence Response Team look for evidence by sifting through dirt while re-creating the Danziger Bridge shooting crime scene on Sept. 26, 2009.
Did the witness really say that?, they asked. How can you be sure? Doesn’t room exist for misinterpretation?
It’s an oft-used tactic in federal court, an avenue that exists largely because FBI practice limits the taping of interviews or confessions. The FBI’s insistence on using analog technology in a digital age has long stirred controversy in courtrooms across the country, and it is sure to be a bone of contention in the upcoming trial of five policemen accused of various roles in the Danziger Bridge shootings.
FBI procedure calls for agents to take notes during interviews and use them as the basis for a typewritten summary report, called a form 302. These 302s become exhibits at trial. Along with an agent’s own testimony, they serve as the primary record of an interviewee’s statement.
There is no law that requires Police Departments to record contacts. In fact the attempt to add transparency has backfired in many cases. The FBI do it right.
A Justice Department advisory committee is reviewing an FBI policy that encourages agents to document interviews with criminal suspects the old-fashioned way: with a paper and pencil.
The practice has been a point of contention within the Justice Department, particularly as more state and local law enforcement agencies use video and audio equipment to record custodial interviews.
With few exceptions, agents’ handwritten notes, summarized in typewritten documents called 302s, are the only records available to prosecutors and defense lawyers. The policy forbids agents from electronically recording confessions or interviews without authorization by their Special Agent in Charge.
A subcommittee of the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee of U.S. Attorneys recently began examining recording practices nationwide, Justice Department and FBI officials said. The advisory committee is an influential policymaking body whose recommendation bear the weight of the U.S. Attorney community.
In the past, the bureau and other federal law enforcement agencies have strongly argued against proposals that would require agents to electronically record interviews, on the grounds that they could hinder rapport-building, discourage suspects from speaking candidly and expose juries to unsettling interrogation techniques.
Whatever dude…
Yes the prison realignment is going to be a nightmare.
Short term solution, pick up a few extra magazines and some ammunition.
I don’t call 911.
Good idea ACU. Good alarm systems with cameras attached to smart phones crucial too. Then roll home and catch em inside. Bam bam.
why would they put a little snippet in the DA’s report on Gochenour about hitting his head on the bars unless there was some significance to this .
Does the autopsy show any marks on his head? The camera on the second floor should show that he was left in his cell alive and nobody entered after this. Will this camera evidence every be made public? How can we verify only what the officers said that he said. Or is there other audio evidence that we don’t know about? There are too many unanswered questions….
I think an community oversite committee would be a good idea as it could help answer the questions from the public in cases like this.The report from the DA left too many unaswered questions. There needs to be more accountability that all the details will be made public in incidents such as this.
About 9 years ago a guy by the name of Ricardo Alfonso Cerna shot a sheriff’s deputy twice before taking off. After they caught up with him and took him into custody someone along the line failed to properly search him.
Fast forward to after they brought him into the station’s interview room. He calmly asked for a water then he pulled out a gun he concealed in his pants (and they failed to find) and shot himself in the head.
End of story, right?
Well, no. People were in such disbelief and did not believe the sheriff’s department’s version of events. A lot of people thought it was highly strange that no one failed to find a gun on a man who had just tried to murder a deputy.
This lead people to believe that he had been executed in the interview room.
Now, this is where Orange County comes in. If you were the OC DA and had the tape of this man committing suicide would you:
A) Keep it under wraps forever and release a vague written report months later.
B) Invite all members of the media to come along and watch the tape immediately.
I have a feeling our corrupt friends in orange county would have chosen option A.
Fortunately counties like San Bernardino live in the real world and they went with option B and quelled all rumors before it even started.
They also openly admitted that they made a mistake and trained their officers on how to properly do searches.
In Orange County I have a feeling they might have released a memo to their law enforcement partners a year or two after the incident.
Yes remember that case well. Sheriff Gary Penrod brought ABC 7’s Bob Banfield and another reporter into his office and showed them both the video.
They reported what they saw on the video, all the BS went away quickly.
The video floated around youtube or something like that for awhile. VERY graphic to watch though.
This is a perfect example of HOW Fullerton needs to change in the future to be effective…
H= Honest The SBSD is honest in reporting that they made a procedural mistake.
O= Open The SBSD invites news reporters to the examine what went wrong with this arrest.
W= Willing to admit that they made a mistake in their arrest procedures, and are willing to re-train officers to prevent this from happening again.
True. All PDs should do this. But major incidents happen once every 10 years if that. SBSO did it that one time. Others have gone through major incidents and learned. Then they don’t do it again for 10 years. By that time a whole new command staff is in place and they live and learn just like the last ones. Just like Fullerton. Believe it or not everyone wants to do right. Yes I know hard to believe.
That video was brutal. So scary and sad. Human mistake.
I forget sometimes that we are dealing with Sadistic Narcissists, and Psycopaths. Normal reasoning doesnt always apply or work. You have to remind yourselves sometimes.
And there is a Drs report on the FFFF trolls, Sadistic, emotionally just children.
Published: March 16, 2012 Updated: 3:43 p.m.
Hearing for officers in Kelly Thomas death delayed
SANTA ANA – The preliminary hearing for two Fullerton police officers charged with felonies in the July 5 beating death of Kelly Thomas, a 37-year-old homeless man, was pushed back Friday to May 7.
Superior Court Judge Erick Larsh agreed to the continuance at the request of defense attorney John Barnett, who represents Officer Manuel Ramos. Barnett will be engaged in trial on another case on March 28, when the hearing was originally scheduled.
No surprise!!!!!
I don’t know any details yet so I cannot comment on this story other than: Have I or have I not not heard some negative press recently about Fullerton PD? Seems to me I have. If FPD is under a microscope as are all law-abiding citizens, why would anyone attempt to cover up his or her actions? Don’t know, but would like to know.
ri is a bitch ass punk
only tweens and queens b rocking smileys
reality is a drag queen
The majority of police officers within the FPD don’t live within the city of Fullerton, so I’m not sure where your going with this?
How about you stop being a wolf (predator) and start being a sheepdog (protector) ? Lot’s of similarities between the two in appearance, and a world of difference in their mission in life. I submit that the sheepdog is the more honorable of the two, and without honor, you are nothing in the eyes of society.
Interesting discussion to have.
If all cops were just protectors and not hunters, we would have at least haalf as many complaints and lawsuits. But we would also leave most of the dangerous criminals on the streets. It’s the pro active cops who do amazing work and lock the bad guys up for life weekly. It’s impressive but it also involves chasing people, fights, force, search warrants, etc.
There are many cops that do exactly that, react. Respond on calls and write reports. They get into no trouble at all. But they are lazy too and don’t lock up the really bad guys at all.
It’s a problem in law enforcement that is looked at all the time. In this era of technology the other issue is cops sitting around playing on their phones all the time. Times have changed in the last 25 years that’s for sure. There is no simple answer. Everyone is so different.
Members of Kelly’s Army also showed up at the protest, which lasted 2 hours. Kelly’s Army and Wiseman vowed to be back again at a later date.
Thanks to whomever put that up!
Concerning the preliminary hearing delay for Ramos & Cicinelli , are they being tried in one trial on seperate charges or are they be tried in seperate trials on their specific charges at different times??
Can someone please explain the the procedural process?
Concerning the preliminary hearing delay for Ramos & Cicinelli , are they being tried in one trial on seperate charges or are they be tried in seperate trials on their specific charges at different times??
Can someone please explain the the procedural process?
Does anybody know or can answer my #102?
As of now, it’s all one hearing and trial. That could change later, but it’s still early. Only at the preliminary hearing phase. Just a formality usually. Quick held to answer on the more specific of charges, then set for trial late 2012 or 2013. Maneuvering later could lead to separate trials, but I predict one trial, same courtroom, for both.
Thank you, RI
Some of this stuff is hard to sort out when a person isn’t involved.
If they are tried together, that will be a hell of a job for the jury to keep straight.
Pat McKinley is that you?
Tell you what ACU, you can have your meeting in Fulerton and my cousin and I will show up to do “conflict resolutin” if needed!
That would be fine with me Steve, excellent idea actually. LEVEL the playing field.
It appears those trolls who keep chiming in might very well be those involved in some of this, maybe another one or two who want to defend the corrupt regime, but ONLY from behind the keyboard.
I really want to meet these keyboard warriors and see what they got as far as experience, knowledge, and courage.
Again I don’t think that will happen, because they are the ones facing the serious heat in all this.
Nothing worse that to talk what they talk, and be a prime suspect in all that is going on.
Best part about you ACU is that you do everything you say we do. Talk big, provide no backup to your BS, and never come out of hiding. You could be Tony for all we know. So don’t bash the other side when you are a mirror image with a checkered past.
How MANY times I have to tell you RI, I am the one wanting to meet pal.
Send your phone number to admin. I call you on my dime.
Get it done for once RI. I’ll look you dead in the eye my friend, something I bet you have not experienced in quite sometime.
I know it’s a scary thought to confront something that you won’t have total control of from behind your desk.
Checkered past, I bet you have SERIOUS baggage in your past.
RI if I recall, you were just recently OUTED by admin for using other screen names while commenting on the same topic.
It appears YOUR the weird duck. But you have the opportunity to prove otherwise.
Reality Is, What would it matter if ACU was Tony? (BTW, ACU is NOT Tony) Are you afraid of Tony?? You always seem to be so convinced/ afraid that everyone is Tony. (You’ve said the same thing about me several times.) LOL Why would your fear of Tony prevent you from meeting ACU face to face? Tony is not a cop, nor is he a retired cop.
Not scared of him at all. He’s shy and scared of being in public. He’s a behind the scenes guy and always has been. Paranoia. Weed does that to you. That’s ok though. So you and ACU are behind the scenes guys too. So would make sense that it’s all the same person. I know who a few people are when they use the same names like “resident”, that was easy to figure out by the ISPs. It’s all a big game. Fun game though. Tony isn’t a retired cop, I know that for sure. His record wouldn’t allow it, nor would it allow him to run for council. So he puts his pawns in place. It’s all good. That’s normal politics.
No, it doesn’t make any sense at all “that it’s all the same person.” You obviously do not know Tony very well at all. And, you are not a very good judge of people, nor of the various writers on this blog. I still don’t understand how your fear of Tony would prevent you from meeting with ACU.
RI let the record reflect the only person on FFFF that I have EVER talked to is Steve Brow. NO ONE else. DO NOT know anyone else, never met anyone of the administrators on FFFF.
YOU know damn well I am not Tony Bushala or the average citizen that you banter with.
It’s obvious at somepoint you know your talking with a cop.
Talking with you it’s obvious to me your not only a cop, your MANAGEMENT too. Whether retired or active.
I wouldn’t be here on this blog if it wasn’t for you. I lurked for months before ever coming in here.
I just got tired of your spin on certain topics, then sidestepping other questions. After paying attention it’s the same crap I see Hughes and McKinley pull when they interact with the public.
So I just thought I’d make things a little more exciting for others to read, and throw in a little education for those concerned citizens who were asking questions that deserved an answer too.
Unfortunately for you and some of your pals, I went a little deeper into the topic matter. I can call BS on a great number of topics because I HAVE BEEN there and done that.
So you want to call me a disgruntled hater, a former cop who has issues, a trigger happy fool, that is FINE, been under the gun more than once. I am here, ALIVE and well, I survived the guantlet of the corruption.
NOW I talk about it because I can and WILL.
Again for the record, where I come from the corruption is and was far greater than what is going on in Fullerton.
Scandals in totality YOU could not begin to understand.
If you meet me, you will know my name, you will know my story, after that you can call me anything you want.
If your the person you would like others to believe you are, you won’t be calling me the names you have thus far. But if you choose to, bring it on.
But I will know YOU, and will know if your the real deal.
I’ll either shake your hand with a better understanding, come in here to tell the thousands who read this blog, your a better man in person than on this blog.
Or that your part of the problem in real life versus the solution.
You’ll be able to come in here and tell others I am a disgruntled hater without cause, a crazy former cop who should have never worn a badge.
I am willing to take the gamble and roll the dice.
If you love those at FPD and think they are getting a raw deal from me and others, THEN stand up like a man and defend your brothers.
I understand all that ACU. I just find it odd that it’s your way or the highway all the time and no one else can have a solid career, an honest career, and could have done good there whole career. It’s only your way and only you know what’s true and false, or possible at all. Someone like you with a career that you claim, would have an open mind as to how things play out, and the reasons why. You don’t have that. You always say that the cops screwed up, not even thinking about the split second decision making or even having all of the facts. That’s my main points with you. You claim I’m all management no matter what with no experience in the trenches. You think you could be wrong just a little? That maybe some LT’s, Captains, and Chiefs actually did a solid amount of street time and really do understand the police concept and are really in place to try to do the right thing at all times? I hate placing you in that group of former cops or current cops that hate the world, hate life, and blame everyone else for never being promoted, but you portray that image all the time. It could be true, that’s fine too. Anyways, someday I’m sure our paths will cross.
Well again if you meet me, then you would know how false that opinion is too. I am very active in my area of helping others, FELLOW cops fight the corrupt system.
Get over the issue of not being promoted has some basis as to being a failure.
I liked being a street cop. At the end of the day I was DONE working. Managers are not always done working at the end of the day.
Their phones ring at all hours of the day and night sometimes. I also don’t like being a YES man to illegal things.
Your not paying attention to all my comments either. I have given credit where credit is do. I will continue to do so.
Well it is obvious your not willing to come out from behind the keyboard.
That speaks volumns about you. THANKS!!!!
The readers can decide for themselves about you and the credibility you bring forth.
LOL, I’d re-think your comment about my way or the highway approach.
I bet a few citizens down in Fullerton might think the same thing with those they are doing battle with right now.
Continue on RI, I am not going away anytime soon.
It appears Steve that some of these folks will turn out to be leg humpers themselves, were promoted up through the ranks rather quickly.
Not from working their butts off, but were yes men back in the day.
Ones who were last to arrive on the critical incidents themselves, but took complete credit when it was over.
Guys who might have been rats themselves in order to get ahead. Better known in the police culture as SUCKASSES of the regime.
A clear indicator of poor leadership is lack of personal experience during one’s career.
The YES MEN and BEAN COUNTERS fail all the time when the tuff situations happen.
They simply fall apart when they cannot keep their mistakes secret, and the public comes calling.
They were not problem solvers, they were problem ignorers.
Which cousin Steve? Rusty Kennedy who worked closely with then Fullerton police chief Pat McKinley or your cousin Sharon who would be privy to the nefarious doings of Fullerton PD since Rusty is her brother and she claims her Fullerton Observer newspaper would have observed police misconduct? Didn’t your cousin Sharon first report Kelly Thomas death merely as “Death Downtown Investigated”. Your cousins Sharon and Rusty only seemed to enter the fray of concern when Tony Bushala’s FFFF went public with the Kelly Thomas
murder. You want intellectual honesty, here is a start, Steve. With facts on a timeline ,not hearsay, refute my observations
Worku,taxi who works fullerton, says Dean Gochenour who he frequently gave a ride to was a good man, very polite. http://s11.postimage.org/jz7xka4o3/IMG_5225.jpg
taxi driver, Woku, frequently gave Mr Gochenour rides from ramond to his house on orangethorpe. He said that he was a good man, and very polite. http://s11.postimage.org/jz7xka4o3/IMG_5225.jpg
oops double posted. Postings are posted about 5 posts behind.
oops double posted. Postings are posted about 5 posts behind.
Sad thing – some of these bloggers want to run for city council and be responsible for taking care of the city. They are blasting the very city they want to work for. How’s that workin’ for ya?
Hey Hog, how’s that “Kelly had a hatchet” bullshit workin’ for ya?
Blasting the city? No, blasting incompetent, corrupt, useless old gas bags and the crooked cops and lying bureaucrats that support them.
…and the indolent blind supporters of the status quo and it’s malignant 3 ring circus that brings us front row seats to the parting of the red sea.
The digital recorder is the biggest weapon for you or against you. If it was destroyed by the cop, then the evidence on it was so incriminating, that the officer was compelled to destroy it. From everything I have read, Fullerton must be the most corrupt place in Orange County. Shame on Fullerton.
That is if everything you read is on this blog you must understand its politically driven bullshit.
Can you re-post in English please?
That’s just standard Type A thinking. That’s why street cops have that way of thinking often. Leads to the piss me off you are going to jail way of thinking as well.
I’m glad you aren’t leaving. Been good education for all having you here and your responses to my non sense just educate people more.
NOW that is a fair statement, THANK YOU!!!!
RI stated, “That’s just standard Type A thinking. That’s why street cops have that way of thinking often. Leads to the piss me off you are going to jail way of thinking as well.”
“I’m glad you aren’t leaving. Been good education for all having you here and your responses to my non sense just educate people more.”
RI, You are absolutely correct when you admitted above that you write NONSENSE. Absolutely unintelligible NONSENSE!
I knew you and a few others would love thy.