Quirk Pulls Papers for Norby’s Job

Our Friends over at the Orange Juice blog are reporting that Fullerton’s Sharon Quirk has pulled papers to run against Chris Norby in the new 65th State Assembly District.

Good luck Sharon! And wake up Chris! You may have an opponent!

The real interest for FFF is that this will free up Quirk’s seat on Fullerton’s City Council, and will give Fullerton residents a chance to elect a pro-accountability candidate in November.

With a little hard work we can clean up Fullerton for a long, long time.

151 Replies to “Quirk Pulls Papers for Norby’s Job”

  1. Norby showed up at one of the protests at City Hall. Quirk never did.

    This really is great news. We’re rid of Quirk and can get somebody decent in there to help Whitaker.

      1. Okay, my mistake. I assumed she was too chicken.

        Sorry Sharon. Not sorry to see you go. You’ve been feckless and self-serving every step of the way.

  2. Then why is she fundraising for City Council with her st. Patrick’s Day fundraiser at Steamers?

    WTF, Sharon? Why would I donate to your council campaign that isn’t???

    1. It would still be a campaign fundraiser but people should know it’s now for a different campaign if it is happening. People can choose to continue to support her or not. If it’s prepaid, refunds should be offered to those who don’t support the new campaign.

  3. I kept saying that Quirk was not a 100% player in the pro Kelly group. Sure she said what she saw or heard about the beating was terrible, but any HUMAN would say that. The fact that the 3Jurassic Dino’s said nothing did not make Quirk look into the lack of ethics at FPD. She is too willing to accept the status quo.
    Now yet another seat will be open and its a wide open race!

  4. This is a Royal Flush that we just got dealt as the citizens of the city of Fullerton. If we play our cards right in these next couple of elections, the only incumbent that will still be sitting on the City Council will be the most conscientious and courageous one, Bruce Whitaker.

    1. Yeah don’t start cashing in those chips yet, because history suggests that the cockroaches are going to come out from the shadows and you’ll have a whole slew of Roland Chi and Marty ‘Stooge’ Burbank and police flacks running too, because open seats are just too tasty a treat to pass up for these schmucks. And Fullerton has a long sordid history of electing them. Let’s just look at the last decade or so

      Julie “doesn’t live in Fullerton” Sa
      Mike “Mall Cop” Clesceri
      Dino Don Bankhead
      F. Dick. Jones.
      Cueball McPension
      Leland {well deserved insulting nickname here] Wilson
      Molly McCrackhead

      and the list goes on

  5. If quirk loses her bid to win Norby’s seat, does she have return rights to fullerton’s city council?

    1. When is her council term up? If this year, then I’m thinking she will be SOL if Norby wins. If not, then she may still retain her council seat.

      Is she channeling Tony Villar(aigosa)?

      1. the day I say Sharon, hangin with the whore of congress( which is what they call her) LOretta Sanchez, I said…now that is funny–2 pretty latin ladies with out an ounce of integrity….Sharon I will actively campaign against you..not for anyone but against you. YOu are an embarrassment- and should be treated so.

        1. ITA

          I would vote for a wife beater just to keep her out of office.

          I bet Villarigosa is her Idol and and I know Sanchez is her buddy. What does that tell ya? She knows there is no way in hell she would be re-elected in November here in Fullerton to she is moving on to greener pastures, she hopes.

          Collecting campaign $$ and not telling people the truth about her plans is disgraceful. And there is no way in hell she didn’t have these plans known for a some time. And here the contributors thought they were greasing her palm for personal/business gain right here in Fullerton! What a sham! Shame on you Sharon.

          1. This post was from Greg Diamond. Note that the only reason that this article announcing Sharon’s filing papers to run for the State Assembly seat, is because some tipped off the journalist who wrote the story.
            This begs the question to is just when did you plan on telling the citizens of Fullerton of her intentions?

            “I should add a disclosure about a conflict of interest: I’ve taken out papers to run for State Senate in a district largely overlapping AD-29. I also serve on the Democratic Party of Orange County Executive Board with Sharon Quirk-Silva’s husband, Jesus Silva. Readers may take that for what they will. However, this story was published right now because of a good old-fashioned journalistic phone tip relaying news that someone had seen Quirk-Silva at the Registrar Of Voters office in downtown Santa Ana.

            1. Hey lover. I’m not sure if that was directed at me or not. I knew that Sharon was considering it; I didn’t know (until I got the tip that she was at the ROV) that she had finally decided to go ahead. Until that point, there was really no story to write.

              1. Greg- I don’t believe FL said anything about a “story”- I believe his comment was “… just when did you plan on telling the citizens of Fullerton of her intentions?”

                You know, sort of like, tip people off?

                1. I planned on writing about them once they materialized. A week ago I still thought that Paula Williams might be the one running against Norby, as she was prepared to do. And until I got the tip, I didn’t know otherwise.

                  Do you want to know why I don’t repeat any rumor that I hear from being involved in politics in my blog? Because I try to wear my separate hats separately and that would be a betrayal of confidence. What I write usually isn’t breaking news, anyway, but analysis; it’s rare when I get (or even try for) a scoop.

  6. So she’s bailing now? how come now? not that I don’t think it’s a good thing, Im just kind of curious about the timing-wasn’t she in office there at Fullerton since 2004?

    1. She wants to save face- before we recall her ass too… recall-doesnt look so great on a resume-

  7. Quirk thinks she can win based on the new demographics of the 65th District. Interesting conundrum, if Quirk wins, and Whitaker wins, then Whitaker is the next Mayor, but unemployed…..

    1. Yea, I think that police report, and info supplied to the DA will some how ooze out, at the most inopertune time for the Norb’s re-election campaign. There is a lot of stuff there, the Fedex guy’s call, the pictures, her interview, and subsequent denial, the kids interviews etc. A veritable cornucopia of just plain un-explainable stuff….

      1. Huh. The things you learn reading FFFF. How does anyone know what was in that report. (I remember the news event, but I don’t remember — there was info supplied to the DA?)

        Feel free not to answer, of course!

        1. That “report” went nowhere. Not a surprise given your DA. However, the gist was that Norby and his wife were having an argument when some delivery boy arrived and called FPD.

          Naturally our awe-inspiring cops leaked the incident to The Voice of OCEA in order to embarrass union foe Norby. Any guesses who leaked? The line is 99.9% Goodstink so you wouldn’t make any money on that bet.

          See, it’s okay for Porky to release any information he deems appropriate, but when it comes to real public safety – identifying sex predators like Ricon, killers like Ramos and Cicinelli, or thieves like Mejia – we can’t even learn if they were fired or allowed to quit.

          So calm down, Greg. There’s nothing there to be used against Norby. Unless you’re name is Goodrich or Ackerman.

          1. I hope that you’ll pardon my skepticism — it’s an occupational hazard of being an attorney — but while what you present is a plausible story how could you *possibly* know whether it’s true? Where is the original report, then, that (if I take your comment at face value) exculpated Norby? It wouldn’t be the first time that a politician had a problem smoothed over from his police department.

            The references above to “I’d rather vote for a wife-beater than Sharon” had sort of flown by me — striking me as just being in bad taste and about no one in particular — but now I presume that they referred to this incident. (Right?) So my interest now is that, in a blog where commenters often like to extrapolate from a little evidence to a large conclusion, why can you assure me so definitively that “there’s nothing to see here”? That seems uncharacteristic.

            I’m not going beyond that; anyway, my guess is that at this point one wouldn’t be able to find the truth at this point, if it wasn’t what you confidently say it is, with an excavator. It’s your credulity that is interesting. Are you under the impression that a wife will always confirm even the true story in that sort of situation? (Let alone an immigrant wife?) If so, you’re wrong. I absolutely concede that that doesn’t mean that anything improper actually happened; it’s just strange that you’re so quick to close the book so firmly.

  8. Members of the FPOA have hated Norby for years, long before the recent incidents. How much you want to bet Sharon accepts money from the FPOA goons?

    1. Taking money from the FPOA should be the kiss of death for any candidate.

      I know local progressives who like and respect Norby. I’m surprised at this decision by Quirk-Silva.

    2. Sharon will take that money – she is n the pocket book of many. and I think it will increase-as her moral compass fades-she should just go back to teaching-wait til they bring her personal life into it, they always do–skeletons galore…jees either Loreeta is talkin her pal into suicide or she really thinks she has a chance–nope-like Sarah Palin- I can see your political career ending from my house.

      1. Remember how she said the Fullerton employees DESERVE their salaries and benefits? DESERVE them at ANY cost to us…

        She’ll be a pension disaster in Sacramento.

  9. Makes perfect sense right? I mean, who better to tackle the states looming financial problems than a part time elementary school teacher?

      1. Quirk is a part-time elementary school teacher collecting full-time benefits. Does that answer your question?

  10. A politician is always motivated by an opportunity for personal gain. Every calculated move is meant to serve his or her personal interest. If you benefit through a politician’s action it’s only a coincidence, not the intent. Always remember that. Never make the mistake that any politician is your friend. Deal with them as you would deal with a viper. Keep your distance. Above all, never trust one.

    1. Like Michael Corleone said in “The Godfather”……….”Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer”

  11. good riddance. I’ve said it from day one, Quirk is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She runs City Council meetings like a classroom and appears to have little to no enthusiasm when it comes to changing Fullerton. We can do a lot better…..right?

  12. ” Bruce Whitaker is currently the District Director for California State Assemblyman Chris Norby.”

    Whaaaaaaaaattttt? Why didn’t anyone tell me?!?

    I guess I’ll have to hire him as my FFFF Director now, sheesh.

  13. Democratic Party of Orange County Executive Board Sharon Quirk-Silva’s husband, Jesus Silva…just in case ya didnt know.

    1. FYI :
      Democratic Party of Orange County Executive Board Sharon Quirk-Silva’s husband, Jesus Silva…just in case ya didnt know.

      FYI :
      Democratic Party of Orange County Executive Board Sharon Quirk-Silva’s husband, Jesus Silva…just in case ya didnt know.

      in what position? I don’t see him listed on the site as a board member or a committee chair.

      1. Democratic Party of Orange County – The Official Facebook Page of the Democratic … Our team: Frank Barbaro, Chair Jesus Silva, Northern VC Louise Stewardson … Nick Anas , Executive Director Additional contact info Fax: 714- 835-3685
        here ya go karma…..

  14. nipsey :
    Yeah don’t start cashing in those chips yet, because history suggests that the cockroaches are going to come out from the shadows and you’ll have a whole slew of Roland Chi and Marty ‘Stooge’ Burbank and police flacks running too, because open seats are just too tasty a treat to pass up for these schmucks. And Fullerton has a long sordid history of electing them. Let’s just look at the last decade or so
    Julie “doesn’t live in Fullerton” Sa
    Mike “Mall Cop” Clesceri
    Dino Don Bankhead
    F. Dick. Jones.
    Cueball McPension
    Leland {well deserved insulting nickname here] Wilson
    Molly McCrackhead
    and the list goes on

    And as far as I know, ALL of these candidates claim to be staunch conservative Repupublicans that are fiscally conservative.

    A perfect representation of the point that I was making earlier about clouding party affilliation with the character to do the “right thing”.

    1. Yes!

      Even as a “R” I’d vote dem in a heart beat if they were fiscally conservative and I would (and have) called out reps who are fiscal libs.

      The worst politician imo is a social conservative that spends wildly. For some reason, the party and voters keep putting them in office. Like the 3 McDickheads.

  15. Hmmm…she’s probably got a decent chance. Especially as she’s not a drunk or beats up her spouse.

    1. The only reason she has a chance is because of the new district boundary which now includes some traditional dem strongholds.

      1. Maybe octa can help her like Sanchez. Just what Sacramento needs another one to dogpile on whats left of what California once was. She had her chance to stand for Fullerton and she gave us were lipservice and socks.

      2. Well, that’s the only reason she needs, right? The lines changed. Norby would beat her in the old 72nd.

      1. Karma-why not ask area business’ if sharon has been askin for free stuff, you know if you dont charge me I can tell people about your bar, or your services…and ask those bar owners/business owners what happens if they dont comp her and her cronies. just wait.

  16. What a lovely thought Quirk running for a seat she doesn’t have a clue about. She would need to grow a pair before she does anything besides city council. Even on council she does only slightly better than Jones. Sharon is a user, has no original thoughts and is definatly not a leader.

  17. So Sharon wins for Assembly and puts Norby and Bruce Whitaker out of a job.

    She creates a vacant seat on Fullerton Council in Jan 2013 and Norby, who can’t run against Shawn Nelson for his old Supervisor job until 2014, returns to Fullerton Council where his employee, Bruce Whitaker is now the Senior Council-member and no doubt, Mayor.

    Jeez, we will NEVER get rid of these people.

  18. Im stunned by your thought process here- how you think you get rewarded& promoted for collecting sox and abondoning ship in the middle of a crisis? Does that even work well during a campaign cycle…- my magic eightball says…NOT A CHANCE.

    1. God, I totally agree with you!!! Abandoning ship in the middle of a crisis.

      Just goes to show you that she doesn’t care about Fullerton and its people, it’s just a mere step to her next career–just like the rest of them!

    2. Abandoning ship? At least McKinley will be recalled, and then she’s part of a majority through early December that can implement reforms. People move up when opportunities present themselves all the time. At least this will have been at the end of a term, not in the middle as when Norby ran for Duvall’s empty seat.

  19. I have watched Sharon in action during the Council meetings. She really doesn’t strike me as someone who is particularly bright or as a new Mayor who brings energy to the meetings. I get the impression that it’s almost an imposition for her to even be there. Why don’t you folks find someone who really wants to lead? Why did you elect her in the first place? Lack of alternatives?

  20. I moved here betwix elections, she was already here, and the council votes on who is mayor-she was just a council woman, to be pro tem mayor that bankhead and bullies got last time- or so she told me ( sharon told me this)..but she was voted in recently as mayor..and when you have to live under the guise of” pick your poison”…sharon was a bit better,than the other 3,and Bruce they never would have given him a chance..so yes it was a lack of alterntives, but I am hoping that this brings more people in to the conversation about who is robbing from us.

  21. Citizen M,

    Do you recall when Christine was speaking at the council meeting and expressed her disappointment in Sharon because she failed to reprimand Doc Jones for making that “stepppin’ on your own weenie” remark, and instead reprimanded the audience?
    This was during Christine’s 3 minutes of public speaking at which time Mayor Quirk-Silva interrupted Christine, denying she said what Christine said she said to the audience.

    Christine immediately responded, while Sharon was interrupting, “I would appreciate it if I could be the only one speaking during my 3 minutes.

    That to me was about principal…
    School mama Quirk-Silva has been telling the audience (not the council) at the beginning of every council meeting since she has been mayor that when anyone is speaking at the podium, not to interrupt or be disruptive or she will have her Fullerton’s Finest escort them out.
    Mayor Sharon needs to learn to practice what she preaches. In fact, she needs to take notes from Bruce Whitaker who on that very same evening was being crudely accused of ‘dissing his own police department’, from those retired (and drunk) police officers.
    What did Bruce do?
    The right thing…He didn’t interrupt or say a single word back.

    Spunky rocks!!!

  22. Wrong Guy- you are right on the freakin money-when you asked the lawyer a question…she jumped in…You wanna answer that- leering at the waste of space in the corner- and he answered you…giving his best speech about nothing again, I wanted clarification and Sharon..um….were not gonna do that now. Does she get It I already have mother.

      1. WRong guy- I listened to City council-and had to laugh when you ask if the lawyer wants to answer your question…..here is my take…
        these are completely- my words I am paraphrasing-alot!

        (in your best mono- tone mumbly voice possible)

        The questioned being posed here in theory is a wanting of information,in order to address that and prior to proper notification I cant comment on that and has been afforded me by city council,but will look into your acusation accordingly and understand the fragile nature of sensative materials in order to protect all parties involved…
        yeah what the F-did he say…I tried to listen to it…my gawd never have I heard more rubbish-why is on our payroll, and why havent we sent him packing? Again Joe Felz?

  23. Now would be a good time to ask some tough questions to all the new canidites, we hear that they will change the culture of curuption but how? The police get away with what they do because they are aloud to by there union contract and their own polices that they themself set in place. I would love to see their contract with the city. Who ever is elected I hope they would acually put the citizens first, the police are paid by the people through our tax dollars and how they police should be fully open and acountable to the people. The reason you are not alloud to see any complaints about individual officers or what actions if any were taken is because our elected officials said ok, the police talk about transparency but they talk through closed doors. I would hope who ever is elected will vote for a new contract with the police department. Some things I would like to see would be: all complaints against officers are open to the public from the beging not after an internal investigation, any action against the officer is public, the US constitution and the rights of the people come before the police bill of rights! The citizens have every right to say how they are policed. I would put penalties in place for the department, if the city has to pay for law suites do to the police misconduct then something should come out of their budget.You need to hear what those that are running acually plan to do, if the police refuse to sing a new contract under those terms then bye bye to them. Just some thoughts from over on the East coast. Hope Fullerton can find a better tomarow.

  24. Quirk is a part-time elementary school teacher collecting full-time benefits. Does that answer your question? So she gets those benefits, and also health-care and additional benefits for being a councilmember, and does her husband also get full benefits (healthcare included) along with numerous other perks?

      1. How do you figure that? If they’re both teachers for FSD, they’re not getting double health insurance. The district saves money on them.

    1. WG,

      I noticed that line in the article…. But, do you think it’s true? I thought T-Rack was done with the rest. Thoughts?

      1. No…he is not done with the rest-also I contacted the reporter for OC reg and asked her if the DA was aware of Sissy dad coming in to city council stating he has watched it several times,the video and that is ok? Waiting for her call back now. I wanna pick her brain.

        1. Citizen M,
          a few comments down I asked about what happened to you at the council meeting. Were you assaulted? The video feed was out, so I gave up trying to listen to it because the audio sometimes is hard to hear. What in world happened? I found pictures on FB.

  25. I’m assuming once the trial is over, the FBI (not DA-Rax) will determine culpability on the part of the Sergeant who apparently stood around and did nothing since he determined his officers were out of harms way and file federal charges against some of the other cops.

    1. If T-Rack wins these two convictions, do you think he might change his mind and go after more?

      1. I can only guess when it comes to our whacked out criminal court system, but I think not for fear of appearing incompetent for not filing charges on them in the first place.

        Again, only my guess. Anything goes when it comes to cops on trial as defendants in a criminal case.

        I’ve always heard since I was a kid that our U.S. legal system is the best on the planet.

        When I hit the age of 25, I realized that is not saying very much for our court system.

      2. BTW Concerned Texan if you listened to the council meeting the other night, you may have heard Ron Thomas telling the council and everyone in ear-shot that when you watch the video, watch the actions of the officers.

        Then he followed that up by saying after he watched the video so many times he was surprised that Captain Hughes himself didn’t bother arresting the officers that evening as opposed to waiting for the DA to file charges.

        One could say, “Of course Ron Thomas will say guilty on all officers since his son is dead,” however everything Ron has stated publically or to me personally has come to pass.

        If I were to keep score in teh name of truth and honesty between Ron Thomas vs. FPD, I would say the score thusfar is at least:\

        Ron Thomas- 8
        Fullerton PD – 0

        1. I couldn’t get the video part to work so I got really frustrated and gave up. I keep reading accounts of it on the blog and found a link to some photos on FB. Does the archived version have video? What other highlights can you offer. And what happened with Citizen M getting assaulted? I couldn’t find any picture on FB of that cop and his wife.

          1. Go to facebook, or have become wrong guys freind and he will forward the foto’s there are many of you concerned, one where your standing up for me-to the police and the angry old ex cop by the way was a FPD officer…42 years ago…so the only guy that can come up and say McKinley is great- is a guy from 42 years ago…o my-what bridges have you burned patty.

          2. I’m with ya there CT…
            My personal computer took a dump, my crackberry sucks and right now I’m using my company issued laptop to comment here.

            Answers to your questions:

            1)Archived version have video? I’ll find out after I send this message.
            2)Other highlights? Told you about the 3 misfit retired cops talking smack on Mr. Whitaker. I witnessed the last one verbally hassling Ricky the photographer outside when I was exiting. Citizen M, who is Ricky’s wife told me he asked Ricky if he took photos of little boys, etc. Apparently an officer escorted this guy to his car. He should have pulled him over right after he drove away and give him a sobriety test. (I believe he was a DUI waiting to happen)
            3) Ron Thomas’ comments (mentioned up above)
            4) And a photographer with OC Weekly sitting two rows in front of me swallowed a mosquito and was nearly choking to death during Barry Levinson’s superb grilling on McKInley.
            5) And last but not least, Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva broke her own overly-stated rule about not interrupting or being loud and disruptive while others speak during their 3 minutes.

            1. Cool. I’ll look for your answer about the video. I feel kinda bad because Citizen M keeps putting it out there that I was at the meeting, and I assure you I wasn’t. I just got to Ft. Lost in the Woods a couple of months ago. I’m a Concerned Texan in Missouri.
              I picked up on that about Quirk-Silva. Now I watched THAT video. The weenie meeting, oh yeah, and Quirk did NOT reprimand Jones, only the audience. Christine has her on that one!

              1. Sorry Sir- Concerned- I asked a gentleman if he was concerned texan on four f, and he said indeed I am. I see him at most of the city council meetings, maybe he was joking-sorry to you sir. And sorry you missed the fireworks.

                1. I’m sorry someone impersonated me and misrepresented themselves to you. It’s a little off putting that someone would do that when I think about it.

              2. my parents (newlyweds) spent some time at Fort Lost In The Woods in 1942-43 (winter) 🙂 Whether you are active or otherwise, thank you for your service!

  26. The DA’s strategy in prosecuting the cops makes little sense to me. It was cyclops who seemed to deliver the fatal blows to Kelly and he’s charged with manslaughter. Ramos apparently threatened Kelly verbally and was charged with murder. Seem backasswards to me. And there were other cops piled on top of Kelly who were never charged. Very, very strange.

    1. It seems strange to me too. I think all of them should be up for murder charges. I have however read articles concerning the DA’s past history of unsuccessfully prosecuting LEOs. After I read that the Judge ruled that the DA might file charges on more officers in the future I got to thinking. Maybe he’s doing this whole thing piece meal? If he actually gets convictions on these two, perhaps that would give strength to future cases? Often times I think he’s just trying to throw the whole thing, but maybe this is a more optimistic theory.

  27. Exactly what I thought when I first heard his prosecution strategy and the only thing I could think of is that T-Rax either hates Mexicans or this Cicinelli has a some other fans in LE aside from McKinley thereby influencing our conflicted DA.

  28. or t-rack is purposely trying to deceive us….did anything come up from the DA investigator-who works for t-rack right now..Ms Barnes- who used to be FPD-giving money to the anti -recall- can we say conflict of interest?

  29. WG, I replied to your comment above and now my comment is awaiting moderation. I’ve never had this happen to me before. Any idea why? I believe Citizen M has mistaken me for someone else. I was not at the council meeting the other night.

    1. I Know!

      I had to leave work so I’ve been away a few hours, but I/WE all should know you reside in Texas.

      For a minute I thought you might have been a rock star and flew your leer jet down here.

      Concerning your ‘awaiting moderation’ message, yes, I too got one of those a couple of days ago. Eventually it posted though.

    1. Mrs Silva- the fact that you even mention- Kelly Thomas, in the same breath as your name, is disgusting-you asked for some bad cops to be removed-big whoop-still waiting for the apology. You did nothing, except what you had to do to stay off the recall- you know it, I know it-we ALL do.Using a dead mans name for your politcal gain- will bury you.
      I guess our little meet and greet the day after You became mayor was a fraud, just like you..I think a quote was” Well you know the mayor’s job is more of a ribbon cutting job”….really you didnt seem to mention that in your artical-” that your a sox acceptin opportunist that only cuts ribbons”…you have lied to me for the last time. Your petty political jaunt, your about to take- is political suicide and if you think for one minute we can stomach another red coated wearing loretta sanchez 2 , the lame version, you have got another thing coming. You better either get a thick skin or become a revisionist with your past its about to get ugly. PROMISE…

      1. I guess you are still pullin the knife out of your back too???? I will vote for Norby, just to keep Q.S. ass out our state assembly….

  30. Bringing charges upon the other four officers was still an issue of contention, according to a spokeswoman for the Orange County DA’s office, Susan Schroeder.

    “The court made a very clear ruling today that allowing the evidence to be seen would hurt our case,” Schroeder said. “The most important goal that the office has right now is to make sure that justice is done for Kelly Thomas and that we bring the people responsible who killed him to justice.”


    1. The OC deputy who shot the Marine was initially in fear for his life? He changes his tune and claims he was in fear for the safety of the kids in the car, yet, this moron fires rounds into the car at their father? Cops had these kids detained for over 13 hours.

      1. Those hooligan cops who held and interrogated those two kids for 13 hours without their mom or an attorney present after they saw their dad take a cop’s lethal bullet should be criminally charged. I can only imagine the mental games the cops played with those kids to get the answers they wanted.

      2. Great to see you back posting Fedupwithmorons! Hope all is well with you and hope to get a chance to talk with yoy again in person sometime soon.

      3. “Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens declined to discuss the facts of the case, saying the district attorney’s office is investigating.”

        “The district attorney’s office said the investigation could take six months to a year to complete.”

        Oh brother!

  31. Does Sharon not realize her name has been tainted? And if she attaches mayor of Fullerton to her resume; does she think voters will not put two and two together, and consider her a “risk”? If she thinks using the term “educator” as a selling tool to get the seat, she is sadly mistaken. And why isn’t anyone asking her about why her school district cannot fiscally manage their funds!?!

  32. Why the he’ll would anyone go to her fundraiser next week? What a joke! Either way she is done with Fullerton, win or lose. True colors just came out…nice move. She rode the wave and fooled us all!!!

  33. La Roo :
    Does Sharon not realize her name has been tainted? And if she attaches mayor of Fullerton to her resume; does she think voters will not put two and two together, and consider her a “risk”? If she thinks using the term “educator” as a selling tool to get the seat, she is sadly mistaken. And why isn’t anyone asking her about why her school district cannot fiscally manage their funds!?!

    I wonder who’s paying for the substitute teacher that has to take over for her class whenever she takes time off of school, or works part time due to her political position as Mayor?
    I also wonder how it effects her students academic performance in her elementary class at Richman Elementary, who typically rely on just one teacher throughout the school year?

    1. You forgot to mention how much time campaigning for a Sacramento job will take out of her days from now on. city and students will get neglected when they need her most. Booooo

  34. I heard some guy from Fullerton on KFI this afternoon talking to bill carroll about some 14 year old boys hazing another boy on a bus? anyone know about this story?

  35. Anonymous :
    Quirk is a part-time elementary school teacher collecting full-time benefits. Does that answer your question? So she gets those benefits, and also health-care and additional benefits for being a councilmember, and does her husband also get full benefits (healthcare included) along with numerous other perks?

    …besides the taxpayers subsidization of Silva’s political career, does anyone want to bet on whether or not the Teacher’s unions will be walking precincts, and buying flyers for Silva’s campaign?

  36. “Quirk-Silva said her main focus recently has been to help guide Fullerton through the fallout after the death of Kelly Thomas, a schizophrenic homeless man who died after a confrontation with police. ”


    I am having a difficult time with Quirk’s statement because I haven’t seen any real guidance other than her verbal discipline in city council meetings.

    No wonder she’d been so rigid in the meetings; she stopped caring.

    1. She never cared. I have looked right through those deeeep dark sockets that house the eyes. In Fullerton for her it has been all about keeping things calm so we can be marginalized and labeled as fanatics while the law and order crowd goes back to business as usual. She is always looking to the next rung to cling to like her twin Loretta.

  37. I didn’t realize that after all the anti-recall effort that Jones, McKinley, and Bankhead might well retain their seats. That is completely depressing.

    1. I think that McKinley is out. Maybe Jones, too. Bankhead has just gotten lucky, though. People who want Alvarez are still going to vote for Bankhead to stay; if Alvarez beats Sebourn he just sets himself up well for November. (Same for Rands and Williams.) I don’t think that most progressives want either Sebourn or Alvarez, though — and a Bankhead suffering in the minority for couple of years is not a threat. So I think that he just lucked out.

  38. How much are all these taskforce meetings helping and costing fullerton?
    And how will these meetings help Kelly and all who reside in fullerton protect their right to exist and choose to be where they wish in a free society.
    My feeling from these meetings is that quietly focus is being focused on taking away the rights of individuals with “mental illness or homelessness”.
    A sort of queitly cleaning house.Like the benches disapeering where homeless used to sit on across from the bus terminal.

      1. Per Dan Hughes on Tuesday night, the benches were moved to bus stops in West Fullerton to replace the wooden ones which were being vandalized by taggers. The OCTA is suppose to replace the benches near the bus depot. Is this true?, I have no idea. I have been lied too more than once by Dan Hughes.

    1. Does anyone have any before and/or after pictures?
      Who has the authority to install or remove benches?

      1. I will ask my friend who helps feed the homeless at the tracks on Tuesday nights if they have any pictures.

  39. One of the objectives of the taskforce……Severely Mentally Ill Resistant to Treatment
    5. Laura’s Law: Prepare and submit a letter from the Fullerton City Council to the Orange County Board of Supervisors supporting the implementation of Laura’s Law or alternative that achieves the objectives of Laura’s Law.

    The question is how do you define severe mental illness.
    This lady in the picture http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2466670874657&set=oa.285741548144403&type=1&theater is not severly mentaly ill.. Yet she was taken away against her will in fullerton after her train trip from new York ended up in fullerton with nobody to pick her up. after and hour 1/2 questioning from the police the “plummer van” showed up to write her off and the ambulance took her to Royal health center in Santa Ana the same place where Kelly was forcibly admitted. Kelly had the right to be here just like that lady did. Both may have acted a bit odd but neither were violent.

    1. You make some great points, streets of fullerton. I can tell that you really are keeping an eye on things out there on the streets of Fullerton and are a watchdog on homeless issues. I’d like to hear why those benches were removed as well. The real motives and agenda of any task force established by these characters under the guise of helping the homeless would certainly be suspect to say the least. Keep up the good work.

      1. What happened, to the Euclid Corridor homeless eradication,that were touting a while back? did it ever come to fruition?

  40. fedupwithmorons :The OC deputy who shot the Marine was initially in fear for his life? He changes his tune and claims he was in fear for the safety of the kids in the car, yet, this moron fires rounds into the car at their father? Cops had these kids detained for over 13 hours.

    How much do you want to bet the reason the sheriff’s detained the kids for that long was because they were trying to brainwash the kids into saying their father was behaving violently.

    The DOJ needs to get their asses involved with this and proverbially bitch slap this sheriff’s departmentent into transparancy!!!

  41. Concerned Texan :I’m sorry someone impersonated me and misrepresented themselves to you. It’s a little off putting that someone would do that when I think about it.

    He stated -indeed I am…maybe, just maybe I misunderstood, I even mentioned it to Freindly neighbor pre-rumble,there is concerned citizen- I will get to the bottom of this..for there is only one Concerned…

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