Rats Jumping Off Sinking County Ship. Fingering Each Other

The Voice of OC(EA) on Friday posted a story about yet another high-level crony of County CEO Tom Mauk bailing out of the creaky tub that is taking on water fast in the wake of the Carlos Bustamante sex-assault case. This person’s name is Alisa Drakodidas, and she was in immediate charge of the patsy who just got canned last week, and about whom I wrote about, here.

Drakodidas was a Deputy CEO of Infrastructure (whatever that means) and apparently a close confidant of Mauk. She has taken a medical leave until the end of August, and of course is still being paid. She has got herself a lawyer, too, and according to Voice has sent the County a nasty letter blasting various individuals, including Supervisors, most specifically Pat Bates. According to the Voice’s source, the letter accuses Bates of getting one of her office flunkies a high paying job and generally botching things up. Other Supervisors, collectively, are blamed for interfering with contracts (I think this is probably code for doing favors for fund-raising lobbyists). It’s obvious that Ms. Drakodidas is not planning on coming back to work.
Apparently the County is not releasing any details of the letter via the Public Records Act, but it’s clear somebody at the County has leaked the general outline of this document. It must provide some interesting reading. Hopefully all of this finger pointing will result in a clear picture of why Bustamante was employed at all, and who let him get away with his twisted pervy sex attacks.
Shadow, very catty comment about the hair. BTW, Farrah is dead, poor thing.
Wow, the County is just as screwed up as Fullerton.
Bustamante and Rincon. GOD MODE ACTIVATED!
The whole crew needs to be cleaned out.
Somebody should publish an org chart. Would love to see a list of all the Chief Deputies, Assistant CEOs, Coat Holders, Chair Pullerouters, Major Minors, Designated Assholes, Temporary Stooges, Senior Fluffers and Butt Boys that work for the County.
That’s pretty funny. Yes I’m sure we would all be shocked by the lackeys down there and how much they make.
I was thinking more or less the same thing, and not only regarding OC . Every county, city and town from coast to coast needs a FFFF-style blog to watch and react to this political larceny and malfeasance.
A “Deputy CEO of Infrastructure.” Really.
I was a “Garbalogist” in high school — I took out the trash — but at least I actually did something.
The Pat Bates flunky in question is a man by the name of Brian Probolsky (brother of Anti Fullerton Recall cash recipient and fake pollster Adam Probolsky).
Poor lad never went to college but he got a hefty six-figure salary in the Community Resources Department courtesy of Bates. What a paragon of virtue.
Jeez, what a train wreck. And we have Bill Campbell to thank for this entire mess. What a legacy: sex crimes, cover-ups, pension disasters, giveaways to his cronies and rich constituents, hiring lobbyists.
What a sleazoid.
So what is your boy Shawn nelson doing to fix the mess at the County? He’s been there 2 years. The honeymoon is over.
Good question. But you have to remember that Shawn is only one of five. It takes three votes to clean house – just like in Fullerton.
Shadow, thanks for picking up this story. I’ve been meaning to get back into County-level stuff once the recall was successful. I’ll be doing a post on that soon. Time to clean up the Repuglican mess at the County.
Yes, butas I said before, it takes one to bring up questions that can not be ingnored.
If you’ve watched Nelson during the meetings he’s been pretty vocal on certain matters that the Board wanted to bury. Nelson disappointed me a couple times but overall I’d give him a B+ grade. The others get C or lower. But it’s been my experience that one supe always plays the maverick. Usually the new kid in town. Maybe it’s a ploy to give us the false impression that we actually have representation.
Look no farther than John Lewis.
Check the “MAUK” name to the connections in Fullerton, interesting!
wondered the same thing
When in doubt, pass the buck. What does Pat Bates and the various other useless trouts, dingyness have to do with the price of pork rinds? The Bustamante case is about sexual assault and cover up isn’t it? not who hired who unethically-I think the one who received “special favors” was Carlos Bustamantes and that is a direct failure or HERS.
“It’s obvious that Ms. Drakodidas is not planning on coming back to work.”
or getting the elevator fixed that goes to the top of her head.
No Merijoe, when someone is put under your command by a higher up or an equal in another department, the assumption is that you can not remove them unless you are willing to start a holy war. They all know the system and wait for it to fall apart in a way that their personal positions can come out ahead.
When situations get so bad that cover is broken, we cover those running hither and thither to learn as much of the truth as we can. Then we clean house. Then the process of corruption begins again.
All of this is why we do not trust government to do more for us than we absolutely have to, and why we strive to stave the beast.
Exactly, it’s like a soap opera, and nothing changes until the problem hits the newspapers.
Were is the FBI, federalis, attorneys general??????
Don’t forget. Both Campbell and Bates were in the State Assembly in 1999 and voted ‘yea’ on SB 400 which set all the 3%@50 pensions in motion. Both have been stooges for the public unions. Anybody who has paid attention to all the county scandals in the last 5 years can see the trail of dirt. Let’s hope the Bustamonte scandal prompts a snitch chain reaction in the executive ranks that blows this thing wide open and exposes years of corruption to the general public.
Dick Ackerman was one of only three Republicans who voted “no” on that bill.
And rememember, Chris Norby voted for 3-at-50 as a Fullerton councilman.
Was that before Norby was found drunk at the old Courthouse or after he punched out his wife?
Wrong. Norby’s wife kicked him in the nuts. Get your story straight, Goodrich.
Btw, does anybody know Drakodaidis’ education/career history. What exactly qualified her to become a Deputy CEO? She appears to be relatively young for such a lofty position.
For any of you who have 35 minutes to watch a YouTube police brutality/corruption video, this case from PA has features to it that are worse than the KT case. I lost count how many separate times this fellow had been beat and tazed, AFTER POLICE HAD HOG TIED HIM! This nearly innocent victim is currently serving a nickel in a PA pen after getting convicted on trumped up charges.
Wow. Once those troopers lose their jobs they should apply to FPD with all the new projected openings in the next year or so. They appear to be fine candidates for the job.
“nearly innocent”.
Oh boy, this ought to be good! Will Tony tell us how his friend Nelson has pulled off having he most dysfunctional office of any supervisor AND at the same time accumulating the biggest office budget of any supervisor?
Nah. “Accountability” for Tony’s enemies, and excuses for his friends.
Might cost a few million to get his people into county offices. But he will play ball against people with more money than him. Should be a good game.
Nelson has the lowest actual office expenses.
It’s in the budget.
What the hellll is wrong with you hacked up hair ball? Accountability for Tony’s enemies, excuses for his friends? Yeah, his hommie friends can murder someone and cover-he’s ok with that. Is that what you think?
Textbook grumpy old man with knickers in a knot. Geeze wonderful human-you are. Not.
And since you are at least given the benefit of proof, then you should at least back up your classless, hate against a good person who’s done more for his community in a year then your whole gang of friends and relatives have ever done in 100 years.
tony has you in a trance. You get some boobs like Marlene and then you would get more attention and respect.
Sorry, I forgot criticizing Tony isn’t allowed. “Classless hate” is fine as long as it is flung as Tony’s enemies list.
It’s Tony’s world. We are just part of the salad.
Bushala is a legend in his own mind.
The first priority of a county/city employee, is to get dirt on the higher-ups. This ensures “Leverage” when dealing with superiors. It is job security.
I think it is a sad day, when people in government, and entrusted by the citizenry, cannot just do the right thing and give an honest, decent day’s work..Period!!
I went to the cemetary yesterday, and Sara has a beautiful headstone. Just thought you should know. Take care.
9c! has it right! In my previous life at a large school district central admin person, I watched two school superintendents reviewing the previous 3 year to 5 year financials. When a newbie I thought they were looking at how to save money in the budget, but that turned out to be very secondary. First, is to get dirt on the board members who were actually breaking the law in several ways with impunity! Then you use that info as leverage when they want to dump you. So you get a fat severance package worth two to three years pay with the proviso that the school board (school district monies mostly derived from State funds) cannot release any info on the Sup’t and the Sup’t will not release any info on the School Board members.
Turns out that in California Urban areas, thats the way business is done! By the time the DA office and State investigate, statue of limitations has run out!
What does this have to do with County politics? Hmmmm. Nothing?
OK. Time to go after the other perv Tom Daly. Believe me that guy aint no angel.
Sources indicate the letter also alleges that Rackaucakas pursued the Bustamante case because he is angry with Mauk over the CEO’s handling of issues regarding Public Administrator John Williams, who employed Rackauckas’ fiancee Peggi Buff.
According to sources who have seen the letter, Drakodaidis, who supervised both Bustamante and Carbajal, alleges that members of the Board of Supervisors have been meddling in contracts and using their influence to secure spots within the county bureaucracy for their staff aides.
I hope someone runs against Rackaucakas in 2014. He keeps too many secrets. There is no excuse for not releasing information through the public records act just “because the district attorney doesn’t want it released.” Rackaucakas is supposed to be a champion for Kelly in the criminal justice system. Why didn’t he tell the public that there was an eye-witness who asserted Kelly was completely innocent of any parking lot shenanigans? Maybe he intended to get around to it, but I doubt it. Kelly needs a better attorney.
Every kid should experience the fun of spitting a few watermelon seeds and holding a sparkler at a 4th of July celebration. That’s part of summer.
Same reason he fired Spitzer.
You certainly get noticed, toobad sometimes its by jealous kooks like cicis wife