“Recall No” Lays Giant 2012 Fundraising Egg. Also Fouls Own Nest.
When you have a crappy product it’s pretty hard to sell. Think Yugo.

But really? Won’t anybody help the gerontocracy cling to power in Fullerton? Apparently, almost no one will. It could be that contributors to the cause in the fall were underwhelmed by the bang they got for the bucks they handed over to Tricky Dick Ackerman and The Human Salamander, Dave Ellis.

Yep, Protect Fullerton-Recall No filed their 460 on Monday for 1/1/12 through 3/17/12. The results? Somewhat less than impressive.
$4,224.00 raised
$9,765.70 spent
$3,841.69 left over
Most of the funds were from early in January – before they sent that last pathetic mailer advertising the recall. The only recent donation was $2,000 from some presumably ancient lady named Mary Ransom.
Holy Smokes! Dave Ellis really took them for a ride. $2,500 to Delta Partners. $500/mo to host that crappy website.
By the way, did you notice that $250 from the Santa Monica cop union? I did.
Checkbook diplomacy at it’s worst.
Except for that two grand from the old dame not a nickle since February 2nd.
I’d say Ackerman and Ellis gave up.
Who is Gayle Paden? I notice there is some guy named Sean Paden running as a Republican.
Molly McClanahan sure is a cheapskate. I also observe that she is a lot more frugal with her own money than she is with the public’s!
Well that’s not very good. Time to drop off the three bald tires at the scrap yard.
Delta Partners? Do explain.
The $2000 donation came from a lady named Mary Ransom who is a benefactor with the local chapter of the National Charity League. Don Bankhead was at one time crowned a King, which is where the picture originated from that shows Don with a crown on his head.
For those of you who are not familiar with the NCL, they are an influential group of high brow women, who originated from prestigious sorority groups of women attending UCLA and USC around WW2. Their first meeting was held in Beverly Hills, which should give you some idea of the exclusivity of the membership.
The mothers, are referred to as Patronesses and the Daughters asTicktockers.
Membership is only available to Mothers of 7th graders that are being sponsored by a current member of NCL. The culmination of the daughters membership is the annual Debutante’s Ball.
Regardless of the donation apsect, these people who are donating are from fullerton so they get to vote on this recall. There are still people who live in the way back when still. I wonder how many people from both sides of the recall is going to vote. One can only hope those people who signed the recall, vote for the recall and that will be enough.
Mary Ransom’s donation to the Anti-Recall campaign is noteworthy tonly because Mary reminds me of the fictional character, “Effie Trinket” in the book/movie “The Hunger Games.”
hope and pray!
Yeah, that always works. Or we could actually do something.
the proof is in the attached itemized account, there are more good people than evil and fools in fullerton. we surely do have hope for a better future thanks to Tony Bushala, Chris Thompson and Travis Kiger.
It has been feed a steady diet of GMO cornfed pork rich in trichina worms bombarded by microwaves and has spent too much time underground exposed to fluorescent lights.
Notice how many of the donors are retired, including our ex city manager Chris Meyer.
And his $100 donation is hilarious. Between him and Janny, they’re pulling in something like $275,000-300,000 retired. Her own father was removed in the last Fullerton recall. And all they give is $100? LOL
Failure is often a genetic trait.
They’re saving up for Janny Meyer’s council run in November.
With the except of yard signage noticed recently, the anti recall camp has been somewhat quiet. Has their bag of tricks run out? Are they trying to figure out the best plan of action with their dwindling funs? Or has the lack of interest and support finally reached a level even they can’t deny?
As an aside…Really? $500. a month to host their website? Not one of them or their supporters know anyone that could offer to do this at no cost?
I was thinking the same thing. Been a long time since we’ve heard from Larry Bennett. Their pathetic website hasn’t been updated in 5 weeks.
Larry is sitting in front of the computer screen in his underwear eating cheetos, wondering where he went wrong.
I bet Ellis gets his $2500 before the well runs completely dry.
$500 a month for the website? that is a serious schtupping by Dave Ellis, what a buddy…what a pal!
Hey Patrick, can you get your buddy Dave to run my website? Such a deal!!!
I think they realize they’re not going to win over the recall effort. The curtain has been pulled back and too much has been exposed. Their days a numbered, and I think even they know it now.
$3841.69 left over with $2500.00 in outstanding debt.
In other words, down to their last $1,341.69.
The union may pump in some last minute cash. Nobody else will.
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is the king
Just need one more mailer. Something about a downtown developer. Yeah, that will do it.
Did anyone ever save one of those stupid ass Monty Python SPAM mailers that the mental patients used some of their booty on? I wonder who printed those up?
Live by political influence…
am I on crack here? what in the hell? who has debutante balls, anymore.My gawd..all I gotta say to that is NOCD….not our class darling. How lame can you be. It just gets better,doesnt it.. I completely imagine some pre=pubescent girl with some fancy tiara with her mom , who earliy looks like Tammy Faye Baker..with some stepford wife look…O the humanity.