She Bear About to Turn Violent?

Here‘s an article in the Register about Fullerton Councilman Bruce Whitaker asking his fellow councilmembers to vote on whether to see the video of the Kelly Thomas killing at the hands of the FPD. He seems to be suffering from the delusion that Fullerton elected leaders should be intelligently informed.
It’s an interesting article for two reasons. First is the reaction of councilman Pat McKinley, former FPD Chief, and architect of the Culture of Corruption in the force. You would expect him to be opposed to letting anybody see the actions of goons he hired personally and let loose on the streets of Fullerton. But what’s that you say, Pat?:
Councilman Pat McKinley, Fullerton’s former police chief, said he is “violently opposed” to the release of the video.
“I think it’s completely off-base,” McKinley said. “It’s absolutely unprecedented, and it would be wrong to view that before the trial.”
Violently opposed? Now that doesn’t sound like a balanced man, does it? His reaction to a perfectly reasonable request says much about McPension the man. Is he about to go off the deep end?
Mcpension may not want the video released, but I assure you it has nothing to do with any trial, and everything to do with a recall election.
The other thing that struck me as odd is the City Attorney’s alleged request to the DA for permission to view the video and the imbecilic comments ascribed to DA spokesholetress Susan Kang Schroeder, who seems to be just making shit up. The council could watch this video as a closed session personnel issue and nobody else would have to see it. Also, the FPD is bound to have made copies so why ask the DA for permission at all – except to get that “no” answer you want? Acting Chief Hughes, who is neither investigating nor trying anybody, claims to have viewed the video 400 times! I’m starting to suspect everybody has seen this video – except some of the council and of course, the public.
And as a final thought, is there anybody in Fullerton who believed the serial prevaricator Pat McKinley when, after an awkward pause on CNN, he denied seeing the video himself?
I believe McKinley saw the video in mid-July and began formulating the official line. remember how he told the CNN woman that maybe only two were involved?
Right. Damage control coordinated with the FPD. This guy’s a lying sack of donkey crap.
I think yur statement gives donkey crap a bad rap.
CNN Showdown: Bushala v. McKinley August 10th, 2011
“Do you know any of the officers involved?” (McKinley smirks and smiles) 6:00 at minutes of 2nd video
“Councilman Pat McKinley, Fullerton’s former police chief, said he is “violently opposed” to the release of the video.”
The interim chief claims has seen it 300 times. The department heads are very protective of their snuff film collection. I guess its the luck of the Irish or something.
Correction, according to fullertonstories, the interim chief said he’s see the video 400 times.
400 times? I’d say he’s spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to weasle out of any culpability.
“Frustrated that the slow working of his mind could not process the new data, McKinley was about to flail about violently.”
Should the public be concerned? Could Big Mac go off like Cicinelli?
Oh, he saw it alright. He’s too deep in the muck.
Due to age or ignorance, McSheBear most likely watched the video but probably didn’t look too closely. Cause if he did, he may have seen one of the other thugs do something bad, wrong, uncalled for, life threatening to the unarmed and innocent man Kelly Thomas.
Hence, my theory that one of the other thugs should have also been charged with something along the lines of assault with the intent to injure, disfigure or kill under the color of authority.
Question: How could Wolfe not have known what was really happening (bum fight) when he was at the scene of the crime from the beginning to the end?
I don’t understand why, at this point, he doesn’t just give up. Its not like his reputation can be un-scarred. Its not like he can do ANYTHING to reverse the publics opinion of what a lying, conniving asshole he is. The only thing he has left is a fragment of dignity he should sacrifice to the truth. How about an apology to Fullerton for turning a blind eye (pun most definitely intended) to the corruption that festered under his guidance. Give up already, McKinley. Aren’t you tired? We sure the fuck are.
he doesn’t think he has done anything wrong, what would he apologize for?
He wants us to THINK he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. The guilt torments him, you can be sure. He just refuses to ADMIT he did anything wrong. Its like a kid taking all the cookies and has crumbs all over his face and denies any wrongdoings even while he’s standing in the corner.
Yeah, why would McQueBall give up when he has people like Jan Flory calling him “esteemed” and giving him Doolittle awards?
When asked by David Nazar he said he had nothing to apologize for. Nothing.
I really believe that dude is mentally ill.
Another great story by FFFF.
The City Council can review what ever they want in “closed session”.
Does the City council tell the DA how to prosecute criminals in a public forum?
The DA has no authority to tell the City to keep quiet about all this, and not attempt to get to the bottom of internal matters within their jurisdiction. LET’S be real on that.
McKinley doesn’t want the video released because it will prove what others have said. It will confirm what Whittaker has thought all along.
Of course it would seal the deal on McKinley’s recall. DUH!!
YOU bet there are plenty of copies of Kelly’s beating floating around the inner walls of the city.
For those who think for a second that McKinley NEVER looked at that video YOUR smokin dope.
His dumb ass has slipped up more than once during his public commentary, much like Sellers comments here on FFFF.
I know some will think this is over the top, but there is a CHANCE the FBI could slap more than a few within the City for “obstructing justice” at some point.
It’s possible the DA and the FBI have agreed on who is going to prosecute who for what. Another reason Sellers packed his bags while he could.
REMEMBER it was the Feds who prosecuted Mike Corona for his misdeeds.
It was appropriate for the DA to step aside and “avoid the appearance” of any conflict in prosecuting Corona.
It is possible the DA and FBI will share the workload on this case.
Time will tell.
Council can’t review whatever they want at anytime. You know better than that.
Personnel files? Evidence? Come on. I know you just didn’t think before you wrote that. Technically, they are supposed to be briefed on the summary of ongoing investigations without the in depth details and that’s it. They can ask for anything they want but they won’t get much when it comes to ongoing personnel or criminal investigations.
I agree there are plenty of copies around. I really thought a disgruntled employee would sell one for $50-100k but it didn’t happen.
I think you are dreaming that the Feds are so involved and excited about this city and this case. I will let you prove me wrong but I think at best the Feds will do one charge to appease people just like DA Rawk did.
You are uninformed. Gennaco is finishing his report. At that point the council will have to watch the video as part of the Gennaco review – unless, like the idiots Jones and Bankhead might, choose to refuse.
When McPension says it has something to do with a trial he is just proving himself a goddamned liar (not as if we didn’t already know).
It seems that McKinley is too vain to walk away. In fact as Curious quoted previously, he’s too stupid and arrogant to walk away.
Like you mentioned in #45, the FPD’s BS schpiel and ‘cover-up’ (they HATE when I say that at council meetings BTW) allowed this incident to go unheard, as I didn’t hear about it until the first week of August, thanks to this blog, then KFI, then all the other TV news media.
Since then, some serious criminal-like activity (shit) has has hit the fan.
All that said, I still don’t see a ‘self-rightous’ idiot like McKinley walking away, however he may pull a ‘disability’ stunt like Sellers.
bloused eyes = how vain can you be? i can only imagine his inner fury at being called out for the criminal he is. there is no reason he wouldn’t be investigated by the feds. ……. 7 mos. today
The pride before the fall.
The fortunate fall, for us
puhleeze She bear Mc Fuck nut- has already seen this video…you know he has, if he says he didnt- he is a liar.
i’d bet he has seen it…and that would be why he is so violently opposed to anyone else seeing it. I wonder if he has hypertension too. Karma is a bitch.
McKinley’s CYA efforts simply eluded to how bad things were. His amazing bad efforts to protect himself and his pals was the proverbial gasoline onto a fire.
This blog reads like a good book. Just can’t put it down. Even though I really need to shut down and get some stuff done.
#35 by Lifesaving Service on January 31, 2012
Horror films are a movie genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience’s most primal fears. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural, thus they may overlap with the fantasy and supernatural genre. Horrors frequently overlap with the thriller genre.
OKAY no one in the city has seen the video except Sellers and Hughes. RIGHT?
So who told who to offer the Thomas family $900K early on?
Did Sellers simply tell the City Attorney to cut a check based on his “good word”?
Did the City Attorney look at the tape and tell the Council they should authorize these funds, based on his “good word”?
NO ONE is going to pay anyone that kind of money when as Sellers pretty much says, a “dirtbag” who runs and punches cops has NOTHING coming.
We can look at McKinley’s comments about “those people are not like us”.
We also know that NO ONE has called BS on Whittakers concerns or numerous comments on what he sees or believes.
I mean the 3 Amigos aren’t going to call Whittacker a liar, or he is misinformed, and create another problem there. THEY are just going to ignore him all together.
Now with McKinley’s 29 years with LAPD and his 16 years with FPD, he should have no problem letting his fellow council members watch the video.
Hell McKinley should have NO PROBLEM pointing out how Kelly is a “dirtbag” and the beating was justified within the law.
Maybe Sellers and Hughes can be present and concure with McKinley’s EXPERT opinion.
OR, the City Council can have John Barnett and Michael Swartz come in a point out how the officers actions are justified?
ALL done behind closed doors.
Then the Council as a group can come out and start supporting the cops under fire and tell everyone the DA is on a witch hunt and it’s their opinion Kelly is a homeless dirtbag.
If anyone thinks the City gives a crap about Ramos and Cincinelli in the BIG PICTURE, think again, THEY do not.
McKinley alone has the experience to judge what happened out there, and CALL BS on everyone involved, BUT he hasn’t, because he can’t.
He too is handcuffed to his chair and he knows it. He has people coming at him from all sides. He is a caged rat right now.
And his 2 pals are looking to him for the answers because they are clueless at this point.
I wonder if McKinley’s pals have seen the video or they are just going along with McKinley, based on his good word that, Kelley is “not like us”?
Look at ALL that has been said by these people, and it obvious what is going on.
The clowns in control don’t want Whittaker to see the video and have Whittaker go public and tell everyone “it’s just like I thought it was”.
To bad Lou Ponsi and his pals haven’t seen that so far with their VAST experience at getting at the truth.
ACU. Do you know much about how City Attorneys work in incidents that could turn into claims in cities?
In this case the only people that knew anything about a talk with the family was Feliz and Pratt. In any incident where there could be a legal claim, all cities try to settle quick and end it. It happens daily. Someone gets bit and cities say here’s $2k to get your tooth fixed and move on. Accepted.
In this case Pratt weighed what he thought would happen with this case over the long haul. Mass legal fees. Liability. Had a discussion and talked about a rough figure. He had no authority and if Ron said ok, he couldn’t say sold at that time. He would have gone back to the city manger and eventually council to approve it. It was never binding and never authorized. Preliminary discussions which is common in all cities and always will be.
The rest is your guesses and opinion. The best result is the original plan and that will not change. You know that. That video will not be played again until the trial. You know that. It’s not even available, it’s in Rawks hands and the only way it’s being seen is by a judges order at this point.
“I wonder if McKinley’s pals have seen the video or they are just going along with McKinley, based on his good word that, Kelley is “not like us”?”
Everyone knows he did. I bet he served popcorn for the preview.
If there was anything on the video that would exonerate the cops involved, don’t you think it would already be public information? Of course it would!
Also, if the cops involved did nothing wrong, WHY would the FBI come forward with indictments for civil rights violations at the conclusion of the DA’s case?
This is the second Register article to claim Kelly was in a parking lot when he was accosted. As commenter streets of fullerton has noted, Kelly was absolutely not in the parking lot at all. This is a not so subtle distinction. Parts A and B of the above quote are joined at the hip and tend to give the unwitting reader a false impression that there was probable cause to detain Kelly. At minimum, a casual reader could assume Kelly was involved in mischief. Can the Register ever get the story right? Also, someone had mentioned a possible city council resolution to clear Kelly’s name. He died in custody. Certainly, resisting arrest would have been a charge, but one wonders if he was also charged with assault or possession of stolen property.
It would, at least within the inner walls of the City.
But when city officials aren’t calling BS on those on the outside, and DON’T want their own council people seeing it, that speaks for ITSELF.
Why don’t these experienced officials who have been there done that call BS on the DA and the FBI?
Seems more than a few lack enough courage to do ANYTHING except open up the PD for TOURS!!!
Keep throwing logs on the fire, the ship is a blaze.
McKinley said. “It’s absolutely unprecedented”…
regardin the video release
So are there other cases where public videos were not released? I can’t find any online, maybe I’m not seeing everything
I found this link from 2008 LAPD regarding th use of surveillance cameras
particularly this quote on page 52 stood out:
“Access to camera footage is always available upon request to the district attorney’s office. Officers reviewing footage will mark any that can potentially be used as evidence in solving a crime as evidentiary and put it aside. All other footage is available to the public through the same channels they would use to obtain a police report (Interview, Hernandez, May 1, 2008).”
And, If he’s so concerned about viewing this video prior to a trial why was this released prior to a trial:
or this:
sorry, anonymous is me
If the watch commander was operating the remote joystick for the pole cam during the crime, he/she would have also continued training the camera on those involved in the mop up. Supposedly, the surveillance video archives are stored for one year. There may be some who fear what has been captured on by the pole cam before and after the beating as much as the actual incident.
What is the NAME of this watch commander? why don’t we know that? I’m thinking the corruption started here.
The youtube link is rivating-come forward people who video’d the beating/murder or had an immediate conversation with the murdering coppers, come forward.
Wonder if more video was ever recovered
admin, you should blog post this video. Who knows, maybe someone will come forward who knows someone who wont come forward. Does that make sense?
Makes perfect sense Jr…… RELEASE THE VIDEO!
This is a Conspiracy to cover up the killing.
Hope McPension is Subpoenaed by ‘we the people.’
Cannot rely on truth with this DA.
whoops, the above was mine-sorry forgot to write it in
How can one be “violently oppossed” to something they HAVE NOT seen.
Spare me the BS, I can smell it through the keyboard.
Maybe it was a slip of the tongue. Still smelly though.
Merijo, don’t be an RI aka Mike Sellers now by using different screen names, someone might think your warped!!!!!! (insert smile)
Right, ACU, Damn this new fangled computer!
The words confrontation and accost have been used when in fact the correct usage should be AFFRONTATION by the FPD and subsequent intent to do great bodily harm.
There is quite a difference in the meaning of the words.
It’s no wonder the city lawyer told the old dudes to clam up. Every time they open their mouths they dig themselves in deeper.
If the cam continually records then it would show kelly in front of the slidebar where it is always pointed. Or if it was pointed at the bus stop it would show what he was doing before the police rolled up.For some reason I’ll doubt we’ll ever I doubt see that.
Another thing I find interesting is how someone could be “violently opposed” to evidence they” never saw.”
He is violently opposed to being recalled, that’s all.
But that sick bastard is running out of time. Temporizing, lying, and spinning fantasies isn’t going to help chrome dome much longer.
Thanks for the Mike, now crawl back into your hole.
And I think your an idiot Sellers, I don’t think there is much guessing on that at this point.
Defense lawyers are only getting briefed, yea right. Your dumber than a post.
RI the arrogant, AKA blue boob-Like most little boys, you just can’t help yourself.
Blue boob? Weird color. Coplickin blue boobin 🙂
Ur idiot post stayed and my moron post got deleted. Very one sided group here that only allows their sided posts. 🙂
“police came across Thomas in a parking lot”
Wasn’t kelly sitting at the bus terminal when the police rolled up?
The orange county register seems to be reporting what they think happened.
I’ll consider the source Mike, I doubt it seriously if you have the energy or the ability to back up your words in person.
Hell No he don’t cause he’s quazi disabled…
They just report what Goodrich told them…
“Councilman Pat McKinley, Fullerton’s former police chief, said he is “violently opposed” to the release of the video.
“I think it’s completely off-base,” McKinley said. “It’s absolutely unprecedented, and it would be wrong to view that before the trial.”
“completely off-base” for Fullerton city council members to see how their city’s police force treats the community of Fullerton? McKinley tries to hide the ugly truth that his police force felt confident they could get away with murder in full view of the public.
Of course McKinley is “violently opposed” to having Fullerton council members or anyone else see the video that reveals his legacy to Fullerton as police chief;murder, lies, molestation, perjury, false arrest and suspicious jail suicides.
And what is so strange is McKinley’s colleague, the civil rights activist and CEO of the cleainghouse on law enforcement civil rights abuses for the OC community, CEO of the Orange County Human Relations Commission, and life-long resident of Fullerton, Rusty Kennedy, seemed clueless to McKinley’s corruption of our police force.
McPension is a Brady Cop/councilman. The New Label,
Mr. McBrady
I think we all know what the video shows. A homeless man on two feet being sat down on a curb, then resisting arrest, and then being rendered unconscious through the use of batons, tasers, and physical restraint, that suffocated him. What he looked like is already in pictures, and his last conscious screams recorded by bystanders. I can’t see why given the circumstances, anyone would want to see it other than a jury, that will be forced to watch it.
“rendered unconscious”? How about, “Kelly was savagely and brutally beaten beyond human recognition by six fully armed goons that Pat McKinley had unleashed on the unsuspecting citizens of Fullerton” instead?
CNN Showdown: Bushala v. McKinley August 10th, 2011
“Do you know any of the officers involved?” (McKinley smirks and smiles) 6:00 minutes
at 6:00 minute mark 2nd
Fullerton Csu police harassing recall signature gatherers
“YOU WONT EVEN EXPLAIN TO ME!!!” Said about 10 times (CSUF version of “STOP RESISTING STOP RESISTING”) “you wouldnt even let him explain!!” “witness is this camera.”
Posting because only 76 views on youtube
Bad link sorry, this should work
SPD Sadistic Personality Disorder
“Clinical descriptions of SPD suggest that the disorder consists of features that span behavioral, interpersonal, cognitive, and affective domains. Sadistic individuals have poor behavioral controls, manifested by a short temper, irritability, low frustration tolerance, and a controlling nature. From an interpersonal standpoint, they are noted to be harsh, hostile, manipulative, lacking in empathy, cold-hearted, and abrasive to those they deem to be their inferiors. Their cognitive nature is considered rigid and prone to social intolerance, and they are fascinated by weapons, war, and infamous crimes or perpetrators of atrocities. Sadists classically are believed to seek social positions that enable them to exercise their need to control others and dole out harsh punishment or humiliation. For this reason, some have postulated that there is a higher prevalence of sadism among individuals who work in such settings as law enforcement, correctional facilities, the military, government, and the justice system. In addition, several studies have demonstrated a significant sex bias, with most individuals with SPD being male, consistent with the theoretical literature and clinical findings.”
How Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder Treated?
There is no known cure for narcissistic personality disorder, but psychotherapy (a type of counseling) might help the person learn to relate to others in a more positive and rewarding way. Psychotherapy tries to provide the person with greater insight into his or her problems and attitudes in the hope that this will change behavior. The goal of therapy is to help the person develop a better self-esteem and more realistic expectations of others. Medication might be used to treat the distressing symptoms, such as behavioral problems, that might occur with this disorder.
Ackerman made a call to the idiot Gordon who called the campus campus cop chief. !00% guaranteed.
My thoughts are that MOST people who become interested in law enforcement like to have power over others.
They get training, a uniform, a gun and a baton or a taser and the most important weapon, a badge.
The ego grows with the officer performing his duties. People fear him more than respect him. His ego grows more and more until he forgets that the police “motto” is to PROTECT and SERVE. Everyone becomes a threat, an enemy, and when they step up to a car they fear the driver and/or passenger as much as the driver fears them. When they go out on a call, they are agitated by what they may encounter. Sometimes ready to kill or be killed.
In the case of Robyn Nordell, her lovely little family became drug dealers in the eyes of the police who were in her backyard looking for parole violators, criminals and as they held their guns upright in firing position at this Nordell family they were ready to kill. They did not care that Robyn doesn’t look like a crack ho or that her husband is a minister or that they were invading this family on an otherwise quiet, normal evening.
Pointing their weapons at this family as if they had already tried and convicted this family for dealing drugs. Ready to shoot any one of them for “one wrong move”.
Remember, as an officer, when you shoot, you shoot to kill. Afterward when finding out that they had the wrong house, Robyn and her family received a weak “sorry” after many visits to the council meetings and many talks with several chiefs in the Fullerton PD. Sorry? That is like saying “bygones”. Luckily, there were no fatalities.
Innocent until proven guilty did not apply in this case nor in the case of Kelly Thomas.
Their duty is to first, PROTECT AND SERVE, WE, the public, from true criminals, not from families like the Nordells or from men like Kelly Thomas who was doing no harm, each living their lives as best they can.
McKinley is a hardened police “lifer” who probably did not even flinch when he saw Kellys last several minutes of his life.
But you can bet, if it was someone in his family, he would be doing more than flinching, he would be like Kellys Army wanting JUSTICE!!
“McKinley is a hardened police “lifer” who probably did not even flinch when he saw Kellys last several minutes of his life.”
“Why would someone from FBI, and Secret Service, still be in Fullerton, thats a $1000 question.
Breathing fire; you are assuming that family has the same meaning to McKinley as that of NORMAL people.
Don’t be deluded by any superficial appearances or rhetoric that he may claim to have a NORMAL home life and family.
His family resides in Maslovs’ heirarchy of needs within his sphere of influence and his type will turn with the slightest degree of disagreement or provocation.
The best for FULLERTON would be for these three square pegs to develop a good case of Alzheimers.
“Witness Protection!!”
Canton Police Officer: “I’ll Kill Every One Of You M********ers”
“why do you hire maniacs?”
Nordells could have greatly helped Fullerton by having the Chief of Police at the time of the breakin Chief Sellers come in from his home 40 miles away and apologize to them at city council. Was he really that “under the weather”? A demand to the sick chief to apologize for the entire FPD or face lots of depositions during his sickly retirement would have worked! Civil suit depositions and trials can be nasty! The settlement terms go up up up as the questions become more pointed about following of rules.
So I have nothing bad to say about Nordells being a fine Christian family, they are but they used this to cave in instead of being tough on crime. Yes the criminals at FPD.
How would releasing the tape compromise the trial? The jury will see the tape why not the public? If the beggining of the tape is missing then it could be the same as the Rodney King incident where the tape may be misinterpreted because it was happened at first is not on the tape. In this case the DA has already stated what happened based on his knowlege from the DAR’s.The best way if possible is to give the public all possible information up front. With everytning out in the open the truth will begin to be evident. McKinnley said not to release the tape but has not said specificaly why. He has not earned the trust of the public. I would rather go Witakers judgement on this call.
“Million Dollar Question” My Councilman McKinley, WHY do you want to make so many enemies???
Once again McKinley demonstrates what a bumbling air-head he is.
I’m certain he was trying to say he is “vehemently opposed” but his limited vocabulary leaves us with more nonsense like ‘I’ve had my eyes bloused a few times.’
All this from a beligerant asshole that also stated, ‘some of the recall folks don’t even have a high school diploma’. I’ll bet they’ve got a much broader vocabulary than his.
I believe the photo w/caption above was him in deepest thought, trying to come up with the word ‘aliens’.
Wow, to think this guy was a former LAPD Police Chief for 20+ years, originated the SWAT team, COP of FPD for umpteen years, etc.
I wonder how violent he’ll be on the forthcoming news. We fricken did it, gang!!!!
Sheriff’s official arrested on suspicion of drunk driving
February 6, 2012 | 5:52 pm
A top Los Angeles County sheriff’s official was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving after she was found stopped in the middle of the Foothill Freeway passed out with her head on the steering wheel of her county car, officials confirmed.
Authorities received multiple 911 calls Friday evening alerting them that a car was stopped in a middle lane of the Pasadena freeway. When California Highway Patrol officers showed up on the scene, they discovered sheriff’s civilian Director Natalie Salazar allegedly intoxicated, with her foot on the brake pedal and her car in drive, an official said.
A test some two hours after her arrest showed a blood alcohol level of 0.20, more than twice the legal limit, said CHP Officer Ming Hsu.
Salazar heads the sheriff’s Community/Law enforcement Partnership Program. The arrest was not her first run-in with the law. In 2009, she was convicted of driving under the influence, Hsu said, and placed on probation. However, she kept her post at the Sheriff’s Department.
Sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore said Salazar has been put on leave. “The sheriff takes this kind of thing very seriously,” he said.
After a previous drunk driving incident, Salazar apparently sent out a memo within the department apologizing.
“I am very upset, remorseful and embarrassed,” reads a copy of the email provided to The Times by a sheriff’s official who asked not to be named because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the case. “I want to do whatever I can to make sure that others do not end up having this happen to them.”
Salazar went on to promise to “continue to try to be a role model –- even though I have fallen off the pedestal.”
She could not be reached for comment Monday.