Sleep Tight. Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite
An alert Friend snapped this pic at the recent candidates’ night out.

It would seem that poor Don Bankhead is becoming less and less capable of staying awake during public events.
Friends For Fullerton's Future
FFFF supports causes that promote intelligent, responsible and accountable government in Fullerton and Orange County
An alert Friend snapped this pic at the recent candidates’ night out.
It would seem that poor Don Bankhead is becoming less and less capable of staying awake during public events.
Jan Flory endorses this clown! It’s on his website:
She does not; I asked her point blank about this. He has just decided not to revise his endorsement list. If one needed yet another reason not to vote for him, there it is.
Somebody got him dressed and shaved, but they forgot to give him his No Doze.
That’s from 2010 – fine print
How the heck could he fall asleep at a debate for city council? Does he have narcolepsy or something?
Lets give all of Bankhead’s supporters a call and see if they are accurate.
Congressman Ed Royce 714-253-7193
State Senator Mimi Walters
Supervisor Shawn Nelson
O.C. D.A. Tony Rackaukas
O. C. Sheriff Sandra Hutchens
Big pay jumps are history, fire authority says
September 28th, 2012, 1:20 pm · · posted by Teri Sforza, Register staff writer
“Something is clearly out of whack, the Orange County grand jury said, when thousands of people regularly vie for just a handful of open positions at a public agency.
Pay is just too high.
Since the Orange County Fire Authority was born in 1995, its labor costs have grown about 10 times faster than its staff has grown — and about 3.5 times times faster than the rate of inflation, the grand jury said in a rather scathing report last summer. To wit:
The average salary increase at OCFA was 6 percent each year since 1995;
while the annual Consumer Price Index-Urban (CPI-U) rose just 2.3 percent each year since 1995.”
and the excuse these government agencies frequently use to justify outrageously high salaries for themselves is they need to pay excessive amounts of $ to attract quality people.
what these same agencies ignore is they are public servants. Before public servants became bold thieves of our tax dollars, working in the public sector meant lower salaries than the private sector and their compensation was job security, solid pension and benefits.
Here is the trade-off for public servants; high salaries but they are solely responsible for contributing and managing their retirement savings and pay for their health care benefits.
i submit that the city of Fullerton has been run on a pay for play scheme by the members of the public unions for years.
All the members of the public unions here in Fullerton, pool their allowances, and even make over $100 donations to candidates such as Bankhead and Jan Flory, and in return they look the other way while they steal l our city blind through various schemes such as the water tax, and then treat us like insolent chidren when we call them on their bad behavior.
For instance, check out these campaign finance records for Jan Flory from her 2002 campaign for Fullerton City Council…
Note that 99% of these people are retirees from public unions, Teachers, Captain on the Fullerton Police Department page 14, one for Barbara Ann McKinley, who was the wife of Chief McKinley on page 12, and the remainder appear to be those affiliated with real estate, and a host of others that were profiting the greatest during the run on residents money during the redevelopment agency years in Fullerton.
“Most of the FPD Officers look like they couldnt catch a rolling donut!” 🙂
Okay, I gotta ask. Could he have possibly been blinking? I know I sure as heck don’t look like that when I’m sleeping. Will spare the details, but I’d think if he were asleep that he wouldn’t be lookin like that!
And how the heck do you know what you look like when you’re sleeping?
Great question!
Reminded me of a time when I was young and my Father was saying grace before we ate at the dinner table.
My little brother shouted out to no one in particular that I still had my eyes opened while we were all supposed to have our eyes closed while we were praying.
My Father responded with, “how do you know that your Brother’s eyes are open if yours are supposed to be shut too?
The old man taught me that day how to shoot down two birds with one stone.
Like I said, will spare the details….
The magic of photography?
I think you can see by the polite smile on Jennifer Fitzgeralds face, that Don Bankhead was sawing logs at this point in the League of Womens Voters candidates forum at City Hall.
Thought I’d pass this on. Apparently, not only Fullerton P.D. steal iPads.
obviously, Bankhead is not lucid or he would have realized his fellow recalled city council persons , Jones and McKinley, slunk away from the scene of their crimes.
My suggestion for Don – Time to see the country!
Somebody shoved a nuclear fuel rod up his ass. Y’all have him until 2096 at which time you can send him to Utah for disposal.
Interesting article regarding Fullerton High School baseball coach who was disciplined for bullying and making a physical threat to “skull fuck” one of his players.
Fullerton lover, you’re hysterical. Why don’t you try Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s Sarcastaball.
What do you expect, FUHS has a shitty Baseball program and that’s all they could afford. Maybe the Tea Baggers can open up the wallets and buy a better coach next time.
Maybe they skull-fuck comment will toughen him up for when we send the kid to Iran to fight in a year or two.
What part of an adult making a violent physical threat to a child didn’t you understand James Carville?
This is not basic training where a drill instructor is preparing you to kill or be killed.
p.s. I can tell from your misguided comments that you have never been in the armed forces, and have no idea how to prepare an individual for war.
Fullerton Lover, you’re too presumptuous. If you equate what Patino said to a “violent physical threat,” then you’re an idiot.
Yes, Fullerton Lover, skull-fucking is a BIG problem at FUHS. Maybe you should go bother Cathy Gach about it, she’ll give you about three seconds of her time, distractedly, of course.
It’s a life lesson Fullerton Lover. Yes, what Patino said was stupid, about as stupid as the reaction. It’s not about the individual, it’s about the group.
CW2, Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Airborne Division 1984-1990. That was how I paid for my college education.
Remember those same words next time an educator tells your own daughter or your wife that their going to skull fuck her.
Let’s see how distracted and stupid your response is then.
If you think you “closed” me with the wife/daughter thing, again, you’re being presumptuous. It wasn’t about a female. Nice attempt at a straw man, though.
It was about a minor child.
How would you react if your daughter’s coach addressed her like that?
Why is that appropriate to address a boy in that manner and not a girl?
If I tell your daughter or your wife that if they don’t stop looking at me than I’m going to skull fuck them, I expect that your going to be o.k. with that and tell your girls that they’re being too sensitive and that I’m doing them a favor by preparing them for Armageddon.
You do realize of course that Fullerton High School doesn’t exactly have the best record in the world lately when it comes to calling kids faggots right?
You do realize that inappropriate behavior is very costly to defend in civil court right?
It was about a 16 year old young man, who by his own admission, isn’t easily offended by foul language.
Fullerton Lover, you’re an amateur, stay on topic. It’s not about girls, it’s about young men. You’re daughter argument is vacuous. Put the straw man away.
“Why is that appropriate to address a boy in that manner and not a girl?” -Figure it out on your own…
“You do realize of course that Fullerton High School doesn’t exactly have the best record in the world lately when it comes to calling kids faggots right?” Are you talking about the Joe Abell incident? That was another mountain created from a molehill.
Why is it o.k. for a Teacher to call a child a faggot and threaten to skull fuck him in front of his peers for looking at him the wrong way just because the student is a young man?
By the way, you failed to mention that this young man has a deep and abiding religous faith which was instilled in him by his parents, and the members of his church, and I can assure you that no one within the church he attends would ever address one of their young men like that.
For my thick headed friend James Carville who like to rationalize bad behavior under the preponderance that we’re allowing adults to bully male children in order to “toughen them up”, let me remind you that we’re talking about students who are protected under a wide variety of federal, state, and school district policies regarding bullying in our schools.
The “Fullerton School District Anti-Bullying Agreement” is sent home and signed by every student and parent, and is then counter-signed by the students teachers, and administrators within each and every school within the Fullerton school district…
“We believe that everybody should enjoy school equally by feeling safe, secure, and accepted regardless of race,gender,popularity,physical attributes, athletic abilty, or religous preference.
Bullying can be limited to, but is not limited to: pushing, shoving,hitting,spitting,name calling,picking on,making fun of,laughing at,and/or excluding someone or several people.
Bullying causes painand stress to victims and is never justified or excusable as “kids being kids”. “just teasing” or any other rationalization. The victim is never a responsible for being a target.”
So tell me James Carville, why is it perfectly acceptable for a teacher to exhibit this behavior in front of students, and yet if the students exhibit that same behavior they’ll be expelled from school
Shouldn’t the talk match the walk?
Well, this interchange sure was educational.
Oops. This is my post, not Harpoon’s.
Elegantly put, but your tin foil hat is blinding me. Why don’t you give the whole definition of “bullying.” You neglected the word that makes these things “bullying.” “REPEATED” is the operative word. Don’t bend the definition to fit your immediate need.
If you allow me to be presumptuous, I would say that you sound like a hysterical “helicopter parent.” This incident isn’t the one that you should plant your flag on.
Enough bile, obviously we disagree in a pretty visceral manner.
Go to Post #235 by “Lifesaving Service” on the thread, “Officer Joe Wolfe Indicted for Involuntary Manslaughter, Excessive Force,” and read it.
Class isn’t over yet James Carville…
By signing the Fullerton School District Anti-Bullying” pledge that the school district sends home with the students, the teachers, students and administrators have all agreed and pledged to…
I will acknowledge that whether I am being a bully or see someone being bullied, and if I don’t report the bullying, I am guilty of supporting bullying.
Work with other students teachers, and administrators to help the school deal with bullying effectively should it occur.
Be a good role model by upholding my pledge in supporting ZERO tolerance towards bullying.
Sorry James Carville, I didn’t see anything about bullying someone twice before they expell you from school.
You can look yourself if you’d like and post your results later.
Something tells me that you were bullied when you were younger yourself James Carville, since most bullies rationalize other bullies behavior as being “normal”, and will admonish those individuals that don’t, thereby repeating the cycle of fear and intimidation to “see things your way”.
Won’t work with me.
The problem with your world view, Fullerton Lover, is that you’re probably the typical OC helicopter parent.
You like Zero Tolerance because you’re not intelligent enough to see a case on it’s merits. Zero Tolerance feels good, it’s cozy and warm. You like it.
Your FSD Anti-Bullying Pledge is a District CYA. I don’t recall arguing that anti-bullying shouldn’t be taught.
“Something tells me that you were bullied when you were younger yourself James Carville, since most bullies rationalize other bullies behavior as being “normal”-I won’t even dignify that with a response.
“You can look yourself if you’d like and post your results later.” Not only are you too obtuse to see the finer points of an issue, you’re lazy. Every definition of bullying, not on an FSD form, uses the term “repeated.”
Who cares about what works and doesn’t work with you. You sound like one of the “emboldened impotent.”
Anger blinds you James. Don’t let it define you too.
Narcissism blinds you, shithead.
Temper temper Jim…those flashes of anger clog arteries.
At least I can have some fun with it:
I’m an Asshole
by Dennis Leary
Folks, Id like to sing a song about the American Dream
About me, about you
About the way our American hearts beat way down in the bottom of our chests
About that special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts
Maybe below the cockles,
Maybe in the sub cockle area,
Maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys,
Maybe even in the colon, we dont know
Im just a regular Joe, with a regular job
Im your average white, suburbanite slob
I like football and porno and books about war
I got an average house, with a nice hardwood floor
My wife and my job, my kids and my car
My feet on my table, and a Cuban cigar
But sometimes that just aint enough to keep a man like me interested
(oh no, no way, uh uh)
No I gotta go out and have fun at someone elses expense
(woah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah)
I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane
While people behind me are going insane
Im an asshole (hes an asshole, what an asshole)
Im an asshole (hes an asshole, such an asshole)
I use public toilets and I piss on the seat
I walk around in the summer time saying “how about this heat?”
Im an asshole (hes an asshole, what an asshole)
Im an asshole (hes the worlds biggest asshole)
Sometimes I park in handicapped spaces
While handicapped people make handicapped faces
Im an asshole (hes an asshole, what an asshole)
Im an asshole (hes a real fucking asshole)
Maybe I shouldnt be singing this song
Ranting and raving and carrying on
Maybe theyre right when they tell me Im wrong
Im an asshole (hes an asshole, what an asshole)
Im an asshole (hes the worlds biggest asshole)
You know what Im gonna do
Im gonna get myself a 1967 Cadillac Eldorado convertible
Hot pink, with whale skin hubcaps
And all leather cow interior
And make brown baby seal eyes for head lights (yeah)
And Im gonna drive in that baby at 115 miles per hour
Gettin’ 1 mile per gallon,
Sucking down Quarter Pounder cheeseburgers from McDonalds
In the old fashioned non-biodegradable styrofoam containers
And when Im done sucking down those greeseball burgers
Im gonna wipe my mouth with the American flag
And then Im gonna toss the styrofoam containers right out the side
And there aint a goddamn thing anybody can do about it
You know why, because weve got the bombs, thats why
2 words, nuclear fucking weapons, OK?
Russia, Germany, Romania, they can have all the democracy they want
They can have a big democracy cakewalk
Right through the middle of Tiananmen Square
and it wont make a lick of difference
Because weve got the bombs, OK?
John Wayne’s not dead, hes frozen, and as soon as we find a cure for cancer
Were gonna thaw out the duke and hes gonna be pretty pissed off
You know why,
Have you ever taken a cold shower, well multiply that by 15 million times
Thats how pissed off the dukes gonna be!
I’m gonna get the Duke, and John Cassavetes,
and Lee Marvin, and Sam Peckinpah, and a case of whiskey,
and drive down to Texas and say…..
(Hey! You know, you really are an asshole!)
Why don’t you just shut up and sing the song, pal?
Im an asshole (hes an asshole, what an asshole)
Im an asshole (hes the worlds biggest asshole)
Im an asshole and Im proud of it
Read more:
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Wow, how did some of you get so far off the topic??? Anyway, I was sitting in the front row at City Hall on the 24th when this photo of Bankhead was taken. Photoshopped, definitely not. I even commented to the woman sitting next to me that he was either asleep or close to it.
But then, this wouldn’t be the first time he was sleeping while in one of those chairs.
Speaking of bullying. Ask Jim Righeimer, Fred Smith & now Whitaker & Kiger about blue bullying.
So true DLD…..