SlideBro Denies Complicity in Fake Phone Call. Again.

According to CBS local news, Jeremy Popoff, proprietor the the Slidebar Rock ‘N Roll Kitchen, categorically denies being involved in a phony call that described Kelly Thomas as breaking into or trying to open car doors.

However if you read the article, you will notice that there is no assertion from Popoff’s lawyer that no call was made from the Slidebar. And that’s interesting because in a report earlier toady the Slidebar lawyer, Eric Durbin, is quoted saying this:

Dubin said Reeves was not within earshot of the Slidebar employee who called police that night…

Meaning that there was some sort of phone call made by a Slidebar employee to the cops that night. Hmm.
In any case we are meant to be reassured that by his lawyer that Popoff is “heartbroken.”

According to Popoff he cares deeply for the local homeless population.

The Slidebar attorney is right about one thing: everything will come out at trial. But not the trial he is thinking of.


234 Replies to “SlideBro Denies Complicity in Fake Phone Call. Again.”

  1. I heard part of an interview John and Ken had with Jeremy Popoff and his lawyer on KFI radio today. The lawyer kept meandering all over the place, first saying that Jeremy wasn’t there at the time, but then saying that Michael Reeves wasn’t within earshot when the manager made the phone call. So, they just confirmed a call WAS made. And how exactly would Jeremy know whether or not Michael was “in earshot” if he hadn’t been there??

    He kept flip flopping through the whole interview. Because he knows he got caught.

      1. state level you don’t use foia, you use cpra (California public records act). I write one in August, FFFF posted it. There were 450+ comments. There was no mention by Jones&Mayer of the call or notice that the call was omitted for the various reasons they are allowed. Big shock.

        1. I think I remember that. There were NO reports of any car break-ins in the area that night. No one called the police to say their car had been broken into. It never happened. So how did that whole story get started? That was the official story from the FPD at the beginning, which means SOMEONE talked to the FPD either claiming that someone was breaking into cars…or that was some kind of “arrangement” that someone had with the FPD, and so they ran with it when they talked to the media.

          Jeremy Popoff ordered that call to be made. He can lie, but everyone knows the truth.

          1. Right. Either the cops are lying or someone besides the Slidebar made the call. But the lawyer admits someone from the Slidebar made a call to the cops.

            Uh oh!

            1. Its pretty clear that the FPD had an arrangement with Popoff – if the homeless are hanging around and you want them gone, just call us and say someone is breaking into cars.

              Two questions – was this arrangement unique to Slidebar or what is something that was told to other downtown businesses?

              Was the arrangement designed by Popoff or by the police?

              I’ve heard from a reasonably good source that the answers are: more than one business knew to do that, and this was something designed by officers from the FPD.

          2. from court documents, facts shown on this blogsite, Ron Thomas’ public comments and comments made by spokespersons for Fullerton PD(FPD) and from our city council members Jones, McKinley and Bankhead, a pattern of collusion between the FPD, city hall and downtown businesses exists that permits these three named entities to violate the city of Fullerton’s community’s civil rights with lies, perjury, excessive force and molestations of female detainees.
            This pattern is legally proven by the numerous court documents revealing the massive amounts of city revenue used to buy off FPD’s civil rights abuses committed upon the community with exorbitent attorney fees and legal settlements to the victims.

            And this is not a recent phenomena but has existed for nearly a decade, under now retired Fullerton Police Chief Pat McKinley who has been a Fullerton city council person since 2009.

            In light of these facts, it is plausible that Popoff’s Slidebar, the FPD and Fullerton’s city council
            agreed to do whatever they deemed necessary to get rid of the unsightly homeless that may scare away customers from the Slidebar.

            1. Well, I guess now we know why Ramos and Cicinelli “chose” not to talk to the “independent” investigator.

      1. Oh yes they are that stupid. It’s beyond me why your buddies still have jobs. You people are paid almost as much as a professional but, really, you’re just a bunch of ignorant California red-neck hicks.

    1. That point also makes me wonder if FPD happened to lose all those cameras and cell phones they confiscated from those witnesses present that night.

  2. According to Popoff and his attorney, the lawsuit is nothing more than extortion because … are you ready? … because he has a record coming out on Tuesday. Nice use of the media for self promotion, Jeremy. You’re no great shakes in the land of music, a has-been. You’re done. Your establishment placed a false complaint call. You guys lied. Kelly died. KMA, baby.

  3. The other interesting thing is that at the beginning of the interview, they claim that the call wasn’t about breaking into cars…and yet they don’t want to explain what the call was about. John keeps asking him what the manager had said when she called, and the lawyer keeps avoiding that and won’t answer the question.

  4. I heard most of the interview on John and Ken. The basis of the information already given here was confirmed. An assistant manager of the slidebar. The name was given, DeMarco, I believe was the last name. It was made from her own cell phone.

    There was no claim that Kelly was breaking into cars because the claim was that he was trying door handles. That, I think, has already been firmly established.

    The bouncer is claiming that he was fired for talking to the DA about false information being given to the police in that call. Jeremy Poppoff and his lawyer denied that the bouncer had made any such claim to the DA–they have the recordings of his interviews with the DA. The bouncer also did not make any such claim while filing for unemployment, according to Poppoff and his lawyer.

    It will be interesting to see how this unfolds. I would likie to read all 25 pages of the lawsuit.

    I note that at one point in the interview, given a chance to speak freely, Poppoff tried no less than six times to try to begin a sentence. Then agian, musicians express emotions better than thoughts.

    Whether by this lawsuit or by other means, we need to know who made the call, exactly what was said, and if the call was true in the innitiation of the police contact with Kelly. We also need the same information on each and every prior contact that officer Ramos indicated to Kelly had taken place.

    1. is it possible DeMarco was instructed by Popoff to make false police reports to force the FPD to respond to the presence of the homeless in slidebar’s parking lot as an immediate threat that allowed the FPD to detain and search and thus harrass the homeless?
      Is it possible DeMarco personally saw Popoff file false police reports on the homeless to get them rousted away from his business?
      Is it possible that filing false police reports on the homeless is the norm for businesses surrounding the slidebar.
      It may be revealing to see how many calls complaining of criminal activity by the homeless made by downtown businesses close to slidebar to get FPD’s immediate response and to justify FPD detaining, searching, rousting , essentially harrassing the homeless out of the area.

  5. Simple way to figure out who called the PD. The litigating attorney simply subpoenas the phone records of the subjects in question.

  6. The fact of the matter is that it was the cops who beat n killed a helpless individual. Even if a call was made, it is not the bars fault that Kelly was beat to shit. Rogue cops who had probably done this sort of things many times finally got caught with their hand in the cookie jar ( which by the way a mandatory diet should be issued for all Fullerton cops)…. I may be wrong but it sounds like the owner of the bar does some good things for the community…. If I was a patron dining at a restaurant I wouldn’t want homeless people or any unsanitary person for that matter loitering over my food. I might be wrong but it sounds like the guy is just trying to run a business and when you are involved in food it has got to be a somewhat sanitary environment……I am a huge supporter of what you guys have done for your community and for breaking the story on this horrible, grotesque murder that took place at the hands of the FPD. Let’s remember, if you didn’t have cops like that roaming your city nobody would have been hurt, regardless of who called the police

    1. The first problem with you comment is the part about “rogue cops” Fullerton has an out of control police department. These police officers weren’t “rogue” they were acceptable.

      The second part, who cares what Jeremy does for the community after the fact?

      The last part I’ll write about is “If I was a patron dining at a restaurant I wouldn’t want homeless people or any unsanitary person for that matter loitering over my food.”

      Have you been to where Kelly died? It’s over 100 yards from the bar. He was standing/sitting near the bus terminal. Kelly wasn’t begging, he wasn’t trying to get into the slidebar, he was minding his own business.

      One last thing that has been bothering me, ” when you are involved in food it has got to be a somewhat sanitary environment” have you been to slidebar? The Slidebar is an embarrassment of what quality standards a community will tolerate. The place is full of herpes and crabs, not a place I would ever associate with sanitary.

      I say good riddance to Jeremy and Lit. Boycott has finally started!

      1. “The second part, who cares what Jeremy does for the community after the fact?”

        Does anyone know if Jeremy Popoff has done all of these generous contributions to the homeless before the fact; as in prior to the Kelly Thomas murder?
        Or did he simply start doing these ‘feel good’ things for the homeless to masquerade his guilt?

      1. Cops in Fullerton kill homeless stinky people everyday.

        Just once or twice a year. See, the point is to kill the individuals who “step out of line” to send a message to the rest.

        Its standard operating procedure for officers to apply pressure on a detainees chest to suffocate and ultimately kill them or at the very least put the fear of death in them.

        They do this because a gunshot is too loud, catches too much attention and automatically launches a large investigation. The same goes for beatings.

        The last thing they want is a body on scene because again, it brings in too much attention. They know a person who is in cardiac or respiratory arrest who be transported no matter what.

        A homeless person dying at the hospital after “resisting arrest” is barely investigated and the media will not look into it because they consider it is a non-story.

        Sadly homeless people are easy prey because they are long forgotten by family and society at large.

      2. No John Doe they don’t kill homeless people everyday, however they were in the habit of beating people, just for the sake of beating someone.

        As our friend Dick Jones used to say we need our police force “mean.” We never needed a mean police force, we need a police force that respects the law and is here to “serve and protect,” it’s been awhile sense we’ve had a police force that cared more about serving than 3% at 50.

  7. As it stands, I don’t even believe he was “trying door handles.” I think he was minding his own damn business, for the most part. Picking up cigarette butts. Maybe muttering to himself like a lot of people suffering from schizophrenia. It can be scary and weird to a lot of people, but it’s not illegal.

    Not that it really matters much in the grand scheme of things. Even if he were “trying door handles,” it doesn’t justify being beat to death.

    Still, if I were a loved one, I’d want his name cleared too.

    1. Ok, which one is it. He was “trying to open door handles” or he wasn’t. Yeah and I believe and maybe, yeah the moon is made of cheese, maybe, which one is it.

      1. i think she said her was pulling on handles to get the police there, while in reality he was just being a nuisance by being too close to their establishment and they wanted him gone, for good….never dreaming he would be murdered.

        1. i think she said her was pulling on handles to get the police there,

          That is part of it. This goes beyond simple “fake call”.

          they wanted him gone, for good


          never dreaming he would be murdered on video and in front of witnesses.

          Fixed it for you.

            1. C’mon, the female manager who made that call never thought it would result in murder. That’s reaching.

              1. C’mon, the female manager who made that call never thought it would result in murder.

                I never said anything about a female manager.

              2. yes agree, that is what was said….

                “never dreaming he would be murdered on video and in front of witnesses. “

      2. “Ok, which one is it. He was “trying to open door handles” or he wasn’t”

        Ask Jeanette, the caller

        1. One thing I have wondered about was is there was video footage from that night PRIOR to the police showing up.
          If a call came in from that location could not OR would not >>>POSSIBLY someone have attempted to check out if there was someone doing something from the location via the camera prior to officers arriving on scene?
          If so, is there any video footage PRIOR to the video we have seen with Kelly and the officers that would show Kelly before they showed up?

    2. “Still, if I were a loved one, I’d want his name cleared too.”

      BINGO! That is the significance of this whole Slidebar ordeal…

      Because of FPD’s Porkrich’s initial statements, “he fought our officers with ‘superhuman’ strength”, “he was breaking into cars/lifting car door handles”, etc. there are many who still think Kelly Thomas may have had this coming due to these lies and cover-up maneuvers by FPD.

      If it is learned and determined that this Jeanette was fabricating these statement just to get FPD there quicker at the command of boss Jeremy, WE need to know that publically so Kelly could have his name cleared, but mainly so the jury WILL find these officers ‘GUILTY’ at the trial and some justice will be dished out to Jeremy Popoff and company.

  8. Just got home from the Slidebar protest. Jeremy needs to move on. His business is no longer wanted in this town. Friends and residents of Fullerton; PLEASE do not support the economic endeavors of this place! They cared about their image without considering the consequences. They made a FALSE police report and need to be held accountable for their negligence.

    1. Tricia, Don’t speak for everyone in Fulleton. Who elected you Queen. I still believe in everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

      1. > everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

        Ah yes, that old tired cliche. I’m guessing your folded your arms and said “humph!” after typing that too.

      2. Yeah, Tina got lessons from Ron Thomas. He wants to be King. Two wannabe Kings in Fullerton. Move over Bushala!

  9. If you did not have a business community demanding such rouge cops, perhaps things also would have been different.

    I have firends (LA Times, ex-FBI) who investigate the excesses of the intelligence agencies. They ask, if the intelligence agencies are protecting Anerican interests abroad, which American interests are they protecting?

    If the FPD is protecting Fullerton interests within the City of Fulleton, whose interests are they protecting?

      “If the FPD is protecting Fullerton interests within the City of Fulleton, whose interests are they protecting?”

      Do you have trouble with boolean logic or something? If your dependant clause is true, you just answered your own queston. How about reading what you write next time just to make sure what you wrote is not utter non-sense. This isn’t just any blog where you can just write vomit. You need to step it up to at least a 5th grade writing level. You can handle that, can’t you pal?

      1. Whose, hold up there with your mastery of Boolean logic. Steve asks a good question about whose interests are being protected. Which other businesses have discussed a “homeless problem” with the police?

      2. Mr. Clean, thanks for clarifying Steve Brow’s circular thinking that only he labels as the Socratic method. Brow likes to state he has inside info with all his contacts with politicians, FBI, big name media. I often wonder if he has all this arcane knowledge why it never appears in his writings along with his numerous spelling errors.
        what really creeps me out about Brow is his frequent requests to personally meet with bloggers on this site.
        Steve Brow is the cousin of sharon kennedy the editor of the daily fish wrap popularly known as the fullerton Observer, a publication that frequently condemns tony bushala, the FFFF while supporting the no on recall , and cousin to rusty Kennedy who has a professional relationship with the recently recalled fullerton city council member Pat McKinley. McKinley served Kennedy for many years as a board member on Kennedy’s Orange county Human Relations commission. It was McKinley who recommended rusty Kennedy head the ad hoc task force on the homeless and mentally ill in fullerton, and how is tht for irony? the person whose leadership as police chief, McKinley, corrupted the FPD now seeks out his long-time colleague or may I say partner-in-crime to fix the reputation of the FPD with sensitivity training towards the homeless and mentally ill.
        and this is just my opine

        1. Van,

          Your writing has become clearer these days. It always was very succinct, but now as the pieces of this puzzle fall together, the picture becomes clearer and your words more powerful.

          I always appreciate your input.

          1. Yes, except that being someone’s cousin isn’t proof of agreeing with them, and Steve has made this clear several times.

            The question of exactly whose business interests the FPD is protecting is a valid one.

            1. anonymous 2, you may be right about brow. Often, when he claims his inside connections to Los Angeles Times, the FBI, local and state level politicians, I believe he is just a delusional person who uses this blog to convince himself he is a person to be taken seriously by others.

              1. Geesh, Van! Very often in life I come accross people who know more than me and sometimes I like to pass along what I have learned from them. It is their kowledge I take seriously.

                Without having to bore you with the whole book and movie, the point is that in the 1960’s the CIA may have been a little more caring about the interests of Jack Kaplin of United Fruit and the Kaplin Fund than about your average boy growing up in Fullerton. The intended comparison is that the Fullerton Police Department may be a little more interested in protecting businesses in the City subsidized redevelopment district than they are safeguarding the civil rights of the homeless.

                As far as the interpersonal relationships in a community, both familial and working relationships; yes they are interesting. Sometimes they form areas of agreement, sometimes disagreement, and often some of both.

                1. please tell me how Kaplin of United Fruit, the CIA, you, the FPD, interpersonal relationships are connected to each other and to the topic of Jeremy popoff’s slidebar.

  10. Steve Brow :
    Jeremy Poppoff and his lawyer denied that the bouncer had made any such claim to the DA–they have the recordings of his interviews with the DA.

    Does that sound like a crock of crap….like the DA would turn over interview tapes to Poppoff and his lawyer…especially in an on-going criminal case

  11. I am bothered by the fact that neither the lawyer or Jeremy would say what the woman was calling the police about that night. I guess she won’t tell either.

  12. John and Ken, or John at least, seemed to buy what this pair was selling on the air, which really surprised me. The guests absolutely refused to clarify the substance of the call made to the FPD, and despite this John expressed doubts about the merits of the fired employee’s lawsuit after they hung up. Go figure.

    1. While John and Ken have been tremendously helpful in the past we must remember they have also abandoned ship once in the heart of battle. The mainstream media is controlled and they are actors. My guess is they are trying to play good cop bad cop and diffuse the mounting tensions. There is so much that never goes reported for fear of retaliation by the employer. Just because he never said anything back then doesnt mean it didnt happen. He just may have been a coward, felt loyalty to Jeremy,felt secure in his position and didnt want to jeopardize it, or lacked a moral compass at the time. Now something has changed. Maybe he feels empowered by the recent developments on the politcal landscape in town. Who knows for sure now but soon enough we all will.

    2. This is more of J/K’s opposition to lawsuits and pro business (especially small business) attitude than anything else.

    3. Popoff is in the Band Lit which is currently represented by Megaforce Records which is distributed by Sony Entertainment which is partnered with Clear Channel which owns KFI which employs John & Ken.

    4. Personally I think Steve Gregory and John & Ken did a superb job interviewing John Huelsman and Jeremy Popoff. The whole objective was to get information not to grill or interrogate them and they did it flawlessly.

      Up until today, we still had no real idea of who placed the initial call to the police or even if a call had been placed in the first place. John & Ken did everything by the book in this case.

      1. Yeah, you have no idea who called the cops. But the cops know very well who called them..and the plot thickens.

        1. Huh? Poptart and his attorney already admitted who made the call, and even the phone the call was made on. The plot ain’t nearly as thick as your Neanderthal skull, John Duh.

            1. Hey JD, are you back in school again?

              I never thought in a million years you would be able to spell numb-skull properly.

              Congratulations! I see a GED in your future after all.

        2. So give us a bird eye (eye is singular) view of the whole situation. Tell us who called you.

    5. It does appear that seeking $4 million over this is extremely excessive for a dude that had a gig as a bouncer.


      1. I would think they don’t consider what the employment title was, more, the complaint itself. My opinion

  13. Tuco says: Take a good look at the photo of Popoff! He is a good example of a restauranteur in Fullerton! I guess anyone can get a permit, if you know the 3 dinosaurs who are leaving the city council! Folks, when you don’t pay attention to local politics, you get the Slimeball Restaurant and a myriad of problems!

  14. Actually, Stack, yes we did know a long time ago. Almost since the very beginning, there was a rumor that a fake call had been made from the Slidebar. In fact, I remember someone say they overheard a lady who worked at the Slidebar talking about how she had been told to make the call. And that was last summer, around August or September, 2011.

    Basically, this has just proven what we have suspected all along.

    The Slidebar is known for being a cop hangout. So none of this is a coincidence. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if we find out that Ramos or Cicinelli had been regulars there at some point.

    1. I think that it would be interesting/telling to see if the bouncer was able to collect unemployment?

      I’ve heard that Jeremy and his lawyer said that the bouncer never made these claims when he filed for unemployment, however if the Slidebar never contested the claim for unemployment, there would be no need for the bouncer to have made any sort of statement when filing his claim.

  15. Put these fools on notice, anyone who calls the cops on a homeless person is going to pay the price!

  16. Kelly Thomas case: Fullerton bar owner sued

    “If Slidebar is part of it, I’m going to change that too, and I won’t stop until it is changed. If Slidebar really had nothing to do with this and made a legitimate call, I’ll be the first one to apologize to them, believe me,” said Ron Thomas. “But right now, it doesn’t seem that way at all. So, to the community, I say I’m just following up on this. It’s another lead for justice for Kelly, and if these are bad guys, then they need to go away too.”

    1. “I’m embarrassed that y’all are here right now,” he said. “I feel like somehow I’m getting on TV because of something horrible that happened and I would never, ever want that.”

      He seems to look at th is as free advertising.

  17. Jeremy said that he said he knew Kelly Thomas for a long time, even let him sleep in his patio while it was under construction. FACT: Jeremy has known Kelly Thomas for a good length of time.

    FACT: the “employee” who made the call also worked at the Slidebar for a very long time.

    Has Kelly EVER stolen even one thing in all the years that the Slidebro’s knew him? Did Kelly EVER brake into cars?

    If the answer to both of these questions are “NO” then the call about Kelly breaking into cars is total bullshit!

  18. Interesting conversations Popoff had on his cell phone during his ride last night. After his denials in front of slide bar, a pretty girl and himself hopped a taxi to the pond for the Van Hallen concert. A tidy sum insures nobody talks.

    1. Jeremy and his attorney did themselves no favors on KFI yesterday, what a pair of buffoons. Only an idiot attorney would put Jeremy Jackoff on the air. He is so full of BS I could smell it though my car stereo. That guy is an absolute idot and a legend in his own mind.

      1. Jeremy and his attorney did themselves no favors on KFI yesterday

        Especially when they named Jeanette DeMarco as the person who placed the call. Old slidebro was trying to say “she did it all”, “I wasn’t there” which will cause her to sing like a bird.

        Wait until she starts talking about how it all went down and how Jeremy Popoff paid her off for her silence.

    2. So your saying that Jeremy spilled his guts talking on his cell phone, and the taxi driver overheard him?

      That wouldn’t surprise me because the taxi stand where all of the Fullerton taxi’s originate from is a hundred yards or so from where the Slidebar is located, so the chances of a taxi cab driver recognizing who his/her fare was would be good.

      I also noticed that the local television stations had their news vans parked outside of the Slidebar for a good part of yesterday, so the cabbies would have seen that something was happening at the Slidebar while they were waiting for fares.

  19. A reason for Popoff taking every precaution to protect his intrests is that a false call to the police leading to the death of an innocent can lead to serious charges.

        1. I am agreeing with you, it was an feeble attempt of damage control, they looked and sounded like idiots. They should shut their traps IF they were smart, but it is obvious Jeremy is two tacos short of a combo plate.

  20. ABC 7 Michael Reeves is hoping to set the record straight by speaking with his attorneys at a news conference scheduled for Wednesday morning in Playa del Rey. He is seeking $4 million in damages in his wrongful termination suit.

  21. Keep speculating you idiots. You people don’t need to know who or why the call was made. That information will be released when needed, and not to a mob of radical idiots. You’re a bunch of buffoons led by a man who’s motivated by money. Ron Thomas is a jackoff.
    Slidebar is going to benefit from all the free publicity. Keep giving it to them and mention Popoffs album release while you’re at it, I’m sure his record label appreciates the free publicity too.

    1. YOU are no Sherlock Holmes, in fact you are the idiot!

      Why don’t you get your head out of Jeremy’s rear-end and read the facts of this whole thing and you wouldn’t be spewing your nonsense.

  22. Oh, no you didn’t! Everyone get that? Popoff threw DeMarco under the bus, while attempting to distance himself from the situation by claiming “he was not there” Ouch! Way to leave your employee holding the bag! Just a thought, if KT was allowed to sleep on the patio, while under construction, does that increase the possibility that he saw something he was not meant to see, making him a target for retribution?

  23. Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s say the Slidebar is sold and Demarko let go. But, it continued on as the Slidebar. Do you still boycott and hate or do you let it go? I understand it’s still a bar and you all hate that’s there’s so many bars downtown, but what do you do then?

    1. Really Cody, is that all the wisdom you gleaned from us oldsters? that we are haters of bars? Do you not understand the intent behind anything we do and why this is not going to be “let go”?

      And it’s Demarco not Demarko.

  24. Let’s say the Slidebar is sold and Demarko let go.

    She sues and Jeremy will end up forfeiting most of his profits from the sale to pay the settlement or judgement.

    But, it continued on as the Slidebar.

    That will be up to the new owner.

    Do you still boycott and hate or do you let it go?

    Its not the business itself that is the problem, its the people who currently own and operate it. The business itself is not responsible for Kelly’s death.

    I understand it’s still a bar and you all hate that’s there’s so many bars downtown

    Yes but those are two separate issues.

  25. The fact that fired employee requested a benefit hearing with the EDD implies the employee felt the firing was unjustified. These hearings have to be done soon after termination.

    Most employers will fight like crazy to not pay any unemployement benes to employees that have been fired – sometimes to those laid off too, because it soils their image to others seeking employment and others who are interested in any history of the establishment and it also costs them money. The employer usually wins especially if they have a lawyer and/or can speak with authority.

  26. Quit drinking? I go out maybe twice a month. I’m far from an alcoholic. I do enjoy a good craft beer every once in a while, though. I go to the Slidebar because of location, there’s three other bars right there , so it’s easy to hop. I also go because it’s busy and there are a lot of people there. I’m 27, an aspiring writer and live on my own. I’m not some dumb kid, who defending the place because he likes to get trashed there every weekend. But please, judge away.

    1. An aspiring writer who used the phrase “aspiring writer” will never be a writer. Except maybe for the OC Register.

        1. > The OC Weekly. Piece of shit paper.

          Cicinelli mad. Cicinelli mash face in. Cicinelli talk in incomplete sentences because brain damage!

  27. Shawn Nelson has had a financial interest in the Slidebar. The bar was opened with money from Sean Fancis, Shawn Nelson and Popoff.
    The DA T-Rack works for the OC board of supervisors of which Nelson is on the board.
    The DA has not released the 911 tape because it would make owner Shawn Nelson look bad.

  28. I hate the SlideBar!
    Its lame, alcoholic co-owners used to come into the restaurant I used to serve at a few years back in Yorba Linda w/a group of Rock&Roller Types that were some sort of AA group? .. I think the “leader” of the “AA group” was the Steamers owner.. who is also a total D-Bag as well.. Sexually Harassing D-Bag.
    Also, the last time I was by the Slidbar (in Protest, b/c I absolutely AM and PROMOTE a Boycott in Fullerton) all I heard was the music of LIT playing in the background.. it was hillarious.. and it wasn’t new music either.. it was that same album from the late 90’s or early 2000’s that they had some minor success on.. its like they created that bar just to keep themselves relevant!

  29. John Doe :You are such a pot stirrer. shut the front door.

    Perhaps you ought to worry about YOUR “backdoor”, there is an fpd conga line up the street and around the block waiting thier turn

      1. > I am not worried about anything.

        Yes, because in your mind or whats left of it you think when all of this is over you will be patrolling the streets of Fullerton once again.

        Cicinelli badge now! Hero! Smash! Crime! Grrr!

  30. No Doubt, Social Distortion and all the other bands should go take their gear and memoribilia out of Slimebar.

  31. why is nobody else from the slidebar speaking up either for or against the claims. It seems there is a code of silence among the employees who may also fear thier jobs.

  32. This is a tacky question but have to ask…If Ron Thomas cared so much about his son than why was Kelly living on the streets with a mental illness? I wonder how often Ron would check on his disabled son who obviously had claimed Fullerton as his location (not far from Cypress). It doesn’t bring Kelly back but I can’t help and wonder. The cops and Slidebar are still wrong and need to be held accountable.

    1. why was Kelly living on the streets with a mental illness?

      Because he chose to be. Remember he was a 37 year old man.

      I wonder how often Ron would check on his disabled son

      Meet Ron in person at the next City council meeting and ask him. He has always been open and willing to answer this.

      The cops and Slidebar are still wrong and need to be held accountable.

      You’re being a bit disingenuous.

      1. yes, he is willing to talk about it but fails to tell the real story. Ask yourself, why is the picture they use of Kelly back when he was in his twenties? Sorry, just answed my own question… It’s beause that was the last one he had before he kicked him to the curb Ron should take some responsibility for all that has happened because anyone got the ball rolling, he did!

    2. Hey Chewy.. since Reagan and Bush Senior, there have been nothing but mass closures of State Run Mental Health Facilities that would actually house and medicate citizens with all kinds of Mental/Physical disorder.

    1. Many people have blamed the death of Kelly Thomas on his father for not keeping him off the streets. What the hell does that have to do with it? The man was sitting on a bench when the cops rolled up and then he was killed for no reason. My point is, it could have been ANYONE who was killed had they been sitting on that same bench!

  33. Chewytoo,

    I am going to have to issue you a citation for excessive mind numbing tacky regurgitation. Please understand I am thinking about having another tastykake.

  34. Chewytoo,

    This question has been asked and answered several times now.

    The short version is that Kelly “preferred” to live on the streets, and because Kelly was an adult (37), and his own guardian, Ron had absolutely no legal recourse to stop him. Ron couldn’t force Kelly to stay at home or he would be facing kidnapping and false imprisonment charges.

    There’s an ongoing philosophical and legal debate whether people with severe and persistant mental illnesses should be permitted to make these dangerous decisions (if you can call them decisions). California’s Welfare and Institutions Code hasn’t seen a significant update since the 1960s. There’s a law that’s been implemented in Nevada County known as “Laura’s Law” that might have given Ron the option of forcing Kelly into treatment. Some are calling for it to be implemented in OC, but there’s pushback from groups who think people like Kelly have an inalienable right to be mentally ill and homeless.

    And that’s basically where we’re at today.

  35. Barry, you aint that FPD union goon, I mean president are ya? The tastykake was a big clue. FPD needs to slim down, less pounds more workload!

  36. Okay, So Ive been following this blog and the Kelly Thomas tradgedy from the beginning. Great Job on the coverage and getting these cops arrested and the council out. It would not have happened without this blog and the citizens of fullerton stepping up…………

    With that said, the more I read this blog the more I think a lot of people on here are oblivious and out to hunt heads…….I have a hard time believing The girl who called the cops, regardless of what she told them, knew that Kelly Thomas was going to be murdered. IT was not her fault that he was killed. The cops didn’t arrive on the scene with guns pointing and then shoot some man. They spoke to him for 15 minutes and then killed him. The fact that somebody called the cops is irrelevant. The cops themselves are the problem.

    It seems to me this guy is just trying to run a business. He has the largest toy for tots program in your community, and who cares if he started to help the homeless after the fact, at least he is helping…..Why are some on here so closeminded? It’s like the guy is damned if he does or damed if he doesn’t……..

    Its the cops that killed this man,,,,,Not a phone call

      1. Here’s my question. If the police tell you to do it, is it still a crime?

        If the police tell a number of local business owners, “hey, any problems with homeless people bothering your customers, just call this number and say someone is breaking into cars,” then if you do that, is that still a crime?

        Seriously, is it? Is it a crime on the police’s side if they TELL people to do that?

        1. If you call the cops you are a snitch plain and simple. Snitches get stiches. The Slidebar called the pigs on poor Kelly, fuck that place or any other that call the cops.

          1. That’s just stupid beyond belief. If someone breaks into my house and steals my possessions or rapes my wife I shouldn’t call the cops because I’m a snitch?

            You’re probably just a cop troll yourself anyway, so who cares what you think or post.

        2. If the police tell you to do it, is it still a crime?

          Yes, it is. You are under no obligation is comply with or assist law enforcement in committing a crime. “I shot that guy because the cops told me to do it” doesn’t work.

          Seriously, is it? Is it a crime on the police’s side if they TELL people to do that?

          Yes it is.

          1. Thanks for the clarification. What would the crime be on the police’s side in this example?

            1. Just off the top of my head, California Penal Code 422.6, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 and Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242

              1. I’m neither a LEO or an attorney but its hard to see how this applies exactly UNLESS there was a conspiracy with an intent to harm Kelly.

                California Penal Code 422.6, Title 18,
                (a) No person, whether or not acting under color of law, shall by force or threat of force, willfully injure, intimidate, interfere with, oppress, or threaten any other person in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him or her by the Constitution or laws of this state or by the Constitution or laws of the United States in whole or in part because of one or more of the actual or perceived characteristics of the victim listed in subdivision (a) of Section 422.55.
                (b) No person, whether or not acting under color of law, shall knowingly deface, damage, or destroy the real or personal property of any other person for the purpose of intimidating or interfering with the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to the other person by the Constitution or laws of this state or by the Constitution or laws of the United States, in whole or in part because of one or more of the actual or perceived characteristics of
                the victim listed in subdivision (a) of Section 422.55.
                (c) Any person convicted of violating subdivision (a) or (b) shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, or by a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000), or by both the above imprisonment and fine, and the court shall order the
                defendant to perform a minimum of community service, not to exceed 400 hours, to be performed over a period not to exceed 350 days, during a time other than his or her hours of employment or school
                attendance. However, no person may be convicted of violating subdivision (a) based upon speech alone, except upon a showing that the speech itself threatened violence against a specific person or
                group of persons and that the defendant had the apparent ability to carry out the threat.
                (d) Conduct that violates this and any other provision of law, including, but not limited to, an offense described in Article 4.5 (commencing with Section 11410) of Chapter 3 of Title 1 of Part 4,
                may be charged under all applicable provisions. However, an act or omission punishable in different ways by this section and other provisions of law shall not be punished under more than one provision, and the penalty to be imposed shall be determined as set
                forth in Section 654.

    1. .I have a hard time believing The girl who called the cops, regardless of what she told them, knew that Kelly Thomas was going to be murdered.

      It doesn’t matter what you believe. If you conspire to “teach someone a lesson” and they end up dying in the process, you are just culpable under the law.

      This is no different from me telling a few friends to walk up to an elderly homeless person and point a gun at him to scare him off. If he dies, I get charged.

      Another example is putting nails in the roadway as a prank and a mom of 2 ends up losing control and slamming into a wall killing herself and her 2 kids.

      Whenever you knowingly and maliciously cause mayhem, injury or death, it doesn’t matter what your intentions were at that time, you are responsible under the law.

      I have a feeling you are closely involved in this so do me a favor and tell Mr. Popoff and Mrs. DeMarco that this is no laughing matter or something that will be shrugged off.

      As for Mr. Popoff, lying to a federal investigator is a crime.

      1. Well said LEO!

        If I had made up a story that resulted in someone’s death, I don’t know how I could go on.

        If Ms. DeMarco made that phone call, then she needs to come clean and tell the truth.

      2. Leo, thank you for the clarification. It seems as though you have a law background.

        Tracey, I agree with you. I hope she does, but for some reason I think the odds are mighty low given the twists and turns in the KT case.

        Ugh – this story is beyond tragic.

  37. Good point Plain Glazed…….And YUP, smoking weed is a crime to, but im not going to go and boycott every business owners establishment that burns one

    1. I’m not saying that the Slimebar isn’t culpable in some measure. I think they are, and I think there was some pre-arranged agreement between Popoff and the police. But I think that even if that is the case, the police are much more culpable, obviously.

      There are other reasons for people to despise the Slimebar. I’d personally like to see noise ordinances enforced. Slimebar seems to violate that every night. I have no love for that business, in fact I’ve never set foot in it.

      Smoking weed should never have been made a crime in the first place, so that’s a different issue. Calling in a false police report is not a good thing and I don’t think someone who did that should just skate. But, I just suspect he was TOLD to do that by the police. Of course I could be wrong.

      1. I think there was some pre-arranged agreement between Popoff and the police.


        I think that even if that is the case, the police are much more culpable, obviously.

        Depends on who initiated and formulated the “agreement”.

        There are other reasons for people to despise the Slimebar

        Its kind of hard to just dismiss their participation in what ultimately led up to the death of Kelly Thomas.

        Smoking weed should never have been made a crime in the first place

        This has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

  38. I agree that calling the cops shouldn’t be a reason to go after the slimebar. What am I missing here?

    1. It’s like me calling the cops on my neighbor just because I don’t like them and telling the cops he’s committing a crime, even though he isn’t.

      That’s not okay.

    1. JP, the video is excellent. I’m so glad someone has threaded everything together and included Popoff’s contradictory statements. I’m passing this on to relatives who have been confused by the recent events.

      Christine & Marlena… I don’t know either of you, but want to say than you for your well spoken statements to the media.

        1. > “Are you kidding me” Very intelligent.

          Lets not go down that route. You’ll end up losing every single time.

            1. > Are you kidding me shit for brains?

              tsk tsk tsk. TBIs tend to make people short tempered and so quick to anger. I feel really sorry for your wife and mother, Jay.

              1. Nope, not Jay. He is probably sleeping comfortably in a nice soft bed. Just me having insomnia tonight.

  39. LEO,,,,smoking weed as a crime has nothing to do with it just like putting nails in the road has nothing to do with it.

    Also, “This is no different from me telling a few friends to walk up to an elderly homeless person and point a gun at him to scare him off.” It is completely different.

    I have never been to slidebar and have no affiliation what so ever, so your assumption is incorrect……

    My point is that it just seems like people are attacking people just for the sake of attacking them. Im confident that the girl who did place that call is probably sick about what happened. In the KFI interview with Poppoff and his attorney, they stated the recorded convesation said nothing about Kelly breaking into cars, and eventually that will propbably be released…….The fact of the matter is Kelly Thomas was murdered by cops not a phone call. If you can’t call the police without them killing somebody, something is wrong with them, not that individual

    1. LEO,,,,smoking weed as a crime has nothing to do with it just like putting nails in the road has nothing to do with it.

      Well, it would if the participants claimed they had consumed marijuana at the time of the acts. Obviously, you cannot say “I was drunk and blacked out before I ran over that pedestrian, I never intended to run him over”.

      Also, “This is no different from me telling a few friends to walk up to an elderly homeless person and point a gun at him to scare him off.” It is completely different.

      This is what I actually said: “This is no different from me telling a few friends to walk up to an elderly homeless person and point a gun at him to scare him off. If he dies, I get charged.

      Even though the scenarios are different, the end result is still the same. You cannot engage in reckless or illegal acts that results in great bodily harm or even the death of another no matter what your intentions were at the time.

      My point is that it just seems like people are attacking people just for the sake of attacking them.

      You may choose to perceive it that way and there is little I can do to change your personal perception but that is not the case at least on my part.

      Im confident that the girl who did place that call is probably sick about what happened.

      It doesn’t matter how sorry she is after the fact. If she conspired with anyone else or knowingly engaged in activities that led to death of Kelly Thomas, she is just as culpable as the main perpetrators.

      .The fact of the matter is Kelly Thomas was murdered by cops not a phone call.

      Depends on the factors which led up to his death. Using the earlier example, I cannot say “I never pulled the trigger plus the guy had a bad heart anyway so how am I responsible for his death when I just pointed a gun at him?”.

      If you can’t call the police without them killing somebody, something is wrong with them, not that individual

      Again, depends on the factors for an example, if the owner, manager or other parties conspired with Fullerton PD officers beforehand this would certainly change the dynamic of this case and goes way beyond a simple phone call.

      1. > The fact is that you gave me a headache with your statement.

        A critical thought and traumatic brain injuries don’t mix which is why you had no business anywhere near a gun or patrol car Jay.

  40. Listen to the tape you idiots. She never said he was breaking into cars. That never came up on the tape. you people are effing retards.

  41. The reason this is an issue is because the FPD tried (pathetically) to justify what happened that night via three pieces of dubious information.

    That first was that he was on drugs (the tox screen conducted during the post mortum came back negative).

    The second is the heap of crap from Goodrich that Kelly fought back and the officers suffered serious injuries (no).

    The third is that he was breaking into cars (nobody has proven this).

    The first two have been confirmed as utter bullshit, and it’s looking like the third may have been a false report. Unfortunately, the third is still mentioned in news stories because they’re careful to simply cite it as a “report.”

    As I said earlier, if you were Ron, you’d want Kelly cleared of any wrongdoing too. If DeMarco was making up shit, she needs to be held accountable for it. Even though the officers bear ultimate responsibility for the actual death.

  42. Then it might clear things up for you. The fact is, she made the call and made false statements

  43. Maybe we should call the FPD on the Slidebar when they have band nights and make up whatever that comes to our mind. F them

  44. Where is the 911 tape? Or is this another, “we can’t let the general public hear the tape because it might taint the jury pool” excuse.

  45. The bottom line is all this is that it’s all heresy. Prove he wasn’t looking into cars. You can’t. The manager said he was, and how can you disprove her? The bouncer says it was a fake call, but prove it. You can’t. It’s all he said/she said. I guarantee nothing is going to happen to the Slidebar or Jeremy. And I drove by the Slidebar tonight and the place was packed. All this doesn’t look like it’s hurting business. The only ones to blame for Kelly’s death are the cops. That’s the reality. You all are wasting your time otherwise.

    1. I guarantee nothing is going to happen to the Slidebar or Jeremy.

      The recall is going to fail, the officers aren’t going to be charged and when the tape comes out it will show Kelly fought with officers.

      Just settle down and give it a rest until all of the facts come out.

      1. The recall is done! It successfully resulted in the recall of Jones, Bankhead, and McKinley. The Officers were charged and the video came out.

  46. You are probably right in regards to nothing happening to Jeremy, the recall failing and the officers not being convicted (they have already been charged), but Kelly only resisted after he was being beaten for no reason. You also may want to look into the officers, their roles in the beating and the crimes they were charged with…smells like the DA didn’t want any of his police buddies doing any hard time and charged them accordingly.

  47. John Doe :WG..Clear his name of what? Being an asshole? I don’t think so.

    On Kelly’s worst day he was never a bigger asshole than you on your best day.

          1. Yeah, when’s mom gonna make you go out and work for a living so we don’t have to see your dirt on this blog?

  48. WG..Like I told you, I dont have to work for a living, unlike you, you have to hang around this blog cause of your sorry broke ass.

  49. Okay, several things…

    The killing of Kelly was wrong on every level…

    This blog buying an election is wrong on every level too.

    I’m glad I don’t live in Fullerton anymore. And not because of FPD.

    1. How did a non-commercial blog with no income or assets buy an election exactly?

      I’m a voter. I voted for the recall and nobody paid me. How was it bought?

  50. John Doe,
    You claim you are not Officer Cyclopse. Can you give us a little more of a hint as to who you are? Are you a cop? No one wants to kick your ass. We just want to know the source of the idiocy.

    1. I think he’s Lieutenant Goodrich. I’m looking forward to meeting him for a drink at the SlideBar soon though. Maybe do some pushups with Alby Al.

      1. You know, we could probably figure it out even without his help. That last post of his was a little on the impulsive side. I’d say he’s either physically or mentally young…. definitely under 30 and possibly under 20.

      2. He’s obviously a coward too, which is consistent with a police officer. Chicken is not just for diner.

        1. MBAPRAH….Yeah, mouth off like a little bitch. But when a cop pulls you over your are shitting bricks. It’s a good feeling.

          1. You mean a chicken-shit cop, like you? This is exactly why Fullerton is going to dismantle your little faggots-in-uniform club. People shouldn’t ever shit bricks when cops make stops.

    2. > You claim you are not Officer Cyclopse.

      Nice one John Doe/Jay Cicinelli. Pssst! The glaring grammar and spelling errors gave you away.

      > No one wants to kick your ass. We just want to know the source of the idiocy.

      You’re not even trying.

  51. I dont have to tell you shit. Just like you dont have to tell me who you are. If I had behind this blog, thats my business. But let me tell you, you will never guess who I am, but Jay I am not.

  52. I might be a big dummy, but it kills you that you dont know who I am. What a shock if you find out..but, you wont.

  53. Why am I getting censored? (JNBMPB, you got snagged by our 4F filth filter because your user name is a bit freaky. I tweaked the filter a bit, you should be okay now. admin)

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