So How Many Brady Cops Does Fullerton Have?

Which is worse, ignorance or apathy?

Yesterday we published a post about a Fullerton cop named Vince Mater who had been identified in court documents as a “Brady” cop, a policeman whose veracity is so doubtful that the DA doesn’t dare put him on the witness stand.

And that got me thinking: are there other Brady cops on our payroll, and if so, how many?

I don’t know, and I can’t even find out. For some reason it’s a real big secret that’s carefully guarded. Of course it takes legal action by a defense attorney to get anything more than a cop’s name, rank and serial number. That’s the police state we have permitted to be erected about us, and that’s a helluvan erection.

On the other hand, simply knowing the actual total wouldn’t violate the sanctity of our Heroes. But, could it be that there are so many Brady cops the entire cop-superstructure would be threatened if the true number were made public? (Now we wouldn’t want the cops to lose public confidence in the police, would we?). Why isn’t it fair to speculate if we won’t be told?

What are the costs of having Brady cops on a police force, both in terms of civil judgments and inability to convict dangerous criminals? Who knows? My guess is that somebody like Pat McKinley, Don Bankhead or Dick Jones doesn’t know. Or care. After all none of these “esteemed” councilmen seems to care that a serial sex predator was knowingly left on the FPD.

Anyway, it sure makes you stop and think about it in light of the recent revelations of bad behavior by Fullerton’s boys and girls in blue. Could any of these fine, upstanding citizens be Brady cops? Could any Brady cops currently be on paid administrative leave, or even charged with a capital crime?

188 Replies to “So How Many Brady Cops Does Fullerton Have?”

  1. This is all hollow and useless speculation.

    When the chips are down and the criminals and gangsters have broken into your house, who’s going to put their lives on the line for your property?

    That’s right, our fine police department. Chief Hughes and I are proud of his force and you should be too!

        1. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

    1. We’ll see over time. FPD has such negative reputation now, the idea of disbanding FPD and hiring the OC Sheriff Dept may sound like an idea to consider. But, we know that will NEVER happen because of the power wielded by the police union. If anyone on the Council uttered the thought might need to hire body guards and security to protect their home and family.

      1. I agree with Shimon. All we can do at this point is see how the new regime does. But I sure do wish we could disband and hire out.

    2. The police rarely show up until after the damage is done. All they really do is fill out paperwork, and half the time they probably screw it up.

      If you’re a law-abiding citizen living in SoCal, you’re pretty much on your own. The police will not help you. They’ll arrest you, but they will not help you.

      1. They’re even liable to get extremely angry with you if they have nothing to book you on.
        They see it as ‘us waisting their time’, when in fact, they were the one to initiate the confrontation.
        Spoken from experience.

    3. Tony, you make me laugh when you post as back the badge. I love to see all your brainless lemmings get worked into a frenzy. Your just like Phil Hendry.

    4. F**k Corrupt Capt Hughes. You don’t make it to the top of that department without being a really sick sadistic bastard.

      Disband that massive boondoggle already.

    5. You said it…. the criminals have already broken into the house. When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away. I think i’ll just use the .45 on my nightstand and let the cops do to report on the dead criminal in my house. This just happened in San Clemente…. Read the Armed Citizen in the NRA magazines. People protecting themselves happens everyday, no cop needed.

    6. police officers as with all law enforcement professionals must uphold and enforce our laws. forcing a disabled, homeless man to the ground and throwing down punch after punch on him until he dies is not upholding or enforcing the law; murder by cop is a deal breaker when it comes to backing the fullerton police officer badge.

  2. If a regular citizen lies under oath in court, its called perjury and is very definitely a criminal offense, subject to fine and prision. Why is a cop who does the same thing just ‘put on a list’ the the matter made so confidential you have to file a motion to see if a cop is even on ‘the list’. What happened to the idea that our cops should be held to a higher standard. My god!, it’s difficult to get a license to sell insurance if you have a bankruptcy; but you can still be a cop if you are documented perjurer! Our constitution protects us from the military taking over with vigorous civilian oversight; but a local cop is so well protected from litigation and criminal prosecution that he can kill, lie, steal, and rape with only the mildest of punishments.

    Fullerton is not the exception. It’s everywhere.

    1. I believe they are “put on the list” because of the Police Union. That’s why we need to disband and hire out. Too much “union brotherhood” going on.

    2. Shimon Mendel : “Fullerton is not the exception. It’s everywhere.”

      Shimon, you are absolutely correct!! It is also rampant in T-Racks cabal of DA’s. 😉

  3. Mendel got it right! Since it is perjury, why are the perjurers retained on the police force? The truth is they can only properly do certain assignments and probably with a non brady officer as a partner.
    Was this the same Brady that was shot and incapacitated when Reagan was shot in circa 1980? Why do they name bad cops after him?

  4. I’m curious why it would take so much work for a defense attorney to find out, as the applicable law(s) regarding Brady cops dictate that prosecuting attorneys must notify defendants and their legal counsel if a cop used by the prosecution in support of their case is listed as a Brady cop. Does this mean in cases where it wasn’t willingly provided, that the prosecution (our city attorney’s office) was in violation of the law, and possibly subject to criminal prosecution and disbarment? Would something like this open the flood-gates of criminal release from our jails, even for legitimate crooks who weren’t fairly prosecuted? Sounds like an ACLU field-day type opportunity to me. Scary thought!

    1. BMR


      I’m curious why it would take so much work for a defense attorney to find out, as the applicable law(s) regarding Brady cops dictate that prosecuting attorneys must notify defendants and their legal counsel if a cop used by the prosecution in support of their case is listed as a Brady cop. Does this mean in cases where it wasn’t willingly provided, that the prosecution (our city attorney’s office) was in violation of the law, and possibly subject to criminal prosecution and disbarment?


      You are totally correct. The DA is required to disclose if a Brady officer is involved with a particular case. A Brady officer can no longer perform her duties as a police officer. This is why Brady officers are fired.

      Ask the DA how many Brady officers work at Fullerton PD. it’s the DA ‘s list.

  5. Some cops are worse crooks and thieves than the people doing time in state prison! Lock n load people!

    1. @Reality Is, if it (the number of Brady cops) truly is zero (and that is highly doubtful), that number will likely increase after this all over. So many lies and half-truths have been uttered through the lips of many representatives our “Fine” police force, that once court appearances start happening most of the lies will carry over from the momentum, only to be upturned by glaring truths and exposing levels of corruption we have only so far been speculating. By the way, my guess is that there are currently double-digit members on staff at FPD that are part of that dubious “Brady” club. Still speculation, but I’m patient.

  6. We need to have our City Council/City Manager write this into the police union contract that if your a Fullerton police officer that you have to be qualified to give credible testimony in a court of law or be terminated.
    What good is a police officer if they’re police report isn’t credible and they cannot give testimony in court to convict criminals?

    Useless as teats on a bore hog.

    1. Cops are protected by police officers bill of rights that shields them. I think, that is why defense attys have to make Pitchess Motions, even though thisinformation is supposed to be disclosed per Calif law.

      To answer your last question is make them jailer or public information officer or put them behind a desk at the station replacing non-sworn personnel.

      1. And, what about lying jailers, such as Vince Mater, who helped Dean Francis Gochenour “commit suicide.” There is NO place for ANY lying cops. Inmates are extremely vulnerable to abuse and murder, and they need to be protected by HONEST cops. NO liars allowed!

  7. We need to have the Police Bill of Rights and all other laws that prevent full disclosure of their personel records including any records of crimes and “punishment,” etc., done away with. We need laws that if a cop breaks the law, he/she is punished as non-cop would be. We need the DA to investigate and prosecute cops without regard to whether or not it would damage his conviction record. We need judges and DA’s to be held to the same standard too. If they break the law they should all be held to the same standard as the rest of us. No more special treatment, and double standard.
    While we’re at it, let’s get rid of the myth that cops are daily putting their lives on the line for the rest of us, according to a federal agency, the Dept of Labor they aren’t even in the top ten of dangerous occupations. The question is how, how to get the laws changed?

    1. You start at the bottom and work your way up to the top. The City Council is the first rung on the ladder. The Recall will be sucessful.

      1. Getting Police Bill of Rights changed will take lots more than a council recall. It going to need legislation and supporting high court decisions.

    2. let’s get rid of the myth that cops are daily putting their lives on the line for the rest of us, according to a federal agency, the Dept of Labor they aren’t even in the top ten of dangerous occupations.

      Exactly…Take that, 1st commenter on this post who above asks:
      who’s going to put their lives on the line for your property?

      ANSWER: Ourselves and our un-badged brethren!

        1. #31 by Lifesaving Service on January 15, 2012
          “Roughly, 150 officers die in the line of duty each year. Meanwhile, police officer suicides number at least 250 every year.”

          Cars are how they usually die.

          1. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2010 nationwide excluding car accidents 48 were the result of homicide.


            The number of fatal work injuries among protective service occupations increased by 6 percent in 2010 after two years of declines. The increase was led by fatalities among police officers which rose 40 percent from 96 to 134 in 2010. Of the 134 fatal work injuries among police officers, 57 involved highway incidents and 48 involved homicides. Most other subgroups in the protective
            service occupational group declined in 2010.


      1. I’m not going to say where I live but when someone tried to break into our house in the early morning it took the police department 35 minutes to come out.

        I don’t like guns and I don’t want to ever face the possibility of using it but I’m seriously considering buying one just to be safe.

        1. My house was robbed in broad daylight, and the lazy FPD bastards didn’t even talk to my neighbor who I know was home.

            1. My neighbor who lives within 30 steps from the PD- was being broken into..she called the dispatcher-who she can view from her house- the dispatcher turned around and said ( she saw her)-we have no one to send right now-even tho my neighbor coud see several officers talking with each other on the other side of the fence and nothing huh…so she got the burgler to leave…then 45 minutes later after they were done gossiping-one officer came over and asked if she needed anything? Well she guys did nothing I saw you stand there, I saw your dispatcher look at me from her window..the officer response…”um- your fault- look where you live?…….Um- I live 12 feet from your vehicles that you leave your guns in- all 29 cars- that park on the street packing heat…really..and I moved here to be by the PD for safety reasons and you say…its my fault- we live right next door and we NEVER call the PD…my wall is attached to theirs and they cant make it out in 20 minutes..and I m in their parking lot…you go figure.

              1. Same begrudging response that I got when I called on behalf of an elderly neighbor who asked me to call on his behalf. I kept saying to my children, who were visibly as shocked as I was afterwords, that their is something seriously wrong with the attitude of the Fullerton Police Department when the officers are getting visibly upset with mommys and daddys who request their assistance with an elderly couple who was getting robbed blind and mistreated by their “caretakers.” This same elderly man is now penniless, and his house has sat abandoned for over a year, because the people who were supposed to protect this 40 year resident of Fullerton, failed to act on their behalf.

                1. …about as much BS as you not being a troll. This story is absolutely 100% true and I have extensive records to prove it (Cindy) Troll.

              2. When did this burglary in progress occurr? I sure would like you to tell your tale at the next City Council meeting.

                1. Even if she answered your question you still would refuse to believe it, so ‘shut your pie-hole’ you arrogant boot-lickin’ cop sucker.

                2. I’ve already written to the City Council many times, and have spoken with Don Bankhead personally, who took my phone number and promised to get back with me.

                  When I saw him at a meeting and asked him for a status over a month later, Don said, ” I’ve been really busy and haven’t had time to look into it”.

                  And that my friends is why I have, and will, labor so diligently to recall this horse’s ass from elected office.

        2. We have the right to bear arms to protect us from the GOVERNMENT. Home defense is an added bonus. Get one while you still can.

      2. One has died every other day this year already. Safe job. Do a ride along in LA or any busy city and see how safe it is.

        I rode with the LAPD 77th Division about 6 months ago. It was very safe.

        By the way, the last LAPD officer and LA County Deputy to die by gun violence both occurred in 2008.

  8. A Brady officer would be just about unhirable anywhere else. Since the FPD is loathe to get rid of these dirtbags, Fullerton has become a jobs program for bad cops.

  9. ***************QUOTE*******************************
    #50 by AntiCorruptionUnit on January 16, 2012, FFFF Blog.
    This “mob mentality” that Andrew speaks of, shows his lack of paying attention during his career.

    Time in his present position might have made him become more arrogant than smart. I haven’t seen the slightest bit of smarts yet.

    There are many Sergeant Goodwrenches out there. Once in a great while their ignorance bites them in the butt.

    The fatal flaw in FPD’s attitude and actions show how their leadership will fail at the end of the day.

    The worst mistake ANY cop can make in conducting themselves like fools and morons is, to think those above them will cover their actions and they have no worries.

    Your association attorneys love all you DUMB cops, you are making them wealthy. And YES they do think most of you are dumb, they have told me.

    Someone should ask Officers Ramos and Cincinelli if they feel alone right now?

    Is Goodwrench,McKinely,Sellers,Hamilton, or Hughes calling them up once a week and telling them to hang tuff?

    They missed the boat completely when they FAIL to realize that it will be the PUBLIC, the common folks they SCREW with, that will decide their fate.

    That fate could be prison time, or paying punative damages in a civil suit. The general damages awarded could be staggering.

    Who will decide if Ramos and Cincinelli are guilty as charged? A jury with common working class people.

    Could be friends of the tow truck driver who was in the recent video we saw. Could be friends of Officer Rincons victims? How about Van Meth’s friends?

    How about friends of those who got tickets for honking their horns? You have to be a FOOL to think that can’t happen.

    Any of them could be on the jury. Could be older folks who have an ax to grind with FPD or Law Enforcement in general.

    If you think the attorney’s can weed them all out before trial think again.

    If you don’t think it can happen we all remember OJ Simpson’s criminal trial? OUCH!!!!

    My training officers back in the day shared their wisdom from day one, DO NOT screw with those who hold your destiny in the palm of their hands by a simple vote.

    Do your job, don’t screw with folks because YOU CAN.

    Ron Thomas will not be doing the public any favors if his family settles this case without having Sellers,Hughes, and many like them explain their actions and conduct.

    If you want to punish this arrogance we now see in some of these emails, let’s hope the smart asses pay some money out of THEIR personal incomes for what we are still seeing.

    That too has happened, but not enough for those like Sellers to be overly concerned.

    Let’s hope the Thomas family attorney is alot like Attorney Yagman, who went after LAPD and Daryl Gates to get their attention on certain types of conduct.

    If members of FPD have endured Federal Civil Rights lawsuit in their day, they know how humbling that process can be, we would NOT be seeing the obvious arrogance.

    I never went through that process. Many of those I know that did, were changed people there after.

    Tuff cops I thought, I noticed they didn’t have much ASS left when they left the courtroom.

    I said to myself, “no thanks”, I think I’ll continue to play be the rules and be safe.

    My peers hated me for it, but I can look in the mirror everyday and shave, and NOT see any ghosts from the past.

    1. Except, not many have a walking polyp like you moonlighting for it.

      And you know this because you are an omnipotent meglomaniac? you fit right in.


    “Man’s inhumanity (towards man) comes from within, due to the lack of cardinal virtues.” An unknown Catholic Priest, date unknown.[3]

    “There is only one way in which one can endure man’s inhumanity to man and that is to try, in one’s own life, to exemplify man’s humanity to man.” Alan Paton.[4]

    “The inhumanity of man toward man is our greatest sin.” Ellen G. White, 1895. [5]

    “Man’s inhumanity to man is equaled only by man’s inhumanity to himself.” Edmund Bergler, 1949.[6]

    “Man’s inhumanity to his brother is Our greatest sorrow.” – Our Lady, October 2, 1970 [7]

    “Man’s inhumanity to man crosses continents and decades.” Anthony Venutolo, 2009. [8]

    “Why do we hunt and persecute each other? Why is our world so full of man’s infamous inhumanity to man – and to woman?” Riane Eissler, 1987[9]

    Emma Goldman, circa 1911
    “Man’s inhumanity to man shows only the weakness of the soul.” Unknown

  11. “May you live in interesting times”, often referred to as the Chinese curse,

    is reputed to be the English translation of an ancient Chinese proverb and curse, although it may have originated among the English themselves. It is reported that it was the first of three curses of increasing severity, the other two being:

    “May you come to the attention of those in authority” (sometimes rendered “May the government be aware of you”). This is sometimes quoted as “May you come to the attention of powerful people.” (Alternately, “important people”.)
    “May you find what you are looking for.” This is sometimes quoted as “May your wishes be granted.”

  12. Anyone else think there will be a settlement offer in the Veth Mam civil suit rather than risk the discovery or addition of Hampton, et al, as a ‘Brady Cop’?
    By that time, will there be a new City Council who won’t rubber stamp the settlement?

    Also, at the risk of further embarrassment to the city and department, would Mr. Mam reject a settlement offer and have all the dirty laundry in his case exposed?

  13. Joe,
    can you do a FOIA request to get the list of “Brady Cops” from the District Attorney? How does one go about learning who the Brady Cops are? I think all of orange oucnty needs to know if their police in ther neighborhoods are actually hoods themselves.

    1. Now it’s close to zero? Earlier you said it was zero…absolute. So what is it, this little infiltration propaganda game you are playing? Just a matter of perspective, as 10 is close to zero, if you are working from 100. But we’re not here for lessons in calculus and derivatives. The truth of the matter, Reality Is, that even one single Brady cop on staff at FPD is one too many. Law enforcement is not…I repeat..NOT the place for liars, thieves, and crooks. These people honestly need to be better than the rest of us. MUST BE! The best way to be an authority figure is to lead from the top down. We know that riff-raff will get through the system now and again, but it’s that same authority figure system that should police itself, not clam up and circle the wagons as FPD has done.

    2. OMG- take your “you wouldn’t understand, because it’s over your head” conceited, self centered, pompous cockiness and shove it in an that face hole of yours.

      Then go play with your shiny badge, liitle boy.

  14. I can understand the want for a Brady list as a matter of curiosity and the necessity in a legal action, however you should consider all cops to be on a Brady list until CERTIFIED otherwise.
    The otherwise list would be those that offer the feeble excuse of breathing bad air.
    Sellers is a good example of having inhaled bad air, the lying SOB.

  15. Shimon Mendel :
    Cops are protected by police officers bill of rights that shields them. I think, that is why defense attys have to make Pitchess Motions, even though thisinformation is supposed to be disclosed per Calif law.
    To answer your last question is make them jailer or public information officer or put them behind a desk at the station replacing non-sworn personnel.

    The “Police Officers Bill of Rights” is law that protects the cops from BAD police managers. Unlawful police interogations, internal affairs type stuff.

    POBR set standards for how cops are treated through the administrative process.

    POBR does NOT shield cops from Brady issues.

    POBR may be found under the California Government Code Sections 3300-3313.

    Some of you who like to research the internet might find out some things about Brady Cops.

  16. Fullerton Public Servant :
    Anyone else think there will be a settlement offer in the Veth Mam civil suit rather than risk the discovery or addition of Hampton, et al, as a ‘Brady Cop’?
    By that time, will there be a new City Council who won’t rubber stamp the settlement?
    Also, at the risk of further embarrassment to the city and department, would Mr. Mam reject a settlement offer and have all the dirty laundry in his case exposed?

    YES, if a department doesn’t want their dirty laundry aired, they will settle the case more often than not.

    Of course they will tell you it’s cheaper than fighting it. Sometimes that’s true.

  17. Reality Is :
    The number is zero. But good way to pump it up to make the whole PD look bad Tony. Oh wait, you care for the future of Fullerton so you would never say things just to make people look bad even though you know it’s untrue right? Lol you funny guy little tony the tiger. Just wanna pinch your little cheeks. Lol

    How would YOU know the number is ZERO?

    YOU would only know if your and FPD manager who has access to personnel files.

    OR did someone wearing bars and stars whisper that figure in your ear?

  18. Reality Is :
    Fullerton is the same as every PD in California. Not one difference. Realize that. Crazy thought huh?

    And that’s bullshit too. Many PD’s don’t make the headlines like FPD for this stuff.

    Other PD’s WHO have real police unions give their Chief a VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE when they cross the line.

    A real police union would not allow a POS Captain to become the new Chief if he was like the OLD Chief.

    1. No one is “saying anything” because the nazi’s are fraidy cats-no other reason-the only love they have is for themselves and their pensions

      Love? Robots don’t have that capability

  19. Reality Is :
    Wanna wager what the number is? Just to see if I’m right? Ask Tony Rack. He might whisper it in your ear.

    NO BODY would whisper SHIT in my ear. If I was saying zero I’d back by comments up with specific facts.

    YOUR a blogger who’s TRUE identity is NOT known, speaking on behalf of FPD more often than not, and NEVER give any specifics to what you say.

    Bottomline HOW do you know the number is ZERO?

  20. AntiCorruptionUnit :

    Reality Is :
    Wanna wager what the number is? Just to see if I’m right? Ask Tony Rack. He might whisper it in your ear.

    NO BODY would whisper SHIT in my ear. If I was saying zero I’d back by comments up with specific facts.
    YOUR a blogger who’s TRUE identity is NOT known, speaking on behalf of FPD more often than not, and NEVER give any specifics to what you say.
    Bottomline HOW do you know the number is ZERO?

    You want me to wager with YOU, when you can’t meet a simple challenge if facing off with a former cop who call’s BS on YOU?


  21. RI-
    First, why are you here, scuz? who let you out of your coffin?
    Second, you old potato skin, lying big mouth, you are most likely on the Brady list yourself-huh?
    I’ll make sure to check it out.

    And third, for all their hard, factual work, FPD earned their reputation.
    I said FACTS, something you and your “bros” aren’t accustomed to.

    Just wanna see you with a goiter.

  22. Reality Is :
    They loved Sellers when he was there and they loved Hamilton. They love all their brass. You should know more than anyone that if they were dirty you would be hearing all about it from leaks by now. Tight family department. Love. Respect.

    AGAIN BS, tight family my butt.

    Sellers abandon his ship the SECOND it started to stink.

    Go blow smoke up some illegal alien butt who don’t know in the first place.

  23. Reality Is :
    If I gave up all my secrets and connections then I wouldn’t have any more information to offer. I always offer thousands of dollars behind my information. Take me up on it sometime.

    YOU don’t have squat to offer. If you did, you wouldn’t be receiving so much opposition and challenge.

    Your mundane commentary is NOTHING!!!

    1. I will invite you to my next segment of college courses and GWCC on policing and also on courtroom issues such as Brady.

      No point in a debate. You don’t have an open mind to learn. You know it all.

      No point in the POA saying a word when Sellers was leaving anyways. This just made it easier. Max pension was already waiting.

      Illegal aliens? Yuck.

      I’ve been at every council meeting. Not many debaters there. Maybe I’m in uniform? 🙂

      1. Lying sack-a debate is to engage in argument by discussing opposing points -you don’t need to have an open mind to debate.

        No point, only because you wouldn’t know how to play with an actual knowledgeable person and not a gumby like yourself

      2. “Those who can do, while those who don’t teach” is a proverb that comes to mind which means that people who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching.

  24. Check those answers and excuses the LA cop spews about how he wasn’t aware he was in a porno movie and in uniform to boot. He was eventually fired and is now demanding to be rehired.
    Amazing the the reasoning powers and level of basic intelligence that are NOT present in police departments.
    As stupid as automobile check points in the search for the killer of the homeless people.

  25. NOW RI, if your tight knit family is squared away, have your DAD Chief Hughes start meeting with the public and have him explain what he’s going to do to square away this TERRIBLE mis-peception the public has of FPD.

    Some people call it a TOWN HALL meeting.

    If all this is just a mis-perception then the Chief should still have a town hall, and tell EVERYONE their wrong and DEFEND his troops like Seller’s DID NOT.

    NOW go peddle your BS to those who will be in AWE at your TWO line dribble and little happy face.

    1. And have the old “transparent one” name the watch commander that called him the night of July 5th…seems he forgot to do that in his interview with The Voice-explaining what a great guy he is.

  26. RI if you teach like you talk on this website, think McKinley is the “man” and you model yourself after him, NO I won’t go to GWCC.

    After about 5 minutes of listening to you and your perceived fantasy world of “policing”, I might find myself being escorted off campus for my not so nice public comments.

  27. Reality Is :
    You know my name. I know your name. It’s like we already debated.

    I am sorry, but you don’t know me, I am sorry I can only conclude in the “real” world of policing, your probably a cop who sits down the street HIDING until the calvery arrives, then roll in like RAMBO and claim YOUR the hero.

              1. That’s actually two word mi amiga : ) If you need one word to describe Fullerton Police Department Internal Affairs, how about “Chitlens” which are made from pig intestines?

            1. Probably a cop?

              At minimum he is a key ‘leg humper’ (like Goodrich)of the upper brass, if not he is Cheif Sellers, like I stated earlier.
              Either way, his ‘asshat’ has reached FULL capacity.

        1. RI is some idiot who’s full of himself and is very likely a memeber of FPD who may soon be retiring.
          Simply view some of the conversations above between ACU (AnitCorruptionUnit) and RI (Reality Is).
          More like Reality Wishes…
          ACU hit it ‘out of the park’ with this statement:
          “YOUR a blogger who’s TRUE identity is NOT known, speaking on behalf of FPD more often than not, and NEVER give any specifics to what you say.”

          THAT IS the REALITY!!!
          Now, wake up RI and start spewing your nonsense so ACU can continue ‘ripping you a new one’.

        2. RI (Reality is)=das boot

          He’s a troll copper, moonlighting for FPD and an evil, condescending, narcisstic, gi-normus POS, who likes to play both sides of the fence (evidenced in his previous comments months ago on this blog) and make underlying snarky remarks at the expense of those who are unsuspecting, good natured folk and gets a laugh out of mocking and sucking out their souls (because he’s a vampire who doesnt have one of his own)-he is a con artist and mole for FPD who feeds his own sick psychotic mental illness with condescending remarks about various people and the Fullerton citizens, that he thinks he can sneakily pass off as being “intelligent”

          Bottomline-he’s an armpit smelling bottom feeder

          1. Merijoe, I like the way you communicate. Very descriptive, giving quite the visual upon reading your comments.
            How would you like come and work for me?

  28. Fullerton police department had enough of Brady cops for Fullerton resident and CEO of Orange County Human Relations Commission, Rusty Kennedy, to have noticed after at least ten years of systematic civil rights abuses against the community committed by fullerton’s very own police force. I wonder why Rusty’s colleague and board member on Rusty’s commission, then fullerton police Chief Pat McKinley did not discuss this problem and try to fix it so to justify this commission’s $300,000 annual tax dollars.

  29. I love hearing people say, “F*** the police,” because it gives me a perfectly legitimate reason to judge, judge, judge…

    But these days, that phrase is spoken in regards to more serious circumstances.
    Although police are supposed to use a minimum amount of force necessary to restrain someone, the few individuals who have used their badge and gun to enforce the law while living above it have made just about everyone in this profession look bad.
    Just ask the Fullerton Police Department. Who knows how many times the rest of the department has been harassed after six of their fellow colleagues didn’t know when to take their hands off Kelly Thomas.
    Police will make mistakes. They will, at some point, make an error in judgment, which will cost them their respect—or their freedom.
    Police who step outside the law and violate human rights should definitely be reprimanded, and it’s well deserved. The two officers charged with being involved in Thomas’ death, Officer Manuel Ramos and Cpl. Jay Cicinelli, go to show that there’s a rotten egg or two in every bunch.
    However, does being in the wrong mean people who say things like, “F*** the police,” are completely in the right?
    As we saw in recent cases with students at UC Davis and a woman in Bellflower, absolutely not.
    In November, Occupy student protesters at UC Davis were pepper-sprayed at close range by law enforcement in riot gear, sending one woman to the hospital for chemical burns.

    – C.S.U.F Daily Titan Fullerton

  30. Rusty Shackleford says:
    January 23, 2012 at 3:40 pm
    This is an extraordinarily well written article. As a police officer in the bay area, it is refreshing to read something that is absent some type of political agenda. As a department firearms and use of force instructor, many people asked me my opinion on the UC Davis matter. Honestly, what I initially saw was very upsetting to me. The only vantage that had been repeatedly shown was of a dozen or so protesters sitting in a line in a courtyard or quad area. Why did they have to make them leave right then? What was the exigency? Was the use of pepper spray “reasonable” under the circumstances? Who were they delaying or obstructing? Was there some type of threat? Of course I realized that there maybe more to the story. Not to my surprise, there was. After viewing additional footage, it is in my opinion that the officers on scene acted appropriately, and completely within the scope of state and federal laws. As I am NOT a member of the UC Davis PD, I cannot speak as to what their specific department policies are in regards to use of force, and more specifically use of chemical agents.

    I am not an apologist for inappropriate or illegal conduct by police officers. Like anyone else, I am disgusted by such behavior and am frustrated by the stigma it gives law enforcement as a whole. Sometimes police officers make bad decisions or exercise poor judgement. There are even an extremely small percentage that some how slipped through the screening process, and have no business being in the profession. In the time that I have a been employed as a police officer, I have found these circumstances to be EXTREMELY rare. Officers that fall into the above listed categories should be dealt with appropriately. Sometimes its a matter of more training, sometimes discipline, termination, or criminal charges are called for. From what I now know, this is not the case in the UC Davis matter.


  31. Allegations that police used excessive force against students and demonstrators were said to be part of a larger pattern observed within the state of California and across the United States. The Board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations said that “police violence” was used against non-violent demonstrators at UC Davis, UCLA, UC Berkeley and at a Cal State Board of Trustees meeting in Long Beach.[8] Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York’s 8th congressional district and ranking member of the United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, sent a letter to United States Attorney General Eric Holder requesting that the United States Department of Justice investigate the actions of law enforcement during the nationwide Occupy protests to determine if the civil liberties of demonstrators and reporters were violated. According to Nadler, Occupy UC Davis was one of at least eight separate events recorded on video at Occupy demonstrations throughout the United States where “significant and unwarranted force in making arrests” occurred.[9] -Wikipedia

  32. Wrong Guy :
    I guess Reality Is and AntiCorruptionUnit are still sleeping.
    Great exchange above. Nice going ACU!!!

    LOL Wrong Guy. I just woke up, drinking my morning coffee, reading up on the latest postings.

    The bottom line to me and RI’s exchanges at the end of the day will be for the readers to decide who offers more REALISTIC commentary on these issues.

    If you appreciate my break down of things, or RI’s two line statements.

    But RI’s comments indicate he is a teacher maybe part time at GWCC, and a cop because, he MIGHT be in uniform while attending a city counsel meeting.

    Well if that is true, then it might be easy enough for local resident living by GWCC to see how many instructors from FPD teach there.

    Find out who that is, since RI likes to play the mystery game of I AM SMARTER than you, then attached a name and face, WE will know who RI is.

    That might be a good thing, might be a bad thing, especially if he is wearing bars or stars?

  33. We have hammered the DA on what he might do or not do. We have hammered potential witnesses who might be brady cops.

    We have talked briefly about corrupt lawyers.

    WE NEED to be mindful that the Judge who is going to handle this case may or may not be a piece of work too.

    Which side of the fence will the Judge be sitting on.?

    Will the Judge be like the one who sat on former Sheriff Mike Corona’s case, or will he be a Judge Ito from the OJ Simpson case?

    Again, another set of dynamics to throw into the mix of things.

    If the Judge favors the defense too much, and the DA doesn’t like him, then there will be challenges, and the same if the Judge is pro-prosecution.

    Or will the Judge be fair to all across the board?

    The one who make out like “FAT RATS” at the end of the day will be the defense lawyers cashing in on potential appeals if they feel the Judge was too biased towards their clients.

    Who will lose again, will be the “taxpayers”.

    But it’s the cost one pays in the judicial system.

  34. I know this is off topic from Brady Cops, but what is happening with Sellers “sick leave” didn’t his most recent 30 extension expire? Or did I miss something?

  35. Corrupt :
    You said it…. the criminals have already broken into the house. When seconds count, the cops are only minutes away. I think i’ll just use the .45 on my nightstand and let the cops do to report on the dead criminal in my house. This just happened in San Clemente…. Read the Armed Citizen in the NRA magazines. People protecting themselves happens everyday, no cop needed.

    I don’t believe in 911 myself, in time of critical situations where I am on the receiving end of a deadly encounter.

    I’ll call 911 AFTER it’s over and allow the cops to do the paperwork and pick up the trash.

    I don’t need some young cop coming in and laying all the “what if’s” on me knowing full well he would of done the samething.

    I’ll be tried by 12, before I am carried by 6.

  36. karma :
    I know this is off topic from Brady Cops, but what is happening with Sellers “sick leave” didn’t his most recent 30 extension expire? Or did I miss something?

    Sellers like many before him he is “milking” the system until there is NO MORE.

    While Sellers is out he is still occurring additional sick time,vacation time.

    When he finally pulls the pin and his retirement, he will cash out the remain sick time and vacation time his earned while home milking his high blood pressure or whatever else he claims.

    We see this in the system for about a year to 18 months sometimes.

    Another legal issue that is abused.

  37. Good Morning ACU…
    I see a Dr. Phil chimed in about your exchange with Mr. Reality Wishes(lol).

    I cannot wait for RI to wake up…
    Can’t believe I said that.

  38. fullerton lover :
    “Those who can do, while those who don’t teach” is a proverb that comes to mind which means that people who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching.

    Well said FL. And true for the most part.

    I sure don’t mind a good teacher, we need them. Most of us would be more ignorant than were are now.

    But the good teachers are not always in the classroom. A good teacher in my view is the one who has the life and job experience to teach what they preach.

    I too have had plenty of inter-action with teachers, both as a student and a cop. Both encounters have been interesting to say the least.

    As a cop not only did the teacher know about American History they knew how to do MY JOB too and told me so.

    They knew the in and outs of LE work simply becasue they were a teacher. I was simple there to follow the orders,directions and the investigation as the teacher wanted it.

    Let’s say at the end of the encounter the teacher was not to happy with me and did not win the argument or the battle.

    Some of them are just TOO SMART for all of us.

    Unless things have changed in the jury selection process, prior to trial over the last few years, MANY attorneys DO NOT want teachers on their jury’s.

    After my experiences with them, and now hearing this I was just in wonder as to WHY that is.

    The attorney’s responses was, THEY think they know everything and unduly influence people about things they have NO CLUE about in the real world.

    I said to myself IMAGINE that, NO SHIT I can relate.

    Exceptions to all that OF COURSE.. Just saying.

    What I have learned over the years when your talking to someone who is overly IMPRESSED with their “TITLE” in their given profession, I ask them specifically what they have done over the years?

    I know a few lawyers who have a bar card, and NEVER spent a day in court. Hmmm, would I seek out their advise, NO!!!

    But they spew their advise like an F.Lee Bailey.

    That’s why I asked RI early on, EXACTLY what have YOU done in your day.

    The only answer seems to surround “teaching”.

    A good cop or wise citizen who senses BULLSHIT in the earliest of stages, can nip and identifie a disaster in the making.

    1. Back in the day, when I was young and single and had just returned from being overseas for a couple of years, I dated a few school teachers and encountered the same smug worldiness from individuals who were still living at home with their parents.
      It was absolutely mind numbing. And now that I’m a parent, it reminds me of listening to people who tell you how to raise your children, yet they’ve never had a child of their own.

  39. Regarding comment #118, my commentary would apply to more than a few Law Enforcement teachers too.

    There are those who have NEVER been in the trenches working the mean streets of the City.

    Many worked a couple years at Mayberry RFD and now think they should be Chief of Police.

    Many might be a Pat McKinley, former LAPD cop, Chief of Police for 16 years, and still be full of crap, and have decided to teach.

    They talk the talk, BUT have never walked the walk, or they walked it so little, they haven’t realized they to, should be LISTENING instead of talking.

  40. Dr. Phil :
    RI is some idiot who’s full of himself and is very likely a memeber of FPD who may soon be retiring.
    Simply view some of the conversations above between ACU (AnitCorruptionUnit) and RI (Reality Is).
    More like Reality Wishes…
    ACU hit it ‘out of the park’ with this statement:
    “YOUR a blogger who’s TRUE identity is NOT known, speaking on behalf of FPD more often than not, and NEVER give any specifics to what you say.”
    THAT IS the REALITY!!!
    Now, wake up RI and start spewing your nonsense so ACU can continue ‘ripping you a new one’.

    Thank you Dr.Phil, what a choice screen name for the moment.

    YES ripping a new one to the adversary is the key. Standing toe to toe until only one remains standing.

    If your a cop and ripping the boss a new one it SHOULD be done with much more diplomacy, I assure you.

    That being said, you still hurt their ego, and are soon working with a target on your back.

    No one bothered to tell the boss your getting the big bucks and your expected to know what your talking about before OPENING mouth and inserting your foot.

    The bosses expectation of being allowed to speak and remain and look like a the fool they may be is one of the more serious issues we have in Law Enforcement today.

    I am sorry to say it doesn’t look like it’s getting any better either.

    And YES that goes on every where including the private sector.

    But in LE where people can die in seconds of bad decisions, personal liberty’s violated, lifes ruined forever, YOU need to have you SHIT together EVERYDAY and EVERY minute your working.

    I don’t have the time to entertain an idiot who is in charge and a bigger bafoon than me.

    I know what the boss will sometimes do when the shit hits the fan. Blame you and then retire.

  41. This Reality Is character may very well be your own allegedly ‘stressed out’ Chief Michael Sellers.
    He obviously spends a great deal of time on this blog and had indicated he is near retitlement, er, I meant retirement. He tries to get a reaction from the majority of you fine commenters on here by his all too contrary one-liners with a ‘smart-ass’ smiley face behind it. (This is a sign of self embarrassment)
    He attempts to convey his messages as though he wants all to believe he has self-confidence however deep down inside he knows darn well he is debating with higher intelligence which would explain why he could never substantiate his little one-liners with true facts.
    He is the epitome of what happens to one when they spend a long time in a high-ranking authoritative position without adult supervision.
    I can’t wait to hear what (if anything) he has to say about me…

  42. What in tar nation is happening with my comments? Just posted a psychological profile on your Reality Is friend and it ended way up at #124.
    What the heck?

  43. #27 by truthseeker on January 23, 2012
    RI is more than one person and all have the same goal. The goal is to exist to be a shill for the FPD and the DA. One goal is to incite and promote vitriol in attempts to discredit the blog and diminish its readership. Another is to inflame and elevate the conversation to a level that in hopes would cross the line on what could be contstrued as dangerous speech. At any rate, their attempts amount to nothing more than dismal failures as the truth will always stand on its own. Now they will switch gears and become more discreet with their dirty deeds done dirt cheap. We shall keep the cameras rolling and the lights on. Our future, our childrens future is Fullertons Future and vigilance is our duty.

  44. If RI is in fact Chief Sellers, it would be my humble honor to go toe to toe with a guy like this.

    Supports a clear culture of corruption before and during his tenure.

    Then abandons the men and women under his command the MOMENT that crap goes south.

    Then comes in here under a screen name and play games with people with his mundane commentary.

    IF SO, Sellers your a sad sack POS as a person and a cop.

    I can only hope someone sees you in the mens room at the local Wal-Mart, and just drops your butt to the floor.

    If you were in Vietnam and played this game with the troops, YOU would be “fragged” when the first VC mortor attack came in. REAL world stuff.

    SOMEONE needs to go to GWCC and see who from FPD has taught or teaches there.

    I would call this an investigative clue.

    What KARMA if Sellers or other high ranking FPD official teaches there after RI’s dribble?

    I’d say with strong CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence FFFF will have come full circle in establishing their credibility on showing those in FPD are everything they say they are.

    I think RI might have just allowed their ego to step all over their “manhood”.

    I went to GWCC website last night, looking for names of LE Faculty members and could not find any. DANG!!

    1. Dear ACU,
      I think I am in love with you.
      Yours Truly,
      Justice for All

      P.S. I don’t think R.I. will be back today. If he is one tenth as smart as he thinks he is, he will realize that he is no match for an HONEST, INTELLIGENT cop like you.

      When it really gets down to it, R.I. is just a chicken livered, pompous bully who is desperately trying to rationalize despicable, murderous, lying behavior by saying, “Fullerton is the same as every PD in California. Not one difference. Realize that. Crazy thought huh?”

      So far, R.I. is a complete FAILURE at accomplishing whatever it is he thinks that he is trying to accomplish by posting on this blog.

      R.I. is a 24/7 blogger who lives at Starbucks and hides behind his badge/gun/Taser/baton/pepper spray/positional asphyxiation with several cops’ full body weight on top of a restrained person crushing the thorax (killing the person)/the bogus “excited delirium” nonsense that was made up as a convenient excuse/”stop resisting” bullshit/it was “suicide” bullshit/ “it’s a dangerous job”/ “I’m always going home to my family”/ POBAR and the thick blue line. (I know there’s more.)

      R.I. imagines himself to be some kind of a sainted hero, even though he has admitted to me on this blog that he hasn’t transported a mentally ill person to a hospital for a psych evaluation on a 5150 WIC in the past TEN YEARS, if ever.
      If R.I. truly cared about the citizens that he supposedly serves, he’d be spending his time trying to make the FPD better, admitting failures, helping to get rid of the bad cops and bad management, trying to ensure public safety while in custody, trying to change policies and procedures that cause so many deaths of citizens during arrest and custody, speaking up for citizens’ rights, letting us know what HE is trying to do to CHANGE things for the better, telling us what HE is now doing differently, and telling the truth (no matter how much it may hurt his boys in blue or his own retirement).

      But, NO, R.I. insists that his precious FPD is a “Tight family department.” It appears that R.I. will never cross the thick blue line. R.I. will ALWAYS defend the status quo. After all, it is his company policy, and apparently R.I. teaches that same policy to others.

  45. #128 Justice for All

    Thank you, I am flattered.

    But again you must know in the big scheme of things I am, the “odd man out”.

    If you ever saw the movie, “Serprico” with Al Pacino, you’ll have a little better understanding of “odd man out”.

    If you haven’t seen the movie, watch it. Based on a true story.

    But if I had worked for NYPD as Serprico did, I would be DEAD already.

    Serprico was shot in the face in a setup and survived.

    Again if history teaches you anything, your a better person before you die.

  46. The Brea :
    You are taking “Reality Is” a bit too seriously.

    Some might say everyone is taking the Kelly Thomas murder a bit to serious, AND?

    1. Some might say everyone is taking the Kelly Thomas murder a bit to serious, AND?

      If you’re seriously comparing some mindless troll who gets off at the sight of an “authority figure” to the brutal murder of Kelly Thomas, some might say you’re an idiot.

        1. You aren’t making any sense; you might want to come back later after you sober up.

          That is rather vague. Please explain what specifically don’t you understand and don’t give me another vague answer like “all of it”.

            1. It’s obvious you don’t a logical response. You’re just throwing out crap, seeing if it sticks then running away when confronted.

              This makes you no better than the brainwashed pro-police cheerleaders like Reality Is and EyeNeverSayNo. Even though they mindlessly support an agenda opposite of yours, all of you utilize the same tactics.

                1. If you could, you would. I’m not holding my breath any longer.

                  Ah yes, insult, divert, avoid and repeat. Classic tactics used by garbage like Reality Is and EyeNeverSayNo. Sure you may have different agendas but you utilize the same disgusting tactics.

                  I’ll give you another chance to play again…

                  Please explain what exactly don’t you understand about post #135. You still havent answered that (which I expected).

                2. I hate to tell you this, but your incoherent comment is ONLY ONE SENTENCE LONG. Your ENTIRE one sentence does not make sense. You might try re-phrasing your sentence, using proper diction. If you can’t explain what you were trying to say in that one sentence, then you are not worth my time.

                  On second thought, you may not be R.I.; even our GED R.I. makes more sense than you do. However, during the past six months, we have all learned that R.I. is pretty cowardly and likes to use multiple monikers, so I won’t rule it out entirely.

                3. I hate to tell you this, but your incoherent comment is ONLY ONE SENTENCE LONG. Your ENTIRE one sentence does not make sense.

                  …Classic. Thanks for proving my earlier point.

                  you are not worth my time.

                  It’s obvious what you’re doing and you don’t have a logical response so running away is your only option at this point.

                  I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with your types before so I’m fully aware of what you’re up to but I have to say that I’m surprised you went on for this long without saying something like “you’re not worth my time”, “you’re a waste of my time”, etc.

                  Your counterparts EyeNeverSayNo and Reality Is usually abandons the discussion when confronted.

                  even our GED R.I. makes more sense than you do.

                  Misery loves company and since you three use the same tactics of course anything he says makes perfect sense to you.

                  we have all learned that R.I. is pretty cowardly and likes to use multiple monikers, so I won’t rule it out entirely.

                  Hmm. You may be onto something.

  47. I say that Reality Is, is now ‘The Brea’ above.

    Many of us, including the new Dr. Phil above have made ‘Reality Is’ realize that we’ve ‘got his number’.
    Now that he’s been exposed with the various psychological descriptions by many above, he is more that likely too ashamed to comment now, using his ‘Reality Is’ moniker, therefore, he changes it to ‘The Brea’, which once again disheartens me since I reside in Brea.

    1. I say that Reality Is, is now ‘The Brea’ above.

      What the hell is wrong with you?

      Seriously, what possibly gave you that idea?

      1. Your first comment: “You are taking “Reality Is” a bit too seriously.”

        First off, none of us 3-digit IQ people take anything RI (you) says seriously.

        We are simply citing his short-comings…and YOU are defending him/yourself?

        1. none of us 3-digit IQ people take anything RI (you) says seriously.

          Again, why do you think I’m Reality Is?

          Just because I happen to think people are taking him a bit too seriously and wasting too much time arguing with him …now, I’m somehow him?

          This is insane. You’re grown man FFS! I never expected you of all people would come to such a wrong conclusion.

          YOU are defending him


  48. Forget the psyop clowns -any idea of when the protests are going to begin again? We have 2 dead residents and still no concrete answers.

  49. The Brea :

    I hate to tell you this, but your incoherent comment is ONLY ONE SENTENCE LONG. Your ENTIRE one sentence does not make sense.

    …Classic. Thanks for proving my earlier point.

    you are not worth my time.

    It’s obvious what you’re doing and you don’t have a logical response so running away is your only option at this point.
    I’ve had the pleasure of dealing with your types before so I’m fully aware of what you’re up to but I have to say that I’m surprised you went on for this long without saying something like “you’re not worth my time”, “you’re a waste of my time”, etc.
    Your counterparts EyeNeverSayNo and Reality Is usually abandons the discussion when confronted.

    even our GED R.I. makes more sense than you do.

    Misery loves company and since you three use the same tactics of course anything he says makes perfect sense to you.

    we have all learned that R.I. is pretty cowardly and likes to use multiple monikers, so I won’t rule it out entirely.

    Hmm. You may be onto something.

    So far, you HAVE been a complete waste of my time. I’m STILL HERE, if you want to explain what you meant in your unintelligible, one line comment nonsense that you spewed. BUT YOU STILL HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF. Are you just wasting my time on purpose?? It sure seems that way. I very rarely agree with R.I., but at least I can usually decipher his B.S. Unfortunately, I can’t stay here at my desk and feed your ego all day by responding to your tripe; I do need to do just a “few” other things today. So, If you want to explain yourself, you’d better cut the B.S. and get back on topic.

    1. If you want to explain yourself, you’d better cut the B.S. and get back on topic.

      Ah yes, still continuing to insult, divert, avoid and repeat.

      You, reality is, eyeneversayno, etc can play games all day but post ultimately speaks for itself.

      1. And the point you were trying to make with your incoherent comment #135 was…..????? I must now assume that you didn’t have a point to make after all. Or, perhaps you have forgotten what the point was, and now when you read back over what you wrote, YOU can’t even figure out what you were trying to express.

        You must be THE BREA TROLL…just wasting everyone’s time with your nonsense. You can do it….try REALLY HARD to remember what it was that you were trying so hard to say back in post #135…. I’m still patiently waiting….

        1. BREA TROLL, what are you doing? Are you “phoning a friend” to try to get help with figuring out an explanation for your comment #135? It really shouldn’t be this hard for you.

      2. Dear BREA TROLL, I have to run some errands, so unfortunately, I can’t stay and wait around any longer for your NON answers. Sadly, someone else will have to take over being your coach for a little awhile. But, don’t give up; keep trying to remember whatever it was that you were trying to say in comment #135. Eventually, I think you may be able to spit it out; I’m sure it’s “right on the tip of your tongue.”

  50. Cindy :
    When did this burglary in progress occurr? I sure would like you to tell your tale at the next City Council meeting.

    For someone who likes to criticize other people’s spelling, you’re not exactly setting a shining example with spelling words like “occurr” wrong.
    The speck in another’s eye, plank in your own verse from the bible comes to mind, as well as Shakespears revision of “pointing a finger at another, leaves three fingers pointing back at yourself”.

    1. Great quotes their, FL!!!
      I just heard the finger one in a Dire Straits song called ‘Solid Rock’ the other day.

      But why did you place this comment on this post from Friday?

      Cindy was spewing her trash on the latest post. Just an fyi.

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