So Which Is It?
Check out my former mistress Jan Flory’s ballot statement job designation. Family Law Attorney. Did she re-hang her dusty shingle? Maybe. Because a few short months ago she kicked in some dough to fight the Recall and claimed she was actually “retired.” Oops!

Well maybe she just had one of her forgetful moments.
Maybe she went to law school sometime after November.
Arnold Vagts!
No, she had a law office in downtown. After she moved in the bars started proliferating.
Yawn…must be a slow news day. After Flory’s challenge last week, it’s obvious that FFFF will go to any length to malign and denigrate her.
There’s a lot to malign and denigrate.
“Yawn”…….. Hmmmmm
This may excite you!
American Apple Pie
Ready In: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Servings: 8
“Brown and white sugars, raisins and lemon juice add a wonderful taste and texture to this quintessential apple pie. Be sure to cube or slice the apples uniformly, and, if you like, dot the apples with pats of butter. ”
1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
1/3 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/3 teaspoon ground cinnamon
7 1/2 cups peeled, cored and sliced apples
1 cup raisins
1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
1 egg
1. Preheat oven 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Spray deep dish pie plate with cooking spray
2. Combine white sugar, light brown sugar, flour, lemon, cinnamon, and mix well. Add apples and raisins to sugar mixture; stir until fruit is well coated.
3. Spoon apple mixture into pie crust. Place second piecrust on top of filling, and trim edges. Lightly glaze top of pie with a beaten egg, then sprinkled with a little sugar.
4. Bake till golden brown, about 35 to 40 minutes. Place on a wire rack, and cool 30 minutes.
Well, of course I would have done it anyway. Her childish threat (it wasn’t a challenge) just makes it that much more fun.
Keller, Quirk, Flory, McClanahan. it’d good to see that the democant’s can cough up female doofuses on par with the male repuglicans.
… or to promote what’s already maligned and degenerate.
I saw her yesterday at El Farolito with her three loyal subjects decked out in their Jan Flory shirts. Pretty smooth, this one is. As she positioned herself in the corner under the TV to not only be seen but the backs of the campaign shirts would be in full view. If this was the plan, it failed. No one cared or even noticed.
Get a picture?
I have heard El Farolito mentioned for Quirk smoke blowing/campaigning and now Gin Flurry…I used to like El Farolito. I will now boycott all three locations.
@Anon: yep
@Shame: Why boycott El Farolito? They weren’t promoting Flory.
Not sure how I got the names out of sync…
Extraction Required, yes on the picture.
Anonymous, no reason to boycott simply because Flory patronizes them.
Who were her serfs? Perhaps Dudley? Galvan? Meyer? McClanahan? Hugo Chavez? Slow Joe Biden? ZurSchmeide? Felz? Hoppe (City Engineer not Roller Derby Announcer)? Quite a stable of public servants that risked it all for the City. Remember, Flory would have the power to appoint any of these serfs to Commissions.
An imponderable….who reached for the check?
My favorite photo. Makes me laugh out loud every time.
M is for martini.
extra dirty please
JFD, I believe your question could be shortened to: Which Witch?
She may have “retired” from her practice at 1400 N Brea Blvd (suite number not known) but she is still “active” according to the State’s Bar Association…
She also still advertises in the Fullerton Non-Observer.
Come to think of it, I know someone with an office at the same address…
There’s a legal test for this. Someone can challenge her ballot designation if they think it’s inaccurate. Or they can write a snarky article instead and pat themselves on the back.
No need to boycott the El Farolito in Placentia, it isn’t located in a “white bread” area – she wouldn’t deign to eat there…
And, as long as she was clothed and wearing shoes, the EF in DTF couldn’t really stop her from eating there.
She began her political career by losing to Julie Sa and ended with a loss to Leland Wilson. Where are they now?
I’m more interested in his appointment of Peter Gambino to the Planning Commission…. another family member. what ever happened to the conversation regarding nepotism… I guess the new guard isnt so different from the old guard. Thanks Shawn Nelson!
After reading that article, it seems that nothing has changed. Seabourn is typical politician. I saw him speak out at many council meetings before being elected, than he appoints his wife and brother in law? WTF? What a dumbass! Enjoy your time in the hot seat Seabourn, your days on the council are numbered.
Way to go Officer Decaprio…Great story on Channel 7 news tonight. Way to help out the homeless guy…also Kudos to the Fullerton cop that donated all new clothes for the man.
I saw that today, too. Very nice that the man was recognized from an earlier piece that ch 7 did on DeCaprio. Way to go, JD!
JD only works with the homeless because he doesnt want to get stucked working nights or weekends. He has you all buffaloed.
John Doe is a cop
So what if he is?
The old Council paid 100k for a report from Genaco why is the new Council not releasing it, Is it a favor to Danny Hughes or did the new Council refuse to pay him for the report?
Is Decaprio the snitch for KFI?
The snitch? No, he would be the man that came forward and told the truth. You hypocrite!