So Why Won’t He Just Do It?

Tarnation, Doc HeeHaw’s all het up on the topic a’ water rates and consarn it if’n he ain’t a-gonna share his mental commotion. Until suddenly he remembers he been told ta shut up!

So why didn’t somebody tell him that 15 years ago, and why won’t he just do it oncet and fer all?



27 Replies to “So Why Won’t He Just Do It?”

  1. No, he can’t do it. He thinks his thoughts are important and we will all benefit from his sharing them with us.

    1. I listened to the tape again Merijoe, and at 31 seconds in, you can hear Joe Felz, who is seated to Doc Jones left, give Doc a discreet “shhhhhhhhh” as if he’s shushing a mindful child during a boring church service.
      You’ll also see Doc’s attention gets diverted to his left while he’s speaking and Doc gets irritated at Joe Felz’s demeaning/disrespectful gesture, and Doc immediately changes direction and instead decides to zip it.

  2. Mayor Dick Jones told everyone in the Council Chambers to “SHUT UP!” last year.

    He’s as delusional as his friends at Morningside…

    1. I have two friends who live in Morningside that signed the recall petition who personally know Dick Jones and think he is a big bully blow hard.

      He gives us seniors a bad name. Trust me, he doesn’t have many “friends at Morningside…”, but the few he does have, are in fact “delusional”.

      1. In the many discussions I’ve had with Fullerton residents who have known and dealt with Francis Richard Jones personally, professionally, politically, the word “bully” invariably is always used at some point in the conversation.

  3. I think he’s done. Maybe he just wasn’t in top form the other night, but it really felt like he was washed up and resigned to it. His folksy prognostications might even have been fun if they didn’t go on for so long and waste so much time, and if they weren’t in the service of corrupt influences or just plain wrongheaded.

      1. It is sad, an old, beaten down, apparently senile, improperly cared for, used up Political Puppet, left out to slaughter. The only benefit this poor old guy has is the audience seems small and local in number, but then so is the numbers that are able to help him, SO GODLESS, SO FULLERTEAT.

  4. Let’s go down memory lane. The City Manager proposes a DIY Audit to set up the new cost of service charges by the general fund against the water fund…additional water fund money is transferred for City Hall’s seismic retrofit….a citizen protests the water tax in the 1990’s and the follow-up report on its legality is never delivered. Dr. Jones was there the whole time as was the previous city manager followed by his protege. I hate to admit it but the pattern follows the same one in the City of Bell before the cover blew off. Bell at least got a (overpriced) park to show case. Fullerton is left with a 400 years in its pipeline replacement program and a now further compromised pension program. And the city manager still pleads “trust me.”

  5. Apparently Joe Felz has a great deal to say when it comes to keeping the tax in place as long as possible. also based on what I’ve read he has few qualifications to even be City Mngr. His previous experience was play ground mngr. wasn’t it? So why is he ignored and let slide in this whole debacle?

  6. Has anyone else ever noticed that when Jones asks “questions” it is usually a series of statements followed by a gratuitous “Isnt that true?”.

    Earth to Jones: Stating answers to questions followed by a request for confirmation that the previous statements are in fact true does not make you look more informed or intelligent. It makes you look desperate and confused. Now I understand that desperate and confused comes pretty natural, however, you dont have to broadcast it.

    1. classic – “would you escort him out of the office”, I believe is what Jones said to Hughes. Jones has been on the city council for almost 16 years, and he still doesn’t know the room they hold them there council meetings in is not an “office”.

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