Stop Bushala From Establishing His Own Police Force!

Imagine a world where you could establish your own police force. A force that doesn’t kill innocent human beings and pretend it never happened; one whose members don’t falsify evidence, or beat people up, or steal from the evidence room, or from TSA checkpoints.
Imagine a police department where male members don’t sexually assault women in their police cruisers, and in which evidence in a jail suicide is not destroyed; where the official spokeshole doesn’t peddle bullshit to non-inquisitive media with impunity. Imagine a department where no lazy or crooked cops ID the wrong man and send him to jail. Imagine a force where the chief doesn’t deny the undeniable; or where the chief can’t get a disability retirement for high blood pressure and an achy tummy.
Can you imagine such a world?
The folks who put to gather this website can’t.

They also can’t spell the name of their antagonist.
By the way, do feel that you have had one iota of control over the Culture of Corruption?
Who is Tony Bushala?
He’s the guy who is going to make a fortune on the bullet train.
All I know is that he has a gold toilet and an inter-dimensional wormhole in his basement. Four weeks without the internet and he gets his own police force too? I want my own police force….
You don’t say? Tony’s own private police force? What a concept. Is Fullerton now a banana republic? Did I miss the coup last weekend as DHS was running interference over in Anaheim? Does Tony smoke cigars? You guys are pathetic. Come clean and apologize, ask for forgiveness, do the right thing. It is never too late or is it?
Did Tony change the spelling of his last name as well upon ordination?
Bishop of Fullerton?
heh heh heh
“Millionaire developer and political kingmaker Tony Bushala is attempting to buy a new police force to complete his domination of Fullerton.”
Jeez, now where have I recently seen that political campaign fail?
Hahahaha. GEDs strike again!
Who is this Tony guy? Funny.
oh just some random dude who happened to be here at the right time 😉
The comedic “Stop Bushala” campaign continues.
If at first you don’t succeed, keep doing the same thing until you run out of money.
“Don’t let Tony Bushala make decisions for our City Council. Don’t let Bushala have his own police force and code enforcement, so he can push through his future pet projects and business deals. Don’t let the Council approve his terrible idea.”
That is complete nonsense. Sounds like the FPOA has hired Ackerman and Ellis to run their campaign. Ouch. That’s gonna stretch the old sphincter.
” Sounds like the FPOA has hired Ackerman and Ellis to run their campaign. ”
That is exactly what I think. I would say there is a small narrow minded portion of the Fullerton population that will swallow that hook, but seriously….. how many times do they think they can trot that pony out and people will buy their circus schtick? Can’t they come up with anything newer than that?
The depth of the stupidity of the “Bushala is the Devil” PR camp continually amaze me. They have absolutely no shame or moral compass. None.
It figures the same klowns would be running their next doomed campaign. Fullerton, where incompetence is rewarded.
Wow. I just wrote a tribute to Mr. Bushala on the previous blog and then you come up with this a minute later. My extrasensory perception must be working overtime today.
Listen, the Fullerton oligarchs are getting scared. Now they’re on the attack – blaming Mr. Bushala for what their own police department is responsible for. Instead of acknowledging their own grave mistakes – they blame others. Not a good sign.
If I were in charge of their side I would stand before the public and accept FULL responsibility for my wrongdoings, which I would individually name. And I would have the entire FPD rank ‘n file standing behind me as I said it. And I would ask for your forgiveness. But that’s just me. Chief Hughes, where are you?
Mr. Bushala was only the messenger. He was the conduit. He was the catalyst. Without men like Mr. Bushala things might have gotten very fugly inside the city of Fullerton.
John F. Kennedy once said “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”
For God sakes, you owe Mr. Bushala a debt of GRATITUDE – not contempt or ill will. Smarten up!!
Will Rogers once said: “We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others.”
Please, let’s restore civilization in Fullerton!
Amen! Well said 🙂
Well said JustUs.
I second that as well. He has really stuck his neck out there for all of us.Someone like him could have just gone through life on cruise control and not looked back. He is quite the cat. There is something to be said for someone who has made it and still cares enough to be and stay involved in what goes on in the community even if it involves more than monetary sacrifice. Say what you will about Tony but we are safer in large part to his involvement in Fullerton’s demise.
JustUs: so clear and so accurate! Our family and neighbors soooo agree with you! Thank you!
so true, JustUs. Those who accuse Tony Bushala of ulterior motives are the same ones who corrupted our police department, our representative government, misused our city’s revenue and have never once expressed regret or shame to those they harmed, the good people of fullerton.
And this gem:
“In our community, we have changed management and recalled three city council members. And, we are going to hire a new Chief of Police. Enough is enough!”
WE changed management and recalled three council members?!! Now that’s hilarious.
Enough is enough? Man you haven’t seen anything yet.
How do they know they’re getting a new police chief?
The TRUTH is that the FPOA bankrolled the effort to NOT recall the three city councilman.
Damnit Tony! Stop using your money and influence to make Fullerton a more free, safe, and prosperous place to live. When are you going to use your wealth to grind us under your heel like every other self-respecting 1%er would?
Yeah, what Tom said! 😉
Not a very informative website, either. Every link I clicked on said “Coming Soon”.
Perhaps they should spend less time trolling the comments section here, and more time developing content for their own site.
Rhey are thinking.
Even with my smart-ass, warped sense of humor and it, I just can’t address this. Everything that comes to mind is redundant and just plain worn out.
Nobody thinks more highly of Tony than I do. After awhile, you just have to shrug, maybe even laugh and then just shake your head. But never ask what’s next for you will surely be shown.
Can I laugh at this now? lol
*sigh* I guess I should’ve been more clear that my comment was pro Tony Bushala and laughing at yet another smear/fear campaign trying to using him to gain support for their agenda.
Oh I just came up with a stellar idea!
Lets talk the city council into making Tony Bushala Police Chief!
Now, that would be him taking control of the FPD, switching to the Sheriffs dept will not.
Some people are only here to stir up crap and scare tactics. Who was it that said, “if you think the FPD is bad, wait till we go to the Sheriffs dept..” wtf? Scaring old ladies, you should be ashamed.
Let’s be more ridiculous and hire Ron Thomas for chief. AMAZING!
Why bother?, fpd is on thier way out!
They’re obviously scared. Maybe now the FPD will start behaving.
Kimchi has it correctly!! FPD union is scared. The chief is scared, he is still only acting. The more you delve into FPD the more BS seems to surface!
Unfortunately, the rules and regs for FPD called the “contract” has another full year to go.
Now Fullerton can contract outside and save 33% or keep the current “quality” policing! It is the voters and city council’s choice. Just remember, the closer Fullerton is to bankruptcy, the more the likelihood that the city will have to dump current municipal pensions and other types of bloat.
Has anyone learned the status of Fullerton’s budget now that the water tax is rescinded? Where is the City Manager Felz? Has he looked? What has he found?
The FPD needs to go, end of story. Too many decades of deception, subterfuge, corruption, excessive force, lack of transparency and negligent disregard for the homeless. The unions have made so that cops have little to no accountability for their misdeeds and abuse of authority. I believe that the city needs to renegotiate their contracts with public safety, reform FPD and FFD pension/benefits, have 529 releases in the event of public safety officers convicted of felonies so that the city is off the hook, have public safety officer’s pensions stripped in the event of felony convictions, disability criteria must be subject to panel review and not rubber stamped. Tens of millions in Fullerton being siphoned off at an unsustainable rate between benefits, retirement, over-time/vacation payouts, disability and lawsuits. If not now, when. It’s already too late, but never too late to reform.
E- Ticket: YOU spoke the truth! Wow! Right on!
If the people running the anti-Bushala ads would have put half as much effort into reforming the corrupt police department as they do in trying to avoid relinquishing power, there would have been no need for the recall and the firings that are in the process.
Please go to the new website and sign up for a few items please!
1. Please go to and check it regularly for information. Please sign up to receive updates and support the no outsourcing petition!
2. Next please on the top right of the home page immediately go to the new Facebook page and click “LIKE” and then please have all of you start checking it daily and write factual information from you, your family and friends why no one can beat you or do what you do! The best in service, response time, history and caring for the great community and town we call Fullerton!
3. Please ask your family and friends to sign up on the website and facebook asap!
4. Please show up Tuesday to City Council!
5. Please find other families who will place a lawn sign on their home in Fullerton or sign in a Fullerton business and let Barry know (signs will be at the POA office per Barry soon).
Thank you!
Pete Mitchell
“The best in service, response time, history and caring for the great community and town we call Fullerton!”
Hahaha! The parasite loves its host after all. That’s sweet.
This is funny, too see fpoa pre-emptively begging for support from family and friends. Keep begging, you bums! Kinda ironic! The people have spoken, fpd is on the way out!
Admin: Is there a way to block comments from people on here? I respect your policy of allowing most comments to go uncensored. But the crazy, hateful ramblings of a few people on here is distracting many from meaningful discussion about relevant topics.
Wahhhh!! Tony block those bad people they are scary. I can’t handle them.?
Raccoon, you just handle what you know best, the sacs of the fpo you troll for.
Yeah, admin. We need more BUREAUCRACY here so Brandon’ll stop whining.
Lol @ the cops having to post their messages on here because they have no support on their poorly designed webpages. The hypocrites come on here where people can post freely and then censor anything that opposes their cause on their sites. Newsflash FPDouches: Your lack of transparency and allowing dissenting opinions to be heard is part of what got you into the mess you are in now.
Brandon. Let’s party. I like you.
You’re retarded, Brandon. Live with it.
What kind of partying are you in to Reality?
Well, there’s a dog and a boat…
Ha. I wish you would buy me a house in Claremont Tony. I can afford Compton maybe? Party like a rockstar!
You should party with Tony, Reality. On your boat with that dog….
…and a bottle of beer.
and a deck of poker cards with smut pictures.
and you don’t need anything else.
such a deal! maybe when he gets back from his home country and can rent that boat? how’s that sound, Reality 6?
careful what you say about smut, karma….
Not you JD. You’re a harmless little teddy bear who just annoys people at times. I’m talking about the poor mentally imbalanced, paranoid, occult worshipping, conspiracy-loving, black-hating posters who live in their parent’s basement.
Some women have penis envy. Brandon L Wachowski envies douches.
Let’s also get some controls on the Health codes in town.
I’ve got a cracked heel that rivals a camels hoof!
I can’t get a “pedi” girl to take care of this for anything (well, actually, I am only willing to pay $3.00) .
I have to remain an “activist” but really, am like everyone else, I want a young exploited asian to rub my crud. (thats all the rest of you right wingers thing about huh.)
That could be an SQS campain slogan!
Just checked. My heels appear to be fine. I’m glad I’m getting to you, though. Now back to the actual discussion, eh?
What a joke! Tony says jump and the Sheriffs say how high. FPD had their chance and they blew it. Brea PD should take over. Anyone but FPD.
If I was Chief, I would have fired a whole lot of cops. I wouldn’t give a crap about POBOR, and would tell the public everything if they threatened to sue. I would make sure no one else would ever hire the bad cops.
RD thanks a lot for having the. 911 tape released. You really ate crow on that one.
Is this the same dept that cost the city tax payers millions and millions of dollars in lawsuit settlements? The same department that issued “excessive honking” tickets to their own constituents because they didn’t agree with the protest (which is a first amendment right I might add). Yeah NO thanks to “local control”.
Ah yes, the gift that keeps on giving!
Note that it was F.P.O.A Union President AND Vice President, Barry Coffman and Robert Kirk issuing their first traffic tickets of the year……………………to kelly Thomas supportersin August!!!
Well said Ful99. They attack the opposition without offering any information on what they plan to do to fix the current mess of a police department.
How much did FPOA pour into the Recall No debacle? $18,000 if memory serves me correctly……..How much more are they going to donate in this election to see their lackeys try and get elected?
Ackerman/Ellis – they will latch on to just about anything.
… or is it Tony Guevara? I always get those revolutionaries mixed up. Is time for common man to rise and be master! Down with the pigs! Viva la revolucion! Cake all around! *burp!*
James Cameron: WINNER!
” Sounds like the FPOA has hired Ackerman and Ellis to run their campaign. Ouch. That’s gonna stretch the old sphincter. ”
I just received a voicemail (more like recorded message) from Dick Ackerman about this. It went on to tell me part of what Fullerton was founded on and how Tony Bushala and “cohorts” are attempting to destroy this. He identied himself as former Fullerton mayor and councilman but left out that he moved out of Fullerton sometime back. He urged me to write or call the council and to show up at this Tuesday’s council meeting to support the FPD. Oh and the number showing where it was came from was a 414 area code (Wisconsin). Such clever cowards.
It’s still in my voicemail and I’ve forwarded it to Tony’s voicemail. Do with it what you will, my friend.
Go into Google and put the phone number into Google and hit return and you will find out exactly where the 414 area code phone number is from. They even tell the name of the company, usually a phone bank which makes the call illegal if you have a do not call on them for something else like home repair, survey scams on your electric or water, etc.
These are money making companies who get sued a lot and pay out a lot of legal fees but they still make money cause guys like Ackerman depend on them.
With any luck it was a robocall to any Fullerton based phone prefixes and did not target your phone number; the latter would worry me in the same situation
I get robocalls my landline and cell from various “alleged” political surveys, security system vendors, etc. and I’m on “do not call” for both numbers
I check caller id on both phones; have only had one “full” voice mail message and that’s because I was on the phone and didn’t pick it up when I got the call waiting beep.
I have been collecting Dickerman related mailings I’ve received; will be sending them back to him (name and specific address redacted, of course) – sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander
Tuco: Nope, I did a reverse look up and it’s from a “cell or unpublished” number in Milwaukee, WI.
Peaches: They’re probably using a program that you can purchase with voter info. It’s legal and done all the time by all parties.
still annoying 🙁
Only annoying for the few seconds it takes to see if I recognize the number or not. I don’t answer if not.
Tuco, I googled it as you suggested, it appears to be a telemarketer, et al spam line.
Whose idea was this page? Is this really Coffman’s brainchild?
What the hell is wrong with these people? Another wedge driving negative campaign? The recall-no voters lost 2:1, meaning they probably drove away more votes than they attracted.
I’m on the fence with regard to the FPD and the OCS, particularly in light of a sherriff’s participation in an anaheim incident (see the LEO that can’t get his badge number right. . . (
If they keep this kind of hair-brained political shit up, I’ll have no choice but to conclude that the FPOA has zero regard for the community that pays them and are only concerned about their own well being. Only people with that kind of attitude would resort to tactics like this.
FPOA members should be voting to oust Coffman if he’s really responsible for this. He’s gunning to get their jobs outsourced by being stupid.
“…I’ll have no choice but to conclude that the FPOA has zero regard for the community that pays them and are only concerned about their own well being…”
Um. Duh!
Good argument here. Ever thought about astroturfing competition so maybe you can run some of these buggers off?
Whoah. What the hell were those cops thinking? I guess they were thinking that none of us know the law and that we are just going to put up with our constitutional rights being violated. Wrong!
Don’t worry fpoa, the recall will fail, wolfe, cici and ramos won’t be fired, cici and ramos will not be charged and face jail time, the KT Murder video will not be released, the phone call will not be released, the support for KT will wain and all will be forgotten, ….”I like my illegal water tax”……You have no shame! and now begging for support on the sight that played an instumental role in exposing the corruption in your ranks. This is poetic justice, Karma, the reckoning, whatever you want to call it. Ironic how you cop trolls spent all your time on this sight mocking a man who with his last breaths was begging for help, now you have the nerve to beg for help here? Stop resisting, stop resisting fpd is on the way out
Exactly, stop resisting AND whining lol
These police unions really make me howl.
DId you read the statement from the Anaheim PO’s Association? It said that as the cops were chasing Diaz that Diaz turned toward them and pulled an “object” (refused to name) from his waistband giving justification to open fire. The PD did confirm that Diaz was unarmed. And from all witness accounts Diaz was shot in the back TWICE.
Ok. Now I don’t have a PhD in Physics. But I sat down and tried to figure out how the cops shot a man in the back who was turned towards them. Do the cops have bullets that boomerang once they miss the target? There was no explanation that went along with the statement.
Maybe it’s time for the PD’s to raise their entry educational standard from GED to at least AA. Sure, the number of applicants for cop jobs will probably fall from 3000 per opening to 1800. But I don’t think the quality of recruit will fall. It might even rise. What a concept, huh?
Where I live it’s an AA degree in Criminal Justice from the cop school, basically a free Associates degree.
They already make Bachelor’s degree money so I say make them earn it first. A BA/BS degree at the minimum. GI Bill, academic and athletic scholarships only and 3.0 GPA and above only. Just these few steps will weed out the abundance of stupid and lazy we currently see in modern law enforcement.
Quality applicants over quantity.
He was shot once in the buttocks. He fell onto the grass face down. He was then shot in the head. Unlike with Kelly Thomas, whom only Jay Cicinelli appeared to actually want to kill (for no apparent reason other than panic), Manuel Diaz was killed in what looks like a summary execution.
WOW! Check this out:
I thought it was mere speculation that the Fullerton City Council would negotiate a deal with OCSD to replace FPD.
According to the linked article it looks like it’s actually being organized.
Now this is what I’m talking about. If the Council is serious about this and follow through – then the new Council gets a gold star!!
I like it.
Monitor this.
No wonder FPOA is scared ****less.
This really bothers me. The Register knows better than this.
“The Fullerton department came under widespread attack after the death of Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill transient who died July 10, 2011, five days after he was involved in a physical altercation with police at the Fullerton Transportation Center.”
Kelly was DOA. The Register is fraud press. FPD is a macabre carnival side show.
Said Mayor Sharon Quirk-Silva: “I’m not sold on the idea. A lot of times we think we are saving, but then we realize we don’t save what we thought.”
Hooboy! Quirk admits she is so dumb the OCSD might pull the wool over her eyes!
Mayor SSSSSSSSSSSilva has been bought and paid for by The Fullerton Firefighters Association as well as the Fullerton Police Officers Association through political contributions shown in her form 460’s.
Note also the outrageous amount of retired teachers/educators who count on Mayor SSSSSSSSilva for their fat teachers contracts….
I also noted that Mayor SSSSSSSSSSSSilva has large donations from the firms that contract with the city for big bucks contracts like waste hauling and towing services.
One final note is that Pam Keller, Pat McKinley, and Jan Flory, have all contributed to Mayor SSSSSSSilva’s political campaigns.
Birds of a feather…
Nuff said.
It’s just the same old lies recycled after every l.o. involved shooting, of course its non plausible that is why they immediatly decline to comment, switch focus to criminal record of victim, as if smoking a joint, or a d.w.i. when they were 16 gives l.o. justification to murder a person when they are 25?! The only difference now is that every person on every street corner is a potential cameraman ready to film them and catch them in thier lies red handed, your game is up pd’s the thug cops are going to be weeded out. Offering to buy camera phones, stupid ged cops, its over for you, go home and bullie your dog, hope he bites you on your fat ass
LOL great news for the city of fullerton, those p.o.s in fullerton that had nothing to do with the corruption but were too gutless to come forward and expose those that were, and be a real hero to the city, dont let the door hit ya on the ass!
Residents of fullerton ought to contact fpoa to request lawn signs for thier front yard and throw them in the dumpster, let ’em blow thier bank on signs and waste thier time replacing them lol!
I’m sure the city of Fullerton can see this is a smear campaign. I wish the department would get serious about reform and give up resorting to these cheap antics. Many residents are fed up with do nothing leaders we hire.It would be nice just to bring in the sherrifs for a year help break up the union.
Did you happen to read Quirk’s quotes in the linked article with regard to examining a switch from FPD to OCSD? She’s already moving into FPD’s camp. Real shocker, huh? How many of you thought that she was in FPD’s back pocket from the start? Do you think that there was really much of a measurable difference between Quirk and the 3 dull bulbs that you just offloaded? Were the crocodile tears of watching Kelly getting beaten to death on video and hearing him scream for his dad sincere or only an act? Those are some questions you need to ask yourselves.
You have MK/ULTRA networked through government, which the fallout is naturally going to be successive rows of teeth to replace the ones that are lost in a feeding frenzy. They are doing this one after the other steadily increasing their press to militarize the US. Folks are not going to protest this away. In fact they are cultivating larger groups of victims. Very dangerous circumstances, but people WILL NOT FIGHT BACK. A comet’ll do the trick!
I watched an old Gore Vidal (RIP) interview w/Charlie Rose last night. He warned us about this over a decade ago. Back then he said that there was no measurable difference between the Democrat and Republican Party. He said that we would move more and more toward a police state until our most important civil liberties were eliminated. He said all this will be done with little or no resistance. The man was a prophet. Go to the Charlie Rose website and listen to his interviews. With over 50% of the US population collecting a government check of one sort or another the ring has been closed. They got us just where they want us. Fat, lazy, complacent and stupid.
Good luck to all.
Those were the same conclusions that William F. Buckley, Jr. came to before he passed away.
All the great minds of our day are gone. Vanished! Now all we have left are commercial interests like Charlie Sheen, Paris Hilton, Howard Stern and Kobe Bryant. They are today’s spokespersons that everyone sits on the edge of their chairs to listen to! 😀
America is the most ignorant 1st world nation on planet earth. And I say that as a patriotic American, btw. A patriotic America with a teardrop dribbling down his heart.
You liked Gore Vidal? Didn’t you realize he was a liberal? I don’t think he would have agreed with your views on illegal immigration too much.
But you’re right, he was a prophet and worthy of respect.
“I don’t think he would have agreed with your views on illegal immigration too much”
Sure he would have. Vidal wasn’t liberal on all issues. He didn’t like Obama at all, even pre-2008 when all the liberal were kissing his butt. Vidal was an ex-military man and nearly lost his life in WW2. He never took the easy way out. When it was his time he served, even though he was no fan of war. I don’t know Vidal’s view on illegal immigration but if I were a betting man I would wager his opinion is much closer to mine than your. I liked Vidal. RIP.
I told you the other day that you can’t pigeonhole me, Glazed Blade. I told you nobody owns me or tells me how to think. Nobody. No political party. No corporation. No government. No celebrity. No billionaire. I gather all the facts and come to my own conclusions. I don’t ride on nobody’s coattails as you can see on this board.
Quirk-silva genuinely cried over the horrific beating death of kelly Thomas by FPD officers. Tthis fact when coupled with her irrational,support of the FPD shows quirk silva believes it is police union money, not the genuine respect and support of Fullerton ‘s voters, that she needs to keep,her position on Fullerton’s city council.
Quirk-silva’s desire for power overpowers her morals and promise to serve and protect the interests of her constituents . She, like the FPD, must be removed from her position of power and influence over Fullerton’s community because she has thrown away her integrity to make room for Pat McKinleys culture of corruption.
And this is my opinion
“Quirk-silva genuinely cried over the horrific beating death of kelly Thomas by FPD officers. Tthis fact when coupled with her irrational,support of the FPD shows quirk silva believes it is police union money, not the genuine respect and support of Fullerton ‘s voters, that she needs to keep,her position on Fullerton’s city council”
There ya go! You got it!
You folks are beginning to catch on. I commend you.
Please, for the sake of your city, state and nation……spread the word.
Godspeed! 😉
“quirk silva believes it is police union money, not the genuine respect and support of Fullerton ‘s voters, that she needs to keep,her position on Fullerton’s city council.”
Uh, she’s not running for re-election to Council.
She might think that either (1) FPD can be reformed or (2) the alternatives (such as OCSD) are worse.
Or she is afraid to buck the union and stick the people of Fullerton with the $10,000,000 per year difference with OCSD.
So correct, Greg. Quirk-Silva aims at a higher political target, the state assembly. If she succeeds to this political spot, then she will perform well for those who hand out money to her in exchange for her legislative ability to protect their interests, not the interests of her constituents. Quik-silva is a menace to society.
just my opinion
I’m not arguing with you here, although I disagree. I just wanted to correct the record and point out that your logic doesn’t follow. I know that I can’t do much about your opinion.
Looking for trash? Follow the cash!
The FPD has committed too many crimes, for too long against Fullerton’s community that it lacks credibility. FPD’s recently retired police chief, Pat McKinley, instilled a blatant culture of corruption into our police force. the good people of Fullerton can’t trust or respect the FPD.
Worsening the public image of FPD occurred when the recently disgraced and recalled city council person, Pat McKinley and his cronies, fellow,recalled city council members jones and Bankhead gave thousands of tax dollars to an “independent ” investigator, Gennaco, to conclude the FPD was not a corrupted police force that only enforced Pat McKinley’s vigilantism upon Fullerton’s community.
The FPD must be disbanded and Fullerton’s law enforcement needs contracted out to OC Sheriff’s department or to another more reputable local police force.
And this is my opinion
Guess who is being hired by Anaheim city council to look into the problems of their police force? Yup GENNACO! The office of independent investigation what a laugh! The only good thing in the Fullerton report was the info on how to fire, retire or terminate crappy cops! Thats the portion that only the police chief can read. However, if Fullerton changes their FPD contract, they can also allow the city council and city manager to read the report portion that formerly was only for the police chief. In that way, you have real policing reporting to civilian authority. But only time will tell in Anaheim. I can already tell their hearts in Anaheim are in the wrong place!
FPD is going down!!!
Stop resisting! Stop resisting! Stop resisting!
Bye asshole pigs!
And these people think Scott Walker is a hero. LMFAO. He’s just as afraid of the cops as the three fossils.
Aug 4 2012 (SAT)
Lying, falsifying, fabricating, overtime-abusing, drugged up dirty cop terrorists with “police powers.” – EXTERMINATE them, like cockroaches.
Who elso got the robo-call from Ackerman last night, blasting even the idea of getting an estimate from the Sheriff’s Dept.? Is he on the public union p.r. payroll?
What? Somebody thinks Ackerman carries any weight in Fullerton? I mean besides the FPOA.
Scroll up…got mine last night.
Listen to me, my friends. Closely.
At the end of the day it will make no difference whether OCSD or FPD polices the City of Fullerton. That is not to say that I oppose removing FPD from power. I do, in fact. It would indicate that ‘consent of the governed’ is still alive, even if it’s on life support. On a state or national level ‘consent of the governed’ is dead and has been for years. Once we lose sovereign control of our cities – we no longer live in a free society. We are then slaves, physicially, emotionally and politically. However, with FPD removed you are not even close to winning the war. Don’t get complacent. You are merely removing Frankenstein and replacing him with Dracula. The overriding problem is the POLICE STATE – not the agency that perpetuates it.
Now do you understand?
Very true JustUs. That’s the truth. Lose focus and they will be fooled by the OCSD idea. Kinda like squirk and the socks.
That’s the idea. Appease them and then restore them to an anestitized state.
If they fall for it – the citizens of Fullerton have been had once again and are back in the starting gate.
You need AT LEAST one leader to speak the simple truth. Just one. The question is: ‘will he make an appearance?”
PLEASE. Smarten up.
Scroll up…
Disregard (placement error)
tried to find origin of word “police”. Police derived from ancient Greek word for relationship between citizen and his or her city. I’m not an expert so please correct me if I’m wrong. However, if “police” means a relationship, a political agreement between two entities, then the relations between fullerton’s municipal government and the good people of fullerton was an abusive one that culminated in the beating death of Kelly thomas by Fullerton police officers.
The grossly lop sided arrangement of Fullerton’s government where our city’s council members and its infrastructure primarily served itself at the people’s expense dissolved representative government once popularly known as a police state.
Fullerton must return to the ancient definition of police state where the duty of a city’s government is to protect the constitutional rights of the people from those who would usurp them through crimes against the people.
How did the city of Fullerton devolve to such a state that it tolerated and protected Fullerton police chief then fullerton city council member pat , bedroom city commando, mckinley?
I LOVE the idea of a private police force! I’d have those lights and sirens screaming whenever I went to the grocery.
gonna have to paint over the locker room at fpd before the place can be rented out to new tenants, the movie posters of Ah-nold, Justified, and Krispy Kreme donuts are sure to leave stains on the wall. The whole fpd being evicted?, what a disgrace, gonna be hard finding a job with that on thier record
And the rank ‘n file can’t just blame the Ramos’, the Rincon’s, the Cicinelli’s, the Hampton’s or the Wolfe’s for their problems.
All those in FPD who failed to step up to the plate and finger these scoundrels BEFORE they caused all the irreversible damage are to blame. And that means virtually the entire force – executives on down.
Gonna be funny to see those unemployed FPD cops milling around The Slidebar looking for cigarette butts and going through the trash. Maybe OCSO will handle the vagrant calls EXACTLY LIKE FPD DID.
Can’t fix the whole broken down system in one fell swoop JU, evict the fpd, too much water under that bridge to salvage that relationship, bring in another policing agency ocsd? save money, fresh start,
I agree, Larry.
You gotta start somewhere. Just sayin’ that the problem is much bigger than just FPD. That needs to get acknowledged. Once that’s understood you can start chipping away at the CORE problem. OCSD’s history is not much better than FPD’s if you examine the record. And once OCSD attains even greater power in the OC it will only embolden them.
All I am saying is proceed with caution and never get complacent. And trust no one.
I got robo called also yesterday same number as SherBear. FPD NEEDS TO GO. Lets be first city in the nation to dump our corrupt cops and fire the stupid union they hide behind. Lets get police that know right from wrong and don’t act like a bunch of sheep and take responsibility for their actions. Fullerton deserves better than dumb asses that kill mentally ill homeless by “fists that are going to f u up” Think about it the rest of you still employed union member’s of the Fullerton police Dept. Speak up and act like Americans’ not organized crime from a third world nation.
Perhaps year to year contract based on performance. Wow, what a concept, getting compensated based upon the quality of your work
“Perhaps year to year contract based on performance”
Yes, Larry. That would be an excellent beginning. And OCSD must consent to a Civilian Oversight Committee. Anything short of that would be a dealbreaker if I was in charge.
The City of Fullerton must stop being the damn tail and start being the dog!
You need just ONE GOOD LEADER with a package low-hanging enough to put your city on the road to recovery! Somebody who doesn’t mince words and refuses to play politics. A man you can trust on a simple handshake. Now go find him!
Wrong. Most people are not lazy or,stupid and deserve to be abused by their local sheriff, city council person, public servant.
Most people are putting in a 110% work week for,t heir jobs, their education, their,family and don’t have the luxury to comb through the legal and political minutiae to discern who and when and how their government breaks the implied social contract explicitly defined in our Constitution
The luxury of time
@Larry and Emil. That’s the best idea yet!
When I see a post like what KFP put up I immediately think there must be a rank smell emanating from that department requiring the use of the insecticide “Raid” or the toilet bowl cleaner “Mr. Clean”.
We have are moments, Grace
FFFF, You can suck my balls!
now now — you’re assuming you have some…
That’s Ackerman’s job.
#133. Ahhh a soon to be unemployed Fullerton cop? Read and learn you vulgar a hole.
As much as I wish it was, that was not a typo, meant to type the word “our” LOL
You might have better luck posting your solicitations in the “LA Express” since you do not appear to have a preference as to the gender of the person doing the sucking, Not that there is anything wrong with it…
I really don’t understand all this hullabalu.
If the City of Anaheim wants to prevents riots then the Council has to prevent cops from shooting unarmed residents in their backs while they’re running away! It’s that easy!
The best way to prevent it is to charge cops that do it with Murder One, just like they would any other citizen.
Anything short of that is a total fail.
Cops are supposed to be held to a ‘higher standard’ not a ‘lower standard’!
Hey Plain. Nice to see you calling xenophobes on their b.s.again. Any person with more brains than testosterone would just acknowledge when they were wrong instead of immediately trying to prove they were right. You know you’ve got one big ego and little regard for the facts when you start an argument with, “Sure he would have [agreed with me]” and after spouting out nonsense for a few sentences finally concede “I don’t know Vidal’s view on illegal immigration but [I’m sure he’d agree with me because I like to be right so I can say pwned].”
Hey Brandon,
Keep fighting the good fight. My fault for starting the whole “pwned” thing! I have decided to permanently remove that phrase from my vocabulary.
No matter how much he pisses me off JustUs is still worth talking to because despite his “I’m always right even about dead people whom we can’t ask and never said anything much on this topic publically” posting style and some of his weird political views, on most issues related to cops he’s about right.
LDX is a nutcase and I recommend ignoring him.
Thats what blogs are all about. People never agree on everything. Most times not even close to one thing.
I also recommend ignoring his sorry ass. Plain glazed is right on LDX. Don’t waste time on him. Thank you Brandon you are doing a good job.
LDX, now you have resorted to hi-jacking user i.d.’s? Silly batshit, you can’t hide crazy
Hey Plain. I use to say Pwned a lot when I played online poker. It’s cool if it comes from someone who is not preachy and trying to act like they know everything.
You are right about JustUs. I respect his views on holding dirty cops responsible for their actions, so I should just agree to disagree about immigration policies and support the common goal of cleaning up Fullerton.
LDX is disturbing and I do not converse with him. Some of his attempts to attack bloggers give me a good chuckle though. Although mental illness is no laughing matter.
There’s one thing about small minds. You can always predict in advance what will come from the mouths of those who have one. They never surprise. They never stray. Their beliefs are like a well oiled clock. Set it once and forget about it. Only make adjustments when daylight savings time begins and ends.
And so it is.
Takes one to know one.
I wonder what our xenophobic, self-righteous, confused, no-facts, friend has to say about yet another crazy, white, American citizen murdering 6 innocent people and wounding dozens more. Oh that’s right, nothing. He doesn’t address facts that discount his racist theories.
There he goes again. Making a race issue out of something that wasn’t about race to start with. I think the street term for such a person is a ‘race baiter’. Someone who uses race as an excuse when they can’t find another reason to criticize. Oh well, a wise man once said it takes all to make the world go round. Better to accept what they stand for as a testament of what not to be and just move on.
Lol Anon. You are about the 8th person to point that out to him, but people who love finding faults in others are usually the ones who have the hardest time admitting their own.
Did you read the item you posted just above this one? Looks like you REALLY enjoy pointing out faults (in your opinion) of others…. looks like the pot calling the kettle black here…
Yeah, I wrote it. If you read post 142 you’d see I was able to acknowledge that I respected the views of someone although I disagreed with them on some things. But considering you’re chummy with the most blatantly racist blogger on here, I’m not surprised to see you pointing out my disdain for a cocky xenophobe who can’t even accept a compliment without being a prick.