Strong or Brittle?

As a woman I have to say I found Jan Flory’s observation about Travis Kiger being intimidated by strong, older women pretty comical. The inference of course is that Jan Flory is a strong, older woman; and that as a corollary, Travis is a weak, younger man, possibly, Flory speculated, because his mommy didn’t nurse him long enough.

And now I ask you to dispel the image of Jan Flory nursing anything (warm blooded) herself to gain mommy experience, as I pursue my essay.
The implication that Travis Kiger is weak, and is in any way fearful of Jan Flory, I leave until the end to address. First I will start with Mrs. Flory’s self-description.

I note that Mrs. Flory bolts out of the starting gate with the implication that she is the victim of ageism and sexism. I am no longer offended by limousine liberals whipping out victimhood status, although generally they apply it to which ever class or race they happen to be pandering to.
Jan Flory isn’t “older.” She is old. She is probably in her seventies. That’s a fact and it’s germane, given the total lack of leadership and intellectual perspicacity, delivered by her “esteemed” elderly friends Bankhead, Jones and McKinley who were also in their eighth decade.
Age is a reality. You can try to hide it with lots of cosmetic surgery, but you can’t hide an ossified mindset locked in forty-year time lag. It reveals itself in rigid thought and its addiction to empty clichés, and meaningless abstractions.

Flory is strong, she says. Must we take her word for it? As a structural engineer I know that some materials such as unreinforced concrete or cast iron appear very strong; and so they are – in compression. Yet they lack strength in tension. They are not flexible and their very rigidity makes them comparatively brittle. And brittle is a term I would apply to the speech and demeanor of Jan Flory at the City Council microphone. Perhaps there is an underlying hysteria waiting to erupt. If it ever does, the crack-up will not be pretty, either.

“Strong” people of neither gender advertise their strength. The fact that Mrs. Flory finds it necessary to do so is a pretty clear indication of an underlying insecurity and inherent weakness.
It seems to have escaped Mrs. Flory’s notice that people may dislike her not because she is a strong, older woman, but because she seems to be an inflexible, humorless, mean, self-righteous scold – a veritable literary stereotype, in fact.

And then there is the Flory Record to consider, amply described on the pages of FFFF. Her previous years on the Fullerton City Council are informed by failure. Flory voted to approve an illegal tax on our water for six years; which also means she never balanced a legitimate budget. She gave away City property and streets worth millions to her developer friends. She voted to retroactively spike the pensions of “public safety” employees, burying the taxpayers and citizens under a multi-hundred million dollar mountain of unfunded pension liability.

And then there is the Flory Inaction: totally MIA about the murder of the mentally ill homeless man at the hands of Fullerton cops. Is that the behavior of a “strong, older woman” or the pitiful cowardice of an entropic, conscienceless fossil? What does Jan Flory think about the crime wave perpetrated by members of the Fullerton Police Department, including the sexual assaults by Albert Rincon that even elicited disgust from a federal judge? Well we do know that she actually gave her pal ex-Chief Pat McKinley an award of some kind after all the bad FPD news and after a multi-hundred thousand dollar settlement was reached in the Rincon matter.

As with many of Fullerton’s “strong, older women (and men)” it has been more important for Flory to back the sclerotic Fullerton establishment to the hilt, rathert than uncover the stinky morass in the FPD. Flory actually wants to hire more cops without reforming the department. Flory seems to think somebody in Fullerton really wants this retrograde attitude. Of course the voters will decide, but I doubt anybody wants to backtrack to the days of complete unaccountability in City Hall that marked the Flory years.
Now as far as Travis Kiger is concerned I will say this. He is one of the most courageous people I know. He has endured the threats and vulgar vituperation of the FPOA trolls on this site with equanimity. They have attacked him and his family, posting his home address long before he was a public figure. He has never backed down. That’s because he believes in principles, one of which is taking responsibility for his decisions. That’s pretty refreshing. And that’s strength.
Travis is thirty-three years old. I sincerely doubt if Jan Flory has embraced a new idea in over forty.
Yikes. When that repressed dam breaks there’s going to be a flood of bile in the valley.
The Dam holding back the bile has broken. Only it is tony’s bile. These people are truly afraid of her. Why, because she is the real deal. A concerned resident, who had it with the likes of Clesersi, Norby , Nelson, Whitaker and their desicated spawn.
Flory ought to be worried about that record. Illegal taxes, Redvelopment giveaways, blind support for staff, uber alles.
Nicely put Shadow!
I am busting out laughing on these two sentences:
“Jan Flory isn’t “older.” She is old.”
Well…Jan Flory isn’t as old as Sophia Petrillo, yet!
They arrogance and the undermining pretencious old boys and girls who are legends in their own minds are as plain as the noses on their tightened up faces. The not so stupid well informed silent majority has had enough, as proven this last spring.
First off, I don’t like this Flory woman any more than the rest of you.
With that said, why so many blogs targeting her? Is she the biggest threat to Kiger or Whitaker in the upcoming election? It would seem that Bankhead would be as much a contender as Flory, if not more due to name recogntion.
I am just trying to understand the concentrated and repeated attacks against Flory. Do you have internal poll numbers? What do they say?
The polls say that nobody wants Jan Flory in that third seat (well, nobody except the kops.)
This blog is targeting her because Tony just has an ax to grind; it’s personal for him. Travis does what Tony tells him.
That was an amazingly written article. Excellent post!
…”vulgar vituperation of the FPOA trolls on this site with equanimity.” Had your thesaurus out?
no, the alliteration book
In my opinion Jan Flory is a spike strip on the road to reform. Fullerton just needs to steer clear of her which will be easy assuming the voters can maintain control with all the other potholes the union hacks have hidden out there. FFFF just needs to keep the lights on.
Heck, Greg Sebourn is an obstacle to reform. Didn’t he choose to vote against a bid request from OCSD after telling the public during his campaign that he was for a bid request?
Don’t they call such a politician a ‘flip-flopper’?
Why no blog on him?
Legitimate question.
In my opinion Greg Sebourn so far has turned out to be an oil slick on the road to reform. It appears that so far he doesn’t have the guts to do what is necessary to turn things around. We shall soon enough find out.
Maybe because having ocsd bid was not good
Did you shop for your house, your spouse, your car, your groceries, your gas, your appliances, your insurance? You get the picture. Come one. Half of my city’s budget goes into public safety and we can even get some bids? What is this China were I am a slave in a Big Box Retailers Factory where I have to buy my food, housing and life insurance from my master ? Give me a break. It was a request for a bid. It was not a motion to draft a contract. Was it not part of his platform?
bullshit. it certainly was!
Where did you hear that?
From a cop?
If you say its definately not true holesoul.
best metaphors ever! flory’s big flaw, as with many people who lack substance, is vanity. This may explain her desire to push through testaments to her power, like the ugly, tenements on wilshire in fullerton via redevelopment monies (our tax dollars), buying admiration from fullerton’s police officers and fire fighters and other city o fullerton employees by bestowing upon them bloated salaries and pensions. Easy for flory to do this because it is not her money but ours she uses to gift her admirers. Underneath most vain persons lurks the knowledge he or she lack true insight, wisdom and ethical fortitude.
flory publically ranted because someone compared her to a horse, yet not one word of protest when the fullerton police murdered a homeless disabled man known as kelly thomas.
You know I agree with you 100% van get it da artiste, however I really think that it takes a lot of nerve for someone as flat as Jan Flory to be casting stones at anyone else’s abilities to provide an adequate meal for their offspring.
Me thinks thou doest protest to loudly, or when Jan had one finger pointing at Travis’s mom, it’s because the rest of her fingers were pointing back at her own inability to provide a decent meal for her own offspring.
Mr. Doe – We believe what you meant to say was “I heard that Ron Thomas is going to settle. What a surprise! (denoting sarcasm)…not!
Let us remind you of a few things. First, there is no need to use all caps in posts – it sounds like you’re shouting. Second, please refrain from using words like “gonna”. In the future we would recommend the more appropriate ‘going to’. Third, it really isn’t necessary to use the archaic term ‘not’, it makes you sound like a third grade boy. Finally, please remember that when using ellipses it is imperative that you use three periods, not two.
So I guess Tony’s axe to grind has become yours to grind as well? Why without his allowance you and Joe would be living under an overpass!
Beautifully written Blog Post it reminds me of how ugly has a purpose in history and in everyones hearts 🙂
Crazy the amount of attention Flory is getting. It’s a tactic but both sides. Worry on the TBush team and a plan on the Flory side to get her all the attention so someone else can slide in the backdoor. Will be interesting to see this game play out.
Let’s have a fundraiser at the SlideBar?
Hey Sgt. Trollhole get some therapy, you will be happier and not need to suck Government Nipple.
I’m not a SGT and I don’t have a hole. I have a 11 inch rod. Wanna play with it? Lol
It’s not govt nipple. It’s tax payer nipple. Since I pay taxes I guess it’s like incest right? Suckin off yo mamas nipple?
Your an A******** and Trolling, for “Public Union Corruption and Illegal Abuse” 🙂
Fullerton isn’t stupid but you are a fucking imbecile.
A double negative is positive thank you 🙂
No, you’re still an imbecile. Just put an imaginary comma after the word “stupid.”
If Satans say you are good then you should probably evil.
, 🙂 ,
A negative from a fools???
Porky are you buying? And who are you fundraising for? Jan? Jan likes the slimebar.
Jan likes the Slimebar because her best friend, former Development Sevices Director Paul Dudley (shown in photo of Flory et al at race track), still gets freebies there because Dudley allowed it to open up with a outdoor patio that was built illegally by building codes and zoning code.
Why should Bushala get all the breaks?
I want the other unknowns to win. Not the old school and definitely not TBush’s boys. The middle ground. I’m hoping that all the attention to Flory allows the Team TBush to lose. Hope!
Ron Thomas do the same thing like he should?
Kirk Douglas doubles donation to Skid Row women to $10 million
Published: Thursday, September 13, 2012, at 05:49PM
Kirk Douglas as cowboy Jack Burns in 1962’s “Lonely Are The Brave”
DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES — Legendary actor Kirk Douglas doubled-down on his original donation for Skid Row homeless women by pledging a total of $10 million Wednesday.
Earlier this year the 95-year-old award-winning star of films like “Spartacus”, “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral”, and “Tough Guys” earmarked a total of $5 million for continued support to the Anne Douglas Center for Women at the Los Angeles Mission.
Last night the actor doubled his contribution as the center, named after his wife, was celebrating its 20th anniversary.
“We are beyond grateful for the support the Douglas family has shown the Los Angeles Mission,” Los Angeles Mission President Herb Smith said Wednesday.
On Thursday Smith told Blogdowntown that the Douglas’s are “absolutely far and away the biggest individual donors” to the Mission and did not expect them to continue to give in such large numbers so quickly.
“Last year they pledged $1 million, last spring another $4 million,” Smith recalled.
“They’ve been trying to keep [the additional $5 million pledge] a secret,” Smith said. “It was a total surprise. I didn’t see it coming.”
Smith said he expects to meet next week to go over he details of the gift that will secure financing of many programs and services for years to come. “We’re just glad he made the pledge,” Smith said.
“Thank you for teaching me that caring is sharing,” Douglas told his wife of 57 years Wednesday.
The Flory that should be running is the PD son. I suspect he had tun as far from Mommy and Fullerton fast. The cancer thay sptead from mom to the other twin is deadly. That upward mobile mammas boy ( with the wife w/ the big and naturals) is a tool.
Imagine being married to her. I’d prefer to ne a cocubine in a rented room above a garage in Brea (although I would pray for hearing loss).
That would be despicable if it were not so obviously desperate.
My wife and I got to see Jan Flory speak last night. (I had spoken at the same meeting earlier.) Flory’s a great speaker and she’s working almost as hard as SQS — and she’s clearly having a great time. She has some great lines about Tony and Company. (I’m sure that she’d send her regards to y’all.)
She’s going to be back on Council; get used to it. I presume that Whitaker will be re-elected as well. The big question now is whether Bankhead (whom she has not endorsed, though she’s getting along well with Jaramillo) will also make it back. You know, Bankhead — the guy you’ve apparently forgotton about?
I love that Greg Diamond is trying to give FFFF political advice.
The FFFFers are on a multi-year winning streak. Greg Diamond can’t campaign his way out of a paper bag.
Time for you to shut up, Greg.
Where was I giving political advice? I’m just noting that FFFF seems entirely focused on Flory and not at all focused on Bankhead. I guess it’s that latent Republican loyalty thing.
The winning streak will continue — sort of. I predict that Whitaker will be re-elected — and will be much more bearable in the Council minority with Sebourn.
I’m sure your wife was none to thrilled with you after having to sit through you AND Jan Flory speak at length. This would also explain why your still gaining weight.
350 pounds?
Nothing transparent about you is there?
Just remember that it’s not what your eating, it’s what’s eating you.
It’s called a conscience and you can’t keep it on “hold” forever.
Use it or lose it.
Hiya Flover. She was fine. I’m actually losing a little weight. I’m nowhere near 350 pounds — apparently your eyes are playing tricks on you. My conscience is clear ever since I decided to point out your (plural “you”) cultish lies to your readers.
Oh Greg the poor victim. Give at rest and fight.
Has it occoured to you that you do your party and voters a disservice by all this bullshit and your phony campaign. Fuckin’ recruit a decent face and educate him, support her.
You are playing a game. It’s like you are glad to lose, when you call Sharron a “qualified speaker” WTF, you would have flunked her at Columbia Doctor. She is a ZERO. Why don’t you help make things better.
The more I see the more I realize you are a shill, a tool and what a detriment you are to the party.
Honestly, poor desperate coward, the more reaction like that I get here the more I realize that I’m doing both a service.
Some “game.” You guys are losing your Council majority this November and your guy Norby is going down in flames. (Sharon will get to show you how far from a “zero” she is next year in Sacramento.) That’s the sort of game I like.
As for “poor victim”: I said that your writing “I’d prefer to ne a cocubine in a rented room above a garage in Brea (although I would pray for hearing loss)” was despicable, because it is. But it’s OK — eventually I’ll find out who you are (due to the lack of honor among you knaves) and then I’ll have plenty of time to return the favor (less despicably, of course.)
Thanks for your advice both to my campaign — I’m doing just what I’m supposed to do in my race, by the way — and to the Democratic Party. We’ll take it for what it’s worth.
Boy if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black I don’t know what is!
For Greg Diamond to call anyone a knave, or a dishonest or unscrupulous person, is by far the biggest and best joke I’ve heard all year.
Greg Diamond says….
“But it’s OK — eventually I’ll find out who you are (due to the lack of honor among you knaves) and then I’ll have plenty of time to return the favor (less despicably, of course.)”
Geez Greg what are you going to do actually eat the blogger for exercising his/her constitutional right to free speech?
Dishonest? Point to one lie of fact. (The others are too subjective to argue about.)
No, I will not eat him. I’m a vegetarian. Feel proud of that one?
What are you talking about, “for exercising [the] constitutional right to free speech”? That prevents the government from restricting speech, not private parties.
Big Macs are not vegetarian.
Greg only eats the lettuce and tomato and the sesame seeds off of the bun.
Amazing how a guy like Greg Diamond can paint every blogger on here with a wide brush by calling us a bunch of knaves, and then get offended at other posts as being “mean spirited.”
But Greg donates the meat to the homeless. Now the homeless have meat and socks.
I don’t recall ever having a Big Mac. if I did, it was over 35 years ago. (Because they’re not vegetarian.)
The above post should’ve been titled “La Cage Aux Folles” or, “Birds of a Feather”, your choice Greg.
Note the photos of FPD apologists, and former FPD spokesman, Andrew Goodrich, on center stage at Steamer’s for the city council campaign kick-off event that had Doug Chaffee, Sharon QuirK Silva, Jan Flory, and Kitty Jaramillo spellbound.
It’s the silly season. Expect the unexpected.
You guys have united a lot of people this year, FLover.
She’s listed as an endorser here:
And yet she is not one. Apparently she endorsed him for some previous race — and he’s just using their names again.
That would make a good story for FFFF, but I recognize that Bankhead is apparently no longer your enemy, or something.
“great speaker”, “great time”, “great lines” and not so great political history. Flory’s “maybe your mother didn’t nurse you long enough” is another of her “great speaker” lines? As a Fullerton city council member, flory supported an illegal water tax, bloated salaries and pensions for city of fullerton employees in exchange for their political support is an example of Flory having a “great time” at the tax payers expense?
Greg, quote just one “great line” coming from flory that would convince the voters Flory is not a vulgar, vindictive, selfish, callous crone who can hardly wait to return to her cronies at city of fullerton’s city hall.
Sorry, but I wasn’t taking notes Thursday night. I just remember that the stuff about Tony and Travis had people laughing.
I know that you’re not going to vote for her, vanget. You’re just going to have less company than you expect.
As for the rest: yak-yak-yak-yak-yak. People are seeing through it.
Greg, you must remember at least one “great” snippet because you took the time and effort on this blog to comment on it. Paraphrase just one sentence that had the meeting laughing at Travis and Tony
I think it may have been something about Tony taking his ball and going home when he didn’t get everything he wanted on a commission. Part of it was in the delivery.
The whole point of these Flory posts is the rhetorical question, “Why would you invite a raccoon into your home on the promise he won’t destroy it again?”
I know funny and that’s funny.
Flory is not nearly as cute as a raccoon, even wityh all the facelifts.
She is ugly to the bone.
Barry Levinson
Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo
Matthew Hakim
Bruce Whitaker
Jane Rands
Don Bankhead
Travis Kiger
Jennifer Fitzgerald
Rick Alvarez
Jan Flory
Bill Chaffee
Roberta Reid
Roland Chi
Brian Bartholomew
“Here’s our list of Candidates” I don’t care how many signs you put our or your snide comments during Council meetings. Some of the listed above have no business being there. So as they say ‘GET OFF THE POT OR SHIT”. Let the games begin. If you don’t care about the “people”, move aside.
Just so you know cg…
Jan Flory and Kitty Jaramillo are both candidates that enjoy support from the Fullerton Police Officers Association.
Fullerton Lt. Andrew Goodrich was seen the other day at a fundraiser for Kitty Jaramillo at Steamers, as well as Doug Chaffee, Jan Flory, and Sharon Quirk SSSSSSSSSSilva.
Pictures available upon request.
FL, I would love to see those pictures.
Sharing is caring…
A rather literal example of how obesity is threatening America…
Incisive policy critique there, Tex.
Boy, do those pictures make them all look silly! JMHO
Looking at the picture of a very flat-chested Jan Flory made me realize that the only reason she brought up the subject of a mother breast feeding was because of her own inadequacy issues.
One finger pointing at others “shortcomings” ALWAYS leave the rest of ones fingers pointing back at ones self.
Your last sentence is ironic.
I find it hilarious hear that no one on this blog has apparently even heard of Freud. Here, let me help you understand the breast-feeding comment. (I’m amazed that I have to do this)”
Source here:
“I find it hilarious hear that no one on this blog has apparently even heard of Freud. Here, let me help you understand the breast-feeding comment. (I’m amazed that I have to do this)””
I too am amazed that you assume no one knows about Freud, and that you feel the need to help.
Greg we all know that Jan Flory is flat as a pancake and do NOT appreciate you disparaging her offsprings inability to access a decent meal.
Have some decency man.
It’s basically a bi-polar issue mixed with a little bit of grandiosity. In “Civilization and it’s Discontents,” Freud defines mania as a “state of intoxication without the use of an intoxicating substance.” This is something that can be controlled using medication.
You make my point for me Greg Diamond.
Freud also talks about the infant who was over-fed or overprotected.
Recognize anyone?
Jane, no here one gives the appearance of understanding that the reference was to Travis’s personality and not his mother’s breasts (or whatever.)
FLover #1: even if it were true that she is an A-cup (and I don’t rightly know, but people can judge from the photos), women with smaller breasts can breast-feed just fine. Women make different choices, generally for good reasons, about how and when to wean their kids.
FLover #2: I think that that you’re trying to make a fat joke about me, but I’m not getting it. (I wasn’t fat as a kid or through my early adulthood, if that matters.) As far as “overprotected,” my continued presence here should speak to that.
There we go, Greg. That’s been my point the whole time.
“…Given hard times getting harder, what’s happening now is unprecedented since the Great Depression.
Cities occasionally declare bankruptcy. In America, they’re coming more often. Others in dire financial straits may follow…”
American Cities Going Bankrupt, GlobalResearch
“Officials have no choice. They can’t meet payroll obligations through summer.
“Faced with a budget shortfall of $45 million and city coffers that have already been drained, the San Bernardino City Council voted on Tuesday to file for bankruptcy.”
Interim city manager Andrea Travis-Miller said:
“I am concerned about our ability to make payroll, not only in the next 30 days but also in the next 60 to 90 days. A major restructuring of this organization is needed.”
Strong older women don’t suck up to The Man!
Hey Bax, who you endosin’ this time around?
Jan Flory is tapping into the apathy of voters to get elected. She hopes there are enough voters who will read the fullerton observer and feel like the town is under attack. It is under attack. the enemy is complacency ,fraud and lack of humanity of its law inforcement community in which many are still rouge cops carousing the streets in unmarked cars looking for their next instance of intertainment. I sure hope the citizen base here in fullerton still sides on human compassion and decency.
Unlike most towns around, Fullerton has been blessed over the past 60 years with colleges, hospitals, manufacturing, and small businesses that have grown a tax base into a money tree orchard. The stable home values and stable employment have been good to us. However, the economic engine as of late has flattening cam lobes. The reserves should be massive. The roads, services and infrastructure should be top notch. Now we are losing compression on the uphill climb as decay becomes apparent in our town. At least 300 million conservatively is needed to bring things up to where they need to be to get us through the next 10 years. How will we ever get out from under the bond debt, pension obligations and vampiric contractual commitments when we cant even get a consensus for a friggin’ quote on more efficient lower cost services? Come November if the spike strip gets thrown down, the oil slick doesn’t get cleaned up and the rings go with a flat cam on the uphill, there will be no turning back because the old guard is gonna tack this thing out and she is gonna throw a rod. Then the road to reform will be full of smoldering debris. Silent majority Fullerton needs YOU.
Due to an announcement by the Federal Reserve today, the US dollar has been going down in value, which makes oil and other commodities higher priced and will severely hurt the US economy.
Not as fast as the Euro. We could bring the dollar up if we increase interest rates. There’s not enough incentive to hold dollar denominated assets. Low ROI.
“That’s because he believes in principles, one of which is taking responsibility for his decisions.”
The self-described co-founder and operator of this blog, Travis Kiger, has ignored or attacked commenters who have asked whether he has signed up for the insurance and any other benefits available to council members.
How about Travis show some of that courage the Shadow talks about and answer the question?
Truthseeker you are so right. This city needs reform. It needs financial reform, transparency reform, ethical reform and decency reform.
I have faith that the people of Fullerton will do the right thing this November and elect the true reformers. They will elect people who have been active at city hall and stood up against the forces of crony captialism, the forces of arrogance and the forces of self-serving politicians.
What elected council member in their right mind would grant a huge “Retroactive Pension Increase”?
It was Jan Flory and Don Bankhead! Who supported these council members for so many years? Candidates Rick Alvarez and Jennifer Fitzgerald supported them all the way.
November 6th 2012 will mark the day that the people of Fullerton told the world that it has had enough and it wants its council members concerned with only one thing ….. the well-being of the people of Fullerton. It will tell the world that it will elect candidates that have the right skill set to fix our problems.
November 6 will be a grand day!
Sir, could you please track my pen just using your eyes?
Your too busy trolling a “Government Nipple”
“UNION CLAIMS” from FFFF friends at
“Safer Labor?” “Miniscule growth in the Worlds leader is worse than a deppession” “Crony Capitalism is worse”
Damon Root Discusses Myths Surrounding Unions and the Great Depression
“In Egypt, protesters in Ciaro’s Tahrir Square could be seen carrying a 4-foot-tall poster of Usama bin Laden, and graffiti reportedly found on the U.S. Embassy there read: “Take care America. We have 1.5 billion bin Ladens.”
“Anti-American violence flared Friday across North Africa and the Middle East, with Muslim mobs reportedly scaling the walls of the U.S. Embassies in Tunisia and Sudan, breaking windows and setting fires…”
Union money is very very very Laxed in security and routinely promotes the worse in society.
Just like the DMV giving a 5 time DUI offender a License to kill!!
The US Administration got into office by promising “We will negotiate with Iran and then they will LOVE us!”
It doesn’t matter how many aliases you have, Anonymous (non troll), you’ll always be an idiot.
Reason TV video
“In politics everyone claims to be on the side of the children, but who really is? Pat DeLorenzo is a parent whose daughter suffers from epilepsy. Like roughly 10,000 other epileptic schoolchildren in California, eight-year-old Gianna suffers from the type of prolonged seizures that, without immediate attention, can result in brain damage or death. After witnessing the response of teachers and school nurses to one of his daughter’s life-threatening seizures, Pat DeLorenzo now believes that teachers and nurses care more about protecting union jobs than saving epileptic children.”
Union Jobs vs. Children’s Lives: Which side are you on?
“The future of 10,000 California school children”
“The Union is not on the side of the children -Father”
It’s too hot today. Smokin hot.
Just lay off the ethanol consumption as it is an exothermic metabolic process. Try just drinking water for a change. You may also attain some clarity in the process. Who knows maybe you might even become a Southern Baptist someday.
and, Porky? when you switch to drinking water – it’s best to drink water at ambient temperature in order to fully hydrate; ice water gives a quick “rush” but ambient temp water is far better for hydration…
My cousin is a Baptist preacher (don’t know if he’s Southern or not) so when you convert, he can help you see the light…
Seeing the light. It takes some people awhile to do so.
It is never too late to do the right thing
I’m gonna be Mormon and have 10 kids.
Just as long as you don’t dodge the draft like Mitt Romney did in the 60’s by serving as a Mormon missionary in the south of France.
Give it up Fullerton Lover. I’m a democrat and I was there in the 60’s. Everyone was looking to dodge the vietnam draft. Go look up “Draft Dodger Rag” by Phil Ochs. He sang about all the excuses and reasons people gave to get out of the draft. its hilarious today (Google it as Draft Dodger Rag Lyrics).
And missionary work and farming were two great excuses for getting out of the draft. Personally, Tuco served 6 years since the head of the local draft board was a teacher of mine and the clerk of the draft board was my next door neighbor. Oh well! My best friend was drafted and stayed in for 20 years. Went in as a private and came out a bird Colonel!
The Smothers Brothers performed the song with Actor George Segal on national TV in 1967, two years after it was written.
“So I wish you well, Sarge, give ’em hell!
Kill me a thousand or so
And if you ever get a war without blood and gore
I’ll be the first to go!
This is the best post ever written for this blog. Whoever did this, I want to hear more from you!
CW, I’d marry the Shadow if she wasn’t already taken. All I can say is- Joe’s one lucky man!
Denying and not recognizing genius is as bad as a form of stupid can get.
But then you are promoting violence and evil corruption, for greed and power from an ugly the world has seen far far too many times.
Union Goons in Orange County the worst.
“The private eye, Chris Lanzillo, a fired Riverside police officer who showed up at Righeimer’s house in a car without license plates, claims he was not on orders to follow Righeimer. The law firm also denied this but promptly removed Lanzillo’s name from its Web site.
The Costa Mesa union fired the firm, moments before a city press conference. But this backpedaling is not credible. The law firm brags publicly about its brass-knucked tactics, and its Web site features testimonials from unions thrilled by how its legal work brings city managers to their knees.”
‘Union Goon’ Attacks Tea Party Members! ‘Moveon. org’ Solidarity Rally, Atl, GA (YOUTUBE)
“As the event closed and participants approached tea party activists counter-protesting half a block away, the police made an effort to separate the two groups, but some union supporters went around the barriers and attacked the tea party protesters. A man assaulted a petite older woman and a Tea Party guy, and directed many hateful remarks towards the tea party activists.”
Could you please consider reducing the size Jans Flory’s horrific portrait, you wouldnt want to cause too many nightmares.
I concur with that request
Judge shot down all of Wisconsin Walkers collective bargaining union laws. Amen.
A lawsuit from a teachers union, thats dark. 🙂
Teachers Unions, help giveaway half or more an entire districts budget to Administrators? While kids have to have fundraisers for basic events.
and basic needs and supplies.
Tuco was once an administrator in a school district with 18,000 students. And each new superintendent hired, (and there were a bunch), would bring in his or her new group + new ideas to spend huge amounts of money on while reducing the amounts spent within the classroom. It goes on all over California due to the turnover of Superintendent positions. If you find a good administrator, work hard to keep them. The toll caused by wasted State funding is atrocious.
As they should. Walker is basically a pussy hiding behind his “Don’t Tread On Me” flag.
Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie says he is confident the decision will be overturned on appeal.It was not clear if the ruling means the law is immediately suspended. The law took away nearly all collective bargaining rights from most workers and has been in effect for more than a year.
Almost as hard as SQS,the Ribbon Cutter? You have got to be kidding. Jan and Sharon, now there is a five gallon bag of suck, is a 2 gallon bag.
Your anonymous disagreement runs rings around me.
LAPD Violent Arrests: Recent Spate Of Controversies Could Harm Goodwill Efforts
By CHRISTINA HOAG 08/31/12 11:51 PM ET
“The efforts, undertaken under a federal court order, have yielded results: The city’s crime rate is the lowest in four decades, and police are getting praise from communities, including minorities and gays, that had historically complained about mistreatment.
The recent incidents remain in the early investigative stages and none of the officers involved have been charged.
But they underscore that for some police officers on the street, the line on acceptable use of force remains blurry.”
“In this video from, we learn about Diop Kamau (also know as Don Jackson), a former Police Sergeant Detective with the Hawthorne Police Department who went undercover to expose racism and violence in his own police department.
Kamau went on to become the founder and executive director of the Police Complaint Center and the CEO of Kamau has made it his mission to identify, investigate and reform police misconduct.”
As I hear it. It the violence is getting worse in DTF. It appears that the youngsters are having to police themselves.
Why did you guys ban using the name Mlena on here. Dang. She must have fallen out of the good graces of TBush.
It is time to share with everyone the news of another victory in the pursuit of Justice for Kelly. Even though you don’t hear from me that often these days, I do continue to work every day on getting the justice that my son deserves. For 14 months now, I as well as many hundreds of you have wanted Kelly’s name cleared. Over the last three weeks, Captain Dan Hughes, acting Chief of Police in Fullerton and I have been working on wording that I have now approved as to clearing Kelly’s name. Next Tuesday, September 18th at 6:30pm during the Fullerton City Council Meeting, Captain Hughes is going to speak to the City Council in a public forum and clear Kelly of ALL wrong doings that he was accused of. Please attend this meeting and show you continued support for Kelly. Also, there is another “Bomb-Shell” on the way. Stay tuned for that! I also want to put a rumor to rest. It is being said that Kelly’s Army is disbanded. This is not true at all. We all know about the little group of “Haters”. This is just more of there BS. Negativity and hatred will get us no where.
As always I want to thank everyone for everything that you do for Kelly. Because of all of the positive people who continue the fight, there will be Justice for Kelly!
Ron Thomas
Sweet. Party. Ron looking forward to TV time. He loves that stuff.
Great news! Kelly would be very proud of your determination to clear his name and of FFFF’s continued support to see justice done on his behalf
Hey Ron are you telling everyone that you are settling with the city or did you forget. When this Kelly thing is over you and your buddy Hughes will be penniless.
The same Dan Hughes with 28 years on the force, torn between his loyalty to fpd and to do what is right, in the face of overwhelming evidence. Video, audio, eyewitness, med. reports Don’t want to make a saint out of a sinner, it would have been procedure to whitewash this crime, but for Mr. Thomas with the support of FFFF not allowing it to go away, with people world wide awaiting the outcome, and the Feds, no doubt monitoring as well, whitewashing, or hopeing it wil be forgotten and just go away is no longer an option,. Justice wil be served.
Ron is going to settle because if he doesnt he will be put on the stand and all his lies will be brought out and he doesn’t want that. He will get nothing if he doesn’t settle. I am sure Garo wants a piece of the pie.
Mr. Thomas could state as a matter of fact that he is the tooth farie, and has the Loch Ness monster for a pet, it does not matter one bit, cicinelli and ramos are the ones on trial for the brutal beating death of Kelly Thomas. For Mr. Thomas, it is not about the money, it’s the reckoning he is after. Garo wants a piece of a whole pie, not a piece of a piece, and hopefully, for his client to get satisfaction, i.e. justice.
I am talking about the civil suit against the city not the criminal one. They will put him on the stand, believe me. In their eyes (city), they already settled. They gave the mom one million. They don’t have to give Ron anything.
Oh, but they will, when all of the evidence is presented, there will not be a dry eye in the house. No sane person, could go over the evidence in this case about how an innocent man was brutally beaten to death in DTF by members of fpd without being moved to tears for the victim and aghast at the conduct of Fullerton’s pd.
If you are expecting guilty and liable in both the civil and criminal phases, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. The criminal phase will be minimal jail time at best and the civil will have no trial and Ron will be long gone. Expect the worst and hope for the best. Just look at prior cases.
Yeah just the evidence the DA has bee hiding or was supposively lost.
@RT Once kiss-ass Hughes declares your loser son a saint, why don’t you take the opportunity to set the record straight about your lies? How you were NEVER an OCSD, how you had not seen smelly Kelly for 10 years, how you were pissed off that Cathy settled with the city, how the city turned you down when you wanted to settle, but you won’t tell the truth because it’s something not within your brief.
No one gives a shit about Ron Thomas. They are to busy with Jan Flory. You are old news Ron.
Attorney Bruce Praet (sp) offered Mr. Thomas a settlement offer of nine hundred thousand dollars to settle, which Mr. Thomas flat out refused, but not before obtaining the copy of the proposed settlement offer with the breakdown of its proposed dispersal.
The officers were there because of a radio call, yes we all know that. Kelly was pulling on car handles. Yes, that is what the caller said. The backpack was determined it wasnt stolen. Yes we heard that. Officers did not have broken bones. Yes, it was announced later that week. Kelly was being an asshole. Yes we all know that. Kelly was telling Officer Ramos if he liked his big balls. Yes we heard that. Kelly didnt sound mental at all. Yes we know that. Hughes just wants to get you off his back. Just like T-Rack does when you announce your big bomb-shell. Its going to be like a little baby fart. It will go no where. Everyone is sick of you Ron..Even Dana and her little mob.
What is the time signature in the audio that Kelly asks ramos if he “likes his big balls?” I missed that on the transcript of audio, if it is there, does asking someone if they like thier big balls justify being beaten to death? No. Everyone that supports the “Culture of corruption” is sick of you, Mr. Thomas, stay strong, keep fighting for justice on Kellies behalf, history will remember what happens here.
Kelly was an asshole. You deserved what he got.
So there is no time signature on the audio? Just more of the “Big Lie”
It’s in the new audio Nomad, keep up.
If Kelly asked manny ramos if he “liked his big balls? does that justify him (Kelly) being brutally beaten to death?
Yes. We are talking now. These posts should fire this blog up again. Let’s get it goin again. Wooohoooo and capt hughes have been working on the wording that you have now approved? You are so full of yourself. Sickening!!
I’m sure Hughes laughed and puked when he read that. Ron is cravin attention again.
Who wants to know what my new cover photo is about? It’s definitely related to Fullerton politics.
No one.
Actually that’s not true. I think it’s obvious that it has something to do with Tony B, all part of her strange political game. I would never admit it if she were my mother. Embarrasing.
I looked. So whats wrong with the RV? I suppose she’s going to try and ban RV’s in our City? This is not the first she’s gone after RV owners.
She going to try and ban RV’s on our propriety again. Here we go again……
That’s it.
She tried to rally support for No RV on private propriety in 90’s. I am suprised she wants to go down that road again. She thinks FFFF is harsh. If she even thinks about pulling that RV tail. I will make my personal objective to let every RV owner the City of Fullerton know what she is up too.
No one should own Fullerton. Not even TBush.
Porky, Tony is not trying to take my propriety rights away. You own propriety here and don’t live here. I live here. And I understand you are a retired LE and the LE seem to be backing Flory. I own a piece of Fullerton, just like you do. Flory was not good for Fullerton in the pass, and she is not good for Fullerton now.
She seems to explain it pretty well …
… don’t you think? (Tony’s name has been edited to evade the automod.)
Please cite specifically which “4 or 5 different reasons” of the Fullerton Municipal Code that Jan Flory’s “builder inspector friend” says that this property is violating?
You’re asking the wrong person. Ask Jan.
Don’t post someone else’s bullshit that you can’t back up then.
Someone up there said: “I think it’s obvious that it has something to do with Tony B, all part of her strange political game.”
Her explanation was very clear. I can’t vouch for its truth, but I’m surprised if people can’t understand it.
All that matters is he violates one law and wants to violate the law because his name is TBush. Nice try. Can’t buy that one.
How about you post a picture of Kelly Thomas? That’s definitely related to Fullerton politics. You freaking wacko.
Is that the new campaign headquarters for the Jan Flory campaign? Or her vacation home?
Tony’s Fifth Wheel, on Tony’s property, due to Tony’s pique.
Its ridiculous and scary how many fullerton pd are roaming around out there undercover. Most of them are the rougue style of cops that drive these cars around detain, and find loopholes for searching cars.
Gang enforcement. Tough gig. Handle business boys. Be safe.
I didn’t know there were any gangs off of hermosa lane where two undercovers pulled me over only for having a bike strapped in my trunk.Of course they made me get out of my car and frisked me, searched my wallet without permission and my car demeaned me just so they could feel good about themselves.
Where is Hermosa LANE? I live off Rosehedge and Hermosa DRIVE
by St Jude?
when you get out of your car lock it with the keys in it. keep one on a magnet hidden outside. so fun
Gang Enforcement units on the FPD wear clearly marked uniforms with “Gang Enforcement” on them, somewhat similar to what you see with an “FBI” or “SWAT” block letter designation on one of their windbreakers.
Maybe it was Ramos and Cicinelli out screwin around. Have Chris call Danny.
They were hoping we would just forget about everything and just go away. They were wrong. Ron don’t settle. Take this thing all the way.
Too late
time to bring in a new chief to shake things up a little. I sincerely believe little has happened to change the basic underlying attitudes within the department. the old logo to “protect and serve” does not seem to really apply in this day and age unless it means to serve themselves. The extreemly generous payment has probably helped to bring apathy ( complacency as Genoco refers to it) to the department.
True that. I support RVs behind the house line with a fence in front. I support no blight.
blockquote cite=”#commentbody-130255″>
cg :
Porky, Tony is not trying to take my propriety rights away. You own propriety here and don’t live here. I live here. And I understand you are a retired LE and the LE seem to be backing Flory. I own a piece of Fullerton, just like you do. Flory was not good for Fullerton in the pass, and she is not good for Fullerton now.
“I support no blight.”
I had to think about this post for awhile. I say. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. As long as it is on my propriety.
I agree with you, but hope you never use the word GED again.
Is that due to “propriety rights”? I thought about correcting that myself, however I sort of understand because the spell check wouldn’t alert you that it was improperly spelled and should be, “property rights”.
good point
Sorry, Engineers can’t spell worth shit….Can’t type either.
No need to apologize. We keep you guys around to fix stuff. 😉
I am a right brain…..get it?
You got it!!!!!
LOL at least the TBush grammar police leave you alone or don’t accuse you of having a GED.
They will, but at least I know better. Who needs spell check? ME…..HELP ME…..
I disagree. I think as a property owner I have a right not to have cars piled up and stored all over my neighbors property. Yes it might be an RV or a few cars but as long as they are behind a fence and out of sight then it’s fine. Yea I know the fine print but I support vehicle and RV laws in all cities.
Just 1 bueatiful RV, And I FUCKING work hard for it.
Those are the tough ones CG. One big beautiful RV taking up half the driveway all the time. Most cities don’t allow it. Some do. The ones that do usually don’t have many laws at all to prevent blight. The ones that do are pretty clean cities. The cleanest cites are strict ones that don’t even allow overnight parking on the street. Those are the best.
I can tell you don’t know much about the City of Fullerton. You can’t even park a FUCKING bike on the street on the street between 2-6am on the street. So I guess you would consider Fullerton a clean city????? Blight my ass…..I am a little touchy about this subject…CAN YOU TELL….
OOPS…brain faster than fingers.
LOL yep.
I am done….
Fullerton allows RV’s on your own property as long as they’re registered to the property owner, currently registered with the DMV, and that they’re parked on gravel or cement.
Your not allowed to park any vehicle on dirt or grass in the city of Fullerton, even if it is your own property.
I personally wouldn’t recommend anyone doing that anyways, as it’ll leech the oil out of your tires making them brittle and susceptible to blowing out when you take your RV/trailer on the road.
can’t tell from the photo whether or not there is a cement pad… those tree trimmings are a mess, though
Sorry Tony, but yeah, I agree with that one. I say keep the dang 5th wheel there, but seriously, clear the tree trimmings. If I lived next to that plot of land, I’d be really angry if (God forbid) a fire started there due to that.
Trailer trash love piece of shit cars piled on their property and on the city streets. It reminds them of back home. The backwoods.
Will you stop beating around the bush and say how you really feel?
I mean… come on… we can’t read your mind.
“I support no blight”
Disorders are not that complex!
She supports UGLINESS!
THE NIGHTMARISH PORTRAIT THAT GIVES US NIGHTMARES! is an imdication of her inner self, she must have approved thac picture of herself its on her law website,
Heartlessness that is the imner message they convey, they have themselves, no enemy can ecist.
Exist not ecist
I understand how some people that read this blog may think that we residents of Fullerton fabricate stories about Jan Flory’s excessive drinking, so I thought maybe if you heard it from the “horse’s mouth” that you might understand a little better what the rest of us already know…
Jan Flory for City Council
September 6.
Hey Guys! We will be at the Farmers’ Market this afternoon with signs if some of you would like them. Also signing up precinct walkers and endorsements. Come on down. Kathy Dasney will be manning a card table by the entrance to the Museum. Bill and I will be carousing around.
ca·rouse (k-rouz)
intr.v. ca·roused, ca·rous·ing, ca·rous·es
1. To engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking.
2. To drink excessively.
LOL that’s funny. Maybe she will buy my drinks at the SlideBar.
Immature and mean spirited confusions are a deadly combination, they want to kill your spirit because, they are severely damaged and legally sick.
Since the night Kelly was beaten to death, supporters of the fpd began putting their spin on the crime. Allegations of theft, drugged out transient with super strength, martial arts expert, wait till the truth comes out…well now it has, and now everyone knows that an innocent man was beaten to death on the streets of downtown Fullerton! Justice and peace for Kelly Thomas.
Hughes watched the video “400 times” and didn’t see anything wrong. “Once you see the video you will change your minds”, was what Danny said if I’m not mistaken.
Danny forgot he saw it 400 times. He has his head so far into Ron Thomas ass he forgot.
Hughes was Captain in charge of the 6 thugs who beat Kelly. Why anyone would want him as permanent chief is beyond my comprehension ability. Someone please tell me why we want smooth talkin Hughes over someone else?
True. A good potential Chief would never want this job with the unknowns. Only option is OCSD. Bring em on. Hire all the FPD and get on with the future.
Nice Sunday. Football baby. Enjoy.
So can you bash this fuck too? I think something that Liberals and conservatives can agree on is that we can’t let this guy get elected again!
Third times a charm?
Give it time, 4F is not finishing with Flory, it is starting with Flory. Elections are in Nov. I’m sure Bankhead will get his portion of attention by this blog before then.
Don Blankhead is a true gem. He is gonna be in the Guiness Book of Records for most times recalled on the same exact job! The Fullerton voters just can’t make up their minds about him! He would be a perfect councilmember if he were in Anaheim and Disney could pay for everything, but those days flush with dollars are gone from Fullerton. Heck we can’t even fix the streets or get 25% off discounts on drinks at the Slidebar!
Fullerton’s clown. Besides, 5pm is past his bedtime. He’s gonna get slaughtered this time in November.
And you actually wonder why they delete your posts?
We just need more dirt or lies so people post again. This place died quick. Quick death.
Deviants like this, support the fpd and condone the brutal beating of Kelly Thomas, keep ’em coming, your posts and posts like yours strengthen 4F’s resolve to see justice done.
Can we get a NEW STORY PLEASE? I’m done seeing Flory’s HUGE Ug-Mug in my Firefox new window preview images! UGGH!!
I second that motion! If Fullerton is so corrupt and ALL the cops are corrupt and scandalous you must have a new story everyday!
Next tues. Sept. 18th at Fullerton city council meeting Capt. Dan Hughes is going to adress city council and clear Kelly Thomas of ALL wrong doings he was accused of. How is that for the story of the day?
Fullerton Police Department Set to Officially Clear Kelly Thomas’ Name Over A Year After His Beating Death
By Brandon Ferguson Sat., Sep. 15 2012 at 8:07 AM
22 Comments Kelly Thomas Killing
Next link is bad this should work for next comment
He is going to clear Kelly that he told Officer Ramos that he has big balls? And who is Chief Hughes to clear anyone, he is a big liar himself. Consider the source. Two big liars clearing a useless piece of shit.
You want to see a piece of shit? Take a look in the mirror.
They are giving Ron a piece of cake, after feeding everyone a big ass plate of BULLSHIT pie, everyday from a giant pie made over 14 months ago, pathetic sickening wrong illegal stupid strange evil and curious etc. etc.
It was also done very very very malisciously and spitefully!
“In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud.” -Wikipedia
It will be around 15 months since Kelly’s beating death at the hands of the 6 Fullerton police officers. According to Captain Dan Hughes, current acting Chief of FPD, he is now exonerating Kelly Thomas of any charges against him, most especially the one where he died!
It has taken 15 months because Dan Hughes said publicly several times that he watched the video 400 times. Each time had to be evaluated which takes time in the donut consuming FPD culture of eating until overweight.
So Acting Chief Hughes is hoping that this act will result in him being appointed the permanent chief.
Yet the Fullerton 6 reported to Hughes when the Kelly death occured. Many of the problem officers besides the 6 worked in Hughes’ division while things like stealing from the property room, lying to the newspapers, theft of laptops, sexual advances in the back seat of a patrol car, and on and on occurred.
So why would anyone want Hughes to continue as police chief? Better to ask Joe Felz why he wasted so much taxpayer money on the hiring of our disappearing police chief Sellers and did not even question the granting of a disability pension to him which cost the City a huge sum that it can ill afford.
Ask Joe Felz what he ordered Sellers to do? This is all a big piece of circus bullshit. Alot of heads are gonna roll. I wished the last Chief (Hamilton) would step up and put Hughes in a corner. Maybe he is waiting to be called to trail.
Criminal enterprise is your answer Tuco. Nobody is stupod enough to want that job. And if dan quits he will probably be hanging himself and everyone in his life.
The house of cards has crumbled, now it needs to be thrown in the trash!!!
They made Wikipedia wrong.
“Thomas was uncooperative and resisted when they attempted to search him, so backup was called. The officers then repeatedly shocked Thomas with Tasers, beat him with the butts of the Tasers and flashlights, and slammed him into the ground.[13] A video of the event surfaced,” -Wikipedia (Death of Kelly Thomas)
So was it ever discovered that it was Captain Dan Hughes himself who was setting the tone for the officers under his command and kicking a little ass on March 17, 2010 outside of Heroes Bar When he slammed Andrew Clarke onto the pavement breaking his pinky finger.
Clarke would also have the pleasure of a wild ride to the Fullerton Jail by officer Tong only to have the brake check, screen test by Officer Tong go down along the way.
Danny boy was just being “one of the guys” that night alright. The patrol officers under his command learned if kicking ass was good enough for Danny Boy it was good enough for them. The tone had been set by Hughes, the Fullerton Police Department’s Patrol Division Commander.
Knowing that the boss had just arrested someone resulting in an injury to a prisoner and knowing that that prisoner would be interviewed by a supervision during a use of force investigation why would an officer feel that it would be ok or safe to dish out his own brand of street justice?
Unless that type of behavior was condoned by the boss himself and the officer felt that’s the way Danny Boy rolls.
Just 16 months later Kelly Thomas would come face to face with one of Hughes’ protégés and Danny boy worshiper, Corporal Jay Cicinelli. In fact Danny Boy liked Jay’s work product so much Cicinelli was ranked number one on the list to be promoted to the rank of patrol sergeant. Too bad for Cicinelli and Hughes the list expired before the dream would come true.
Hughes has been working with Ron Thomas for weeks to craft his apology for the statements made about Kelly?
Will Danny boy also apologize for the others who were the victims of his “leadership”?
So was it ever discovered that it was Captain Dan Hughes himself who was setting the tone for the officers under his command and kicking a little ass on March 17, 2010 outside of Heroes Bar When he slammed Andrew Clarke onto the pavement breaking his pinky finger.
Clarke would also have the pleasure of a wild ride to the Fullerton Jail by officer Tong only to have the brake check, screen test by Officer Tong go down along the way.
Danny boy was just being “one of the guys” that night alright. The patrol officers under his command learned if kicking ass was good enough for Danny Boy it was good enough for them. The tone had been set by Hughes, the Fullerton Police Department’s Patrol Division Commander.
Knowing that the boss had just arrested someone resulting in an injury to a prisoner and knowing that that prisoner would be interviewed by a supervision during a use of force investigation why would an officer feel that it would be ok or safe to dish out his own brand of street justice?
Unless that type of behavior was condoned by the boss himself and the officer felt that’s the way Danny Boy rolls.
Just 16 months later Kelly Thomas would come face to face with one of Hughes’ protégés and Danny boy worshiper, Corporal Jay Cicinelli. In fact Danny Boy liked Jay’s work product so much Cicinelli was ranked number one on the list to be promoted to the rank of patrol sergeant. Too bad for Cicinelli and Hughes the list expired before the dream would come true.
Hughes has been working with Ron Thomas for weeks to craft his apology for the statements made about Kelly?
Will Danny boy also apologize for the others who were the victims of his “leadership”?
Not a chance, Danny boy just made a deal with ROn stating, you dont sue me in the civil case, look it up his name is oddly vacant, the 6 patrol men, the guys’ boss isnt mentioned in the law suit? Odd? But then Dan and him are best pals….I dont think I could ever work with the person who was the boss of the cops that clearly killed my kid. I just coudnt work on some sort of PR campaign, for the dept that killed my son.
Him and Thompson love Dannyboy. You notice how both Chris and Ron disappeared at the same time and refused any help or support at the same time also? Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm
Even if a new Chief comes in, Hughes will be Captain. All the cops will be the same. You will want them all fired. There is no future with you. Just use a security firm. OCSD will hire almost all FPD. Future is now. Open your eyes.
A new, reforming Chief will have Hughes doing special detail behind a desk in the Library where he can read fairy tales to the kiddies about all the “good cops” out there (himself included). He will be gone in two years.
I have set myself up for disappointment from the moment I began to follow the happenings in this case, but through Mr. Thomas’ determination and 4F’s support Fullerton has continued to win victory after victory in its uphill struggle to bring the “culture of corruption” to light and achieve justice and peace for Kelly. I will hope justice be done.
Justce will be done for the officers cause they did nothing wrong. Infact, they will be better off than when they were cops.
The “Sword of Damocles” that is looming over FPD in the form in of the FEDS fileing cival rights violation charges closer to reality?, now that Kelly Thomas will be “officially” cleared of all charges. I would think the legal system would take a dim view of innocent citizens being detained and beaten to death on city streets in full view of the public.
We will see. I think the Feds are long gone but maybe that’s the so called bombshell. Feds like big reaching cases not isolated incidents. Isolated civil rights incidents don’t get enough publicity for them.
No that’s is not the so called bomb shell. Can’t say what it is but will get Ron off the DA ‘s back. And will go nowhere. DA will do his so called justice to Kelly, but in reality he will clean his slate of old Ron.
Politics. I figured that. Charge someone to get someone off your back knowing a jury will clear them.
Excellent point.
I think this started out as an isolated incident, but it grew legs, what with the recall, illegal water tax, other potential misconduct issues, prisoner “commiting suicide” in custody, thefts,alleged abuses and wrongful arrests ect. My first thought re. “bombshell” was, an announcement that charges would be filed against Joe Wolfe?
is Racauckas up for election now? If so you could be right. Politics runs the world.
Not too far off, that would make this, at least for me, a case of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Hopefully the stars aligned, (election) and through RT determination and 4F’s support and yea, maybe timeing as well the wheels of justice will steadily roll forward.
“The video below shows Sgt. O’Malley accusing Dr. Calderon for being a liar probably because he argues that “the checkpoints are first and foremost a way of ridding the city of its poor and immigrant populations.”
Sgt. O’Malley threatened to take the man sitting next to him outside with the other officers to beat him up.
“I’ve never seen them before and they knew my name and my license plate number. Probably because I’m part of the Coalition,” said the threatened community member”
Towtruck and Constituional (USA) hijackers!!
God bless those that protect our borders and rid our country of illegals. God bless them all.
Rid the USA of all law breakers.
Calderon is a known racist. Hates white people. Wants California to be Mexico. As they say “f*ck him” lol
I’ve read that name from timr to time here, the slight fellow in the video is Omaley?
Yea. He supports licensed driving and is pissed cause that idiot supports drunk and unlicensed driving and one just killed a teenager. Sounds Like an American to me. Can he be the next Fullerton police Chief?
Probobly not, Sgt. to police Chief sounds like a pretty big jump.
Just for my own info. Reality Is, and Porky Pig the same poster? aka Omaley….
I know, several others as well.
No. But he’s others. All the old posters switched names over the year. TBush blocks the use if words like his lady MLENA.
“#82 by AntiCorruptionUnit on April 16, 2012
Well in a nutshell as of right now, Mr.Thompson is not a cop, never has been, so his knowledge of where to look for the snakes, ask the tuff questions is not available because there is no experience in that specific arena.
That does NOT make Chris a bad person. Some questions can be asked, but the more detailed ones cannot. ONE MUST know the system as good as the one being asked the questions.
However, after a few or several discussions with guys like Chief Hughes you get a warm and fuzzy felling he is a good person and will bring about change, STILL does not answer the tuff questions that many ask.
I would applaud any police manager who said there is corruption within my department, and I WILL rid they system of said corruption.
Most of the time the words “mismanagment” are used in lieu of corruption. POLITICALLY correct term.
A cover up is NOT “mismangement”. It is corruption especially when criminal acts have taken place.
Much like the word “disgruntled” used by police management to describe a “finger pointer”. Real term is the finger pointer is a rat who didn’t get a piece of the pie and is now whining is what most mean.
I am not sure, but I bet Chief Hughes has NOT signed an employment contract with the city as to his current position or forthcoming position.
Unless that employment contract is WELL WRITTEN and has many safeguards in place, the CHIEF is pretty much an “at will” employee unlike an ELECTED Sheriff who can only be ousted from office by a recall or ordinance.
As many of us have seen over the years a Chief of Police can simply be told by the City Manager, YOUR services are no longer needed, THANK YOU, there is the door.
In many cases the current Chief is allowed to retire and another is hired from within or the outside. Some Chiefs are flat out fired depending on who they upset and why.
My point is, Chief Hughes is NOT or MAY NOT be in total control of his department from OUTSIDE influence.
That influence might be from right across the street? hmmm, maybe the 3 Amigos??
SO, at this time Chief Hughes MIGHT have to pick his words carefully and avoid any super negative comments about anyone ELSE who might be responsible for ALL the issues that face FPD.
Bottomline in the REAL WORLD of police work, Chief Hughes is just as responsible for what happened in the last few years as Sellers and McKinley were.
The question of all that will remain a mystery UNTIL Chief Hughes is put on the stand by the attorney representing Ron Thomas and others.
Chief Hughes can answer the tuff questions by saying I was under “orders” to do this and that and PRAY that the jury listening to all that, and will accept such an answer as OK.
But no cop is covered for following UNLAWFUL orders to cover up anything that resulted in a MAN DEATH, however slight.
Some issues you might be able to explain away.
That example is Lt. Goodwrench putting forth the press release in Kelly’s death. If you all think Andy did that on his own? OKAY!!!
Unethical, YES, but NOT criminal. Would a jury expect Andy to not follow those orders and lose his job for not being a team player? MAYBE!!!! Most might understand that. I would as long as it doesn’t become a habit or second nature.
But the other issues such as Rincon and Kelly’s case?
I don’t think Hughes will be given a pass. BUT Hughes could come clean and spill his guts when under OATH before God!!!
Any cop in the system who has paid attention knows one can be set up fairly easily for a perjury or Brady issue. Civil Rights attorney’s generally know where to look for the answers and what questions to ask.
THEN and ONLY then might Hughes come clean on much of this.
If anyone thinks Hughes is not responsible in the big picture, YOU are smokin dope.
How do I answer that question. 28 Years of service with FPD and holds the rank of Captain.
That’s the ONLY answer I need for NOW!!!
Carry on!!!!!!!!!!!
#83 by AntiCorruptionUnit on April 16, 2012
I’d like to add this for Mr.Thompson.
If you believe so deeply in Dan Hughes, good for you.
Contact Ron Thomas”s attorney at your earliest convience, tell him you would like to be deposed and be a character reference for Chief Hughes.
Ya never know that might be a good thing.”
from April 2012
Wjat ever happened to ACU? People said he is Tbush but I think he is smarter than TBush.
He stops by every once in a while, he said “you guys are brutal but in a good way” in reference to post the Giant fat dude with grenade shooter picture at Anaheim small riots and protests.
I remember him say he came here to NEUTER our favorite sadistic troll.
Ha. That’s sexy. He must have slurped that nipple dry. I think he’s here everyday bu using one of his many aliases. He was addicted to the attention he was getting.
Hes one of best intentioned commenters anywhere. I saved most of his posts.
His speak is from the 80’s. He way out of touch with the 2010’s.
He blew Reality Is a union corruption troll to PIECES.
He smoked Reality Is a union corruption troll out of the water
“The Art of Deception”
“It may not be the oldest profession in the world, but it’s close.
In this discussion of the art of the con, HuffPost Live explores audacious scams like the 9/11 survivor who wasn’t even in the country at the time, the husband who married his wife purely to rack up vast debts in her name…”
The big joy of a con artist is when a person thanks you for conning them 🙁
Video link.
Con Men: HuffPost Live Explores The Art Of Deception
Got ’em all riled up tonight.
About time we got some action here. Was so boring for awhile.
Please support my efforts to make Fullerton a “Drone Free Zone”. I am proposing our City Council institute a ban on all Drone aircraft (regardless of size) to be used by the Fullerton Police Department AND to ban all Drones from using the Fullerton Municipal Airport (no taking off or landing). Let’s stop the craziness before it comes to Fullerton. Make your town a “Drone Free Zone” too. Stay tuned and “like” if you support my initiative.
“Jan Flory isn’t “older.” She is old.”
I have been chuckling over this for days now. Inspired writing!