Over at the Save Our Culture of Corruption website, the FPOA shares this rather interesting tidbit:
Last year, the Fullerton Police Officers Association along with City Employees and the Firefighters Associations agreed to cost savings, pension reform and more cuts, which totaled $1,065,000 per year in real dollars for Fullerton taxpayers and the City! (Italics added)
Now I have absolutely no idea what this means, or where that number comes from. It doesn’t matter. It was meant to look impressive and impress the masses with all the sacrifices and cost savings our wonderful police have made. You are supposed to glide over the fact that the number (whatever it means) includes all union employees in Fullerton, but that doesn’t matter much, either. As the lawyers say, I’ll stipulate that it’s a meaningful figure and not just some chunk of stray pastrami that fell out of Barry Coffman’s mustache.
And now for context, let us consult the City’s Annual Budget and contemplate that number in relationship to total projected City expenditures for FY 2011-12.
On page A-21 we note that the total General Fund expenditures will be $71,784,315. Do the math. Divide the alleged savings of $1,065,000 by that total and you get a pipsqueak 1.5%, and only a fraction of that attributable to the rank and file cops themselves. 1.5%. Feeling rosy yet? But it gets even more comical.
On page A-28 you will see that the total projected City expenditures from all sources, including the grants that pay for cop overtime, is a $178,800,088. Do the math, again. Now the percentage of alleged sacrifice compared to the total cost to run the City shrinks to a minuscule .6%. That’s 6/10ths of one percent, Pythagoras, even if the number is legit.
Wow, what a sacrifice!
If you didn’t know any better you might credit the FPOA for their heartfelt concern for the taxpayers who employ them.
Now you know better.
Yeah, I figured as much.
Yep, everyone in Fullerton should quit working and become cops.
Or, have people take training needed to become a cop and then offer to replace a FPD cop at half their compensation until all cops are replaced. If such an offer is made from a qualified person, the FPD should be accept such offer.
By the way, the title of this section appears to be wrong? .06% = .0006; 6% = .06
. . . the FPD should be [required] to accept such offer.
would be nice if one could edit their posts.
Thanks, Pythagoras. You’re the only one who caught it.
The problem is that you all are trying very desperately to fix this situation.
I say STOP it!
If you let it go it will fix itself by way of bankruptcy.
If you will keep fixing it, it will drag for ever but always against your own interest.
Save Our Culture of Corruption? SOCC?
Is that what Quirk meant by donating “socks.”
What they wont tell you is that they do not actually pay their portion of the employees share of pension which is set at 9%. Rather, the city pays it and the police reimburse the city. Sounds like an even trade unless you know too much.
While Bankhead was asleep, Jones was looking for the extra leg of fried chicken and Pat thanking the POA for being so supportive the recent contract gave the shop away to the unions again. The 9% the city pays toward the employees share counts toward salary, therefore, it counts toward their pension. This gimmick causes their pension to be based on final salaries that are artificially inflated by 9%.
Basically, our cops get 98% of their final salary for life instead of the already obscene 90% at retirement they are supposed to get due to the 3 @ 50 retirement formula. How much does it cost to pay every cop an extra 8% of their final salary for the rest of their life? Perhaps more than the money they are claiming to have saved us? Bingo!
Thanks for the effort guys but those who are paying attention are not falling for the slight of hand tricks.
Good catch Hollis!
I think that we need to compile and publish a sort of list or FFFF newsletter to counterpoint the lies that the FPOA perpetuates on their own behalf.
The newsletter could then be distributed outside of future City Council meetings before the meetings start.
Yes. The 9% conversion they love so much. Call PERS.
Its actually called “PERS on PERS” ie. benefits for getting benefits. Its not illegal just unethical.
I lost my job a couple of years ago and have been working two part-tim gigs to pay the rent.
I really appreciate all the sacrifices the cops have made on my behalf.
What happened. You get shot during a traffic stop by an RPD?
Correction: RPO
That was a big sacrifice. Our Heros deserved raises and accolades. For they are the ones who patrol the mean streets running toward danger, not away from it. Who are out there while you are asleep assessing your homes and property for vulnerabilities.
They do the jobs nobody else wants: finding organized criminals, gangbangers and terrorists threats from machine guns to rocket launchers.
Back The Badge!
Assessing homes and property for vulnerabilities? To allow them to break and enter under the guise of serving a warrant at the wrong address?
Mean streets? Fullerton is about 95% what most of us would refer to as a bedroom community.
Which street in Fullerton exactly are you talking about that is filled with organized criminals, and terrorists with machine guns and rocket launchers?
Ask the Tokers. Better yet offer them your wallet.
The corner of Commonwealth and Highland
Best answer by far Peaches.
This is true. I am sick of you haters doubting us. Every day we have to deal with jaywalkers, homeless people (aka. insane psychopaths armed with scissors), dangerous motorists going 42 mph in a 35 zone, paperwork, arsonists (approximately 1.3 attempts during fiscal year 2011-2012), cats stuck in trees, vandalism (people chalking “FPD sucks” on public sidewalks) and other horrendous crimes.
You don’t understand the pain and sacrifice that we make to go out there every day, well, every other day, and drive around looking for someone to bust to make quota.
You lucky non police folks going about your business don’t understand the blood, sweat and tears it takes to arrest dangerous criminals in possession of approximately .083 grams of marijuana in violation of section… whatever the hell it is.
You just don’t know! We have a great police department. Bankhead said so. Back the Badger!
Public safety workers on their way faster than ever to putting themselves out of business. Residents won’t tolerate the kinds of tax hikes that will be necessary to try and meet the deficit that is ballooning out of control. Rather than sulk about morally bankrupting the department with outsourcing bids and trying to incite fear of longer response times, rally your troops and have a hard discussion with the city about serious concessions rather than token meaningless gestures that don’t even make a dent in your annual burn rate. The FPD is putting itself out of business just like the US Postal Service and the sooner you get to the table the sooner you fine people can save your jobs for the foreseeable future. Otherwise, it’ll be game over and outsourcing won’t be a discussion, it’ll be the only option.
Keynesian economics. Conservative fiscal budget with no real improvement in services. You are chasing your tail. this is being engineered to collapse economic infrastructure. Sorry. Clever won’t work in these circumstances. Read Genesis 3 for a very accurate description of what’s coming at us.
Police need education like the rest of us, and those who carry firearms and have the power of summary judgement should not be retarded. Also, they need to raise the IQ requirement and take care not to hire emotionally immature individuals to serve. The politics on this are beyond the ordinary beat cop. We need police, but we need intelligent and effective practices that are matched to fiscal conservatism. As the budget tightens up, so should the skills of officers who survive a lay off crisis. you have to get better at your work, not tougher. You folks have slipped into an enforcement funk not realizing you are dealing with people who are undergoing the same economic crisis as the rest of us. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. The pay is good commensurate for the education you folks have, which isn’t much, and like I said, you need more of this anyway. Regarding the scissors, use your combat training. Hell if it comes to a gun draw every time you feel threatened by a psychopath you’ll be shooting as the rule rather than the exception. WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!
The Feds have zero problem finding entry-level bachelor’s and master’s degree educated people for less than the cost of a muni police officer.
IQ isn’t a good barometer of to gauge perform in public safety. Serial killers and dedicated criminals often have very high IQ’s.
True that! But it would be nice just to climb into their heads with a forensic psychiatrist and let the Doc determine suitability for service.
The best way to ensure there aren’t any testosterone supercharged psychos on the police force is to hire only women for the patrol jobs. Let the knuckle-draggers type memos and make coffee.
Hey a Romney that actually makes sense!
Women make terrible cops. Women should never be cops. If we had all women they would die daily. Instead of 60 dead cops in 2012 we would have 200. Won’t ever happen. Most can’t even pass an academy. Weak physically. Weak mentally. Cry all the time.
Thanks O’Malley. Got any women on the Pomona PD?
Women tend to use a style of policing that relies more on communication rather than physical force. Women have been accredited for a more community-oriented style of policing and thus more effective at handling domestic disturbances or violent incidents. “Women are better at diffusing a situation; they tend to listen more before they react.”
So tell me again why the FPD and the Fullerton Firefighters don’t employ at least 50% of their ranks with females?
They could easily achieve this by putting a hiring freeze on all male applicants until they do.
Hmmm… how many “men” could withstand childbirth? Oh, and as for female cops – google Kristina Ripatti – you sexist jerk
Let me guess, your partner had you written up when you made a pass at her?
Correct, Daniel J. Evans, for example. Col Russell Williams for another. THAT kind of IQ causes damage. On the other hand, 125-140 is probably going to be an improvement over the low average range 85-90 they are currently hiring. on a bad day, Kelly Thomas for example, these numbers can drop 8 points to 77-83 which is the problem you are having in Fullerton. Frustrated cops with nothing on reserve during a stress period will over control their human sacrifice victims.
pipe scrapers!!!- Radus, Wren, Gharrah, Edgar, Bybee, Tong, Garcia, and a 120 others
The only terrorists and people with big guns that I’ve seen so far are wearing badges and uniforms. I don’t worship anyone or anything. I am not some dumb sheeple that falls for fear mongering propaganda.
The streets are not mean, they are full of people that are hard working, caring individuals that will stand up for one another in time if need.
You want people to see the world through the eyes of fear; to put bigger locks on their doors and close themselves off from one another, to be in fear of each other and see the city as a ‘war zone’ so you can keep them afraid and easy to control.
You are not gods. You are hired thugs for the state. When it comes down to it, that is who you work for and are protecting. Good people look out for each other, they don’t see fellow humans as ‘the enemy’ as cops would like them to believe. I don’t hate anyone. I don’t wish bad on anyone. I don’t live in fear.
Abuse of power is not something I back.
If you are going to use the language, you need the philosophical works to back it up. Your nemesis is Amen Ra Toth, which is neo politics in the US. What it comes down to is Reason (constitutional republic) v Atramental (constitutional monarchy). People don’t get it because they’ve been programmed not to, and many are wilfully and blissfully ignorant. They like being clever, but they don’t take responsibility very well. I laugh talking about this. No amount of persuasion works on stupid. People are dumb animals. Let me know if you want keys for teaching those within your immediate range to educate them fairly rapidly on how to deal with this BS. Forget the masses. For your information, the atmosphere has been seeded with chemicals and particulate material mixed with jet fuel creating an inversion layer that is heating up the air near the ground, evaporating surface water and destroying crops. Watch how many people respond to this. None. Like I said, stupid. Clever with words. No real mission to figure this out. Fun. Entertainment, but it’s also human sacrifice they will fully realize when people begin starving from this macabre politics. This is the connection to the cataclysmic event people were worrying about surrounding the 2012 Olympics. It’s happening right over our heads and people are missing it, because they are stupid.
Can I go look for the disorganized criminals?
Burglars rarely strike at night when a house is occupied. They strike early morning just after most people leave for work.
Most kick down the door. Quickly grab as much loot within 3 mins and bail.
There is nothing these “heroes” can do except take a report after the burglars are long gone.
This is where reality splits off into mythology.
The FBI seems to do all of the above with beating the shit out of people.
When was the last time you heard of an FBI guy beating the shit out of someone. Good point. However, the Feds have no jail crowding problem. They take more scum out of circulation than on the local/state level. Plus, the standards are a lot higher to join the FBI. That’s the difference.
The FBI are investigators, not enforcers. Cops beat people to death when they begin to feel entitled and invincible. There are dozens of products sold over the counter that can disable a cop within seconds – common bathroom and kitchen sprays that are worse than pepper spray. They can cause suffocation.
In the words of Eric Cartman, “Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ!” We live in a fucked-up society when people advocate spraying oven cleaner at the Police! That’s not cool.
I’m not advocating it, but if someone like Ramos and Ciccinnelli made it clear they were intent on causing serious bodily harm I wouldn’t think twice about doing it. You’re not dealing with a cop in that situation, you’re dealing with a killer. Fuck ’em.
I don’t know where you got the idea I was advocating anything. Nowhere in my post did I suggest someone should, or someone could.
The fact that you reacted so strongly to the mention of fighting back against killer cops is symptomatic of the problem that encourages cops to become killers.
They’re not God, or Jesus, or any other deity. Sometimes they act like they think they are, and sometimes they fly into a rage if they aren’t treated like they are.
That sounds like what happened with Kelly Thomas. He got testy with a brutal killer who happened to be wearing a badge and didn’t show the demanded respect until his face was being bashed in with the butt of a taser.
If people would stop treating cops like their shit don’t stink and hold them accountable, there’d be less crap like FPD and APD have been getting away with.
You fly it on your flag, own it. I don’t judge. I find it shocking that the slide of the American Empire has it’s citizens discussing things that could harm a Police Officer. Very shocking. Just like that Indiana law, Enrolled Act something. I called a friend in Indianapolis and asked if Police breaking and entering there was a big problem. He laughed and said it was just politics. Well fuck me! Politics?
We are going the way of Rome, my Countrymen. Look at the television, we have a very sick appetite for filth and if you ever saw the movie Caligula, you’d know damn well what I’m talking about. LOL!
Don’t run from the cops. Cause when you do they are bringing an ass kicking with them. Common sense. Kelly had no problem telling the cops off. Poor defenseless Kelly. He didnt want to go to jail and he told the cops that. So he tried to run. Bad move.
I completely agree. We’re a civilized society, there are good ways to handle an encounter with Law Enforcement. When I was stationed in Germany, part of my acquiring a US Army Europe driver’s licence they gave us a class on each move we had to make if we ever got stopped in order to avoid a beef with the local law.
“We are going the way of Rome, my Countrymen.”
“We are a civilized society…”
If you challenge a crooked cop, we’re falling apart as a society.
If you submit to a crooked cop, we’re a civilized society.
Cops get respect the old fashioned way – they EARN it! If they DEMAND it they’re liable to get a face full of acid. That, my friend, is a reality created by CROOKED COPS, not by submissive people.
Smelly Kelly was an asshole, just like his father. He wasn’t in fear for his life instead he displayed what contempt and lack of respect he had for law officers. He didn’t want to be told what to do and fought being arrested. I’m sure the last thing these officers would’ve wanted to do is have to handle someone as filthy as Kelly.
I don’t know where all you drama queen/bedwetters get off saying that he was beaten as many times as you imply. The officers were struggling to restrain someone who did not want to go to jail. No one was “out to get” your pungent bum. The officers were just trying to get Kelly to comply.
For those of you who have nothing better to do than watch the video from that night over and over, checkout the paramedics, they don’t look too excited about having to put their hands on Smelly Kelly either.
exactly. you must have a degree, law or accounting the last i heard
“…I’ll stipulate that it’s a meaningful figure and not just some chunk of stray pastrami that fell out of Barry Coffman’s mustache.”
I heard Kirk gets the mustache leftovers.
back the badge how bout u suck a dick
Barry Coffman carries himself and talks like somebody you can’t trust. Arrogant and entitled. He is of that generation where he is seasoned police officer with probably very little education. Relies mostly on the old way of policing, badass to the max while he rides the cliche wave of “we protect you” so we deserve these raises.
Fuck Barry Coffman. What an arrogant fat sack of dung! Any REAL reform at FPD will begin after he is gone.
What this means is although these associations transformed fiscally conservative, there was no change in policy commensurate with an improvement in services, which is Keynesian BS. Your problems are pretty typical for what’s going on across the US. You need to learn this stuff, but you are ignoring me. Maybe you feel intimidated that someone unknown to you can cut through the haze that’s blanketed your community, eh? Genius here, but not so smart I’m above humanity like senatorial God and child ax murder Daniel J. Evans. Truth doesn’t set you free, but REALITY does. BRICON= restoration, but it’s likely you will never understand this either.
We missed you LDX
The City of Fullerton needs to enter Chapter 9 Bankruptcy. You will not fix this problem through direct negotiation. All labor contracts get re-negotiated. Then look at all the vendor/supplier agreements that have been entered into over the years.
You will make people sit up and take notice.
You can’t go bankrupt with reserves and a balanced budget each year. Someone needs to steal the reserves.
Yes you can BK. Respectfully, you do not know what Chapter 9 is. It’s basically Chapter 11 for a municipality. A municipality can enter Chapter 9 to re-negotiate unsustainable labor/pension agreements.
From Wikipedia Chapter on Bankruptcy (It was quick!):
“Municipalities’ ability to re-write collective bargaining agreements is much greater than in a corporate Chapter 11 bankruptcy[9] and can trump state labor protections,[10] allowing cities to renegotiate unsustainable pension or other benefits packages negotiated in flush times.[11]”
So guys, you wanna do something? Here’s the answer.
Judge will allow small cuts. Not the 40% you talk about. Can’t just do it for fun.
It’s not for fun. It’s not out of spite. Raise the bar, keep the pay. Keep the bar where it’s at…well, you get it.
May I make the following recommendation for the job: Citibank, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo.
= )!
The cops are doing the best they can.
I am trying to think of your world may be like. Middle class. White. Female, maybe two kids in tow, hubby’s deserted. You work in a school. You’re a PTA sponsor and one of your kids takes dance lessons. In THAT life, yes they are doing the best they can.
On the other hand, if you were schizophrenic, dipping in and out of reality on a regular basis, unable to groom or care for yourself and were an unsightly fixture in the neighborhood, you would NOT be so gracious with your judgement. In fact, you would probably be dead, your face having been RPOd beyond recognition and your father doing everything short of lofting a militia to avenge your death, you standing on some cloud looking down on this hollering, “GO GET’M DAD!” with St. Peter in the backdrop making ready to lob an army at the UK! Under THESE circumstances, you’d probably have a different view of of cops.
Ah, signs of life! Someone’s thinking! It won’t happen much as it needs to. They are only realizing they have been coiled around by a Keynesian snake, and they are standing there describing their own death as it were. They don’t realize what’s got hold of their city council (first coil), and unless they do and are willing to organize intelligently this entity will corrupt (second coil) and collapse (third coil) their government. It is unbelievable people can be this stupid.
See the middle finger and the pants down with the big fat white azz? That’s then telling you how much they care what you think. Lol
Ha. Pew. Wipe next time.
Wait until your pension is cut 40 percent and you don’t get a raise for five years. Do not think this can’t happen. It’s most likely going to happen.
My hgod it is a big, big, really white one. Wait I see a couple big darker ones too.
“See the middle finger and the pants down with the big fat white azz?”
Thus spake the intellectual beacon of the Pomona Police Goon Squad.
I hear they handle business. Goons.
Amen Ra Toth to TH-AT!
I have an idea. Take Fullerton into bankruptcy, invalidate all those extravagant pensions, disband the hog trough, contract with OCSD, then hire those former cops at minimum wage to pick up cigarette butts around the Slidebar and other businesses. If they love the city as much as they claim they’ll stay – if not, there’s always somewhere else to go.
Only if the help at the Slidebar doesn’t freak out and call the law.
This is a funny site to visit. I can only imagine how warped you folks must be. I watched the council meeting the other night and rather enjoyed the rationale well spoken residents speak up. I also enjoyed when Bruce was all hot and bothered by the truth. He sat there all last year watching the others being blasted much more brutally and said nothing. Now he gets a little slice of someone questioning all powerful Bruce and flips out. Hopefully SQS wins and Bruce won’t be able to ride Norby’s coat tails any longer. He appears to be a rude arrogant man who thinks he is better than others.
Tut tut my good man. I believe you meant to type “rational” there instead of “rationale.” Let me explain the difference. “Rational’ would be gathering all available information before making a decision, to wit; should an estimate on police service from the county provide considerable cost savings to the taxpayer, it would be “rational” to consider.
On the other hand, anyone foolish enough to think there is no “rationale” to attempt to renegotiate a contract with a department rocked by scandals around criminal behavior and a clear record of brutality, would clearly not be “rational” in their thinking.
I trust this explanation will suffice. Please come back and visit with us warped and poorly spoken residents at your earliest convenience.
Renegotiate a contract that was just negotiated a few months ago? No chance.
FPD cleans up its act? No chance.
Read their website at link above and Mr Thomas murder at the hands of 6 cops is referenced as a “tragic INCIDENT,” when are they going to admit what it really was?
Dang you ffffers are idiots!! Do you even read what you write?? You live in a dream world!
Hey where did Chris Thompson go?? Oh he’s laying low from all the heat he is drawing! He’s a great representation of the true ffffer! We miss you Chris!
Bricon=ldx. What a insane azz this guy is!
Now I’m O’Malley too? Ok
You guys are nothing but a bunch of cowards. why don’t you use your real names here?
I do, “Ronnie” Coffman. When will you?
Because we don’t trust your thuggish brothers in blue who have demonstrated their willingness to beat people to death?
Also because its just too easy these days to find information about people. Like, for example, your annual pension, retired Capt.
RONNY T ROWELL $ 130,225.32
Thats funny. Tony is quick on the trigger tonight. Cops can ping ISPs to know who the posters are anyways.
Oh, ping ISPs huh? You need to work on the cyberbabble a little more, you’re not quite getting it.
And I’m not Tony. I do have this strange ability to find out information through this obscure website. I think its called “Giggle?
Congratulations Ronny! You’re #17 on the list of pensions for the city!
This dumb ass thinks you can “ping” an IP like a cellphone furthermore he obviously doesn’t know the different between an IP and an ISP.
Cops are very good at intimidation and skirting the law but horrible at tech issues.
Cops are horrible at tech issue, but they’re worse on playing undercover. Most criminals are dumb so the cops can pretend to be 12 years old with RiduLus misSpelLingS and typos and pull it off. When they’re trying to act like someone they’re not, they’re completely transparent to a trained observer – they stand out like a white man in a clown suit and fright wig at Antioch Baptist Church.
Cops think technology gives them intelligence. It’s hilarious to watch them bungle their way into a trap and then try to get out with ridiculous claims of hijacked screen names, for example.
What they don’t have is what allows a trained observer to penetrate their darkest secrets, and brother, you think criminals are psycho, you should see the crap going on with the cops! They’re far worse because, although they’re mentally equivalent, they’re physically and legally lethal. And for the most part dumb as a sack of rocks!
They’re called PIGS for a reason.
To receive over $10,000.00 a month in retirement is obscene for someone who allowed the shenanigans that have gone on within the FPD for years.
Imagine the ones that will get medical disability retirements from Fullerton, go to OCSD, then end up back in Fullerton as OCSD deputies collecting a Fullerton pension. Sexy hot.
What happened to brave Captain Ronny? Yeah, if I was making that bank after working for a screwed up dept. like FPD I’d be quiet too. Or use a fake name. 😀
Whats the deal with, Captain Kangaroos (Bruce Dimwhitaker) creepy twitch? Just asking.
Respectfully Submitted
Y’all hear about the raid on gangs in Anaheim? 33 arrests and 40 weapons seized, bet nobody ran.
Gang members arrested: 33, weapons confiscated: 40, value of drugs seized: 2 million, nobody ran from the police: priceless.
Thanks for the picture of the fat cop with the pizza and the hot fudge sundae.
I laughed out loud. Seriously. I love this site.
I wonder who was supposed to be impressed with that $1,065,000 million figure. Geriatric republicans? Dimwitted Democrats?
Really? Now you know the intellectual caliber of the dolts you’re dealing with.
Love it when the Feds don’t back down to anyone. Even in cities with protests.
Selling Cars
Resident: Activist…
Anaheim Residents Call
for a New Police Chief
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Some 44 people were arrested in raids targeting an Anaheim gang responsible for at least a year-long string of crimes ranging from drug trafficking to homicide, federal officials said on Friday.
In the crackdown, dubbed “Operation Halo,” more than 100 federal, state and local officers fanned out to 54 locations across Orange County, capping a yearlong investigation of a gang known as East Side Anaheim.
In the raids, authorities also seized 11 pounds of crystal methamphetamine and 40 guns, included sawed-off shotguns and a pistol believed used in a killing.
The raids focused on Anna Drive, the neighborhood where a reputed gang member was shot by police last month. That shooting — and a second one the next day — sparked a series of protests, clashes with Anaheim police and calls for city reform.
The raids come as the city of Anaheim is witnessing a spike in crime as other california cities and the country are seeing a drop. It also comes as Anaheim police have seen a spike in the number of officer-involved shootings.
Police Chief John Welter says the raids weren’t connected to the shootings. He says authorities even considered delaying the raids to avoid that appearance.
Full Coverage: Anaheim Shootings
The investigation included the use of informants and undercover officers who bought 38 firearms and a pound of methamphetamine. The guns recovered included “sawed-off” shotguns, assault-style weapons, semi-automatic pistols and an explosive device.
“ATF and its federal and local partners are dedicated to pursuing and combating those career criminals whose violent criminal activities threaten and severely detract from the welfare of our communities,” Steven J. Bogdalek, special agent in charge of the ATF’s Los Angeles office said in a statement.
…Except fellow law enforcement officers.
I’m still here Tony. Good effort. 🙂
Way to fight the good fight buddy!
Kelly Thomas would be alive today if Ron had not pulled the plug on Kelly. Where is the outrage?
True. He saw dollar signs.
That will come out in the criminal trial. There will be no civil trial.
Only a first-class cretin that would bludgeon someone into a brain dead vegetative state would make such a suggestion. Ramos and Ciccinnelli apparently have access to a computer.
Ramos and Cicinelli have access to John Barnett and Michael Schwartz and they are gonna knock it out of the park! Watch them work their magic!
That’s right. No Trial. This case will not see a jury.
995 motion coming soon.
Right! People are avoiding like it’s an exception. Wait ’till TSA starts working the local elementary schools and folks 7 year old daughters come home with mystery vaginal injuries and absolutely no way to drive them off. People are stupid. They are just fucking stupid. They have the tools to fight this, but they won’t do it. Neo politics is fading Christianity, and people aren’t connecting the dots. Obama is funding a massive abortion campaign in the US and Africa, and blacks are lining up to vote for him in September!
Terrorists with machine guns and rocket launchers? in Fullerton? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Didn’t you know? The latest threat is al Qaeda on the Anaheim Peninsula!
FFFF is quite cunty these days after the beating they took on Tuesday. They’re deleting posts faster than a stinky bum jumps on a nickel on the sidewalk.
Keep showing your true colors. Cop lovers = misogynists who despise the downtrodden. Proud of yourself?
Or a fat pig jumps on a donut crumb.
So much for welcoming dissent Tony. Can’t take it when others have opinions that contradict your agenda or divulge information that might not put you and yours in such a great light?
What they didn’t tell you is Fullerton’s incremental pension cuts are to follow the following reduction schedule:
1st year – .06%
2nd year – .066%
3rd year – .0666%
Got to feed the beast!
Terrorist threats, CHECK : organized criminals, CHECK: gang in “baby blue” T-shirts, CHECK;
Interesting, are you telling me that Law Enforcement can access ISP data without a warrant?
I know you guys have “moles” within agencies like the Employment Development Department and various local hospitals (ooops! the public isn’t supposed to know about that one) but I’ve never heard of ISPs or Cell Phone providers rolling over so easily.
Anon, they have technology where they can listen in on your cell phone and enter and erase messages to put you where they want you for whatever purpose they have in mind. This is how they perp abductions. People are living 100 years behind the times and think because they haven’t read this it doesn’t exist. The technology is creepy. The people who are using it are creepy. The people who are denying it are creepy. FULLERTON is creepy.
Google “IMSI CATCHER” They can intercept cell phones by imitating a cell phone tower. Everthing going in and out of hundreds of cell phone in the immediate area (like at a concert or sporting event) is capured – text, voice, photos, emails. They’re portable, can be carried in a brief case, and record everything digitally.
Another clever device is a scanner US Marshalls place over someone’s carry on luggage in the overhead bin of an aircraft. It scans the hard drive and copies the contents during the flight over international waters. No warrant required.
The sound of your voice can trigger NSA recorders that are scanning every phone call, every VOIP call, even shortwave and CB radio. The Gov’t wants EVERY person identified and documented.
If you remember all the cases of personal information being lost – veteran’s health records, bank accounts, credit card accounts – those weren’t just scammers, they were the Gov’t building a storehouse of data for every US citizen to put into a relational database. They can graphically show connections between people hundreds of degrees apart.
The US is no longer a democracy, it’s a full-on police state.
Just a lesson to everyone here, if you post about law enforcement, surveillance, etc and this guy (keep in mind he has multiple usernames) follows up with babbling messages, you’ve hit a nerve.
What he’s attempting to do is disrupt, distract and destroy any legitimate conversation about the subject. The best thing do is just ignore it and move on.
It’s not disinfo, it’s a fact. “They” (gov’t spies) can insert stories on conglomerator websites like HuffPo and RawStory to get you to click on the link. When you do they dump a payload onto your computer for logging keystrokes, reading email, etc.
The gov’t is working very hard to ensure there will be no way anyone can communicate secretly or anonymously.
The person who says “Move along, there’s nothing going on here” like The Curious Case of Disinfo above is in fact the disinfo agent. False flags, psyops, disinfo – these are the too ls of their trade.
You can try to flip it all you want but people can read between the lines. Its not too hard to figure out what you guys are doing here.
Lets see, 1. you’re posting about killing cops and 2. your buddy “LDX” is flooding the site with rambling messages …again, its not hard for people to put the pieces together.
I constantly see you guys trolling all of the major blogs and news sites that discuss military and/or police in an unfavorable way.
You folks must understand something. The pigs are in the business of fooling people. They think that they are much smarter than you are and that they can easily pull fast ones on ya without you noticing. Believe nothing they tell you, especially when you are told that they are making ‘sacrifices’. 95% chance it’s pure unadulterated BS.
Cops take Viagra before their shifts.
They look so stupid hunching up their shoulders while pulling on their neck collars. Its all a sad pathetic macho act.
They do it to compensate for a real..Bity..PENis
It’s not an act, Anon. That look. they can’t control it. They are really retarded!
Notice how they stand during a press conference – legs apart, hands grasped together in front of their crotch or just above the belt line.
But when they walk they resemble Sgt. Joe Friday of the old “Dragnet” TV series – with a corn cob stuck up their ass.
You sound like someone who’s been smacked around by a few cops in your day. I can’t say you didn’t deserve it, given your malignant douchiness.
I’ve never been smacked around by a piece of shit like you, but I have made several fear for their life. It’s not hard to do.
Sure you have, dickhead. A lot of tough talk from an Internet tough guy. You couldn’t make a roach fear for its life you pussy. Why don’t you go back to servicing your Johns in your mother’s basement you cock-huffing faggot.
Funny how cops always grab for the cock when they’re backed into a corner. If they can’t overwhelm you with their blinding stupidity they’ll try to frighten you by waving their tiny penis in your face.
Face it, Bozo – your days were up long ago. You’re just too stupid to recognize you’re a fossil.
Disrupt, distract and destroy is the name of the game and for whatever reason you guys are working overtime to achieve that goal here.
It’s possible. He may have run into Kenton Hampton in DTF.
I’d kill a cop before I gave them the chance to kill me like they did to KT. Self-defense is a valid justification for self-preservation.
Disrupt, distract and destroy is the name of the game and for whatever reason you guys are working overtime to achieve that goal here.
What, our concept of sacrifice is self mastery. There’s is the real thing, which is why I always say if you are missing your child check the trunk of a drive by sheriff.
Who let Alex Jones in here?
Musta been the same person who left the barn door open and let all the PIGS in here, right? RIGHT!
Read these posts and ponder them for a moment, this is what fpd thinks of you, if your o.k. with it, fine, if not, get out and vote for a change in Nov.
Tomorrows headlines today: FPD RPOs HMF in WMCN. End of conversation. This media only allows one word responses. I you can’t formulate a thought on five letters keep your fucking opinion to your self.
Yep, everyone in Fullerton should quick working and become cops.
By the way, the title of this section appears to be wrong? .06% = .0006; 6% = .06
666 gets the message across fine.
“…this is what fpd thinks of you, if your o.k. with it, fine, if not, get out and vote for a change in Nov.”
Excuse me. You voted for Sebourn, right? Look what he did to you at the last council meeting.
You’re vote doesn’t mean nearly as much as the propogandists lead you to believe.
It’s going to take more than your vote.
Just sayin’.
Your political system is designed to screw you. It’s not your friend. The sooner you understand that the better.
Non citizens and illegals living in American laugh at you. They do. In theory the only right you have that they don’t have is the right to vote. The approval rating of congress and the state legislature is in the teens or single digits.Yet every election 95% of the incumbents get voted back in.
Come on, Larry. Even the illegals are smart enough to figure out how it works. Stop living in a fantasy world. Embrace reality, man. Accept things how they are and participate in effective change. Don’t bury your head in the sand tho. That never works, my friend.
Yawn. It’s Saturday. Let’s play the game all over again.
Eternal vigilance, it takes more than one election in even the national stage.
They are just stirring a Hornets nest, again.
Obama is a globalist. He is in the process of turning your homeland into a 3rd world banana republic where the fat cats rule and the peasants get shat upon. You don’t have to be a genius to figure this out. Remember when he told you that he was going to go after the Wall Street fat cats??? 😀 Gimme a break. Obama has only lined their pockets with more taxpayer cash in the last 4 years. And he has insulated them from paying for their crimes. If Obama is elected as a lame duck you’re nation is going to be unrecognizable in 2016. You will think that you are living in the old soviet union.
Are cops with million dollar pensions and million dollar salaries Fat Cats? 🙂
Yep. They sure are. They are paid exhorbinant compensations for their blue collar skills because they are in place to protect the oligarchs. And they will gun down their own citizens to protect the oligarchs if the price is right. Watch and see if you doubt me. Look what they did to the Occupy Wall Street movement. 🙂 Whose side do you think they’re on? Ours or theirs? 😀
Correct, AND he’s sponsoring mass genocide of black America via planned parenthood. I know this seems unfair, but black people are stupid. They don’t seem to have a clue what this monster is doing. He’s funding their genocide and they are lining up to vote for him in droves. How do you explain this?
“Your political system is designed to screw you” By your phraseing “your political system”… I take it that you are not from “here”. What type of political system do you have where you are?
Yours, mine, ours…’s all the same, Larry. Don’t get hung up on the pronouns and forget to take away the message. You can vote for Obama or you can vote for Romney. You can vote for Brown or you can vote for Whitman. You can vote for Sebourn or you can vote for Bankhead. 😀
Don’t you get it yet, man???
In the midst of the GREAT RECESSION, all the union members of City of Fullerton took a 6/10 of 1% cut in overall salary and benefits costs! Thank you Fullerton Public Employee Unions, I now know why I a current Public employee union pensioneer think the system is rigged and stinks! The unions care not one wit about their city and the majority do not even live there!
Pigs at the trough! Pigs are terrified of snakes. Throw a rattler down among them and they’ll kill each other to get away. What Fullerton needs is a crotchety old rattlesnake to slither into FPD under cover of darkness (or deceit).
What Fullerton needs is for you to commit suicide and rid our community of another know-nothing jagoff!
What Fullerton needs is for you assholes to see who gets promoted by having a circular firing squad. Last man standing gets the promotion!
Require a unanimous vote of the City Council for promotions. Put the personnel record out there and let the representatives of the people decide. Finally, the only way you get any type of a pay increase is through a promotion.
Spend too much time in one pay grade, we don’t need you. Continuous improvement folks! In 2012, if you aren’t getting better, you are backsliding.
Wow. I guess the admins don’t mind an entire race of people being called stupid as long as there is a dig against a Democrat in the message. Ironic that on a site dedicated to promoting justice for a double minority (socioeconomic status and mental disabilty), there is so much blatant racism and xenophobia against other minorities.
AdmIn doesn’t censor posts in general, but is the furthest thing from racist.
Their salary should be based on education and performance. Get a Bachelor’s and go 1 year without raping/beating/stealing/murdering, you get a raise. If you can’t make it through college. or make it that long without violating citizens, you get fired and go to prison. It shouldn’t be that complicated.
Banghead, Mckinnely, and Jones found out that votes DO count! No, man, I don’t get what your selling, and frankly I’m not real interested
How did Sebourn vote last meeting on the OCSD bid request and how would Blankhead have voted?
Follow the bouncing ball, man.
Meet the new boss – same as the old boss.
I know that’s hard to accept. Perhaps with time you will acknowledge reality.
I think it’s a mixture of arrogance, paronoia, and thinly veiled xenophobia L&E. Don’t worry man, you’re not the only one who think’s he’s full of it. At least a half dozen people have expressed the same sentiments.
I’m not saying the admin is racist JT. I was talking about censoring blatantly racist comments.
When the topic of illegal immigration came up you were the one who brought race into it turning it into a ‘racist’ topic. Look in the mirror, dude. I didn’t even bring race up until you did. Btw, how many illegal foreigners do you share your home with and pay for their medical care and living expenses? Oh, none?? But you demand that the rest of us pay for them?? That’s mighty big of ya!!!!! 😀
JustUs I agree with a lot you have to say but you have to lay off the veiled racism, its clouding your mind.
Hmm, I wonder why 5 people accused you of being a bigot and noone, other then you, accused me of anything. It might help if you learned the difference between xenophobia and racism. I did not say you were racist, at least not today.
Because all of you attend the same Church of Ideology. That’s why. Birds of a feather.
The fact remains that I didn’t bring up ‘race’ once in my comments. You were the one who started that making you the race baiter. Shoe fits? Put it on! 😉
Yawn. Let’s all go to the SlideBar, eat fried pickles, get drunk, and fight 21 year olds. DTF.
I agree…
There’s a difference between conducting yourself like a gentleman and what you term “submission.” This is a social contract where “we” decided that we were to be governed and that “we” would “submit” to rule of law. This is why it is absolutely essential that those we allow to be in a position of power over us are vetted right down to the core and if they don’t like that, they don’t have to play.
Yeah, we all belong to the church of tolerance and acceptance. Newsflash bud, pointing out that almost all serial killers and mass murderers are white does not make me racist. You blaming immigrants for terrorism, disease, financial problems, etc., makes you a xenophobic bigot. But keep up with the deluded logic, you’re bound to make a valid point eventually.
If you want to bring ‘race’ into the discussion there are caucasion illegal migrants too, genius. I guess you didn’t think of that in all your splendid wisdom, did ya? 😀
Xenophobia is an irrational dislike of people from other cultures of nation. I don’t dislike foreigners. I just want them to respect and obey our immigration laws. No different from billions of other people around the world. All countries enforce immigration laws. They do it for a reason. To protect the sovereignty of their homelands. That’s not xenophobic, you idiot. That’s called ‘civilization’ and it’s practiced in all developed nations bar none. So by your interpretation of ‘xenophobia’ the entire world is ‘xenophobic’. You use terms that you don’t even fricken understand and make yourself look like a fool in the process.
And you never answered by question, Alvin. You always avoid it. But I will ask again: If we opened our borders how exactly would you manage 200M new indigent migrants who would flood across our borders? How would you feed, house, clothe and provide medical care for all those indigents, Einstein??? Please enlighten us. 😀
As I suspected. Silence from Brandon.
Cue: Listen for pin drop.
That sounds all cutesy and shit, but try telling that to Kelly Thomas, or the dozens of other citizens that were abused by FPD psychopaths. Who vetted them? The only way a citizen can be protected from a killer cop is to kill them first. Just like a rabid dog. And if hornet spray does the trick, more power to it.
Kill a cop. You are some weird nutcase. For that matter kill anyone.
We have to get control of it, somehow. The only thing we can do is change thing to reflect new, revised standards. Being a Police Officer is an honorable profession. We submitted to a social contract to be governed and live by all the laws that keep getting foisted upon us. It is a fixable problem. There are many fine FPD officers out there as well and they deserve our utmost respect. The truth is, they have some guys out there that I would classify on a humanitarian mission. It’s great to see that and it goes a long way to prevent a future Kelly Thomas incident.
We need some drama here. Boring.
Thank goodness these people are no longer a part of KTMF!
Talk about having an agenda. These stupid asses really need to work on their people skills.
True. But there is no bigger embarrassment that you, Ron. You are just a stone fool.
TWIT, Ron doesn’t waste his time on this blog. He has moved on and allows the ones who have his back to support KTMF. The people who are true KTMF supporters are running back to support he and KTMF. We all decided to let these secret agenda nit wits dig their own hole and now the sides caved in and they WILL NEVER get out. Btw, ask Marlna how it feels to be homeless. How much longer before her BMW is repo’d? The only way TB is going to get into her pants is to buy her a house and pay off hr car. When you do evil, good strikes back with a vengeance.
So, you actually believe Ron’s current wife and Kelly’s step mom Dana Pape-Thomas got kicked out of KTMF eh?
Man, you meatheaded thugs sure are DUMB. All that processed food probably fried what little was left out of brains.
Ron doesn’t have a current wife. He divorced Dana years ago. And yes, I know my statement “these people are no longer a part of KTMF!” is true. Straight from the horses mouth.
You mean the horse’s ass?
Yep there’s a couple people in that pic that are sinking the ship. Too bad too…
SAN BERNARDINO – The city has nearly $200 million in unfunded pension costs, according to a U.S. Bankruptcy Court filing showing to whom the city owes the most in unsecured claims.
San Bernardino owes the most – $143.3 million – to the California Public Employment Retirement System, or CalPERS, which manages retirement benefits for state workers and employees of many California municipalities.
That figure and others are outlined in a U.S. Bankruptcy Court filing in Riverside showing the city’s creditors who hold the city’s 20 largest unsecured claims.
CalPERS and other pension-related obligations total about $192.7 million, according to the filing. The filing lists roughly $281.2 million in total obligations that also include several equipment and vehicle leases.
Although pensions represent the largest chunk of San Bernardino’s unsecured debts, the city will not be able to erase obligations owed to current or future retirees, attorneys said.
“I don’t see the city not making its obligation to CalPERS,” City Attorney James F. Penman said.
State workers and employees for many Golden State municipalities receive pension benefits through CalPERS.
Attorneys Dieter Dammeier and Corey Glave, who respectively represent San Bernardino’s police and fire unions, also said they are confident existing pension obligations will survive the bankruptcy process.
San Bernardino filed for emergency bankruptcy protection on Aug.1 while facing a $45million deficit.
Although city officials and the court may not be able to cancel pension payments, San Bernardino’s bankruptcy is just one of the fiscal crises taking place in the Golden State arousing debate on public employees’ pensions.
Pension costs were once an issue that interested few outside of the ranks of fiscal conservatives. Retirement costs, however, have increased attention as San Bernardino and other cities seek bankruptcy protection and state government deals with perennial multi-billion deficits.
San Bernardino Mayor Pat Morris, who has called for higher retirement ages, said Friday the city’s list of creditors shows how City Hall is squeezed by pension costs.
“In the large picture of things, beyond our pension funds, we don’t have a lot of mega long-term obligations,” Morris said.
Defenders of pensions, including employee groups and CalPERS officials, respond that new criticisms of pensions let public officials off the hook for bad spending and ignore the extraordinary damage the post-2007 housing market crash did to city budgets.
“I think it’s completely unfair, the focus on employee retirements,” said Glave, attorney for San Bernardino Professional Firefighters.
“Almost every city has pension requirements. Some cities chose methods to pay them. Others chose to have unfunded allocations,” Glave said.The firefighters union is itself on the creditors list. The city lists a $1.4 million judgement owed to the union in the filing.
An Aug. 8 opinion piece by CalPERS board member Rob Feckner further argues that pensions are not the reason behind the bankruptcy in San Bernardino and Stockton.
The article, posted online at, noted that Stockton and San Bernardino are both in two of the real estate markets that suffered the most in the past five years.
“It’s true that total employee compensation is the biggest expense for cities, often 70 percent to 80 percent of city budgets,” Feckner writes. “That being said, budgets are built with those costs in mind. Budgets are not built around being in the top five foreclosure cities in the nation.”
Besides San Bernardino’s obligation to CalPERS, it’s second largest debt is the the $46.1 million owed on an issuance of pension obligation bonds. The city’s other pension-related debt is $3.3 million owed to Public Agency Retirement Services, based in Newport Beach.
The City Council voted in late July to defer nearly $3.6 million in bond and lease payments due in the current quarter to some future date.
Penman said the city has received a notice of default and will meet soon with its creditors over the pension obligation bonds. In a typical workout, Penman said the payments would be rescheduled but that may not necessarily be the outcome in this case.
Penman also acknowledged creditors have repossessed one or two copy machines, but knows of no other equipment that has been retaken by creditors.
San Bernardino’s third-largest unsecured obligation is owed to Kohl’s Corp. The retailer operates a large distribution center in the city and has a tax-sharing agreement with City Hall.
A U.S. Bankruptcy Court lists 20 creditors holding the city’s 20 largest unsecured obligations: CalPERS, unfunded pension costs: $143.3 million
2006 City of San Bernardino Taxable Pension Obligation Bonds 2005, Series A: $46.1 million
Kohl’s Corporate Offices, revenue sharing contract: $29.4 million
U.S. Bank, 1999 certificates of participation, $10.4 million
California Infrastructure Bank and Economic Development Bank, street construction lease, $9.3 million
U.S. Bank, city hall lease bonds, $8 million
Comerica Leasing Corp., equipment and vehicle leases, $6.2 million
New World Systems Corp., enterprise resource planning system lease, $5.8 million
Marquette Bank, equipment and vehicle leases, $5.6 million
Bank of America, ADA restroom renovations lease, $4 million
Public Agency Retirement Services, $3.3 million
U.S. Bank, public facilities lease, $1.8 million
American Traffic Systems, red light camera system lease, $1.6 million
Sun Trust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp., equipment and vehicle leases, $1.5 million
San Bernardino City Professional Firefighters Local 891, court judgement, $1.4 million
Tim Burgess, fire maintenance facility note, $1.2 million
AECOM USA, trade debt, $868,795
Celplan Technologies, Inc., trade debt: 495,000
Nikola Construction Co., trade debt: $426,718
San Bernardino County Solid Waste: $422,257-
Source: U.S. Bankruptcy
Kill a cop. You are some nutcase.
Lol @ someone who can’t spell Caucasian calling people an idiot/fool. Those red squiggly lines are there for a reason butch, take advantage. LMAO@ your figures. So, I suppose the entire population of Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Jamaica, Guatemala, Honduras, etc. is going to migrate here eh? I already answered your question in a previous post. I’d let the immigrants outperform the bigots and take their jobs, then the bigots could relocate to where they are wanted.
To avoid looking silly in the future you should 1) Think before you say ridiculous shit you can’t support. 2) Pay attention to the red squiggly lines 3) Realize not everyone has as much free time as you and there is no need to whine when you do not get a response in 10 minutes. 4) Limit yourself to 1 happy face per post. 5) Give yourself a reason to be so arrogant. 😉
There are over 7 billion people on planet earth, Einstein. If we opened our borders do you think the immgrants would be limited to those from the Western Hemisphere? The human cargo ships would be lined up a mile deep in Long Beach Harbor, idiot. 200M would be a drop in the bucket. ONCE AGAIN, how would you feed them, house them, clothe them and provide medical care, genius??? It’s obvious that you can’t answer that question so you just revert to your smart ass self and give another nonsensical answer. You bleeding hearts are all the same. You don’t have the brain cells to back up your claims. All you’re good for is attacks on the messenger. You lose once again.
Thanks for the victory, chump!
Lot’s of rage, little to say. No wonder noone on here cares much for you. I guess for blowhards like yourself it is better to try and convince others you are smart (those with intelligence and education don’t need to get off on that) than to have a civilized discussion. BTW, nice job with the ignoring. You lasted a total of about a day and a half with that. Guess when you do not have any friends (judging by the comments directed to you on here ) you’d just assume converse with enemies.
“Public employees pay 100% of thier share of retirement costs”. ( It’s justa technicallity that 100% is .06% of 100% )